HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-5-12, Page 88
CO'9 !
Ceetomers are coming and our Wall
Papers are going which is only what we
might extent with each extra values and
pretty designs in
The balance of our stook has naw arriv-
ed and some are regretting they did not
wait for it,
A supply received of Mother Seig-
les' Syrup, Plasters au(l
Have you tried
PEI AC IX 173LO0its.
for the Complexion ? Try it.
Druggist, Bookseller, tee.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows
Gond Sourn, 0OINO Nauru.
it r 1 7.02 a.m. Mixed 0:45 a.m.
tZtosdss......11:10&.m. .Mau 8:1:11.ut.
lased 8:10 p.m. Express ....., fl::t8 p,m,
0tat Daps oftcrst
:1 einiel's mmang ye Eakin' notes,
An' faith he'll preut it.
Smoot. Board this (Friday) eveuine.
Tin:i;o are 17 bicycles owned in Be ,s.
Queer's Birthday one week from t: xt
"eller Huron License Commissio trs
meet next Tuesday.
MAITEAxo Presbytery met last Tue :1y
at Winghatn.
taxon choir practice for the amide ' S.
S. Coil ventiou will he held in Mel • ale
ehureb this (Friday) evening.
Tan Directors of the Driving P irk
have set ont a number of maple tri.- • in
the Northern corners of the Park,
Bnrssoos will not hold a oelebrati • • on
the Queen's Birthday. Our Fo • all
boys play at Mount Forest en that r
Vi ioon.t:,I District m,'eting o" -he
Methodist church will be Mold in ng.
ham ou Thursday and Friday of :text
REV, G. F. SALTex will preach in ::or. I
folk street Methodist church, Guelph, '
next Sunday. Rev. J. H. Dyke, of Bel -
grave, will supply his pulpit here.
Corseimma W. H. McCnAcxsx and his
good lady purpose having a jubilation ,
over the 25th anniversary of their mar-
riage. Invitations have been issued for
Friday, 20th inst.
Doar forget the Distriot Sunday
School Convention in Brussels, on Tues-
day 30th inst. In addition to local talent
the welt -known Provincial Secretary
Day will take part iu the program.
A LIVELY trade has been carried on
here this Spring in the delivery of fruit
and ornamental trees, shrubs, flowers,
Sc. A. Good has had a very successful
season for the well known firm of Stone
d: Wellington, of Toronto.
Amnon day saw a number of needed
improvements inaugurated at the sobool
grounds in this place, The poplar trees,
recently cut down, were replaced by
maples, two flower beds were arranged,
and a general tidying up carried out.
INSPECTOR Ronn informs us that there
are about 75 applications in for the oom•
ing Entrance Examination to the High
School, to be held at Brussels. Thie ie
more than double the number that wrote
last year and the Inspector has the kind.
nese to say that the Silver Medal, offered
by ye editor, is likely the incentive.
Tim advocates of temperanoe in Brus-
sels are objecting to the issuance of hotel
license to the' Revere" House and have
circulated a petition among the ratepay-
ers of polling sub-divieion No. 2 for pre-
sentation to the Lioense Commissioners
at their meeting next Tuesday. J. 0.
Took was the tenant of the "Revere" last
year. firs. Thos. Hall moved in this
month from Henfryn,
'las Emerald Trio left Brussels on
Saturday noon train for Berlin where
they are engaged this week. The inter-
est never lagged here during the week's
meetings. . ThursdsY and Friday even.
fogs the Town Hall was packed to the
doors. Mr. Smith gave a sketch of his
life on Thursday and on Friday the pro.
gram was largely made up of song, reci-
tation and emotion.' sayings. They give
11.11 excellent entertainment.
breeovEMMENre,—W. J. Norton has
built a kitchen to the South of his house
on Thomne street.—J, R. Snaith is com-
pleting a large addition to his residence.
