The Brussels Post, 1893-6-9, Page 88 REAM Tun minutes of the village Council w appear in the next issue of TIIE Pose. Roma Tempters of Tomuernnes Coo oil next Taesdny ereuing Don't torge • j I1reoe County Connell is in aessi Wm week and Reeve Kerr is in atten anoe. 11loi,pAr was a fair representation Anguet weather aa far ns heat wee co oerned. Tun Board of Health will be after you if your premises are not kept in a tidy shape. No oholera wanted here, Miss Rectum AratxMlinia, of Toronto, formerly of Brussels, has demi/aped iubn ane of the lending sopranos of the Queen city. A wet nee is mooted for the 21st hist, A former resident of Bruseels will be the fortunate groom. Goderich will eupply the bride. Quint a nnmber of Brneselites are taking in the moat at Stratford. The great pacer "Johnston" is one of the attractions. ONE day last week J. Y. S. Kirk got a bad tumble from a stop ladder while haugintt wall paper and had his rigbb side quite seriously injured. W. 31. Knott, of Ton Poor, supplied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church at Cranbrook last Sunday morning. The pastor was at Molesworth. Teton a look at the address label on your copy of Tun POST this week and if you are in arreare square np. Ib takes money every week to run a newspaper. Tun tonsorial parlor of 1t. N. Barrett has been improved by a new oil sloth covering on the floor and half circles of gilvaniz gd iron put around the operating chairs. G. F. ]'.earn, who opens n law officio iu Brueeois this week, was called to the bar at the convocation of benchers last Fri- day, at Toronto, and was af terwards pre- seeted to the Courts. hEetturee are still in demand for Vol. mimeCo.No. s s tiS Btn HPl soas t0 send end of ll a t' g , u n m ant to Camp London. at nd n. flat -1 Orell s d your names to It. M. Dicke •e from whom particulars may be asses-ined. Nn:. r Sunday morning Brussels Mao. case .taut, and brethren fromWingham, 62 Liato'el and other places, will attend envie et St. John's church in this place when 'lev. Mr. Reilly, incumbent, will preac to them. R.: mtrlinnuArx has purchased a moat Nut.) us engraving machine. fie will 't in the lettering of silver plates for ce las and caskets. The work done by ti machine eguais that turned out by b•e city establishments. E: ; SMITH, while playing around the large blocks of stone at Johnston & Cooter :•re's marble works, the other day, fell. iter leg came in oontnot with the corner f a stone and a bad gash was in- tliote,l. A physician had to stitch the woue i ep. L.t: T Monday evening the job of build. ing the tank in oonneotion with fire pro- teet:on, ou the corner of Turnberry and Church streets, was let to Jemes Kelly for the sum of $145. Alfred Lowry's tender was $185. The tank will be built of quarry stone and is to be completed by Sept. 1st. A LETTER from Dr. Reeve, Toronto, says the cataract on Mrs. Williams' eye was successfully removed but owing to he defective vitality the eye would not heal, became inflamed and has been lost. The Dr. thinks an operation on the other eye might be mote successful owing to the improved health of the patient. Mrs. Williams has been in Toronto eines Maroh 27th. SENT UP. -Last Monday information was laid before the Reeve by James Gib. son, jr., shagging his daughter, May, a young girl of 16 years, with receiving money under false preteuoes. She was arrested on Tuesday morning by Con- stable Scott, taken befol'e John MoOrae, J. P„ plead guilty and was taken to Gode. rich for trial before Judge Toms. She will likely be sent to the Reformatory for a term of years. Benson RAcns,-The posters are out for the Spring races to be held on Brus- sels Driving Park on Thursday, June 29th. The program will be as follows :- Purse, $100, 8 minute trot or pane; purse, $150, 2.40 olnse, trot or pace ; purse, $50, loom named race • purse, 0800, matched race between Swartzs' "Walter G." and Beatlies' "Bessie K." A bicycle race for a prize of 415.00 will also take place. Brussels Braes Band Will be in attendance. DIEN ON Busrxnss.