HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-5-5, Page 3MAY 5; 189S THE BRUSSELS POST JAMNS' METE/OD/SM. Aly papa is afpreaoher, And he's a Methodist too, I think they're the nioest folks That ever lived ; dont you 7 Ono day when pa was proaohing, Ile said he thought 'Weis right, Tf folks felt very happy, To ebout;witlx all their might. he said he was a Mothodiet, And liked the Methodist way Of shouting when your happy, And when you want to pray. I'm glad he said it, And I listened through and through, Por sometimes 1'hn so happy I don't Icuow what to d,o. And so last Sunday nnoruing When papa said "Lots pray," I knelt down by nay mamma— 1 always do that way. Bub I felt so very funny I thought I'd like to shout, So when mamma wasn't looking I peeped all round 01)00, And then I orawled quite softly Up behind old Uncle Ben, And put my meuth elm to his ear, And shouted out, "Moen 1" I thought I'd mance him halloo, So I outdo an awful noise ; 'Cause he said that preachers' children \Vero the very woret of boys. The folks all got to laughing When they saw old Uncle Ben, IIs roaobod around to grab me, Bat lin didn't catch me then. I didn't stay to preaching, For inamma took me out, And said I wee "Quito naughty," 'Canso I gave that little shout. So she put me in the closet, And kept me there all day, I didn't think 'Was very nice, If 'twas the Methodist way. But I guess I learned a lesson That would snit all little boys When you go to a Methodist meeting, Be sure don't make a noise. 1'FIL f3Iblf:li^'!' M1,tYkL REVIEW IN MODERN ifl TO1lp. The naval review in honor of Columbus, which had been in native progress for nearly two weeks, col iinated at New York on Thursday of last week in a dem- onstration more spectactular and noisy and remarkable in many other respects than nnythiuq of the lind recorded in modern history. The quaintest part of the day's proceedings was that the post of honor at the head of the reviewed ships was given to the apparently nusea• lv0rt11y reproduction of the Columbus caravels. Those pigmy boats wore anchored opposite 11inetythird street and formed practically the tarlaiug point of the review. The lino of vessels reviewed was over three miles fu length, stretching in two (Alumna from the foot of Secoul street to about Ninety.fitth street, where tho re- viewing ship, the 1)ulphiu, anchored. Tho foreign vessels were most of them stationed m1 the New York side of the Hudson river ; the American fleet, wltb the German, Dutch and Argentine cruisers, occupied the New Jersey side, The ships were 'weltered 300 yards apart and a apace of 400 yards was left betweon the two columns. Thousands of visitors poured into the city to witness the sight. iho day being a public holidev, business was generally sOspend, d. Flags wore displayed from all the shipping and from many public and private buildings. Hundreds of thousands of spectators lined the water's edge on both sides of the =jostle river, parched upon roots and upper stories of the tall huildinge and climbed the palisades at the slopes of the riverside. The United Stales took full possession of the waters of the harbor for thio clay. A circle was tightly drawn round the reviewing vessels and review- ed and until the actual ceremonies were over no unauthorized boat was allowed to Gross the line. Nearly every tugboat and exoursion steamer in the harbor was engaged and crowded with sightseers. Ab the prec0n- certed arrangement, ell the ships simnl- a L ueously hoisted colors and dressed ships. The embarkation of the Presiden- tial party on board of the reviewing boat Dolphin was a gorgeous affair. The President was escorted by hie naval aids and accompanied by Mrs. Cleveland and the members of the Cabinet with their wives, and the membsrsofthe diplomatic corps rsprseenting foreign governments. As soon aa the Presidential party arrived on board the Dolphin she tripped her anchor and fired the gun as a signal. This was responded to in thunderous volleys. The crack ships of ten nations had been pub in roadinees for their part of the celebration. On board those ves- sels the rain was most unwelcome. It drenched the decks and riggings and hung in pearly drops from the brass work. Deese uniforms worn abandoned for storm coats and the jack tars instead of being ie holiday rig were in sysry,day attire. At 10 o'olook the United States tiliips ran up hinting 011d the British, Russian, Italian, German and Rolland ships followed suit, nutil all were in hell - day dress. nEnnIVnN0 Tim ra00IDENT. Tho blowing of a hundred whistles and the booming of gene at 1:15 p. m. an- nounced that the President had embark. ed, and almost instantly the crows of the inen•of•war all along tiro lino tools their positions, .411:00 tho first boom of the ten inch gun on the blientonomeh an• bounced that the Dolphin, with