The Brussels Post, 1893-4-28, Page 8tilealetteesterteae
Jerseys for Sale,
100 will buy au extra registered
Jersey Cow that never goes dry. She
hoe an estimated yield of over 0,000 1bs,
of milk a year. She was giving 20 lbs.
milk per day two menthe before calving
and is giving over 1,000 lbs. milk per
mouth now, Such owe are scaroo and
hard to buy.
▪ SO will buy a fine registered Jer•
eey Cow recently calved. She tested 15
Bea. butter per week when 3 years old and
has given as high we 50 lbs. milk per dry.
S O 5 will buy a fine heifer from the
$100 now, the dam of whose sire bas res.
ord of 23 lbs. butter per week. She is
due to calve in May.
OO will buy a large Canadian
grade, supposed to be the largest milker
in the County, due to calve early in May.
I will give $16 for her calf if a heifer or
will sell her after oalviug at the rate of
31o. for every pound of milk she gives in
one mouth. She should about pay Iter
coat in font. months. Although a large
milker she is said to make fine oolored
butter. klave more stook titan I require
or would be slow to sell any of the above,
Druggist, Bookseller, e&'o.
socragRx E1Tuxer05 W. G. & n.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows;
GOING Socrn, Como Roern.
Flail 7:e2 a.m.Mixed '0tun.
Express th ee a,m, ( Ball 8:18 p., •,
Mixed......... 8:50 pan. Express 9:88 pea.
'r�a(c.[vs �ftcros.
A ehiel's amang ye talon' notes,
Au' faith he'll prent it.
TF You Want to Get
What You Want to Get,
YouWant o AdverbsYour Advertise Wants
t Want Column of Tun Po, r
69090.15 up, t
AIICTtON' sale of furniture, coo„ at the
Revere House on Saturday afternoon of
this weep,
J. J. Orem puroheeed a Safety bioyele,
Brantford Make, from A. Cousloy for hie
son last week.
Evonx person interested in the mane.
facture of cheese ehould rend a well
written article on Cheese Makiug on page
6 of this issue.
Tito town Band is ilrrltngine to corn.
menee their weekly open air concerts
next week if the weather !mope flue.
Our residents will be glad to hoer the
mueio once more.
E. IIrnertw, proprietor of the Blooms.
dale Nursery, Woodstock, was en town
this week delivering fruit and ornamental
trees, shrubs, plants, cto. The stook
gave good satisfaction. Another delivery
will be here in a few days.
Tum heavy wind and heating rain
last week loosened a portion of tl
plaster on the East wall of the Methoda
church here last week. The Truste
had the portion of plaster likely to fa
removed on Monday.
Tug \Vinghtem Advance nye in speak
ing of a Tree Blue entertainment reoen
]y held in their town :--Prof, yet] Hawki
is possessed of a rioh voles and knot
how to handle it ; his comic songs dre
forth an encore and his facial expreesio
in reciting is capital. His accompan
meats with the harmonica band wer
A veer suocessfal entertainment tate
given at the Baptist church last evenin
This was the first appearance of lens
Effie next as a reader in our city, an
she is to be eongtatulated on her suooea
Never were recitations better given i
Brantford. She has it good voaos, uncle
perfect control, good enunciation an
gesture. We hope to hear her often.—
Brantford Expositor.
Tram entertainment in the Town Ila
on Weclnesdny evening under the auspice
of the Welland County Teachers' A9so
0900 0 , was a rare intellectual treat
Miss 1 text, a talented young lady, too
the be•use by storm by her recitation o
"Gras: lea at the Masquerade," also he
recross in Greek costume. Miss Fleet i
a rich: 9 star as an elooutionist.—Niaget
Fails '_review,
8119 YEARS AGO,—Last week Rev
Sant.) 1 Jones presented his grandson, H
L. .Js 'thou, jeweller, of this lace wit
an old. well preserved volume en
titled • HATmOnle upon the Thre
Evan:^,lists." The book measares 5e s
7.1 my e0, is bound in leather and con
Gine `.pa pages, It was printed he Lon.