—Bishop Ward has put up a neat fence
In front of his property on Queen street
and otherwise improved the premises.—
The National Roller mill and the reei-
denceof Wm, Jewitt have been newly
shingled. —Mrs. Thos. Hayoroft and Mies
Blakeman have put up neat wire fences
iu front of their residenoes on John
Mesa HEru.—This talented elocutionist
nppewred in the Town 01x11 on
Wednesday evening of this week as
announced. Owing to various reasons
the audience was small but the
entertainment was good. Miss Flexr
presented a racy program of readings,
the majority of which were never given
in Brussels before and did her
part excellently. "The mouse" was
splendidly given. 1 , her posing she
excels anything ever t ;tempted in thio
place, II. L. Jaokecn sang a fine
baritone solo "Jerusalem" end did it
well. T. A. Hawkins, in his comic,
"Teaching McFadden to waltz," was
heartily encored and scored quite a bit
in his encore. Fax, Ramsay, etal will
have to look after their laurels. Miss
Lottie 11111 contributed a solo with fine
(fleet and in her recall sang "The cows
are iu the clover," in real prima donna
fashion. hllee Hill is the possessor of
a splendid voice. Mrs. II, L, Jackson
and Mr. Ilawkins performed the duties
of accompanists in their usual creditable
II. L. tats m i'eeeived a new upright
Heintz: an piano this week,
MAN DE.tl,ties rides a Snfoty
bioyele and dues it gracefully too.
linsens, Ci.0 of Y^ DAlnss shipped a
splendid lot of cattle to Montreal last
Friday from 1Bruseois.
Las'r Monday, R. Henderson brought
the street wa:ernef cart into requisition
and put down the dust.
Tne3w were 309 persons in attondanoe
at the Brussels Methodist Sabbath
school last Sunday afternoon,
Baossel,a Foot Ball Lean expeot to play
the second Association match with Lis-
towel club on Saturday afternoon at the
latter town.
D. Lewar and assistants commenced
work on Thursday of this week at the
now brick block to be used by Postmaster
Farrow for a postuIlloe.
Seen teJONES Shipped a double deck.
ed ear of hogs on Tuesday of this week
from Brussels. There has been and is
money in porkers this year,
EvEmr yard and premises in Brussels
is supposed to be cleaned up and ready
for the inspeetiOn of Health Inspector
Broadfoot on or before Monday, 16th
INSPECTOR Drn.txn, representing_ the
Waterloo Mutual, was in town on Mon•
day and adjusted the claim of Postmaster
Farrow in connection with the damage to
his building by the recent fire. $207 teas
To RE Seas tv Mer,—Wild flowers.—
Barefooted boys.—Straw Hats.—I'larly
onions and rhubarb.—An all -day fishing
has and 3 minnows,—House cleaning.—
Swimming parties inaugurated.—fire
crackers, greased pole and fire works,—
Flies.—Tho "Sons of Rest" sunning
R. T. or T. --Thele were five candi-
dates initiated at the Royal Templars
Lodge last Tuesday evening, The follow -
leg program was given :—Chorus, "Stand
up fa' Temperance ;" reading, "Year by
Y:ar," 3liss Minnie MoNaughton ; auto,
lira. '.'avatagh ; recitation, A. G. Eason] ;
duett, "Prohibition is Marching on,"
Miss C. E. Kerr and Nelson Gerry ;
readi g, "A Pair of Rids," Miss .Kerr.
The 1••_xt meeting will be held on Tues•
day r:euing, 23rd inst.
was a matter of sad stir.
prise , a the residents of Brussels Thurs-
day o this week to learn that llrs. Jas.
Sino:. a former resident of Brussels, had
died - Invermay on Wedneeday of this
week. The cause of her decease was
said,o be quick ooneumption. The
fun, r :I will take place at Brussels on the
orri, •1 of the afternoon train on Friday.
Mrs .f.nox removed from Brussels to
Iver. • ty a few years ago but has visited
old f. lends in this locality different times
CA:'.:dox BAvrLEs.—On lionday even-
ing the program at the Epworth League
was "Canadian Battles." The conflicts
on the I'lnins of Abraham, Luudy's Lane,
Quceuston Heights, Moraviantown,
Ridgeway and Batoohe were sketched in
an interesting manner by Mies Minnie
McNaughton, S. B. Wilson, Rev. G. F.
Salton, Dr. Cavanagh and Miss Minnie
Moore. The President occupied the chair.
