HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-4-28, Page 44 New Advertisements. Local --C. 1,'. R. Nature's Liquid. Looel-H, Dennis. Excursions -C, Y. R. Royal Crown Remedy. Loons Dr. J. C. Ayer. Local W. H. McCracken. Wanted -R, M. Ballantyne, Buggies -H. Williams & Son. Loomis -Hugh Williams & Son, Closing out Sale -James Irwin, Just one Moment -A, Strachan. 25 dente -"Tux Pon" Bookstore. Jerseys for Sale -G, A, Deadman. About Boots and Sboes-J. Downing, ght Nx11•sseis ust, FRIDAY, APL. 28, 1898. TOE Annexation fad ie wit "marching on to war" in Ontario with the blare of trumpets predicted a year ago and the promoters of the scheme had better simmer down as Rev. Auglo•Israel Wild, the long haired prophet of Bond street, Toronto, says "it oant be did." Hone Rale for the Emerald Isle may become e. reality le the very near future es the 2nd reading of this 13111 was passed last week by a majority of 43. The Orangemen of 'Ulster are already Diary. ing out their threat of raising a rebellion. It will be rather a peculiar thing if Her Majesty's troops are called into active service in shooting down Orange insur- rectionists. It looks like that now though. W1ru the Quebeckers dead set against D'Altor McCarthy and the Ontarions imbued with some such feeling, in a milder form, toward Sir John Thomp• eon, the probability is that our Conservative friends in the Dominion House are not going to lie in a bed of roses. The poor Grits see a silver lining to this blank cloud. "There a good time coming, and it's almost here. It's been long Lase on the way." The big Conven. tion at Ottawa on Jane 2011, will allow an opportunity of seleoting seats in the House of Commons and Senate Chamber. ',The license commissioners for this riding met in Clinton on Thursday of last week. Applications for licenses were made by John Dinsley, Alex. Orr, Ferdi- nand Korman, Alfred Ree,J.H. Dulmnge and J. E. Swarte, of this town. Dui. mage and Korman have been granted licensee, and two are yet to be granted from the remainder. Why favor should ee shown these two is not hard to see through the spectacles of a posted politi- cian, nor is it difficult to arrive at a eon. elusion as to why the commissioners did not immediately grant licenses to the other two, inasmuch as all the others are well.kuown Conservatives. It merely remains to be seen which two of the four hotel -keepers now doing businoee will make the stoutest pledges towards sap• porting the Mowat administration. Sir Oliver'e "Evidences of Christianity" are everywhere visible and more especially is this true in his obnoxious and tyrannical Runge system," The above from the Wingbam Advance of last week is rather amusing, although the "chestnut" abont Sir Oliver Mowat and his Government (naming liquor dealers does not often do duty excepting at election time. As a matter of fact there is not a Reform hotel• keeper in Winghmn and Messrs. Roe and Swarte, to whom licenses were granted last week, are about ae likely men to pledge themselves to support the Mowat Administration as Hon. W. Meredith would be. The editor of Tnic Pose had a short conversation with Mr. Roo on this point and he says such a thing was never hinted at. The sneer of the Ad- vance at Mr. Mowat's well {written pamphlet is not a bit cute and the "ob• noxious and tyrannical license system" has never been ebown on the floor of the Legislative Assembly to be what this Wingham whirlwind tries to make ft out to be. The "posted politician" should polish up his epees before he froths any more and call up and see ;41r. Roe on the 'stout pledges" he made the Commis- sioners before he received license. Perth County. 