HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-6-2, Page 3jgNr>a 2, 1893 OUB 'MODERN PUBLIC SO 00L, Ram it in, cram it in, Children's heads are hollow, Shun it in, jam it in, Still thorn's more to follow Jiygla to and history, Astronomic mystry, Algebra, histology, Latin, etymology, Botany, geometry, Greek and trigonometry ; Ram it in, ()ram it in, Children's Meade are hollow. Rap it in, tap it hi, What are teachers paid for ? Bang it in, Blain ib in, What aro children made for ? Ancient arehtology, Aryan philology, Prosody, zoology, Physics, climatology, Caloulue and mathemabios, Rhetoric and hydrostatics ; Hoaxit in, ooax it in,' Children's heads are hollow. Scold it in, mould it in, All that they can swallow ; Fold it in, hold it in, Still there's more to follow. Faces pinched, sad and pale, Tell the same nnvarying tale, Tell et moments robbed from eleep, Meals untested, studies deep ; Those who passed the furnace through With aching brow, will tell to you How the teacher crammed it in, Rammed it in, jammed it in, Crunched it in, punched it in, Rubbed it in, clubbed it in, Preeeed it and caressed it in, Repped it in and slapped it in, When their heads were hollow. A. C1)WV-IBO1P8 VIEWS. "Lots of folks that would really like to do right think that eervin' the Lord meaue shoutin' themselves hoarse praisin' Hie name. Now I'll tell you how I look at that. I'm workin' for Jim here. Now, if I'd sit around the house here 'Whin' what a good fellow Jim is and eiugin' swigs to bim and gettin' up in the night to serenade him when he'd rather sloop, I'd be doin' jest like what tote of Christians do, but I wouldu'b suit Jim and I'd get fired mighty quick. But ' when I buckle on my straps and hustle among the hills and see that Jim's herd is all right and not Bufferin' for water and feed, or boin' off the range and brand- ed by sow thieves, thou I'm eervin' Jim as he wants to be servocl. And if I was ridin' for the Lord I'd believe it waa His wish that I'd ride out In the ravines of darkness and the hills of sin and keels His herd from bein' branded by the devil and run off to where the feed was short and drinkin' holes in the creak all dry, and no cedars and pines for shelter when the blizzards cone. I don't see bowl'd be hatpin' the Lord t laid round satin , theremelt 'e out if 1'd jest up the grub I could get, and gettin' down on my prayer bones and taffyin' the Lord np and askitt' for more. The Bible sage somethin' somewhere, Pyo got the place marked with an non of diamonds, about how to serve the Lord by' feedin' and waterin' and dookiu' after the herd, and I'd think it would do lots of people good [ to read it over. When a critter has had his, moral nattre starved ever since he was a calf, end been let ran a human Maverick till the devil took pity on him, J look after -est slues aobod e o0 Y Ise didn't him and put his brand onhim so deep that even in the Spring, when the bait is longest, it's no tronble to tell to whose herd he belongs, it shows mighby plain that the oow pnnobers of the Lord has been huntin' salary harder than they've been huntin' souls. • An. Original Applicant. Last week, W. V. H. Stanford waver. Beed for e, dry goods clerk. Among the applicants was the following, peculiar enough to be noteworthy Poor Roneasoat, Oab. 18, 1892. Your favor in last evening's Mail want- ing dry goods salesman noted. Replying would say :-- Am single. Presbyterian. Aged 20 years. Temperate habits. Sootoh Canadian. Considered a hustler. Not afraid to work. Never naught napping. A good sign writer as well. Experienced at office work. Quick and accurate at figures. had over 10 years' experience in dry goods. Been with snub houses as A. Murray.8 Co. Hamilton. The highest of references. Limited experience at window dressing. No bad habits. No objeotion to ten dollars per week to start upou. Would be pleased to hear from you. Yours truly, --- --Renfrew eleroury. (lave Win! AS WANTED TKO MONEY. "Why no," said Me. Peck, the grocer, in a surprised tone, in reply to Benny Bloobumper's request. "I haven't any work I nun give you just now. How is it you are asking for something to clo ? A well-dressed boy like you done