HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-5-5, Page 5MAY 5, 1893 THE BRUSSELS POST to ".ie=CP 6 TONtierliTSIePast'affiiC1 f:PLrm.rarabic°a4.id9tlSL'it'd,.'G't68`Y'''f:C`T:.t."ntS7� For $10.00 wro on make to Oran' VJ gooe, hb nG E or TWEED SUIT, neat intiterals and. mole to 0.t 374 Zm OUR $12 TATE= ]D and SERGE SUITS made to Order are Kings over anything offered for the same money ; and OUR $15 TWEED SUITS are famous. OUR $18.00 BLACK WORSTED SUITS made to Order with a FINE RANGE OF PANTING -S to choose from. This Offer is for Quality and. Price Unequalled. THE NOTORIOUS $3.00 and $3.50 BLACK WORSTED PANTS. A Fine :Lange of Patterns to Select from. The Best ever offered for the price. You should see them. Men's and Boy's Hats and Caps in endless variety. Men's Felt Hats at 50o., ?5c,, $1.00 to $3,00. Our Hat Stock is the Largest and Most Complete shown by any Hatter in IInron, e 9 1 g : . 1 P3. SG The latest novelties in Vies, Collars, Cuffs, Suspenders, Hosiery, Gloves, &o. Melissa Waterproofs take the Lead. DISTRICT NEWS. 4:rstextorooDk. A new briclge will bo built across the Maitland here this season. Rev. D. 13, McRae will deliver an ad. dress et the S. S. Convention at Brussels on Tuesday, 30th inst. Several of our villagers were at Brus• sols this week attending the R. T. of T. meetings being held there. 333 o1,,e rrr,ve:. Noble Grasby is rapidly sinking. Our villager, Mr. Badge, is not im• proving much in health. Rev. J. II. Dyke will preach at Blyth next Sunday evening. The hotel has been partially renovated for the now tenant, E. Livingstone. Christopher Corbett, who fell and hurt himself Inst year, is no bettor and owing to his age is bedridden. Quarterly service will be held in the Methodist auras hero on Sabbath next, commencing at 10:90 a. m., Love feast and sacrament following the preaching. 051101. Counoil meeting will be held here on the 26th inst. Quarterly meeting in connection with the Methodist church next S i clay. David Milne's barn, which suffered by the wind storm, has been receiving at- tention from the carpenter's. Co, Commissioner Ainsley and Reeve Milne wore inspecting the condition of some of the township bridges this week. Font-s'rvns.-Court Ethel, No. 201, C. elected the following officers at their last meeting: -George Imlay, 0.3.; Joseph Hemsworth, V. 0. R. ; Wm. Spence, F. S. ; George Dobson, R. S. ; Dr. Fergueon, Treas.; W. K. Whaley, ONT. ; S. 7. Nichol, 8. W. ; Jno. Dolt- mier, 3. W. ; John Sanders, S. 13. ; R. Close, J. B. ; 11I. Foremen, Phys. A. representative to the High Ootert, to be held at Ottawa, next Juno, was not ap• pointed at the mooting. Y.,Itc ffvvo�'c1. Thursday was Arbor day in Listowel' Mrs. Dingman, wile of Dr. Dingman, who was palled away some wee Ise ago by the death of her sister In New York State, has rotterned home. Listowol lodge I. 0. 0. F. intend cola. brating the 74th annirorsary'of the nyder by a room concert, to evening of Maylu'nth. the lodge the Messrs. Hay end idd shipped a oar of horeos to Montreal and sold to Messrs. Groenoidos act SlnGibbone, Guelph, five saddle horses for I.be New York market. Joseph Marks, of this town, has se. cured the right of sale for the counties of Perth and Huron of the renowned coal saver, "Ileal Spar," inanufaottlrod by the 1{oal-Spar 0o., of Boston, Mase: At the regular meeting of Court Maple. ton, C. 0. F., the following ofiioers were elected for the ensuing term :-0. B., 0. Dietrich ; V. C. R., J. Damm ; Chap., A, Itbtgler ; Roo. Sec., J. 3. Foster ; Fin. Soo., W. Dickson ; Treas. John Gabel, S. W,, J. K. Krug; 3, Grevy ; S. 13., J. Halling ; J, B., G. P. Porter ; Court Physician, L. W,'j:holnp- son, M, D, ; Representative to High Court at Ottawa, J. 11. Gunther. Fred, S. Howe has purchased the barbering outfit from L. Christman. J. E. and Mrs. Carson were in Landon attending the funeral of their nephew, C. Abbott, who died there after n short ill. nese. Mr. Abbott vette traveller for the Hobbs hardware Co„ and had hosts of friends throughout western Ontario who deeply regret his sudden decease. D.o•t'.Fn. Geo. Emerson, of the hub, wan in town on Monday. Communion in Trinity ohurch on Sun- day morning next. litre. Graham was visiting