1,Vm. Hird, 12th oon., Elm, was load- ing grain on the barn floor on Monday, 17th inst., when one of the bind wheels passed over his foot, smashing his thea badly, This family have been peculiarly unfortunate, as three accidents have hap. pened to one or the other of the boys during the past veer. Willie, the 12•year•old son of Win. Robinson, St. Mary's, was running through the old oemetory with an open penknife in hie hand the other afternoon, Ile fell and the knife passed between the second end third ribs on his right side, severing an artery and penetrating the lung. Thn ant was a very serious one, and the internal hemorrhage profuse, but the patient is now on a fair way to recovery. The Meet business troubles reported are ;--I+'. W. Long & Coe general stole. keepers, St. Mary's, have assigned to 0. 13, Armstrong, London. Jonnings & Co,, dry goods merchants, Simone, Norfolk County, have made an aesignment of their affairs to Henry Barber & Go. General depression in the dry goods trade has bean the cause of the failure. The liabilities amount to ij22,000, with assets a little over that menet. The Stratford Herald on Monday night said :"Sunday was the anniversary of Rev. Dr, Kilroy's advent to this city. Twenty-two years ago the late lamented Dr. Crinnou eves ooneearatod Bishop of Hamilton, and from that day to the pres- ent the affairs of St. d'oseph'e, 10 Strat- ford, have been managed by the resent inenmbent in the mesa satielaetery manner; both to priest and people, I,i the afternoon many of the oougregation galled upon the Doctor to offer their eon. gratulationo, nod wish him many years of health and strength to rule 0001' and diroot his people in all that is good an0 desirable. Tho Doctor aunonnaed that in four weeks from yesterday his Lord- ship Biehop O'Connor would administer confirmation to all tlroeo of the pariah presenting theineelvee and prepared by thorough instruetione for that great sacrament." Gene veal Nlce�ws. THE BRi:ISSELS POST APRIL, 28, 1893 From 12 to 30 inebee of avow felt in Minnesota and Dakota on April 20th. Tho 100 guards of the World's Fair have struck for au Moreno of wages. Mary Button, a coy maid of 101 sum. there, was married in the Grimsby, Eng. lend, parish ohuroh two weeks ago. The steamer La Champagne, which sailed from New York for Europe on Saturday carried 52,000,000 in gold and the Elbe carried 51,040,000. A Chicago despatch estimates the lose to shipping on the lakes by last week's storm at 5.200,000, with insurances ear. ried of 5325,000. Niue lives were lost. A Gane of genuine Asiatic leprosy is said to have been diseovered at Fort Wayne, Ind. The victim is a Syrian woman lately arrived from the Paoifio coast. The average person trims off the thirty- second pare of an inch from each finger. nail a week, or about an inch and a half ovary year. There are about 1,000,000,. 000 people in the world, who, therefore, waste on an average 23,400 miles of finger nail in a generation. Two trunks brought morose from Wind- sor to Detroit Monday night were seized by the Customs Whore at the Michigan Central depot in the evening, When they were examined 250 pounds of opium were found in them in limit -pound pack- ages, and valued at about 35,000. Special Deputy Collector Fiman says the officers are on trail of the persons to whom the trunks were consigned, but refused to give further information until an arrest was made. On Thursday of last week a carriage rattled up to the door of Justice Maes' office on Jersey City Rights, New York, at a late hour and a young couple alight. ed. The man was tall and athletic look- ing, the woman a brunette and very pretty. Their mission, they stated, was to get married. After the oeremony the bride banded the justice 350. The groom gave his name as George Joseph Ber- man, 33, of Long Island, and the bride said she was Antoinette Beck, of Lyons, France. Mr. Herman said be was form. erly an officer in the German army and met Miss Beck while his regiment was quartered near her father's house during the Franco-Prussian war. He had saved her life one day when her horse ran away, but her father, Guillamane Beck, a rich silk merchant, forbade any acquaintance between them. After the war Herman resigned and came to this country. Two months ago Beek died and a week later his wife