The Brussels Post, 1893-4-21, Page 88 A. l'res11 supply of the Genuii,o William's Pink Pills at G. A. DEADMAN'S DRUG d BOOB STORE. New and Second Hand Rudge Bicycles. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, itto, CRMiID TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows; GoI(G Sot/Ti. -Go1NG NORTH. Alntl 7:0.3 a.m. I Mixed 0;45 a.m, Express 11:50 amII Riad ........... , 9:13 p.m, Mixedod 8:50 p.mExpress ...... 9:98 p.m. j.a.ra.0 `Ilius iteuts. A chiefs among ye bo.kin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. cin.$ ep their respective stores at 7 0'• —_ ., clock every evening (Saturdays excepted) during the Summer months, This is a wise movement, we think, and a number of the other business nleu will likely fol- low suit. Tho commencement will be made en May 1st. Y s . Intendingurahnser e this a note of tbia and save theme. Ives trouble. Box Socrso.—A box social was held in g the be-etnent of the Methodist oharoh on fondev evening, under the auspices of Epworth League. Rev. G. F. Salt- a, 11'n, Pres., presided. The follow. t, p: •iram was carried ort:—Reading, liss \lay Turnbull ; solo, Miss Ella Mee ; duett, Miss Naomi Williams nd 11 .es Florence Hunter ; reading, S. . Wilson ; solo, Miss Nellie Ward ; F ottnma Division Court will be held next Tuesday, 25th inst. P. SeoTT's Carlisle stallion, "Tont Scott," was a prize winner at the Wrox• inter Spring Show last weep. A Corsi -nes sold another Brantford bicycle last week. The purchaser lives in the Southern portion of Huron 00. ON Tuesday fnorning the village fathore toured the town taking a prospective view of the necessary corporation work. 11, J. MonnEN and J. MuBain went to Tdetolvel on Thureday to represent Brus- sele Foot Ball club at a meeting called to organize a lucid Assonlation. A Manua of the Council was held on Tuesday evening and an adjournment made to Tlhnraday evening in oonsider- iug the question of Ronald vs. Howe and the corporation of Brussels, "Bz5 H:110;88,"—TIiis is the title of the new continued tstory oontmenoing in this week's issue of Tun POST. It will be a good one, "Beyond Recall," the story completed two weeks ego, was read with a great deal of interest. Wm notice that Military Distrtot No, 1 bee been ordered to go into camp at Lon- don on June 20th. The brigade, or tent- ed field, will comprise the first Hussars, London Field Battery, and the 25th, 260h, 28th, 30th and 83rd Battalions. A10000 Gunmen is now in charge of the dynamo and electric light apparatus. Harry James, who has been attending to it, intends leaving town to take a more rein nerative position. He has looked after the work in first-class style. WATcn Pon Hnz.—A ohap is travelling through the country trying to swindle parties with a contraat for wire fenoes. He offers to give enough wire to fence n ten.00re lot if the party will sign a con- tract to take an agency for the wird. the contract is where the swindling Domes in. If you read closely it turns out to be a promisory note for $16, after a few words are erased with acid. EARLY CLOSING.—The Dry Goods merol: nts of this place have agreed to r TF You Want to Get What You Want to Get Yu t Yen Want to Advertise Your Wants In the Want Col 1 unu of THE n, Pus••. HERRIE Deans now rides tt bicycle. A NURSER of Brussetitee talk of see; o the World's Fair. DONT bury refuse in your garden so as to contaminate your well. A. I. 11c'DLL has been appointed 10: tl agent for the Comet bicycle. A LAnan quantity of flax seed will he sown this season by the farmers of G.,.y and Morris township. KEEP us posted on visiting friends n•1 local items of interest and you will h -ve the gratitude of the Editor show, red upon you. FEDERAL Bank bills are worthless r?r May 4th. Examine your pile and if to have any hand them in for exchange re a local bank at once. NEXT Sunday Rev. R. Paul will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist ohurch here in the absence of the pastor who will be away at