HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-5-26, Page 5Y
MAY 26, 1893
Molesworth. .
Tho Molesworth those factory started
on Monday, the 15th int, They made
16 cheeses the first day, W. Wood is the
Dr, Howitt, of Guelph, with two Lis.
towel M. D's„ removed a tumor from
Mrs, henry Ooghlin, and we aro pleased
to learn that there are good hopes of her
speedy recovery.
Rey. A. Stevenson will preach his
farewell sermon on Sunday, May 28th.
He will bo greatly missed by the oongre-
gabion, for he was an able preacher, and
a kind and obliging neighbor.
One evening recently Mrs. Scott, of
Toronto, gave a temperauoa leoture for
the purpose of organizing m Temperance
Lodge here. The lodge will be called
"The Molesworth Banner!" The num.
ber of members is 60.
It is hinted that if Rev. W. W. Leeoh,
of Londosboro' superannuates he may
become a resident of Bluevale..
W. R. Stewart, jr., will represent the
Methodist ehurohes el Bluevale circuit at
.the annual Oonferenee which commences
at Owen Sound next Thursday.
Rev. D. 13. McRae, of Cranbroolc,
peeaohed here last Sabbath. Rev. A. Y.
Hartley was supplying the pulpit of the
Presbyterian church at Wingham.
Rev. J. S. Cook, M. A., of Ripley, late
of Bluevale, has received the 13. D. de-
gree of the Weeleyan Theological Col.
lege, Montreal. He has also sucosssfally
completed the Poet•Graduate course for
Doctor of Philosophy, in connection with
the Illinois Wesleyan University, and
will be awarded the Ph. D. degree at the
June convocation. Mr. Cook has jest re-
turned from 0 visit to the World's Fair,
and with Mrs. Cook and babe will sail by
S. S. Labrador on the 17th oEduns for a
two months' vacation in England and
the Continent.
Geode rich.
The Star is now set by a T no ra b.
Y1 g P
i ifil in to leer
Fish aro verypinball' the upper
waters of Lake Huron this season.
The stench from the fish offal, which is
not sufficiently ooversd, ab the harbor is
very batt.
There were 10 earioade of salt from the
three wells here waiting the arrival of
the N. W. T. (Jo. boats.
The parade of the Royal Templars
Sunday to Knox church was one of the
largest gatherings of the kind ever wit-
nessed bete.
Mrs, Jonathan Miller has presented the
new tug John Legie, which she christen-
ed two week's ago, with a very handsome
flag bearing its name.
lvliss Phelps, the well known temper-
ance lecturer, delivered her address, "St.
George and the Dragon," under the
auspices of the W. C. T. U,
F. G. Blair, of Garrow & Proudfoob's
law office, has passed a very creditable
examination as barrister and solicitor,
standing at the head of the list of those
in the first class, and being well up in the
candidates for the latter position.
John T. Dickson, on behalf of the
Goderioh Horbionitural Society, is sor-
responding with the OntarioCotnmiseion-
ere at the World's Fair, with a view to
placing on exhibit at Chicago a complete
colleotion of the coming season's fruits
inthis county.
Olin ton.
George Hodgsus has left town to take
a position in the wholesale house of Sam-
son, Kennedy C Gemmell, Toronto.
Geo. Hinckley, who travels consider-
ably over this °aunty, states that the fall
wheat looks well in every section which
los has visited.
The genera of town have all agreed to
close their please at 7 o'clock each even.
ing, except Saturday and evenings that
preeedo holidays.
Dr. Turnbull was called to Waterloo,
to abtend the funeral of a relative ; six
nephews were the pallbearers, the Dr.
being one of them.
A slight change takes place in the ran.
ni ig of the L. H. &. 13. train, it will
Dome into Clinton in the morning ahead
of the early train from Goclerioh, instead
of atter it as it has been doing, and will
arrive here in the evening from London
a little later.
A house and stable belonging to Mrs.
