HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-5-26, Page 3MAr 26; 1893 TEE BRUSSELS POST
The New York papers aro amusing
themselves by slinging pleasantries at
Chicago. The following vergae are a eam•
pie of the many effuetone
Ef yen goiu' to gee the °irotle called the
big Chicago fair,
'goal better out your wisdom teeth an'
eharpen'em with Dare,
An' keep yer wits about ye, an' mind
what yer about,
Per they'll skin ye like the mischief
ye don't
They're a•goin' to charge for gazin' an' a
extra lump for tbinkin' •,
It'll oast a heap for satin', an' they'll souk
it on fer drinkin'
An' ef ye get a bed at night or of you go
They'll akin ye like the mi,ohief
It's a cent a piece for ooughiu', an' jest
twine as ntnoh for eneoziu';
A nickel of ye hold yer breath, an' two of
'em for breathin';
A shillin' fer a whieper, au' a quarter for
a shout -
They'll skin ye like the mischief
They'll tax ye for the privilege o' welkin'
on the ground,
No matter of ye go ahead or of ye turn
An' jes' because yer livin'-don't yer
never have a doubt -
They'll skin ye like the mieohief
"Good wife, whet are you singing for 7
You know we've loot the hay,
And what we'll do with the horses and
kye is more than I can say ;
While like as not, with storm and rain,
we'll lose both Dorn and wheat."
She looked up with a pleasant fade and
answered low and sweet :
"There is a Heart, there is a and, we
feel but cannot gee ;
We've always been provided for and we
shall always be."
Jae turned round with a sudden gloom.
She said . • "Love bo at rest •
o e
You oat the grass, worked (soon and late ;
you did your very best,
That was your work ; you'd naught to
do with wind and rain,
And do nob doubt but you will reap rich
fields of golden grain ;
For there's a Heart and there's a Hand,
we feel but cannot see ;
We've always been provided for and we
shall always be."
"That's like a wuman's reasoning -we
inset because we must."
She softly said : "1 reason not, 1 only
work and trust;
The harvest may redeem the day -keep
heart what e'er betide,
When one door shuts I've always seen
another open wide ;
There is a Heart, there is a and we feel
but 0aenet see;
We've always been provided for and we
shall always be."
He kissed the calm. and trustful faoe,
gone was his restless pain ;
She hearhim with a cheerful step go
whistli down the lane ;
And went about her household tasks full
of a glad content,
Singing, to time her busy hands, as to
and fro she went -
"There is a Heart, there is a Hand we
feel but cannot the ;
We've always been provided for and we
shall always be."
Days come and go -'twee Ohrietmae tide
and the great fire burned clear ;
The farmer said : "Dear wife, its been a
good and happy year ;
The fruit was gain, the surplus corn has
bought the hay, yon know."
Site lifted then a smiling face and said :
"I told you so I
For there's a Heart, and there'd a Baud
we feel but cannot see
We've always boon provided for end we
shell awaye be."
0008.1009 FROM 010E RELE0 OF TEE DEPART.
MEET 00 Asn100001111.
"11. Dairy products will be received
for exhibition only between the first and
tenth of the following mouths 1 -June,
July, September and October, 1893.
"12. The arrangement of all dairy ex-
bibite will he under the ootiteol of that
"18. Exhibits of butter will be alasai-
Aed and limited, as follows :-
Class 1. Dairy, -butter made by ex-
hibitor on the farm from a mixed ]lord.
Exhibit to 0008188 of not more than ono .
package, weight to be not less than 10
nor more than 20 pounds,
Class 2. Dairy, --batter made by ex.
hibitor on the farm from it herd of one
breed. Exhibit to consist of not less
than 10 nor more than 20 pounds.
019.s9 3, Printe and fanoy packages,-
ackages;butter meet be manufactured by exhibi-
tor. Exhibit to weepy space not exceed-
ing 18 inches square. Total weight of
exhibit not to exceed 20 pounds.
Claes 4, Creamery, -butter made by
the exhibitor front the milk of mixed
herds from Dream separated front the
milk in the creamery where the butter is
made, Exhibit to consist of one com-
meroial paokage, to weigh not less than
56 pounde:
Clegg 5, Oreamery,-butter made by
exhibitor from gathered dream. Exhibit
to consist of one commercial package of
weigh not lege than 55 pounde.
"55. Butter will be judged on the fol-
lowing pointe, the Agoras set opposite
indicating the maximam per cent,, the
total of ail Much =Aiming being 1001
Flavor , 46,
Grain ., 20.
Color , 15.
Salting 10.
