The Brussels Post, 1893-5-26, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST CURRANT -AND- - GOO SE.BERRY Bushes will soon suffer if yon clo :not apply some remedy. Our Hellebore is guaranteed to kill the wormsthat so quickly eat off the loaves. When Thirsty or Faint try a glass of our JERSEY MILK SHAKE —08 --- JERSEY BUTTERMILK. Either will Refresh and Strengthen you. G. A. DEAD1t[AN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: G0IN0 Soumn, GOING NORTcc. flail 722 a.m. 1 Mixed 0195 a.m. Express 11:09 a.m. Mail 5:13 pan. faxed 8:50 p.m. Express 90 p,m. D.cat .cies Items, A chiefs amnng ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. NExr Thursday will be the let of all WJt. AISLET i8 },working in the Veins factory in Listowel, ?Sessile. CLEGG & DAMES shipped a ear of fine cattle on the Queen's Birthday. 3. G. S3u1NE has purchased a fine ti r� right piano. It is Gerrard H'eintzc" to manufacture. Miss, Wu. MAnx1N has a oaotus in blesm on which are 20 beautiful flowers in lid• clition to a number of buds. REcnurxs are asked for in counec" ,n with Brussels Volunteer Co. so ae to get ready for camp on June 20tb. TEE wind of a recent date rather Is. molished the high board fence on he West side of the Driving Park. DR. CAVANAGH refereed a gams of 'sot ball between Listowel and Gorr: • at Harriston on the Queen's e Birtl..lay. Listowel won by 2 to 1. Done forget the public meeting i.. the Counoi] chamber on Friday oveninc 0f this week, at 8 o'clock, to arrange for Dominion Day celebration. R, G. VINCENT has just received the papers in connection with the patent for Isis wire spring mattress. Ib appears to be what the pnblio have been waiting for. Mus. T. HALL threatens legal proceed. Ings against several persons in town for Statements she says were made oonoern- ing bar in the recent discussion over the transfer of the Revere .House license. Tim windows of Mrs. Ballantyne & Sou's egg emporium, A Carrie's butolier shop, R. N. Barrett's barber shop, and James McAlpine's store are tastefully decorated with beautiful house plants. Hrsonsaxn.-The Queen's Birthday was oelebl'ated by William Garness and Miss Mary Ann Watson, both of Morris town- ship, by having the matrimonial bow tied by Rev. R.'Paul, of Brussels. The -ceremony was performed at the residence of the offxoiabing minister, T. A. HAworss leaves next Monday for the World's Fair, Chicago, where lie purposes spending a couple of weeks. Some folios say T. A. may not come home alone. Mrs. Mose will take charge of the organ in St. John's church during hie c absen e . Os Monday of this s week G. A. Dead- man shipped to Wm. Ralph, a Jersey breeder of Markham, the $100 Jersey cow recently advertised in THE PosT. Mr. Deadman thinks she should have been retained in this sootion by someone interested in dairying. 9000 lbs. of milk a year is over double what the average Ontario cow gives, saying nothing of the extra quality. She should therefore be worthmorethan twice as much. OBIT. -Mrs. ((Rev.) Samuel Salton, who died at the Ruttiven, Essex Co., Metho- dist parsonage on Friday of last week, was the eldest daughter of Rev. J. Lea- royd, of Sarnia, and was united in mar- riage to her now bereft partner about 16 years ago, She bad been ailing for ties, oral years but not confined to bed nntil four months ago. Two daughters are left to bear fond reoolleetions of their departed mother. Mrs. Salton proved a helpmeet indeed to her husband and was universally beloved by the parishioners. 'The funeral took plane on Sunday after. noon, Rev. Jasper Wilson, M. A., of 7fiugsville ; Rev. George Jackson. of Leamington; and Rev. ', G. Failis, of Cottam, taking part in the service. INVITED TO CENTRAL METHOD/ST 0E1:1noH, STsATSORD.