Waterloo. IT is said that firs. T. Hall, now of Henfryn, will assume charge of the Revere Honse, in Brussels, on May let instead of W. G. Taylor. THE annual meeting of the Brussels Mechanics' Institute will be held in the Library on Monday, May 1st, at 4 p. m. The public cordially invited to attend. THE balance of the Bankrupt stook be• Ing handled by Alex. A. Rose, in the Garfield House, was sold en tilos to a London dealer and shipped on Wednes- day. MESSRS. YEIaH AND SMITH, of the To- Vonto Globe staff, were in Brussels last Tuesday and Wednesdey endeavoring to work up interest in illustrating our town in the Saturday edition. Miss McPHlenso1 has had ber millinery show room enlarged so es to give in- creased accommodation to the ladies in their purohasing visits. She has a well. arranged display of the most fashionable goods at aloes prices. TEE high wind of Thureday did con- siderable damages to fences, trees, roofs, signs dc. One of the Queen's Hotel signs on the front of the building mane to mother earth. H. J. Strong's photo cabinet was demolished. Pedestraiso sought the middle of the street for safety in more than one instance. Bulletins Footballers will go to Gorrie on Saturday, if the weather is favorable, and play a friendly mated with the Gorrieites. Our club will likely be com- posed of J. H. Cameron, R. Ferguson, L. Jackson, J. S:Illows, F. Downing, H. James, P. Ferguson, J. Hollinger, H. J. Morden, A. Sample, K. Scott, Anthony Sample, and L. Hembly. Bay. S. SELLERY, B. D„ of Wingham, preached two excellent discourses in the Methodist ohurch here ]sat Sunday to large congregations. In the morning the theme was one of Christ's sayings on the cross, "It 10 finished." At the evening service a special sermon to young men from the words "The glory of a young man is his strength," was preached. Mr. Sellery is one of the hest preachers in the Guelph Conference. NEw Hosii,—Tho 300 feet of 3 ply Baker Fabrio Hose puroliased by Brus- sels Council from the Gutta Pernha and Rubber Manufacturing Co., of Toronto, for the Fire Department, (mine to hand this week. The sale was made by T. H. Phair, the well known representative of the above mentioned firm. Three years ago this corporation procured hose from this Company, after a comparison of goods, prion &u., with other dealers, and it is due the Gutta Peron, Co. to say that the representation of their traveller was carried out in every particular. The boae has given splendid satisfaction and when we required more there was only ane opinion es to where we should go for it. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. -011 Tues- day, May 3005, the anneal S. S. Conven- tion for Grey and Morris townships will be held in Brussels. There will be three sessions, the first comnh#0°ing at 10 a, an, in Lho Methodist chnroh ; the after'• noon session in Knox ,:huroh, at 1;30 o'clock ; and the ovenih,l meeting, be. pinning at 7:30, in Melville 'thumb. A. hasinteresting and praobieal program s poen outlined and a most interesting time is assured. A. Day, Provincial Secretary of 3, S. work, and a whole scaled, genial man, will take part in the Convention. The program will be pub. Belied as soon as definite replies are re. oeieed from persons tatting part. A union choir will load the singing at the evening gathering. Every Slllday school worker ehnuld keep 0110 date in view. Brussels will welcome visitors, tl n i• 1 A D d reeitatinn, Hiss Hoare; solo, Dr. Cavan- agh ; rending, Rev. G. F. Salton. Pro- ceeds. 20.00. Poor 11Aw,—An effort is being made Fre arrange a root Ball Association to in- "' elude Listowel, Mount Forest, Brussels, �Vingham, Lncknow and other places. This arrangement would throw the clubs close together and consequently the ar- rangement of me tohes would be greatly simplified. Brussels club will practice on Vioteria Park on Tuesday, Thureday and Friday evenings. General practice Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. The fee for members of the team will be 50 cents, There is the necessary material in town for a orack foot ball club. Iarnnov0MENT0.