HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-5-5, Page 88 THE BRUSSELS POST MAY 5, 1898 rlaamPatnm .. xaesla�:raaratltca'awim,rrrm 74i�ap'f6Z'aL'O�YC�7aEiPS691Rffia $OLPRL 'Jerseys for Sale, *1100 will buy an extra registered Jersey Cow that never goes dry. She has an estimated yield of over 9,000 lbs, of milk a year, She wasiving 20 lbs. Milk per day two months before calving and is giving over 1,000 lbs. milk per month. now, Suo1100tre are seam and hard to buy, SC) will buy a fine registered Jer- sey Cow recently calved: She tested 15 lbs, butter per week when 2 years old and has given as high as 00 lbs, milk per day; $65 will buy a fine heifer from the 2100 oow, the dam of whose sire has rec- ord of 28 lbs. butter per week. She is due to calve in May, $d30 will buy a large Canadian grade, supposed to be the horgoet milker in the County, due to calve early in May. I will give 210 for her calf if a berfer or will sell her after calving tet the rate of 9to. for every pound of milk she gives in one month, She should about pay her cost in four mouths. Although a large milker she is said to matte fine colored butter. Have more stock than I require or would be slow to sell any of the above. G. A. DEADIMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTUERn EXTENSION W. O. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Gann Scrim Goz'noNon'fn, 52af1 T.L. a.m.I 1l1ixed 0145 a.m. Express 11:10 a.m. f Mail 3:13 p,m, Mixed........, 8:50 pan. l Express 0:35 p,u., n! jtcros. A. chiel's amang ye talcin' notes, .So' faith he'll prent it. MAY. • J. J. Gu.vrx has had a new shingle re of pat on his cottage. HEAR Miss Heat, elocutionist, in Town Hall on Wednesday. Senor. Board will meet on Frill .v evening of next week. A NEtw time table will come into efi :t on the G. T. It, on the 75th. COURT of Revision will be held on M , ,- clay evening Juue 5, at 8 o'clock. Mise HExr is peerless as an elocutio .'.;t and in her Greek Statuesque posing. Bassnon Wedoesday evening, 1':h inst., for Miss Hest, gold modaifet in f elocution. Trig result of the monthly writte-' amination for Brussels eoltool will ay -, .tar an in the next issue. u MSS LOTTO; HILL, T. A. Hawkins, II. t L. Jackson and others will assist Vias a Heat next Wednesday evening. JAacns Wilma Inas disposed of five new w buggies this season already. Among the P number is a dandy Mikado to T. /hatch- I p sr, of Brussels. INSPECTOR ROIn paid his semi-annual visit to Brussels Public School this week and was well pleased with everything ex. sept the building. Tug frame stable in the rear of the Norton terrace was blown down by the roma wind storm. The tin roof of the Maitland Skating rink also suffered. We understand, on the very best authority, that S. B. Seale, of this town, was united in marriage to a Wiugham lady, some time last ` year, in Buffalo. S. B. we're on to you this time, out thanks are dot -to the Galt I. 0. F. Celebration Comrenttee for a compli• at mentary badge and:; invitation to their T demonstration on Julie 14th, 15th and if 10th. They are preparing a grand pro• oh gram. sh D. D. G. M., J. A. Monroe, of Wing. ham, made an official visit to the breth- j ran of St. John's Lodge A. F. & A. 00., ba in Brussels, last Tuesday evening. Dr. to Martyn, of Eincaidine, and 0. W, Wil- ti Hams, of Winghane, aocompaoying Mr. m Morton. COtoNEL ATIAIER, of London, was in ag Brussels on Wednesday inspecting the ht armory belonging to Company No. 5, th 38rd Batt. As this Company will attend drill this year, commencing on June fo 20th at Loudon, a number of recruits are of wanted. Persons desirous of enrolling of should apply at ones so that the pre- G liminary arraugements may be com- pleted. CLEAN ur.