not often eek dor an odd job." "Oh, sit," replied Benny, "if yon bpi knew how anxious I am to earn a quarter you wonicl eurely give me a few orrande to perform:" "You can't be hungry, oan you ?" "Oh, no, alt. I have had my usual number of meals so far to -clay." "Do you want to give it to a pooe widow or to a blind man ?" "No, sir. I do not now recall any such poor -unfortunates; " "Do you want to pat it in the mission. ary.box." "No, sir. My parents provide me with money for that purpose." "You want to go to the minebnel Show, perhapd ?" "You have not yet guessed my need of the money, sir." "Then what fn'the world do yon want it Inc ?" "Ch, sir," replied the distressed boy, "my mother said she would cut my hear after supper tonight, and I am extreme. ly anxious to let the barber perform the work before that time," "My poor boy," replied the ggr0oer, deeply moved, "dome right in. i'll give you a quarter's worth of errands to run," Which he did. !1� SUNt'LOWJIR P IiLLOSOI'UX. A theory works all right until you try it. No man is old enough to liknowi some tillage. sOSi1L8l Women admire nature until it shows itself in a man, Every time people talk love they try to pass their brass money as gold. The more worthless man is the more Le likes to sit and spit on a hob stove. Every man tolls his oltildran that they must not do lobe of things he does him- self. Evart' man makes a little money grat- ing horseradish until he Wine putting turnip in it, In love affairs men make too wild statements and women aro too wild. in believing them. It is the disposition of most people when they gab any one's friendship to draw on ib at eight. Every women likes to hear her young mem talk about his ala and pa until she has married him. It is hard for a woman who has a big ironing to do to gab any one to sympathize with her title weather. Have you notioecl how soon you forget People when they die ? Well, peoplei will forget yon in the same way. • A woman who would rebel at the thought of obeying her husband never dreams of disobeying fashion, whose man- dato, are more tyrannical. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. New York city's payroll average nearly 546,000 a day. A man at Exeter, Me., who is worth $100,000 takes delight in leading a brass band as drum major. There is a man in Griffin Ga„ who is hoarding 91,000,000 of Confederate money in the,hope that it will bassos valuable soma day. The tracks of the great Atlantis liners between the United States and Great Britain are as accurately made out and followed as if they were bnilb on land, The temple of Ypsambul in Nubia is out from a solid rook, and its entrance is guarded by four stabutes, oath 66 feet high, 25 feet morose the shoulders, the face 7 foeb long, the ear over 8 feet. Ail round the 'oast of New Zealand there are a number of hot springs, sup- posed to be of volcanic origin, shooting up from the bottom of the sea. From a similar soothe oome the geysers of Ice- land. Near the equator and baward the poles the ocean is less salt than in other parts. This is uo doubt owing to the abundant rains at the equator and to the melting of the ios in the polar regions. The state capital of Texas is the largest state building in the United States and the seventh in size among the buildings in the world. It is a vast Greek cross of red Texas granite, with a central rotunda covered by a dome of 811 feet high. e g Oiliest Warren county, Tenn., lies a mo t ex. natty in the geograpioal center of the state, and its boundary is almost a com- plete circle. McMinnville, the county seat in very close to the ,geographical ()enter of the aounby, mud rows to the nourbltouee are radii. Ii0EJti:lli 5 T) if[:t'i`s. Scald woodemvare often, but keep bins dry. Place some vinegar 00 the stove to 0 o t fc ofing onions. lesson the odor Ono of the peouharibiea of the 0000annt. palm is that it never stands upright. 