friends in Brumfield last weelc. Arthur Teirney spent Sabbath in the neighborhood of Londeeboro. A couple of young English gentlemen arrived here on Saturday evening on a prospecting tour. Rev. W. F. Campbell's brother 000u - pied the pulpit of the Methodist church on Sunday morning. A dentist from Exeter intends visiting this town every Monday and may be found at the Commercial. John Kelly has had during the past week the fdnndation dug out for a large extension to his brink hotel. Joe Carter has erected a verandah to his brick residence during the past week, which has made a dsaided improvement to it. The weekly gospel temperance meet• ing woe hold in the Methodist church on Sunday evening instead of in the tem- perance hall. R. Howard has commenced the stone work for the three brlolc stores whish he anti templates erecting in this village dur- ing the Summer. Wiiess 1t state. Joh, Lonitt left for Battle Greek, IMO!. gen, last Monday. James Flanagan loft town lad week for Grand Rapids, Michigan. John Dinsiey, of the Diusiey Ho:eo, the oldest hotel•lceepee iu town, and Alex, Orr, of the Park House, were the per- sons who lost their licenses. Tho fireman have decided to give ten dollars for a prize for a hese ball match to be played on 24th of May and the settle amount for lacrosse, They have a splen. slid prograln arranged. The Odclfellows of Wingham will stele. hrabetho 7.1111 anniversary of the eatab• lishmont of the Order in America, by at- tending divine worship in St. Paula ohurch at 6;16 on Sunday nfimrnoon. On Wednesday evening, May 17th, Miss Mao blame Hart, elocutionist, assisted by local talent will entertain Winghamites in the town hall, under the auspices of the Wingham lacrosse slob. n'Wtn. Bleak, who eras been a resident of this place for several years, has par. chased the livery business of McManus Bros., of Palmerston, and will remove his family as soon as he can have a dwell- ing fitted up. • An effort is being made to start a parish paper in connoctien with St. Paul'e ohurch. It will be published monthly at a subscription price of 25 Dante per annum. It is hoped that at least 250 subscribers Will be obtained. SAtYY,�(({{jj5w13 `�1ir�i' 411. 4C1 ashionab1eTailor and Outfitter) Brussels. The Women's Missionary Society o the Congregational church intend hold. ing an auxiliary meeting for - Listowel District in the Congregational ehureh, Wingham, on Tnesday, May 0th. After• noon meeting at 2:30 o'olock, when pa pars and addresses on miseionary themes will be given. In the evening a Ieoturo will be given on "Hawaii and the Hawai ins" by the pester of Wingham church Addresses by visiting pastors and musi will aid in malting an enjoyable evening Lw,.,.,,,.,^�tCd'Fam=ay=.1=aTcc,ver-*r.rninC+tEilC7@'a3•dES�r"n::sc.-vl[HFLi, f 13l14evulce. Several in the community are on the sick tier at present. Mr. Sibbald has purchased a house and lot from Win. Messer. Mr. Evans and wife were visiting at Mr. Leech's this week. Mrs. Scott and children were visiting at Mr. Robertson's last week. The cheese factory opened on Monday, May 1st, for the season's work. • Dell & Stewaat have made a sale of lumber to Thos. Boll, Wingham. R. L. and W. H. Stewart returned from Toronto on Saturday, April 200h, Robb. King, an old resident of Blue. vale, paid the village a flying visit this week. One hundred and sixty hogs were shipped to Buffalo from this station on the 2nd inst. The foriner officers have been re.eleot. ed in the 0, 0. F. in this place. J. R. Miller will be the delegate to the High Court in June. It meets at Ottawa this year. Onrr.--It fs with feelings of deepest regret that we chronicle the sad and ap- parently untimely death of Mrs. Peter King, who died at the home of her parents on Saturday, April 201:11, after a very short illness. Deceased Was the only child of John Harris, of this place, and was nailed away in the hlnotn of youth, being only 19 years and 7 months old. Her remains were taken to the Wingham cemetery for interment "on Monday, May 1st. The bereft husband, parents and relatives have the sincerest sympathy of all in the community, The funeral sermon will be preached in the Methodist church on Sunday next by Rev. J. W. Pring. "Asleep in Jesus 1 blessed sleep, From which none over wake to weep, A calm and undisturbed repose Uubrolten by the last of foes." A6.