The Brussels Post, 1893-6-2, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST Mistrict Tetos. aorrie. Tao Rest Huron Gazette will remove 00 Mildmay at 'Once. Rev. Mr, Osborne, Baptist minister, Preethed hie farewell sermon last Sun. day. On Thursday of Mile week Meant Fov. est playa foot ball with Genie in this plaee. On the Queen's Birthday the "Helene" won the base ball metal at Winglavn. There was a fight over a dispute cammerta ing the amount of Ilia Fein AO a Wing- hat:cite was worsted. aLeacknoW. A new gravel sidewalk is being built on the Bast side of Havelock street in plaoe of the old plank walk. Few villages in the province oan boast of a Auer lot of handsome shade trees on its streets and en private grounds, than Luaknow oan. For nearly a year past Armour Mo - Manus, of this villege, has been derang- ed in his mind and as he was getting worse it was found necessary to seed him to the asylum. The Union Sabbath 13. Convention for the township of Kintoss, whieh was held in the Methodist church, Luaknow, on May lath, was one of profit ,aud interest to all present. Robert McNabb bas decided to open a tenor stop in Lucknow, in the building west of R.Proctor's harness mop, in the emend week in June. Ile will take in for partner, Wm. Duncan, of Embro. Godoriols. Constable Yule resigned and A. Nichol- son was appointed. The British Exchange hotel has main °hanged Lands, W. Craig having sold out to Mr. Tilt, lately of Galt. A party of citizens have °bartered the sebooner Kolfage for a three week's trip to the World's Fair, and they calculate to be able to take 50 people along, pas- sage, board and lodging to cost About $25 a head. Dr. Nicholson, the West street dentist, has a plum tree graft which in one year has grown eight feet, all bi ut one nch. He shows this with some pride and thiuka it can hardly be exceeded as an instance of rapid and successful grafting. .4 Lindsay despatch 'said :-"Windsor, the nine-year.old son of the Bsv. T. M. Campbell, pastor of the Cambridge St. Methodist church, died recently from lookjew, The boy fell off his father's horse and the animal stepped upon and crushed one of his Augers, which result- ed in his death. The following oases and honorary members were sleeted in connection with the lacrosse club :-Honorary president, Eon. J. C. Patterson ; honorary vim pres., J. T. Gamow, Q. 0., M. P. P. • President, Mayor Butler ; vise -president, R. W. Logan ; captain, Charles Reid ; secretary, D. Johnston ; treasurer, 0. Munroe ; committee, Messrs. Blackford, Thompson, Graham, Black, Morrow, MoImen and Hays. Honorary members, M. C. Cameron, Q. 0., Sheriff Gibbons, Hie Honor Judge Toms, P. Holt, E. Campion, Q. C.,Robb. McLean, T. W. Smith, Fred. J.Pridbare, D. McCormick, W. T. Kelly, Jonathan Miller, W. Proud - foot, R. Reynolds, W. MoVioar, Man- ager, R. S. ,Williams. Rafoltestaavortla. Wm. Doig, am of Paul Doig, of How- iok, was badly hurt on Monday of last week, by his team running away and pitching him out of the wagon. • Arabia Ashton, the former tailor of Molesworth, aged 23, died on the 19th of May. The funeral took piece at the residence of James Lucas, Gerrie. James Murray, of the let con. of Grey, has sold his farm to Andrew Doig. Mr. Murray bas bought a farm near Pinker- ton. He intends moving next March. The finest herd of fat cattle, out of about 500 head left Mr. Cummings' stable on Saturday for the foreign mark- ets. The herd numbered 20 and averag- ed over 1,500 lbs. each, this being a higher arerage than any other herd of ten, fifteen or twenty head. He has still another lot of fine quality to ship later. I. 0. G. T. -As was intimated bhrough the columns of Tnn Pose, a subordinate lodge of the Independeut Order of Good Tempters has been organized in our via Inge. This enthusiastic temperance society is the result of the thoroughly iatelligent and practical lecture delivered by Mrs. Scott, of Toronto, on the work- ings of the I, 0. G. T., and on the moral obligations resting upon individuals with eegard to the temperance cause, Mrs. Saott's lecture was forcible and clear and from the readiness of the audience to give their names towards the forma. tion of a lodge, 11 19 plain that the sue- oeeded in removing any existing prejudioes towards temperance societies in this miglaborhood. The aeoiety now organized is known as the Molesworth Banner Lodge, I. O. G. T., No. 44. It began with a membership of eome fifty membere and at the amend meeting the reemberohip increased about three soots. Already some have passed judgment that the lodge will be short lived, yet we hope to see onenumbees increase to the