HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-5-19, Page 88
Ooatolners are coming 0nd our Wall
Papers aro going which is ouly what we
snl36118 expect with such extra values and
pretty designs in
The balalioe Of our stook has now arriv-
ed and some are regretting they did nob
Wait for it.
A supply received of Mother Scig-
les' Syrup, Plasters and
have you tried
PIOA.4)IX 1331,00 NI
for the Complexion ? Try it.
Druggist, Bookseller, &o.
so0Tn112N 3xl'ONSION W. e. & n.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows :
GOING Sorra. Genic NORTH.
Man 7:02 O.nt i Mixed 0:45 a.m.
Express 11:50 a.m. Mail 8:13 p.m.
Mixed......... 8:50 p.m. Express 0:38 p.m.
o t al Aim Ntemz.
A chiel's among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll punt it.
Fl m110 Is booming.
STn.lw hats are on deck.
Wrap flowers are plentiful.
NNW time table on G. T. R, on the 21 t.
NExT Wednesday will he the Quer..'s
Tum Banks and the G. T. R. in i'.ia
place discount American silver now.
Huainan* is said to be on the pr.).
gram in Brussels at no distant date.
Jas. 511111118 team ran away 1)1 m
Ament'e mill last Friday but were eau ht
before any damage was done.
Janne BALLANTr111 has disposed of n-
ether New Rapid bicycle. The purc',..a-
er was Jno. Smith, carriage maker.
FISIIII G has been the rage for the p sot
two weeks. Linoolu Hembly lo• 'id
some beauties some of which weigl . d 3
pounds each.
THE Atwood Bee says :—Jae. Stria' l:••rs
is having his pacer go through a c. '1708
of training over Brussels' track. It will
be in charge of Jas. Bell, au old mr,tor
at horse training.
ILIUM amusing yet very practical
poem may be read on page 3 of this
week's issue. It is entitled "The bridge
across the Nith," and is copied from the
April number of the Canadian Law
Two Italians discoursed sweet music
au a violin and harp in Brussels this
week. If a hurdy-gurdy would only put
fu an appearance 00W 110 surer evidence
would be asked that Spring time had
surely acme.
ON Thursday, June 22nd, the "Travel.
hog Dairy," from the Ontario Agricul-
tural Farm, will visit Morris & Grey l
cheese factory at 2 p. m. Every far•
mer and his wife and daughters should
be in attendance.
"B.8 nwuin, turn backward, 0 time, in
thy flight ; give us July again, just for
one night ; give us mosquitoes and give
us the flies, but turn on some heat before
every one dies l bring back our straw
hats and good linen pante ; give us a
chance to live, give us a chance I"
Poslw.—A change has been made fu
the additioiiaipostal faoilities which have
been placed on the Kioaardine branch.
The second daily mail is now 0arried
West on tbo 9138 o'olook p. m, train, and
distributed to the different points ou the
line by the morning train from Kinoar-
,•• Tann is a good deal of misappre.
liensi031 in regard to the registration of j
births, marriages and deaths. Births
must be registered by parents within 80
days, malrlage8 by clergymen within 90
days and deaths by the occupiers of the
house in which they occur within ten
A KM= meeting is proposed for Fri.
day evening, 26111 fust., 1n the Counoil
chamber, Brussels, to consider prelimin-
ary arrangements for a big oelebration
en Dominion Day, or some other date
convenient to it. Everybody ehonld get
on their thinking oar and be prepared to
make suggestions for program, deo.
MoNDA1 of last week G. A, Deadman,
who is one of the leading apiaryiete of
Ontario, put his bees out for this season,
95 colonies were wintered in the cellar
and the remaining 70 were outside.
Only two or three out of the total were
lost. The Beason is about three weeks
later than usual this year. Mr. Dead-
man says when the bees are not allowed
to work earlier in the year their existence
is Considerably shortened by over work.
