The Brussels Post, 1893-5-5, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST
New Advertisements,
Looal-O. P. it.
Looala-A. R. Smith.
Royal Crown Remedy.
� a11teL
Tamale -Da J. 0. Ayer.
World's 'Pair --G. TR.
Wall Paper --J. T. Pepper.
Tenders Wanted -I'. S. Scott..
Oxen for Sato --Robert /duellers.
A Positive Fact. J amea Walker.
Ebis. NrusacJS ast.
MAY 5, 1898 --
Tamen Chief Juatioe Galt has decided
that neither the pity of St. Thomas nor
any other municipal corporation in On-
tario has a right to give any particular
telephone company an exclusive right to
carry on business within its limits, the.
powers of the municipalities are not
theeebylmuoh restricted. Any city or
town can authorize one telephone nom•
pany to erect poles and string wires, and
oan refuse such a privilege to any other
Mo. Mswerat's Bill for prohibition of
retailing liquor was defeated in the Local
Legislature last Tuesday, after a Warm
debate, by a vote of 54 to 33. It was
a etraight party vote. The amendment
proposed by Bon. G. W. Rose and carried
is as follows :-
1. That the extent of the Legislature's
power to enact a prohibitory law ie nn-
eertaio and doubtful.
2. That this question of even the limit.
ed power of the province is now pending
before the Supreme Court.
3, That the extent of the Provincial
jurisdiction ehould first be ascertained
by reference to the judioiul tribunal of
last resort.
4. That the law passed before was as-
certained would militate againet the in•
terests of temperance and the public
and would result in the indiscriminate
and unlicensed traffic in liquors.
5. That the House has confidence that
the Goverumeut will without delay take
all necessary and proper steps to secure
the judtmeut of the said judicial tribun•
til as to the extent of any of the jurisdio-
tion of the Provinoial Legielaturelto enact
a law for the total or partial prohibition
of the liquor traffic.
6. The House would be prepared to
take action when such decision was reach-
7. The Houee would not deal with the
matter during the session other than to
prepare and enact all necessary provis-
ions for securing a provincial plebiscite
on prohibition.
8. That the bill be read this day six
The Toronto News says :-The popular
vote of next January will assuredly be a
trumpet -voiced declaration for prohibi•
tion. It is almost equally certain the
Privy Council will say that, while the
Province has not power to prohibit the
traffic altogether, it at least has authority
to enforce the 'garter bill. This latter
declaration may and should be on record
within a year, and teen, if au election is
not held until after another session, the
Governfteut will be asked to define its
policy, without equivocation or reserve -
don, before going to the people. Its
strength in the past has been the liquor
vote on one hand and the temperance
vote Ob the other. The Ministry cannot
declare either for or against prohibition,
either partialor total, without alienating
either one or other of these elements.
Unless the House is dissolved before a
year, or the reference to the courts is cle•
layed until after this Parliament ceases
to exist by effluxion of time. Sir Oliver
will next election find himself in the
tightest box he has been in since the
formation of his Government.
Ceeu.adittn Nome.
The water was let into the Rideau
• canal on Saturday.
Berlin is to have a town directory for
the first time in years.
The local exoitement over the Both.
well oil wells continues.
Grip, the well•kuown journal of humor
and caricature, is offered for sale,
The Russell House, Ottawa, has been
sold to a local syndicate for $250,000.
Lieutenant -Governor Chapeau, of
Quebec, is rapidly improving in health in
The Oakville basket factory was com-
pletely destroyed by flee cu Saturday
Henry Taylor, banker, died somewhat
suddenly in South London on Friday
night of last week.
Win. Slingsby, woollen manufacturer,
Brantford, dropped dead on Friday even•
iog of last weep.
Nearly $2,000,000 worth of new build.
ings are under way and projected in
Winnipeg this year.
Two 11518 cases 0f smallpox are report-
ed at Winnipeg, one at Rat Portage and
four at Fort William.
.8. local 11880011 of the Railway Agents'
Association o£ North America has been
instituted in Toronto.
It is said that there are eighteen ap•
plioants for the position of Clerk of Ninth
Division Court of Essex.
A public reception was tendered D'.
Alton lloCarthy, M. P„ at Orangeville
town hall on Monday evening.
At Kingston last week Gunner March
was killed by the accidental discharge of
a cannon which he was loading.
11 ie expeetud the city of Brantford
will realize about $$00 from the finoe im-
posed in the cook -fighting oases.
Simpson Shepperd, one of Lambton's
pioneers and a wealthy citizen, died at
his home in Sarnia on Monday, aged 87.
Canada's 11 -ton cheese broke the Boor
of the building in which it was placed of
Chicago and sant 19 feet to the solid
Adolph Kern, the largest dry goods
merohaut in Waterloo, Mae made an as.
signment to H. Barber. Hie liabilities
amount to 610,000.