—A Large lih'mber of Brussel- ites heeded the call 'of the Board of Health and have put -:their premises in good shape but many:others have totally neglected, so far, to':oomply with the "clean up Order." True the weather has been backward but the 15th day of May will soon be here—the date on whioh the work is supposed to be com- pleted—and while itis not at all desired by the Board an example will have to he made if the instructions are not put in force. Get ready for the Inspector and save trouble, The dumping ground is on Jno. Broadfoot's farm. Coalaxlssroeeas MEnx.—Last Tuesday East Huron License Commissioners met .at the American Hotel, Brussels, porsu. ant to adjournment. The question de. ferred as to granting hotel license to 'Thos. Jones, of Leadbnry, was settled by him. receiving the ofiroial dooument. Statements 8 and 4, having reference to ,distribution of License Fund for lioene° year of 1892.93 were made ont. Appli. 'cation was spade by Mrs. T. Hall for the 'transfer of license granted to W. G. Tay- lor, of Henfryn, for the Revere House, to bar. The Board avid consider it at their next meeting on Tuesday, 16th inst. Mre, Hall is meantime in possession. ST,tntarr000.—The following particulars are copied from the Assessor's Roll for 1898. For the sake of Comparison the figures for I892 are also given ;- 7'4913. 1809. Real property ..... $275,925 Personal property .. :11,200 88,100 Income 8,000 4,600 Total $811,100 $817,926 Horse gleaning has the floor. lb has Business Locals. W, 14, 1110011,10) EN shipped a oar It the wailing, walls, stairs, verandahs oleo. lad T7pT.A.73T., S t.f1.1VD, 1�.1� B4XI Q,J? O V',.�. , of potatoes from Breesels station this week. G, P; BOnoavnun lead hie saddle bores, obarsl 11L," shipped to hien at Chatham. Asellssnn Prow. RT has completed Ilia work for this year and has re- turned the roll to the Clerk, H. J, STnoxo has put an incandescent lamp in his ..now window in the Stratton Moak where bits photos are on exhibition, flout a letter received from the Ilos. pibal it would appear that the 000ullst treating Mrs. Williams is not very hope. ful of soli+factory results as to restor- ation of sight, Box SoC1AL.—The Sewing Circle of Knox church will hold a box social at the commodious residence of D, 0. Boss on Thursday evening of next week, coin. msuoing at 8 o'olook, All are cordially invited. GonmN Football club is expsoted to play the first of the series of Maitland Association matches with Brussels team on Victoria Park, in this place, next Saturday afternoon, A lively game may be aspected. Admission 15o, Game at 4 o'clock, TENDERS are being asked for the re- buildiugof the water tank, for Bre pro- tection purposes, at the corner of Turn - berry and Church streets. The tank will be either brick or stone and will be larger than the old one. The latter was frame and was built in the fall of 1884 by Wm. Thompson, now of Michigan. Roam Sunday the sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed at the close of the mooting service in the Methodist church, Fellowship meeting commences at 0:30 a. m. in the base- ment. Mr. Salton's morning discourse will be the Sermon on the Mount and in the evening he will address the Young Peoples' Association, Ox V.'ednesday evening of this week W..1, .Smith, who is a candidate for the minister of the Methodist church, preach- ed his trial sermon. Ilia topic was the eharac'er of Judas, M. Smith secured a first -lags certificate at the recut ex- amine' ;on, held at Clinton, and he pur- poses attending College, if Conference will so order, for a few years before en- tering 'ctively into the practical work- ing of :alis high calling. Tog PosT wish- es kin' every success, T1s, '•;1cox,—T. A. Hawkins has just mein. I a Teebnicon from Chicago. It is an , 31001008 instrument intended to tt:-hat ' :e pianist to gain control over all tate u. ...ales need in piano playing. Mr. Haw,.: is' pupils have the use of it daring their . 'aeon hour. J. Brotherhood, of New 1' irk, is the inventor. Wnt. Mason, Mus. Doc., New York, says of it :— regard the "Teohnicon" as very help- ni to plane -forte players if used with ntelli; mntoare, becaueeit is so ingenious. y out,trived that it reaches separately Tai individually the rations muscles sed in playing, and undoubtedly tends o a rapid development of both stye ngth ltd elasticity, 0. 