Tan howling winds may blow the ad•
vertisements off the fence and the deep
0n01V may cover the hand bill in the front
yard so deep that it will not come to light
until the snow melts in the Spring, but
the howling winds and the deepest snows
cannot blow the newspaper ad, away nor
eover up its effects. It gees right into
the house and is read every day. It gets
a front seat on the center table and when
the paper is pasted on the kitchen walls
the ail. 1s always there with its smiling
fame telling of wonderful discounts and
genuine bargains. Oh, you can't Lill the
newspaper ad.
Foorn.1LL.—Bruseelc football team
went to Listowel last 1z•ltnrday and play
ad a 8011033led Snatch with the chub of
that town, Thu drizz:ing rain made the
graee and ball 18e slippery as grease and
as a 001505001100 play was difficult.
Three 111Omber5 of Brussels club were
unable to go to Listowel and now men
t' had to be drafted in their plo,eeo. The
310tne tarot won, the snore being 2 lo 0.
Our boys wore L. Hombly, L. Jao11s0n,
It, Thomson, A. Sample, P. Ferguson,
IL Montt, 3, Mallows, J. H. Cameron,A.
11. Sample, R, Ferguson and G. Ander.
which Brussels
son. The next mulch in wh1 rue ofs
will tante' fart will be at Mount Forest on
alio Qneon's Birthday, tiro game to bo
played at the latter town.
Tim brick work is about completed at
the new poatofliee.
61110315 fare on the G. T, R. and 0, P,
11. on Qu00lt'e Birthday.
Tan Driving Park fe quite a rendes.
vows these fine evenings.
MR, II3TCnINeoN shipped a oar of
live hogs from ]sere eft Wednesday.
Oen thanks are due to T, Gibson, M,
P. P., for Government bills and reports,
Messes. SCOTT & atoms shipped a ear
of butchers' cattle on Thursday from
this station.
MESSRS. BANunn & 30.58TONli shipped a
oar of prime hogs from Brussels on
Tuesday of this week.
QUITS a number of townspeople will
likely a000mpany the football team to
Mount Forest on the Queen's Birthday.
Iv the evening is favorable the town
Band will present the first outdoor pro-
gram of this season on Friday evening
of this week.
LAST Friday Councillor T1101118031 ex-
presesd hie mammoth St. Bernard dog
to Dr. MsOullough, of Detroit, who
purchased pian a short time ago.
COONc131Lm1 MCCRACKEN shipped two
oars of potatoes to the East this week
This makes 7 cars, representing 2076
bushels, sold 811208 last Fall by Mao.
Ow5NO to the largo attendance id the
Primary Department of Brussels Public
school half of the first class attend school
in the forenoon and the other half in the
III1IENEAL.—On the 80.3 inst. Mies Mag.
gie Maxwell, formerly of Brussels, and
1). V. Kilpatrick, of Battle Creek, Mich.,
were united iu marriage by Rev. Mr.
Simonds, at the residence of 111e bride's
brother-in-law, 0. I. Olapp. May pros-
perity attend thorn.
LP:avian', W000ix Mr31L.—The annual
announcement of 13. F, Brook & Son,
Listowel, may be react in this issue of
Ti10 Posx. They are showing the biggest
,feet of woolen goods ever exbibitited by
them :.ud are desirous of purchasing any
quautf:y of wool for cash or trade.
Is 1.1 0 foot -ball match between Corrie
and :'„curt Forest last Tuesday, played
at the former plane, Gorrie won by 2 to
0. TI o clay was most unfavorable owing
to the lulu and the field Wag oonseg0Ontly
in bad Oondition for good play. L. Jack-
son, , f Brussels, refereed the game.
This e etch wits in connection with the
Malt!: .d Association series.
