HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-6-2, Page 88 CURRANT • —AND- - GOO S EBERRY Bushes will soon suffer if you do not apply somo remedy. Our Hellebore is guaranteed to kill the worms that so quickly eat off the leaves. When. Thirsty or Faint try a glass of our JERSEY ,MILK SHAKE —0n-- • JERSEY BUTTERI1ILK. Either will Refresh and Strengthen you, G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, 90UT0E0N EXTENSION W. n. et B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and Sontb, as follows: GOING SOUTH. Go1'No NOB7E. 11faB 6:51 eau. Mixed 9:45 a.m. Express 11:59 a.m. Mail 3:10 p.m. Mixed 9.00 p.m,. Express ...... 9:43 p.m. oral lefm Items. A spiel's amang ye taldn' notes, An' faith he'll pront it. JUNE. IcE cream is on the program. Sulam Board on Friday evening of 31000 week. Bos.Tnin is becolning quite popular oto the Maitland. BRUSSELS football club will play et Gorda on Saturday. A. Co»9LEY sold a Brantford bicycle to Jas. Walker Ibis week. Coaxers, meeting and Court of Reviei m next Monday evening. RACES on Thursday, nth inst., on Brussels Driving Park. R. M. DI00903• made a business tri,: to St. Marys on Thursday. EAsl annex Reform Convention on Friday afternoon of this week. MEssas. Bcosen & VANSTONE shii.; ed eeveral care of grain this week. Mains. Scorn & Josss shipped a car of fine cattle to the East on Friday. Omer DAY, of the G. T. R. Deteetive foroe, made a business trip to Bos: eels this week. Qum a quantity of grain has been ooming to Brussels market during the past two weeks. Rev. 11, PAUL will 000upy the Meths. dist ohurch pulpit next Sunday in the absence of the pastor. J. Domino has planed a patching maohine in his shoe shop to aid in this important department of his work. W. Dmenow, who has the contraot for gravel this year, is at work this week. Turnberry street will receive a good coating. YE editor's thanks are dee to Mrs, G. A. Deadman for generous samples of Jersey cream and butter. They were yam l yam ! WATSON AINLEY put the tar and gravel roof on the new poetoflioe building this ween. Wat. is establishing quite a name for himself in this line of work. ON Friday evening of this week Ea• sign Maltby, distriot officer, and Capt. llfeeton, of Wingham, will take obarge of the Salvation Army meeting at the bar- racks in this place. AT the Presbytery of Maitland in Wingham on Tuesday, Bev. H. McQuar• rte's resignation was accepted. An ad - jaunted meeting of Presbytery will be held in Lucknow on Monday, 12th Jane, et1p.m, LIST of persons ticketed by J. T. Pepper, 0. P. R. Agent, Brussels :-T. A.. Hawkins, Chicago, Ill, ; Rev. Jno, Mulholland, Shicago, Ill, ; Mrs. George Thompson, Chioago, Ill. ; Alex, Mo. Quarrie, High Bluff, Man. REv. R. 8. G. ANDERSON, B. D„ of St, Helens, wi!1 preach in MoIvflte ohuroh on Friday eveniug at 7:80 and on Saturday afternoon at 1:80. Communion service on Sunday morning. The Sabbath evening eerviee, in which Knox church will join, will be conducted by Rev. Thos. Davidson, M. A., of Wroxeter, who will also preach on Monday ab 10:30 a. m, CoNEEBENOE.-By the first draft of stations (whioh is' under correction) of the Guelph Conference, Rev, G. F. Sal- ton is down for Stratford ; Rev, Robert Walker, Brussels . Rev. T. W. Cosens, Walton ; llev. 