followed him. Antoinette was left alone with a fortune of 500,000 francs. She Dame to this country, secured board at Bohokeu and sent for Herman, who had been working on a farm on Long Ieland. HONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of i\ioney to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6z Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. PEOPLE'S POPULAR -ONE WAY - PARTIES Will Leave Toronto at 11:20 p. m. EVERY ERMAY For British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California in Tourist Sleeping Oars Toronto to Seattle without ehaneo. EVERY rit1DAY A through Tourist Sleeping Car will loavo Toronto at 8:d5 a, in. for Boston, Mass„ curl EVERY WEDNESDAY A through Tourist Sleeping Car will leave Toronto at 3 pe m, for Chicago until further notice, Apply to any C. P. R, Ticket Agent for full particulars. 3, T. PEPPER, Agent, Bruesels, lVIcLE+ O®'S System Itenovator ---1ND 0011e11 -- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE E'er Impure, Weak and Lnpoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sloeplessnesoi Palpate, - Don of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neer. night, Loss of lefemoty, Bronchitic, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, ICidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vibes' Dance, 2omaie Irregularities and General De- bility, LABORATORY OODERICH, OMT, J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer, sold by 3, T. PEPPER, bruggisb, Brussels. JUST NOTHER lot of neer Hats for men, youths and boys. The largest, finest and cheapest range we have ever shown. Have a look at them the first opportunity. Extra good value in Suits made to order, also a complete stock of mon's boys' and children's Iioadymade Suits, Are your Boots the worse of the wear ? If so come in and we will give you something that is good, stylish and comfortable. Dress Goods in all the latest styles with Trimmings and Buttons to Match. Prints, Challies, Muslims, Embroideries. NEW SEE OUR 39c. PARASOLS. CORSETS. B RUSS=JS- G-EO. GOOD'S OLD STAND. Grand Opening Sale on Friday and Saturday and Following Days. We have been for several clays opening up the finest stock of New Goode ever displayed in Brussels. We invite you to visit our store and we will offer you such bargains as will make our Opening Sale memorable and the New Cheap Store famous in Brussels. The New Goods at the New Cheap Store consist of Ladies', Miens' and Child. ,en's Fine Boots, Sboes and. Slippers in all the new enters and materials Gentle. men's Fine Laced Balmorals, Congress, Gaiters and Oxfords in Dongola 35111, Cor. cloven and Calf. Working Shoes for Farmers and Mechanics -Strong, neat, durable and cheap. Boys' and Girls' School Boots very Cheap. Our Boot and Shoe stook is well worth the attention of all intending purchasers. TRUNKS AND VALISES -NEWEST AND BEST. Chinaware, Crockery and Glassware in Teo Sete, Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Water Sets, Lemonade Sets, Fancy China Plates, Cups and Saucers. Fanny Cheeeere, Goblets, Lamps, &o. Don't fail to see our Handsome Goblets at So. each, in fact don't fail to inspect this elegant stock of China, Crockery and Glassware. GOOD B.1AOS.3 NEW CHEAP STORE. MRS. TUFTS, Manager. JOH 1.0 NING BRUSSELS. LAIRD BLOCK, - - no Do you like nobby looking, perfect fitting, good wearing Shoes ? If so, our new styles for men in Calf, Cordovan and Dongola, can- not help but please. The Price is Right. The Pit is Right. The Style is Right. The Quality is Right. FOR SIA DI1 iS_ We aro showing some exquisite styles in Ladies' Buttoned Boots. -Our Glove Fitting Hewitnrns and Welts are beauties that cannot help bub please you, and the price is not extravagant. Drop in and take a look at them. Special Attention given to Custom Work. @am TE] T RT RN 85 WARD NANO IL COD'S Phe Best Pulverizer. 