Next Monday evening "An evening with
Fathers and Mothers" will be spent. A
goodly portion of the program will be
given by the children.
Gamma CoNrEnisce.—The tenth nes•
cion of the Guelph Conference will be
held in the Strops Street Methodist
ohurah, Owen Sound, commencing on
Friday, June 2nd, at 9 a. In. The Con•
ferenoe prayer meeting will be held from
9 to 10 a. m. The 990.401 ministerial
session will commence on Thursday,
June 1st, at 9 a. m., in the same place.
The Stationing Committee of the Guelph
Conference will meet iu the Sarope Street
Methodist church, Owen Sound, on Fri•
day, May 30th. at 9 a. m, Ths Statisti•
cal and Tabulating Committee will meet
en Wednesday, May 31st. at 9 a. m,
The Bostentation Fund Committee will
meet on Wednesday, May 31st, at 3 p. m.
Foor Boo..—The opening match of the
season was played on Victoria Park,
Brussels, last Saturday afternoon be.
tween the home club and a team from
Gerrie. The visitors put up a strong
game and the result was a goal each
when time was palled. An arrangement
was made to continue the game another
half hour to break the tie but at the close
of 80 minutes the result was not attained
consequently the match will have to be
played again. Both teams were fairly
well tired out after their two hour con•
flint. A few of tbo boys were more or
less disabled by collisions and kicks that
failed to touch the ball. The apparent
lack in either clubs appeared to be team
play. The game was stubbornly con•
tested, both goals being kicked in the
first half time, and some of the boys did
fine work. Following is a list of the
players :—
Gomm. BRmasttos.
p_W liqh s t Goal Hembly
h Jaokann
1 A. R. Sample
Fallab orbler A, Sample
Koehler Backe r I
d Mo don
P. Ferguson
11150011Williams �a001o11
Darroch Cameron
Montgomery Forward
James FergusonFe
,..,.,,.,. Satlow
Referee, G. Mitchell, Listow.el.
Business Locals.
Faun garden seeds at McCracken's.
Fnar hat found. Apply at TIM POST.
Son Williams' new buggies. Their
prices will surprise you.
Dm you see Williams & Sons new bug-
gies 7 The finest line of the season.
H. J. STRONG'S cabinet photos run from
$2.00 to $4.00 per doz. All are drat -class.
WALL Peeens.—A few of bhoso lovely
parlor patterns still left at W. Roddick's.
Fon the best aeeorted stools of window
blinds and spring rollers go to W. Rod.
Looe, Out for window next week. Soma -
thing new in photo line,
H. 3. Strong, Photographer.
8 CANS Peas, Corn and Tomatoes for
25o. at McCracken's.
Wnatnow shades, the largest assortment
in town and prices right, at W. Rod,
d iclt's,
Dire wood wanted, either cordwood or
stove wood. Apply at TIM POST Publieh-
ing House.
ANo'rlsn lot of those spring window
shades just arrived. This is the third
lot this Spring at Leatherdale's.
BAn! 0A1ir1L1ene.-1I, Donnie nae ree,
coived a fine range of baby carriages—
the latest and best—which will be sold
at low figures.
Wmtw purchasing window shades
insist on getting the genuine hartshorn
spring rollers and take no others. In
stook at W. Roddiek'e,
L.v,n';e 1 have you seen Lealhordale'a
curtain wine ?.over a gl•Oee of theta sold
this season. The wonder is how he sells
1110111 SD cheap,
Mame whiled Pew accessories and
baokgromlds to my gallery 1 am now in
shape to turn out extra fine photos. at
living prices. II. 3. Strong.
10011 on human and ho1'sas and n11
animate cured in 30 niinutee by \Voal-
fot•d's smeltery lotion. Tide never fails,
Warranted by G. A• Deadman.
\V11 aro running a lino of 030108, at
35,00 per doz. which also right out of
sight. Don't fail to see thein. Remota-
bee we alp 00 cheap John work,
11. 3. Strong, Photogrepbor.
Ir you want anything in the furniture
line, pianos, organs, ploture framing,
window shades or curtain poles you
should call and see Leathordale's stook,
the most o0mplete stook in the county.