hun- • dreds and above, and feel confident that the enthusiasm of the members is sin- cere. Wo have no fear for the future welfare of the lodge, but have fame that a spacious ball may not be procured to meet the growing needs of our soolety. A very pleasing feature 10 000 {society is, that it has the support of some of our • most respected and aged villagers, and may we not express a hope that there are still more who will join us. A. juvenile • lodge has Also been organized, zuperin• loaded by Miss E, 85. McNeil, tember, Oar field is the world -and as Words- worth says let us Look up and not down; Look out and not in ; And lend a hand. ITEMS OF INTERESL London eats 1,600,000 sheen a year. A tobaneo plant yields 800,000 seeds. The pneumatics tube Mime front 1667. Canadian railroads stretch 15,686 British India 'Romeo 10,147 opium shops. Great Britain has 20,000 trained 000555. Aluminium has been discovered at PuttlItdon house is papered with pott- age stamps, Mon's corsets find lively sale in Eng. land. Some brinks are mede of plaeter of Paris and <stark. Mtn skin is the fairs° in a Russian mat, An ocean racer uses $13,000 in coal each trip. It costs 2i ciente to put rtp a can of tomatoes. Queen Vieteria's mall is worth $1, 200,000, England's Attorney Genetal gets 635,. 000 a year. Melbourne hae built the first Australian locomotive, The tail of the beaver gave the hint for the trowel of mason. In small towns in Germany only chim- ney sweeps wear plughats. There is a railroad, in Peru that le 16,- 000 feet above the Level of the sea. The highest Muriel steeple in the world is that of the Cabbedral of Antwerp, 476 feet. Sixteen femme of gold are sufficient to guild a wire that would encircle the earth. Fully 26 per cont. of all the champagne made is lost by the bursting of bottles. It is said that the King of Italy, like his famous father, Victor Emanuel, only takes one meal a day. It is estimated that there were 19,578 papers published in the United States and Canada last year. Texas permits higlatoned convicts to hire substitutes to work for them in the oenviet eamps. & dollar loaned for 100 years and com- pounded at 24 per cent, will amount in that time to 62,651,790,401, The Great Eastern was the largest ship ever built -680 f set long,88 broad, 60 deep and 28,027 tons baren. The largest tenth in the world is the Pyramid of Cheops -461 feet high and covering 1.3 acres of gromd. The care of the forests in Germany supports 200,000 families and involves an annual expenditure of 040,000,000. In 1720 the first cloaks were intredue- ed, to be platted in churehes, the hour glass hexing been previonsly used. Gold oan be beaten 1,200 times thinner than ordinary printing paper ; one ounce can be made to clover 1,460 square feet. The highest railroad in the United States is the Dever and Rio Grande, at Marshall Pass -10,860 feet above the sea,. San Francisco has one saloon to every 98 persone. Albany is second on the list with one to every 110 persons, and New Orleans one to every 121 persons. The largest bell in the world is in the Kremlin, Moscow. Its height is 21 feet, 44 inches • its circumference is 67 feet, 4 Welles. its weight is estimated at 443,- 772 pounds. It will scarcely bo believed that wheat is sold in the United Kingdom under nearly 200 different systems of weigbb. There is almost as much diversity 111 re- gard to barley and oats. It is said to cost less to send the pro - allot of an acre of wheat from the State of Delete to England than it does to manure an acre of land in England so that it cam grow good wheat. Amording to its accredited representa- tive, the Sole Leather Trust stands for not less than 0176,000,000 oE capital, and oontrols every avenue through which tanners derive their supplies. The current year is the oentennial of the ootton.gin. Eli Whitney invented it in 1798. It is said to have done more to. ward the making of the Sonth than any other one thing except the cotton. The Dukeot 13assane, who was Grand Chamberlain under Napoleon III., and followed the Emperors into exile, is still living, aged nearly 90, and one of the most devoted followers of ex.Dnapress Eugenie. Bismarck, according to an interviewer, thinks that the anti•Semitio troubles will gredually be settled by the inter -mar- riage of Jews and Gentiles. At the rate at which such inter -marriages moue this solutioa will indeed be a gradual one. The picture of the Panama prisoners is described as a pitiful one. M. Charles do Lesseps speedo much of his time sit- ting in a Meer with bis head buried in his bands ; 11. Blondin presents symp. toms of paralysis, and