HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-5-26, Page 44iraniesseagetananagrameneenairegasesemeaser New Advertisements, Local -O. P. R. Notioe-W. Lane. Locals—J, 0. Ayer. Royal Crown Remedy. World's Fair -0. P. R. Hellebore—J. T. Pepper. Local— W. H. MoCraoken. Hellebore—G. A. Deadman. Bull for service—Peter Barr. Looal—Pose Publishing )'Souse. • i)e Mrtisseis .est, FRIDAY, MiIY 26, 1893. RAST HURON IiBFOIf1MErS. A CONVENTION of the Reformers of the East Riding of Huron will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Friday, June 2nd, at 1:80 O'olook, for the purpose of a general disouseion of political topics and the election of delegates to the Liberal Conventieu'to be held at Ottawa on June 20th. A large representation aseed from each municipality in the Riding. ENGLISHMEN love Mr. Gladstone for the enemiee he has made. Because he pre- fers the interests of the masses to those of the privileged classes, the swells and libertines and other nonentities hissed and hooted the Grand Old Mau when he appeared at the Imperial Institute a few days ago as the guest of the Prince of Wales. Suoh an exhibition of bad man. nere on the part of his sbellow•pated enemies will only add to Mr. Gladstone's popularity with sensible men of all classes. A NEW demand is being made upon the Dominion Government by the eletis of the Northwest Territorial. They held meetings lately end adopted lesulutions eating the government to grant lands to all Metis children born between the years 1870 and 1885—or between the date of the acquisition of the Northwest by Can- ada and that of the rebellion upon the Saskatchewan. Tbe government has refused to consider the new claim made by the Half-breeds ; but the latter pro- pose the agitation iu favor of their de- mands, and if they take up arms the present government may possibly follow the precedent established by Sir John Macdonald in 1885 awl send out commis- sioners to give them all they ash. TEE following provisfous have been made in regard to railway rates to the Dominion Liberal Convention to be held at Ottawa on June 20th :—Delegates, of- ficial or alternate, and all ladies accom- panying them, will be entitled to a return ticket free on complying with the follow- ing regulations : At the railway office where the ticket to Ottawa is purchased it will be necessary for each person to seoure from the railway agent a "stand- ard certificate," and to take it to Ottawa and present it to tin secretary of the con- vention, Who will thereupon endorse such certificate so ae to entitle the holder thereof (on presentation of such endorsed "standard oertifioate" to the Ottawa rail- way agent) to a return ticket free. The tickets will bo good for three days pre. ceding the 20th of June, and for three days atter the close of the convention, Sundays not included. THE Toronto News says :—The New's has more than once expressed the belief that there would be a general Provincial election during the coming Summer. That belief is no longer held. The an• nouucement made by Sir Oliver Mowat to the effect that the bill for the re- arrangemenb of Toronto's representation in the Assembly will be brought in next session is, we think, the strongest pos- sible assurance that the House will not be dissolved before 1894. Assuming this view of the case to be correct, the decision arrived at is one wholly creditable to the Government. Apparently there is every- thing to gain from a party standpoint, by an immediate appeal to the eleotors, but on public grounds a dissolution now would be latterly without justification. If, therefore, Sir Olivet hos decided to let the Legislature live out its natural life, he is deserving of commendation for placing the interests of the people above those of the party. It is to be hoped the Premier will now show the same candor and honesty in dealing with the prohibi. tion quaatiou that be has shown in the matter of dissolving the House. It is within his power to secure, before next • amnion, the judgment of the Privy Conn - oil as to the extent of the authority of the Province in restricting or prohibiting the sale of liquor. This power ought to be exercised in order that the Govern- ment may be in a position next year, on the floor of Parliament, and on the eve of a general election, to state exaotly bow far its jurisdiction extends iu this mat. ter and to what extent it ie prepared to exercise whatever authority it may be found to possess, If Sir Oliver Mowat oats on this suggestion he will present the rare spectacle of a party leader hon. eetly putting before the people a frank statement of his policy in regard to a moat difieult and perplexing question, and thea asking their judgment on that policy, Dr, Elliott, of Chicago, lets of BrUoe- field, is back winding top his agates pre- paratory to his permanent retneVal' 4a Chicago, General lel-e'wwa- The Italian Ministry has resigned. The Czar is said to be eud'eriug from a cancer, A windstorm diti a great