Ion, ' :ginnd, in 1381 and is consequent•
v tt"a
3 CANS Penn, 00011 and Tomatoes for $7'.FJ.,N.Dv'L.P.D .I7a,.IXK O t iii/,{cl .I.1 4,
1' .cam.a.33T�tt
xaxT73? SR73-
a ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollen) • $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) - - . • $2,000,000
• Agencies in all principal points in 011901 io, Quebec, Manitoba, United States «6 J91plaltcl,
fiai UaS",S`�fr`dbcS° Baal Va .
0 A General Banking Business Traneaoted. Farmers' Notes Disoountad;
a Drafts Ieeued and Collections made on all points.
b Interest allowed on deposits of 61.00 and upwards from date of deposit to dabs of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
'150. tit M0Uracleen'0,
Dux wood wanted, either nerd wood o
stove wood. Apply at T1111 POST Publish
ing house.
Lose.—On the road nese Brussels
silver plated handle off riding whip
lieward at this Whoa.
13.nrr Genitors: -1I. Dennis has re
oeived a fine range of baby aarringes—
the latest and best—which will be sol
at low figures,
Ir you are thinking of buying a pian
or organ nal) in and see R, Leatherdale'
stook. He will sell you 25 per cent
cheaper than peddlers.
Butes along your old lounges and ge
them made as good 0.1 new. Upholster
ing, repairing and picture framing don
on the shortest notice, It, Leatherde10
WS are running it line of photos. at
of 65.00 per doz. which are right out of
le eight. Don't fail to see them. Hamm-
el;ber the do no cheap John work.
es H. J. Strong, Photographer.
11 ANOTHER large lot of thoee patent
spring window shades. Wherever a per-
• son buys 2 or 3 they come bunk and get
t• them for their whole house from R. Lea-
ns thereinto.
VE BoLoaNA.—Wm. Blasltill makes nal the
iv bologna he sella, so that Cnitoulere can
u depend on getting e, good article. Call in
1. and get a trial pound if you have nob
8 need it before.
Tenon are Sarsaparillas and Sareapar-
illas ; but if yon are not careful in your
g. purchase, the disease you wish to cure
8 wilt bo only intensilled. Be sure you get
d A.yer'e Sarsaparilla and no other. It is
a, compounded from tho Honduras root and
31 other highly coneen1rated alteratives.
d Birt has all tate necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells end is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
11 in a way that will insure satisfaction.
s Wells cleaned out and plat in proper
• share. Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
k side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 81-tf
f BEEU9IATI911 Curr•.D IN A DAr.—South
✓ American Rheumatic Cure for Rheutee-
s nems and Neuralgia radically cures in 1
a to 8'days. Its action upon the system
is remarkable and mysterious. It re-
. moves at Gn0e the cause and the disease
• immediately disappeara. The first close
11 greatly benefits. 76 touts. Warranted
• by0. A. Deadman.
e Wu understand that James Walker,
Brussels, has offered to supply persons
- i with factory buggies, same as those we
handle, for 240, the purchaser to pay
freight, We will take a dozen of these
buggies 01 ;;93.3 and pay tb8 freight if Mr.
Walker will supply us,
Bron WireeeeIa t Sox,
Tin Beane or PERSEVERANCE.—I came
from Port Hope and settled on Sheep
Creek, in Alberta, 20th July, 1886. When
I landed all I had was 570. I own 060
acres of land, all of which is fenced. I
own 70 head of cattle and 14 horses, 1
binder, 2 mowers and implements need•
ed for the cultivation of my land, and
work 5 Mame. I estimate the value of
my estate as follows :—
Fii'1IING. flowers.
BaeiowARn Spring.
Go and here the Emeralds. 1
7 &00001t closing movement begins r - et
Recruit meeting of Brussels Cou ::al
In Monday evening nest.
G. A. DE.wazAN has three Jersey a +vs t
that are giving over 9000 lbs. of mill. 'ler a
THE Standard Bank will close on Het. g
lady at 1 p. ea. instead of 8 o'clock titer
this week. h
As soon as the streets dry up bicycle f
riders will have to use the road instead o
of the sidewalk. 1
RouT. Semen has been appointed p
sexton of Melville church as successor to t
John Grieve, resigned.