0. F.—The following office -bearers ere elected in oonneotioa with Court rincees Alexandra, C. 0. F., in this lace.:— C. R., A. Reid ; V. C.11., Jesse Wilber ; 'R. S., Walter Smith ; F. 8., A. ifmnig ; T., W. Blashil. ; Chaplain, S. Plum ; S. W., Chas. Ritchie ; J. W., Walter Wilbee ; S. Il., N. P. Gerry ; J. B., Joe Ballantyne ; Physicians, W. Graham and A, Mo- Kelvey ; Delegate to High Court, W. Blashili. EARLY CLOSING.—Last Monday evening the early closing movement was inaugur- ed in Brussels for the summer season. here appeared to be a general failing in ne, with a few exceptions. Purchasers oald make a note of this and get their ois needed thatne the trading done ok. after this our, except on Saturdays, is a mere gatelle and therefore there is nothing be gained by waiting in the stores un - 110 p. m. We hope every business an in town will not only belong to this Society" Inc a week but respeot the reement he has entered into with hie other merchants by strictly observing e ringing of the 7 o'clock bell. HURON COUNTY GAoL STATISTICS.—The .lowing are the statistics of the County Huron gaol for the year 1892: Number days of prisoners in gaol, 8,599. racer's bill $141 08 148 70 60 07 19 98 Population 1,140 1,208 Registered Births.,18 81 Regletored Deaths . 10 3 No. of Cattle 08 1.1.9 No, of Horses 141 127 No, of Sheep ...... ,0 0 NO. 'at1)ngs ......., Pio ' 58 No, of Bitches 8 4 It will bo observed that thorn fe a do• 0reaee of $5,825 in the total assessment coda frilling off of 60 in the population, Baker's bill Butcher's bill Milk hill Total for food $806 40 or over 10 1-7 ate. per day, or $37.00 for 365 days—i. e. one prisoner for one year for food alone, Again : Salaries $1870 00 Food bill as above 866 49 Fuel and water 426 40 0 Clothing and sundries 177 00 ea Farah garden seeds at 111e0rlxokon'a BEF. 'Williams', new boggles, T1 prices will surprise you, \onion coating going at $1,50 wo $2,95 at A, B. Smith's, G1arsE feathers wanted. Apply to R. Leatherdale, Brussels Wonsxsx, coating at 21.75, regular p 62.50. A, R. Smith. DID you two Williams & Sone new b giee ? The finest line of the season, N1aw jump seat boggy fon sale oho Apply at Tim Pori Publishing )Dories, lefr H EAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. ASSETS, • (Seven Million Dollars) • 67,000,000 rt11 CAPITAL (Authorized) - - • • $9,000,000 Agencies lot ail principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, DTnlft f States it Tllp!aaul, rice y,A idt'Fv'S" °L4'40ig limaxn9' 0. ng' A General Banking Businese Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted, ala Drafts 'wined and Colleotions made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, 202-Zann n.©,7 ANOTnEe job line of clothing, 35 a opened Up last :gouda), ab A, 1. Binib 11, J. Samosa's cabinet photos run fr to $4.00 per doz. All are fireb-ol Lome out for whitlow next week. So thing naw in photo lino, H, J, Strong, Photograph WANTED.—A good, smart boy to lea the butobering. Apply at Win. Blashil butcher shop, 8 C.& s Peas, Corn and Tomatoes f 25c. at MoCraeken's. Dna wood wanted, either nerd wood stove wood. Apply at Tim Pori Publish- ing (louse. A. R. Salrrl0 aloes his store at 7 cloak p, m., but 13 pairs of pants t sold there on Monday, ility 1st, Losx.—On the road near Brussels silver plated handle off riding wbi Reward at this office. COUPLET% stock of boots and sho going to be sold cheap for 30 days. A.R. Smith, Bans CAnniaaas.