Grantham, of Mary street, was on Sun.
day night completely burned. The most
unfortunate part of it wes that the hose
belonging to the fire department was
about one hundred yards short of reach.
'Ing the burning buildings, and although
every effort was pus forth to save the
buildings it was impossible. The owner
is in very poor oiroumstaooss and had no
insurance on either building. Firecraok•
ere in the hands of misobievous boys
mused the damage.
Wal ton.
Mr, Burns, of Toronto, is making a
visib with Mrtbbhew Morrison.
John MoDoneld had the 'misfortune to
break his collar bone on Thursday of last
week by falling from a load of lumber.
If bhp Lioetse Inspector called atoned
this locality be might observe that the
Crook'e Aot is nob always closely
June 21st is bio clay appointed for the
visit of the Travelling Dairy in oonneo'
Hon with the Ontario Agricultural Col-
lege to Walton factory. This date should
be marked down.
Report says that Rev. T. Wesley
Ooseps, of Baiwootl, has been invited to
become the pastor of Walton circuit
Methodist ohurches. Ho is one of the
r oraesimtvono" ministers in the0
Conference. Ie
W. ()Howell and Wm.
Pollard go to Conference, at Owen
Sound, next week.
MA'rtiIlforuna—Atter a eodrtship ex-
tending over
x-tending-over a number of years Tloatuas
Richardson, of Seafortlt, and Miss Kate
Campbell, of the 18th con. Grey, were
united in the golden bonds of wedlock at
the bride's Home 00 Tuesday morning Of
this week, at 8:80 o'oloek. Rev. David
Forrest, Presbyterian minister, perform.
ed tbo ceremony in the presence 00 rela-
tives of the coutraotiug parties. A num•
bar of handsome wedding gifts were pre.
rented to the bride. After the wedding
breakfast the bridal (auple, n000mpaniod
by Mende, drove to Brussels where Mr.
and Mrs. Richardson took train for Ham.
Ilton and other Eastern points followed
by the best wishes Of a large circle of
friends. They Will assume the rosponsi.
biline( of housekeeping ab Seaforth on
thein return.
John Ross Sundayed in 1.0intail.
Jeltn Hopper, of Wingham, spent Sun.
day in town,
Mists Sarah Stewart, of Londosboro, is
visiting friende in this vicinity,
Tho bioyole craze has atruete I3elgrave
as well as other places this summer.
A number from here attended the fun-
eral of James Rath of East Wawanosh,
on Friday.
A Brooks and Wm. Oea5ar, 00 this
plane, had a largo emboli of speckled
troub last Saturday having caught six
Rev. II, itfoQuarrie, of Wingham,
preached in the Presbyterian church here
last Sabbath. The pastor was in Blue -
Acotnnxr.—Last Saturday as a team
belonging to Jas. Lindsay, near Ethel,
was being driven torose the bridge here
with a load of lune the etruoture col-
lapsed precipitating the whole outfit and
driver Nicholl into the Maitland river.
The horses and driver were slightly in.
jured, the wagon was wrecked and the
lime destroyed. It was a miracle Mr.
Nicholl was not ]tilled. A. temporary
fording place has been arranged while a
new bridge is being built.
fit tvo o el .
Revels. Fisher and Henderson exchang-
ed work last Sunday.
The Atwood tennis cleb has got into
motion once more and some good playing
is being dons.
A tea meeting was held nnder the
auspices of the I. 0. G. 'I'. in the town
ball on the Queen's Birthday.
Alban's Sunday school picnic was held
in George Fisher's beautiful grove, 12th
con. of Elmo, on the Qneen'e birthday.
Thos. Hoar., tonsorial artist, of Har.
riston, has hang out his shingle. He
will occupy the stand vacated by Chas.