L1c arm GOafa:IesIo1ERs.—On Tuesday
of thf- week the East Huron License
Cmm1'esioners met at Brussels. Among
other :natters considered was the trans•
ter as: d by lIrs. T. Hall of the license
grant. •i to W. G. Taylor for the Revere
Hou." in this place. Tho petition bear•
iug 11.: names of 84 ratepayers objecting
to the transfer was presented to the
Board and in Support of said petition a
deleca'inn, consisting of Rev. J. Ross,
Rev. G. F. Salton and W. H. Kerr,
waits. 1 on the Oommissioners and dis•
cussed the question. Mr. Regan, of
London, and MI. Rose, of Berlin, repre-
senting commercial interests in the
Revere House, were ales present, as was
Mrs. Hall, Mr. Taylor and others. Af-
ter due consideration the transfer was
refused to Mrs. Hall but was granted to
Barry James, of Brussels. He will
therefore take possession at once. The
commissioners had no authority to
cancel the license, so they said. Mrs.
Hall was granted lioenue for the Henfryn
hotel in April.
GRIT.—Mrs. James Knox, whose death
was referred to 1n the last issue of Tun
Posr, was born in the township of Arran,
Brune Oo., in the year 1837 and was con-
sequently 56 years of age at the time of
her decease. Her maiden name Was
Martha Fallis and she was united in
marriage to the late James Knox about
35 years ago, The deceased was the
mother of 9 children, ail of whom died in
infancy, the oldest only attaining the age
of 2 months, Mr. Knox, who was a
well known resident of Brussels, passed
away 10 years ago, aged 47 years. The
clause of his death was diabetes. Mrs.
Knox removed to Invermay, Bruce Co.,
shortly after and made her home there
up to the time of her decease. The sub-
ject of this notice had been poorly since
Christmas but was only confined to bed
for about four weeks. Rapid consump-
tion is said to have been the cause of her
death, which took place on Tuesday
afternoon of last week at 1 p. m. The
funeral took place on Friday afternoon
from Brussels depot, on the arrival of
the 8 o'clock train, the service being con-
ducted by Rev. Mr. Reilly, incumbent of
St. John's church, of which deceased bad
been a faithful member. The pall bearers
were :—Counoillors Wynn and Mo-
Cracken, 13. Gerry, T. Farrow, Thos.
Kelly and Thos. Maxwell. J. A. Knox,
of Toronto, nephew of Mrs. Knox ; J.
Cochrane, of Nebraska, brother-in•law
to deceased ; and John Douglas, of Tara,
one of the executors, accompanied the
remains from Invermay.
ADDn288 AND PnnsENTATION.—Tueeday
evening a number of St. John's 011hr011
congregation visited the home of H.
Tames, John street, to give a farewell
shot to hie eon William, who left for De-
troit ou Wednesday. The following ad-
drees was read by Garfield Vanetone and
Lorne Maxwell presented a find gold
chain :—
To Mr. 11 r. James, LlSrarian of St. John's
Church S. S., Brussels.
Doran SIR,—Having learned that you
are about to leave Brussels for Detroit,
and that we would lose your valuable as-
sistance in our church and Sunday
sobool, we oonla not allow you to doped
from our midst without expressing to you
our deep regret that you should find it
necessary to Beek your fortune in another
part of the world, Allow us to assure
you of the esteem and respect in which
you are hold, not only by those who are
present here to -night, but also by the
whole oongregation both old and young,
an calces and respect which has been
won by your faithfalnese in 111e discharge
of every duty. Wo ask yon, therefore,
to accept this obain as a memento of our
appreciation of your valuable services.
May its united links remind you of
friendship's golden chain unbroken ;
may prosperity attend you wherever your
lot may be cast and may "God be with
you till we meet again." Signed on be.
Half of the Sunday 0011001,
GAnnsr.n VAN810380,
Lou1i8 MAxw1LL.
Mt. James made a suitable reply, thank.
ing the donors for their gift. Rev. Mr.
Reilly also Spoke a few words. The
visitors had brought well filled baskets
with them and the oonte118 of the same
eare dispensed. A leagant eveningwas
njoyed after which the company searat•
era wishing Mr. Janes every gumless in
his new 1101110,
MAIL 19, 1893
Business Locals,
Fon finest photce go to Strong'e.