Beasts II. Boi'aao, Burlington, Vt.,
lied a disease of the Rattly, pausing nor
hair to become very harsh and dry, and
to fall so freely that she scarcely flared to
comb it. Ayer's Ii,11r Vigor gave her a
healthy scalp, removed the dandruff and
made the hair think and glossy.
INaolnx10 is fearfully on the increase.
The rush and excitement of modern life
so tax the nervous system that multi-
tudes of people are deprived of good and
sufficient sleep, with rninolle eonsegnen.
cos to the nerves. Remember, Ayer's
Sarsaparilla makes the weals strong.
I IAVE the largest stock of upholstered
goods such ne parlor suites and lounges
that I ever land which will be sold vary
cheap. Note this as all ye0 man see in
upholstered goods is tits cover. Any per-
son having bought anything in this
line from me if it has not given good
satisfaction I will upholster them over
again for nothing. 10, Leatherdale.
A VOICE FROM M'ooeasaw,—I came from
the Parish of Holt, Worcestershire, Eng-
land, and in the spring of 1853 settled
upon my present location, where I have
since that remained. 1 began life here
with one yoke of oxen and a plow. I
have now 450 aures of land, eight horses,
fourteen head of cattle, a complete out.
lit of agricultural machinery, and about
7,000 bushels of grain (chiefly wheat),
raised during the past season.
II. Donoar.L,
Pres. of the Mnosejaw Agricultural
Society, Moosejav, Assiniboio.
Tut: Grip Printing and Publishing Co.
are asking for tenders for the pnrahase of
the mimic newspaper we all have known
so long as Grip. With the name end
gtod•will of the paper are to be sold
sul:seril,tinn list and all atuoulds
outstanding for subscriptions, the ad-
vertistug contracts and the amounts due
thete011, and the title and good -will of
the Grip Almanac. The date up to
whtclt tenders will be received is May
31st, 1893, and all information regarding
circulation, advertising, etc., will be
given on application to Mr. Howell, at
the Company's offices, 201 and 203
Yonge St., Toronto. This will not affect
the outer business of the Company as all
other departments will be coutinued in
the premises above mentioned.
A LADY SFEAEs.—Toronto Empire :—
Mr. Editor : Will you kindly allow me
space iu your valuable paper to tell your
many lady readers the valuable discovery
I have made. Had I known this ten
years ago it would have saved my hus-
bandbundrsde of dollars and myself
years of suffering. Since my boy was
born, ten years ago, I have been a great
sufferer from womb troubles ; the best
physicians in Canada and the United
States were consulted, my husband spar-
ing no expense where we thought there
was any chance of a cure. Getting no
relief for their treatment I had given up
hope. Last winter I caught cold, which
settled in my kidneys, and having seen
Dodd'e kidney pills advertised for this
purpose tried a box, and strange to say
my womb trouble began to disappear.
After taking four boxes I was entirely
oared of the old complaint. I now take
one of these pills every morning and feel
like a young girl again. I have told
many of my lady friends who were Bim•
ilarly afflicted and they used them with
the same good results. I have never
heard of these pills being reoommended
for that purpose and for this ran,
son I write you that other suffering wo.
men may benefit by my experienoe. It
is needless to add that my kidney trouble
has also disappeared. Thanking you for
your valuable space and trusting that
this information may be the means of
bringing health to many homes as it
has to that of
TEN YEARS A Seeennen.
Some person or persons stole a sot of
harness out of the barn of John
Thompson, sixth concession West
The new tug, John Logie, will leave
Goderieh at the end of the week,
commanded by one of her owners, D. G.
MaAcleY, of Northampton.
A patchwork quilt with 1,784 pieces,
the work of Miss Rosalie Crawford, aged
13, adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.
Crawford, of Londesboro', has been com-
pleted in the past two years.
The Driving Park Aesooiabion, of
Clinton, are talking of negotiating with
James Fair for the purobaee of several
aoree of ground adjoining the agricultural
fair grounds, for a half mile track.
BoLTON.—In MoKillop, on the 1st inst,,
the wife of Mr. Isaac Bolton, of a
Omtraim.—In Atwood, on April 30th, the
wife of Mr. Geo. Chapman of a
Fonnesr,—In Atwood, on Tuesday, May
2nd, the wife of Mr, Samuel Forrest
of a son.