We are pleased to notice the name of
ItH. Knox,x, B. A., amongng
the successful
students at the recent
written examin-
ations of the School of Pedagogy, Toren.
to. NI'r. Knox is entitled to an interim
The Rev. E. J. Smith, M. D., gave an
address on the Telugu missions in India
in the Baptist ehuroh here Tuesday
evening, May 28rd. As Dr. Smith has
lately been appointed to and leaves for
that mission field soon hie address was
doubly interesting.
Rev. 0. H. Phillfmoro will preach his
farewell sermon in the Baptist elinroh on
Sunday, 28th inst., at 3 p. m. Mr. Phil-
limore has got n call to Ohesley. J. H.
Oameron, of Wooistook, will have chugs
of the Atwood and Listowel churches
until a permanent pastor is secured.
Our bend was engaged to play in Zur,
job ou Wednesday the 24th.
Miss Lillie Fisher, of Walton, is visit-
iug friends in town at present.
Miss Grace Jenkins, of Menlo, is
visiting her brother at present.
Mr. and Mrs. Emigh, of the hemmer-
oial, were visiting friends iu Brussels on
Mr. and Mrs. Walker leave here some-
time this week to visit the World's Fair
in Chicago.
Mrs. Whitt, of Clinton, was visiting
her sister, Mrs, Maloolm McKinnon, of
this town on Sunday.
Win. Begley returned from Detroit on
Thursday and has opened oat a shoe
shop in Mason's block.
Miss Mary Bell, appointed organist of
Trinity Church, presided at the organ on
Sunday very acceptably.
00 Monday a oontingent of the Sal.
vation Army invaded this town and held
an open air meeting in the evening.
Prof. Scott & (Jo., of Wingham, gave
au entertainment in Industry hall on the
evening of the 24104 inst., on behalf of St.
Andrew's Presbyterian 13. S. of this
On Friday afternoon the remains of
the late James Rath an old settler of
nwauosh passed
burg to the Union cemetery for interment,
followed by upwards of eighty vehicles
and sorrowing friends. Tho deceased
being a member of the A. F. & A. M.
lodge of this village was buried with
Masonic) honors.
Win„ -1ao sn.
The mein street has been scraped which
will greatly improve it.
The G. T. R. authorities placed a num-
ber of cows in the pound last week.
The lacrosse boys will give a promen•
ads concert in the skebing rink on June
MaiLlaud Presbytery will meet in the
Presbyterian ohurch in this towu on 30th
of May.
A lawn tennis club has been orgeniz•d
in connection with the Young People's
Guild of St. Paul's eburob.
The spire of the 11. 0. ohuroh, Wing.
ham, which wee blown off during the late
storm, is being prepared for rebuilding.
An ornamental wooden fence, V
ahwas erected brat week at the
a ed
north side of the Bank of Hamilton
Quite a number of members of the I.
O. G. T. lodge abtencled the Distriot
lodge mooting ab Luokuoty on Tuesday of
last week.
Last Friday evening Rev. Mr. Olathe,
of Strathroy, and Dr. Smith, of St.
Catharines, missionaries to India, deliver•
ed addressee on Foreign missiou work, in
the Broptieb church.
3, W. Sandmen,merchant and Mr.
Diokson, assistaub ostmaster, of Wroxe•
ter, rode over to Wingham one day last
week on their bioyoles. They made the
return josrney in an boar and five
Wm. Lithgow, who has held the posi-
tion of librarian of the Mechanics' Insti-
tute for a number of yaare, has tend eyed
his resignation, which has been accepted.
It ie nobknown at peanut' who bis ego•
coesor will be.
Alex. Moss, of this town, is going into
stook raising rains extensively. Laeb
week he purchased and put on his farm
in Turnborry thirty-six head of ants.
He has his farm all ander grass and will
no '1004 find the feeding of cattle profit.