'n the tin box ripea lei Put a sound pp with your fruit suite, and the !attar will keep witbout becoming orumbly or dry. A single plant of purslane has been known to produce 088,800 seeds, the thistle 60,866 and the plantain 42,200 seeds in a single season. Oil paintings may be cleaned by wash- ing them with a sponge and drying theta by rubbing them with a sponge. and drying them with a silk handker- chief. I4 ie a mistake to plant the cottonwood poplar in cities. It lives but a few years and destroys other vegetation by its in• satiab'e appetite for all the moisture within reach. In the Yosemite valley the "Father of the Forest," n fallen tree 800 feet long and several centuries old, has been hol- lowed out, so that for a distance of 60 yards a man can walk upright inside of it. ' To keep out roses au authoriby recent. mends changing the water bwioe a day and slipping the ends of the stems at oath changing. Use cool, not oold, water. Put white and yellow roses near the window ; set the veees holding the red and pink roses in a dark corner of the room. This grease eradicator made the for- tune of more than one most before the secret of its composition was discovered ; Two ouneea ammo015, one ounce nast- ile soap shavings, one gnat salt water, one teaspoonful saltpeter. Whenever you have ocoaseiou to pack away silk or woolen goods whish you are afraid may turn yellow, break up a few sakes of white beeswax and fold the pie. me loosely in old handkerchiefs that are worn thin. Pines these among the goods. O \YICdiltE SILtd11111 MOONS. "There is a place down Soubh where one eau hear the heart of a man six feet away beat distinobly and clearly. Bach systole and diastole ns as unmistakeable as the biok of a mantle °look." The speaker was s travelling man, and he was addressing a half dozen loungers in a store. Six wisietles of inoredulity from as many throats answered him. "It id a fast. I'll awear to it. Thous- ands of people who have been there are witnesses to it," he Resorted. One by one they sorrowfully departed, until the last one, who said sadly l "John, a bit of advice : Let your lies be probable." "Well, if that don't beat all I" declared the travelling man to the bar tender. "what ?" "Why, they won't believe me l" He of the bar rubbed his hair the wrong way and looked puzzled. "Well," said he, "tell m0 abort it, and 1'11 see if I can believe you." "If I had told you all that I bad caught a forby'pound bass you'd have believed it, but when I toll a orae tale I'm made out Munchausen, or something worse" "Come, give it to me 'straight," said the bar tender, "We down in the Mammoth Cavo, iron. Welty. Onr guide stopped our patty by the shore Of the Vibe river and made us put out our lanterns, 'that. We wore in THE BRUSSELS POST darkneee which might boj bolt, It 'wes the dltritest place in the world. Well, the Idiot (oat hie matobes, and there wasn't one to be had among us all. Soared wasn't the word. We were three miles underground. Piss guide co•nssur- ed us by deolaring that relief must be had in a few.houre at most. That didn't reoonoilo us mesh, We etayed there ten mortal hours before it searoh party Rent out from the hotel reached us. Then ib Was as we cat in the darkneee, we observed the hearts beat - not only our own, but those of our com- panions. Wo thought it was all due to the thumping that ammo of our soar°. It wasn't though, For after we were found and on our way out, we tried it and learned that ib was possible anywhere in the Dave, Bo great is the awful silence," Yurieties. "Sunttxnvuzn 1" exclaimed Ido. Stag- gers as he sot down his empty beer glass, "shsntlemen, the oohing woman ish a subjeot which has engroshed my thoughts for sotus time." The bear glass alluded to was the sixth which Mr. Staggers bad emptied. "Tho coming woman," Mr. Staggers went on, will be a oreeturo of independent action (hie). She will think for herself and act for hereelf. Waiter, beers all around I" After moistening hie idea. Dlr. Staggers proee¢ded-"The Doming woman, shentlomen, will not jump et the (hie') sight of a moush, or 0000 a rat. Indeed, I may say that even man himself, the lord (hio) of creation, will inspire no terror in her breast." xlt this portion of the spseoh the door open. ed and Mrs. Staggers entered. She said nothing when she found him, but as soon as she naught his eyes she pointed to the door. Mr. Staggers arose, looked first at her, then at the door, then at his