A mime choir practice for the forth-
ooming Sunday school Convention will be
held in Melville allure this (Friday)
THE Wiigham District meeting of the d
Melh0df.t church will be held in that g
town on Thursday and Friday, 18th and d
10th of May.
0009 B
AN meeting of Bruseele Mechanics' G
Institute will be held in the Library on fn
Monday of next week at 4 p. m. Are el
you going to be present ? 10
Sonononx has stated that somebody e
aloe, who is a resident of the north side of w
the river, was into the wife whipping
business last Monday. The public say
"Shame 1"
R. LEATHEn0ALE sold, an upright Kern
virtue to H. Dennis true week and a cis
octave piano cased organ of Goderieh
make to Prof, Hawkins. They are both
fine instruments.
THIS week A. M. McKay re Co. showed It
us a sample ball of binding twine mans- m
featured at the Central Prison, under the bo
supare/talon of the Ontario Government. se
The price is not yet quoted. ot
Mies HEST proved herself to be an tr
elocutionist of ability, with a pleasing It
presence and sympathetio voice. She 'NIrecited Tennyson's "First Quarrel" and 80
"Piokett's Nell,' and made a conquest of lo
the audience.—Toronto Maai,
Tins week the Driving Park a mile
track was harrowed and scraped and is
being put in farst.alaes condition. Mem-
bers tickets either for driving or bicycle
riding are now being issued and may be
had from the Secretary, F. S, Scott.
Smenax morning next Rev. G. F. Salt-
on will continue his series of discourses
on the Sermon on the Mount. By
special request of the pastor J. Parsons
Smith, of the Emerald Trio, will preach
in the evening at 0:80 o'clock. Mr.
Smith, Prof. Morgan and Mies Fairy As
will also sing a couple of trios, do
Oen of the finest entertainments of the da
kind ever afforded the people of any Br
Oommenity was given last night ab the eh
Park Avenue United Presbyterian v,
oliuroh. The &lief feature of the even• ee
ing was the brilliant ren o well
-mese„ ted to him by a friend in old
Lond.•a fifty years ago, Mr. Jackson
may send it to the World's Fair at
Ohicarn this year.
I T.t::: pleasure in bearing testimony to
he worthiness of Miss Effie Elaine Hext
s an elocutionist. Sho is an all-round
news in her line. Nature bas done
rent things for her. Art has done
much. These benefactors are combined
armoniously in the wealth of her pro-
easional equipments. Nature oallnot be
ffended ; her art is so beautifully art.
ass. She is pleasing in direct address,
owerful in imperso1lation and in atti-
ndes serpassiegly eloquent.
Pastor United Presbyterian Church,
Omaha, Nebraska.
Foos Beal.—A meeting was held in
he Queen's Hotel, Listowel, on Thurs-
ay of last week for the purpose of or-
anizing a Foot Bali Association in this
istriot. Delegates were present from
russets, Blount Forest and Listowel.
orris signified their intention of eater -
g eo in drawiug up the schedule their
ab was given a plass ; in case of their
ot joining the other games will not be
8ected in any way. The officers elected
ere :—
Hon. Pres., Jas. MoMullen, M. P.,
Mount Forest ;
Pres., H. J. Morden, Brussels ;
Seo.-Treas., W. H. 0limie, Listowel ;
Committee, affieere and D. J. Lamont,
Mount Forest, and J. M. Keene,
was decided to have eleven silver
edele as trophies, the teem with the
se record of games at end of October
ason to have the medals. In case any
her teams enter in September the
ophy will he decided by let of July.
ie expected that 2 or 8 more teams
11 enter for the Fall season. The
hednle for May and Jus is as fol -
May 6—Gorrie at Brussels ;
" 18—Brussels at Listowel ;
" 10—Mount Forest at Gerrie ;
24—Brussels at Mount Forest ;
" 24—Gorrie at Liebowel •,June 1—Mount Forest al Listowel
" 8—Brussels at Gerrie ;
" 10—Listowel at Gorrie ;
" 15—Gorrie at Mount Forest ;
" 17—Listowel at Brussels ;
" 22—Brussels and Mount Forest
at Listowel ;
July 1—Listowel at Mount Forest.
