HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-6-2, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
New Advertisements,
Local -0. R. B.
Leaals-J, 0, Ayer.
Royal Crown Remedy.
Qoreete—A. Strachan.
Wool wanted—Howe Co.
Tenders wanted --S• Ames.
Diamond Tea—J. T. Pepper.
Cow for sale— G. A. Deadman.
Wool—Wroxeter Woolen Mill.
Salesmen wanted—Steno ce Wellington.
UZ 31l:5seIs zst,
FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1893.
A Coxvxxmrox of the Reformers of bhe
East Ridiug of Huron will be held in the
Town Hall, Brussels, on Friday, June
2nd, at. 1:80 o'clock, for the purpose of a
general.dieoussion of political topics stud
the election of delegates to the Liberal
Convention to be held at Ottawa on June
20th. A large representation milted from
earth municipality in the Riding.
. new wire fence adds to the appear.
awe of J. A. Roe's property.
Preparations are being made for
grand celebration in Atwood on Domin
ion day.
Wilson Mitchell, who bas been ranch
ing in Texas for the pest year, has ar
rived home.
John Rogue and wife and Misses
Frances and Dina Pelton spent several
days last week visiting relatives in
Al the 1. 0. G. T. concert on the
Queen's Birthday the proceeds amount
ed to 010 which will be applied toward
purchasing an organ.
Mrs. Owen Hitoboox has kindly son
seated to favor Atwood with a visib on
Jane 11th,12bh and 18th, and deliver a
series of her popular gospel•temperanoe
The smoke stank of the saw mill was
blown down again by the windstorm on
Tuesday forenoon of last week. It fell
across the roof literally smelting it to
pieces. It is a serious loss to Mr. For.
rest, as it willcost upwards of 0100 to
replace it. Other damage was done in
town, such as smashing window panes,
In accordance with announcement a
meeting was held in the school house for
purpose of reorganizing the Hook and
Ladder Co., the original books of the Oo.
Apparently having been lost. Officers
were appointed as follows :—Wm. F.
Forrest, Chief ; James Hanna, Captain ;
Alex. Cameron, First Mate ; Henry Zei-
man, Second Mate. The first and second
mates chose twelve men each, after
which it was moved, seconded and carried
that James Hammond be Seo.-Treas. of
the Co. Robert Forrest and James
Hammond were appointed to solioit sub•
soriptione for the Co.
L.iesto W
R. H. Climie has left on a business trip
through the west.
.A. meeting will be held ou Saturday
afternoon, Jnue-erd,in school house on
the boundary adjoining, to consider the
question of putting the old cemetery in
A. nasty aooident occurred to Wm.
Roberts et Large's planing mill. He was
jointing up a stick on the overhead joint.
er when his left hand acme in contact
with the rapidly revolving knives, sever.
ing the second and third fingers.
The Listowel base hall olub was organ.
ized with the following ofiioere :—Hon.
Pres., J. A. Hacking ; Hon. Vice, H. B.
Morphy; Pree., D. T. Morris; Vice Pres.,
R. 111. Livingstone ; Sec,-Treas., W. B.
Culbert. The club have leased the Rink
Park three nights in the week for ?rari-
Hay Bros. have sold to And. Morris
the lot west of Mill street and south of
the railway siding, including the dwell.
ing. 11Ir. Morris intends ereabing thereon
coal sheds with en office and weigh scales.
He intends going into ooal and wood
more extensively. They have also sold
to Gillies ci Martin the old grist mill site,
one acre of land, all the lot south of Elms,
and east of Mill to the factory premises.
On this they intend erecting their found.
ry buildings.
A sneak thief entered the residence of
Peter Oliver, an old baohelor living alone
in town, in quest of valuables. The old
man sometimes goes home somewhat the
worse of liquor, and the thief thought
himself safe and proceeded to make a
thorough examination, eves going through
the pillows of the bed the old may lay
upon. Very little money is kept in the
house, Mr. Oliver wisely thinking the
bank a muoh safer depository, from
which he draws small sumo as required
end tba thief got nothing but 10 cents in
oath and a silver watch about forty years
old and chiefly valued as a relic,
'Win grill it>rn..