—H, Dennis has re. ceived a fine range of baby carriages— the latest and best--whioh will bo sold at low figures. Ir you are thinking of buying a piano or organ call in and see R. Leatberda1n's stook. IIe will sell you 25 per on cheaper than peddlers. Cno:germs Corsets going at 85c., re gutta price $1.00 if you want a pair come now as we newt replace them at the same price. A. 113. Smith. Bntxn along your old lounges and get them tnucle ns good as new. Upholster. ing, repairing and picture framing clouo on the shortest notice. R. Leatherdale. We are running a lino of photos. at $5.00 per dos, which are right out of sight. Don't fail to see them, Remsm bei two do no cheap John wort, H. J. Strong, Photographer. ANomvoa large lot of thoee patent spring window shades. Wherever a per- son buys 2 or 8 they come bank and get them for their whole house from R. Lea thcr,,ale. i3onodxA,—Wm. Blashil] makes all the bologna he sells, so that customers can depend on getting a good article. Call in and get a trial pound if you have not used it before. Ir Hugh Williams & Son think factory buggies so good, how about factory wagons ? There are six ways of oinking a cheap buggy to ono in manefaaturin wagons, Call and get prices of wagons. James Walker The man wlio called sarsaparilla tt fraud, had good reason, fon he got hold of a worthless mixture at "reduced rates." He changed 1118 opinion, however, when ho began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It pays to bo careful, when buying msdi• 011108. ENGLISH Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem- ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, etiflae, sprains, all ewolleu throats, eta. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. "A wolf in sheep's clothing"—the sub. stitute offered by the "cutter" as being just as good as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. If you don't leant to be bitten, insist upon having Ayer's Sarsaparilla, even if it is a a little dearer. Depend on it, it will be cheaper for you in the end. 00NTaa0laTlo1.—In last week's POST Hugh Williams & Son stated that I of. fared to supply factory Buggies, same as they sell, at $40. I never tried to sell the same rigs to any persou at any prioa as the firms they deal with will nob sell to anybody else bub them in town, other- wise they would nob have made me such a liberal offer. James Walker, Brussels. I BTATED 80111e time ago that in =Se any one wanted to get a cheap factory buggy I would send and get them one for $55 and freight. If Hugh Williams & Son want a dozen at this prioa they oan have them as soon as they put up the dimes. Put up, or shut up. If Hugh W]hiama & Sou mind their own business as well as I mind mine they wil be kept busy. James Walker, Brussels. Tim MOST PRODUCTIVE CEREAL GROW- ING DISTRICTS in TRE WOBLD: —Mr. Etleoh- tel, of the State of Michigan, says :—"I visited the Portage Plains and the Bran- don district, and went as far west as Regina. I venture to say that along the main line of the Canadian Pacific from High Bluff to Virden, there is one of the moat productive oereal.growing districts ties Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. rem as0• SPIIOIAL ATTENTION OIYEN TO TEA COMMOTION OF MOWERS' BALE NOTES. Sot Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance. er, 1'n W. D. HART, MANAa1sn, 1's ;`?�m�mmv�m:®w.m..�cr�rao�>rm,�m�xammmc.,,ns„mm� or a i LIr °ll^,1�T� TT MIT,113 t e—�.fw^wvat�lv.�s�l oy¢,7 1es,9 Or JE3.Ytil lJ S S ..1'd 1 .Ld tS W - Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARME11S' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. OR t. AGENTS vol, CANADA AND UNITED STATES : T115 CANADIAN BANE or CcalaiEBRE. Interest Allowed on One Dollar mud Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year., Being Added to the Princi pal at the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made f or Time Deposita. we error( to :write Insnranro in old English of (,,nadian (!otlItlnuIes, or in .lila. curl Companies tis may be desired. • • g Total for maintenance ....$2888 89 or nearly 65 cents per day or $287.50 for 366 days, whioh was the omit of keeping one prisoner in the gaol for 1892, nob tak- ing into account repairs to building or insurance, County Treasurer's Canoe,Goderiob, May 1, 1898. War. Ronnie, Treaenrer. TEE BUM/MS.