-The following item taken from the Stratford Daily Herald of May 23rd, needs no explanation :-At a meet- ing of the Quarterly Official Board of Nile church last evening, the pastor in• timated that it was his intention to apply to the President of the conference to be given another station next year, and after a short discussion the following resolution, moved by John Weigh and E. J: Begley wee unanimously adopted :- "Resolved, -That tine Board receives the resignation of the Rev. J. W. Holmes, conscious of .the fact that we are parting j• with a pastor wile has disohargod his duties faithfully, Ho line evidenced dur• ing his earner with us a deep interest in the spiritual welfare of , ho church, cul' minat n 'n i 1 a revival through rou h which g bob 73 young peo le confessed Chu' at as their Saviour and are enrolled as members. We also recognise that the condition 01 the material gide of the church 11ae .beets well sustained, the treasurer reporting a surplus in the bans, 3100 of which ie hereby tendered Aft. Holmes as an sxpresoion of our es-, teem and goodwill." Subsequently an- other resolution was indented 1c bo for- warded to the Stationing Committee r'espeeting.coking that Rev. G. F. Salton, now looatecl at Brn8sei0, bo appointed to the pastorate. B. GERRY baa had an addition built bo the ltitobsn of his residence. Wer, Mxoalan is the proud possessor of a Carlisle foal that is said to be a dandy, ANomltzn oar load of (tattle was slipped from Brussels last Monday to the East- ern markets. TnL*13E was quite a heavy frost on Thursday night of last week. It did not do much damage. Is blossoms are an indioation of fruit there should be an abundant yield of plums next fall, IT is reported that W. Nightingale will remove his stook from New Hamburg to Alliston where he will run a large store. Tina oougrabuletions of TEE POST are tendered to our former townsman, Jno. Hargreaves, of Toronto. It le it B05 boo. LAST week James Walker, carriage maker, Bold a Handsome Miltedo buggy with a canopy top, to I. 0. Richards of this town. THE Band turned ons last Friday even- ing and again on Wednesday morning and played quite a number of airs in good style. A MAD steer belonging to a shipment being made by Messrs, Clegg & Dames last Wednesday lead its owner and sev- eral other men a lively race in Brussele for a time. RAILROAD men are of the opinion that 00 aoaoant of the World's Fair traffic there will be few, if any, local exoureiooe this summer, as all the available oars will be required for through travel. DxSTRICT Sunday School Convention in Brussels on Tuesday 01 next week. There will be three sessions, at 10 a. m, in the Methodist church ; 1:30 iu Knox church; aid 7:80 -in Melville churoh. Every Sunday school worker is strongly urged to be present and take port in the program, DIr. Day, the Po,ovivaial Secretary. will be present. A LAiios tarantula was discovered on a bunch of banannas in John Grower's grocery last Monday forenoon and after a Roel, obese was despatohed. The insect is beteg preserved in alcohol. It is said three two legged "tarantulas" visited the store of J. Earner last Friday night and helpe:l themselves quite generously to bana:.nae, cigars, &o. It will be a dear treat it the theft is brought home to the partic t. ErsenannLnaoUE.-Owing to the no- avoid.ble absence of the pastor the topic of til, League last Monday evening was changed to a missionary evening. After deem. ,nal exercises the following pro- gram was presented: -Beading, "The Home Missionary," Thurso, Gerry ; duet', "The Master stood in His garden," 111000.4 Hoare; reading, "Jiinmie's first moot y," Dora Natit ; duets, "Holy Bibb.," Miss Sarah and Wesley Currie ; readied, "Better go to -night," 3. J. Ball ; duebt, "0n the banks of the beautiful river, ° Misses Sharp; recitation, "Katie's appeal to the Missionary Society," Norah