1tltx311 paints in new °elore. Il, Gerry.
Goon buggy tops away down in price
at 13. Gerry's.
011T your buggy painted at Jas. Walla.
or 0, llrassels.
H538v1881' and latest style of dairy cans
at B. Gerry's.
• SEn Williams' nolo buggies. Their
prime will surprise you.
SPECIAL drives in 5ltirting0 and cotton.
ados at Ferguson Halliday'e.
Din you 000 Williams & Sons new bug-
gies ? Tbo finest line of the season.
PD1100 for spraying fruit trees and
bushes only 32.00 mash at B. Gerry's.
GM: your buggy tope repaired or cover-
ed over new at Jas. Walker's, Brussels.
WALL 31,10038,—A few of those lovely
parlor patterns still left at W. Roddiok's.
CALL and see those beautiful delainetts
that w0 are selling ab 124o,, fast colors.
Ferguson & Halliday'e,
Ir you want n new set of wheels on
your buggy go to J'ae. Walker's, Brus-
Fon the beet assorted [stool( of window
bllude and spring rollers go to 1V. Rod.
Isier that a lovely picture ? Where did
you have ft taken 2 Why at Strong's, of
WnoDOw 8had88, the 1argeot assortment
in town and prices right, at W. Rod-
ALL shades of alabae1inofor house clean-
ing. Also a lot of good carpet felting.
B, Gerry.
Waramn R: Ewax are building three
styles of road carts. Call and see them
before you buy.
12 SAnD8 extra heavy factory cotton for
$1.00, regular price 8o, at
Ferguson & Halliday's.
NOTn0NO but high grade photos are
made in our studio.
H. J. Strong, Photographer.
Join received this week ton pieces of
the latest novelties in veilings at
Ferguson & Halliday's.
ANOT20n lot of those spring window
shades just arrived. This is the third
lot this Spring at Leatherdalo's.
SSE our kid gloves; WO keep all the
best makes. Our special line at 50o. is
grand value. Ferguson & Halliday.
M0 gallery having boon repaired 15.111
now in flret•elass shape to do excellent
work at rtasonable rates.
U. J. Strong.
BABY C.ulBIAGl:a.—H. Dennie has re-
ceived a fine range of baby carriages—
the blest and hest—which will be sold
at low figures.
Wom.n'e FAm.—Jam08 Walker has de -
aided not to send any of his first-class
rigs to the World's Fair but will sell
them all at pose.
24TH of May being a holiday we must
have our photos taken in the latest style,
even if it does cost a little extra, At
Strong's ? Oertaiuly.
WHEN parohasing window shades
insist on getting the genuine Hartshorn
spring rollers and take no others. In
stook at W. Roddick'e.
Litmus 1 Have yon seen Loatberdale's
curtain polos 7 over a gross of thein sold
this season. The wonder is how he sells
them so cheap.
Ir you want anything in the furniture
11310, pianos, organs, piotnre framing,
window shades or curtain poles you
should call and see Loatherdale's stook,
the most complete stook in the county.
yon are not buying your hosiery and
gloves from ns you are missing some
extra values as we have :medial line in
ladies sizes, 4, 9, that we are selling at
12tc., guaranteed fast black.
Ferguson cC Halliday.
IF ever a man feels like "a poor worm
of the dust," it is when he suffers from
that tired feeling. Ayer'e Sarsaparilla
removes this discouraging physical son•
dition and imparts the thrill of new life
and energy to every nerve, tissue, muscle,
and fibre of the whole body.
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells gleaned out and put in proper
ebape. Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 34-11
"TITS flowers that bloom in the Spring"
are not more vigorous than are those
persons who parity their blood with
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The fabled Elixer
Vita could seemly impart greater
vivacity to the countenance than this
wonderful medioine.
I HAVE the largest stock of upholstered
goods such es parlor suites and lounges
that I ever had which will be sold very
cheap. Note this as all you can see in
upholstered goods is the cover. Any per•
son having bought anything in this
line from me if it has not given good
satisfaction I will upholeter them over
again for nothing. R. Leatherdale.