'W. Ottewell, Belwood ; Rev. N. R, Willoughby, Listowel ; Rev, E. A. Chown, Blyth ; Rev, A. Tonga, Condesboro' ; Rev. P. Swann, Milverton ; lOev. W. F. Campbell, Dungannon ; Rev. J. W. Holmes, Clinton ; Dr. Henderson, Norfolk street, Guelph. Any or all of these may be changed before Cou£erenoe closes. Ae the communion service at Knox chnrcb 11 new members were added to the ohuroh roll. Rev. J. Ross preached a profitable sermon Saturday afternoon and on Sabbath morning the pastor, Rey. D. Millar, occupied the pulpit, tailing Romans, 5th chapter and 11113 verse ae the ground work for a good discourse on the Atonement, In tho evening Rev. D. Forrest, of Walton, officiated. His sermon was on God's faithfulness as instanced in Hebrews 10 and 28. G. A. Deadman presided at the union Endeavor Meeting at the close. IUY13ENEao,-As of cid, from Eden down, 11 is evident mat belieyee itis not good to be alone and as a proof of tbie Alex, I. McCall, of this place, took unto himself a helpmeet in the person of Miss Ida Raid on Tneeday evening of this week. The ceremony was performed by Rev, 7J. 31i11ar, aesieted by Rev, 8, Jones, at the parental residence, Elizabeth street, in the presence of relatives and friends. After supper the happy twain took 113e night train fora brief wedding tour followed by many good wlsllee for future helpmeets and prosperity, The weddinggifts were g of a valuable and Use. All 011109010r, 1.1r, and Mrs, McCall Will continue to reside in Brussels, 13u11oN:'all assizes will o0misense at Coderioh on Monday, Sept. 26th. Judge Maoneabou will be on the 13oneh. Mae. HALL moved out of the Revere House this ween and has been suooeedod by Barry James, well known in town, LEw. JAossoel went to Liebowel on Thursday to referee a football matob bo• tween the club of that town and Mount Foreet. 1005110150 was done last Friday evening relative to a Dominion Day Celebration iu Brussels owing to the small ropreson- tatien ab the meeting. 1r you want anything in the furniture line, pianos, organs, platers framing, window shades or curtain poles you should call and sec Loatherdale's stook, the most complete stook in the county, LAST 111011day S. B. MoKelvie, of the Wroxeter woolen mill, was in Brunets in the interests of his business. Ile has refitted the factory and oxpeote to do a large trade this year. He is prepared to purchase largo quantities of wool. ON Thursday evening of last week Frank McPhee, of Henfryn, and Mise Mand A. hall, of Brussels, wore united in marriage by ]Lev. 1s. Paul, at the residence of 111e officiating minister. Mr, and Mrs, MoPhea 0111 likely live at Henfryu, Ties law offlee formerly occupied by W. B. Dickson, Leckie block, Brussels, has been leased to G. F. Blair, of Car- row & Prohdfoot'e, ob8co, Godariob, who will become a resident of this place in 1130 practice of his profession. Mr. Blair has recently passed his final examination and is very highly spoken of by those who know him. Wool, -The wool market has opened up and this season's clip is being pat ap. on the market. Bru.sele woolen mill 10 prepared to pay the top price in either Cae13 or beetle for any quantity of good wool. They have a good assortment of ge'cls to select from if trade is desired, Sheep .hould be thoroughly washed be. fore sl'aariug. A N+••.v time table has been issued on the G. T. R. It Came into forgo last Monday, the changes at Brussels are these : -The morning train gets here 8 minut 9 earlier ; the evening train 10 mi0u1 '3later, and the night train 6 min• rtes 1 ter than on the former time table, The oorrootocl table may be fount on the 3113 page of Tele Pose. Bios•ens OElnseena.-•Notice is given that F'tmuel Rivers, caretaker, may be found at the cemetery on Tuesday of each and et: ry week for the purpose of attend- ing t. :sing up plots or graves for inter- ested • •trties, Tile Trustees of the Deme. tery . eject very strongly to various in - di vide els going there and dispelling other props.'ty to beautify or improve their owu lots. Mr, Rivers will be found, a0 above stated, ready to do this work or assist in it being done. Er7,01v1B LEAGUE. -"Queen Victoria" was the topic of last Mouday evening's program at the Epworth League. A. R. Smith related a few facts concerning English Icings ; Miss E. E. Kerr gave a reading on "Victoria's Crown ;" Bruce Wilson read au interesting aocount en- titled "She saw the Queen." After sing- ing "The Red, White and Blue," Rev. G. F. 8altou gave a half hour's address on interesting points in the Queen's early life. There was a large attendance. Next Monday evening's subject is "How to help the Pastor." 