Maunders ; closing hymn "A better day is coming." QUEEN'S BxrTHDAT. The Queen's Birth- day passed by very quietly iu town ex- cepting when the small boy did the fire cracker soars. A number of our citizens went to Mount Forest to witness the foot ball match between the club of that town and Brussels. It was a stubbornly con- tested game resulting in a draw, 1 to 1. Wingham attracted soars of oar towns- people also but the program of sports there was rather of the fake order. If some of the young lads who made them- selves so conspiouous from the effects of grog had been well trounced when they got home a much needed lesson would have been taught. It was simply die - graceful and should not be permitted. Business Locals. Fon finest photos go to Strong's. Alseen paints in new colors. B. Gerry. SEED potatoes, 20 cents per bushel at McCracken's. Goon buggy tope away down in price at B, Gerry's. GET your buggy painted at Jae. Walk. er'e, Brussels. HEavresT and latest style of dairy cans at B. Gerry's. SEE Williams' new buggies. Their prioes will surprise p se you. rE t S o AL drives in shirtless and d sot on t - ades at Ferguson & Halliday's. DID you see Williams,& Sons new bug- glee 2 The finest line of the season. PocreS for spraying fruit trees and bushes only $2.00 each at B. Gerry's. Ger your buggy tope repaired or cover- ed over new at Jas. Walker's, Brussels. Yoaao cow for sale, supposed in calf. Apply at the THE POST Publishing House. Warn Pavene.-A few of those lovely parlor patterns still left at W. Roddiok's. CALL and see those beautiful delalnette that we are gelling at 1210., fact colors. Ferguson & Halliday's. Ir you want a new set of wheels on your buggy go to Jas. Walker's, Brus- sels. Fon the best assorted stook of window blinds and spring rollers go to W. Rod. dicks. ISN'T that a lovely picture ? Where did you have it taken ? Why at Strong's, of course. WINO w shades, the largest assortment in town and prices right, at W. Redo dicks. ADL shades of alabaetine for house clean- ing. Also a lot of good carpet felting. B. Gerry. Warren & EwAN are building three styles of road Darts. Call and see them before you buy. 12 SARD5 extra heavy factory cotton for $1.00, regular pride 80. at Ferguson & Halliday's. NOTHING but high grade photos are Made in our studio. H. J. Strong, Photographer. jun received this week -ten pieces of the latoat novelties in veiliags at Ferguson & Halliday's. ANOTIxzn lot of those spring window shades just arrived. This is the third lot this Spring ab Leatherdale's. SEE our kid gloves; we keep all the hest mases. Our evened line at 60a, is grand value, Ferguson & Halliday, Mx gallery having been repaired I am now in first•a lass shape to e do excellent work at tea nttb eo le•at s. t d H. b. Strong. Bans CARnxAeEa.---0I. Dennie hall re. ceived a fine range of baby earsiagse- the latest and beet -which will be sold at low figures. Wonsn'e FAea.-Jamoe Walker has de. aided not to send any of his first•olass Lige to the World's Fair but will eon thein all at home. Winn/ purchasing window eludes insist on, getting the genuine Hartshorn spring rollers and take 00 othore. In stook at W. Itoddioll's, NAY 2G, 1893. LADrne I Have yon seen • Loatherdale's ourtain poles 2 over a gross of them 00101 tide wagon, The wonder is how be sells Wein 50 amp. Ilr you want anything in the furniture line, pianos, organs, pin/Are framing, window shades or eurtain pole/ you ebould oall and see Leatherdale's stook, the most complete stook in the county, Ir yon ere not buying your hosiery and gloves from us you are missing some: extra values lie we have a opeoial line ill ladiee eines, 811, 6, that we are selling at 1210., guaranteed fast blank. Ferguson re Halliday. IN all cages cohere a mild but efsotive aperient le needed Ayer'o' Pills