HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-6-9, Page 5JUNJi 9, 1893
- r
rza xrmararyacome:Titatisarenins s yscates sisis i
Tis 1'odT for the balance of 1808 for
75 elms in advance. Subooribe now,
John McIntosh sr, offers his residence
and lot, for sale. He will roub it if he
does not sell,
Deputy Reeve Dames is away al Coun-
ty Council at Goderich. He rode over
01) 1118 bleyele.
It is said Principal McIntosh will re-
move to his farm recently purohased
from Win Barker. Tie will retain the
school however.
Last Sunday morning W. II. Kerr,
of Brussels, preaohed in the Presbyterian
ahuroh hers. 1Zis text was "Behold 1 the
Lamb of God which t11te513 away the sin
of the world."
Mrs. Timmins arrived home on Sntnr•
Mrs. Pring is visiting friends in Pal.
L Molicnny was hurt on a load of hay
last week.
Mr. Soott has moved into bis new
home near his shop.
Tar Pon for She balance of 1808 for
75 oeutsin advanoe. Subenribe now.
Joseph Leech is improving the ap.
pearance of his house by giving it a coat
of paint,
Mrs. 1. L. Kerr and Mrs. J. J. Gilpin,
of Brunch!, were visiting A. Brooe and
wife last week.
W. Gray, father and granddaughter,
of Inwa, have been visiting at A. Bruoe'e.
Mr. Grey visited the World's Fair on his
way Here to see hie aged father and
In the absence of the pastor last Sun.
day R. Shaw, of Morrie, preached in the
Methodist church in the morning, In
the evening the pulpit was coeopiod by
R. Stewart.
$!;fat CI.
John Heffernan is away at Muskoka.
. Fred Milne has invested in a bicycle.
Reovo Milne is away attending County
Eph. Other will run a furniture store
in Ethel.
John Elliott is on the ei01c list but we
hope to see him around again soon.
TEE POST for the balance of 1808 for
70' oente in advance. Subscribe now.
Six or eight oars of lumber were ship-
ped from here last week by Wm Milne.
Reeve Milne hos 80 bead of young oat.
tlo this spring. He also farms erten.
The'Presbyterian Sabbath school plc.
nio will be !told in Dilworth's grove in a
few woeks.
Rev. D. B. Monts preaohed in the
.Methodist church last Sunday evening,
This is the brotherly feeling we like to
see manifested among the different
A pis-nio under the etidpi008 of the
Presbyterian S. S. will bo held in
Ur. Dilworth's grove, June 22. Prepar.
ations are being made for an enjoyable
time to Old and young. Besides the us.
nal swings and other games music will
be furnished and those who desire to see
the beauties of the Maitland will have an
opportunity to d0 so as boats will be pro-
vided for that day. A small charge will
be made at the table and refreshments
can be procured on the grounds. Come
one, cane all and have a good time.
'kV in g.:1 non.
The salt works are closed down for re.
pairs to the pan.
Last Sunday was 011ildren's day -in the
Congregational ahuroh.
Rev. 1Vw. MacGregor left last week for
his trip to Sootland and England,
'The Times is on filo in the Canadian
Pavilion at the World's Fair at Chicago.
Anchor of Hope Lodge, No. 280, I. 0.
G. T., will give an entertainment in the
Temperance hall on Tuesday evening,
Juno 18511.
It is expeotod that St. Paul's 0huroh
congregation will purchase a pipe organ
and have i5 for rtes et the opening of the
new ohnroh.
TbeMethodist ahuroh pulpit was sup-
plied on Sunday last by Bev. Mr. Ma•
hood, of Wroxeter. Next Sunday Rev.
Mr, Mahood, of Lakelot, will take Rev.
Mr. Sellory'e work:
Rev. S. Sollery, B. D., is attending the
annual meeting of the Theological Union
at To,outo this week. He is one of the
representatives of 5118 Guelph Conference
branch of that body.
Dr. Meldtum left for Now York last
week and will remain h attendance on
the Polyolinio in that oity till the first of
September. During his absence his
office will he occupied by Dr. W. J. Roes,
of Toronto.
Dr, P. Macdonald, M. P., has let the
contract for the erection of hie block of
stores in town. Neil h1eGregorty gets the
excavation, stone and brick work and
plastering, and H. Kerr the oarpenber
work and painting. Work teas cons.
meiloed 0u it this week and the contraot
is to be completed by the 81sb of Deoem•
bar, 1508. The 0005 of the blook when
oomplotod will not be muoh short of $12,•
J. H. McBain is home from Victoria
University, Toronto.