A meeting of the various committees
appointed by the different soorob aooietiea
to make aerangernent about Decoration
Day Wag held in the shop of 0ornyn
Brae lash week. J. Neelands wag top.
pointed chairmen and T. E, Oornyn nee
rebury. Ib was lleoid,,d to ask the mem
to proolaim Friday afternoon, June 9111,
BR a half holiday so toe to give the (offer.
eat bullion men a °hau00 to take
part in the procession, The different
societies which will bake part are oho
I. 0. 0. F., 0, 0, b'., I, 0, F., Sons of
Snobland and the le 0. L. The laaroese
boys intend having u prmnuoacle concert
in the rink in lite evening,
IXoost -s"ne.
W. G. Taylor has removed to the
hotel end will run it in the future.
Wm. Bawbinbelmer and J. H. Thom.
son are putting iu weigh scales, wbioh
fills a long felt want and will oan(e more
shipping to be done at this station.
A large number from Atwood spent the
Queen's Birthday here boating and fish-
ing and unlike the editor of the Atwood
Bee, in all oases a good sized soaker at
each end of the pole.
Cowell ;floating here on Friday of
this week;
Mr, and Mr's. eloEwen, of Blueveie,
event the 2411i at J. AI'. liondereon's.
The item in last week's issue reading
Miss M. Green should have been Miss M.
A couple of our young gentlemen went
to Harristou ou the 21110. Thera mast
be sono attraction up around there.
Reeve kiilno toed John Heffernan re-
turned from Aiuekoka on Saturday.
They report the season very backward,
there being snow still in the bush.
0. Stubbs left for his new home, Len -
don, Friday last, where be intends oar•
eying on a grocery business. We wish
him encase wherever be goes,
Alf e illop.
TEA A:Issaz.tn.—A tea meeting was held
at the Bethel appointment of the Walton
circuit on Tuesday evening last. The
tern ant was nob large owing to the dis-
agreeable state of the weather. Rev. Mr.
Otbewell °coupied the chair and after all
had partaken of refreshment the follow-
ing tiptop program woos given :—Qmar-
tette, "Marching On," Airs. Neal, Miss
Pollard, Messrs. Pollard and Hawkins ;
organ solo, "Vesper Hymn," " y by Grobe
Hawkins' •address Christian Ac-
tivity," Rev. D. Forrest
st ; trio, "Fear
thou not," Miss Pollard, Messrs. Pollard
and Hawkins ; reading, "Nearer bo Thee,"
Mrs. Neal ; solo, "You'll miss you're
mother when she's gone," Alice Dundee ;
dnett, The harbor bell," Mr. and Miss
Pollard ; solo, "The songs my mother
sang," T. A. Hawkins ; farewell ad-
dress, Rev. Mr, Ottowell A11 joined in
the doxology at the close. The amount
realized was $20. Rev. G. Ie. Salton, of
Brussels, who was to have been present,
was summoned by telegram to the funeral
of a sister -in -low and so was unable to be
present, to the deep regret of all. Rev.
Mr. Otbeweil severs his pleasant 000050.'
Hon with Walton soon and all are sorry
10 part with snob an dole speaker and
kind friend,
Xei tato w e 1.
The Choral Society will give a concert
iu the town hall on May 30th.
Airs. J. C. Hey and family left last
week for Chicago where they will reside.
Miss Jones has been appointed organ-
ist of the Methodist ehuroh in place of
Miss Dixon who has resigned after a
number of year's very effioientservice.
A. H. Nichol, le. A., M. D., leaves this
month for Europe to prosecute his medi•
cal studies in the hospitals of London,
Edinburg and on the oonbinent. He ex-
pects to return afber six or eight months
and begin the practice of mediciue in
towu next winter.
The bakery and restanranb business of
Farrell & Go. has, owing to financial
troubles, given up business. The affair
has hstd a oheolcered career. The liabili-
ties are said to ba about $800. Assets
not neoertaiued but oannob nearly cover
that amount.
The young people of thellaptisb ehuroh
met at the pastor's house on Tuesday
night of last week and presented him
with an easy chair and an address. lieu.