are the beet. They improve the appetite, restore healthy aotion, promote digestion and regulate every funotion. No pill is in greater demand or snore highly recom- mender] by,tbe profeesien, Tian vast facilities of the J. 0. Ayer Co., of Lowell, Maes„ enables them to plane The Superior Blood Purifier- Ayer's Sarsaparilla -within easy reach of the poorest invalid. Dont be induced to take a "cheap" substitute. Always re. member that the best is the cheapest. WELL-DIeenie imp DatmLmo,-George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insers satisfaction. Wells oleanod out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west aids of Turnberry st., Brussels. 34.10 11HEp5LlTie51 Celine IN A Dar. -South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically Duras in 1 to 8 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterioue. ib re- moves ab 01100 the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 70" cents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. I navE the largest stock of upholstered goods such lie parlor suites and lounges that I ever had whish will be soli very cheap. Note this a8 all you can see 111 upholstered goode is the cover. Any per- son ]laving bought anything in this line from me if it has not given good. satisfaction I will upholster thein over again for nothing. R. Leatherdale, THE blov'r DESIRABLE Hone von Ent. GRANTS rS TEE Wonm..-I look upon the Canadian Northwest as the most desir- able field in America, if not in the world, for intending settlers of the right kind from the Maritime Provinces, that is, those trained to agriculture, whether farmers or farm hands, married men with families and means, or young men with yo.,nc women without Menne, to every one who ie able and willing to work there is abundance of room and oppor- tunities to better their condition. Onaa• MAnarzE, Formerly of Heatherdale, P. i6, I. THE Yoxe CASs. -Kingston, May 22nd. -The big ferry steamer "Pierrepont" hos parried many a visitor to Wolfe Island recently to interview L. Yost, a farmer of that island, whose wonderful oure by Dodd's kidney pills wan recently published in these columns. The publi• cation of so many marvellous cures had already excited much interest in this community, and now that we have proof of what has been said of this remedy at our very doors it is talked of on all sides. ISIr. Yott's case was one that had excited the pity and anxiety of everyone for many years and now that he is well and strong the people are not only much grafi• fled with the result but interested in the inoontestable proof that Dodd's kidney pills certainly strike right at the seat of the diseases for which they are room. mended and are certain in their results. asom.n0 - Ouner.-Iu Brussels, on May 14th, the wife of Mr, Thos, Curry of a laugh. ter. Nonny, -In Listowel, on May 18th, the wife of Mr. H• 33. Morpby, barrister, of a daughter. DARLING. -In Listowel, on May 18th, the wife of Mr, J. L. Darling, barrister, of a BOIL INNEe.-Tu Morrie, on May 23rd, the wife of Mr. Walter Inose of a daughter. HAneuEA oust In Paisley, 19h on Friday, t inst., the wife of Mr. John Har- greaves, of the firm of Hargreaves Bros., Toronto, formerly of Brussels, of a son. M.d.ZZFZI�7a, GARNEss-WaTeON.-On May 124tH, at Victoria Cottage, Brussels, by Rev. R. Paul, Mr. Wm. Garness to Mies Mary Ann Watson, both of Morrie. RIOEARDBON-CAMPBELL.-In Grey, On May 23rd, by Rev. D. Forrest„ Mr. Thomas Richardson, of Seafortll, to Miss Kate, daughter of the late Geo. Campbell, 18th con. Grey. WHITE-WILLIS.-On May 17, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. J. Galloway, Mr. Geo. H. White, of Tuokeramith, to Mise Ella F. Willie, daughter of Mr. Robert Willis, Seaforbh. WALKER-WILtAtIooN.