0. Y. 73, -The Harriston Tribune says :-The annual meeting of the Grand 0. Y. B. Lodge, of British North Amari- oa, will be held in Harriston, on June 14113, 15tH 1893, when delegates from all parts of British North Amerioa will be present. We understand that the breth. ren here are making extensive arrange - mann for their reception and we trust that the oitizens will not fail to lend a helping hand. It is not often that a small town like Harriston is ohosen eta the meeting plane of such a large Order, extended es it is to every province in this great Dominion. It is an honor that the citizens of Harriston should appreciate and so arrange matters as to send these delegates home with a high opinion of Harriston and her people. People We Know. Mrs. (Dr.) Graham is in Toronto. Archie Jackson is home from Toronto. Mrs. Ronald has gone to Chicago on a visit. Mrs. Longman. has gone to Detroit to join her husband. Mrs, T. Fletcher was in Lncknow for a short visit this week, J. C. Tusk is visiting at Shelburne, He went on his wheel. Robt. Dickson, sr., was in Toronto for a short visit last week. Dr. Ferguson, wife and son, of Blyth, were in town last Saturday. Mrs. F. Gallotti, of Colorado, is visit- ing Mrs. (Dr.) McNaughton. Miss May Kerr is enjoying a holiday week with relatives at Guelph. Jno, Vance and sister were visiting in Stratford on the Queen's Birthday. Mies Baker, of Listowel, has been via. icing Miss Downey for the past week. Duncan Stewart and wife, of Stratford, were in town for a few days this week. Councillor McCracken intends visiting the Great Columbian Exhibition next week. A...Hunter, Division Court 'Clerk, is taking in the, sights at the Columbian Exhibition. Rev, J. Ross, B, A., attended a special meeting of Maitland Presbytery on Tues- day, at Wingham. Rev. G. F. Salton, B. Gerry and J. T. Pepper are atbending the Methodist Oon- ferenoe at Owen Sound, Inspector Sanderson, of the Confedsr. ation Life Association, was in Brnssel6 last Friday on a business trip. T. A. Hawking left town for the World's Foie on Monday. TILE PORT prodiots that he w111 attend a wedding before he returne. Our townsman F. C. Rogers, celebrated his 66th birthday on Wednesday of this week, Few men • retain their vitality like hien. Tus Pent wishes him many happy returns of the day. James G. Kelly took a fainting spell at Melville ohuroh last Tuesday evening while attending the Sunday school Con. vention and had to be conveyed to hie Mone. He was very ill after. Afriend writing from. Fenton, M!oh,, says :-"You know we have Bev, W. T. Muff, formerly ofBrasaels,here, Every- one just lovas him and Mre. Cloff shame in the nine foaling, The congregation has grown 60 rapidly they are building an elegant now ohuroh and will also erect a fine Ilarsonage nae year. Tug POST ie a very welcome visite]; every week, we could not do without it." THE BRUSSELS PAST Business Locals. Fun finest photos go to Strong's, Oar your buggy fainted at Jas. Walk, et'e, Brussels. Suss Williams' new buggies. Their prioes will surprise you. Dm you ow 1illiams & Sons now bug- gies ? The finest line of the e0ason. GET your buggy tope repaired or cover- ed over now at Jas. Walker's, Brussels. YOUNG oow for sale, supposed in.oalf. Apply at the Tese Pose Publishing House, WALL PAPzus,--A few of those lovely parlor patterns still left at W, Roddieh's, Ir you want a now set of wheels on your buggy