M. Baihant seems to be rapidly becoming an old man. Robert Dorer, the famous Swiss multi - tor, died suddenly in Berlin a few days ago. He bad been in the German capital for treatment a short time, and had hoped bo return home scam. Dorso was born in Baden in 1880. His works adorn many of the European museums, Several articles written by Thaakeray from Paris have been discovered in an old periodical celled Britannia which ex- isted in Ragland between 1840 and 1842. They are signed "M. A. Titmereh." The Matidonald monument at Hernia ton is not likely to be unveiled before • Septene bee. Robert Patton and wife two of the • ceded ad moat reepeoted residents of • Platteville, were instantly killed on May , 26th while coming the G. T. R. track font Intim west of that plass. TM aged couple had been to obureh at Ratho, and while returning home attempted to cross the track in front of the afternoon' s ex - e pease from Stratfora, with fatal results. The sad AMA has mat a gloom over the eornmenity, es they had lived here for many years. Tbs polios oommissionere of Hamilton are ceneleoring a proposal to appoint a police znatrOe. Breasts:cote) remise 27 failures in Cao. 6a last week, manta 19 the week before end 22 iLL the lest week of May beet year. Word has been received in Montreal of the death of the Canadian missionary, Mies Clarke, on March 18th, in West Africa. Site was s daughter of Rev. W. F. Clarke, of Gaelph. John Hunt, of Port Hope, reports that Some time Friday night while he was asleep in Mr. Yellantee vacant lot, corner of Murray end George streete, Peterboro' that his pookets were rifled of between $25 and 680 In mai], and also that be was relieved of two silver watches and gaard. When he awoke at 4 ontlook Sat. urday morning he could nob And his money or watches about his person. Om of the most thrilling experiences that have occurred Id Niagara Fails in recent years happened on Friday of last week to two lady visitors at that resort. It was nailing MOSS nos legs than beteg a runaway on the railway suspension bridge, 200 feet above the rushing waters of the Niagara river, with the probability of being hurled down into the river al- most any moment. The ladies who ex. parka:toed this moat miraculous escape were Now Yorkers, who arrived the evening before from the west. They registered at the Cetattect House on the American side as Mrs. II. Stanton and Miss j. Stanton, of New York. They were assigned room overlooking the rapids. Friday morning they engaged a carriage in Marge of a colored man named Henry Driggers, and started for a drive about the points of interest. About noon the party started for this side of the river. When they drove un- der the railway Suspension Bridge on bo the carriage way 0 train was passing over the bridge, and the engine gave a sharp Village. The horses, a spirited team of bays, sprang forward. At the Berne instant the straps to the breast collar broke, and the team began a mad dash morose the bridge. The driver held on to the reins pluckily and guided the horses straight ahead. Fortunately them was no other team on the bridge at the time, and the maddened animals thundered on. Driggers °lung to the reins with a death -like grip, keeping the beasts from swirling the earrings into the sidewalks, where, if it had struck, it would probably have burled the cm- oupants into the river below, and to instant *death. When the team passed the Canadian bridge offeer the carriage stewed into one of the abutments of the bridge, stripping she earriage and throw• ing one of the horses to the ground, breaking its leg. Driggers jumped out, seized the other ',horse, and the ladies, very badly frightened, alighted. Another oarriage was procured and Pars. Stanton and bee sister were taken back to the Cataract house, where Leslie Fenner, the head cleekeplaced everything at the die- posal of the ladies for their comfort. A. reporter saw Mrs. Stanton, who had re- covered from the fright :-"Of spurge we were terribly frightened," said the lady. think almost anyone would have been under the eironmetenees if planed be• hind two wild, frightened animate on a bridge 200 feet over a mad rushing river, when you did not know but that the next moment you would be ahurled into eternity. "No, 1 dou't relish the thought of it," said the lady with a shudder. "But for the splendid nerve and bravery • of our driver we would certainly have been killed. The men is deserving of the highest praise, and I do hope that he will net be discharged. It was not his fault. He did nobly, and I will see that he is not diseharged." Both Mrs. Stem. toe and Miss Stanton