-At the residence of the bride's parents, Grey, on May 24th, by Rev. W. Ottewell, Mr. Geo. L. Walker, of Eaet Wawanoah, to Miss Jennie B,, second daughter of Mr. Thomas Williamson, of Grey. EOEM[an-HALO•-A1 the residence of the bride's parents, Grey, on May 24th, by Rev. George Baker, of Crediton, assisted by Rev. H. A. Newoombe, of Ethel, Mr. George Eokmier, of Jamestown, to Miee Hannah, third daughter of Mr. Wil- liam Hall, of Grey. WErTE.-In North Dumfries, on Sunday, May 14th,Thomas White, aged 81 years, 11 mouths and 2 daye. SALTON.-In Bnthven, Essex Co., on the 19th inst., Lily, beloved wife of Rev. S. Salton, aged 36 years. 1050170110107...,0 xaar5 10' 01. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat ,. Peas os Oats Butter, tubs and rolls ub..., Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel,......., Potatoes Hay per ton ,. Salt per bbl., retain,. Hides trimmed Hides rough...,.....,, Sheep skins, atoll Lamb eking each Apples per bag.. ; Pork 62 68 80 55 28 10 9 8 00 40 100. 3,1 3 66 50 17 7 00 64 60 35 00 80 00 00 8 60 60 00 00 1 f0 00 7 50' ST,r4ND41-W B,i1NIi" Off C4N�2.D4. 0=7OW..a.anT+TSF;37-79 9.872. HEAD OFFIOE, - TORONTO, ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) 07,000,000 CAPITAL (A.ubhorizsd) • - - 02,000,000 Ageuciesfn ailprincipafoyloialts inkOntarriiio,, Quebec, 1l1aniitobba, ihiited States id England. gdd''�!�'9tA.J,r940 v�'JdAeu'47r^Tli• A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmere' Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued and Oolleotioue made on ail points, SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 01.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SrEaTAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO eros COLLECTION Or FARMERS' SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Cnstoiners living at a distance, n W. D. HART, MANAGER, CrILLIES & SMITE, IT , BR,USSFLS, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts 13ought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMEB$' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com. pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Prinoi pal at the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. We circa to -write Insurance in old latgllall or Canadian Companies, or In Nut - lila! Companies as inn3' be desired. AGENTS FOR CANADA AND UNITED STATES : THE C,iN.toxAN BANE or 0o1nrsnoE. liven, N. E., May 22. -Cheese -Sales, 1,080 boxes at 911o, 586 boxes at Jgo, 1,092 boxes at Jin, 78 boxes at 911c, 1,818 boxes on commission, 81 paokages of creamery butter at 22o. LrTTLE FALLS, N. Y., May 22. -Cheese -Two thousand two hundred and twenty boxes at 810, 144 boxes at 8110, 225 boxes at 90, 146 boxes 0}c, 2,009 boxes at 00, 140 boxes at OSS, 1,9120 boxes 011 commis - sloe, 064 boxes dairy at 8o to Ogo, bulls at 91c, 76 packages of creamery butter at 20e to 210, 16 packages of dairy butter at 100 to 210. Tonolamo, May 22. -Flour, straight rol- ler, 02.90 SO $3.10 ; extra, $2:65 to 32.70. Wheat, wbite, 67e to 680 ; No. 2 spring, 680 to 64c ; red winter, 070 to 68c ; goose, 62o to 850 ; No. 1 Man. hard, 870 to 880 No. 2. 85o to 860 ; No. 8, 810 to 820 ; frosted No, 1, 700 to 71o. Pens, No. 2, 680 to 60o. Barley, No. 1, 41e to 42c ; No, 2, 37o to 8711c ; No. 3 extra, 84o to 36e ; No. 3, 80o to 82c. Oats, No. 2, 37o to 8 8 c. BnITIell LIVE Sonic bfAREETs.