Mr. Phillimore leaves ab the end of the
present month to take charge of the
churches at Ohesley and Tara. He has
been a useful citizen during his residence
in sympathies and
in town, extending hie y m p
help outside of ohuroh circles to temper-
ance work, to the Mechanics' Institute
and all other schemes for the improve-
ment of the town.
The main building of the Breitbaup
Saute Leather Tannery at Listowel was
totally destroyed by fire Monday after-
noon. There was about $1200 worth of
leather in process of drying, all of which
was burned. Thee was also about 50,-
, 000 worth of leather in the vats. At
about 2:30 Tnesday morning the balanoe
of the tannery was found to be on fire
and all is now consumed except the en.
gine and boiler house and some sheds.
Two men were left to wetoh the plane
Monday night and how they carne to let
' the plane break out the second time and
gain ,snob headway before giving the
alarm is a mystery. The fire engine
worked well this time and threw two
sbrong streams, but the fire had got such
a hold before the alarm woe given the
firemen could nob do much with it. The
firemen had a hard day and night of it.
So perishes •' ne another
of Listowel's in.
duebrnes, with a total loss of about $20,-
000 and the °liauoes are ib will not be
Wm. Wright, of London, was, home on
a visit this week.
Ino. Lamb is creating a new barn on
his farm, 9111 eon.
The old frame church on the 7th line
bas been pulled down.
Council tussling and Oom•b of Revision
next Monday ab the Township Hall.
Oounoillor Kirkby is making a num.
her of noticeable improvements about his
Wm,Jaokson is having, an addition
built to hie barn and stone stabling Fit
under it.
The Sunday school at Butbou's school
house is again in motion with a good at,
Hugh Forsyth has been on the slots list
for some menthe but is improving nicely
now and is able to get about.
Mrs. Chas. Sheriff, of Toronto, who 15
viaitiug at Willons Fstrrow's, was very
sick for a few days last cask tied under
medical abtondauce. She is now nicely
A lawn party was held at the home of
John Mills, Boundary Morris and Me-
Killop, on the Queen's Birthday, Pro-
ceeds amounted to over $30 which will go
on ohuroh repair fund.
A number of representatives from the
various Bentley snhoole will attend the 1
Convention at Brussels hent Tuesday,
Finding it a eltllienit matter Io pur-
chase stockers In tidos section Colin Mo.
Arthro' and Neil MuDnnald, well known
sboekutsn, purchased three oar loads on
Toronto market and had them (hipped
to Brussels front whence they were taken
to pasture,
James Wilkinson, of Morrie, delivered
at Wingham, 7 head of fab cattle, on the
20th inst., to Mr. freeman, of Buffalo.
They weighed as follows :-2 steers, 8,000
the. ; 2 steers, 2,180 the, ; 2 heifers, 2,710
lbs. ; 1 cow, 1,080 lbs.—Total 10,170 lbs.
Average weight, 1,463 lbs„ which brought
the tidy sum of $618,46. It pays to fat
cattle right.
Cr r to v.
Shoop washing.
Potato planting.
Fishing for trout.
Beautiful May weather.
A big grist of local sports on the 24th.
Township Council on Friday of this
Miss Lottie Hill was visiting in Wing -
ham last week.
A wedding on the 14'h line, on the 24bb,
caused quite a flutter of exoibemont.
The milk haulers are now going their
rounds for the different cheese factories.
Seeding is flub:hod and there fs plenty
of moisture and consequently a rapid
Fall „heat is well ahead for the bine of
year. Some tields are excellent while
others an a bit natally
B. 11 drop's horses ran n vty with a
land roller. The braneltt up in the bush.
The roller w,e danu'tze.1 siirhllr.
The egg wagon, thelmteio,'r curt and
the toot, toot of the il••h mon ere horn
aro sure signs that s toner is here.
J. E ,eo, 10111 eon., sailed for Scotland
on Tuesday of this week from Montreal.
He expects to return in a few months.