° vales. John Sommerville, 6th line, is on the sick list. Morris township coattail will meet on Monday, 20th inst. Seeding has been engaging the atten- tion of the farmers tine week. The Beason is unusually late. Mrs. John Wilsou will leave next week for Portage la Prairie, Man., where her daughter, Mrs. Walter Green, resides. Rev. T. M. Campbell, of Uxbridge, brother to Rev. W. • F. Campbell, of Blyth, preached in Jackson's ohurch last Sabbath afternoon. In a letter from W. T. Mooney, Indian Head, N. W. T., Tun Pose learns that seeding operations have been greatly de- layed there owing to the backward sea- son. Tho fenerai aormon of rho late Miss MoInbyre was preached by Rev. Mr. Dyke in Sunshine church on Sunday afternoon. The discourse was a very suitable one being based on Isaiah 98th °hunter and 1st verse. There will be no servioe in Jackson's church next Sabbath as the interior of the building is being thoroughly rano. vatted, papered and painted. W. Rod. dick, of Brussels, has the contract so a good job may be expected. tF.t�woc, U. Mre, Lemuel Pelton continuos poorly. Ths junior football club is open for ahallsuges, The phonograph concerts given by Rev. Byron Laing, of Aoton, in the Town Hall were fairly well attended. The Methodist nhurcb is now under- going thorough repairs, It is to be paper- ed, re -painted and the choir loft is to be placed behind the pulpit. W. W. Elliott and E. E. Harvey, two Atwood boys, have oome through the four years' ordeal in thole medical course with flying colors, having both won scholarships. John W. Wilson, who has been es• aiding with his father, Henry Wilson, moved into Alexander Morrison's Louse lest weep, while Alex, has moved into John Coghlin'e resiclenoe, and Me. Coglt. 110 into the hones he purchased. Cast Fall from Wm. F. Fennell, none the saw mill, Mr, Forrest is living in "Dmunimere Hall," which he purchased from Wm. Dunn. The "Bee" says 11- "Atwood is to en- joy the boon of having no whiskey sold in hoe midst, no bar -rooms allowed, no drunken men to ;'eel and tumble on her streets. from the report published of theprooeodingo of the lionise commis. sioners of North Perth we notice that only two Heenan have been granted in Flint -to A. Huggins, Moulctou, and A, ii. Wynn, of Newry," 'Tho "Bee" is mistaken as a three months' extension at least, has been granted to N. Cogblin and V. Roller. Grrero . John Cardiff lost a driving horse from infiamnnation. Some of the farmers aro plowing up their Fail wheat. Township Connell will be held on Fri- day 26th fusb., at.isthol, A. stone abutment will be built at Mitchell's bridge this 8umtner. Miss Elizabeth Robertson, of the 410 son, of Grey, died on the 2010 of April, It is stated that Gray Township has lest the Meehan ditch Baso before the courts and will have several hundred dollars to pay as costs. John Mitchell received au injury while chaining clown the roof of his barn, When part of the roof had been blown off the ventilator fell in and hit hint on the leg. Wm. Barker, tvifo fund family intend leaving next week for Wisconsin where they intend making their home. Mr.. Barker has sold his farm on the 510 eon. to John McIntosh, teacher, at Ceenbrook, We wish Mr. Barker and family pros. parity. Angns Taylor; of 'Vancouver, 13. 0., who has been visiting at hie unolo'e, Jae. i0foN'nfr, 16th eon., rstutned last week to the barrio of his parents in Alboro', E1- gin Co. Ho was accompanied by his cousin, Mise Jennie Mohair, who intends spending a few weeks with iter aunt. Mrs, Taylor, before returning to ills Queen City, We are sorry to learn that G. E. Wi eon, teacher in S. S. No. 8, is so ill ae t be unable to teach. We hope he m soon be able to resettle his duties. Oner.