-John Swan & Sons, Edinburgh, in their week- ly report of May 12, say :-Thera have been large supplies of fat cattle on offer this week. Best qualities have been sold at about lash weelt's pricer., lint secondary bare been rather cheaper. Sheep have been offered in smaller, numbers and they met in active trade at advauoed rates, ewes especially being dear. Fat lambs, if good, are easily sold at satis- factory prices. Good quality calves in good demand at rather higher prices. Piga met a quieter trade at prices the turn in favor of buyers, Store sheep have mot with little inquiry this week at lower rates, and at the finish a consider- able number were left unsold. Store cattle have been offered in large num- bers. The best qualities have -net e fairly satisfactory trade with an easy clearance, but secondary classes diffioult to sell. Milk cows have met a trade similar to last week. Beet beef, 7e 9d to 85 per stare ; best mutton, Sad to 9d per lb. ; clipped, 733 per lb. EAST BUFFALO, N. Y., May 22nd. -Cat- tle -106 oars on sale ; market active ; irregular, but generally 100 to 25o higher; exporters bought at 05.40 to $5.75, as to quality. Feb butchers 4.75 to 05.30 light to medium, $4.1D t 0 $4.66 •mixed, t0 33.75 34.40 ; stockers, $3.25 to $3.60 feeders, 08.50 to $4.25 ; 15 care milk cows and springers 013 Bale were lower by 32 to 33 per head. Calves -400 bead on Bale ; ehoioe to fanny, $G to $6.25 ; good, 35.25 to 35.75. Sheep and lambs -60 care on sale ; native, higher ; the best lambs brought 37.25 and good lots 07, while the ordinary, common lambs ruled only about 10o stronger than yesterday. Sheep were in fair supply and not iu a8 active enquiry as lambs ; state also sold higher, generally at en advance of 10o from Saturday, the faireet sheep bringing 35.66, and one load 36.70, with fair to good sheep at 55.85 to 35,60. Hogs -70 care on sale ; slow ; lower ; packers took a fairly liberal number of hogs, paying $7,75 for a good proportion of them, and $'1,89 to $7.89 to $7.85 for the best ; fair to good weight Yorkers Bold at $7.65 to 37.70, with the light weight Yorkers at only about 5o lees than the good weights; light weights and lots with the pigs in sold at $7.60 to 37.65, with the best sorbs at 37.70. Pigs sold at 37.64 to 37.63 as a rale ; a few choice white pigs and select. ed stook pigs at 37.70 ; roughs, 36.50 to 37,75, and stags, 36,25 to 35,50. Menem, Que., May 22. -There were about 500 head of butchers' cattle, 500 calves, 300 sheep and lambs and 100 lean hogs and suolting pigs offered at the Eaet End Abattoir today. The butchers were out in largo numbers, but trade in cattle was slow, with prioes rather lower than the low prices of Thursday. Shippers wore not buying any today au they have no epaoe to fill just now, and the prices of cattle are rather lower on Brinell mar- lcete. The best butchers' cattle sold at about 411e per Ib., a few very aboiee ones malting 4Se per lb. ; pretty good stock sold at from 83o to 41o, with rough and half -fatted beasts at from 3300 to 53o per 1b. There were eoveral large bulls on the market today which were sold at from 8110 to 8Ie per lb. The prions of calves have still a downward tendency, common v alb selling t from32 t e g a 0 34 each, and Jo g $ nod ones at from $ 5 to $ 8 molt Joseph Richard bou'httwo good caives for 316 and three others for 319, Sheep wore slightly higher in price ; blips Bolling at about 410 per lb,, and there are very few good unshorn sheep Doming to the mar- ket now. Lambe are declining in priori and 011 at from 32,60 to 35,60 atoll, Fat. hogs aro pretty high priced ; 000 hoge selling at 7o to 71o. per Ib„ while quarter of a cent mein for those jeer come off the oars. `.dere wag quite a variety of ]can porkers on rho market today, and prices of time ranged from 03 15 310. BICYCLE FOB SALE.-SEO- OND band, Cushion tyro, at a bargain, Wheel only ran s months and is good as new, A, OOUSLEY, Brussele, TOTIOE I The Connell of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Court House, Goderieh, on Tuesday. June 6158, at 15 o'clock I1.In, Acoeunte against OM Coun- ty must be presented on or before the first day of meeting, Dated May W. LANE, Clerk. 