—Me Emerald Trio of gospel Temperance workers, composed of J. Parsons Smith, Prof, Morgan and Miss Fairy Morgan, arrived in town last Saturday. Their first meeting was held in the Town Hall on Sunday at 4 p. m. and each evening of the weak, at 8 0 clock, those gatherings have been continued. To say that the large audiences have been interested ie putting it mild, they have been delighted with the duetts, trios, recitations, addressee, &o. Mr. Smith, who has had a ohankered Darer, is a hard hitter and does not go round the bush in saying what he thinks, Heis out and out for Prohibition. Hie forcible pointe a8 to the duty of church members on the temperance question will bear fruit, Prof, Morgan and Miss Fairy's duetts are very highly appt'eciat eci and when the rich bass of Mr, Smithssd is added few trios will supere them, In recitation Fairy has a front plane and does her part excellently. Quite a num • bar have signified their intention of uniting with the Royal Templars and thereby adding strength to rho tampon - atm anworkers of Brussels. The Emeralds go to Berlin from here, On Friday evening of this week tbo olosiig mooting will be hold hero, The program will be largely !natio up of song and recitation. ADD1611ONAL 1100,1111, ON FIRST PACE. the world. Some idea of the crops n be gained from the faob that it was found necessary, this year, to import 1,• 700 farm laborers to assist the farmere to harvest their grain, and a great many more are still required. A noticeable feature of the grafi fields is the evenness of surface, showing the soil to be of uni- form strength. There are fields of hun- dreds of &ores in whioh the grain all stands about the same height. I was in- formed that there was no midge, weaver, grustrain." or blight of any kind to injure the A BBooxvILLE DnUonrsT's Cs,— Brookville, April 24,—The popular im rstn Galt that doctors and druggists d e their own medicine. ,.itis is no doubt true but when a dootor tales ill he generally calla in one of his own profession, in whoss skill be has every ooniidenoe, or when a druggist is in a simirar situation he often puts hie faith in the preparations of Some outer ahem. Pets whioh ho knows give goad results. Both the doctors and druggists in such oases show their good sones. A ease in point happened in this town a short time ago, If. M. Turnor, the woll.known and popular druggist, who is now travelling for Parke, Davis and Co., has for a long time been a sufferer from congestion and inflammation of rho Itidneys, Ile tried a great many remedies but without re. sults. His patrons, however, spoke go highly of Dodd's Kidney Pills that he was induced to try thorn. He now states that he fe completely cured and to your oorrespondont he said that ae a rule he had very little faith in patent medicines, but that for the caro of kidney trot(bloe, rheumatism, backache, etc., ho does not know of any remedy that is giving euoh good results as Dodd's 1£idney Pills, Tint largest stock 1. over had and will he sold very cheap. lvorythiug war- ranted to give satisfaction. R. Loethorrlalo. Homo added now accessories and baokgrounrls to my gallery I ani now in shape to torn out extra fine photos. at living prices. H. 1. Strong. r70FLN :Dox.unacee.—In Bina, on April 22nd, the wifo of Mr, Jae. Donaldson of a doubter. 190031811-011 Fair Play, Aseinaboia, on Aprtl 27th, the wife of Mr. Samuel Mooney, formerly of Brussels, of a son. =zoE=- RouEBTsox.—In Grey, on April 20th, Elizabeth, daughter of David Robert. son, aged 17 years, 0 menthe and 9 days. II,tatturox.—In Beverly, on April 30th, at the residence of his son-in-law Som• Dol Sipes, Robert Hamilton, former- ly of Brussels, aged 80 years. Iirxo.—In Bluevale, on April 20th, beloved wife of Peter Bing, aged 19 years and 7 mouths. I10001)50LL, May 2nd.