No TIDE LI100 TUE PansoNT.—Thera is
no place in America whore it man can
create a comfortable home in so short a
time, and my advice to every young and
middle aged man is not to allow this
land to be taken or given to railways
without making a selection first, as no
doubt these fine farming lands that are
given by the Canadian Government to
those who wish to become settlers will
be very soon taken and made "homes
plenty." A. F. GAFF,
Itiohford, VI.
111050038 Wilkinson, of Brownsvalley,
Ind„ says :—"I had been in a distressed
condition for three years from nervous•
nese, weakness of the stomach, dyspepsia
and indigestion until my health was
gone. I had been dootoring oonotantly
with no relief. I bought one bottle Of
eolith Amerioan Nervine, which did
ane more good than any $50 worth of
dootoring I over did in my life. I would
advise every weakly person to use this
valuable and lovely remedy ; a few bot-
tles of it has oared me completely., I
(insider it the grandest medicine in the
world." A trial bottle will convince you.
Warranted by G. A. Deadman.
DODD'S P13Ls Aeam.—Kingston, May
I.Slb.—L, Yott, of Wolfe Island, opposite
thio oity, has been ourod by Dodd's
kidney pills'. It is a well known faob
that Mr. •Pott has been a sufferer for
years from bsokaohe resulting from die.,
ordered kidneys, to much so that if in a
standing position he 811ouitl turn round
suddenly the pain would take his breath
away. In Speaking of his ease to Henry
Wade, the druggist of thio city, from
whom he purchased the pills, be geld :
I have been a Finfferer for years from
pats in the baok and kidney disease,
Lfave tried liniments, plaetors, ointments
ST11XD.tRD B4XLC or GI 4D✓.l,
F'2'.�335.,5:0i23;732, 1E170.
, ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) . 37,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) • - .. • $2,000,000
Agencies la all principal points i11 Ontario, Qnelco,111antlolla, Ualllyd States 10 England,
'9 'cessszed° IlateMOIX.
A General Banking Buoinese Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discounted.
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points.
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from date of deposit to dato of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distanoe.
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Groat Britain.
$a1}', vll as A??x;81' O $pa"agi °a tamr.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current hates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Print pal at the and of the Months of
October and April. Special Arrangements made f or Time Deposita.
mat Arco. to 'lite Inal,lvanro 101 Old noglleh Or Canadian Co1nll,ietica, Or In 3111f -
lull. Companies us may 110 desired.
and other remedies from dootors and
druggists, but none of these remedies
helped me in the least- .'leering Dodd's
kidney pills so much talked of, I gave
them a trial, and as a result two boxes
cured 1ne. This cure is probably not as
marvelous as many that have recently
been made by Dodd's kidney pills, but it
is creating oonsiderable talk and 0.001•
merit among his friends and acquaint-
ances here.
OAurasrm. Iu McKillop, on the 0th inst.,
the wife of Mr. James Oampbell of
a daughter.
DOYLii—BLAKE.--At the ohuroh of the
Holy Rosary, Minneapolis, on April
19t13, by Rev. Father Bloomer, Mr.
John Doyle, of Minneapolis, to Mise
Agnes Blake, of Grey township,
Heron Co., Ontario,
KIxe—G1na0N.—In Morris, on Mny 10th,
at the residence of the bride's mother,
by the Rev. J. W. Prang, Bluevale,
Mr. Benjamin L. King to Miss Bella,
youngest daughter of Mrs. Matthew
Gibson, both of Morris township.
HILPATRrrx—bf.SwsLL.—At the residence
of Mr. 0. I. Clapp, brother-in-law to
the bride, Battle Creek, Mich., on
May 811), by Rev. W. D. Simonds,
Mr, Deo° V. Kilpatrick to Miss
Mapgie, daughter of Mr. Jas. Max-
well, of Brussels, Ont.