Mount Forest could not make connect•
i to come here and return the same
y it was decided to play in Listowel,
ussels to take the gate receipts. As
s team is at considerable expellee this
ar it is expected they will be well sma-
rted by the town.
daring f
eeleeted pieces by Miss Effie Elaine Hext,
eloontioniet, It was her first appearance
at Omaha, and she convinced her audi-
ence that she is au artist of high order.
Miss Hext's poeings in Greek costume
were an exhibition of the highest art,—
Omaha Bee.
bas been signed with the business man•
ager of the talented and progressive elo-
cutionist Miss Effie E, Hext to appear
in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Wednes-
day evening, May 10th, under the aue-
pioes of the Social Department of the
Epworth League, Plan of Ball at J. T.
Pepper's drug store, Read the flattering
press notices( aonaerning Mien Hext, She
has no superior to -day and is well worth
going miles to hear, Further particulars
next week.
Tito Eommneons."—T' n Royal Tem-
ph1rs of Tempo'anoe ie Brussels have
o lgaged the "Emeralds," e, Temperance
revival trio, to give one week's meetin38
in this place. The opening ssrvioo will
be held on Sunday afternoon at 4 p.
in the Town Rall and on Monday and
following evenings of the week to the
enure plane oommelaing at 8 o'otook.
Thy "Emeralds" aro doing splendid work
eel 8110911d be loyally eUpported while in
Melte A silver eolleotion will be taken
at each meeting 1,0 defray espomses. The
Trio is Composed of 1. Parsons Smith,
Prof, Morgan, and Mies Fairy Morgan.
They aro in List0tveithi5 wooly,
Business Locals,
Feesr garden seeds at McCracken's.
SEE Williams' new buggies. Their
prioes will surprise you.
GEESE feathers wanted, Apply to
R. Leatherdaie, Brussels,
DID you see Williams e4 Sons new bug-
gies 7 The finest line of the season.
NEW jump goat buggy for sale cheap.
Apply at THE Pose Pnbliebing House.
H. J. STRONG'S cabinet photos run from
52.00 to $4.00 por doz. All are flreb•alase.
Looic out for window next week. Some-
thing new in photo line.
H. J. Strong, Photographer.
Weenete.—A good, smart boy to learn
the butchering, Apply at Wm. Blaehill's
510to110r shop.
Tee largest stock 1 ever had and will
be sold very cheap, Everything war-
ranted to give satisfaction.
Ie. Loatherdale.
Mem added now accessories and
backgrounds to my gallery I am now in
shape to turn out extra lino photos. at
lying prime, 1:1. J. Strong.
IT fe only of late years that rheumatism
has been treated as a blood disease. But
that thief ie a correct theory ie proved by
the extraordinary 9uecese attending the
nee of Ayor's Sarsaparilla in this painful
and very prevalent malady. 11 soldom
fails of radial cure.
900 acres fenced at 510 $ 0,000 00
76 ouetlo 2,000 00
14 horses 2,000 00
Implements 1,000 00
514,600 00
Signed, Jossrn Place.
27th Jan.,'92.
A Bnoo)cyn.Lu DnuouIsr's Case.—
Brookville, April 24th.—The popular im-
pression is that doctors and druggists
seldom take their own medicine. This
is no doubt true but when a doctor takes
ill he generally orals in one of hie own
profession, in whose skill he has every
confidence, or when a druggist is in a
similar situation he often puts his faith
in the preparations of some other ohem-
est which he knows give good results.
Both the doctors and druggists in such
oases show their good sense. A ease in
point happened in this town a short time
ago. 1. M. Turner, bhe woll'kuown and
popular druggist, who is new travelling
for Parke, Davis and Co., has for a long
Ulna been a sufferer from congestion and
inflammation of the kidneys. He tried
a great many remedies but without re-
sults. His patrons, however, spoke so
highly of Dodd's Kidney Pills that he
was induced to try them. He now states
that be is oompletely oared and to your
correspondent he said that as a rule he
had very little faith in patent medicines,
but that for the cure of kidney troubles,
rheumatism, backache, eta., he does not
know of any remedy that is giving such
good results as Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Berotsn,—In Listowel, on the 17151 inet.,
the wife of Mr. Joseph Brioker of a
M.xA.o atexaa,
Hiinsusoe—Hoot,—In McKillop, on the
10th inet., at the residence of the
bride's parente, by Rev, P. Mus•
grave, Mr. Jamas Henderson to Miss
Sarah, only daughter of Mr, Wm,
Hogg, all of MoKillop.