A garden party n the 12th line was
g P Y o
the centre of abbraobion for the people of
the neighborhood on the Queen's Birth-
W. Maxwell, who hal been working
with D. Thompson, 2ndoon., for the last
2 .ears has one to tete Prairie Previuoe
to try
Mrs. Wm. Lawson and sou, who were
visiting the parental home for a while,
returned to their looms in Grand Rapids,
Mich., on Monday last.
There has beau a big run on live hogs
lately. The prices offered were very
tempting and they were sold freely.
Pork will be pork next fall unless the
boom nests,
Watch out for the dates on which the
Travelling Dairy will visit the places ad-
vertised. This is something that every
farmer, his wife and their sons and
danghtere should attend.
Allan Lemont, wife and children, of
.Toronto, were visiting for week at Mr.
Lamont's parents. He is on the Toron-
to Mail staff where he has been for
several years, Mr. Lamont is also
Secretary of the Typographical Union
and has his time well 000npiod.
W. Doig while healing out manure gob
down between the horses to arrange
something which had gone wrong when
the animals took fright. He was knock-
ed down and had three ribs broken and
his back hurt. The horses ran some
distance and damaged the wagon con-
Fonacsn Rn000an1•a.—A Dakota paper
speaks of former residents of this town.
ship in the following complimentary
manner :—Miss Bella McDougall and
Miss Ellie Holbrook went to Towner ou
No. 3, on April 22nd, to look after a little
business and call ou friends. They re-
turned the next day. Miss Bella coma
to this vicinity early in the winter, to
teach a private school consisting of the
families of 0. L. Holbrook and O. 17.
Mendenhall. Soon after her commsnoiug
to teach, she look sick, and was confined
to her bed for same six weeks. Her non•
dition was serious ab tines, but through
medical skill and the best of oars by her
eister Kate and the family of 0. L. Hol•
brook, she finally reovered, and took up
her school again,, which was conducted
by her sister when her time was not
taken up by the care of her sick sister.
The school closed to the sabisfaobion of
all concerned. Miss Bella took the train
to Berwiok, MoHeury county, April 30111,
where she has opened a school. This is
the third term at that place, and is evi-
dence of her popularity as a teacher.
The Misses McDougall am young ladies
of culture and refinement, affable and
gsnerotta,and can appreuiate goodness
and kindness wherever it is found. We
are: sorry to lose the presence of these
young ladies from our midst, but while
we suffer loss, others will be benefitted by
their presence.
The Galt Reporter of last week says
"On Sunday evening last died one of the
very oldest residents of Norbh Dumfries,
Thomas White, brother of the late Jas.
White, who died iu 1888. Deceased was
born in Northumberland, Eugiand, in
1.810 and Dame to this oounbry with his
parents in 1834. Artist coming hero he
for armistices worked with the late Absa.
tom Shade and 'subsequently with the Isle
Andrew Taylor, East river road. The
family bhen took up the block of 826 acres
near Wrigley's Corners, and after work-
ing together on that for a tin° they
separated. Thos. Whitt taking the 125
MARS as his there on which ho has sin0e
resided, Mr. White took very little part
in publio matters but was a stetttuoh Re-
former. He was a atoning, quiet, Indus•
thous man. He was married in 1830 to
Mrs. Robe. Sadden, whose husband Viet
with a sad, aooldentai death a fete years
before through a treofalling cu him while
he was chopping in the bush. They had
three sons and one daughter of (whom
n the homeeto,td and.
only William, o e ,
Mrs. Hugh R. Elliott, of Brnssels,11Throu
Comity, now survive.' The two: sone,
Andrew, a blacksmith, of Gelb, and John,
of Morris township, Huron Ce., who was
killed in Walton stow mill 12 years ago,
both dying almost young met, 10 the
great regret of their many friends in
Gait and this section, Tho deceased was
a very strong than and namely ever ltuety
a day's sickness until a fow weeks ago he
was compelled to tape to his lied. He
was fully enured ho would nob leave it
alive again. A very affecting Intone of
hie siokness and loath was that his aged
wife 01 years of ago, with whom he had
spent 64 years of happy, domesble life,
was almost confined to herbed in another
room but to the last husband or wife
would manage, with Assistance, to teach
the bedside of each other and with clasp'
ed Mande they would oongrattsiabo each
other that their parbinte would he short
and that very ea0n again they would bo
re.enibed to the Heavenly lcin„data. Ale.