go to Jas. Walker's, Bros - sale, Fon the bust assorted stook of window blinds and spring roller's go to W. Rod- diok's. did , of ent od• res 0m are OW rel In nt re. 10 to- es ell ee en In Id le 11 loa- a, es, ve y el. al d d d f 11 m Ise': that a lovely picture ? Where you have it taken ? Why at Stroeg's merge, Wssnow shades, the largest assortm in town and prions right, at W. 11 disk's. WALKER & Eu•AN are building th abyles of road outs. Call and see 113 before you buy. Norsci o but high grade photoe mads in our studio. H. J. Strong, Photographer ANOTHER lob of those sprang wind shades just arrived. This is the til! lot this Spring at Leatherdale's. MY gallery having been repaired I a now in firat•elass shape to do excelle work at reasonable rates. H. J. Strong, Bane C.taiIAGEe,-H. Dennis has ceived a fine range of baby carriages the latest and best -which will be so at low figures. mt WrDnt 's Fa.• -James Walker has d aided not to send any of his firer-ola rigs to the World's Fair bub will s thein all at home. Winer purchasing window shad insist on getting the genuine Hartsbo spring rollers and take, no others. stook at W. Roddick's. Lames I Have you seen Loatherdale ourtain poles ? over a gross of then so this season. The wonder is how he eel thele so Cheap. ENOLlsn Spavin Liniment removes a hard, soft or calloused lumps and ble ishes from :horses, blood spavins, curb splints, sweeney, ring -bone, stifl sprains, all swollen throats, eta. ,Sa 660 by use of one bottle. Warranted 13 G. A. Deadman, Tee nip of a poiaouous snake is but slight remove Irons being more dang000u than thepoison of Scrofula in the bloo Lyer's Sarsaparilla purifies the vit fluid, expels all poisonous substances, an euppliesthe elements of life, health an strength, Ir you desire a beautiful eomplexio absolutely fres from pimples an blotcbes, purify your blood by the use e Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Remove the cane of the disfigurements and the skin wi take care of itself. Be sure you ge Ayer's Sarsaparilla. WELL -DIGGING AND Dnmonoo: Georg Birt liasalt the necessary machinery fo digging and drilling wells and is prelate ed to attend to all work entrusted to hf in a way that will insure satisfaction. Webs cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence mooed door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry at•, Brussels. 84-tf I HAVE the largest stook of upholstered goods such as parlor suites and lounges that I ever had which will be sold very cheap. Note this as all you can see in upholstered goods is the cover. Any per. son having bought anything in this line from me if it has not given good satisfaction I will upholster thein over again for nothing. R. Leathsrdale. Fnom BTIAAL's Hoare.-Middleporb, May 29th. -Archie Etyma], of Brantford, was an old resident of this plane. As his many Moeda believed his case incurable, it may be imagined that the following paragraph from the Courier was gratify. ing to everyone :-"Mr. Rymal's case which is known to be true, proves beyond a doubt that Dodd's Kidney Pills are of great merit for the purposes they are in- tended, viz. : Bright's disease of the kidneys, rheumatism, backache, oto. It has certainly attracted the attention of the public by several marvellous cures, and Mr. Rymal's ease 000uring in this city brings the truth home to every fireside in Brantford and vicinity, . Canadian New R. Miss Sheppard, a Campbellford school teacher, was drowned in the Trent river, The Madera, a new steamboat, capable of oarrying 600 people, wES launched at Gravenhurst. Orillia dsoided by a vote of 189 to 91 10 spend $16,000 in building a market, town hall and fire hall. The Alberta Railway & Coal Company is applying for the approval of the lease of its