'12791 osrhe
Pott balancef
0 1808 for
76 cents in
advance. Subscribe now.
1T, hoar disposed of his three.year-
old pacer to Wm. Kidd, of Listowel, for
the handsome suns of $150.
A. student from Woodstock will oo0npy
the Baptiot church pulpit next Sunday
afternoon at the usual hour.
Mrs, Hitch°ax lectures on Sunday,
June 11511, at 2:130 and 7;80 p, m. and, on
the following Monday and 'Tuesday even.
Mrs. Graham, of Glasgow, Sootland,
spent sevor311clays with her cousin, Rev.
J. S. Fisher. They have not met for 40
A mooting of the Patrons of Industry
of North 20rt11 was held in the Agrioul•
lural Hall on May 205b, for the purpose
of arranging fora mammoth' pio-nic, to
be held in Fia1Or'0 grove, 12th eon, of
Ensue, on Wednoeday, June 285h. The
committees appointed were as follows ;-
Program committee, the Secretary of
each subordinate association 135 Elma,
Andrew i3weeton, chairman ; Rooeption
committee, the President of each aced-
elation of Elma, H, Biollmond, chair.
man ; Order oommittoe, Wm. Robb,
Chairman. 8peoohes will be delivered
by Grand offioero !Mallory and Gifford in
the grove in the afternoon and town hall
in the evo03135, The question of proper.
hag the dinner was brought or and after
an animated dissuasion It was agreed to
have a free pio•nic, eaoll family to bring
a basket.
Erma 1 n113[sne' Murano Finn Ins. 00,-
A meeting of directors was hold at At.
wood on Tuesday, May 80111. All the
members present except Messrs. Grieve
and Bothwell. Applications for insur.
once were received and aooepted amount-
ing to 514,400. The claim of Geo. Birk, of
the township of Logan, for barn destroy.
ed by fire adjusted at $050.00; also claim
of Jos. Near, of the township of Elena,
for two sheep killed by lightning, adjust
od at $12.00. Meeting adjourned till
Tuesday, July 4th.
Holy communion in Trinity ahuroh on
Sunday nest.
Rev, T. D.. Higley returned from Eagle,
Elgin Co., last week,
P. Kelly & Son lost a valuable horse on
Sunday by inflammation.
Mise Barbara Ta,nin, of Detroit, is
visiting under the parental roof.
Reeve N. H. Young le attending the
County aounoilin Goderich this week.
The members of the 0. 0. F, held a
special meeeting in their hall on Monday
Mrs. John Denholm left here on
Thursday on a visit to the Chicago
World's Fair,
On Monday Mrs. James Watson and
family left here to join husband and
father in Beaverton.
W ro1;t; cos,.
Several marriages on the tapio.
Lovely weather. Rosiness fairly good.
Reeve Sanders is away at Goderich
attending County Council.
Lots of weal being marketed here.
Two buyers on the market.
Mr. Perkins shipped a car load of po•
tatoes from here this weeic.
The Royal Template pio-uio is to be
hold in Smal0'8 grove 01) June 20th.
TnE POST 1011 the balance of 1803 for
75 aunts In advanoe. Subsoribo now.
Several oars of pressed hay have been
sent from around .here 111e past week,
Preparations are being mach for a
grand celebration to be hold hors on July
Rev. Mr. Shaw and Mr. Leo wore away
attending Conference at Owen Sound
this week.
Menus. Hamilton & Sanderson have
made heavy shipments of clogs and oat.
tie the past few weeps.
F. V. Dickson and G, Davidson, who
have been laid up for the bast week, are
now able to be out again.
Wm. Ashton, a former Wroxeter boy,
preaohed to a crowded house in the
Methodist church on Sunday evening.
Thu Presbyterians turned out one day
this week and improved the appearance)
of the grounds around the new 0hnroll.
Howard Stell r, -turned home this week
from 11Ianitoba. Ile came by Chicago
and took in the sights at the World's
Fair and says they are grand. -
.Val toll.
Miss Ottewell, of Clavering, is visiting
at the Methodist parsonage. 1'
Tun Paws for the balance of 1503 for
75 cents in advance. Subscribe now.
Rev. W. Ottowell arrived home from
Conference on Monday. Ifs ie to be
stationed at 13elwoo,l, neer Guelph.
Next Wednesday evening being the
first meeting in June, the Royal Temp.
lore of Toulprrlu 110 will elect their oiil•
ova of the ensuing terns.