—The Ingersoll ohoese market opened to -day with a large attendance of both salesmen and boyars. After the appointment of the necessary officers for the year and other routine business, some very appropriate remarks were :node by J. Robertson, A, Pattullo, J'. S. Williams and others regarding the dairy interests and the use of the Bab - nook tester in 00nne01io11 therewith ; 678 boxes were boarded : sales, 214 boxes at 9„c, 76 boxes at 90 and 200 boxes at 90o. Loxnox, May lst,—TheMark Lane Ex- press, in its weekly review of the British grain trade, says that the arop prospects are not sufficiently discouraging to alarm the market. The average price for Eng- lish wheat throughout the entire country has improved 7o a quarter, but in Lon- don bas fallen is 4d. Foreign wheat ad- vanced during the first four days of the week. Fifty-one markets Ont of 60 fav- ored sellers, bat the 9 weakest markets were the latest heard from. American red Winter wheat bas fallen off but there is a demand for California wheat at 80s on big orders. The wheat crop of India is estimated at 80,082,500 qrs. EAST BUFFALO, N. Y., May 2nd.—Oattle —2 care on sale ; nominally easy at yes- terday's prices. Sheep and lambs -25 oars on sale ; prions were foil ; easy with yesterday's closing sale, and the limited supply was fully equal to all demands ; the beet of the clipped lambs sold at $6.- 30, with good to choke lots at $6.00 to $6.25 and fair grades at 25,75 to 65.90 ; fair wool lambs ab 67 to 67.10 ; no clipped sheep were in the offerings ; good were selling at $4.75 to 65,20 ; Dulls and butchers' stook in fair demand ab about steady prices. Hogs -25 care on sale ; glow and generally easier ; paokers took at $7,75 to 67.85 ; Yorkers, $7.50 to 27.60; pigs, $7.40 to 67.50 ; roughs, 66 to $6.75 ; stags, 65 to $6.60, TORONTO, May 2nd,—The receipte to- day were larger than usual and the stronger tone of the Liverpool market hada benefioial effect here. Receipts were some 44 oar loads, inoiuding 1,800 hogs, The demand for fat cattle was good and they went off well. Choice beasts weighing 1,300 to 1,400 lbs. aold at do to 40o per lb. There were a number of outside buyers on the market and sev- eral loads were sent through to Montreal Butchers' cattle in moderate demand, with sales of good at 40 to 4io per Ib. ; mar/lora at 90o to 3,� o and inferior at 8o per lb. Calves dull, at $3 to $5 each,. and miloh cows sell at $40 to $50 each, Sheep are dull at $100 to $6,50 per head and lambs $8.50 to $4,00. Thorn was a large run of bogs today and prices are weaker, The best said at Ogo to 6$o off the oars, and rough and stores at to 600, ne T, aatZa,a:.I-s aveasa-.S:2PS'f-B. Fall Wheat 62 64 Spring Wheat ........... 58 00 Barley 80 85 Peas 85 00 Cato 28 80 Butter, tube and rolls16 17 FEgo per dozen 9 00 our per barrel 8 00 8 50 Potatoes 40 50 Hay per ton 7 00 00 Salt pot bbl., retail..,1 00 00 Hides trimmed 8i Aides rough8 Shoop 8ktns,eaoh.,80 1 00 Lamb skills sash 65 OD Apples per bag 60 00 Wool,...,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,17 18 Pork ,,,,,,r,,,,,,,,,,,,,7 ,,r,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 00 7 50 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. �XEN FOR SALE.—A YOKE of well matched, won broken oxen, 0 years old, Pur further particulars apply to h010 ENV litIOHES, Proprietor, North Half Lot 14, Coma, Morris, WANTED. — TWO GOOD Coat Makers at once. Good miens and steady work. Norio but first-class teed app1Y• 1t.11. BALLANTYNE Atwood, but. I�1 Gs P. FOR ATOI-JiNG FOR k Ml n- 010115, and White Leghorn**, from Thee, Blue's beet stx•aio, $1.00 pot setting (191. Al- so 1 trio of Black Oliuoraas, cook lie relation to liens, end two Leghorn Cockerels, All of best stook iu Ontario. 89•ti WM. HAB110Y, Soaforth. TENDERS WANTED—TEN— mins will be receivedby the under- signed, up to May 1011,, for veneering the Bosman (hurob, Morris, with brick, All material furnished by committee. For further inforn,atioo apply co J. W. PItIN G, Pastor, Bluevalo, T OR SALE OR RENT,—OOM– T•ortTADLnhouse on Mil/ street 13rt1a- sols, for sale or to rent, } Rare of laud, with good well and stable on promises. Fox fur- ther par'ticular's apyly to 30081'F CLEGG, Brussels, or to JOHN BIlOADPOOT, 2 doors Rest of aforesaid house, 10. ,{-'i O ME T BICYCLES.