deal of dam. age in Colorado Friday. The Britieb Com11ot13 bast adjourned until Monday, May 29th. A nano in Liberty, Maine, has whisk- eve eight feet in length. The Russian oruiser Vitiask has been wrecked off the sweet of Corea. Four thousand miners in the Pittsburg district went out on strike Friday. Tbe lira trial of womata suffrage, earl. ously enough, was on the Isle of Mao. The farmer in Japan who has ten acres of land is looked upon ea a monopolist. Soldiers in the Italian army are al- lowed cigars as part of their daily rations. About 5,000,000 logs have been swept down the Kennebec river in Maine by late freshet. An inmate of the Miobigan bliud school has baked 4,822 loaves of bread sinoo Oct. 195. A shook of earthquake lasting several seconds wee felt at San Francisco early Friday morning. A new ukase has been issued expelling the Jews from the Asiatio proviuoes of the Russian empire. Out of 8,654 bodies taken to the mu - gees of New York last year , but 107 re- mained unidentified. The United States Government will pay all bills presented for the entertain• ment of the Duke of Verague. Madison Square Garden in New York is offered for sale. It coat $4,000,000, and has never paid a dividend. An order in council will be issued by the British Government to prohibit seal- ing in the Behring sea until May 1, 1891. The Prince of Wales has Beet a letter to Mr. Gladstone expressing his regret at the recent hostile demonstration in the Imperial institute. George Harriman, who shot Fred. Foote at Saginaw some time ago, has been sentenced to 10 years at Jaekeon penitentiary. At St, Paul, Minn., C. S. Rogers, president of the Northwestern Cordage company, jumped from the high bridge into the river, 125 feet below. The Kaiser of Germany will start Juno 20th fora short sea voyage on board the imperial yacht Hohenzollern to the North of Scotland, returning on July Slot. A box containing $10,000 has been un- earthed at Des Arc, Ark., under the house of S. 1'. Catlin, an eocentrio and miserly old bachelor, who died ten years ago. Representative ttegroes of South Caro- lina held a meeting at Columbia and adopted a seriee of resolutions aondemn- ing lynching and urging its suppression by those in authority. Thos. Erna, aged 23, employed in the Bisset carpet sweeper factory, Greed Rapids, Mioh., fell down five stories in au elevator shaft on Saturday morning and died in a few moments. During the ten months ended April 30, 454,958 immigrants arrived at the ports of the United States. Tbe number ar• riving during the corresponding period of the preceding year was 384,825. The Giant's Staircase near Cork, is a singular freak of nature. Sixteen huge knots protrude one above the other from the face of a very steep ascent, forming a flight of steps of striking regularity. It has lately been otroslated that at least 60 per aut. of the earthquakes re• corded all the world over have °courred during the six colder months of the year. In the Mediterranean end many other districts the proportion during the cold weather is even greeter. January and February seem to be the two months in which Mutter Barth especially de- lights in shaking up her children. William Frazier, formerly a bare book circus rider, was killed Sunday by falling down a flight of stairs at his boarding laou'e, No. 138 East Ohio street, Chicago. Frazier was the son of a wealthy Toronto merchant and was one of the beet known circus men in Chicago. Owing to his age he was foroed to give up the circus business end had of late been an arobit- eetaral draftsman. fie returned to the house about 6 o'clock Sunday evening. On going to the basement he slipped and fell to the bottom. He died a few minutes later. The dead man was 68 years old. Barnum ctc Bailey's 95,000 gorilla created considerable excitement at Bing- hamton, N. Y., on Monday. While the workmeu were at dinner the brute forced the door of his nage from the hinges, and, jumping out, he made for the dressing rooms, which were occupied by two ladies. The frightened women ran screaming from the tent, and the big monkeyescaped into the open air. The people immediately scattered in every direction. The growling beast finally took his stand near a barn, where several of the oanvassmen tried to capture him, but were badly injured. His Portuguese keeper finally arrived, and, after hugging and kissing him with joy, the gorilla readily accompanied him to his cage. He would not enter, however, until an els• phant, of which he stands in mortal fear, was brought ie. Clarence P. Teller, the noted Oinoin- nati diamond robber, escaped from the State Prison Last week. He was not known as Teller, bet as O. Pride, No. 4,- 787, on a seven years' sentence from De- troitfor forgery. He has been employed in shop No. 0 at the prison packing soytbe maths. These maths are pecked in boxes that are 5 feet 8 inohes long and 2 feet 2 niches by 2 feet a inobee in width. In one of these boxes be placed five dozen snatbs, half the