12ov. 11Ir. Ballantyno, tL femur pastor,
will preach in the Presbyterian church
here next Saturday afternoon and Sun -
clay in connection with the communion,
People talk about a union of the
different lines ouches the one that tools
place on Wednesday of Last week, but we
think that a union between Walton and
the 12th of Grey will be the next, as
somebody cannot want his life insured
every time he visits the home of the
The regular monthly meeting of the
Ladle's Md Sootety ih commotion with
Doff's church was hold at the home of
W. 112. Smith. In the evening the fol-
lowing urogram was carried out :-Open.
ing hymn, by choir ; recitation, Miss
Jennie Ferguson ; insbrumenbal, Liss L.
Smith • recitation, Jae, MoFndzoau ;
solo and oborue, Members of choir ; rest.
truism, Miss A. Gardiner ; instrumental,
Miss N. MoGavin ; reoi5ation, Maud
Ferguson ; cluett, Dora and Will Mo.
Allister ; solo and chorus, members of
choir • recitation, Thos. MaFadzean ;
duett, Misses Wiltsie ; closing hymn by
company. The benediction was pro-
aounoed by Rev. D. Permit, who
presided during the 01euing. Next
meeting, first Friday in July, ab the
home of Wm. MoAllister,
The scoot warns rains wore a great
stimulus to vegetation ; grain is growing
rapidly anti ie fast slaking up for the
lateness of the 0eas011.
At a recent ellarlvaxi demonstration
one of the youths was captured and
taken to the house for inspection, A cow
boll, that was supplying a portion of the
musi0al program, was n1e0 Beeurod.
A IInrpm J.vsrvr.-A very interesting
event tools place at 8 5, m. on Wednes-
day, 7th inst., at the resld0itee of Peter
Watoon, 10tH con., the oecesion being the
marriage of his only daughter, Miss May,
to James Sholdien, of the 8th line of
Morris. The interesting ceremony wee
performed by Rev. D. Forest, of Walton,
1 0 the micist of a number of friends of
the 0clntracting parties. After an excel.
lent supper had been partaken of the
oompany drove to Mr. Sboldioe's home
where about one hnndrod and fifty goodie
assembled in the evening and passed the
time in various amusements. The
esteem in w111a11 the young ooupio is held
was shown by the large array of useful
and costly presents. Mr. and Mrs.
Sholdice commenoo married life under
favorable oiroumataltoea and all join In
wishing them prooperity.
This week Alex. Forrest- and wife are
visiting relatives at Kollin.
Wm, Forrest is sufficiently recovered
to be able to get about a little.
Mrs, Charles Wheelor bas returned
from a visit to her son at Alma.
Reeve Mooney and Deputy Reeve
Howe are away at County Connell.
Robert Nichol has had his baru raised
and is having stabling built under it.
Ties POST for the balance of 1808 for
75 cents in advance. Subscribe now.
Last Saturday Dunoan McMillan and
Miss Bella Hardy were united ill Mar-
Thomas McDonald, of Wingham, was
renewing acquaintances on the 0th line
last ween.
We are sorry to state that Mrs. Wm.
Sboldioe, 9511 line, is seriously ill but
hopes are entertained for her recovery.
Geo. Smith sr., and wife, of the 8th
eon., returned on Saturday from a two
week's visit amongst friends in Exeter
and vicinity.
Last Saturday as joins Lawson and
daughter were driving to Brussalo lila
teem started to run away, Sir. Lawson.
turned them into the fence when the
wheel 0tenoh a knoll and threw him out.
He pluckily hold on to the reins and
stopped the horses but had his right arm
injured and !tie clothing torn by the barb
wire feriae.
A VISITOR room R.tnsts.-Last Friday's
Toronto Globe says :•-"Dr, J. L. Mo•
Casey, of Concordia, Kansas, superin-
tendont•elect of the Kansas State Insane
Asylum at Topeka, is the guest of Law.
yer F. S. Mearns this week. Dr. Me -
Casey 1s malting a tour of inspection of
the insane asylums of the Enet propara•
tory to entering upon the duties of his
office in July. Da•. Mo0assy says Dr.
Daniel Clark, of the Toronto Asylum for
the insane, fa the ablest and most pro•
found man on mental disease he has met
during his tour. Dr, MoCasey was ecru•
elated at Toronto University and is proud
of his plana mater, and is shaking hands
with many of his professional brethren
in this city." The doctor spent several
daysinthis vicinity last week visiting
Taruip sowing is now going on with a
There is always a oalan after a big
W,illia,n Batsman wail visiting at
Stratford last weals.
0robarde are looking well and give 21
Promise of a fair crop. 110
31 2 orv433.