Canadian patent medicine manafaotur.
ers have formed a tent, The number of
dealers selling their produlte will be out
down from 5,000 to 750,
C. W. Young, editor of the Cornwall
Freeholder, will be press agent ab Chi-
imp for the Ontario Government during
the progress of the World's fair,
Next Monday evening the Epworth
League from Seaorth will visit the
League of the Ontario street Methodist
(Murch, .Clinton, and give 15 return pro -
R. Drysdale, near Exeter, is the proud
possessor of a duels egg, the production
of a comparatively small duck. The egg
n18880800 81' Mulles lengthwise and
weighs 42 ounces.
Owing to the illness of two witnesses
for the proee0ution, the trial of Angus
Pennefuther, (Merged with stealing 67,800
from the Standard Bank of Chatham,
has been postponed for six months.
A parse containing a round sum in
gold was presented to Thomas Shipley,
of Ridgetown, a few days ago by a nuns•
bar of friends. Mr. Shipley is going to
take a trip to California for his health,
It is stated that 1'red. Westbrook will
rent a portion of the. Hexb property in
Brantford, where he intends starting a
factory for the manufacture of poen.
matin tires for sulkies and bicycles.
The late Alex. Bustin, the big paper
manufacturer, has left an estate veined
at a million dollars. Half goes to his
wife, a quarter to his son and the remain-
der will be divided among the daughters.
Dr. McEaohren, the Government
Veterinary Inspector from the North-
west, states that the mortality among
the cattle has been very heavy owing to
the severe winter. The loss among the
calves is also heavy.
Clinton bicyclists have formed an as.
scoiation with Capb. H. B. Oombe as
president ; G. F. Emerton, vice-presi-
dent ; A. T. Cooper, secretary ; S. Kitt,
captain ; and a committee of Messrs.
Gould, Yellowlegs and Hovey.
The town of Sarnia debentures, sold to
George A. Stimson, of Toronto, realized
a very satisfactory price. There were
four small issues, amounting in all to
513,863, running 10, 15 and 20 years at
5% and the town received a premium of
Canada's exports to the United King-
dom declined from 885,170 in March
1892 to 815,870 last month. And in the
first three months of 1803 the Dominion
sent to England 8127,547 worth of pro-
duces, compared with 8279,017 in the
same quarter of 1892. What is the
matter with "the British market?"
In regard to the Romney marriage
swindle, which has received so much at.
tentio n of lute, a correspondent from
that district writes :-"The report is
entirely unfounded. Mr. Robinson did
not entertain such pereou, nor did he
sign any papers as witness and a8 for his
trip to Windsor, he did not go."
A South Middleton correspondent
writes :-While hunting in the woods
one day last week a young man named
Gilbert found in a hollow doe two military
rifles, a number of catridges, and a knap-
sack. The guns had evidently lain there
a long time. They are breach loaders
and marked 92nd Batt. How they came
to be in the log is a mystery.
John Rynn, near Lawrence Station,
has a sow whiob gave birth to a pig with
eight legs, four ears, two tails and one
head. The bodies aro fully developed,
and the head is as natural as one head
would be. The pig is doing well. When
walking it saes six legs instead of four,
the two fore legs protruding from on top
of the Wielders and remaining on top.
Those who were on Thames et., Satur-
day evening about nine o'oloek, says the
Ingersoll Chronicle, might have witness.
ed the novel sight of one lady drawing
another up street on a little express
wagon . It was the outcome of a wager,
El certain young gentleman having made
a bet that the aforesaid young ladies dare
not do the act. The young man had to
pay the bet.
William Ramshaw, formerly a farmer
in Nassagaweya, who left his home in
Acton the other morning, has not yet
been found. He disappeared very
scantily olad. The dam has been dragged
and search made in every direction but
without any success. Ramellaw has
been unhinged in hie mind for some
time past and his friends are apprehen-
sive that he alas done away with himself.
A piece of rope is missing and some think
that he has used it to make away with
Last Wednesday ayoung man by the
name of Howard lOXoLeod was drowned
near Moose Jaw, about half a mile west
of the town. He had procured a horse
and cart from Jas. Ostrander and was on
his way to the farm of John Orton.
While attempting to cross on the ice it
gave way and the unfortunate young
man with horse and rig were ell swept
under the be. The horse and rig has
since been recovered but no traoe of the
young man has as yet been found. Mr.
McLeod was about 21 years of age. Be
originally mune from Essex county, where
it is supposed his friends reside. He
went to Moosejaw from Texas last Fall
and has been working the last few months
past with Wright cb Ferguson.