ooln- panions, then he moved toward the door, observing as he went-"Shentleman, the coming woman (bio) has arrived. Sho long." And he was gene. TO LICIINfiP TNSr$IETOatS. The following eir0alar letter bas been issued by the Provinoial;Treasurer to the inspectors under the liquor license laws : "Toronto, May 22. -Sm, -During the present session of the Legislature, state- menbs were made in the ;coarse of debate accusing license inspeotore and oom- miasioners of partizanship in the matter of granting lloenees, of unduly infineno• ing hotel -keepers in time of elections, as well as of wilful neglect of duty general- ly. These statements were for the moat general, indefinite and intangible. Two or three instances of neglect of duty were specifically pointed to, and as to these searching enquiry is now being made. While too much weight is nob to be at- taohed to general and indefinite state- ments uttered in the heat of petition.' debate and founded mostly or wholly upon mere hearsay evidence, and in re• spool, of which the member or person making the statement does not claim to haveera Onal knowledge, and whileI am fully satisfied that the inspeotore and commissioners generally aim at an honest and efficient discharge of their duty, I feel called upon to direct your at- tention to the statements referred to, as reported in the ppblio press, end to re. rood you that the government will con- tinuo to firmly insist ell a strict com• pliance on the part of all its officials with the letter and spirit of the law. Turbher, in view of the statements made, it is my duty to remind you that political considerations should nob be allowed to enter into or influence the administra- tion of the law (if, as is alleged, they have heretofore found any plane in that adneinistrati i but bt t that they should h y she d stand aside, and that the law should bo administered impartially and without re- ference to such considerations. A strict ieveetigation into any irregularity, neglect of duty or charge of misoonduet will be promptly held, and those of its officials who are shown to be neglectful of duty, careless, partial or inoompetent, will not be retained in office. I have the honor to ,be, sir, your obedient servant, Monsen HAltOomrr. It is thought that Nellie Doughty, aged twelve, who was badly burned by fire- crackers at Welland on Queen's birthday, will die of her injuries. George Drake, a young man about 20 years of age, left Baysville early Friday morning with a companion, Angus Mo. Mutton, for Slater's Palle, where they were engaged with a gang of men driving logs for Male & Dyment. The current, which is very strong, caused their canoe to oapeize at Ferry's Rapids, but both managed to reach, shore, and were soon again on their way. They had only pro- ceeded a short distance, ho:vever, when their barque upset again. McKinnon euoweeded in getting to shore, but Drake, after clinging to the canoe for several minutes, went clown anti did not appear on the 'Indium again. T HAND: In a dangerous emergency, Avtr.'s Ctis:Rnv .PocxotAt, is prompt to act ;utd sure to cure. A dose taken on the first sytnptonts of Croapor Bronchitis, checks further progress of these complaints. It softens the phlegm, soothe the in- flamed membrane, and induces sleep. Asti remedy for colds, coughs, loss of veins, la grippe, pneumonia, and even consumption, in its early stages • AYE '8 Cherry Pectoral excels all similar preparations. It is endorsed by leading physicians, is agree- able to the taste, does not interfere with digestion, and needs to be taken usually in small doses. "lrrs,n ropealed tests in my awn family, Ayor'a Cherry Pectoral has proved tself a very efficient remedy for colds, soughs noel Out venous dis- orders of tho throat and lungs."—A, w, Bartlett, Pittsfield, N. H. 'For the latit al' years I InWe bean taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral tot. lung troubles, and am assured that its use has aved My Life I have recommended it to hundreds. I find the most effective way of taking this medicine is in small and. frequent dosser—T, M. Matthews, P. M., Sherman, Ohio. . My wits suffered from a cold ;'nothing' helped her but Ayers Cherry Pectoral whim nffeCtad a cure."