Tnn Pose for the balance of 1808 for
5 cants•in advance. Subscribe now.
R. E. Sproule, Stratford, has leased
he Collison House from F. A. Kraus and
altos pe080s01on at ohne.
Adam Zllliax has leased a store in
alm010to,1 and intends to remove his
wellery stook to that town.
A pleasant event was the marriage or
iss Bertha Dixon, youngest daughter of
Wm. Dixon, in the Methodist church,
ere, on Tuesday, to Dr. George A.
The town boulevard has been pub in
der and the fountain is in operation.
his bit of ornamentation adds material.
to the appearance of tho °antral part
the town.
L. J. & J. C. Broithaupt, of the Breibh•
IA Leather Co., were in town last week
d effsotecl a settlement w1111 the in -
ranee companies interested iu the
stowel tannery fico.
Tho King's Daughters of Christ
nroh purpose giving a "May Queen"
tertainn tin
]en the'n
xt lc on
the evening
the 16tH inst. Miss Lorne Campbell
ill be "May Queen."
Our young townsman, Dr, A, H.
ichor, intends putting in a term- or two
some of the loading hospitals 03 Great
Hain, previous to beginning practice
re, and will leave for the old world
Word was received of the death of the
median missionary, Miss Clarke, on
arch 17, in West Africa. She Was a
ughter of Rev. W. F. Clarice, of
uelph, and sister of F. 0. Clarke of
10 town. The following details, ad-
e00nd by Rev. Wilberforce Leo to a
old will be of interest to the numerous
ends and oogol1intanoes of Miss Clarke
Listowel end vi)1,115y, deceased having
ed hero for a number of years, Tho
tet' is dated Oisatnba, North Bib°,
est Africa, and was mailact on Mares
at, The writer Saye that it is with a
avy heart that he writes , "Mies
arlc0, the beloved 80ltool teacher, whose
1 hadboon suffering seala
for some time,
d at 5:56 a, m., o11 Saturday, Marcl
th, Miss Clarke had been urged to
vs the station es it was unhealthy, and
d deoided that if the fever rammed she
old do so, but the attaok was too
chitin. I was staying yet a few days
Kamonclongo, in order to audit the
oke of our mission treasury, when the
ws came of Miss Olark0'0 illness.
o1g11 setting Off at On°e for i'3ieaLmba, I
was too late to see, her alive, To Mrs.
Loa and myself she was true and tried
friend. Faithful unto death had Miss
Clarice bean. Her grave is in our garden,
anrrouncled by banana trees and maths
bright by bouquets of flowers. rler
memory will long be ohsriebed by both
ourselves and the natives, The results
of her work will eternally endure."
Tan Posx for the balance of 1808 for
75 oan t is advance. , Sube 11
bs now.
Our reeve and deputies are at Godo.
rich thio week attending 00. Council.
A considerable amount of grain tae
been teamed to market the past week oe
Road work till soon bo in order. A
(Menge is needed in the manner of road
making and statute labor.
Mrs. Dnneen Livingstone has gone on
a visit to Bay City where her husband is
residing, She will spend a weok or so
John Iiil1x 10th con., intends raising
his residence and inaddition to a now
20011da510n will snake a number of other
improvements. bar. Hill has a fine farm.
Cheese and batter melting is noav being
tallied 1)p lively. A0 the dates when the
travelling dairy wilt hold their in0011959
appr0001330 talo interest is becoming
A valuable Berkshire 00W, worth prob.
ably $40, belonging to Hugh Canning.
ham, died. She was the mother of eight
little pigs, The owner did not want to
loos them too 0o he borrowed a etoW from
John Brown, his neighbor, that had a
1itt0r four weeks old, In the hope of
saving the little porkers. The foster
mother took to her newfamily fairly well
and is raising seven of them all right.
There is still a ohanoeEthat before the
cud of the year Mitchell may beootne a
Onstoms outpost with Dr, J. W. Cull as
A'Stratford harbor, who 10 a member
of the fire brigade, teas gutting a lady's
hair ,Friday, When the fire alarm sound.
ed. He dropped lits 01100r8 and scooted
to the poet of duty, returning after the
fire wa0 quenched to finish the hair out -
Cll,lra,(liaLu bNLbv'o..