Packing, 5•
the four menthe of Juno, July, Soptom•
bor and Weber,
In order to give every oheesemalser,
who bas oboes() of exeoiient quality, en
opportunity of tatting part in the oxhibi•
Hon, I am permitted to make the follow -
Total leg announcements, end to invite the
"The general standard of Dolor for hearty oo•oporation of all olteeeetnakers,
butter will be "Tune Grails Butter." towards
factory managers, and pantie
"Spoolal blanks will be furnished by towards making such a largo display Of
this Department for the use of exhibitors
of dairy produote,"
Canadians should make excellent ex.
Whits in all oleos oo.
In order to afford intending exhibitors
every reasonable facility, I am permitted
to mane the following ann0uoemenbe and
to invite the hearty oo•operation of
butter -makers, oreamerymanagere, pat-
rons and dairymen, in an effort to make
such a display of Canadian 13utber as
will direst the attention of the world, in
a favorable manner, bo the admirable op-
portunities whioh Sanade offers for pro.
libabls dairy farming.
(1.) Those who intend to exhibit may
write to Dairy Commissioner, Ottawa('
(postage free,) asking for address labels
for butter and for entry forme.
(2,1 Any butber.maker dairyman, or
representative of any dairy or, creamery,
may Bond butter for exhibition in any of
all of the classes, (in whioh he ie entitled
to exhibit), addressed to the Dairy Com•
ntissioner ab llifontretel or Iugeesoll, Out.,
to reaoh either plane between the 31st
May and 2101 June ; between 28th June
and 20th June ; between 30th A.ugue6
and 1st September ; and between 27th
September and 20th September.
(8,) The butter for the classes and for
the four different exhibitions, (Jute,
July, September and October), may be of
any mouth'e make.
(4.) It should be packed secureiy so as
to avoid injury from hent during transit
from the plaoe of mauufaotaro to Mont,
real or Ingersoll, Onb. Cold storage a0•
oommodation has been arranged for at
thea° two places; refrigerator ware will
be used between theee planes and Chloe -
go ; and refrigerator space under glass
has been provided at the Dairy Building
on the Exposition Grounds.
(6.) The Dominion Government will
pay all freight charges, as well ao the
cost of oaring for the butter during the
exhibition and until it ie disposed of af-
(0) By the authority of the Honorable
the Minietor of Agriculture, I am per-
mitted to state that the Government will
advance such a price es may be fixed by
the Dairy Commissioner, on all the but-
ter whioh is received at Montreal and
7.) Several expert judges of acknow-
ledged reputation in Ontario and Quebec
have been invited to assist the Dairy
Commissiouer in selecting from the lots
whioh are received at Montreal and In-
gersoll, euoh butter as many be counted
worthy of being Bent to Chioago. Where
any doubt arises, the butter will receive
the benefit of the doubt.
(8.) After the awards have been made
at Chicago in gash of the four months,
the butter which has won medals, or
honorable menbiou, will be arranged in
Provinoial groups, where it will be used
as may beet set forth important .foots
pertaining the dairy and general agrioul.
tural interests of the several Provinces of
"14. Exhibits of cheese from the
United Status and Canada will be olassi-
fied and limited, as follows :-
Class 1. Cheddars -Exhibit to consist
of one cheese, diameter not less than 14
nor more than 15 inobas, height not lase
then 0 inches, weight to be not
leas than 60 pounds.
Class 2, Cheddars -Homo trade -Ex-
hibit to consist of one cheese not less
than 6 inches in height end not leas than
12 nor more than 15 inches in diameter.
Class 3. Mediums -Exhibit to consist
of one cheese not less than 6 nor more
than 7i inches in height, diameter not
lees than 14 uor more than 15 inobos.
Class 4. Flats -Exhibit to consist of
one cheese, diameter not less than 18 nor
more them 16 inohee, weight not less than
25 nor more then 40 pounds.
Class 5. Young Amerioas-Exhibit to
consist of four cheese in one package,
toted weight to be not less than 30 nor
Canadian cheese as wilt oall the favorable
attention of the world to the admirable
faoilitioe whioh the Dominion oilers for
profitable dairy farming,
(1.) Intending exhibitors may write bo
the Dairy Commissioner, Central Exper-
imental Farm, Ottawa, (postage free),
asking for address labels for cheese, and
for entry forms.
(2.) Any choesemaker or otlter repro-
eente.trve of any factory or dairy, may
send by freight cheeses for any oe all of
the classes, addressed to the Dairy Com-
missioner et Montreal, or Ingersoll, Ont.,
to mob either place between 31st May
end 2nd Juno ; between 2811 Juno and
80th Juno ; between 80th August and let
September; and between 27th September
and 20th September.
(9.) The cheeses for all the classes and
for the four different exhibitions, (June,
July, September and Ootober), may be of
any month's make. If two ribcages front
0110 vat bo available, one cheese can be
honed for testing at Montreal or Ingersoll,
while the other may be kept intaut for
exhibition at Chiong°.
