HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-5-19, Page 44 AsisessuWeSeAtAmEgroscerzwzrETEEA New Advertisements. Looal--Q, P. R. Locals --B. Gerry. Locals -3. C. Ayer. .Locale --Jas, Walker.. Locals—H. J. Stroug. Royal Crown Remedy. Wool—B. F, Brook as Son. Queen's Birthday—G. T. R. Queen's Birthday -0. P, B. Locals—Ferguson Li: Halliday. Court of Revision—P. S. Sootb, Bull for Serviaa—Cardiff aC Innes. Che S'rtitssers fast. T*RTDAY, MAY 19, 1898, IN oonneotion with the Behring Sea seal arbitration there appears to be a probability that the United States will come ant minus end their interference will consequently bo et an end. Tnc Earl of Aberdeen, who in to be Governor General of this Domiuiou fur the next term, is expected to arrive ab Ottawa in the early pert of September. Preparati ons are already 011 foot to ten- der him a hearty welcome. The Earl is already acquainted with Canada and le a barge property owner in the Northwest. ONCE more the Newfoundland legisla- ture has prononneed by a large majority againet a political union between that col - may and Canada, the premier declaring that the Newfo0ndlanders are strongly opposed to moll a Union. AN effort is being made by some of the Ieading Conservatives to arrange au amalgamation of the Toronto Mail and Empire for two chief reasons. let, Dal- ton MoOarthay is being boomed by the Mail and his disagreement with the patty is causing a bad breach fu the ranks. and, The Empire has not paid its way nor is it now doing so, and the gentlemen interested do not care to in- vest any more cash so that before long a fusion or sale will be the destiny of this party organ. Sir John Thompson does not believe in too close a relation be- tween press and party, so says the To- ronto World. Editor Creighton will likely return to Owen Sound where he still holds an interest in the Times. Ix hue beau generally supposed that the great increase in population which took place in the United States in the decade between -1880 and 1800 was due to the settlement of farm lands in the west, bat the details of the census returns show that the older states held their ground. Penneylvania added more to her population in the ten years in clues. tion than any other state of the union. Tho total addition to the population of the republic in the decade was 11,468,• 467, of which Pennsylvania seemed 975,- 123 ; New York 914,982 ; Massachusetts 4655,853 ; Ohio 474,250; Michigan 456,• 972 ; Illinois, 748,840. Of the foreign born population of the United States, which is now 9,240,547, or one-seventh of the total. New York bas 1,571,0550 ; Peuneylvauia, 845,700 ; Massachusetts 058,187 and "Michigan 543,880. The great cities of the east, which would form Canada's most profitable and con. venient market if the artificial restrio- bions upon trade with the neighboring republic were abolished, are increasing in population at an astonishing rate. Oneeaaiatta 3°aTewag. Mitchell's taxes are 18 mills on the 5. Winnipeg claims a population of over 30,000. Grace Church, Brantford, will have a $6,000 tower. Prieonera in Montreal jail cost 71 cents per day for food. Albert College, Belleville, reduced its debt 53,000 last year. W. H. Ingram has been appointed post. master at St. Thomas. Belleville Oity Oounoil has decided to reduce oivil salaries 15 per tient. The weather at Port Arthur is bright and warm but the ice is still solid, The Lake Erie and Detroit River rail- road was opened to Ridgetown Monday. J. R, Booth's large sawmill et Ottawa began operations Tuesday with a gang of 900 man. William Bird, head waiter in Clow's restaurant, Toronto, oommitted suioide by taking carbolic acid. The Ontario Legislature has made the grant of 54,000 as required by law, to Oxford house of Refuge. Eliza Sefton, Dundee street, Toronto, tried to commit suicide by cutting her throat with a pair of scissors. Ridgotnwn is full of Italian navies. They are working on the new railway. About 100 of them are camping near the track. Three Germans reached Winnipeg from New York, having walked the en- tire distance in 37 days, They were 60, 40 and 20 years old. Mrs. Welsh, of St. Thomas, mother- in.law of Rev, W. G. Freeman, fell out of a second atony window while walking in her sleep and received injuries which may prove fatal. J, & J. Lugedinr furriers, Toronto, purchased from a dealer down from the Northwest country a very handsome blank fox skin, value 5500. It is con- sidered by them one of the best ever brought to Toronto. Jarvis Thompson had an exciting ad. venture with ono of the big bears at the Thempeon house, Woodstaek. While bathing out of the cage leading one