25, 1803. FOR SALE OR RENT. -0011I-• PORTABLE house on 11111 street Brun - eels, for sale or to rent, i• acre of 3000 d, with good well and iambic on premises. For fur- ther particulars apPlYp to JOSEPH CLEGG, Brussels, or to JOHN BR0AD7005, 2 doors Nast of aforesaid house, 11- }JOUSJOS FOR SALE. -FOUR e houses in on Tu commodious S., aro or aratht ie Nos.11, 10, 17 and 18, with each there is a garden plot. They are offered at 8025 each. Tiro purchase mono, to be paid about Oob. let, 1898. Title is good. Per further partic- ulars apply to A.1l 005311tE, No. 18, Torraoe Brussels, or REV. W. NORTON,: •43-5 Mount Forest. Tenders Wanted. Monday, Ju ei5the ,lforethee 130115ing 00 a Wank for fire protection purposes, at the corner of Turnberry and ()bomb, streets, Brussels. Tenders asked for either brink or stone, con- tractor to furnish all material, Plana and specifications maybe seen by applying to the Clerk. The lowost or any tender's not necessarily accepted. P. S. SCOTT, Village Clerk. COURT OF REVISION. VILLAGE OP BRUSSELS, tea Village:of that the the year1893, Will be held iu the Town Hall, on R111Nb.1X, June 5111, 1893, nt 7030 p. n1. A11 perilous interested will plea o take no- tice and aft. accordingly. P, S. SCOTT, Clerk. COURT OF REVISION. TOWNSHIP OF GREY. Notice is herebygiventhat the Muniolilpal Council Grey, Oona Y of Huron will ale tea court of Re r V s10n at ro'VyNainP HALL ,DTHEL, on Frlelny, May Nth, 1803, n110 a, 100. Parties interested will govern themselves, accordingly. WM. SP2NObl, Cleric. Volunteers' ./Ittention t A number of reornite are wanted to attend the Military Camp whiab opens at London on the 2503. June next. New uniforms have. particulars issued to the Brussels Company. Par Brussels or to fie undersigned t DICKSON, , uselCommandiingBslls Captain. REAL ESTATE. rARMS FOR SALE. -THE UN. Salo and to rent, ONEDass y terms in FILMS ow ellipppe Of Morris and Grey:. F S. SOOTT,Bruesels. 87-11. (]VOICE FARM FOR SALE.- J Being south half Lot 27, eon. 0, Morris,, 155 acres, nearly all cleared. Good buildings, line youngbearing orchard. Immediate pos. seeaton. Easy Terms, Ap ly to tt- W. M. SIN OLAIR, Solicitor, &o., Brussele• 200 ACRE oFARM FOR SALE. and 12,.eon 10, Grey, 10 offered for sale�t 108 aeroa are cleared and the balance well tiro. bared.. Buildings nrst-oi age. Orchard, well, &b. Sohooi house within 40 'rods. Poses• shin given at 0008 if desired, Por further particulars as to price terms, &c. apply -to 9•tf MRS. WAtBE11t, or NELSON 13RI01)1R, on 10.0,0 vibe P. 0, OPLENDiD FARM FOR BALE. L3 BEING lots 11 and 10, Oon.15, Township of Grey. County of Huron, - aontalnin '205 mares, the property of the late Jelin Robert, son, 159 ming olear0d and free from ob. strnctiou lr, s 000805bush .t xea timber balance partly cleared. Soli clay loam, mostllemma ,ro111vg, ed by with welts 5 5 0. spring pial wore. by two wells and g. hpring pitiVl ego. ,Oodshed tt. dwelling 00shouse, llsb carter wider hoo g°. Tad and av'exo atone caner wider house. large barns, atone, stabling and other outbuim- Inge. Two good bootleg orchards, orna. mental trot; and ama11 fruits, 9, irilag from l3russels,,,alivol Gm on o 0,.T. BB., eenVeniont to school Oliurobes and poet face, Thin property lies well, ie a find - elan grain and stools farm and should be soon by inteneing Pura more ae it is erne. - eel et lb baigaie..1100 further ptartieulare MRS. JNO.R01. 3191tTSON,ahppolpyrionmiseoror1b3AytVl1eELsr1bt0o111uOxhtmoNo,k> 0PU, 50.4 PVBJ HELLS BORE — FOR --t( Currant and hosobsrry Boohoo --AT-- Pepper's Drug Store,. BRUSSELS, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING, T4 L. 