BOTTON—IuvxNo.-011 April 12th, by ROY.
J. A. MoLaohlin, M. A., at the reef•
dance of the bride's parents, Mr.
Jesse Button, of Wingham, to Ellen,
daughter of Mr, Robert Irving, of
Teems -ter.
Sa1ELrzua—Fitch,—At the Methodist
pareona'ge Wingbam, on April 511,
by Rev. S. Sallery, B. D„ Mr. Jos.
Smeltzer, of Dungannon, to Miss
Elizabeth Fitch, of Belmore.
Bma5T1R—S19EN8—At the residence of the
heido's father, on the 10151 inst., by
Rev, Wm. Mitchell, Frank S. Beattie,
V. S., of Seaforth, to Miss Maggie
Skene, of Detroit, Mich,
Sats—In Blyth on the 22nd Inst., Wm.
Sims, sr, aged 98 years.
Wnronn.—In Blyth o1 the 22nd haste
Mrs, John Wilford, so„ aged 711 years.
Bmxaxs.—Di Morris, on April 22nd, Ed'
ward Bryans, aged 00 years, 10
menthe and 15 days.
MoIerru0,—In Morris, on April 20111,
Sarah Jane McIntyre, daughter of
?ober Oentelon, aged 20 years, 4
311001hs and 1 day.
LmoNAnn,—In Elma, On Thursclay, April
18115, the wife of Mr. James Leo
hard, jr., aged 24 years and 2
Gourife.•--On Thursday, April 0111, Jessie
Genie, youngeet daughter of John
and Aggao Doubts, of Neopawa, Maui•
toba, formerly of East Wawanosh,
McLetle etre.—lu Grey, on 'Tuesday
25th ]net„ Mary, beloved wife of
Thomas MoLauotilin, aged 52 years,
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distunoe.
13IR,U S S ts' ,
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
t?e 13 NGS AVM° ��''0.P,1: n5grortrte.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Internet Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal a ltbe end of the Months of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
einem re Irmo Insurance in old English or Canadian Commute/4, or in Ent -
u311 companies as may lie desired.
LONDON,April 24,—Tho Marla Lana
Express, in its weekly review of the
British grain trade, says : The markets
show signs of greater ilrin less in regard
to future crops, both Leto aid in the
United States. Thio is clue to the
dronght. The flour trade is firmer for
English, but the holders of American
are taking less. Low grades of American
flour have been sold at lI
g a sack for
feeding. 1t is probable that the Argen-
tine shipments of April and May wheats
will amount to 1,000,000 (mailers. Rou-
mania is busily engaged in shipping
maize and barley,
Ease Bvrroxo, N. Y., April 25,-00-
tlo—L• ittle doing ; the few fresh receipts
sold at strong yesterday's values. Sheep
end lambs—Only 5 oar's nu sale ; cleared
out quickly at yesterday's values, Hogs
—Msrket opened with 8 ears, 4 of a•h1011
were Galleries; 0 oars of Canadas came
later ; market opened arcing ; 5o to 10o
higher for mediums, and Yorkers 15o to
25o up ; oboice mediums, of 200 lbs. and
up, 07.00 to 87.05 ; Yorkers sold general-
ly at $7 00, buyers paying about the
same pride for Canadas as for western
corn fed lots, most of the Canadas going
at $7.85 to 27.00 ; roughs in demand at
50.50 to 86.55, and stags at $5 to 65.50.
Tonosro, April 25.—The market for
cattle today was firmer, owing chiefly
to the limited supply. The receipts were
only 25 onrleada and they sold fairly
well, there being a fele outside boyars.
A few choice lots sold at 4do per lb„ but
most of the offeriugs being of medium to
good quality prices generally ruled at See
to 4o per Ib ; inferior cattle sold at 3o,
bulk at 810 ; milah cows brought 555 to
550 a head, and calves 54.50 to $7 each.