are middle-aged ladies, who have travelled extensively, and although baying passed through such a terrible experience, they appeared at luncheon that afternoon none the worse from the fright. Driggers is the lion of the betels, and his name is heard on every hand. The Blue Laws of Connecticut were so called bemuse they were printed on blue -tinged paper. These were some of them :---"No one shall be a freeman or have a vote, unless he is converted and a member of one of the -churches allowed in the Dominion." "No dissenter from the essential worship of this Dominion shall be allowed to give a vote for elect- ing magistrates or any °fume." "No food or lodging shall be offered to a heretic." "No one shall cross the river on the Sabbath but an authorized clergy- man." "No one shall travel, cook victuals, make beds, sweep bouses, out hair or shave on the Sabbath day." "No one shall kiss his or her children on the Sabbath or feasting Mae." "The Sab. bath day shall begin at Emmet Saturday." Canadian News. The synod of the Angliomi Mouse of Niagara will tionvene at Hamilton on June 6. & cable from England announces that the Manitoba Sc Northwestern railway has defaulted. Montreal will have an exhibition this year as meal, the city council hewing granted the company $10,000. The tug John A. Maedoeald, which left Kingston with a raft on the day of this severe windstorm, has riot been heard of since. St. Georgeef society, Hamilton, made about $1,000 profit out of the Queen's birthday demonstretion in wbioh the To. ronto Highlanders participated, William Sollitb, of Port Perry, a retired tumor, 74 years ot age, who was spending the Queen's birthday with his son in Teterboro', died very suddenly. The body of James Wilson, a carpenter of St. Catharines, was found fleeting in the camel betweeti that eity and Port Dalbougie the other day. It is thought by some that he was the victim of foul At the (dosing eeseion of the True Blues' grand lodge in Teterboro' a reset- attion was adopted in appemiation of the serviette rendered the order by N. Clarke Wallace, M. P., and 111. P, Clarke, M. P. P. "Whoever mere clothes trimmed With gold, siiver, or bone lam above one shilling a yard, shall be presented by the grand jurors, and the seleetmett shall tax the estate X800." "Whoever beings cords or dim into the Dominion then be 13ned ;e6." "No one shall eat mince Plea dame, play (lards, or play any inetrn. numb of music except the drum, trumpet, 00 jewsbarp," "No man Mall mud a maid in portion or by letter, without ob- taining the raiment of her parents ; R6 penalty for the first offense, :e10 Inc the emend, and for the third, imprisonment during the pleasure of the court." Gemara, March 24th, 1879. I mitered very much with the Liver and Kidney Complaints, Constipation of the Bowels, pain in my ode, weakness and pain in my baelc, and General Debil- ity. I got two bottles of Williams' Royal Crown Remedy. It renovated my system and cured me. Mae. BARIUM. flaarruron, Deo. 2, 1800. _ma ,r, jjlttlianitt, Lomion, Ont. Dear Sir, -As a blood patina and a general oonstitti timed remedy I muskier the Royal Crown Remedy a great suctiefte, My wife and myself were troubled for years with Liver Complaint. We tried two bottles, and pills, 'of your medioine, which gave greet satisfaction, and have no hesitation in reoommending B. 0, It And pills to the public. Ma. ta laths. Virmatan LOOICAIAN. THE COOKS BEST FRIEND 14nCiEST SALE. IN 00014058. HONE/ TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan =Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. YE s Sarsaparilla ¥-our best remedy for E-rysipelas, Catarrh R-heumatism, and S-crofula Salt -Rheum, Sore Eyes A-bscesses, Tumors R-unning Sores S -curvy, Humors, Itch A-nemia, Indigestion P-imples, Blotches A-nd Carbuncles R-ingworm, Rashes l-mpure Blood L-anguidness, Dropsy L-iver Complaint A -ll cured by ";- Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, 25. Cures others, will cure you TUE MEAN 86 WARD IA.NUFT, 003 Jun 2, 1893 11 111 per EAUTIFY -aet Not simply hide baro walls. .As discordant strains of music aro to the ear, so is the eye tortured by out -of -harmony paper on the walls. If you look to cheapness alone yoi.i might as well cover your plaster with penny -a -dozen newspapers. But if you appreciate real beauty you should consider many things in purchasing papers -the location, light and woodwork of the room, etc. Our stook inelndes something especially adapted to every room -more colors and patterns than any other wall paper store in the toina. Our Good Papers cost you no more than the poor ones others sell. Call