of the bears, he stepped on the toe of the largest bear, who immediately pounced on him, knocking bin doWu and biting him severely on the fleshy part of the leg. Had it not been for the heavy blows dealt by a bystander with a club on the head 0f the Savage brute, "Jarve" would - have had a narrow escape for bis life, alis wounds had to be stitched up, The Sarnia Indian Reserve Band attend the World's Pair. The guards in Iiingetou penitent do not like whipping convicts, Ml's. McLaren, who lives in .Lon township, was 103 years old on Sa day. The Great N.,rth.western Telog Company has reopened its office ab armory, Bruce oounty, Ont, A "shell and pea" sharper ecoope it is oaloulated about 5500 from the wary who visited Waehburn's circ Woodstock, Michrol Casey, wbo lately ran the adian hotel at Belleville, is said to skipped out, leaving a number of mo ing creditors. Toronto's three regiments of volnnt attended divine service in the Patti last Sunday, Rev. A. H. Balcl preached a splendid Berman. The residence of Mrs, Frank Map at Banff, N. W. T., was destroyed fire last week and her children ag and 7, perished in the fiames. Two ohildren named Rigby, liv near Blenheim, were poisoned thro eating wild parsnips the other d Prompt attention from a doctor ea them. Mrs. Bell, living four miles north Oil Spriuge, oommitted suicide the et evening by taking a dose of rat pole Her rash ant was caused by her hush leaving her., H. Heppe', of Berlin, Ont„ bee ran three stands on the World's Fair grou Chicago, where he will retail his cid The consideration paid for the use of Space Was $1,500. The annual meeting of the Ora Grand Lodge of British America been postponed until the let day August next, and it will then be held the town of Sault Ste Marie. Rev. David Savage arrived home Tilsonburg from his evangelistic work the Eastern part of the province a f days ago, Mr. Savage intends stoop at home during the greater part of t Summer. A 6 year.olcl daughter of Heater P terson, lot 13, oon. 9, Dawn towneh near Dresden, enticed her sister, who 2 years old, to a secluded place and p seeded her to lay her hand on a blo when she immediately cut off the fi three fingers of her baby sister's rig hand. After this had been done t severed fingers were buried iuthe grow Before the children reached home t youngest had nearly bled to death. William Bell, a prominent settler Edmonton, has been indicted on a char of manslaughter. Bei/ was one of posse of citizens sent in pursuit of Swede who bad murdered this oompnui near Edmonton. When the murder opened fire on his pursuers Bell shot hi through the head. Bell applied to t1 Department of Justice for a reward a received instead an indictment, on whi be will shortly stand trial. The death is announced of one of t first residents of Palmerston in the pe son of Mrs. James Strong, For man years before the town was incorporate be deceased lady, with her husband an amily, lived on their farm on con0essio , Wallace, and shortly after Palmerston was laid out they took up their residsaoe within the town Iimits, She was born n S/moo° county in 1821, and was at the ime of her death iu the 72nd year o/ her ge, She leaves six daughters and three ons. The Bev, J. P. Lewis, of Gracie Much, Toronto, isabrother of the de - eased, and T. L. L. Lewis, the chief xeoutive officer of the Select Knights, ie nether brother. Sheriff Iler on Monday afternoon re- eived official notification of the 00m- ntabion of the sentence of Veney, the Waved wife murderer. When the bsriff and the turnkey went to Veney's ell to tell him of the oommunioatiou hey expected to see a change of some orb come over the man's features, but sy did not. The Sheriff announced to eney that his life was saved, but the an sat on his sot as indifferent and otionless ea if the were a wooden $gars. he statement was repeated to him in any different ways in the hope of ousing his interest, but he showed not e slightest indication that he had any owledge whatever of what was going n around him. A terrible accident happened on Sstur- y morning at the Hotel Vincent, sinew, in which Charles Withworth, 10 -year-old boy, who had charge of the vator, was instantly killed. It op- era young Withworth started to ewer the call of George Patterson, a availing man, on the fourth floor, and some way lost control of the elevator, ick shot up with terrific rapidity, ghtening the lad so that he attempted jump out at the third floor, but was tight between the elevator and the sing of the shaft, and crashed in a rribls manner. Kittle Golden, au ployse of the Vincent, stood near the nater shaft on the third floor and saw mug