HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-4-28, Page 3APRIL 28, 1893 Nature's Liquid. Wonderful Recovery of an In, ger'soll Gentlemen. Twenty Years of Suffering. TERMINATED BY ,1 VI2W I).t,VS' TREATMENT. 2'r. MAItOt.1.A" A'1' ill)tilt. THE BRUSSELS POST cationesesaartstwornavauseaumnatatentscamerineoraistravrotramvseraavevessramesentainesettseversassunesnameeretvoaniaseratoemerevarerav a item), If it 10 1an active, warm,binode1 e 011)211, it will 110 more oomlortabie in a ,v tomporaturc Iwo or three degrees lower and the um] of one and a hwlf bottle entirely enrol him, 1 feel that if th people were 10 11110 more of this retried there would bo lose WOOL for the d00tor8, Ll fact, in my own ease, I had boon af1liaterl tvitll this same (110aa0( until my finger jolnbs W13r0 all out of shape, but by the use of the Royal Crowe 1tamed I never have any more trouble, not 3 Dingle twinge of stain is left to remind 1110 or my old enemy. I have recom- mended the remedy to many ein00 it did 319 no muds good ami I have not 'hourd of IL Dingle case ill 01113111 it hes failed t0 do all that ft promises," 'Phis o011oluded Mrs. II,'a story and the reporter, apolo- 1iziug for the trouble he had been, took his deparature. The Story 711342 fry thane Mimi Inlereotcvl Ae wn learn before said, 'stir. and 'Mrs, to '3310ir OW11 10'drd. Iloliando are both weil known and the veracity of the above statements cannot be doubted. Anyone who hats the least doubt of the wonderful results Here chronicled freed only to write 11. P. Ilol- lende, at aha Roller Mills, Ingersoll, 111101 be will uudonbterlly verify all that is Here giV011, Several name in 1210 neighborhood co1.'• rObortated 1111', 1lollands' statement as to his serious illness and marvelous ro' °every through 3130 o llnacy of this liquid and hie reliability Mall particulars there. in, Shoal( you, reader of this narrative, know of any 81013 felen,2 whose blood ie completely irnpoverished, 0t system nod nerves almost cornplutoly shattered, whether given up by their physininu or not, if you ,sill kindly/forward this ha. par to your friend, calling their attention to this article, yon may bo the 01033310 of saving some precious life, and as in the case of Mr. Holland», they will never for - pet your lrindn0Os. P031 1103301' see Williams' Royal Crown Remedy advortieed in large (Replay with horrid faces to attract attention, as is necessary with rho 00111111011 and olteu ul-0101111 patent medieittee, s,arsi3331313,, tonioo, req, When a remedy has the merit to bank it up, as in the case of Royal Crown Remedy (where the sales amount to thonmands of dollars every velar). it finds plenty of grateful friends like Mr. and Mrs. I10111uids, ore, who Etre only too happy when they are recom' merdiug it, and there are always to be founts in this eonutry reliable papers over willing to give publioity to genuine an.) marvelous cures as that j311 oar. rated, but there may be many suffering morale, those whose eyes may never see this, and for this 3)3)130011 you should send it to them. Williams' Royal Crown Remedy is 113 perfect blood purifier, alterative, builder and nerve restorer, especially designed for building up shattered 0111011 tut ion0 and effecting complete cures in such di01)130e8 as arise from overwork or dis- ordered kidlleye and liver tro'lbles, the tired feeling therefrom, the oftor•effeot of la grippe, dc•spepa)rt, rheumatics, neural. gia, locomotor at,xua, diseases depending on humors in the blood, 0u0h as scrofula, chronic) eyrelpoles, etc. Royal Crown than that re lowed by a 100.9 130111)0 111111,2. Changes )u the temperature should be avoided, lost the ahlld should take cold. The walls of the nursery should bo y painted so that they may be frequently t and thoroughly clement'. If '1110 room is papered, be carafes that there )e no trace of ammo in the paper, 'I'he same care ehmtld bo commis' it. aeleeting 0317 draperies that may be in the nursery, Many cretonnes and Indian m1101ine Don' 133)31,11001)10, and though there may bo but very little of the poieenotts matter in there, yet it may aommel) for obscure 111. 