-- The ICYCLES.--Tyle undersigned has secured rho ag- 13ioaloe, The comet is, without ithfamed dubt ono est lin contstruction nand' one of the shop]. handsome. Those who desire a high grade wheel should not fail to see tis Comet on exhibition at Deadman'sDrug Store, A. I. MaOALL, Comet Agent, Brussels. TENDERS.—THE TRUSTEES of Sunshine Methodist Church will re. ceivo tenders up to May 10th, 1609, for dig- ging out foundation and putting a atone well under aforesaid Methodist Church. Lowest or any tender not neoesearlly ao- canted.. For particulars apply either to LAWRENCE WHEELER, GE' O. PARKER, OT JAS. RUSSELL, all of Sunshine, F.BAINES, Seorotary. Tenders Wanted. Monday,Jut,eiDe Gbh,•forethe bonding of a tank for tiro protection purp0see, at the Darner of Turnberry and Ohurob, streets, Brussels. Tenders asked for either brlok or stone, 000- traotnr to furnish all material. Plans and specifications he Clerk. Who bow st 00' uuy tenpdersgto not necessarily accepted. F. S. SCOTT, Village Cleric. REAL 'ESTATE. rARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- DERSIGNED has several good Pares for sale and to rent, easy tar 97-tf, ns, 18 Towue113n5 of Morris and Grey. P 8. SCOTT, Brussels. flHOICE FARM FOR SALE.— Being South half Lot 27, eon,e, Morris, 100 sores, nearly all cleared. Good buildings, fine young bearing orchard. ImmecBabo pee - session. Easy Terms, Apply bo W. M, STNOLAIB, 11- Soirtibor, &c„Brussels. OU ACRE FARM FOR SALE. The 200 acre farm, being lots 11 and 12, tom 10, Grey, is offered for sale. 120 mores 81•o cleared ted the balance well tim- bered. Buildings first -aloe, Orchard, well, &c, School house within 10 rode, Posses- sion given at moo if doeired, For further particulars as to pride, terms, &o, apply to 8-tf 01016. WALI(Eh, or NELSON BRICEEB, on 1101njivilie P, 0, QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE, kJ 5311315 lots 11 and I2, coo. la, Township of Grog,Oounty of Huron, oontatnin 200 soros, te or sporty of the late John Robert- son. lotions,or10oacresdbush, maxed timbo , balance partly cleared. Boil clay Loam mostly rolling. Echoed with straight rail' fences and watered by two voile and a spring privilege. Commodious dwelling house, with largo woodshed attached and 1111 excellent cellar under house. Two large barns, stone Matinee and other ontbelld- Ingo. Two good bearing o'ehards, 01)110' mental trees* and smut! fruits, ( miles from Brussels, alively town ou the 1 T 1t , convenient to school, churches ant post oMoe, This property lies well, is a first. glass grain and stook farm dud should be MR by intending purchasers as 1110 offer. ad at a bargain. For further partietilers apply to M1S. JN0. ROBERTSON, or DANIEI, It0B3A:RTSONp nn the promises, or by letter to Orenerooa 1?, 0,00.4 DENTAL. 19) 3M ,1`+1 T 31 S t M. CAVANAGH, L' 0.8•, D. D. S., Graduate of the ::loyal Collage of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, anal of Tol'onto Ifni. varsity, Otorroia—over 0.11. Smith's Store, Bruseele, L. PAPER If you have a room to Papel', measure it, and it wil Pay you to get your Paper at Pepper'.8 Brig' Store, NEWEST STYLES, atm PRICES 0001ECT, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTIR, 111)a Solicitor and O nveynuaon Collec- tions mads. Ofilee—Vatistone s Block, Bros - eels. 31-8m 1 . Ai. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, OonveyanoOr,NotaryPub- lie, &o, odloo—Vauat000's Bleak 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private lauuds to Loan, CAMERON, HOLT S; HOLMES, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Publio, Oo at. GAMMON,, GAMON, 11.0axfah, UDE. PIIILIP DOLT, vuvLBY imams. AUCTIONEERS. RAYMANN, • Auationeor, as always ready to at- tend sales o1 farms, farm stook, &o. Tonne eheerfuily given. 