-illrs. Thomas llnLauchl0 whose death was referred to iu the las issue of Tuis Posr, was born in Glengarr Go. in 1341 and was united 01 marria" to her now bereft partner in Januar 1876. The deceased was the mother o three daughters and one son. Althoogl an invalid for upwards of a year she no complainingly andtrustfully bore it an shortly before her death asked her daugh- ters to Bing "Safe in the arms of Jesus" for her. Mrs. MoLauchlin's maiden name was Mary McIntosh. She was a :eine of the late Mrs. (Rev.) John Ferguson, formerly of Brussels, Her sisters are Mrs. 10. J. McArthur, of Grey township ; Mrs. 101elnbyrs, of Tiv- erten ; and Miss Kate McIntosh, of Glengarry. The funeral, on Thursday ' of last week, was largely 'attended, Bev. Jim. Ross, B. A., conducting the service. Mr, McLanchlin and fancily aro deeply sympathised with in the loss of a true wife and affectionate mother. The sub- ject of this notice enjoyed the esteem and friendship of all who knew her. "Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on His gentle breast, There by His love o'orshaded Sweetly my soul shall rest." 1- Early Monday morning a stemmed steced o in the basement of the Empire tea store, ay Stratford, owned by Edwin Willson. 1 The clamage was about 3300 to the build. ing and 3300 to the stools, on which there t was no insurance. The cause of the lire y ie unknown. d Fexth County. Last week veterinary surgeon Black. all dehorned twelve young oattle for Wm, Weir, dairyman, Clinton. A very pretty wedding tool; place at the residence of Dr. Rupert, St. Mary's, on Wednesday of last weolc, when Fred. Sutherland Sharp, city agent of the Can- adian Pacific Raiirond at Wllldeor, was milted in marriage to Miss flay Leland Rupert, yonn0eet- daughter of Dr. nett Mrs. Report. The residence through. out was most beautifully decorated, the diningroom being decorated entirely with white roses and curnatioue. Tho cors• mony was performed at 11 a. m. by the Dov. J. Scott, M. A. The bridesmaid, llfss Agnes Thousp:'oe, carried a bouquet of pink roses and wore an enamel lana pin, the gift of the groom. 11. G, -oil Manning, of Windsor, acted as best man, After the ceremony the gueete pattook of the wedding brealcittsb. ler. and hers. Sharp left for Buffalo, Now York and other American cities. Passeneere by the mixed train coaling north to Wiarton had it peculiar exper- ience on Thursday morning. Oondnntor S. A. Buoy had charge of the train, whiall on that particular occasion was considerably late. About two miles south of Britton the oeeuptnts of the - passenger ' coach --t halt i asseer, smoking and baggage inoar - were startled by a sudden mash and the oar was ftllod with bite of flying giene. The crash did not last long and the train was not stopped. Investigation showed that the strong wind which was blowing that day had blown down a telegraph polo. The wires had held the polo e l from the ground and the top reuohed over the railway track, find it was this that caused the accident on the mixed, The pole sbrnok just at the row of win. time and tore every window on that side of the ear out. Several of the passengers raeaivod nasty ants from the brokon gl nes. PEOPLE'S POPULAR -ONE WAY - PARTIES Will leave Toronto 01140p, le. EVERY FRIDAY For British Columbia, West:Meter, Oregon, California in Tourist Sleopin 1; cars Toronto to Seattle wit:1MM, change. EVERY FRIBAT A through Tourist 81eepine Car will leave Toronto at 3:13 a. in. for Boston, louse„ and EVERY WEDNESDAY A tbromgb Tourist al Doping Car will leave Toronto at 3 p. m. for C Wonge until Ittr'ther notion, Apply to any 0.P. R, Ticket Agent for full parbianlars. J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Eeo ns-ls. BUGGIES -AND- WAGONS. AND- "l AGONiS. The greatest number and largest as- sortment of lsuggies, Wagons and Road Carte to be found in any one hones nut - side of the cities, is at Wllhiams �cll1. " I Son's IN BRUSSELS. They are from the following celebrated make's : Gammons Carriage Company and Brantford Carriage Company, These buggies are guaranteed firat•elass in all parts, and we make good any breakages for onto year from date of purcltnse that acmes from fault of material or work. manship, We do no patching, but fur- nish new parts. We mean what b'1 ad• vortiss, and book up what we stay. Our wagons ars baud made. We use nothing hot choice oak in their nlsttnfaetnt'e. Five styles of Road Carts, All kinds of Agrieuttutal Implements. We handle the Floury Platy and keep to full line of repairs for name. Our prices are right, Call in and nos us, E. WILLIAMS & SON.