line to the C. P. R. Albert Cormaok, eon of the well known dry goods merchant of Guelph, has been fatally shot at Salt Lake City. The Salvation Army have taken pos. session of Joe Beet's canteen in Montreal and have named it the Ligbthouee. Jennie Newell, of Drummondville, about to become a mother, tried to drown berseil b the Niagara river to hide her shame. A. number of horses have died at Belle- ville recently from, it is supposed, oae teethed epizootic, An investigation to m progress. Gas was struck at H. W. Westland's, Ridgetown, on Thursday at 4 p. m., at a depth of 77 feet. The flow is parbioular, ly strong. Reins Lagimodier9, who wee the first white child born in Manitoba, died at St. Boniface an Sunday, aged 95. Her mother died 18 years ago, aged 100. Hon. Geo, E. Foster has written the Seorotary of the Christian Endeavor So. plety, at Montreal, that ho will be unable to tune part in their opening meeting. The loss Of an eye is a serious loss, and Harry Wheaten, of Kincardine, is the un- fortunate ono who bas suffered. The head of a rivet struck him fn the eye and knocked It oat. Atnasa Wood, of Bt. Thomas, who, on tho Queen's Birthday, laid one of the four corner stones of the new Methodist church ab Kent Bridge, to which he is contributing $300, wee presented with a beentiful silver trowel by Miss Macdon- ald. Jobe Fletoher, aged 0ovarrteel, was found dead iu bed at the Grand Paoifio hotel, Winnipeg, the other morning, ]lav- ing boon suffocated by gas. 'Mather was from II olyrood, Ont,, where his rata onto reside. JUNE 2, 1893 ST4N'.7�,/l.R.D ,73,f1XIi OF C0.1XZDtL, MEDICATED -%F3T,H.MX.,=z -X31= 1.973. HEAD OFFICE, ^ TORONTO, ASSETS, - (Sovou Million Dollars) CAPITAL (Antborized) . - $7,000,000 $2,000,000 Agencies iib all principal points in Ontario, 2ttrLrc,Manitoba, United Slalas c0 X;itpliaul, Xd'0a3``v,48 J�,lt'rlllt. A General Banking Busiuoss Transacted. Farmere' Notes Disoounl Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points. SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwarde from date of deposit to elate of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTION OlvEN TO TIE COLLECTION or FAnoisitS' SALE, NOTES. "Ivory facility afforded Cuetonlsrs living at a distance. ed, W. D. HART, Miteasoun. GILLI Qs'W 7 SMITE, ,�W ,,EIL 13 R v S S E L SJ, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts J3ought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. •:9�a45awliD R&MO 3,r5Se!'CTtEX . Interest Allowed on One Dollar and 'Upwards at Current Bates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Speoial Arrangements made for Titne Deposits. We effect to write 12E8411O1Or in old English or Canadian Velnplurlea, or In Mut- ant commutes r 9 real' 0e desired. AGENTS FOE CANADA AND Marko STATLs : TEE 04NADIAN Malt OF Commun. Among the pictures sent from Alma college to the World's Fair were font of those painted by Mis Mary Proctor, daughter of W. 3, Proctor, J. P„ of Sar. pia. D. II. Williams, traveller for Woraven & Ward, fractured his thigh bone on May 24011, ab Elora, while attempting to board a train. Friday night he was removed to his homo on Queen's avenue, London. A portrait of Lord Lansdowne, ex. Governor-General of Canada and now Viceroy of India, bus reached Ottawa from Calcutta. It will be placed in the rending room of the House of Commons. MoMe..3v Buow.-Iu Morrie, on May 26th, the wife of Mr. Anson Shaw of a son. ,TILES, -I0 Morris, On May 24th, the wife of Mr. Joseph Styles of a atm. CROSIER. -In Brussels, on May 14th, the wife of Mr. Andrew Crosier of a son. WmmRr.