The (Ripply of sheep and lambs was
moderate, and prices unohauged. Sheep
sold at e5 to 56.50 a head and yearling
lambs at 64.50 to 56. Hogs in good de-
mand and higher ; about 550 offered and
the best sold at Oto ; stores brought 55o
and roughs, 5 o.
MONTREAL, April 25,—There were
about 475 head of butchers' mettle, 100
actives and 60 sheep and Iambs offered at
the East .lbod abbatoir yesterday. There
was quite a drop in the prices of cattle
sinoe Thursday and obey were rather
lower than on last Monday. The base
beeves sold at about deo per lb., very few
going at more than 410 ; pretty good
stook sold at from sic to 40, and rough
leanish boasts at from 810 to 810 per lb,
There was a brisk demand for good
calves today, and prices were higher all
round ; oommon vsals sold at from 52.50
to 54 each and good ones at from 55 to $8
each. Mutton critters are advancing in
prices, at from 410 to Bea per Ib. Lambe
sold at from 55 to 50 each, Mr. Charles
bought a lot of prime sheep to -day at 58
each or 5 l per lb. Fab hogs are seance
and advancing in price, at about G}a per
lb. Three hundred and lefty head of
nettle are to be shipped to -night by way
of Halifax,
M3 -'rTSt92-iI.lR MARS : 3.009,
Fall Wheat 62 64
Spring Wheat 58 60
Barley 80 86
Peae 55 00
Oats 28 80
Butter, tube and rolls..,16 17
Eggs per dozen 0 00
Flour per barrel 8 00 3 50
Potatoes 50 00
Hay per ton 7 00 00
Salt per bbl,, retail....,3. 00 00
Hides trimmed 31
Hides rough 8
Sheep skins, each 60 1 CO
Lamb skins each 65 00
Apples per bag 50 00
'Wool 17 18
Pork 7 05 7 50
Selo, Apply to
Queen et„ Brnssela.
Coat Makers at 0500. Good price
and steady want. Nato but first -aloes need
Atwood, Ont.
PAL E —14 of 1.010 Eyed Blaeic Min•
01•°°.a, and 1d 1,130 7,5gho190, from trios..
Rle'S beets irate, eld0 per setting (181. 0.1-
BO 1 trio of Bleck Milwrca8, coals no relation
to Lela, lied two LOghen Ooelc9010, All of
beet Stook in Ontario,
81.11 'tVM, 11ARRTltY, Seatorth,
J. nunsill be received w Y a vby
e t1e nndbs
x06131 31 0510 lfay rein, forth brickg All
Matted ahuroh, Ioi mris, with 1)ttok, All
material fpraetiOn b;f 9cmmitiAc, b"or
rather ]nformntlal, apply to
J. W.1'13110938, Pastor, Bluoval8,
r0101'A10Lm house on Mill street 13res-
ea1s, for sole or to rout, ) acre of lend, with
good well end stable on promises. For fur-
ther partlmien (Lyn ly to
or to 7hHNBROADPOOT, 'd doors East of
aforesaid house, tf-
0 LTi3I
1 olst'u c
eines s o
ley, far Thre e Comet
for the f00105C,0119
Bicycles. The Comet is, without doubt, ono
of the best bicycles made, being the simpl-
50b in Ooustruotlon and one of the 1.2001
wheelwheel ho, Tnuso who desire a 1121319 grad°
ioonld nutlet] to Doe the remos On
exhibition atDaadnhan's1)15,33 01010,
Comet Agent, Bruasols.
of Sunshine lfotho,list Cnm•ch will re
0oive tenders rap to Bay 101h, 1698, far dig-
ging out foundat(09 and putting a stone
10(111 under °Sores,,ad Alethodisb Charoh,
Lowest or any fonder not no0esearlly ac-
cepted. For Rai 01110(03111910. apl,ly Dither to
LA13It10N033 ` B]034LFit, CLO. PARIiE13,
or JAS.IIUSSELL, 0.1101 Sunshine.
F. BAINE8, Secretary,
API., 28, 1893
1-10U 83 CLEANING.