'TAYLOR, BARRISTER, .16a Solicitor and Conveyancer. Oolloo- tious made. Chloe-Veuetono's'Block, 13rus. eels. 21-5an 141. SINCLAIR, + So11o36oi• Ooovoyanaer,No tars Pub. lie, &e. olliea-'Vauster We Bleak, 1 door north of Central Hotel. Private Funds to Loan. CAMERON HOLT 1 HOLMES, Barristers, CAMERON, Notaries Public, lir. O. CAMERON, 5. Ont. O. 0., rn1Lrr rt5LT, Dr1D1/E5 HOLMES. AUCTIONEERS. RAYMANN, —� to ud gales Auctioneer, farmlStook,retaay Sorms cheerfully given. Oranbrook P.0. Sales may be arranged at Torn Pose Publishing House, Brnseels. GEORGE KIRKBY, eel on reasonableterms.Iterimsa Parona au 1 farts stooks specialty. Orders loft at Tao Poem P ubli shing House, Bruseals, or sen too Walton P.O., will reeetve prompt attention, TTAVING TAKEN OUT LICEN- eE as an At1at10neer, I atm prepared to conduct BnIes of farm stock at roaeouable prises. 'Knowing the standing of nearly every person I am in a position to sell to good marks and getood soonriby When .sold on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give mea call. 32- 1f S. 50051', BUSINESS CARDS. at hi H. MoORAOKEN, • Issuror ()Marriage Licensee, 011ioe Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels. yD N. BARRETT, �l.d. Tonsorial Artist* Shop -Next door south of A. M, McKay Pc Co's hardware store. Ladies'and Clildreus hair cutting aapsetalty e brcNAIR, 1:• Issuror of marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis- Pire Ineuranase Co, Office at the Cianbrook Post Oilioe, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: INaURANOL^, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH• ALEX. HUNTER Clerk of the Fourth Division Court Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Linvested to loan. nCo11ections made OMBoo in Grahame B1ook, Brussels. (\IL PAINTING, g q toggiveMiuet Renton in oil paiin11105.1harms where eascertained orkimay bee Been /Most Mortes would also take a few more pupils in ma0ie. 91 A. HAWKINS, • Organist in Bt, John's Ohurnh, Brue. gels, and pupil, in the Art of :Teaching, of A. W. Thayer, Mus. Coo., New York, will give lessons to pupila either at .7. C. Halliday's, sot..tiio audJek Ring n Ste or if preferred, d their own homes, Tue f.anda y, qday and Wodne a ed y at Walton Taring moderate. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, t • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. 3e prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to. Mee and In5rmary-Two adore north of bridge Turnberry et„ Brussels, MEDICAL CARDS. T A. MONAUGHTON, M. D. te • C.M,,UR. :C.P., Edinburgh, M. O. P S. Ont. Residence and office in Wilson' Bleck, corner of Mrliand Turnberry 'Ste. DENTAL 1)E.NT1ST1 M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S5 D.D. S., Graduate of the Royal College Of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and Of Toronto Uni- versity. •roxan-Over A. It.. Smith's Storer' Brussele, REDUCED TO $1,30,- The Dam of my Registered Jersey -Rallis the best, cow in the Glen Duart Herd and a prize winner at the Industrial, Toron- to. float of 8erVfoe for grades, reduced to ±1.80. G. A, DEADMAN Dkuggiiol, &0, BULL FOR SE10VI0E.=THE undersigned will :keep foe serwioe on Lot 20, Con.. 5, Merria a registered thorn' bred Durham bull. Terme ±1.00, to be paid en Juuuary 1St, 1804, with privilege of re- turning if 1180000ary. 55.4 PETER BARR,.Pr'oprietor. ULL FOR SERVICE, -TI-IE Oncieraigned Ill troop for Service on S. Lot28, Ooo. 5, Norrie, tiff t h or n' bredDurham 1u11 Clear theWay,Registered may be eon.onu1BoatiOn. Aged veers, weight l,70tl p0uudeTerme,1r0tobo paid January let, 1051' Weide sows(task. 1b isnre ±.00. 99-tt OARDIPP & 7NN78, Proprietors, MPROVl7DL.i00E 4V13IT 3 QIfJ • SHIRE BOAR; The hucloreigeod win keep for serVioo' this. ... ppr�esent season tiro Improved largo white York:b llo pig 0 "Beady" on lot 20, con. 0, Morris, to,w)yldh a limimis ted nutnbor at owg olid b0 taken. Terme $1.3b 10 be paid at me of eorvice, with the oa p r ivi lo a o e r e tur n -iu ifYacassarY Pedigree may ho 011- f lin tton amino? ii0ICI:,1513 Pro1.letor,