000000. As a matter of health, however pretty draperies may be, they should be banished from t10 nursery, as they serve to clotted duet, When oiled walnut furniture begins to grow dingy it can be made to look as fresh ae new by re.oiling, Linseed, or even olive nil 0011 be used, but pure, good kerosene oil ie mon the best, Rnb it well in with it snit woollen rag and pellet.) with clean, dry flannel, From Oxford Tribune, April 8, 1141)11, On x00031311 of a rlontro on the part of those most interested to avoid ptblielty, only a uompetrntivo low of ant citizens are aware of the remarkable r001(1t0 in it, ease of more than neu131 severity which has 13appened in out town. A gentle. marl, well known 130113 eoaioll1) and 111 business life, who, after 0uff0ring fur years from what ho had been led to bo• Hove 0110 031 incurable forth of that most painful of all dieeaoos, rhommittiem, hn0 been restored to complete health and is again 138 active 1n 011 1)16 limbo as 11e 1Vt10 it] the clay's of his boyhood, Twenty year's of coffering, during which time he 0gna1dered large sums fm' treat melt at the hands et the medical profession and for every known remedy, have at last terminated, and while his natural retie nonce hats prevented this rem0rlcnb)O ease from coming prominently before the public at an earlier date, he has 311 last consented to allow the public to know of the marvelous change 30111011 lino been wrought 111 11)13 Own parson by a remedy which, 311111ong2 not widely advertised, is still doing much toward the alleviation of the sufferings of humanity, recommended emit de by everyone who 1> o had the good fortune to use it. The gentleman referred to had been at various times for the past twenty years rho victim of rheumatism in one of its most severe forme, anti the most recent attack, which lasted for over a 70133' and seemed to have permanently crippled him, was conquer- ed about four years ago, so that the effects are not only wonderful but last, fug. I -I. F. Ilollanda, operatar of Icing's Roller Mills, here is a gentleman who is well known in Western Ontario, having been a very extensive miller and groin dealer in the town of Mitchell before coming to Ingersoll, and he frankly ad. emits that it is to a remedy known as 1Villianls' Royal Crown Remedy. which be owes his present activity, having been praot)rally Maid up for many weary months with the dread disease which had followed in his track for twenty • years. A 1013101' of the -ease having got abOnt lhrengll l'Ir. I101100ds having re- commended the remedy to friends, it 0110 Remedy 343300 1. bertlthy 31IoW t0 a pato, thought to be sufficient importance to I lifeless complexion. this marvelous ,rear investigation by the Tribune. remedy effects a radioal euro in all eases Our reporter, in order to learn the arising from mental worry, overwork or mot )pots, called upon Mr. Iloilands at 00000000 of any "attire. It 111 13 specific This phaco of business, where he found him b10ily engaged at his work and showing not the least sign of any trouble of the character from 0)1101) he had 8o long suffered, Ito is a gentleman of about 115 years of 040, but looks many years 701nger. life genial countenance is rosy with the hems of health, and when netted if what woe being rumored about hie illness and recovery was true, he smiled genially and corroborated in every detail whet had already been learned. "I had suffered," he said "from rhOnm- nti0m in my log for about twenty years, the pains being so severe that for weeks together I was unsblo to get around, the trouble being caused by exposure in be- ingabont the mill dams in wet weather. I had tried almoot every known remedy but could get only tempor'ar'y relief. A- bout five year's ago, shortly after retnov• big from Mitchell to Ingersoll, fan attach more severe than usual came upon me and for weeks I could scarcely crawl about, 1110 pains in my leg and rout being excruciating. I was tt1 length 00nfined to the 1300se and had almost given up hors of getting relief when a gentleman called one day at my roeidence and in• (bused my wife to try Immao Williams' Royal Crown Remedy. With iitt)e or 110 faith in the remedy I commenced tailing it, brit before I had used one bot. tle I wee almost well, rho pains having ceased, and by the time T had taken one and a half bottles I felt that my old en• emy was conquered. 