White was a member of the Methodist
church of Galt and was 82 yaare of ago at
the time of his death. Rev. 1)r, Griffin, 1
of Galt,00nduoted the funeral services,
(3000es Vicrono.—A. largo company,
numbering 76 or more, aseombled at the
reafdence of Thos. Williamson, lot 7, eon,
17, on Wednesday afternoon to witness
the nuptials of Miss Jennie I3., snood
daughter of the host and bootees, and
George L. Walker, of Last Wawanosh,
Ab 4 p, m, the interesting ceremony was
performed in orthodox fashion by Rev.
W. Olbswen, of Walton. The bride was
attended by her eater, Mise Eliza Wif•
iiamson, and Miss Emily' Pollard, while
Will. Pollard end Isaac Walker support-
ed the groom. A very becoming dress of
°ream cashmere, with lane trimming(,
bridal veil, &o., was worn by the bride
and the bridesmaids were similarly
attired, minus the veil. Mies Lou. Pol•
lard played the wedding march as the
contenting parties took their plane for
the ceremony. A sumptuous repast was
served in the best style of the hostess,
The evening was pleasantly spent in
social (bat, music, rem„ after whish the
company operated for their reepeotive
homes wishing Mr. and Mrs. Walker all
the joys of wadded bliss. They will
reside in East Wawanosh. A'Ire. Walker
was 0 very useful member of the con.
munity here and will be greatly missed,
The wedding gifts bespoke, with no
nonerbain sound the popularity of the
bride, and were as follows Thomas
Williamson and wife, bedroom suite, sofa
sideboard and dozen chairs ; Mies S.
Searl, a white quilt ; R. H. Ferguson,
table cover, whisk and plush holder ;
Misses L. and S. Patterson, 2 table
spreads ; Robt. Wilson and wife, dozen
table napkins; Miss Eliza Saari, pair
linen towels ; Misses Pollard, table cover
and silver pickle cruet ; Meg. T. Jackson,
table cloth ; Mrs. H. Hamilton, silver
napkin ring ; Jno. Reid and wife, hand-
some silver cake basket ; Duncan
ozen silver spoons ; Miss L.
Johnston,,i} P
Reid, music basket ; Elieha Wlker and
wife, set fancy glassware ; Mrs. Geo.
Milligan, Smith Falls, silk tidy ; Miss L.
Williamson, Wingham, bed spread ; Mrs.
M. Morrison, } dozen eilver knives ; A.
Buchanan and wifs set smoothing irons
Misses Johnston, Pair linen towels
Mesa Sadie Williamson,°
lush toilet t naso
oomb and brush ; Miss Maggie William.
son, linen cable cover ; Mrs. Jno. Smillie,
ottoman ; Jno. Dye, silver biscuit jar ;
Jas. Walker and wife, Brussels, parlor
lamp ; J, J. Vincent, Jamestown, 1
dozen silver spoons ; Miss Maggie Smile
lie, syrup pitcher ; Mrs. W. Neal, toilet
set ; Ella May Reid, china moustache
amp ; Roy Reid, vase ; Wilford G. M.
Reid, vase ; Rev. W. Otcswell, framed
marriage certificate aontaining photos of
bride's parents ; and numerous other
The Gorrie Volunteer Company will
accompany the 83rd Batt. to camp at
Loudon this year, ootnmencing on Jeno
Wm. Hicks, a printer, was burned to
death at Romeo, Miele, on Friday of last
week. He came from Georgetown, Ont.,
where his mother resides. He lead a
wife, but her whereabouts is unknown.