number they hold, and labelled it ten dozen. Then the box was nailed up all but one board at the lower end. This he had nailed and sawed the upper end off close to the sheeb.iron band which ie nailed around the top of the box. so that when it was closed it fitted snug- ly under the sheeleiroa and the deception would ordinarily nob be noticed. On the inside of thie board be fastened two wooden buttons by paeans of screws and in the centre he had placed a ring staple, through which he lied run a string. The enaths ware fastened securely itt their pincer by means of oross bare, leaving sufficient room for him. After getting inside he closed the opening by tatting hold of a string and pulling the boatd to its plane and fastening it by means of the buttons. On the top of the board he had driven nails for a blind and broken them off, so that when closed it looked as though it was tightly nailed. About 0:80 Saturday morning the box with others was loaded on a deny at the prison and taken to bVfthington & elooley's ware. hone°, a tow rode from the prison, and put 00 a platform. After it had been THE BRUSSELS POST standing there ten or fifteen minutes en employee went out to bring it in, when he discovered the Walt that had been played, bet Price had flown. Prion is deserihed as having a long face, spars features, eyebrows grown together over the nose and as being G fent 0 imitate ie Height and of slim build, with a faoe anarked front smallpox, Fifty dollars re• ward is offered for his capture. The record at the prison shows that on Sept. 18th, 1802,110 attempted to escape from prison by olimbiug to the top of a cell block. The question of a railway leading from Southern British Oolumbia, through Alaska and thence by ferry across the Waits into Siberia, there to connect with the Russian railway system, is again looming up and is by many competent engineers and railway men regarded as both feasible and desirable, so muoli so that a survey has been made by engin- eers engaged by some New York capital- ists. The survey began in 1801 and one of the party has just returned to the States to report progress. The work done extends from Vanoouver, B. C., to Cape Prince of Wales, the point in Alaska nearest Asim, a distance of 2,346 miles. The route followed through Alaska was substantially the sumo as that Wien by the Western 'Union Tele- graph company's surveyors when it was thought that the Atlantis cable model nob be a succees, and the route is thought passible, Mr. Faulkner, ono of the sur- veying party, estimating the average cost at 923,000 a mile. The distance aoross the Behring straits is 26✓; miles, bub the disburse is out by eight islands. Across all these apexes except two, °anti• lever bridges could be constructed. In these two pontoons would have bo be need. The road, to open intercontinental traffic, would have bo be continued 2,300 miles to (tonnoot with the Siberian rail- road. This matter has also at -treated oonsiderable attention in British Colum- bia. Two years ago the legislature grant- ed a charter to the Vancouver, Northern, Peace River and Alaska Railway Co., but beyond securing the charter nothing has been done. The late United Stabes Core sol Taylor, of Wiunipeg, a few years ago presented in elaborate detail the proposi- tion of an iuteruational railway through British Colnmbia and Alaska to Morton's Sound, on Behring Straits, contempe- raueously with the extension of the Russian railway system through Siberia, He favored a line from the frontier in Kootenay Valley near Spokane, in Wash- ington. Such a road would open up 1,- 500 miles of almost continuous gold fields, consisting of the diatriat ane0ees- ively of Kootenay, Carriboo, Omineca, Classier and Yukon. There is little doubt that it will not be many years be. fore a line will be constructed over one of those proposed routes, and it will then be possible to go from here to Paris, Prance, by an all rail route. Perth County. Lawn tennis is all the go at present at Atwood. Mitchell's rate of assessment this year will be 18 mine. The Elma factory made thirty cheeses on Monday of last week. Typhoid fever is prevalent in some parts of Blanshard township. The employees of Thornton ut Douglas, Stratford, organized a base ball club to be known as the T. .8 D. nine. An old gentleman abtraoted consider- able attention by appearing on St. Marys streets with a pair of scarlet colored pants. The clothing has arrived from Ottawa for the 80th Battalion baud. It is brand new and will be serviceable as well as pretty. W. G. Maokenzia, of Fairview, laas succeeded in passing the senior examina- tion at the Ontario Agrioulbural College, Guelph, Matthew Upton has sold his hotel at Milverton to John O'Donahue, of Staub - ford, for $7,000. He gives up possession in 30 days. St. Mary's population is 3,151, a de- crease of 211 from last year and a falling off in the assessment of $22,000 during the same period. Ilam Lee,of the Chinese laundry,Sbrat• ford, left