BEntiER,—In Wingham, on May 2nd, the
wife of 1110. J. H. Boomer, agent C.
P. R„ of a daughter,
DuNlronn.—Ab Landon, Dakota, on
April 29th, the wife of Mr. Thomas
Danford of a eon.
Brows—Mtnttioo,—In Monkton, on May
8rd, at the residence of the bride's
father, by Rev. A. Henderson,M, A,,
George, son of Mr, Thee. Brown, Oar-
mmnnoak, to Annie, youngest dauglt-.
ter of Mr. David Murray, Monkton,
EGeTi r—Mlros.—idy the Rev. J. R.
Howell, at the Methodist parsonage,
Goderioh, on Wednesday, May Ord,
Mr, William Eggert, of Blyth, to
Miss Bebooan Jane Mille, of West
PrrFlvli--WxmT.—In Dorchester, Ont., at
the rosidonoo of the bride's sister, on
May 6th, Mr, George Wesley Popper,
of Detroit, formerly of Brussels, to
Miss Ethel Watt, of Dorchester,
STAN.D4.iW (140)Y01 ,
74.,4.0A.=i x^mFY] 3? 1.07.3...
ASSETS, - (Seven Million Dollars) - $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) . - 59,000,000
Agencies in all principal pofa'i0 in Ontario, Quebec, 3t131iloba, MM. -a Stake 011n9l,utd,
ORS✓-VigAo-3° l' n`1UIb"G",If'.
A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notee Diaoountod.
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points,
Interesb allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
Selman, ArruN'rlox OIVEN 00 TIE GOLLEG'ION OF Fuionisa' SALE Nora.
Every faaility afforded Customers living at a distance.
.MINIMMIIII,®OSMrn.ar,vn ME111.1.10nrinni.1....19� ,111. n
.%, LT S h~] ..I;1J IJ E3 ,,
Transact a General Banking Business, Drafts J3ought and Sold on
all paints in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
517 rialTtst. a5Y3iORPa3d23`,II ",R" '.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Currant Rates. Interest Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Princi pal at the end of the Months of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
We erten re wine lnsurnnee 1n old 1?1157fsh ee ('anatlhm Companies, or In 9111}.
nal Companies a5 rung be desired.
Onasnr.—In Morris, on the 5th lust
Noble Graeby, ag,'d 3:: years and 8
Coen.—In Hensel', on April 29th, Anna
Mabel, daughter of R. Coad, aged 11
years, 7 mouths and 14 days.
IxnLla.—Iu Wingham, on May 4th, John
Inglis, aged 78 years.
Cnoxx.-In \Vingham, on April 20th,
Lizzie, beloved wife of J. W. Crook,
aged 29 years.
Iixox.—In Invermay, on the 10011 inst.,
Martha, relict of the late Janes
I(nox, formerly of Brussels.
LITTLE FALLS, N. Y., May 8.—To-day
the following sales of cheese were made :
20 boxes at 0.1e, FO boxes at 93a, 150 boxes
at 9.Ire, 340 boxes at 10e, 50 boxes ab 1010,
1,950 boxes on contmissien end fib pack-
ages of dairy butter at 20o to 27a ; 71
packages of creamery butter at 27c to 280.
INoltnsoLL, May S.—Offoringe today
904 boxes, mostly first week of May
melte. Sales, 81 boxes at 9}e, 335 boxes
at 9,o,o, 3(i boxes at 0 7.10c, 278 boxes at
94o. There was a large attendance, but
the market was quiet.
TORONTO, May 9.—Flour, straight roll-
er, 59.95 to 33 20 ; extra, 52,60 to 32.70.
Wheat, white, 67o. to 68e. ; No. 2 spring,
03o to 540 ; rod winter, 070 to Ma ; goose,
52o to 04a ; No. 1 Man, hard, 87o to 88o ;
No. 2, 85e to 860 ; No. 3, 70e to 80o ;
frosted, No. 1, 700 to 71o. Peas, No. 2,
58e to OOo. Barley, No. 1, 41e to 42o ;
No. 2,137o to 874c ; No. 8 extra, 34o to
350. ; No. 3, 80e to 82c. Oats, No. 2, 35o
to 363o. Market armee, bub not active.