More Than Ever,
Mare Beautiful Colorings,
Prettier Designs,
Better Prices,
Pepper's Drug Storer
n Solicitor and Conveyauaer. Celle°.
Hous made. Office—Vanst0no'e Bloon, Bros.
eels, 21-8m
• Solicitor, Conveyancer, Nobury Pub -
tic, ate, 011iee—Vanstone's Block, 1 door
north of Central Hotel, Private Fonds to
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Publlo,
Godoxiolh, Ont.
21. o, 00.11910015, Q. 0., PHILIP 550909',
110DLI05: 1100019s.
• Auotloneer, 15 always ready bo at.
'to ud sales of forme, farm °too lt, &o, Terme
alarm/Oily given. 0eailbroo33 P.O. Sales
may be arranged at TRH PosT Publis5mg
Holi00, Brussels.
X ',ioansodAuot101105. Sales conduct
od on reasonable terms, Farms and farm
stock specialty. Orders loft al Tun Pon
P obit shIngllau se,Br useals, or son tto Walton
P. 0., will roaeive prompt attention.
0n e5 an n Auctioneer, I nm prepared
t0 eon
duct Llat 8.
los of f •
m !daunting
atunnamable0V91'y, Knowing. the osuding of nearly13
good marks
I 1 g fu a position is sell to
good ma
g 1ks rad
a of good g g d eaa
on credit. Satisfactiony *boil sold
me a oall • 32. guaranteed., 60'T, Give
H. 11a0.RAOKEN,
. IssUrer of Marriage Licenses, Of0oe
et his Greoory. Turnberry street. Brussels,
• Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
south of A. M. Mofiay Sr Co'e hardware store.
Ladies' mud childrens hair cutting it sp0Oinity
Issuer of Marriage Licensee, by
appointment of )lisut,_Govoruor, Commie -
stoner, Re., Q.B. Conveyancer 3,191 Agent
Piro L ournuoo Co, Office at rho Cranbrook
Post Oni°o,
Brussels Mechanics' Institute, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM-
The nnnuol meedn of the Brunch Me-
chanics' Institute will bo hold on Monday,
May tet, et 4 p, m„ et the Library, for the
purpose o1 receiving the annual report, elect-
ing officers for the current year, deo,
A. HUNTER, Sec.-Treae,
DE1001GNED has Several good Parma for
Salo and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
el Morris and Grey. F S. SCOTT, Brussels.
J Being South half Lot 27, oon.6, Morris.
100 nares, nearly uncleared. Good buildings,
595 young bearing orchard. Immediate pos-
session. Easy Terms. Apply t0
tf- Solicitor, ere., Brussels,
The 200 acre farm, being lots 11
and 12, eo0.10. Grey, is offered for sale. 120
acres are cleared and the balance well tim-
bered. Buildings first-class, Orchard, Well,
&o, School house within 10 00118. Posses-
5105 given at once if desired. Pox further
particulars as to price, terms, S:o, apply to
28138. WALItEI0,
8-tf Roseville P. 0.
or NELSON BRI0I0E11, on farm,
k Bruno lots 11 and 12, eon. 18, Township
of Grey.County of Huron, containing 200
80ree, the ',regally of the late John Robert-
son, 160 acres cleared and free from ob-
struetons, 10 118.85 haat, mixed timber,
balance partly cleared. Soil clay loam
mostly roiling. Fonoed with straight rail
fences and watered by two wells and a
spring privilege. Oommodieue dwelling
house, with largo woodshed attached and
so excellent Dollar under 1101100. Two Iarppo
barns, atone stabling and other outbuild-
ings. Two good bearible orchards, orna-
mental trees and small fruits, 4# miles
from Brussels, a lively town on the G, Tat.,
0031venlent to 5ohool oburobos and post
cam This property lies well, la a first -
elan groin and steak farm and should he
HIM by intending purchasers as itis offer-
ed et a bargain. Por further particulars
apply to MRS. JNO.R08ERT SON,
the pmnif Res, or by letter to Oremoolc 1'.