STowAI1T.—In Gray, on May 12111, Hugh
Stewart, aged 77 years and 6 days.
03152.'rTSS:Ei2,M MAF.'sCr—r@S,
Fail Wheat 62 64
Spring Wheat 68 00
Barley 30 35
Peas 65 00
Oats 28 30
Batter, tubs and rolls.... 16 00
Eggs per dozen 9 00
Flour per barrel3 00 3 60
Potatoes 40 50
Hay per ton.. ........... 7 00 00
Balt per bbl„ retail...... 1 00 00
Hides trimmed 3i
Hides xough 8
Sheep skins,eaoh 60 1 CO
Lamb skins aaoh 65 . 00
Apples per bag 50 00
Wool 17 18
Pork 7 00 7 60
INesnsom,, Ont., May 16.—At the
cheese market to -day seventeen factories
boarded 1,650 first half and second week
May make ; no sales ; market dull ; few
bids of 9 o made, but refused, salesmen
holding for 930.
TORONTO, May 16.—Flour, straight
roller, $8.00 to $3.20 ; extra, $2.65 to
$2,70. Wheat, white, 670 to 68o ; No. 2,
spring, 630 to 64o ; red winter, 67o to
68o ; goose, 62o to 64o.; No. 1 Man. hard,
87o to 88o ; No. 2, 85o to 87o ; No. 3, 790
to 80o ; frosted No. 1, 70o to 71o. Peas,.
No• 2, 58o to 60o. Barley, No. 1, 410 to
42o ; No. 2, 87o to 870 ; No. 2, 37o to
880. Market dull. Sales—No. 2, spring
wheat on the Midland at 68o to 69o,
Oats on the Midland at 343. Peas out-
side at 58o to 59.
LONDON, MAx 15.—The Mark Lane Ex-
press, in its weekly review of the British
grain trade, says :—English wheat has
advanced 6d on the week in fifty-six out
of sixty markets. Foreign wheat has
advanced la per quarter under the
stimulus of bad reports from the United
States. The reserve foreign wheat
stooks in Great Britain amount to 3,217,-
000 quarters against 2,690,000 quarters
at the oorresponeting time last year.
Corn is dearer in two-thirds of the lead.
ing markete.
EAST BUFFALO, N. Y., Mar 10 —.Cattle
—Nominally firm ; only a few head of-
fered. Sheep and lambs—Only six oars
on sale, mostly thin stook; offerings sold
at yesterday's values. Hoge—i7fght care
on sale ; opened 5o to 10o lower ; closed
strong with dooline reoovored ; light
Yorkers and pigs of 110 to 135 lbs. cold
early at 37.70 and 37.75 ; later in the
]Horning at 37.80 and$7.75 ; later in the
morninoat $7,80 nod $7.85 for the few
good wools on the market ; roughs and
stage unchanged,
TORONTO, May 16,—(8peoial.)—The
market to -day was well supplied, but
prices showed a tendency to decline.
The demand for :shippers was less aotive,
owing t0 lower oablos from Liverpool,
There appears to bo a good deal of uncer-
tainty as to how the export trade will
tarn out, end many shippers predict
lower prices before long. The best strip.
ping oattlo sold today at 44o to 43o.
The attendance of buyore wee good, but
they held off from making parchasee.
But: here' cattle in moderate demand, at
4o for the best 23 to 8o for inferior.
Calves Bold at $3.50 to $7,00 per head,
and milch sows at $37 to 45 each. Brills,
3?to to 3ia per lb. Sheep dull, ruling at
$5 to 57 each, and spring lambs in fair
demand at 34 to $0.50. Hogs are steady,
the boat selling at Ciao per lb., stores at
83o and rough at Oc to Ojo.
of well matched, well broken oxen, 0
years old. For further par Honiara apply to
ROBERT HUGHES, Proprietor, North Half
Lot 14, Con. 8, Morris,
S ALE.—Eggs of Pure Bred Blaok Min-
or cos, Hud White Leghorne, from Thos.