and see our thousand -and -one styles. Persons thoroughly versed in Wall Paper will wait upon you and aid you in making selections. We hang paper in a first-class manner and aro prepared to ex- ecute the best kind of deeorations. WINDOW BLINDS. -I have an elegant stock of Window Blinds, well assorted, that will only need to be seen to be appreci- ated. They may bo had either trimmed or plain by the yard. It has no equal for pulverizing bard clay Maim It is beyond question the beet machine for making a seed bed or Mycelia sod. For preparing fall plowing for opting seeding, especially in heavy clay mil, where the land is baked or become hard and difficult to move. For cutting up and pulverizing any kind of gabble land, either foe the purpose of starting foul seeds or fitting for seeding. It is unquestionably far superior to anything in the market for oultivating any kind of land that is very difficult to subdue. Where every other tool has failed the Spade Harrow will be found to be just the machine needed. 4.5 will be seen by the sub, it is construeted with two revolving eylindera, com- posed of 56 spades, 6 imthes wide and 8 Malmo long, set 2 inches itpart, and when in motion turn the ground up as completely as can be done by bend. The machine has 108 sharp cutting edges, and in working the ground it does not drag or trail, but three the soil up and lets it dropaoese behind the machine, leaving the subsoil on top and level surface. It works in any kind of land ; and in mnekv, (darnel soil, where the Moo and Spring Tooth Harrows clog up and bectome •useless, the Spade Harrows doee first-class work. ALSO A.GIINT FOR TIID SOLID DISC HARROW. "JEZTOol Vtir 11414=Urt*, AGENT, BRUSSELS. W. RODDIOK, House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter. UCta....018=1011,M163066IMUMICIMU50.....45.4. UT 13 TS AN SHOES JOHN DOWNING, LAIRD BLOCK, BRUSSELS. Do you like nobby looking, perfect fitting, good wearing Shoes ? If so, our new styles for men in Calf, Cordovan and Dongola, can- not help but please. The Price is Right, The Fit is Right. The Style is Right. The Quality is Right. FOR, We are 'showing some exquisite styles in Ladies' Buttoned Boots. Our Glove Fitting Ilantiturns and Welts are beauties that cannot help but please you, and the price is not extravagant. Drop in and take a look at them. Special Attention given to Custom Work. 017IPS SEWED FREE OF CHARGE. It3==caletnioact...=1,13a0.1.zesermo..sf-tts-mtar.t.s,* trtna Zi UST 0 "ass atesellialfaketa. E have made arrangements with one of the most celebrated manufacturers of 021561. ,s, 8.5 that will enable us to offer, this season, the best value in this line of goods ever shown in Ontario. OUR, 390. 00.R)SM1 is made of good quality of Buff Jean, boned with an excellent naat- erial, is long shape, 5 -Hook Clasp and equal to any 50c. Clorset in the market. For 75c. we offer the best Corset we have ever hand- led at that price. Extra long in shape to meet the requirements of the prevailing style of dresses, fine quality of material, well boned and perfect fitting. Our Dollar Corset is the celebrated B &v 0, which is so well known as to require no description from us. We will keep in stock a full assortment of this line, every pair of which the manufacturers guarantee, and such guarantee we cordially en- dorse and assume. .04 t ;e4 •7 11 THE OHEI.P STORE, 7P.) T3- S S GEO. GOOD'S OLD STAND. 12111,13T91111.2111111CCIPADZSE=7, Grand Opening Sale on Friday and Saturday and following Days. We have been for several clays opening up the finest stook of New Goods ever displayed in Brussels. We invite you to visit one store and we wilt offer yon suoh bargains as will make Otte Opening Sale memorable and the New Oheap Store femme in Bruseels. The New Goode at the New Cheep Store consist of Ladies', Misses' and Child. ren's Vine Boots, Shoes and Slippers in all the new colors and materials Gentle. men's Pine Laced Balmorals, Congress, Gaiters and Oxfords in Dongola Kid, Our. dovan and Calf. Working Shoes for Ferment and nieubanius-Strong, neat, durable • and cheap. Boys' and Girio' Sallee! Boots very chomp. our Boot and Shoe stook is well worth the attention of all intending purchasers. TRUNKS AND VALISES -NEWEST AND BEST. Chinaware, Crockery and Glassware in Ten Sets, Dinner Sets, Toilettt Sets, Water Sets, Lemonade Sets, Fancy Ohina Plates, Dupe and &ulcers. Fancy Choosers, Goblets, Lamps, ttc, Don't fail to see our tlandsome Goblets at Sc. each, in feet don't fall to inspect this elegant stook of China, Crockery and Glassware. GOOD BROS., NEW CHEAP STOBE. MRS, TUFTS, Manager. Butter and Eggs Wanted.