Geo. Roo received a pneumatio-
tire sulkey the other clay foe his trotter.
The Plymouth Brethren of town now
hold meetings iu the hall in Meyer's
The lacrosse club will give a protnen-
ade convertin the rink, on the evening
of the 9th of June.
Josephine street, through the main
part of the town, has been thoroughly
scraped and the mud bison off.
Au alarm of fire was sounded on Mon.
day,nigbt of last week about 10 o'alools,
a lamp in Wm. Sheridan's residence, on
Edward street, having exploded. The
lira was extinguished without the aid of
the firemen.
On account of ill health, H. W. 0.
Meyer intends leaving town and will
hereafter reside in Calgary, N. W. T.,
Where the olimnbs is more beneficial to
him. He is offering all his real estate in
town for Bale.
There was quite a little exoitoment
around the Bank of Ftamiltoet for an hour
or eo, on Saturday, May 20th. A num•
bet of farmers bad delivered their stall -
fed cattle that day and the gentlemen
receiving them had placed them on the
cars and consigned them to a gentleman
in Montreal, intending to pay for them
When they went bank to tee bank. It
was an hour or so before they +could get
in communication with the buyer in
Montreal, and in the meantime the oat•
tie had gone forward. AIN well that
ends well.
It has been decided to hold decoration .,.
day in Wingbam on )Friday afternoon, eellenatterirel
June 9th. The Canadian Order of For.
esters, Independent Order of Oddfellows
Independenb Order of Foresters, Sonsw' ' .
Scotland and Orange Sooiaties will WO . 5 `••'1'� ri r
part in the proaeedinge, and the Band
will head the prcoeeelon to and from the eel
isrmGGEGIMAGI uL*•• �v ,tomagnuossimmnttwe=i,lm, ,mx,s,
Wingham'hae a number of fast horses, ( -rand Trunk
and on May 24th they captured purees in
several places. Geo. Roe took first
money in the thres•minate trot at Shel•
burns, with Miss Garfield. J. E. Swans
won first and second in the froefoe.all
Mot et Dunganuon, Walter G. taking
fleet and John Henry second. Beattie
Bros, won first iu the running rase at
Harriston, with Topsy B.
Jatnes Johnston, of Wingltam, who has
been ailing for about ten years with ab.
some of the stomach, became mentally
deranged the other day and tried to put
an and to himself by shooting. He had
become possessed of a twenty two•oalibrs
revolver, and while alone for a few mo.
menta he got out of bed on the floor and
shot himself in the left ear. The wound
was not fatal, and in a few minutes after
be again shot himself in the forehead.
Medical and other aid was procured and
one of the bullets extraatecl, and it is nosy
thought teat he will recover.
John Watt spent 24th in Bluevale.
Jas. Speuce and wife, of Montreal, are
home on a short visit.
Counoil meeting last Friday brought a
large number to Ethel.
Rev. Mr. Newcombe is attending Con-
ference this week at Owen Sound.
The next meeting of the Township
Council wilt be held on the 20th inst.
Rev. D. B. MoRae is expected to preach
in the Methodist church next Sunday
"Jennie leveret," R. Lang's parting
mare was a prize winner at the Dungan.
non races on the Queen's Birthday.
Daring the late windstorm an elm tree
was broken off in G. W. Taylor's field, in
which be found a wild duck's nest with
ten eggs iu it. He took the eggs and put
them under a hen to batch.
On Saturday evening while Thomas
Vodden sad Robert Docket were driving
to Ethel they lost control of the horse
which gob away from them, got loose
from the cart and ran away with part of
the harness on. They braoed him to the
school house in Elma and then heard no
more about him for days.