the President on beard, was passing up bo. tween the 100 columns of war vessels. The roar of the Mianlononxah'e 21 guns was followed by a salute from the Brazil. ion steamehips Republica and Tirantes, The Dolphin replied to the Brasilians, whososailors manned the yards, The Dolphin 'moved at a slow and stately gait, and the salute of each ship was distinct and sharp. r The Aquidaben flagshig of the Brazilian fleet, finished) saluting at 1:40, and the Neva Espana tools its term. The Dolphin was followed by the Blake and she In turn by the Miantonamah. The bands on the ships played tho nati0hal air, but it was only at Intervale between the roar of tho guns that the mesio could be hoard. When the Dolphin reaObed the end of the lino in the neighborhood of Ninety. fifth street she dropped anchor and made preparations to reo01v0 the oommanding I' "R.►ll'8 MORN" ')'1)0'#'8.1 officers of the foreign 1 111 01 0 0 105 wb0 wers preee0ted to the Pro:admit by their re• opeetivo mhlisters. Duly tittered in full ceremonial fortn with 0gclied hate and swords, the distinguished ofiiesra entered their barges and pulled off for the Presidential yacht. Sir john Iloplcins, the British admiral, was first presented, followed by the naval representatives of Russia, France, Italy, Argentine, Brazil and Germany in tho order named. A5 the President loft the Dolphin and en. tered the barge at the foot of Ninety. sixth street every vessel in the fleet again manned the yards and rails and Muse more fired a salute of 21 guns, Then the President's flag was lowered from the Dolphin and the public ooremonies of the day were considered over. A 00 -A5•000 -00005E DEttonsantariON, Bub the private part of the fan had only jest begun. As soon as the Dolphin passed out from botweon the anchored fleet the cordon was broken and private etoamore and yaolats method in. When the smoke bad partially cleared they ob• Mined a magnificent view of the corn. biped naval forces at close range. The tingsltips of the squadrons courteously returned the innumerable salutes tender- ed item by private steamers, and their officers seemed to heartily appreciate the interest that their appearance created. The Garman olliears expect to remain in those waters some weeks before sailing for the African coast, and speak pleasant- ly of their anticipation of meeting some of Now York's many thousand German Oiti'/.ens, A 01001NO CLOSE. It lues a fitting and dramatio close to the proceedings when at the close of the review the flagship Philadelphia slowly steamed np to Riverside, opposite the tomb of Grant, and on this clay, the an- niversary of hie birth, fired a salute to hie memory. FAUX NO'1'L4. ;'01LT10. The non•sibting varieties of fowls 5110011 be hatched as early as possible. The demand for pure bred poultry 15 larger this year than ever before. Turkeys require care until they "shoot the reel ;" after that they Ore easy to raise to maturity. We find that w5 ce.0 afford to buy buttermilk from the ereameey to feed our hells at live conte a gallon. Every year 1,300,000,000 eggs are need in this country in preparing albutneniesd paper for pbotographsr0. There are just as good reasons why pure bred poultry should be Inept as there is for keeping any class of pure bred stook. Pure water, wholesome food, clean quarters and good care, these are the four fonndatioos upon whish 01101005 with poultry depends. Drat is death to lice and the fowls should have free access to it, Sifted coal ashes aro good for this purpose b wood ashes bleach the lege of the yells legged bleeds. The red mitts do not stay on chicken during the day bat hide in creeks abol the porobes and sides of the hoes Paint these with kerosene oil and bho will cense from troubling. The liberal nes of whitewash about th poultry horse will be found profitabl Do not loots to artistlo effect so mno11 as getting plenty of whitewash on. A Pekin duck will hay from 120 to 150 eggs in a year, and it is Dot hard to manse a pair of young Pelsin0 weigh len pounds when tau weeks old. They 0A0 a profitable fowl. Young poultry shonld not be allowed to get hungry nor should they be given much more than they will eat at olhe time. feud little lint often, very often, should be the rule. nous. It often happens that a dog withou tootle barks the most, No 0112 pan be truly bravo who is no trying to be truly good. No ono clan have joy to -day who i worrying about tomorrow. It does not pay to build any ]bind of hoose on a poor foundation. Nothing keeps a stingy man from stealing but the risk of the thing, If you are loading a child. it may be you ars commanding an army, When you want to find a coward hunt up the man who kuowe he is wrong. Anything that manses us take an un. eellis11 interest in others maims us better, If there were no troubles to tall) about some people would always be