1li00's beet strain, 31.00 per setting (10), Al-
so 1 trio of Bleck 511003en8, cools no relation
to hens, and two Leghorn Soolt0rels. All of
boat stook i0 Ontario.
03.11 WM. HARTRY, Sealorbh,
ronTARlas house on Mill street J3 rue -
eels, for sale or to rent, 3 acre of land, with
good wen and stable on promises. 33or fur.
tiler particulars apply to
or to JOHN BROADFOOT, 2 doors East of
aforesaid house, tf-
fl OUSE'S :310011 SALE.—FOUR
of those commodious houses in the
Terrace, on Turnberry St., arefor sale, that
is Nos.11, 10, 17 and 18, with .01801 there is a
garden plot. They are offered at 0020 aaoh,
The mambas() money to bo paid about Oct,
181, 1803. Title is good. For further partic-
ulars apply to A. MO MITRE, No. 18, Terrace
Brussels, or REV, W. NORTON.:
45-6 Mount Forest,
Tenders Wanted,
Ten dors will be received up to 6 p. 51. on
Monday, June 5113, for tho building of a tank
for are protection purposes, at the corner of
Turnberry and Church, streets, Brusoole.
Tenders asked for Dither brick or stone, con-
tractor to furnish all material. Plane .and
specifications maybe soon by applying to
the Olerk. The lowest Or any tenders not
necessarily accented:
F. S. SCOTT, Village Olerk.
Take notion that the Court of Revision for
the Village' of Brussels, for the year 1800,w111
be hold In the Town Hall, on
MONDAY, .Tone 5515, 1893, at 7.30 p an
All persons interested will plea o takemo-
tioe and sot accordingly.
I''. 8. SCOTT, Olerk.
Notice is hereby given that the Municipal
Council of the Corporation of the Township
of Grey, (Jaunty of Huron, will meet as Court
of Revision at To8N8n11 HALL, MUM, 011
Friday. May 2611[,1803, at 10 8. In.
Parties interested will govern themselves,
WM. 8PENCE, Clerk.
n1R8I0N0n has several good. Forme for
sale and to rent, early terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. F S. SCOTT, Brussels,
.J Being South bait Lot 27 con. 6, Morris,
100 aoros, nearly mildewed. Good buildings,
fine yours bearing orchard. Immediate pos-
session, Easy Terms. Apply to
12- Solioitor, Rao„ Brussels.
The 200 acre farm being lots 11
and 12, 0013. 10, Grey, is offered for sale. 120
acres aro cleared and the balance well tim-
bered, Buildings Drat -class. Orchard, well,
&o. Schee/house within 40 rods. Poseoe-
eion given at once if desired. For further
3artieulare 05 to price terms, CO, apply to
3.1f Rosoylilo P. 0.
or NELSON B1I03ER, on farm,
L.; Prone Tote 11 aml 12, 000.18 Township
at Grey, County of Huron, eoaiaining 200
acres, he property of the late John Robert-
son. 100 aures cleared and '£too from ob.
et-motion%,i5 acmes bush, mixed timber,
balance partly cleared. Soil clay loam
meetly rolling. lion ied with straight rail
feeeos and watered by two voile and a
spring privilege. Comma Moue dwelling
house, with largo woodshed attached and
an woollen -1i callow under Monro. Theo large
borne, atone stabling and other oatbuild•
iuge. •Two good beaded Orchards orna-
mental trees and mall fruits, 4. mf108
from Brussel% a lively town on the 81, T, lt„
convenient to school, churches and post
office, This property not wolf, ie a 3r01 -
doss grain and atoeli farm and should b0
seen intending iulollasore as itis elfin -
oil atba bargain, 11for further ppo.rti:ula'o
apply to MI.1:8. JNO.1108E18TS0N,
or 'DANIEL 1t0BERT808 on
OthoUl'omiOoe,orby letter 10.0115 rooS01'.
if You have •n room to Paper,
measure it, a11(1 it wit pay
you to got your
Paper at
Popper's Drug Store,
e 30110110r 7ud conveyancer. Oolleo-
tioue made, 011loe—Vanston,'s 131001o, Brim -
eels. 21 -Om
110, CO, 8041os—'VOonstose a Block,1
uy door
north of ()control Hotel, Private Funds to
''VV Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Ooderloh, Out.