A few evenings ago a gentleman stepped
from a train at one of the London eba-
tiona, when a young lady skipped up to
him, threw her arms rapturously around
hie neck and kissed hire many times, say.
ing : "0h, papa, I'm so glad you have
come," The old gentleman threw both
arms around 11er and held her firmly to
his breast, Soon she looked up into his
face and horror stood in her eye. "Oh
my, you're not my papa 1" she said, try-
ing to free heeselt from his embrace.
"Yes, I am," insisted the old gentleman,
holding her tightly. "You are my long.
lost daughter, end I am going to keep
you right in my arms till I get a police•
intim." When the officer came he found
the old gentleman's diamond pin in the
girlie hand.
Sam Grigg, of the Manitoba Hotel,
Chicago, returned to London on Satur-
day and explains, in order to correct an
erroneous impression freely circulated,
that there are more people tint of mm•
ployment at present in the Windy City,
and especially dnmaettes, than there are
8118001008 for them ten times (wor. IIe
advises all who are fortunate in holding
good positions Isere to retain them, as
the wages paid and to be paid will not,
in hie opinion bo one.half as high as they
are led to expeot. He also states that he
did nob entice domestics from the load-
ing hotels at London for his hostelry, 80
811011 minded would be an infringement
of the Alien Labor Act. All the appli•
eatiene favorably considered by hien (111
the fifteen eases) worn forwarded to him
at Chicago,
Nellie MoHenry pulled a child from in
front of a railroad train ab Springfield,
and fainted after the danger was over.
Since January 1, 105,103 emigrants
have landed at New Toth, as against 142,•
524 during the corresponding period of
.,,y,a;may Qaumm
The drouth in southwest Texas is pro.
traded, and cotton there is 10 bad shape,
It is now thought that the general
strike of Citic miners will be cloolared
A Detroit dealer was lined $20 for
ueing a oounterfeit of the union cigar
Barney McGuire, a 113•year-old horse
thief, was recently pardoned from the
Brie penitentiary.
The fleet box of California cherries for
1803 was shipped from Secramento, Cal.,
on Tuesday, to the Duke of Verugue at
the World's Fair,
A telegrams from Indian Inspeotor
Faison states that the Choctaw outlook
is altogether peaeeful. The Lock force
aud the militia aro disbanding.
Willie Horn, a bright boy of 15, while
playing ball cm the roof of a five -story
tenement house, in trying to oat*
high -thrown ball, stepped backward and
fell to the ground, He was dead before
the tenants could pink him up.
The Chicago Record says :-The late
style of wearing polka-dot mud doeora-
tions on the trousers is growing in
popularity. It indicates that the wearer
has been vienvieg the World's Fair from
the roadways outside of tLe grounds.
The experiment of running boats on
the Erie Canal with electric power is
likely to be tried the present Summer,
the bill, providing for the equipment of
the canal with the trolley system, 18111011
was passed by the Legislature of New
York, having been approved by Governor
MAY 5, 1893
.,vg•-e,vc �
Grand Trunk
If you are going to the
Fi9tLD' 3
Be sure and go via the
Gr E.E.) tat l .A `='
St. Clone Tunnel
For Lowest Rates Apply to
G. T. R. Agent, Brussels.
ORD Stanley, Governor-General, told Sir John
ir...,.; Thompson, that -it is a positive fact that he over-
heard Lieutenant -Governor Kirkpatrick tell Sir Oliver Mowat that
Sir John Abbott had stated in the presence of Hon. Wilfred Laur-
ier that Sir Adolphe Caron and Sir Richard Cartwright heard Hon.
Edward Blake say to Tion. Thomas Greenway, Premier of Mani-
toba, and Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Agriculture for tho Prov-
ince of Ontario, that "the Buggies, Carriages, Carts and Cutters
sold by 0. C. Willson, of Seaforth, are the most stylish, most dur-
able, best finished, lightest running and easiest to ride in, and
the Best value for the money of any similar rigs macre or sold in
this Country."
All these men have changed their minds as JAS. WALKER'S
Buggies took 1st Prize at Seaforth Fall Fair, and 0. 0. Willson, as
a judge at Brussels Show, awarded Walker's Buggies and Carts
the Red Tickets. I won't be undersold ou either Home or Fac-
tory Rigs.
Carriage Maker,
Do yon like nobby looking, perfect fitting, good wearing Shoes ?
If so, our new styles for men in Calf, Cordovan and Dongola, can-
not help but please.
The Price is Right.
The Fit is Right.
The Style is Right,
The Quality is Right.
We are showing some exquisite styles in Ladies' Buttoned Boots.
Our Glove Fitting Handturns and Welts aro beauties that cannot
help but please you, and the price is not extravagant.
Drop in and take a look at them.