0• eo-1
0. ere L, R, 0.r„ Edinburgh, M, G. P
8. (at, Resident° and oilloo in Wilson'
Block, oornor of Mill and Turnhout, 'Sts,
2.)851 TYriZ'Iltirr2
M. CAVANAGH, 1• D, S., D, D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, OHterie, and 01 Toronto Uul-
veralty. 011wroi—Over A, rt, Smith's Store,
REDUCED TO $1.5o.-
7.110 Dam of ley Rogttlstorod Jersey
1.41111 is the bust 001V 111 the 081011 DMA Herd
u aprize winner at the Industrial, Town -
to, Cost of oarvloo for grades, reanood to
81,00, G. A. DEAt)MAN,
Druegiele ere.
The eneersigned will Hoop for 9orvlao tbie
11resent season the Improved large whit',
1 o'lishire pig °Reedy on lot 20, come,
Morels, to w111ah 0 limlton nulnber of Sows
Will be taken. Terms 51,00 to be paid at
time of nevelt°,with the privilego of return-
ing if mummery, Pedigree may bo seen up.
oR applioatlo31. 19011511118901030055,
15 Proprietor, .
Clerk of the Fourth 01v10109 0onrt
00. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public
invested anand loan loot, Finade.
Office in Graham's Bloch, B013880 s.
Miss Merles, o1 Wiugham, is prepared
to give instruction in oil painting, '%ores
may be ascertained at Miss Nellie Rosa' store
whore samples of work may be sena. Miss
Merles would also take a few more pupils in
Organist 1n St. John's Ohuroh, Brus-
sele, and pupil, in the Art of Teaohi fg( of A.
W. Thayer, Mits, Doe„ New York, will give
lessons to pupils either at U. 0, Halliday's,
nor. Bing and John Ste., or if preferred, at
their own homes. Monday, Tnoaday and
Wednesday at Walton. Terms moderate.
.• Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseasos of domesticated animal° in a oom-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentt°try. Calls promptly et -
tended to. OOloe and-Infirmary—Two doors
north of bridge 'l'urnberry 8t., Brunets.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. 8.0.,
1887, Chap. 110, Soo. 50, that all persona hav-
ing claims against the !estate of David Hen-
derson, late of the village of .Bru0oolo, in the
Count of Huron, deceased, who sled °nth°
9lfth dray of March, 1828, are required, on or
before the Thirteenth ling or May, 1593,
to sand by post prepaid, to Alexander Bun-
ter, Brussels P.O., ou ,of tho Exooutors of
the said deceased, their Christian and sur-
names, addrersos and dosoripbiono, with full
heir accounts sof ta1311 tir he mature ou and f the eocurl-
ties (if any) hold by them.
the said 0111 clay of teat
ray, the Execulttors will
proceed to distribute ,the assets of the de-
eeasod according to law, having to and only
to the elating of whinh they shall then have
notice as above regqulrod, 00(1 said Execu-
tors will not be liable for the said assets or
any part thereof to any portion 000)000000 of
whose Maims notice shall nob hay° beenre-
Ooived at the time of 0055 distribution,
ALEx,NDun Ec5T,1ol, 1j .
ELLEN G10I0vx3 FEBoeutor9,
ELI0An5Tl Mohr, 11
Ereaeeit, April 10, 1880, 40.4
Pursuant to Revised Statutes of Ontario,
chap , 110, notice is hereby elven that all 110r -
000e 11e,vIng nlaims against the ootea1e of
7AMIB8 b"OLTON, who died in the Township
of Grey, on 1118 279h day of Dosonrbor, 1602,
aro roqueseed to send a statement of their
claims, postpaid with peeper voucbere
tb onto, 10 Janet Fulton, one of the Execu-
tors of the deimasod, at Monod off P. 0.. 08 or
before the 1st bay Or ally, A, D. 9889.
And further take notice that after the
said let day of Noy, 180B, the Exoonters 0111
proceed to diotribubo the agents of the said
demesne ame,g the. 0°150116 entitled there.
to, having regard only to su011 Mehra of
Which notice hag then been O17011, and the
Executors will not be liable Dor Said agents
00 01179111 thereof, So distributed to any
person of wheat) elairn node° shall not have
been received at the time of Muth Mat17bu-
Anted as Township of Grey WS 81.11 day of
hprit, 1198, JANET L'Vf.JI"UN,
88.1 0119 0117101tx3eut01'5.