Mexrtmroaztn.—The wedding bells did
jingle ab the residence of Wm. Hall on
May 24th, when his daughter, Haunab
was united in marriage to Geo. Eokmier,
of Ethel. The bricle was prettily attired
in Dream cashmere and her bridesmaid,
Mies E. Hall, in fawn. Little Misses
Haunsuld and Baker fulfilled the duties
of maids of honor. Both wore cream
and carried beautiful flowers. The groom
was supported by his brother, D. Eck.
mier. Atter the ceremony the many
friends present sat down to a well laden
table. The presents were numerous and
costly, testifying to the high esteem in
which the bride and groom are held. A.
very pleasant evening was spent by all
present and they left for their homes
after wishing Mr. and Mrs. Eokmier
many years of happiness. Their future
home will be ie Jamestown. The fol.
lowing is a list of the prseente :—Mrs.
Hall, mother of bride, case of flowers ;
Mrs. Eokmier, sr„ white bredapread ;
W. Habkirk, framed picture ; Miss E.
Hall, bedroom set of dishes ; Miss B.
Jewitt, silk throw ; L. Eokmier, silver
dinner oruet ; E. and W. Maginn, silver
breakfast cruets ; J. Ransom .and wife,
glass cake stand ; Mr. Hemsworbb and
wife, china butter dish ; W. and Miss e..
Smith, silver butter cooler ; Mfsses A.
and E. Livingstone, silver mottle ornet ;
W. Eokmier, set smoothing irons ; M.
and Miss L. Baynard, silver piokle cruet ;
Miss G. Smith, glass cheese dish ; Mrs.
H. Cos, water pitcher ; A. M. and Miss
J. McKay, silver salt cruet ; Miss L.
Wallace, Bilk tidy ; 0. and the Misses
MoQuarrie, lemonade set ; F, Laird, pair
vases ; Miss Daunoy, parlor table lamp
and towels ; W. Wright, 1 dozen silver
teaspoons ; Mrs, Brewer, toilet mats and
hairpin holder ; D. Sbrubb, lemonade set
and 1 dozen butter nappies; A. King
and wife, boqueb bowl ; A.. Macdonald,
silver spoon holder ; Mrs. W. Milne,
biscuit jar, glass ; W. and Misses A. and
0. Newcombe, lemonade set ; H. Keys,
silver butter knife ; Miss Stephenson,
toilet mats ; Mrs. Faulkner, towel rings;
Mr. Faulkner, bake board ; Lida Hall,
fanny rope table ; J. Oust, mouataobe cup
and saucer ; J. and E. Oober, "Common
sense" clothes dryer ; Miss E. Ransom,
linen sideboard scarf ; Mise J. Malay,
tea•tray towels ; Mrs. Haasuld, 4 dozen
silver tea knives ; Mrs, Menzies, 0, dozen
silver forks ; J. Maodonald, silver pickle
cruet ; G. and Miss M. Whitfield, pair
lace curtains ; P. and G. McFarlane,
silver pickle cent ; Rev. G. Baker and
wife, 3 dozen silver knives and forks ;
J. and D. Lamont, silver pickle cruet ;
Miss H. Cox, 4' dozen goblets ; the
Misses Hemsworth, a dozen dinner
knives and 4 dozen dessert saucers ; Mrs.
J. Balmier, china tea set ; Mr. Stokes,
pair linen towels ; Mr. Jamieson and
wife, cake stand and pair towels ; 114r.
Whitfield and wile, 4' dozen table
napkins ; the Misses Keys ; G. and H,
Dobson and Me. and Miss Rupp, parlor
hanging lamp ; Mr. Heffernan and wife,
linen table olobh ; A. Lrolcmier and wife,
woolen table cover ; 1Y,isa Lang, linen
table cloth ; Mrs. A. Dobson, fancy
photo pockets ; Mrs. Laird, linen table
cloth ; the Misses Lola, set crystals ;
Mrs. Lynn, woolen table cover ; Miss
Laird, pair linen towels; Mrs. L. Dob.
son, linea table cloth ; R. Lindsay, water
pitcher and ; dozen goblets ; D, Balmier
and wife, linen table cloth; 0. Eokmier,
white bedspread.