Withworth try to jump out through door, "Keep back," she pried, "you 1 be all right." Bob the boy was oom- tely rattled and made the fatal leap, ° scream - ands on tbe Frederick lgStockwell? another veiling man, rushed up the stairs and nd the boy's legs sticking above the or of the elevator, his ohest crushed in d legs broken, having been dragged r twenty feet in a space of two and -half inches. He resided with his Fried sistat in Saginaw and his then lives in Sarnia, Ont. wagon trip of 1,100 miles in th e ing of the year is not an overpleasant erienoe, so John McPherson and wife . They arrived in London, Menday, a four, wheeled oanVes oarsman, and driven all the way from Wyandotte, netts. Their vehicle was "stained with variation of each soil" between Kan. and Ontario. The mneteng ponies ached to the rig, though hardy little ste, show 51505 of that "tired feeling" oh is not to be wondered at after a Mnuous duration, The MoPhersons merly lived near Tilsonburg, Ont. thela ane Kansas adians but gdidthnot neande make gogo, and took this unusual means to rn o his old home. They were often yed by Well.intending persons diced. them wrongly. At nights they slept he Woods, the mustangs tethered and r faithful dog on guard. Their worst Flame on the whole trip watt a onto ono, and Ypsilanti, Miob„ was spade, It looked as if a Kansas one had followed them almost to the dere of Uncle Sam's domains t c give a helping hand out, Considerable age watt done to their- outfit by Mile one but after repairs, they continued air Way. Mr, McPherson futonda ing somewhere an Middleselt, will 1al',y don tut, raph Tob- d in mt' as at Can. have urn. ,Care lion win abe by ed2 ing ugh ay. of her on. and ted 1111, 0r. the ego has of fu at in e10 ing he at- ip, is er• ok, reit lit he ud. he of go a on er m le nd oh he r - a d n t 0 a th v m T m ar th kn 0 da Sa a tele pe an tr Mn wh fri to oa ca ho em ale the wit e Th ed, bra fon flo an ova One ma mo A spr exp say in bad Re the see att bea whi con for The of o thin tett' dela ting in tl thei expo oyes the Dye' boar them dam eye] On th sett) THE BRUSSELS POST Monday afternoon the African Native Choir accepted ao iuvitabion train the local oriokot club, Woodstock, bo play a friendly game of cricket, While praobio- ing before the play eomms10sd, Sao. Clarke, manager of the choir, was streak On the left ankle by a ericltot ball, which pained him so severely that he was ar- able to stand while taking tickets at the door of the opera house in the evening. Before the performemee was oonoluded he went to his hotel and retired, mimed. lag to be called at 7:30 o'clock the next morning,. At exactly that hour the porter of the hotel, not being able to arouse Clarke, opened the door and found that be had died during the night, Mr, Clarke was en Engliehmau and ap- peared tro be about twenty-three years of age. Death was due to a large fibrinous clot of blood being suddenly detached from the inside of the heart, blocking one of the large arteries. G or1-i(s. Wm, Dane has a gang of men oonstrao- ting a ooffer-dam, preliminary bo the building of a permanent strnoters. Mrs. Armstrong, Wife of J. Arm. strong, V. S., has been confined to bed for tho past month from an attack of in- flammation of the bowels. We are pleas. ed to hear she is recovering. A much needed improvement has just been completely at the station yard by bhe 0. P. R. We refer to the hollow East of the station which gives a greater increase of room for loading and unload. ing care. On Tuesday lest the Mount Forest foot ball olub Dame bo Gerrie to play the "Howick Rangers." In spite of the rain the game was called and quite a number of spoliators were present. The result was a victory for the home team by 2 goals to 0. The Gerrie boys go to Har- risbon to play Listowel on the 24th. The contraot for the now bridge Was awarded to R. Jamieson, his tender being the lowest, 5676. 'Many of our citizens were anxious to have an iron bridge but our Township fathers thought a wooden structure would bo the most economical and as there aro a large number of repairs in both roads and and bridges required this year and iron bridge could not be eutertsined ab any price. John Stinson, who has been ailing for a few weeks with bronchitis, died Wed. nesday morning. He'wae born in Co. Fermanagh, Ireland, and Dame to this country when eleven years old. His wife died here iu 1883. Ho leaves a family of three sons, the eldest, Robert, is married with whom he resided at the time of his death. He was a member of the Episco- pal church, au Orangeman and a Con- servative and was respected by all 10110 knew slim. POPULAR STALLIONS. 