-You cannot afford to have your office scantily supplied with stationery of an inferior grade, First impressions are strong and your business methods will be judged by your business forms. When the highest grade of printing San be had at as low a price as the poorest grade, you should get the best. THE Pose Job Dept. ie filled with modern facilities for the highest class of work. Call, write, telephone or tele- graph to Tum Bnuesete POST. FETAL ]MAIL FAmxsyoEe AsrsoD•-5. largely signed petition, representing the business man and residents of Brussels, was forwarded to the Postmaster General this week praying for a closed mail on the noon train. This 'request has been made before but as concessions have been made to other pointe on the W. G. & B. we see no good reason why Bruesele business men and the public generally should not share in the advantagee of extra mail servioe. To OTTAWA. -Last Friday a Oonveii- bion of the R,eformers of East Huron was called to meet in Brussels. The princi- pal business was the election of delegates to represent the Riding at the coining Convention in Ottawa on the 20th and 21st insts. President Hislop ocoupied the chair and after a few preliminary re. marks by him short addresses were given by Thee. Strachan, T. Gibson, M. P. Y., M. Y. McLean, J, A. Morton, Dr, Mao• donald, M. P., and others. The follow. ing delegates were appointed ;-J. A. Morton, Jno. R. Miller, Robt, Elliobt, Robb. ]Millar, Jno. Neelands, 3, Gordon, Jas. Cline and W. Wightman. Before dismissing, the subjoined resolution was unanimously carried; -Moved by Thos. Strachan, Grey, seconded by Robb. Arm- strong, Motets, That this Convention disapproves of the present Tariff as very unjust and burdensome, especially upon the farming and producing olassoe, and we desire that our delegates to the 05. taws Convention supporta policy whioh will reach absolute Free Trade as nearly as the conditions and reguiremonte of the country will warrant. We alga wish to re•afArm nut' oonfidonae fn TILE BRUSSELS POST JUNJS 9, 1893 ill Duan,-Weregeot to hear that Bella, the oldest slaughter of Thomas and Jessie n, Smith, Newark, New Jersey, formerly of t, ,Brussels, died at the home of her parents en an luny 2:0,11, at the early ago of 15 yenta. If you are wanting sweet Jersey cream dor table lite or for home nnado ice dream, garden pasties, t&o., 1 ono eupply a limit. ed quaotity. Also ice in small quantities. DRINKS As eretofore we will keep at our Drag and Book Store, ice cool drinks, corn. prieing, Jersey Miik Shake, Hue's Root Beet', Jersey Buttermilk, Lorne's Fruit Juice. Any of these are healthful, refreshing and invigorating drinks. Try them as we know whereof the speak. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. 'Grains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GOING Sourly. GOING Non7H. Matt 11:54 eon. Mixed 0;•i5 a.m. 1'uxereoo ......11x50 a.m. mail9:18 p.m, Mixed 0:54 p.m, 111 Express 0:13 p,us. 1yot( 'etid s 1CI7t , A chief's among ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll 1trent it. &cnnot Board this (Friday) evening. SPRING races at Brussels on the 29th. iBarssgas Gun Club. d• The cause of her deoeass was heart disease. She had been ill for ten woke. of During her illness elle rested in trustful n. confidence in har Saviour and died triumphing in Hie saoriflee. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have the sympathy of their old friends in this locality in their ber- eavement, The eibjeobof tltienotice was a graud•daughber to Walter Smith, Brus• sale, A postono stamp collecting 00,109 las bit the town. Fouarli Division Court will meet on Tuesday, 27th inst. THE indications are that the apple r of 1898 will be light. W. NIGHTINGALE has removed his s:ek from New hamburg to Alliston. Tun Posy for the balance of 1850 :Jr 75 emits in advance, Subscribe now. TnE Eurerprise Salt Works big •, a arram whistlenow on their engine h •t e Jelin O'Lnear, of the Queen's I' • el, attended the races at St. Thomas i.tst week. VEaneemON is making creat g" .vtb with the repeated sllo;wers an,: hot -weather, Jen0s WALKER, Carriage maker, 31 ns' sets, sold a Mineola road °art, with elm opy top, to Dr. Ferguson, of Blyth. A rooynerm match between the juniors of Brussels and Blyth will be played at the latter village on Friday afternoon of this week. Aromrcerrox is being made by the Reeve to have Mrs. Williams placed upon the list of County wards. Ten applioations are before the Council this session. Geer. R. S. Hers, of Seaforth, will be in Brussels on Friday of this week to ar- range matters preparatory to Co. No, 5 going to camp at Loneon on the 20511. Tan Directors of the Grey Branch Ag- rioultural Society will meet shortly to arrange preliminaries in oonneotion with the doming Fall Fair, A number of needed improvements are contemplated. Tim week J. D. Ronald received an order from Edmonton, N. W. T., for a large fire engine, two hose reels, steam engine heater, 2,000 ft. of hose and a full assortment of all other Lite appliances. THE subject under discussion at the League of the Methodist church last Monday night was "How to help the Pastor." Next Monday night Nelson Gerry will give an address on "Tin, its history, eta." As will be seen by list of stations Rev. 0}. F. Salton, who has been the popular pastor of Brussels Methodist church for the past two years, will be stationed this conference year at Central Church, Stratford. Rev, G. H. Cobblediok, M. A., B. D., comes to Brussels. THE Woodstook Times says :-The Fire and Lighb committee have bought a new hook and ladder from Mr. Ronald, of Brussels. The price is 0730, on whioh they take the town's famous old truck and hand fire engine et a value of 4800. The truck is of the latest design, 41 fa long, and with an extension ladder of 150feet. Itis builb of steel and will weigh 2,900 pounds. Eight men can be earned on it. PoEsaNTATtoN.-Friday evening Melville ehnrah took advantage of the visit of ]Miss Lizzie Wilson to Brussels and as a token of the appreoiatiou of her faithful and acceptable service as organist in the church, Sabbath School and Christian Endeavor a purse oontaioing $30 was presented to her by Elder Stewart. Mies Wilson expressed her thanks. She left for Alliston on Monday noon train to eea02ne her position in the store of Wm Nightingale. DIND.-W, 0, Lawson, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, writes THE Tose that Mrs. A, H. N. Jenkins, formerly of Brussels, died there quite suddenly on Sunday of last (week of typhoid fever, beloved and reepe°ted by all who knew Her. Mr. Jenkins, who was away at (Chicago at the time, in the intereete of the G. R. School Furniture Co., was summoned by telegraph and is prostrated with grief. The funeral took place on Thursday of last week. Four children, the oldest 14 years of age, ate left to mourn the loss of an affectionate mother. Mr. Jenkins and Mr. Lawson live on the man street in Grand Rapids, only a few doors apart, O'oor BALL. -Despite the torrents of bait last Saturday afternoon our football loom, or at least live of them and six subetituteplayers, dreee over to Gorrie to play an Association ,notch. An hone's bard work gave the home olub the match by a score of 1 to 0, This i5 rather a or'sditable allowing for the Brusselitos as some of the boys were comparatively new at the work, Our eleven was composed of L, Sentbly, Andrew Sample, Robert Thompson, P. Ferguson, Kenzie S°otb, Raseell Fletcher, Jas. Ballantyne, Wm. Dodds, Robb. Ferguson and Geo. Ander eon, We have about come to the con. elusion that if a rain storm is needed all that will be nenessary le to announce for a foot boll. match and