—R. Amaro, Plymplon, N. S. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr, 7, C. Ayer Ile Co., Lowell Mass. Prompt to act, sure to cure fcLEO D'S $ atom ne iov"dato ' •• —ANL 000111------• TESTED REiIEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Por Impure, Weals and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplseanoss, Palpate" tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Nsur• algia, Loss of Memory, Bronaltibis, Oon- sumptlon, Wall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Menem, St, 'Vitas' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility, LABORATORY 8ODERICH1 ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Seta by 1. '1', PEPPER, Drugglsb, Brussels, Confederation Life DAIRY:E 67. We have a Large Stook of MILK CANS, CREAMERY CANS, MILK PAILS, STRAINER PAILS, MILK PAN S, SAP PANS, Sec,, All made of First-class Material. Roofing and Eave Troughing Attended to. TBE BRUSSELS STOVE .712ErN. 8ALLdPd"i'YSdE & 1LTO'L Association. Head Olive : TORONTO. Capital and Assets, $5,000,000 Now Insurance, 1802, $3,670,000 Insurance at Risk, $22,565,000 Policies Non -Forfeitable and In- disputable after two years. Gains for 1892 over 1891 in In- surance, Written, $755,000, Or over 25 per sent. Insurance at Risk, 1)1,978,000 Or Nearly10 1 per cent. 1 Assurance Income, $48,678 In Assets, - $439,878 W. H. K-RIRR, AGENT, BRUSSELS. I have opened out a primo stock of now Confectionery, Fruits, Nuts, Canned.Goods, Tobaccoes, Cigars, &c., in the Ya stono B1oo1 5 OYSTERS Cooked, Raw or by the Glass. Tot Tea and Coffee Served at all Hours. Lunch Room. Everything neat, clean, and sold at close prices. Pickles by the Bottle or Quart. Salt and Fresh Fish. JAS, 1Y1oALPINE. THDSi FLETCRER, l-"i'aebical Watchmaker and Jeweler. Thanking the publio•for post favors and support and wishing still to secure year patronage, we are opening out.Tul1 Lines in GOLD AND. SILVER WATC H S. Silver Plated Ware from Ilstablishad and Reliable Makers fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest -Designs JEWELRY I WIIDDIlIG 1i$t40e, LAmos Gast Panes, Bn000nes, nutmeats, deb. KS -Also a Full Twine of VroDrne and Violin Strings, sic,, in stook. NRA -assurer of ;Marring° Licenses. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. Gel lid GRAINIER 3 c.6) u 7 ez gLdj 7a RUSSELS FU?NITURB EF;JLPORIUW! FURNITURE ! FURNITURE i As House Cleaning is at baud that is the time there is always something wanted in my line. A Bedroom or Parlor Suite, au old Lounge done over and made as good as new, o1' some of our new Patent Winslow Shades required. I halve the largest and best assorted stock in the County and as I bay for spot cast] I defy competition. Look at some prices :— Good Kitchen Chairs for 30e. ; good Parlor Chairs for 55e. ; good Rocking Chairs for 90c. ; Bedroom Suites for $7.00 and upwards ; Sideboards for $5 00 and upwards ; Bedsteads for $1.35 and up- wards ; Parlor Suites for $25,00 and upwards. Everything sold at Very lova. Prices far 30 Day; During house cleaning time. The invoice of a now and well assort- ed stock of CURTAIN POLES to hand—Stook here in a few days. 3 Curtain Poles all complete, a new design in ends, for $1.00. WINDOW SHADE iS ! It will never pay you to put up your old Winslow Blinds. Come and see my Spring Shades, nothing but the best Cloth and Springs used. They are, by far, the cheapest considering the length of time they wear. Put up and warranted to work at very Low Prices. UNDERTAKING 1 keep a complete stock in all -its branches, As the waren fveather is coming 011 now is the time an Embalmer is required. Having taken Diploma on embalming at Toronto Medical School from Professor Renouard, all -work intrusted to mo will ba properly and promptly attended to either night or clay. ORGANS and PIANOS !! I buy instruments for spot cash and buy thele right. As I do not peddle them from door to door and do not pretend to run tllet i alone as a business (having lots of room and no expense) therefore I can give the ptiblie the benefit of close prices. Don't buy until you get my Figures. R. Leatherdale. Special Attention to Repairs,