A subscription was raised by citizens of
Romeo and he was buried there Satur-
A few clays ago Airs. George Suenth, of
London, bad $100 stolen from under the
bed while she was in the back yard.
The money, all but 520, was returned on
Saturday in a peoulicr anther. The
legal tender was wrapped iu to ponce] a,il
tied to a stone, which was thrown over
the back fence. Attached to the ',excel
was a note saying then the balance would
be returned in a month.
The following well•known Stallions
will travel during the season of 1803, as
follows :
11005. 0ALU0a, PliarnlETOR.
Monclay,—Will leave his own stable,
lot 0, con. 12, Grey, and proceed to Dun-
can Taylor's, 3rd oon., Grey, for noon ;
thence to Thos. McF arlane's, 2nd con.,
for night, Tuesday,—Will proceed to
Moffat Bros.' for noon ; thence, viaBlue-
vale and Wingham, to Robert Currie's,
East Wawanosh, for night. Wednesday,
-Will proceed to the Queen's Hotel, Bel.
grave, for noon ; thence to Abel. Brad-
shaw's, dib line, Morris, for night.
Thursday,—Will proceed to the Central
Hotel, Brussels, for noon ; thence, via 5th
link, to John Walker's, 0th con„ Morris,
for night. Friday,—Will proceed to Jas,
llislop's, 10th oou., Grey, for _noon ;
thence to Wm. Fulton's,.16th on, Grey,
for night. Saturday,—Will proceed to
John Clarnoohan's, 12th oou„ Grey, for
noon ; thence, via Orembroole, to his own
stable, where he will remain until the
following Monday morning.
,For Full 1 � all Partcular
Rates, Train Service,
Hotel and Boarding House
A000n nloelation In Chicago.
Agent, Brussels.
Royal :111U1 Sluiunst,ips,
From Portland. Prom 13alifax
Sardinian............ Minh 00. April 1.
Parisian April 10, April 30,'
Mongolian Apr•Il 27. April 20.
From Montreal. From Q1101)00.
Sardinian may 0, daylight. May 7.
Bates of passage via Portland or Iialtten—
Piret cabin, :rota 145 and upwards ; return,
800 and up\vards. Second cabin, . single, 000.
Steerage at lowest through rates, From
Now York for Glasgow, calling aro Derry—
State of Nebraska. April l8, First Cabin,
350; return, 010. -
For further particulars as to railroad
rates, berths, rte., apply to
AGENT, Bnusssns.
White Star Like.
Between New Yorlc and Liverpool, vin;
Queenstown, every Wednesday.
A5 the steamers of this line carry only a
strictly limited number in t',e 1.105T andr
5000050 CABIN accommodations, intending
passengersarerSminUetl that an early eV.
plication for berths is neoeeeary at Mlle sea --
son. For plans, rates, etc., apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
Our Photos, are pronounced
the Best and most
We are always prepared to
make any size from the
small Sambeams to
the Life Size.
Crayon Po tL'a t
and all executed in First-
class Style.
Grand Trunk
If you are going to the
Be ss^AV ria1"9.nro and Arr. the
Vf.. .
� Clair Tunnel
For Lowest Rates Apply to
G. T. R, Agent, Brussels,
t LIZ ?
If so there are a few necessar-
ies that will add greatly to the
pleasure of correspondence and
these requisites may be found at
THE POST Bookstore,
tat. Good Note Paper and En-
velopes—Orealn, White, Foreign
or 1VCotlrning Note in stock.
2nd. The best ink -- either
Stafford's or a fine purple—huge
or small bottles.
8rd. Pens that not only spell
well but afford solid comfort -
't f0 t0'
the scribe. We have Gillett's,
Bsterbroek's Spenooriau, t&e.
Should you prefer a writing
pad you can obtain that too toll
Tong POST Book8tore.