10130 as well es I over was in my life." "You ars quite sure, ,lir. I3ollands, HOUSEHOLD HINTS. that it Darn the Royal Crown Remedy -- whiolr did the worst ?" asked the reporter. Tho secret of sorambling eggs is not to "It must have been tat," replied the beat them before °oohing, to 11500 a hot gentleman, "as 10130 using nothing else skillet, a1d to take them off while they dotting the time." are yet very soft ; they cook a half Permission to interview Mrs. I3ollands miouto rafter they aro tattoo off, whioll upon the shale eebje0t was readily grant. many cooks do not allow for. A dash of ed, and tine 1101'i be started for the Dom• lemon juice just as they are going to Ilio fortabl0 home of the worthy couple, table in a hot dish is nn additiom where ho foetid the oaroful and i0dustri. Stuffed eggs with 0arditnee is an ap• 050 helpmate bn0ily engaged about her pobizing lunohoou dish. Boil three eggs honseh0ld duties. After accomplishing till hard, eh011 them, out in halves, and the delicate task of 111111'0dneillg himself remove the yolks carefully ; put them in and 11(11)001131111)3 ,tie mission he was amortar with three or form sardines ushered into a cosy sitt3ng.room and the drained fron the oil, skinned, and the worthy lady very readily promised to tell centre bores removed, a little butter and all she knew about the ease, "and," said a dust of red popper 1 pound till smooth, 3311e, "I should know something about it, refill the whites with the 1nixHn0, c11t off for I was np night and day with Mr. the tips so that they will stand filen and 13o11an10 for week8."" serve each on a diamond of fried or "Ile woo ht3d np for quite 11 long while, toasted bread. 1,100 he riot?" To keep your lips in good condition "Why, yes, sir," - she replied. "For one 0honld never go out into the air twelve months he coltld not work at all. without saving a little vasoline rubbed Pe °mild not get from the honed to the on them ; 3t need not be enough to show, mill (a di0taB00 of a few hundred yards) bet can bo enough to hoop the cold from without the 11.0 of the buggy. 11rave affecting them. seen bite so bad that for weeps together '1'o restore polished furniture mix to- ile (meld not move his feet, which 0ee01' wither one part or 131001101 and throe parte ed almost stead u a galvtauio battery of sweet oil. I11ub this 011 the (111.011300 turned on at its full power prndeeed no With soft, old flannel ; 1131'11 p"lioli off effect. I have many times as I watched with a clean pious of soft flannel, him trying to drag 1110 feet about with After-diunee coffee is served in small 'him felt rho otter hopelessness of ever ceps at the and of the ule31. It should expecting to oleo him well again. We be 330ry strong. Itis na01111y oaken (,Oat', tried phyoioian0 but could get no per. but itis ou0temary to heals erean and =went relief. Nearly ivory 1,Oa'0on who block sugar with it. hefted of his 0onddtion recommended a A physician of experience Aral( recent. new prescription, and 1 visited the dreg 11), don't alway0 bo guided by your feel. Otero• in search of remedies 31)3011 the inga in the neater of exorable, for when druegi0t timidly told me, there was no 000 0110 foals lilt taking exorcise the least, of my tr;yiog any more. I 11011 about that is just the time he getter/111y 5130,20 given ap hope altogether When one day a to take it the moot. young man called st the house and re. The nursery 0hould be provided with a Oommended the use of the Royal Crown reliable thermometer, hung in a place Remedy. 11hi0 was a medicine 0f whi0)1 where it will sot be too nnitr 11110 fire or I had not yet heard, it had not been ad- the windows, so butt it 1w311 register the varliaod, 111,2 although feeling the use, average temperature of the rood. The e leanest( of the effort, I ,,gain went to the 'temperature 0101114 bo about 700 in the draggiot and procured a bottle, Imakihe day 'Esme, 1,111) at night. a few. dOgrace my joy when, before the bottle wee half lower, '11he 110mperat0re can be deter. gone, Mr. I ellends began to get bettor, mined in some measure by the child for the troubles peculiar to the female i system. This, of all ages is rho 0010011li8 1 age, and science has made rapid stride.,, "for scimmel deals with 13nnwn facts;" and the medicines of the old soh0nls are being quickly replaced by new and more scientific remedial agents, whose lvcrk is to thoroughly purify the system, not by purging, but by a more moderate and reliable notion, taking hold of the debili- tated system and permanently buildiug t it up. Williams' Royal Crown Remedy is sold at 41 par bottle, or six bottles for 45. Bear in mind this remedy is a liquid, having no resemblance to the common and nmol, advertised patent medicines, sarsaparillas, 10)1100, eta., and any dewier who offers yeti substitutes for 111)0 liquid in any form, is trying to defraud you and should be avoided. Tho