0renbrook P, 0. Sales may be arranged. at Tun Poem Publishing House. Brussels, (1EORGE KIRKBY Licensed. Auctioneer, Soles conduct ed on reasonable terms. Farms mid farm stock a specialty. Orders loft at Ton 5080 P ubli shrug Itonse,Brn seals, or son tto Walton P. 0„ w111 r000lve prompt attoutiou, T�AVING TAKEN OUTLICEN- sn ars nu Auctioneer, I am prepared to conduct sales of farm stock at reasonable prices. 'Knowing the sanding of nearly every pas= I tut in position to sell to good marks nod gat good security when sold on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed, Give 1110 toall, 02- 1' S, SCO'T'T. BUSINESS CARDS. -,AT. H. 1140CRAC1IEN,� at his Grocery Pur>fborrygstreet, °Mee N. BARRETT, . Tonsorial Artist. Shoe—Next door south of A, A1, Ala ay& Co's hardware store. Ladies'and ohildrone hair cutting a epeotalby MCNAIR Insurer o[ Marriage Licenses, by aPpoiutmont of Lbeut,-Governor, Commis- sioner, &a, Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Ioannina Co. Moe at the Orahbrook Post Moo. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- rNe1RANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Oonrt Go, Enron, Conveyancer, Notary Pnbllo Land, Loan and Theorome Agent, Funds invested and to loan, Collections nude. Moe b1 Graham's Block, Brussels, O IL PAINTING, Miss Atorios, of Winghnm, is prepared Maybe ascertained n at Shies Nellie lgoss store where sanis of workMoles would also take a flew moreY 135 ppullilsllo music, .Y.A. HAWRINS, . Organist in St. John's Ohuroil, Brue. seta and pupil, in the Art of Tem:Ming of . W. T'ha yor, Mus. Doo., New York, will Agive lessons to )pupils either at 1.O. Halliday's, dor. Icing and John Ste., or if preferred, at their own homes, Monday, 'Tuesday Rad Wednesday at Walton. Terms moderate. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, CP • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a com- petent manner. Particular *Wootton paid to veterinary dentistry. Galls prompt. at- tended to. binoe and Infirmary—Two doors north of bridge 'iurnberry 01., Bruseele, MEDICAL CARDS. J A. M.ONAUGHTON, M. D. 8.On O, Residence and Edinburgh, dingy Wilson Bloc k; corner of Mill and Turnbel'ry 'Ste. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. 8.0., 1867, Ohop, 130, 800.86, that all persona hay- ing Mania against the )estate of David Hen- derson, tato 0f the village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, dsooaeod, who cited onthe Fifth day of Marob,1888, are requited, on or before the Thirteenth Huy of flay. 189:1, to soul by post prepaid, to Alexander Hun- ter, Brussels F. O„ on ,of the Executor's of the said deceased, their Christian and sur• names, aldrorses and descriptions, with full t!1o1ii a000unbstand the nature of the 1 statement tleg Of any) held by them, And take notion that immediate] atter the said NM day of May, the Executors will ceased acconf3bto ,g to low,havingotrefard only to the olefins of which they shall then have option as above required, and said lbxoen- tor's will not be 15001e for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or pera0us of }vkose claims uottee shalt not kayo Woo re - Delved at the time of ouch distribution, AL1IXM 0En 7•IuN'rnn, ELLEN Smarr:. 1 Executors. Ifixar luaxu Malay, Brussels, April 10,PM, 40.8 EDUCED TO $1.60.— Tho Dam of my Bet,'iatered Jersey .13011 is the boob 0075 in the (8100 Duart Hord n, prim winner at the Industrial, Toron- to. Oast of service for grades, rodueea to 91140, G. A. DlnADMAN, 0rugg!s1, .to. IMPROVED LAit4E W MITE Y'0111{. SHIRE BOAR. Peso busoatoountpovi10op0n for service 0 wlii e Yorkshire pit; "Ready', on lot 20, 000.0, Morris, to which a limited dumber of sows twill bo taken, 'Perm 81,00 to be paid at Mine of Servioo, with tlto privilege 01 retlu'n. lug if neoosenry,. Pedigree may be 00011 up. on applteatlon, 1tO13EBT 10101300, 3001 Proprietor,