silent. One of the most foolish mon is the one who worries about things he can't help. The woman who talks about her neigh. boos is no worse than amens who listens, Working without a plan is one of the beet ways in the world of wasting your strength. "Know thyself" is good advice, but "know about your neighbors" is the gen. eral pr'aotiee. When people find out that a man le mean at home, they dont care how gond he professes to be at &lurch. There is something wrong with the father who ties up his dog at night and lets his boy run the streets. The man who sells goods with a short yard-stiok would steal the foundation stones of heaven if be could get at them. e a Failure of the Bend Donor% 10 America to Core a l4Ineres' fh'unt Kidney a omplItin l -=Chios 11ed,1es Royal Crown Remedy and Pills )hakes fuel ti New llae. 11t o 'roar, Dee. 26, 1800. .41'. Isaac Williams : Dear Sir,—After suffering from Dys- pepsia and Kidney Couplaint for years, consulted several doctors, who did me no good. 1 also got medioloo from Buffalo, which cost mo a great deal of money. I was getting worn every day, a friend induced me to try Royal Crown Remedy. Taking three bottles, and pins according to directions, I am happy to say I am a different man. A5 a blood purifier, your Royal Crown Remedy is the best in the market. JAMES BURNS, 159 Look St. Alton, III., hits a cariosity in the nature of a woman affected with hydrophobia to snob an extent that she imitates the action of a dog. The wettish is the wife of Richard Isom (colored) and 10 years ago she wee bitten by a dog. She barks at intervals and before being tied, crawl. ed about on all fours. The authorities are in a dilemma to know what shall Le done with her. In 1899 the total number of persona employed in anti abort all the mines in the United Kingdom was 721,808, of wheal 11,009 wore females, working above ground. There were 802 accidents der, ing the ,year, 000asioning 1,034 deaths, tit one death for every (070) persons employed av as atalust ono for every 668 in the pre- ceeding year. The total amount of • mineral wrought was 191,054,008 tons, of ,t which 181,780,871 tons was coal. There e. was a decrease in total prodaotion of 5.- Y 738,100 tons compared with 1801. Whet protectory laws were first passed there O was eco death for every 233 persons em- s. played. Do not alioly the sleeping places of hoes to accumulate filth. Where clover does well looney ca0 be made in keeping hogs. It is not good economy to feed hogs of different sizes together. Sumtner shelter should he often so that they can nee at pleasure. Next year brooding stock should be selected before the litters are weaned. The first thing to clo with a pig is to make it grow so as to secure the frame upon which to fatten. The ander conditions 1. which t r the im- proved breeds of pigs aro kept render tite introduction of new blood nseessary every year. A very important item in scouring the best grain at the lowest oost with both growing and fattening bogs is to feed regularly. If any of the animals in a herd fail to thrive as they should separate them and feed them to themselves. An old sow that bas proved herself a good breeder should always be preferred to a young and untried one.. If the brood sows are too fat when bred the pigs aro apt to cone weak. A thrifty condition is always best. 0110101113 AND 00011000. Plow the garden as soon as possible that it may bo frozen after plowing, This .will melte It eaeie0 to 0aitivate dur- ing the whole season. If radishes do not do well in your garden try putting a coat of creek sand on a bed asci mixing it thoroughly with the salve bulk of rotted stable manure. Coal ashes will answer the same pur- pose es saud. Lettuce may bo sown at any time es it will'grow if sown in the Fall. When well started thin out the plants to six inches apart and they will 11101 cover the ground and bo meth better than if allow' ed to grow thickly. Peas may be sown very early as it dues not hurt them if the ground is frame after they are planted. If 503051 early they will got such a good start that they will not get caught by the dry weather of early Summer. Watch the plum and cherry trees that they clo not grow too high. In these clays no ono can hope for a crop of these fruits unless he sprays his trees and this is much easier to do if the braes are kept back. John S. Smith, his wife and their throe small children were driving across the Nioklo Plata railroad, item: Warsaw, Ind., Sunday, when a train s Iu k and ti lled than all iastanbly. From statistics covering the last thirty- two years it is computed that the average life of women in Frame has been 88 years and mon 88 years. During the last year, however, the. average roes bo 40 years dor both sexes. E. PERRY9 PliotogiUicr, BRUSSELS. Our Photos, are pronounced the Best and inost Artistic. We are always w S prepared, t 0 y mauve any size from the small Sumbeallls to the Life Size. Oza7on PortTaate and all executed in First- Olass Style. YE'�`'s i; � Sarsaparilla ¥-our best remedy for E-rysipelas, Catarrh R-heumatism, and S-crofula halt -Rheum, Sore Eyes A-bscesses, Tumors R-unning Sores, 8 -curvy, Humors, Itch A-nemia, indigestion P-irnples, Blotches A-nd Carbuncles R-ingworm, Rashes l-mpure Blood L-anguidness, Dropsy L -)ver Complaint A -1t cured by AVEseol� Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. l. C. Ayer & Co,, Lowell, Masi. Soldby all Druggists, Price $s, six bottles, $S, Gores others, wiii Cure you mcI. EC)D 'S system. ;i e:aovat r -r"---AND OTHER -- TESTED OT1HEli•—..– TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE 1ior Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, P6115040• bion of the heart, Liver Oomplaint, Nene. algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con. sumption, Call Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St, Vitus' Donee, Female Irregularitles cud General De• bility, LABORATORY OODERiCH, ONT. 3'. 1\r. MOLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by J. T. PEPPER, Druggist, Brussels, Confederation Ilse r, Association. Head Office : TORONTO_ Capital and Assets, $5,000,000 New Insurance, 1802, $8,670,000 Insurance at ]tisk, $22,565,000 Policies Non -Forfeitable and In- disputable after two years. Gains for 1892 over 1801 in In- surance, Written, $755,000, Or over 25 per cent. Insurance at Risk, $1,978,000 Or Nearly 10 per oent. Assurance Income, $48,678 In Assets, ^y^�- • $489't,,8878 AGENT, BRUSSELS. AIRY We have a Large Stock of. MILK CANS, CREAMERY CANS, MILK PAILS, STRAINER PAILS, MILK PANS, SAP PANS, 8cc,, All made of First-class Material. Roofing and Eaux Troughing Attended for TIDE BRUSSELS STOVE JIIEN 4.P. ME SHE ILTOiV. G ARE AGAI d °poi, now The Lated Our Photos., Cabinet Size, are only $1,50 a Doer74 Now is the time, while they are cheap. Sunbeams, Mikado .Parzets, Cards, any size zap to 2.2x27 and larger if required. Old pictures copied and enlarged at reasonable prices, Every person welcoimed at El -1f A R V N E J. STRO 9' PHOTO STUDI:, BRUSSELS. OVER STANDARD BANK, B wIISvELS OEM nave opened out a prime stock of new Confectionery, Fruits, Nets, Canned Goods, Tobaccoes, Cigar's, &e., in the Vanstone i oc 5 OYSTERS Cooked, Raw or by the Glass. IIot Tea and Coffee Served at all Hours. Lunch Room. Everything neat, clean, and sold at close prices, Pickles by the Bottle or Quart. Salt and Fresh Fish. JAS. IhALPI E. HOS, FAIRER, .Pr-'aetioat Watclz,r?aaher and Jeweler. Thanking the pltblio for post favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out roll Lines in BOL! AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers fully w100511ted by uo. Clocks of the Latest Designs JEWELRY I WEDnINO R1N001 LADIES GEA) Rims% Bsooenes, hawses, t@0. 111 Also a Full Line of *Shown and Violin Strings, dm., in stock. N. 11,-05surer oflrarrtaua Llcelisoe. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. FURNITURE N FURNITURE f As House Cleaning is at hand that is the time there is always something wanted in my lino. A Bedroom or Parlor Suite, an old Lounge done over ancl made as good as new, or some 0f our now Patent Window Shades required. I have the largest and best assorted stock in the County and as I buy for spot cash I dofy competition. Look at some prices :— Good Kitchenh ' C ally for 30c. ; good Parlor Chairs for 55c. ; good Rocking Chairs for 90c. ; Bedroom Suites for $7,00 and upwards ; Sideboards for $5,00 and upwards ; Bedsteads for $1.85 and up, wards ; Parlor Suites for $25.00 and upwards. Everything sold at Very low Prices for 30 Days, During house cleaning time. The invoice of a new and well assort' ed stock of CURTAIN POLES to hand—Stock here in a few days. 3 Curtain Poles all complete, a Dery design in ends, for $ L00. WINDOW SHARES It will )lever pay you to put up your old Window Blinds. Conte and see my Spring Shades, nothing but the best Cloth and Springs used. They are, by far, the cheapest considering the length of time they wear. Put up and warranted to work at very Low Prices. UNDERTAKING 1 koep a complete stock in all its branches. As the waren weather is coaling on now is the time an Embalmer is required. Having taken Diploma on embalming at Toronto lreairal School from Professor Renouarcl, all work intrusted to me will b' properly and promptly attended to either night or clay. ORGANS and PIANOS ! I buy instruments for spot cash aini buy them right. As 1 do not peddle thein from door to door and do not pretend to run thele aloin as a business (havii)g lots of room and no expense) therefore I can give the public the Condit of closo prises. Don't boy until you get may Figures. R. Leatherdale. Special Attention to Repairs,