-ln Brussels, on Aiay 23rd, the wife of Mr, Jno. Wright of a daugh- ter. McDoxean -In Wingham, on the 20tH ult., the wife of Mr. W. H. McDon- ald, L. D. S. of a son. LINELATEo,-In East Wawanosb, on the 22nd ult,, the wife of 111r. Wm. Linklatsr, jr. of a eon. 32.5- 3c3 =a. I'1oLLINGEn-H,1LL,-In Grey, on Mny 24th, by Rev. D. B. MoRae, Mr. Louis Hollinger to Miss Annie Hall, all of Grey township. 101oPuu,t--HALL,-On May 25111, at Vie• toric cottage, Brussels, by Rev. R. Paul, Mr. Frank McPhea, of Hen- fryn, to Mies Maud Hall, of Brus- sels. ELLIOTT-KEITH.-On the 24th ult., at the 1liornington Manse, by Rev. W. 3. Cameron, Mr, Irwin Elliott, of East Wawanosb, to Margaret Keith, of Elma township. Mo0ALL-REI».-At the residence of the bride's parents, Brussels, on May 30111, by Rev. ). Millar, assisted by Itev. 8. Jones, Mr. Alex, I. McCall to Miss Ida, third daughter of Mr. Adam Reid, all of Brussels, Corms. -In Mina, on May 19113, James Corry, aged 59 years. Sluummn.-In Morris, on Tuesday, May 80th, Hannah McKenzie, second daughter of the late games Sherrie, MUEDaged -In s. Seaforth, months don the 22nd lt., at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. D. McGregor, Mary Ross, relict of the late Andrew Mardis, of MaKil- lop, aged 82 years and 6 months. 33RVOSf37.,1 1!,x.A.2v'Si5:a4El. Fall Wheat 02 68 Spring Wheat.,00 62 Barley • 85 40 Peas.... • 55 56 Oats 31 82 Butter, tubs and rolls14 00 Eggs per dozen 10 00 Flour per barrel 8 00 8 50 Potatoes 40 50 Ray per ton 7 00 00 Salt per bbl„ retail1 00 00 Hides trimmed 3 Hides rough 8 Sheep Elkins, each..., 60 1 00 Lamb skins each 65 00 Apples per bag 50 00 Wool 18 21 Pork 7 00 7 50 Ease BUFFALO, N. Y., May BM. --Cattle -a load of fat steers at 65.86 was all the business reported today. Sheep and lambs -Thirteen oars on sale ; dull and 16c lower than Monday, with sales Most- ly to butchers. Hoge -Fifteen oars on sale ; a few selected tote sold to a tool packer at 67,55 to 7.65, but good packing kinds generally brought 67.50. MONTREAL, May 31. -Cables froth the live stook centres in the Old Country continue to be unfavorable, Glasgow sells today, hot cables from there are most discouraging. It is at Glasgow that moat of the money has been lost Mile year, .'Bristol bag mads money for shippers, while there hoe been sora money made in London and Liverpool. The trouble with Glasgow is that when thorn was no embargo on Canada cattle they warn pueohassd by drovers, fattened up and sold through the country aa boot_ Ssotoh or Irish cattle. This cannot be Clone now, SA besides 51115015 of Can. adian cattle having been very heavy, the lnar151 there was oornplotely overloaded, Wo000Tocrc, Ont., May 81.-Oheeee markets.-Elighteen factories offered 1,- 048 boxes third tveelt fu May ; sake, 6 tote at 91.16e ; 4 lots at 0te ; market to be, continued weekly, as usual. `IRE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. U'TIOE 1 The Council of the Corporation of the County of Boron will meet in the Court House, Godordoh, on Tuesday. June 3Uh, at 3 tytmust bocke presented on ora before, the first day of meeting. Dated May 25, 1508, W. LA.1111, Clerk. y� 4(1 WILL BUY AN EA XTR nest heifer calf fronwi lily Jersey bun. f Trhave calvedo ran ole beli Jersey0heifer calflf omtau axhrn good dun1, G.A. DEADMAN,Drugglet, &e EGGS FOR HATCHING FOR SALE- 3iggs Of Pure Bred Blaok Mo- or ens, and White Legholve, from Thos. Rise's best strain, 51,00 per setting (131 Al- 1.0xf tLn000rnh hoaand Black eghonSokrol,of boat stock 512 Ontario. 330f WM. HARTIlY, Seaforth. FOR SALE OR RLt'NT.—COM– Pong'ADLE house on Mi11 street Brno - eels, for Bale or to rent, 13 sore of )and, with good well and stable on premises. For fur- ther particulars apply to ' JOSEPH CLEGG, Brussels, or to JOHN BROADFOOT, 2 doors Ent of aforesaid house. 0f. FTOUSES FOR SALE.