it will be sure to deme. Laurier, the leader of the Relomn Party in the Dominion Parlialnent, as well as in the wise, economic and jidicioua volley of Sir Oliver Mowat and bis Govern. eeent. Carried unanimously, ADDI'T'IONAL LOCAL ox 1ST P,tOm, Business Locals, Fon finest photos go to Strong'e, A EEG of tacks for 5a. at Ballantyne & Wilton's, Glee your buggy painted at Jae. Walk. er's, Brussels.. SEE Williams' new buggies. Their pfioes will surprise you. WHOLE families from Grey are buying A, 11. Smith's clothing, Din you see Williams & Sons new bug. giee ? The finest line of the season. GET your buggy tops repaired or cover- ed over new at Jas, Walker's, Brussels, Yonne cow for sale, supposed in calf. Apply at the Tun Posy Publishing House. Ir you want a new set of wheels on your buggy go to Jas, Walker's, Betts. sola. ISN'T that a lovely picture ? Where did you have it taken ? Why at Strong's, of course. \VAi.Eno & Eweg are building three styles of road carts. Oall and see them before you buy. NOTHING but high .grade photos are matte in our studio. 11. J. Strong, Photographer. Tun Rotary Spray Pump for estee by Ballantyne & Wilton. Every fruit grow. ex should haus one. Oall and sea it. Mr gallery having been repaired I am now in first-class shape to do excellent work at reasonable rates. H. J. Strong. Bent CARRIAGES. -It Dennis has re. calved a fine range of baby carriages - the latest std best -which will be sold at lora figures. Wonnn'a Fern -James Walker has de. aided not to send any ot his first-clase rigs to the World's Fair but will sell them all at home. ITCH ou hunt= and horsOs and all animals clued in 80 minutes by Wool- fot•cl'd sanitary lotion. This never fails. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. "IF your prices are right I will buy five suits I" was the exolamation of a farmer from MoIIillop last week es he entered our shop. We sold him the suits and we think be bas bid goodbye to Seaforth. A. R. Smith. MRs. HARRIET A. MAsniE,of Poughkeep- sie, N. Y., was for years a martyr to headache and never found anything to give her more than temporary relief un- til she began to take Ayer's Pills, sinoe which she has been in the enjoyment of perfeot health, "Is this bot enough for you ?" is a Billy question ; bat if you meet a man who oomplaius of suffering from the bent ten to one you will find on inquiry that he does not use Ayer's Sarsaparilla to tone up hie system and free his blood from irritating humors. WELL.DIeaoNe den Dorna.xNe.-George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wella cleaned out and put in proper share. Terme reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 34.55 VISIT TO roue NErocDOMmoD.-The fol- lowing is moat important to ruptured or deformed people Charles Olathe, the celebrated manufacturer and inventor of the great Spiral Truss and many others for the care of the rupture, has been known as one of the foremost thinkers and designers to overcome and relieve Hernia or any deformity. For olub feet he bas a system patented by whioh he is enabled to straighten a child's foot with. out operation and make them natural from hip to sole. Spinal instruments, half the weight of others. Come with your swollen knee joint, he will make an instrument that will make you walk from the minute it is adjusted and overcome your trouble in a short:time, which other• wise means amputation. Bow Legs made natural in five weeke, $nook knees straightened. The finest patterns in abdominal supports. I will visit personally Stratford "Mansion Soon," Saturday, June 17th, 1898. PHYSICIAN HEAL THYesay.