Special Attention given to Custom Work.
e ler
The Best Cultivator.
Isaa Pu
It has no equal for pnlvervmg h ted Olay amps.
It is beyond question the best me thine for malting a sood bed or inverted sod.
For preparing fall plowing for spring seeding, especially in heavy Olay soil, where
the land is baked or become hard and difficult to move.
For cutting up and pulverizing any kind of stubble land, either for the purports
of starting foul seeds or fitting for seeding.
It is unquestionably far superior to anything in the market for cultivating any
kind of land that is very difficult to subdue.
Where every other tool has failed the Spade harrow will be found to be just
the machine needed,
As will be seen by the cut, it is constructed with 11140 revolving cylinders, com-
posed of 50 spades, 6 itches wide and 8 rushes long, set 2 inches apart, and when in
motion turn the ground up as oompletely as can be dont by hand, The machine has
168 sharp cutting edgee, and in working the ground it does not drag or trail, but
turns the Boil up and lets it drop loose behind the machine, leaving the subsoil an
top and level surface. It works in any hind of land ; and in muoky, clammy soil,
where the Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows clog np and become useless, the Spade
Harrows does fleet -dams work.
Jam, Oea '!ii!/ 1vt
Closing Out j
Closing Ottµ
AVING decided to go out of business as soon as our G'
present stock is sold, I am o-ffering special bargains
mall linos of goods. Wo have the Largest and Best stook we have
yet shown and buyers will find this a rare chance to get good Goods
at very Low Prises,
Bargains in Dress Goods,
Bargains in Prints & Mullins,
Bargains in Delaines,
Bargains in Bats,
Bargains in Lace Curtains,
'Bargains in Corsets,
Bargains in Parasols,
Bargains in Shoes.
We have an extra fine line of Dress Goods which we are offer-
ing at very low prices. New Dress Goods just in at 5c. per yard
worth 100. ; at 7c. and 8c. worth 12ie. ; at 10c. worth 15c.; at 12e.
worth 18c. and 20c. Double Width Serges, in Sumner weight, at
85c. to 45c., worth 50c. and 60c. Ten prices in Black Cashmeres
from 25c. to ,$1.00 ; Colored Cashmere from 22e. to 45e.
We start our Prints at 5c. per yard. Printed Muslins at 5e.
per yard. Special value in
Another lot (our third this season) of those cheap Lase Curtains,
21 yards long, taped all round, regular price 50c. to 65c., our price
85c. Eight prices in Cnttains np to $8.00 per pair. Art Muslins
at 5c. per yard.
Don't Mi5r3 Thier Chance.
Many of these Lines will not be Replaced.
Highest Price Paid for GoocZ Bzetter and Eggs.
Closing Out
l.. 9
Closing Out
l� w
.1 plq
NOTHER lot of nein Hats for men, youths and boys.
The largest, finest and cheapest range we have ever
shown.. Iiave a look at them the :first opportunity.
Extra good valve in Snits made to order, also a complete
stock of men's boys' and children's Beadymade Suits.
Are your Boots the worse of the wear ? If so come in and
we will give you something that is good, stylish
and comfortable.
Dress Goods in all the latest styles with Trimmings and
Buttons to Match.
Pri724s, Chrallies, MaSZiz'Ls, E772,brOuZei ies.
SEE OUR 89c.
G'7mC>aNVY>R69®0],Ma I .1:112 Ta: .t'A010Erg 0ZX1 4r •It0S
E 13SS 1a;_:J .
Grand Opening Sale on Frida•, and Saturday
and Following Days.
We have boon for several clays opening up the finest stock of
New Goods over displayed in Brunie. Wo invite you to visit our store and we will
offer you such bargains as will make our Opening Sale memorable and the New
Cheap Store famous in Brussels,
The New Goods at the New Cheap Stone ooueist of Ladies', Misses' and OMR-
eon's Fine Boots, Shoes and Slippers in all the new colors and materials Gentle-
men's Fine Laced Balmorals, Congress, 011181.10 and Oxfords in Dongola Kid, Cor.
dovan and Calf. Working Shoes for Farmers and Meohanies-Strong, neat, durable
and cheap, Boys' and Girls' Sobool Boots very Cheap. Our Boob and Shoe stook
is well worth the attention of all intending purebasers.
Chinaware, Crockery and Glassware in Ten Seton Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets,
Water Sete, Lemonade Sets, Fancy China Plates, Cups and Saucers, Fancy
Cheeeers, Goblets, Lamps, 80. Don't fail to 888 our ilandeome Goblets at 5o. oaeh,
in fast don't fail to inspect this elegant bock of China, Crockery and Glassware.
MRS, TUFTS, Manager.
AGENT, BRUSSk1L5, Butter and Eggs Wanted.