puha() aro 0311111000cl against ail such, they have iso similarity or ocmpari8on, and are at beat only imitations, 133)10+0 matters try to reap a pecuniary advantage from the wide -spread reputation of this marvelous iiguid. The best druggists keep "Royal Crown Remedy," but if your druegist does not, remit at once to Isaac Williams' Oo., London, and they will send it to yon by first express. The price at which "Nil - Items' Royal Crown Remedy" is sold makes 11, course of treatment 00mparla• Lively inexpensive as compared with any other medical treatment. Clip this out and keep it. Phylliei it s, .11etlh'i nes, 131,11 Paton( Gtonreiih'e 1,11 t'nteed-Dtnnlhwfe or MINIM'S -pent In Vain -.l lady Who **Nen Wished to 1)11. -Mike Found New Idle 't'r'ough the 13.2,1;; of itledi• dean-Iltnpe foe'Young and 01 11 - 'Williams' Royal Crown Remedy Cho Cure. To -day there is only ono honest, reli- able and thoroughly tested medicine in the Dominion of Cau131111, 011000 salmi amount to thousands of dollars, and which you have never seen advertised in the papers, We would not hazard sua11 a statement 1,030 tee not snstaineri and backed up by the strongest evidence 1001101001) and proof from mon and weenie who aro 0u•na0d 1113 011 every hand, and who have no (Meet in malting false stntomonts. Today Wiiliame' Royal Crown 'Remedy, mid the marvellons cures affected by it, aro eel>jeots of deep interest in every household of onr Do- minion. At the present time eminent physicians are not spolten of ; patent medicines, eareapal'lllae, nervines and artistically made piths are oast to the winds ns useless, and people everywhere are using nature's great remedy, known as Williams' Royal Crown Remedy. Ont' people who send in testimony aro those who have suffered severely ; many have for years labored in vain for a awe, mud 10.cfay Wotlld have be in the arms of death bntfor 1toyn1 Croton Remedy, as yon will see by their own words. Those who have suffering longest are the men and 0001141 who are eager to give prompt testimony ; and aro actuat- ed by thio noble desire for the good and benefit of their suffering follow creatures. Archbishop Fehro, of Montreal, has given his deeleion regarding 1130 eetab- lishment of a grand °ennuis of the 0. M. B. A. in Canada. His grata fully rgeog- niz0s the Grind Ormond of Canada and edviee8 his diocesans to do likewise. The Manitoba Government intend sending a team of large oxen to Chicago to the World's Fair. The oxen will be hitched to a term wagon and the (malt, gaily decorated, will travel the streets of the uity every day by way of advertising the Manitoba exhibit. a r - C. E. PERRY, P sa1 r Ul '. 0 ■ BRUSSELS. Our Photos, are pronounced the Best and most Artistic. We are always prepared to make any size from the small Sumbeams to the Life Size. Crayon Portraits and all executed in First - Class Style. wow ©rivrafil "After suffering, for ahold twenty.fivu years from scrofulous 1401.03 011 the less nod mean, trying various medical C"wrboo w1,11o0t benefit, I hegg nn to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and a wolllerful cure was the result. rive honks stalked to restore me to health."—Ilonifncia Lopez, 337 1i, Commerce st., San Antonio, rcxan. Catarrh "My daughter was nine' ed for nearly a year with catarrh. 'rhe physicians beingt, unable W Help her, my pastor recommended Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 1 followed his advice. Three months if regular t•eratmcnt w•)l), Avor's 2400pariltn nod Ayer's Pills completely restored my daughter s honIth."—Mrs. Luuiso Melte, 3.11110 Canada, Were, M.o. Rhe ma` a r'am For several ;imam, 1 wan troubled with inflammatory rheumatism, being 110 bmf at limos as 1 13,110 entirely helpless. Por the Inst two years, whenever I felt the effects of the disease, I began to take Ayers Sarsaparilla, and have not had -1 spell for a long thee."