-Toronto, June 5th, -4 physician of the County of Leeds has written to a, friend in this city about bis °templets cure of an aggra- vated form of diabetes by Dodd's kidney pills. The doctor in 'question would not for the world have his learned brothers of the Ontario Medical Council know that he had given countenance to a patent medioine. He humorously ad. mite that some of them would deem it unprofessional conduct for him to take the pills ; and to be cured by them -why that is the grossest breach of professional etiquette. But Oneed he has been and he is now prescribing them to his patients. Modern pbysioians admit that diseasee enoh as dropsy, diabetes,Brigbt's disease, neuralgia, rheumatism, female weakness- es and kindred blood troubles are caused by the deranged notion of the kidneys, and that these diseases are only to be Oured by an agent that acts directly on the seat of disorder. Thie is why Dodd's kidney phis have proved a certain cure to all who have tried tbem. nefttiMea.7. LAIDLAR',-In Elma, 011 June let, the wife of Mr, Andrew Laidlaw of a daughter, Duxtonn,-In Clinton, on May 2011,, the wife' of Mr, James Dunford of a daughter. REID.-In Seaforth, on May 80th, the wife of Mr. John Reid, formerly of Benseeis, Of a s011. MaTevlsn--lMonnleole.-At the residence of Me. John Morrison, MoKillop on Jane fhb, by Rev. W. 0ltewell, Mr. Alex, F, McTavish, of Gad's Hill, Ont,, to Miss Edith Moedaon, of MI- MI/op. Snonsoan-WeYsox,--It Groy, on acme 701, at the residence of the. bride's parents, by Rev. .D. Fotrset, of Walton, Oise May, only daughter of Are. Peter Watson, to Mr. James Shofdioe, Of Morrie. STANDARD B'AN'1C OF CANADA, =inT.+A•r£n2.',C=Fx2nT) 0,1372, HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) - $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) - , $2,000,000 Attendee in nil principal points in Ontario, Qsilna, Manitoba, United States t0 LogIand. A General Banking Business Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafts Isened and Col'leotione made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and oompouuded half yearly, Simmer, ATTENTION OIS'EN TO 000 CoLLECT'xory or FAndrnnS' SALE NOVO. Every facility afforded Customers living ab a distance. W. D. HART, MANAGER. ,atmr.0••maeemormrc�x.eaaatcl acemmo...2mrmnmemv,12¢1111 =LIES S & SMITE,R ]B L7 S t Z S TI'ansaob a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Interest Allowed on One bullar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. Vie erect t0 -•rite insurance in old English or Canadian Companies, or in 11nL. nal Companies as Betty be desired. AGENTS Non CANADA AND UNITED STATES ; THE CANADIAN PANE On COeinEnon. Meads• -C II DRan L:•- zL Atlfo •cl tr S a r on May 24th, by the Rev. I. 33. Wall• win, 11Ir. W. A. Mills, to Mian Lizzie Churchill, both of Bluevale. SHITII.-In Newark, N. J., on May 29th, Balla, oldest daughter of Thomas and Jessie Smith, formerly of Bros. sets, aged 10 years. JENEIN s. -1•n Grand Rapids, Miohigan, on May 28tH, Mrs. A. H. N. Jenkins, formerly of Brussels. Gauunr.-In Clinton, on May 26th, Matil- da May, daughter of W. Ganley, aged 17 years, 5 months and 8 days. :E0,ra sxe_�xntonam, Fall Wheat 52 63 Spring Wheat 00 02 Barley 35 40 Peas 55 56 Oats 31 32 Batter, tubs and rolls..., 14 00 Eggs per dozen 10 00 Flour per barrel 8 00 3 50 Potatoes 40 50 Hay per ton 7 00 00 Salt per bbl., retail1 00 00 Hides trimmed 89 Hides rough 3 Sheep shine, each 60 1 CO Lamb skins each 05 00 Wool Apples per bag..., 60 00 1 Pork' 7 00 7 50 INGERSOLL, Ont., June 6-Oheeeo-Of. ferings to day, 8,489, balance May make sales, 80 boxes at 89, 259 at 9o, 90 at 9 1.lOo, 150 at 9 1.82, 500 at 9 3.160 Market quiet. EAST Burma, N.Y., June 6. -Cattle - Only a few on sale here from yesterday ; steady, unchanged. Sheep and lambs - Only 2 oars on sale ; not enough to quote. Hoge -18 cars on sale ; weak, bulk sold at 07.20 to $7.25, aid the best demand for light grades. Tonoaro, JUNE 6. -Flour, straight roll- er, 02.95 to 08.10 ; extra, 42,05 to $2,70. Wheat, white, 640 to Go -o ; No. 2 spring, 610 to 62c ; red winter, 64o to 650; goose, SOo to 610 ; No. 1 Mao. hard, 85e 00 860 ; No. 2, 830 to 84o ; No. 8, 76o to 77o ; frosted No. 1, 65o to