Al, 0. CA1C1(1h0N, Q. O, 311;031031 HOLT,
50133113E HOL➢I30.
a Auctioneer, ue always ready to at-
tend sales offarms, farm stook, Co. Terms
cheerfully given. 0ranbrook P. 0, Sales
may boarrcuged at Tun PosT Publishing
House, Brussels,
Licensed ¬ionoor, sew conduct
ed on reasonable berms. Farms and farm
stooka }modally. Or dors left at THE Po5T
P nbli shine house, Bra reels, or son tile Walton
P. 0„ will receive, prompt attention,
s3 as an Auctioneer, I um prepared
to 001)du50 soles of farm stock at roasouable
prices. 1(noivieg the standing (!? nearly
every porsou I am iu a position to sell to
good marks and get good security when and
onoredit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give
mea call. 32• F S. 800TT.
IeOaror ofMarriageLioeosoe. 011loe
of his Gr000ry, Turuborry street• Bruesele.
Tonsorial Artist• Shop—Next door
0011th of A. M. Mofiay C Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and cblldrooehair onttfus a epeoialty
. Iseuror of Marriage Licensee, by
appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis.
810501•, &e., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Iusuranoo 00, Glace at the Cralhbrook
Post Olaoe.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court
Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land Loan and Ineurnnoo Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Collections made,
Moe in Graham's Block, Brussels.
Mica Stories, of Wingliam, is prepared
to give instruction in oil painting. Terms
maybe ascertained at Miss Nellie Ross' store
where samples of work may be seen, Muss
Stories would also take a few more pupils in
rip -L • A. HAWKINS,
Organist in St. John's Church, Brus-
sels, and pupil, to the Art of Teaching of A.
W. Thayer, /true. Doe., New York, wilt give
lessons to pnpile either at J. 0.
oor. Ring and John Ste., or if preferred, at
their own tomos. Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday at Walton. Terme moderate.
el • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to ytreat all
diseases of domestioatod animals is a com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterivar3 dentistry, Calle promptly at-
tended to. d1Doe and Infirmary—Two doors
north of bridge 'rurnborry et„ Brubsels,
MEDICAL C.li ', A$
S. OO. M., L. R.O.P., Edinburgh, M. O. P
nt. Reeidenoe and oleoe in Wilson'
Block, corner of MlB.and Turnberry 'Ste.
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S.,
Graduate of tho Royal .College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario and of Toronto Uni-
versity. Omen—Over A. R. Smith's Store.
EDUCED TO $i150.—
The Dam of my Registered Jersey
is the best cow iu the Glen Duart Hord
and a p31130 winner at the Industrial, Toron-
to, Oost Of cervico for grndoe, reduced to
01,50, G. A. 19EADMAN,
1)ruggiob, Co,
Undersigned wi]1 loop for Sorviee on
S. Lot 24, Coo. 5, Morrie, the thoro' brod
Durham Bull "Clear the Way." Registered
Pedigree may b0 000n ou OAM1100,11011, Aged
2 years, wei hb 1,400 petunia Terme, 81,00
to be paid January 106, 180.i ;-eingio cows
oak, To insure 82.00.
44.1f Proprietors.
Tho undersigned will hoop for 08rviee this
3,108ont-500.0011 1110 XmprOVad largo white
'Yorkshire 1,g. 'Ready" on lot 20, eou.6,
Afnlris, to winch a limited number Of 00890
38311 b0 taken, 11 0.100 31,00 to bo paid at
time of oorvleo, with tbo privilege of return -
1n5 If 0000004y, Pedigree may be WO up.
010 application, 110181111T14101101.,
1112 'Proprietor.