— H. T. IIansbrouth, 11111 Run, 'la, For 1111) blood £lisof2aes, the 1)011, ramody IS d sa rr fe , ypj s a f., p rr S rsa a1 IlLe` ' Pec ar[K1 ll ' 1)r. I C, Aver Rt Co„ I.oivcll 11341000. Sold by 101111511,33 gists, Trico $r ; six 1101(100, F$. Curet others, tarill ©caro lout LAB elg L It is impossible to run luminous with- out causing taut by tho opposition, and I find the more bnoiue0s 1 do the more they talk. After this Whet] you bear any person speaking against 11113 work tell there I tools 130 Prise on Buggies at Wiegham Pall 'Fair lust year. If that don't shut them off tell them I got 101 Prize at Seaforth Fair in 1N0'3 for best Buggy. In ease thin don't quiet 3110111 inform them that 143 Prize wan awarded my Buggies at 1,'clgrave Pnll Show Met your 3331,2 I have jest 00 good pigs in the Shop now as were ever shown, Should the aloe° finite not satisfy lot then, know that Jus. Walker took let Prize on Buggies 101 Wroxeter Show in 1892, and that he 0011 sol) mono Buggies than any one in Bi ends. If every one don't admit that Walker's is the Basra' plane to buy their Buggies, Carts, ,She,, tell them that ho took live 1st Prime and two 21131 Prizes for his work at Brussels Pall Fair last year. Seven 1st Prizes on Bnpgies in one season is a record bald to beat. This is Plain Talk and I ask you to 00310 to my Shop nen prove the Truth- felnea5 of what I say. The Shops are crowded with stook and the hugest exhibit of Buggies and Carts ever shown in Brussels may bo seen at my 131.10211eae place. Repairing in wood work, painting or trimming promptly attended to. Call in and got prices. I will not be undersold on any first -plass work. Remember the stand, opposite the Town Hall, Brussels, U AJ9IES 37 ALKER Carriage iblaker. Ne We have a1 Large Stook of MILK CAN'S, CANS, CREAMER 7 Y. CAN $, MILK PAILS, STRAINER PAILS, MILK PANS, SAP PANS, &o,, All made of :Furst -class Material. Roofing and Ease Troughing Attended to, L'El BEUSSEL>S STOVE ,jJZEX. BALI WFLTO BE WE ASE ACEI r . T®u, ` :pow The Latest OUP Photos., Cabinet Size, aro only 81.50 a Dozen. Now is alae time, while they are cheap. Sunbeams, Miltaclo Panels, Cards, any ,size up to 24027- ant•cl larger if required. Olcl pictnres copied and enlarged at reasonable prices. Every persn.rr, welcomed at OVER I have opened out a prime stock of new Confectionery, Fruits, Nuts, Canned Goods, Tobaccoes, Cigars, &c., in the Va otoio Biook. OYSTIi.1 Cooked, flaw or by the Glass. Hot Tea and Coffee Served at all Hours. Lunch Room. Everything neat, clean, and sold at close prices, Pickles by the Bottle or Quart. Salt and Fresh Fish. 2J.A8t loALPINE. TRH, FLFTORFR, Practical Tatehnzaider and Jeweler'. Thanking the public for peat favors and support and 01013131g eti)) to secure your patronage, ere aro opening out .roll Lilies in GOLD AND SILTED WATC2E.3. Silver Plated Ware from I1lotabl10hed tend Reliablo ,fakers fully warranted by us. Cloths of the Latest Designs JEWELRY I . WanblNm 81330, LAMB 01101 RINGS, Bn000nns, IJAooIN09, &o. Ia"Aloo a Full Lino 0f PIO1IN8 and Violin Strings, &o., in stook, N. H.—tourer 04 Nlarrlakc L30030000. T. Fletcher, - 5russels. HARV E J. STRONG'S PHOTO STUDi;, BRUSSELS. STANDARD BANK. BRITS cii-3E'L ,S BM ERE E FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! As House Cleaning is at hand that is the time there is always something waute1 in my line, A Bedroom or Parlor Suite, an old Lounge clone over and made as good as new, or some of our new Patent Winslow Shades required. I have the largest and best assorted stock in the County and as I buy for spot cash I dofy competition. - Look at some prices ;- Good Kitchen Chairs for 80c. ; good Parlor Chairs for 55c. ; good Rocking Chairs for 90c. ; Bedroom Suites for $7.00 and upwards ; Sideboards for $5 00 and upwards ; Bedsteads for $1.85 and up' wards ; Parlor Suites for $25.00 and upwards. Everything sold at Very low Prime for 30 Days, During house cleaning time. The invoice of a now and well asiort- ed stock of CURTAIN POLES to hand—Stock here in a feu cloys. 8 Curtain Polos all complete, a now design in ends, for $7..00. WINDOW SHADES ! It will never pay you to glut up your old Window 131iuds. Come and see my Spring Shades, nothing but the best Cloth and Springs used. They are, by far, the cheapest c0nsidcl'illg the length of tilno they wear. Put up and warranted to work at very Low Prices. UNDERTAKING ! I keep a complete stock in all its branches. AS the warns weather is coming on now is the time an Embalmer is required. I-Iaving taken Diploma on embalming at Toronto Medical School from Professor Reuouard, all work intrusted to pie will b )properly and promptly attended to either night or day. ORGANS and. PIANOS ! I buy instruments for spot cash and boy thele right, As I do not peddle them from door to door and do not pretend to run then, alone as a business (having lots of room and n0 expense) therefore I can give the public the benefit of close prices, Don't bay until you got ley Figures. Leatherdale. Special Attention to Repairs,