Sales—No. 2 spring wheat outside at 65u.
Oats outside at 82o.
Lennon, May 8.—The Aiark Lane Ex-
press, in the weekly review of the British
grain trade, says :—An early wheat crop
of fine milling quality is predicted for
Great Britain, but the prospects for other
aereale is not bright. English wheat has
advanced an average of 5d throughout
the kingdom. In London the advance
has been 7d. The deliveries during the
last fort -night form a good total for the
entire country, but a failure is reported
at some centres. Oalifcruie wheat has
advanced 2d per Dental ab Liverpool, and
red American wheat bas advanced 1d.
EAST Burma, N. Y., May Oth.—Cattle
—Nearly nominal, owing to scarcity, but
tone weak. Sheep and lambs -1,200
head on sale ; the New England Co.
bought a load of light sheep at $4.75 to
34,874 ; a load of good 94 pound sheep
were taken bo fill an order at 55.25, and
one load of choice at 56.40 : a few bunch-
es were taken to make up loads ; a load
or two of light lambs solrl at $G ; two
loads of tight sheep were sent forward for
sale. Hogs—The stook today was only
four oars and they sold quiok and early,
Soo to 15c stronger values than yester-
day ; a local packer paid 55 05 for one
load of 231 pound hogs, with Yorkers,
ranging 135 to 104 pounds, at $7
.00 to 58;
pigs and light weights, 57.60 to 57.86, as-
sorted quality ; roughs, 56,75 to $7 ;
stags, $5.50 to 56.65, the market closing
steady, all sold.
TORONTO, May 9.—The cattle market
to -day was fairly active, with a good all.
round demand. Receipts were some 45
oar loads, and nearly all the stuff sold
well. The demand was good for ship-
pers, which sold at 44c to 5o per lb., the
top pries tieing for those weighing about
1,800 lbs. Bulls are worth 34a to 31o,
and stockers at 33e to 4o. The best
butchers' cattle sold at 4o to 44o ; medi-
um at 34o to 4o and inferior at so.
Mileh cows rule at $35 to $50 a head, and
calves from 33.50 to 37 a head, according
to quality. Sheep in fair demand at 35
to $7 a head, and yearling lambs at 640
to do per lb, Spring lambs at $3.50 to 55
each. Hogs steady, receipts being limit •
ed and numbering only 000. The beet
sold at 68o to Ego per lb. off oars, and
Tough auk stores at Go to 64e.
7i313a.7sm mZ so MAR.]a}7TEI,
Fall wheat62 64
Spring Wheat 68 00
Barley........., . GBO 35
Peas 6
Oats 28 80
Butter, tabs and rolls16 17
Eggs per dozen 9 00
Flour: per barrel 8 00 8 GO
Potatoes ... 40 60
Hay per ton..... .... 7 00 00
Salt per bbl., retail .,... 1 00 00
Hides trimmed..........04
Hides tough .. 3
Shoop Elkins, each 60 1 10
Lamb- skins eaob66 00
Apples per bag - - 50 00
Wool .......4 17 18
Pork ..............•,.,. 7 00 7 50
®TEN FOR SALE.—A YOKE of well matched, well broken oxen, ti
yearn old. For further partioalars apply to
ROBERT Illtall 00, Proprietor, North half
Lot 14, Con. N, Morris.
�' �• Coat Makers at ohne. Good prioos
and stonily work. None bet 13174.0tes need
apply. R. M, B:1LLnNTti N1:
Atwood, (Mt.
.1 Snmt,—Epea ofPmeBred Black Min-
or 0as, and White Leghorus, from 1'105
lttee's best strain, $1,00 per setting (13). Al-
so 1 trio of Black atiuoroas wok no relation
to lions, m
id two Leghorn Cockerels, All of
best stook in Ontario.
13.00 WM. HART10Y, Soatortb.
nuns will be received by the under-
sigued,up to May Lith, for veneering the
Bosman church, 1)l000ie, with brick. All
material furnished by committee. For
farther information apply tie
.7, W. P101NG, Pastor, Bluevale.