Handcuffed, shackled and bound with
a strong rope, Daniel riling, a Camden
farm laborer, was brought into Chatham
Thursday of last week and oomm1to4 to
the oouaty jail for treatment, His coat
about the shoulders and arms was tom
to shreds, while a bag of straw, brought
along as a pillow, also bore the marks of
the man's teeth. Sunday night Young,
while in atteedanoe at the Salvation
Army barracks at Dresden, was taken
with a fit of frenzy, which soared the
the worshippers and drove them from the
building. Since then the fits have re-
turned and the services of three men are
required to hold the victim when a par-
oxysm is on, He harks like a dog, nada
like a wild beast and evinoos a disposition
to tear in pieces everything within his
reach, Thursday he broke away from
his keepers and made for the woods,
jumpingfee after feriae with apparent
ease and ib was only after a long obese
that lie was overtaken and tied up. Fif-
teen years ago, Young states, he was bit-
ten by a lead dog in England, and rigor-
ous means were taken to counteract the
aetioipated effects of She bite. He says
he has been feeling queer for some days.
Dr. Butler, of Dresden, prescribed an
opiate for the sufferer, and on his advice,
the reeve of the township decided to send
him to the oaulty jail, there being no
house of refuge in that county. Young
evin0e9 an ((800)301) 50. water when the
paroxysm is earning and mime those
1Lro0ud him to letup at a cil"4gl,oe. The
unfortunate man is andalbto,lly suffering
the lncipieut st.,19s of lydruphobia.
bte3'131 36 it Steaamshipe,
From Portland, From 33nlifax
Sardinian March 30, April 1.
Parisian April 10. April 15.
Mongolian April 07. April EU.
From Montreal, From Quebec.
Sardinian May 0, daylight. May 7.
Rates of passage via Portland or Halifax --
First cabin, from $45 and upwards; return,
$95 and upwards. Seoond cabin, single, 850.
Steerage at lowes', through rates: From
New York for Glasgow, calling at Perry -
0 tate of Nobraelca, Apr11 19. First Cabin,
040; return, 000.
Fox further particulars as to railroad
rates, berths, &o., apply to
White Stag, Line.
310'TA1. MAIL STEERS:111'S.
Eetwoen New York and Liverpool, via
Queenstown, every Wednesday.
As the steamers of this lino carry only a
strictly 1101(1ed number in the 110)158 and
asomin mem accommodations, intending
passengers arc reminded that an early up-
plioatioll for berths is necessosy at this sea-
son. For plena rates, oto., apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
I wish to intimate to the ladies
of Brussels and surrounding
country that I am selling my
largo stook of Millinery goods,
consisting of Hats, Bonnets,
Flowers, &c..,
Call at once and leave your
orclel• if you wish to secure a
Miss AioPllerson,
Fashionable Milliner,
Our Photos, are pronounced
the Best and host
We are always prepared to
slake any size from,' the
shall Sumbeams to
the Life Size.
Crayon rortraits
and all executed in First -
Class Style.
We areyoffering Extra Bar-
gains gaZ ns for this month.
See our double width Dress Goode
regular price 30c. that we are selling at 15c, Colored,
Cashmeres at 20e. Fine All Wool Cashmeres
and Henriettas-Black and Colored -that
we are selling fully 20 per cent. be -
lo iv Regular Prices.
Bargains in Prints, Flannelettes and &slinst
AnotIler lot of those cheap Lace Curtains. 50c. Curtains
for 35c. ; 90e, Curtains for 65c ; ,$1 25
Curtains for 05c., 1Cc,, &c.
Readymade Clothing at Actual
Wholesale Prices.
:ARG A.1INT S 1J r
EVerythang must go this month, so
ceo139t min this chance.
Highest market price paid for Butter and E gs,
Highest Ellice Paid
sh or
,,,... A "ri l [ti
art o,w<sKat ail oar
Wish to remind the public that they still want More Wool and
that they have on hand for this season's trade the
Biggest $took of Woolen, Good9
Ever shown by. any other Factory in Ontario, which th,.v will ex- -
change for wool at prices which will Astonish Everybody.
It will pay you to come and see our Tremendous Stee'.o ullit•h
Opened For Inspection.
Conte and Satisfy yourself before disposing of your Wool elsc:whorfs.
Do not toiget to .seGZGre for your wife one of our
Rine Wool Scotch Shirts:
!(NOTICE, -Do not be led away by shoddy peddlars and
others travelling through the country. We do not employ any such -
men. But come direct to our factory and by Fair Dealing we plop
to gain your support and confidence.
We Guarantee First-class Work 111 Roll Carding,
Spinning and Manufacturing.
P. S. -Patties from a distance can rely on getting their Ddti
Carding back with thong the same day and they will flli'i tis ready
to give tho most prompt and careful atten''tion to all..
h 3'25 Lit 01;10teS O N'.