Dr. T. Thatcher Graves, of Denver,
conviotscl last year of the murder of ibire,
Josephine Barnaby, of Providence, R. I.,
appeared Monday at Denver on a motion
for a new trial, The court vet the new
trial for June 14th and fixed the doctor's
bail at $80,000, for which bonds were
furnished, There Is no expectation that
the emend trial will ever be palled,
Hon, Carter Harrison, the recently
oleoted Mayor of Chicago, has recently
'showed in a practical manner his ooemo-
politan spirit in the appointment of two
young gentlemen from Clinton (Ont.) to
posibions of responsibility. These were
Peroy D. Appleton, son of Dr, Appleton,
of Clinton, who is honored with the post
of chief olerk of the sidewalk department,
and George Irving, Who was made Chief
clod€ of the metre department in the oity
water ofliee.
If you are going to the
BeF Ain
sure and go via the
St. ,Clair Tunnel
For Lowest Rates Apply to
G. T. R. Agent, Brussels.
V d A lei- O N S.
The greatest number and largest as.
eorlment of Buggies, Wagons and Road
Carts to be found in any one house out-
side of the cake, is at
H. Williams & eon's
They are from the following oelebrated
makers : Gananoque Carriage Company
and Brantford Oarriage Company. These
buggies are guaranteed first-class in all
parts, and we make good any breakages
for one year from date of purchase that
comes from fault of material or work.
manship. We do no patching, but fur-
nish new parts. We mean what we ad.
vertise, and bank up what we say. Our
wagons are hand made. We use nothing
but ohoice oak in their manufacture.
Five styles of Road Carts. All kinds of
Agricultural Lnplements. We handle
the Fleury Plow and keel; a full line of
repairs for same. Our prices are right.
Call in and see us.
JUNE 2, 1893
We intend doing an uncommon thing for the
NEXT — T ® JA's,8
And that is Selling
We have a lot of money locked up in this
Department and would like to Convert a
portion of it into "Cash" and to do this we
will do just as we have said above.
bleu's Berg's Suitz, nicely made, at $3275.
2� 1V[en's fine black Worsted Suits at $7.50.
2'he Balance of Men's Sztits in Stock at the Sa772e 7'Cbtio.
Boys' Two Piece Knickers at $2.00, other
stores will want $3,00 for same goods.
Boys' Three Piece Shits at $3.755, well worth $5.00.
If you want a Suit come now.
Yours Truly,
IWISH to intimate to the people of the surrounding
country that I have bought out the above Woolen
Mills and have fitted up the machinery in first-class order
for the coming Season.
Cash will be paid for Wool
Or goods exchanged ; such as Black Worsted, Fancy Suitiugs, Fan-
cy Pantings, English and Canadian Tweeds in the Newest Shades
and Latest Designs ; also a large and well assorted stock of my own
manufacture, viz : Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, Etoffes, Shirtings,
Druggets, Yarns, eta., at the Lowest Possible Price.
Will be done in all its branches, viz :--P.oll Carding, Carding and
Spinning, Weaving, Fulling, Dying, etc., on short notice and
in the boot possible manner.
A Wide Loom has been put in for the purpose of Weav-
ing Double Blankets.
Be sure and wash your Wool well and secure
the :Highest Price.
Soliciting a share of your patronage,
I am, Yours Truly,
�VJ y. s����� tilal T1L
EYSDY ill/y, T THE
Special Bargains in Readylnade Clothing.
Serge Snits, New -Stock, Oily $4.00.
Halifax Tweed Suite, All Wool, Only $6,25.
'TV 7 . JJ PA 'Z's ONLY $1.00.
Prices Away Down on Fine Tweed and Worsted Suits,
Boy's Sailor 'Suits Only $1.00.
Don't Forget the Bargains we are giving in
Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Corsets and Parasols.
Our Boots and Shoes are good valve and we are cutting
the prices in all lines.
Full lines in Felt and Straw Hats, Ties, Collars,
C'uff's and Braces.
Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs.
It will pay you to get our prices before you buy.
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