FoRTAnLIa ]louse o1, ,11111 street Brus-
sels, for sale or to rent, i non of ]and, with
good well and stable on premises. For fur-
ther particulars apply to
JOSEPH CL79GG, Brussels,
or to JOHN RROADPOOT, 2 doors East of
of oresahl house, tf-
of those commodious houses in the
Teiraes,oe Te nbsrry St., aro for sale, that
is Nos.11, 10,17 and 13, with •each there isa
garden plot. They are offered at 0325 cacti.
The purchase utoney to bo paid about Oct.
lst, 1508. Title is good, For further partici-
viers apply to A. MoeiIIIRE, No, 13, Terraoo
Brussels, or REV. W. NORTON,:
43.8 Mount Forest,
Tenders Wanted.
Ton dors will be received up to 0 1. m. on
klsnday, June 6011, for the building of a tank
for fire protection purposes, at the corner of
Turnberry and Church, streets, Brussels,
Tenders asked for either brick or stone, con•
tractor to furnish all material. Plans and
specifications maybe seen by applying to
the Clerk. The lowest or any -bonders not
neeeesarily accented.
P. S. SCOTT, Village Clerk.
Notioe is hereby given that the Municipal
Oanuoil of the Corporation of the Township
of Grey County}' of Huron, will moot as Court
Of Revision at '1'ownsrlLe HALL, Emn1tL, on
'ri,ilil', 7853.3' 2511,,13!13, at 10 a, me.
Parties interested will govern themselves,
WM. SPENCE, Oierk,
nnnerorni11 has several good Farce for
sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morrie and Grey, F S. SOOTT.Bruseels.
v.) Being South halt Lot 27, eon. 8, Morris,
100 acres, nearly all cleared. Good buildings,
One young bearing orchard. Immediate pas-
session. Easy Tornio, Apply to
tf- Solicitor, 0/m03 ussels,
The 200 ao'e farm being lots i1
and 10, con. 10, Grey, Is offered for sale. 120
florae aro cleared end the balance well tim-
bered. Buildings ilrstrolaes. Orchard, well,
&a, School limo within 40 rods. Posses-
sion given at once if desired. For further
particulars an to price terms &e. apply to
M11S. WA'L1iER,
8.10 Roseville P, 0.
or NELSON 33RI08E10, on farm.
1. Broom lute 11 and 12, eon, 18, Township
of Grey. County of Huron, eouta1niog 200
acres, the property of the lath John Robert-
son, 100 neves cleared and free from ob-
structions, 10 clothe bush, mixed timber,
balance partly cleared, Hoff clay loam,
meetly ro11ing. Sfeboed with straight rail
fence and watered by ttvo wells and a
spring 1t il14lloge. Commodious dwelling
house, with largo woodshed attached and
an ,excellent collar under house, Two large
barns, stone stabling and other outbuild-
ings. Iwo good boating orchards, orna-
mental trees and suns fruits, i, miles
from Brussels, a lively town on the 11 T 10•,
convenient to school churches and post
office. 'bis property lies well, is a Arai,
clash grain and stook farm and Should bo
seen by intending aural tilers ae itis effsr-
ed at a bargain. Per further particulare
apply to MRS. JN0. 100B11RTS0N,
the promiese, or by lott00 to Orl,obrooP.
0, 00•,1
Jl) 3M 1'V T K ,t1.;
M. OAVANAGH, 1.. D. S., D. D. S„
Graduate of the Royal Oollogo of Dental
$nrg00n0, Ontario and anof Toronto Ifni -
varsity. 013910n—Ova d, h, Slaith'o Store,
MAY 12, 1893
If you have a room to Paper,
measure it, and it Wil pay
you to got your
Paper at
P p er's Drug Store,
. Salialtot•tud Oonveyaucer, 0olleo-
tlous made, Offioo—Vaustone's Blocs, Brus-
sels. 21-3m
• Solicitor Oenveyaueer,NotaryPub-
lio, tee. Caine—Vaustoco's Spelt, 1 door
north of Quitted Hotel, Private Funds to
u Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Penile,
Godericb, Ont,
0. 0, 04ltnn0N, Q, 0., YNILIP 0000,
is • Auctioneer, is always ready 10 at.
tend safes of /arum, farm stook, &o, Tonne
cheerfully given. Oraubrooh 1.0. Sales
may be arranged ab Tun Poem Publishing
House, Brussels.