Oho. Peas, No. 2, 57o to 59o. Barley, No. 1, 410 to 42o ; No. 2, 87o to 3790 ; No. 3 extra, 340 to 350 ; No. 8, 80o to 82o. Oats, No. 2, 370 to 880. Market no improvement. Sales -White wheat outside at 64o. Peas out- side at 580. Oats to arrive here at 879c and on spot at 380. Lennox, June 6. -The Mark Lane Ex. press, in its weekly review to the British grain trade, says : English wheat during May averaged in value 26s 65, being 4s 9d lower than the same month last year. The foreign wheat trade is dull, being 8d lower on the week. The principal cause of the dullness has been the improved accounts of the oondibion of the Russian crops. The holdings of flour are still ex. tensfve. Foreign receipts of wheat are heavy, and of flour moderate. The wheat on passage to Great Britain on .June 3 amounted to 8,195,000 tire, Maize is cheaper in seventeen markets, owing to favorable advises. Tonoxoo, June 6. -(Special.) -- Trade was moderately motive at the cattle mar• ket today, and prides generally were Andy. The receipts were about 64 oar loads, and all good export cattle sold well. Those averaging 1,200 to 1,400 lbs. each sold et 490 to 590 pot lb, the latter for eepooially choice ones. Cables were some. what disappointing, and under the dr. cum/tailing prices here were very good. Butohors' cattle sold ab noto 490 per lb. for the very best, at No for medium and at Bo for inferior. Calves sold at 08 to 44 a head, and mflah cows at 480 to $45 each. Sheep and lambs quiet. Sheep told at $5 to $6 a head, and spring lambs at 08.50 to $4.50. Hogs in fair supply and steady, 600 selling at 690 to 690 for the best, and at 69e for medium. B051ALo, N. Y., nine 6. --Spring wheab aotive ; sales were 8,000 bushels No. 1 northern at 679o, 1,500 bushels do. at 079a, 800 bushels do. at 6790, 5,000 bush- els do., o. i. 1., at 65i• ; a, sale of 128,000 bushels Kansas No. 2 hard was made on the basis of July wheat in Chicago, dos- ing No. 1 hard at 75o ; No. 1 northern, 68*, spot ; do., O. i. 5., 6690 ; No. 2 do., 689e. Winter wheat in far demand ; sales, two oars No. 2 red at 30o, two oars No. 8 extra red at 66o, offered at 65o in store ; 5,300 baskets No. I white at 06c in store. No. 2 extra white at 65o ; mix, ecl white and red, d, S8o asked on track. Corn fiemee ; quiet ; No. 2 yellow, 4890 ; No. 2 corn, 429 ; No. 8, 419o, in store, asked,; salol, tevon 00x5 No. 2 yellow at 42 .t four oats do. at 43,j°, four oars No. 8 yellow at 4290 18 ears No. 2 Dorn at 420, 8,000 busbeis do, at 429o, six cars No. 2 white at 37.0 e 00.r do. poor,at 37o ; five oars clo., conhoice, at 38 ; two care No. 8 white at 364c. one oar do. at 869, two oars No. 2 mixed at :34,p, three ears cls. at 841a, on track. Rye dull ; No, 2, 58o to 59c asked. Flour steady • trade fair. Mill -feed quiet; easy. Canal freights firm : wheat, So ; corn, 4„0 ; rye, 410 ; flax end 50 to New York. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. A91 A ri WILL BUY AN EXTRA, tx good cow. I wi11 give 620 for har n xt halter calf from nor Jersey bull, I have also for sale a young Jersey Dow recently calved, and a half Jersey heifer calf freta an extra good dew. Cx.A. D3ADMAN,Druggist, &o, EGGS FOR I1ATCHING FOR SALE.-10gge of Pure Bred Black Miu- or•cae, and White Legherns, from Thos, Alice's best strain, 01.00 per setting (13). Al. so 1 trio of Black Atinoreas, cools uo relation to hens, and two Leghorn Sockerels, All of best stook in Ontario, 90•tf NM, HAItT1tY, Seaforth, FOR SALE OR RENT.-001i1- ranrenrn+housoon Mill street Brus- sels, for sale or to rent, i. sore of laud, with tgood well and stable on premises. For fur- her particulars apply to JOSEPH CLEGG, Brussels, or to TORN 13ROAD7OOT, 2 daces East of aforesaid. house. IIOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE or to rent in the village of Cranbrook. The purohaser may have from 4 to 3 acres as they wish. House comfortable good cellar, orchard, stable, &s. For particulars as to price, tortns, 440„ apply on the promises to MO, MoINTOSH, sr„ Proprietor. 