—FOUR of these oomin011loua houses in the Terrace, on Turnberry St., are for' sale, that is Nos, 1.1,10, 37and 13, with ,eaoli there len garden plot, They are offered at 5825 each, The pnrohase money to be paid about Oat, let, ares pplyltoo4 MoGIMREJ No 13, Terrace Brussels, or BEV. W. NORTON,: 48-0 Mount Forest. fp ENDERS 'FVANTED.•-TEND- Dna will be received, up to 0 p. m„ Ou Wednesday, Zone 14th, far the repairing of the Methodist ohuroh, Roe's e•Ppointmeut, Con. Ten s aiked for ller aror lumber. , Omaoor to fuuelal mater- ial esoept stone. Plans and specifications It may The lolweebb oro any tender nob necessarily accepted, 8, AMES, Secretary, Tenders Wanted. Ton Monday, unel5011 received for the building of a tank for fire protection purposes. at the comer of Turnberry and Oharob, streets, Braesele Tenders asked for either brick or stone, eon. tractor to furnish all material, Plane and s eeiaoatione maybe seen by applying to the Clerk. Thelowest or any tenders not necessarily accepted. P. S. SCOTT, Village Clerk, Volunteers' ,Flttention 1 A number of rennin; are wanted to attend the Military Gawp whish opens at London on the 20th June next, Now uniforms have been issued to the Brussels Oompnny. For paibioulars apply to R. M. DICKSON, at Brussels, or to the undersigned at Seaforth. CommandingBrrusseie Captain. 0 y Volunteers. REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN - sale and E rent, GNED easy terms,, good Farms v ships Of Morris and Grey. F S.. SO OTT, Brussels, 87-tf. g-iHOIQE FARM FOR SALE._ Being South half Lot 07 e0n.8, Morris, 190aoree,noarlyalloieared. tjoodbuildings, flue young bearing orchard. Immediate nos. session. Easy Tornio. Apply to t[- W. M. SiNOLAIR, Solicitor, &o„ Brussels. 2�Q ACRE FARM FOR SALE. The 200 Gore farm being lots 11 and 12, eon. 10, Grey, ie offered for sale, 120 acres, aro cleared and thobalance well tim- bered, 33uildings 51'00-a1 ase. Orchard, well, &e. School hens° within 40 rods, Posses- sion given at one if desired. For further particulars as to pries, terms, &o. apply to 341MILS' WALRAIl, Or NELSON 13151011,00 faosoi vi110 p. o, C�iPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. Santa lots 11 and 12, son, 18 Township of Greyy. County of Huron, containing goo soros, tho property of the tato John Robert- eon, 150 acme cleared and free from ob• struobiono, 15 nom bush, nixed timber, balance partly alsared, Soll slay loam, vainly rolling. 10ente4 With straight .rail tenon and *aroma by two wells and a *nue privilege, mu »3 odious dwelling house, With large woodshed attached and an sso0l1.0515 Collar tinder house. Two largo barns, atone stabling and other outbuild- ings, 'Pw0 good boarl5g °roharde, ma. mental troos and smell fruits, 13 miles from Rrtiesele, a lively town on the G. 0, 10., convenient to school eburellos and poet 05150. This property lies well, is a brat - class grain and stoop Parra and elumut 130 seen by inane/tug trOvohamors as it is rfYol'. ed at bargain, For further partlouluh'o apply 03 141143, JNO,ROIOTlitrSON, 00 0AN310L ROBERTSON,On 0, 804 prein iu n, or by letter to Oranbroof P, 80.4 DI a6'° ' TEA —FOR TEM -- LI VER, 1'Hl7„-LIVER, KIDNEYS and BLOOD, 26e. and 050c, a Bottle, at Pepper's Drub Store, , BRUSSELS, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING, -ya--�� L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, -a. aa• Solicitor and 0Onveyan00r, 0olloo, tions made. solos-Yanatone'oBlocs, 13ruo- eels. 21.9m &1. SINCLAIR, NIT • Solicitor, Conveyancer. Notarypub. Ilo, &o, Ofiiae-Vanatone's Block, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan, GAIURBON, ROLT ,4 HOLMES, Barristers, Solicitor's, Notaries Publie, Goderrah, Ont. 311 o, 0A1HE1loN, 8, 0., P0IL1P 1I0LT, DUDLEY I/014M19, AUCTIONEERS. A RAYMANN, _� tend Baless01 arm°s,fai'ml took,ready &o. Torras 01100rfa11y given. 