(4.) The Dominion Government will
pay all freight °barges, as well as the
ooet for oaring for the cheese during the
exhibition and until they aro disposed of
(5.) By the authority of the Honorable
the .Minister of Agriculture, I am per-
mitted to state that the Government will
advance snob e. prise as may be fixed by
the Dairy Commissioner, on all the
cheeses which are received at Montreal
and Ingersoll.
(G.) Several expert judges of acknow-
ledged reputation in Ontario and Quebec
have been invited to assist the Dairy
Commissioner in selecting from the lots
whioh are received et Montreal and In-
gersoll, such cheeses as may be counted
worthy of being sent to Ohioago. Where
any doubt arises, the cheese will receive
the benefit of the doubt.
(7.) After the awards have been made
ab Chicago in each of the four months,
the cheeses whioh have won medals or
have received honorable mention, will be
arranged in Provincial groups in the
Dairy Building and on the Dairy Pyra-
mid, where they will be used to set forth
important fasts pertaining to the dairy
and general agrionituralinterests of the
several Provinces of Canada.
The Dominion Government will bear
all expenses of transporting, planing, ear -
big for, and disposing of the butter and
The several exhibitors will be offered
every opportunity which may exist, or
which may be provided, for winning
medals and prestige for themselves; and
they will not be asked to incur any lees,
as the Government will not claim any re-
bate on the price whioh is advanced on
the butter and ahem. Thie provides for
liberal treatment Of those engaged in the
great dairy industry of Canada, and I
invite your cordial co-operation in the
effort to make the Canadian exhibition
of butter and cheese the beet which has
ever been made.
Dairy Ctnmiseioner.
roomier to .ltselt' ti ninny Important
ihu•ttetttltrs Royal Crown Remedy 10
nitreront From and Superior to any
Other Bled Mine.
PE00LIAR in oombination, proportion
and preparation of ingredients. Royal
Crown Remedy possesses the full cura-
tive value of the beat known remedies of
the vegetable kingdom.
Peonme in its medicinal merits.
Royal Crown Remedy accomplishes onree
hitherto unknown,
Pnouxtti in strength and economy.
Royal Crown Remedy is the only medi-
oine of which it can truly be said, 126
doses one dollar. Medicine in larger and
smaller bottles require larger doses and
do not produce es good restate as Royal
Crown Remedy.
1'Eo00011t in its good name at home.
There is more Royal Crown Remedy sold
more than 46 pounds. in London, where it is made, than all
Class 6. Donteebio Swies-Bxhibit to other blood purifiers.
consist of one &tease, weight to be not FEMUR in its phenomenal record of
lees than 30 pounds.
Claes 7. Brick Cheese-Exbibit to con-
sist of six betake in one paokage, total
weight to be nob less than 20 nor more
than 40 pounds.
Class 8. Dairy -Cheese made by ex-
hibitor on the farm frons exhibitor's own
herd. Exhibit to consist of one cheese,
weight to be not less than 30 pounds.
Class 9, Pineapple cheese -Exhibit to
ooneist of Tom: cheese in one package.
"15. Cheddars and flats will each be
olaesified in two groups, vin., white and
colored, and will be separately judged.
Cheese, other than that mentioned above.
offered for exhibit from the United
States and Canada will be eubjeot to
such limitations and roetriotious as to
quality as may be decided upon by the
Chief of the Department at the time ap.
plication for space is made.
"15. All oheese exhibited from the
United Statute and Canute known cont.
meroially as "American" and "Canadian"
aheoeo, mast be manufactured of full now
"17. Cheese that has been out, bored,
or tried in any way, will nob be admitted
for exhibition.
"18. All cheese will be divided into
two olessee,that made previous to the
year 1895, and that made during the
year 1893, and will be judged on the fol.
lowing pointe, the 'figures set opposite
eachindicating the maximum per cent,
the total of all such maximums being
100 :-
Flavour 45.
Texture 20.
Color 15,
Stilling 10.
Make up 10.
Total 100,"
Oan'odian maupfaoturere of ,cheese
ebould maks numerous -and' exoellent ex-
hibits in olaasee 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8. Class 5
will admit cheese whioh are oommocly
known tie "Canadian Loaf" or "Truckle"
Since all oheese will be divided into
two main olaasee, "that made Keaton to
the year 1803, and that niacin during the
year 1803," any Canadian exhibitor may
enter cheese made previous to 1898, as
well as cheese made during 1898, in every
olaee in iho exhibitions to be held during
sales abroad. No other preparation has
ever attained such popularity in so short
a time. Do not bo induced to take any
other preparation. Be sure to get
Royal Crown Remedy.
The official board of the Oeutrel Metho-
dist 0 hard, St. Thomas, has unani-
mously decided to invite Rev. 32. B.
Lanceley, of Ridgetown, to the pastorate
at the close of Rev. Dr, Pascoe'° term in
. June, 1894.