47.4 Oraviitook P. 0. HOUSES 1+'0R SALE. -FOUR of those commodious houses in the Torrace,on Turnberry St„ are for Halo, that is No8,31,15,17 andla, with each there lee garden plot. Tboy are offered at $345 oaoh, The pnrobaee mousy to he paid about Oot. lst,1800. Title is good. For farther partio- Ware apply to A. Mo0UIB17, No. 10, Terrace Brussels, or ]ADV. W. NORTON: 43.O Mount Forest. ?TTENDERS WANTED. -TEND. LL ane will be 'received, up to 0 p. m., on Wednesday, Tuoe 14th, for the repairing of the Methodist 0 burob, Roe's appointment, Con. $, Grey. Ten dors at lied for either brick or lumber. Con tr aster to furnish aII motor ial except stone. Plans and speoidcations Baynard, oonTho lapplyingotrto S. tender not ueoeesarily accepted, S. AMfES, Secretary. REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE. -THE UN - f or Safe aadto rent eahasy terms in Townships of Morris and Elroy. F 5. ISO OTT, Brussels. 37-tf. � HOIOE FARM FOR SALE.— Being South half Lot 27, con, 0, Morris, 100 acres, nearly all cleared. Good buildings, tine young bearing orohard. Immediate pos- session. Oneuy Terms. Apply to W. M. SIN CLAIR, tf- Solicitor, 00., Brunelle. C AllACRE FARM FOR SALE. The 300 acre farm, being lots 11 and 12, 000. 15, Grey, is offered for sale. 180 aures are cleared end the balance well tim- bered. Buildings first -al ase. Orchard, well, &o, School house within 40 rode, Posses - Sion given at dupe If desired. For further particulars as to price, terms, &o. apply to MRS. wAtarat, ibtf Roseville P. 0, or NELSON BRIORER, on farm. FARM FOR SALE. --THE UN. 0EE8I0NEn offers his Splendid 126 sore farm, Doing Lot 8 and went part Lob O, Oen. eftiirddelnsses,ballancsale. There cleared, bank barns, good orohard, Well fenood. A never failing spring on the place. Posses- sion given any time, The ettbsaribor also arm for Sale a dwelling house• stable and 5 cares et land in the corporation of Brume's. The house and garden would be rented for a Short time if not sold.. Hard and soft water, Por prices, terms and further p11artioulare apply to 3011N 8M1TT4, t Proprietor. Brussels P, 0. oroLENDID FARM POR SALE. 1.7 13ialna lots 11 and 12, son,10 Township ot Grey, County of Huron, ooutaluinpp 200 sores, the property of the late John lin art - son, 150 alr05 cleared and free from ob- ebruotions,' 15 notes bush, mixed tbnb0n, balance partly oloared. Soil play loam mostly rolling. Penna. with straight rail fomes and wanted by two welts. and a epehb0 privilege. Oon,modieus dwsllltte' houee,with largo woodshed attached and an excellent cellar under house. Twe large baron, atone etabliug and other outbttilcl• lags, two good beano narda, drna- mantel trees and smelt mofruits, 4i miles from Brussels, a lively town on the G. 2.110 aonvontant to edged,eburahos and post Dillee. '.5010 property lite welt, is a first - obeli grain and stock farm and should bo semi by ittteudtug vurohaeere as it le Miter- ed at a bargain. For Kunkel particulars apply to RUB, JN0,15013101t2BON, or wimp', ROsl 1b3138ON ou Otho protwoe, or by letter to Orethroak P, 80.4 MEDICATED I4ar3u> t my D TEA, A, —7015 731E— LIVER, k'I0NEY8 and BLOOD. Jo. and Moe, a I.3ottle, a,t Pepper's Drug Store, BRUSSELS. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING ,L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, a Solicitor nun tlonvcyeuoor, 00110o. mous made, Oliloa-•Vaustono'o Monk, Brus• sols. 41.01n � T PrI. SINOLAIIt, • Solialbot, ponveyauoer,Notarypub• Ito,' &o, enttoo-Vote,, 's 131oek 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private bloods to Leas. GA11E1tON, HOLT & HOLMES, Barrletete, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Goderioli, Ont, d1, 0, 0400000N, f4, 0., PnOLiP HOLT, 13000100 HOLBl:s, AUCTIONEERS. A RAYMANN, j.a. • Auctioneer, Is always ready to at.. tend sales of farms, farm stook, dm. Terms cheerfully givou. Oraubrook P. 0. Salus nay be arranged at Tn'n 1'os' Publishing House, Brussels. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed a u i of oneor. Sales s eo•' utenot ed on roasmmble tor ae , Venus tand farm oinit , Orders 01115 P 1,sent000 s [ng Ifon o B a altouP. 0„ will receive prompt at5ution, AVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- to conduct of farce stocklat ren onable prices. 'Knowing the standing of nearly every person I am in n position to sell to good marks Satisfaction guaranteed. Give mea call. 32. P 8. SCOTT. BUSINESS CARDS. T T 11. kIoORAOKEN, v Ieeurer of0amiage Licenses. Office at his Grocery, 1'ue•ubony street, Brussels, N. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist' Shop -Next door south of A, M, McKay & Oo's bard warn stare, Ladies' and 5hildrons hair aatting a specialty A MaNAIR, .L3e Iesutor of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis - stoner, &o., Q.13, Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance Co, Office at the Cranbrook Post Oaloe. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: Ies0nex000, FiRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court 00, Enron. Conveyancer, Notary Public investedan andto loInsurance n xn0ollootiona Finado Office in Graham's Bleak, Brussels, (\IL PAINTING, V Miss Merles, of Win prepared, is prepared to give lnstruotfou in oil painting. forms maybe ascertained at Miss Nellie Rose' store whore samples of work may bo seen, Miss Morins would also take a few more pupils in music. 91 A. HAW KINS, • Organist 15 Bt. John's Church, Bros. eels, and pupil, in the Art of 'Poaching, Fa dof A. pupils either , 000', .Bing and Jahn Sts„ Or if preferred, at their own bamos. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at Walton. Terms moderate. VETERINARY. D. WARWICK, e • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a com- petent manner. Parttoular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. office and Infirmary -Two doors north of bridge 'Turnberry et., Brussels, MEDICAL CARDS. TA. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. • 0.11., b. R. 0.P., Edinburgh, M, 0. P S. Ont, Residence and office in Wilton' Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry 'Ste. DENTAL. M. CAVANAGH, L' D. S., D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Md. voreity. OoeloE-Over A. R. Smith's Store. Brussels, pULL FOR SERVICE.—TELE undersigned will ;keep for service on $0, Con, 8 Morris a re stared them' bred Dorian' bull. Terms i gOrme 61,00, obs paid on Junuary 1st, 1804, with privilege of re., turning if veoossar . 40.4 P020R BARR, Proprietor. BULL FOR SERVIOE,-THE Undersigned will keep for 3g500155 .014 a.t Lois 2g, Con, 5, Morris, the thorn' bred Durham Bull "Clean the Way Registered Pedigree may be semi on application, Aged 2 years, welght'1',700 pounds. Terme, 61,55 to be peld SSanuary 1st, 1804 ; single sows easb. To leisure •1:2,0e, CARDIFF & INN105, 44-tf Proprietors, T113PROVED LARGE WHITE YORK. 1 SHIRE BOAR. The nnd'ersigood will keep foe service this present season rho Improved large white ' Yorkshire pig "Reedy on lot 25, con, 0, Morris, to which a limited number of Bowe. will be taken. Terms 01.50 to boreal at time 005orvl05, with the privilogo of return• ing if ueoessary. Pedigree may be seen up ou appiioattou, 1t02100155'502012031, 105f Proprietor, V'o lzcivteers' ✓, tterztvni, A number of recruits are wonted to attend ate 'MflibaryCamp which Opens at London on the 20611 Juno next, Now tmifornie have hoot' ]sued to the Brussels Company, Pon particulars apply to It, M. THORSON, at Brussels, er to the hndm•signod at Soafortb. R, 5, HAYS, Oaptain, Commanding Brtlsesle 0o'yVolumoors. 9 WI res br. to, th lop, ml co Jae pu fa A hs br an m to re h w� h w, of f5 1 a b h b tl R 0 r p ec rI p 3' 01 s ti 11 I 7 0 I J t