0raubrook P. 0. Sales n:ay be arranged. at Tnj Pose Publishing House, Brunets. { y EORGE KIRKBY, easnlAtrSunfaopilon reasonable am. Faadm shooks sneeialty. Orders left at Tun Poor Publishing House,Brn seals, or sen tbo Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention, AVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- 617 as an Auctioneer, I ant prepared to conduct sales of farm stock atroaserablo prices. knowing the standing of nearly every person X am in 94 position to soli to ouoov dlt. Sks atisft ott lan aintronteed, 'when tlive mea Dail, s2,- 11 S. SCOTT. BUSINESS CARDS. 'j7'.H, 1t1o0RACltE uses Oillee at his Grocery, i!uruboorYgN, sE eet, nruseelis. "1" N. BARRETT, JL.N• Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door south of A. M. 11fokay & Co's hardware store. Ladies' and allilth'ens hair cutting a specialty ATIoNAIR, • Usurer of Marriage Lleensee, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis- eionor, &o.,Q.13. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Mauritania 0a, 001ao at the Oranbrook Post OtMee. ROBERT OUNNINGHAM, INSUnANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER Claris of abs Fourth Division Court 0o..liur'on. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, ntolonuectiFunds Invested Loan d an Colloaa e. O11loe in e'xabam'e Bloolc, Brussels, O IL PAINTING, Miss &orlon, of Wingham, is prepared to give instruction in oil painting. %orurs may be aseertaisod at Mise Nellie hose' store where samples of work may be seen. Mies. Morins would also take a few more 131113110 in muafa, ril A. HAWR]'NS, eels, and Organist in tl St, Ar of Teaobing Eras. . W.Thayer,Mus Doe„New York, wilt give lessons to intone eitbee at J. 0, Halliday's, nor. :zing and John Ste., or if proferred, at their owu homes. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at Walton. Terms moderate. VETERINARY. D. WARWICK; t • honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, la prepared to treat all diseases of domestioated animals 111 a coin - patent wanner. Partlou2ar attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptlyat- tended to. Of21ce and Infirmary -Two dors north of bridge Turnberry at„ Brussels. MEDICAL CARDS. A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. LP • 0.M., L. It, C.P., Edinburgh, M. C. P S. Ont. Residence and office in Wilson' Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry 'Ste. DENTAL. T)E N'1'x�r7rf M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- versity. Oru10E'-Over A. R. Smith's Store. Bruesele, BULL FOR SER'V'ICE, -THE undersigned will:keep for service on Lot 20, Con. 5, Morrie a registered Moro'bred Durham bull. 'Terms $1.00, to be paid on Junuary 1st, 1804, with privilege of re- turning if necessary. 45.4 PETER BARR, Proprietor. BULL FOR SERVICE. -THE Undersigned w111 keep for Service On S. II Lot25, Con, 5, Morris, the thorn' bred Durham Ball "Clear the Way,” Registered Pedigree may be seen on applioailou. Aged 2 years, weight 1,700 pounds, Terms, 51,50 to be paid January let, 1891 ; single tows cash. To insure 52,00, 44 tf 04.141X01) INN113, PIOpniotors, MPROVED LARGE 'WHITE YORK. 8HIRE BOAR. The nndeIsiguod will keep fee servioethis' Ylreiout season the Sm0roved largo whits orkshire pig "Ready" on lot 20, con. 6, Morrie, to whieh a limited nnnibor of sows Will be taken. Terms 82,00 -to be paid at time ofaorvice, with the privilege of return- ing i11vtneeeseary, Pedigree Maybe aeon up - On 1pP lbation, 140333RT NICHOL, Gro Proprietor, (CURT OF RSVISION. lJ VILLAGES OF BRUSSELS, Take- notion that tbo Court of lOoviaion for tho Villego;of Do'uesole, Por the year 1803, will bo hold to the Town mil, on 1110880,1.5', Jfnrc Mk, 1890, 04 3130.1. 10, All parsons interested will plait o take no • floe sad nob accordingly, V. 6. SCOTT, Cleric;