'apvi 'MA eLoaa .g p CD It has no equal for pulverizing lifted slay lumpe, It is beyond question the best machine for making a toed bed or inverted sod, Per preparing fell plowing for spring seeding, especially in heavy clay soil, where the land is baked or become hard and diflionit to move. For cutting up and pulverizing any kind of stubble land, either for the purpose of starting fool seeds or fltting for seeding. It is unquestionably far superior to anything in the market for =Riveting any tied of land that is very difficult to subdue. Where every other tool has failed the Spade Harrow will be found to be just the maohino needed, As will be seen by the out, i6 ie constructed with two revolving eylinders, Dom• posed of 50 spades, 0 Inches wide and 8 innhee long, set 2 incluse apart, and when in motion turn the ground up 88 completely a8 can be done by hand. The machine has 108 sharp gutting edges, and in working the ground it does not drag or trail, but turns the soil up and lets it drop loose behind the maohhne, leaving the subsoil on top and level surface, It works in any kind of land a and in mucky, clammy soil, Where the Disci and Spring Tooth Harrows clog up and become melees, the Spade Harrows does first -claw work. ALSO AGENT FOIL THE SOLID Dlsa HARROW, %ATOle9AI.LIEv AGENT, BRUSSELS, Closing Out 1 j SALE, 11111 Clo8iiig Out p 15ElLE' BJ 11.\11111 a AVING decided to go out of business as soon as our present stock is sold, I air offering special bargains in -all lines of goods. Wo have the Largest and Best stock wo have yet shown and buyers will find this a rare chance to got good Goods at very Low Prices. Bargains in Dress Goods, Bargains in Prints & Muslins, Bargains in Delaines, Bargains in Hats, Bargains in Lace Curtains, Bargains in Corsets, Bargains in Parasols, Bargains in Shoes. DRESS GOODS. We have an extra fine line of Dress Goods which we are offer- ing at very low prices. New Dress Goods just in at 5o. per yard worth 10c. ; at 7c. and 8c, worth 12}c. ; at 10c. worth 15o.; at 12e. worth 18c. and 20e. Double Width Sel.•ges, in Summer weight, at 85c. to 45c., worth 50c. and GOc. Ten prices in Black Cashmeres from 25c. to $1.00 ; Colored Cashmere from 22c. to 45c. We start our Prints at 5o. per yard. Printed Muslins at 5e. per yard. Special value in LACE CURTAINS, Another lot (our third this season) of those cheap Lace Curtains, 22 yards long, taped all round, regular price 50c. to G5c., our price 35c. Eight prices in Curtains up to $3.00 per pair. Art Muslins at 5c. per yard. Don't Min Thin Chance. Many of these Lines will not be Replaced. Hiihest Price .Paid for Good Butter and Eggs. Closing Out 1 ��BJ if SALE. 111. Closhig Out SALE. ftivoccanarz.arrce. Emmen... Wednesday, AprE._ 19, PERIMI ?, ALMA' Dell Oo.1feflce a [neat Olialleue Sale of r LA..E :RTAUN& A Bargain in Season is a Genuine Bargain. We have re- cently purchased at a Groat Sacrifice for Cash 300 pairs, which we are going to offer at the follow- ing Reduced Prices ;- 25 pairs, Ecru only, 2 ycls. long, taped edge, worth 65c. our Challenge price, 50c. 15 pitirs, White only, 3 yds. long, tapocl edge, sold all over at $1.10 our Challenge price, 750. 20 pairs, Eeru only, 3 yds. only, taped edge, worth $1.25, our Challenge price 75c. 25 pairs, Ecru only, 8i yds, long, taped edge, very special, worth $1.80, our Challenge price 99c. 10 pairs, Eeru only, 8i ycls. long, taped edge, worth $1.50, our Challenge price $1.19. 10 pairs, Ecru only, 8, yds. long, vory fine taped edge, worth $1,65, our Challenge price $1.80. 25 pairs, Ecru and Whito, 3i yds. long, taped eclge, extra good value at $2.00, our Challenge price $1.65. 25 pairs, Ecru only, 3; yards long, taped edge, usually solei at $2.50, our Challenge price $1,90. 25 pairs, Born and White, 3i yds. long, taped edge, would be good" value at $8.25, our Challenge price $2.59. With many odd lines we cannot list, all at the sante Reductions, We have these goods conveniently arranged in our store, so that they may be seen at a glance and we trust that many will come and see that we advertise truthfully. PEEGUSON HALLIDAY. •