Monday of last week for China. He stated before leaving that he intended. to return with a Chinese bride. Stratford boys and girls beware. On Friday a Toronto polioe magistrate fined a young man 920 for selling a raffle ticket, a young lady $3.85 for firing a Bre crack- er. There have been a number of deaths from diphtheria in the vicinity of Milver- ton and the disease is rather prevalent at present bat we are glad to know that the worst is over. Hamilton Bros. have purchased the boob and shoe business of W. J. Hamilton R Co., Stratford, and resumed its man- agement in conneobion with their oxteu- sive wholesale trade. The South Perth Patrons of Indastry nominated candidates for the Legislature and Parliament. Mr. Robinson was chosen for the former and James Donald, of l3lansinud, for the latter. Some miserable misoreanb entered the pasture field of Mr. Pinto, Mitchell, ono night and out the throat of one of Mr. Pilhe's horses, and the beast was found dead next morning, The Horse was valued at $50. $5,000 was the sum set as being news - eery for the erection and furnishing of a new Sunday school in aonneotion with the Methodist church, St. Marys. Con- siderable over that amount has already been subscribed and the wont will be proaeedsd with immediately. An operation of more then until interest ryas performed a few weeks ago on Mrs. Henry Miller, of Milverton. She had been a severe sufferer from a tenor is the abdominal cavity, which had grown to a very large size. She had become so weak that it was apparent that an operation was her only chance for roaovery. One of her relatives having been carried off by a similar trouble some time ago ebe was desirous of hav- ing the operation attempted. It was of a rare form, known to the profession 00 a dermoid tonne, contained no fluid mat- ter belt a jelly, matlory like substance, a remarkable feature was the presence of such abnormal growths as were found inside ; three well -formed teeth, a large steed ben°h of beer and a large piece of bone. The unusual oharaster of the growth and the foot that it Was attached to so many different struoturee made the operation ono of much delicany and diffi. nutty, and sorioaefears were felt for the roeovery of the patient, but ebe has rallied and is progressing rapidly toward a complete recovery. MAT 26, 1.893 We intend doing an uncommon thing for the EXTTMTV i" YS And that is Selling Y APE CLOTHING We have a lot of money looked up in this Department and would like to Convert a portion of it into "Cash" and to do this we will do just as we have said above. 2S Men's Serge Suits, nicely made, pit $3..75. 25 Men's fine black Worsted Suits at $7.50. The Schnee of'Men's Suits in Stock at the same ratio. Boys' Two Piece Knickers at $2.00,other stores will want $3,00 for same goods. Boys' Three Piece Snits at $3.75, well wort-lj $5.00. If you want a Suit come now. Yours Truly, STYLISH As the pleasant Spring season advances the question of purchas- ing a new Hat or Bonnet comes into the calculation. Miss McPherson, the City Milliner, has the very thing you require, Stylish, Neat and Cheap. Latest Fashions al- ways in stock. A large range of Millinery goods such as Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, &c., to choose from. The prices will please you as we won't be undersold. It will be a pleasure to display our beautiful stock to the public at any time. MISS MaPEERSON, CITY MILLINER, Stretton Block. Butter and Eggs token as Cash. B EIGGIES —AND— WAGONS, The greatest neither and largest as• sortmenb of Buggies, Wagons and Road Garbs to be found in any one house out- side of the cities, is at II . Williams 84 Son's IN BRUSSELS. They are from the following celebrated makers : Gananoque Carriage company and Brantford Carriage Company. These buggies are guaranteed first.olass in all parts, and we make good any brealtagee for one year from date of purchase that somas from fault of material or work- manohip. We do no patching, but tut- nish new parte. We mean what we ad. verbise, and beck up what we may. Our wagons are hand made. We mast nothing but ohoioe oak in their manufacture, Five styles of Road Carte. All kinds of Agrioulthral Implomente. We handle the Fleury Plow and keen a full line of repairs for tame. Our prides are right, can in and See 05. 1i. WILLIAMS & SON. 7 0 t Ilia! To EVEYUDY ATS THE �iN 1 AclEla ai 1/ olSclx`J 4uT mum Special Bargains in Readymade clothing. Serge Snits, New Stock, Only $4.00. Halifax Tweed Suits, All Wool, Only $5,25. TyCT.:M=I PANTS ONLY $1.00. Prices Away Down on Fine Tweed and Worsted Suits, Boy's Sailor Suits Only 11,00. Don't Forget the Bargains we are giving in Dress Goods, Prints, Muslims, ()ergot s and Parasols. Our Boots and Shoes sire good value and we are cutting the prices in all lines. Full lines in Felt and Straw Hats, Ties, Collars,. Cuffs and .Braces. Hijhest market price paid for Batter and Ej ss. It will pay you to get our prices before you buy. JAS. IRWIN, BRUSSELS. t.