1 0 03 The following well-known Stallions will travel during the season of 1803, as fo llows : DEXTER REVENGE. imam= nnoe., ritOPlhr1Teae. Monday,—Will leave his owe stable, lot 10, con. 10, Grey, and proceed via Ethel to W. Bawtiuheimer's, Henfryn, for norm ; thence to Coghlin'o hotel, At- wood, for night. Tuesday,—will pro. oesd to Henry Moore's,. Trowbridge, for noon ; thence to Steiss' hotel, ,Motes - worth, for night. Wednesday,—Will proceed to Malwan's hotel, Jamestown, for noon ; thence to his own stable where he will remain until Friday morning, Friday,.—Wilt proceed to Simmer's hotel, Cranbrook, for a half hour, then to John MoTaggart's, 16th oon., for noon ; thence to Sage's hotel, Walton, for night. Sat• urday,—will proceed 21 miles north, then 21 miles into Morris, then to Alneri• oan hotel, Brussels, for noon ; thsnee to his own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning. STANDARD BEARER. Tl000. Onttent, rnornz>;xon, Monday,—Will leave his own stable, lot 9, con. 12, Grey, and proceed to Dun- can Taylor's, 8rd eon., Grey, for noon ; thence to Thee. McFarlane's, 2nd cru., for night. Tuesday,—Will proceed to Moffat Bros: for noon ; thence, via Blue - vale and Wingbam, to Robert Currie's, East Wawanosh, for night. Wednesday, —Will proceed to the Queen's Kobel, Bel. grave, for noon ; thence to Abel Brad- shaw's, 4th line, Morris, for night, Thursday,—Will proceed to the Central Hotel, Brussels, for noon; thanes, 0111 6th line, to John Walker's, 6th con., Morris, for night, Friday,—Will proceed to Jas. Hislop's, 16th owl., Grey, for noon ; thence to Wm. Fulton's, 1611 oon., Grey, for night. Saturday,—Will proceed to John Oarnoohan's, 12111 con., Grey, fol noon ; thence, via Cranbh'ook, to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. We intend doing NEXT And an uncommon. thing for the THTY WAYS that is Selling EA}JYJ : ALIB CUM We have a lot of money locked up in this Department and world like to Convert a portion of it into "Cash" and to do this we will do just as we have said above. 25 Hem's Berge Snits, nicely made, at $3.75. 5a 25, Men's fine black Worsted Suits at $7.50. The .Berla7zne of Men's Suits in ,Stools at the same ratio Boys' Two Piece Knickers at $2.00, other stores will want $3,00 for same goods. Boys' Three Piece Suits at $3.70, well words. $5,00. If you want a Suit come now. Yours Truly, STYLISH As the pleasant Spying season advances the question of purchas- ing a new Hat or Bonnet comes into the calculation. Miss McPherson, the City Milliner, has the very thing you require, Stylish, Neat and Cheap. Latest Fashions al- ways in stock. A largo range of Millinery goods such as Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, &o., to choose from. The prices will please you as we won't be undersold. It will be a pleasure to display our beautiful stock to the public at any time. MISS MVICPIIERSON, CITY MmL1NEB, Stretton Block. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. —AND— V!/ AGON S. The greatest number and largest as - 'a d Trunk Carte o be found in any one house out - of Buggies, wagons and Road Ce to to side of the cities, ie at Eir 9 Tickets will be issued to all Points in Canada at SINGLE FARE On 98rd d and 24th t May, good returning 25th. •J. N. KENDALL, 0. 1J•. R, Agent, Bruagelg. A. Williams 86 son's IN BRUSSELS. They are from the following celebrated makers : Gananoque Carriage Company and Brantford Carriage Company. These bnggiea are guaranteed liret•olase in all parts, and we make good any breakages for one year from date of purchase that oomes from fault of material or work. manship, We do no patching, but fur• nigh new parts. We mean what we ad. vertise, and bank up what we say. Our wagons are hand made. We nee nothing bob oboioe oak in their manufacture. Five styles of Road Carta. A11 kinds of Agricultural Implements. We handle the Fleury Plow and keep a full line of repairs for same. Our praxes are right, can in tend we us. IL 'WILLIAMS & SON. 'his Brain EVERYA )DY A T � E IttITalalGIVI G TEE Special Bargains in Readyniade Clothing, Serge Suits, New. Stock, Oifly $4.00. Halifax Tweed Suits, All Wool, Only $5.25. rINV D PAT TS ONLY $1,00. Prices Away Down on Fine Tweed and Worsted Suits. Boy's Sailor Suits Only t$1,00. Don't Forget the . Bargains we are giving in Dress (Foods, Prints, Muslin5, Corsetsailtl P i rasois. Our Boots and Shoos are good value and wo are cutting the prices in all bines, Full lines in Felt and Straw Hats, Ties, Collars, Cuffs and Braces. Highest market price paid for Butter and -Esgs. It will pay you to get our prices before you buy. JAS. IRWIN BRUSSELS.