Licensor/ Auctioneer. Sales conduct
ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stock a specialty, Orders loft at Tun Poem
Publishing Holum,Brn Beals, or scut t0 Walton
P. U., will receive prompt attention.
en as an Auctioneer, I am prepared
to conduct Buten of farm stock at reasonable
prices, KOOwing the standing el nearly
every persue 1 am ]u a po anion to sell to
good marks and got good security when sold
on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give
me a 01111. 32- 1. S. 80031,
. Inserer of Marriage;',iooneee. Office
at his Grocery, lloi'obcrry street, Brussels.
Tonsorial A rtiet• Shop—Next door
eontli of A. Af, McKay & Co's hardware store.
Ladiss'aud obildrous hair cutting a specialty
Issttrer of Marriage Lioonees, by
appointment of Lieut,-Oovcruor, Commie-
elOsor, &e., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Insurance Co. (Moo et the Cranbrook
Post Office.
Clerk of the Fourth D[vision Court
Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to lona. Oollectlhus sada.
o0ice in Graham's Bloch, Brussels.
Mies Stories, of Wiughant, is prepared
to give instruction in oil painting. Ronne
may be aseertaiued at Miss Nellie Rosa' store
whore samples of work may be seen. Miss
Merles would also take a few more pupils fn
• Organist in St. John's Oburob, Brus-
sels, and pupil, in the Art of Teaohiug, of A.
W. Thayer, Mtte• Doe., New York, will give
lessons to pupils either at J. O. Halliday's,
001'. King and John Ste., or if proferred, at
their own homes. Monday, lnesday and
Wednesday at Walton. Terme moderato.
5 • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat an
diseases of domesticated animals in a com-
petent manner. Partloular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. Office and infirmary—Two doors
north of bridge 'Purnborry et„ Brussels,
• 0..M., L. It. 0.P., Edinburgh, M.0.P
S. Ont, Residence and offiee Rin Wilson'
Bloch, corner of Mill and Turnberry 'Ste.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. 5.0.,
1837, Ohap, 110, Sec. 88, that all persons bay-
ing claims agahlet the pectate of David Hen-
derson, late of the village of Brussels, in the
County of Huron, deceased, who died onthe
Fifth day of March, 3808, are required, on or
before the Thirteenth Day of May, 1893,
to send by post prepaid, to Alexander Hun-
ter, Brussels P. O., on ,of the Exooutore of
the said deceased, their Christian and sur-
names, addrsrsoe and desoriptious, with full
particulars of their (]alma and statement of
their aceottnbe and the nature of the i soouri-
ties (it any) hold by them,
And bake notice that immediately after
the said 18th day of May, the Executors will
pr0000d to distribute ,the assets of the de -
Mimed a000rding to law, having regard only
to the claims 01 .7111011 they shall then have
notice as ahovo required, and said Mama -
tors will not be Mable for the said awaits or.
any part thereof to any person or persons of
whose claims notice shall not have been re-
ceived MMus time of such distribution.
ALtoxANDsiii Huornn,
L0Lm'N 01011013)3, Exooutore.
Animals, April10,1888, 40.4
EDUOED TO $1,50.
1910 Dam of toy Roistered Jersey
Bull is the host cow in the Glen Duarb Hord
it prise winter at tiro Industrial, Toron-
to, Cost of sooVleo for grades, reduced to
9140. G. A. DEADMAN,
Druggist, &o,
The untlarsigoecl will koop for service this
present season the Improved large white
arkshioe pig '7toadv' on lot 20, 0011.11,MOCrlo, to wlticl1 a limited number of SOWS
tv111 1)0 taken, Terme $$1.00 to bo paid at,
time of 80rv[00, with the pi'ivilogo of return-
ing if naoossary. Pedigoqo ntay bo 00011 up.
on application, ROBERT 1,1.1.01105.4
3811 Proprietor.