For Scrofula
"After suffering for about twenty-five years
from scrofulous neren oe the legs and arms,
trying various medical courses without benefit,
I began to use Ayer's Sam/swine, and a
wonderful cure was are result. Fico bottles
suffced to restore me to henithl"-Bnnifrca
Lopez, 307 E. Commerce at, San Antonio,
Ca,t rrh1
My daughter 1100 afdictcri for nearly a year
with astarrn. The phyeieitms being min:Auto
help Inc,', my pastor recommended Ayer's
Bun p.rrilla. I followed hitt advice: '1 Ince
months of regular trmtment with Aver's
Sarsaparilla and Ayt n Pills romplately
restored my daughter 0 health -Mrs. Leulso
Riellu, LittleCnnadn, Ware, Mass;
"Por several yearn, I woo troubled with
infmnmatory rltountatenn being so 1 rd at
eenueafi Se he entirely helpless. For the 1:1st
two years, whenever I felt the of'ects of iho
disease, I begin to take Ayers Sarsaparilla,
and have not ltnd e epell for a long "mc,' -
E, T.lI,ttsbroegih Elk Run, Va.
For ail bleed diseases, the
best remedy is
S.' ars pi;
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer It Co., Lowell, :Vass.
Sold by all Druggists, price $r; six bottles, Ss.
Ceres enters, Will cure you
System Elen,ovator
raxu anlIn 1 -----
For Iinpitre, Weak sod Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpata-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitas' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De.
J. ir. MoLEOD,
Prop, end Manufacturer.
Sold by J. T. PEPPER,
Droggtel, Brueeole..
Confederation Life
We have a Large Stook of
SAP PANS, &c,,
All made of First-class Material.
Roofing and Ease Troughing Attended to,
Heald Office : TORONTO_
Capital and Assets, $5,000,000
New Iusurauco, 1892, 83,670,000
Insurance at Risk, 822,565,000
Policies Non -Forfeitable and In-
disputable after two years.
Gains for 1892 over 1891 in In-
surance, Written, 8755,000,
Or over 25 per Dent.
Insurance at Risk, 811,978,000
Or Nearly 10 per Dent.
Assurance Income, $48,678
In Assets, $439,878
NC4Y Retanh1allt
I have opened out a prime stock
of new Confectionery, Fruits,
Nuts, Canned Goods, Tobaccoes,
Cigars, &c., in the
Vansto .e Block.
Cooked, Raw or by the Glass.
Hot Team and Coffee'
Served at all Hours. Lunch
Room. Everything neat, clean,
and sold at close prices.
Pickles by the Bottle or Quart.
Salt and Fresh Fish.
Practical Watchmaker
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past femora and
support end wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
oat Fall Linea in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Boilable Makers
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest Desi,ins
WteDbINo RINe9,
%l000nore, •
BAmmnes, sire.
LL'Also a Full Line of VsorINs and
Violin Strings, &c., in stook.
N. R.-isenrer of marrhtge Licenses.
T-. Fletcher, . Sru;sse s.
LT coj tr.-4 gr3p_ g,
Au) 42
Gallery Deer SiaUFrU
As House Cleaning is at hand that is the time there is always
something wanted in my line. A Bedroom or Parlor Suite, an old
Lounge done over and made as good as new, or some of our new
Patent Window Shades required.
I have the largest and best assorted stock in the County and
as I buy for spot cash I defy competition. Look at some prices :
Good Kitchen Chairs for 80c. ; good Parlor Chairs for 55c. ; good
Rocking Chairs for 90c. ; bedroom Suites for 87.00 and upwards
Sideboards for 85 00 and upwards ; Bedsteads for 81.35 and Illi•
wards ; Parlor Suites for $25.00' and upwards. Everything sold at
'Very low Prices for 30 Days,
During house cleaning time. The invoice of a new and well assort-
ed stock of CURTAIN POLES to hand -Stock here in a few days.
3 Curtain Poles all complete, a new design in ends, for 81.00.
It will never pay you to put up your olcl Window Blinds..
Colne and see my Spring Shades, nothing but the best Cloth and
Springs used. They are, by far, the cheapest considering tho
length of time they wear. Put up and warranted to work at very
Low Prises.
I keep a complete stock in all its branches. As the warm
weather is coming on now is the time an Embalmer is required.
Having taken Diploma on embalming at Toronto Medical School
from Professor Denouar'c1, all work intrusted to ere will be properly
and promptly attended to either night or clay.
I buy instruments for spot cash and buy thele right. As•I do
not peddle thele from door to door and do not pretend to rue that
alone as a business (having lots of room and no (Apollo) therefore
I can give the public the benefit of close prices. Don't buy until
you get my Figures.
R. L Balt:
Special Attention to Repairs,