—John Grieve purposes erecting a dwelling on Princess street this coming season:—T. Fletoher has effected a wonderful transformation and improvement in the interior of his jew- elry store. The ceiling receiced a coat of white paint, the walls have been paper- ed, the woodwork varnished and the clocks, silverware, Sec., arranged in a more attractive form than ever. The large writing table and cabinet at the en• trance have been removed. A new set of blinds have been placed on the window. W. Roddick had the work in hand.—The hardware store of A. M. 'McKay & Co. has reoeived a new Spring dress of paint, stain and varnish and looks bright and ohm—Thos. Pierce is puteing up a wire fenoe at his lately acquired property on Queen street.—New awnings have been purchased this season by Miss McPher- son, J. Downing, Tun Poser, H. Dennis and R. Leatherdale.—R. G. Wilson is ar- ranging a number of improvements at his residence, Mill street. ADDITIONAL LOCALS ON FIRST PAGE. Business Locals, FRESH garden seeds at McCracken's. GEESE feathers wanted. Apply to R. Leatherdale, Brussels. NEW jump seat buggy for Bale cheap. Apply at THE Pon Publishing House. fI. J. STRONG'S cabinet photos run from $2.00 to $4.00 per doz. All are fzrst•olaes. LOOK out for window next week. Some- thing nein in photo line. H. J. Strong, Photographer, WANTED.— A. good, smart boy to learn the butchering, Apply et Wm. Blasbill's butcher shop. Tan largest stook 1 over had and will be sold very cheap. lilverythiug war- ranted to give satisfaction. R. Leatherdale. BRING along your old lounges and get thein made ae good as now. Upholster- ing, repairing and picture framing done on the shortest notice. R. Leatherdale. WE are running aline of photos. at $6,00 per doz. which are right out of sight. Don't fail to see them. Remem- ber we do no oheap John work. H. J. Strong, Photographer. P MANY rise in the morning with a head• ache and no inclination for breakfast. Thie is due to torpidity of the liver and a deranged condition of the stomach. To restore healthy action to these organs, nothing is so efficacious as an occasional dose of Ayer'a Pills. ON August 31st, 1802, Mr, Henry Sturmey, editor of "The Cyolieb," says in writing of our No. 0 New Rapid "In its running qualities we have never found a better. It is equal to anything we have ever tried and as n. 11111 climber we have certainly never found its super. for; indeed the question if the have ever found its equal." JAS.EArLAN'ryNE, Agent, Brussels, Fenn FARM L,utoann To OWNEa Or 7.- 000 ACRES.—Mceers. C. 1L Barnes, N.13. Blair, and other visiting farmers from the State of Vermont, say in their re. port:—"Wo also visited and mot Ofr. Sandison, the Wheat King of Manitoba W001110o 0a0 here nine yearago sea farm laborer, without capital, and now owns a farm 0f 7,000 acres, 9,000 of wiri011 is under a high state of cultivation, the crap being principally wheat." THE BRUSSELS POST Don wood wanted, either nordwood or stove wood. Apply at Tns Pon Publish- ing Ileums. Lori.—On the road near Brussels a silver plated handle off riding whip. Reward at this office, G115 your soiled and faded garmeute cleaned and dyed at Parker's Dye Work's, Toronto. Areuay at Skeno'e general stare, Brussols. IF you are thinking of baying a piano or organ oall in and see 1t. Leatherdale's stook, Ile will sell you 2.5 por omit, anew than peddlers. IIAvoNO added new accessories an backgrounds to my gallery I am now in ebape to turn out extra fine photos. at Hag prices. 1L a. Strang, Anyone large lob of those patent spring window shades, Wherever a per- son buys 2 or 3 they own hank and get them for their whole house from R. Lea- 011000tle. BoLourgt.—Wm. Dlashjll makes all the bologna he sells, so that cuebomers can depend on getting a good arbiole. Call in nod get a trial pound if you have not used it before. IT a'anld bo worth while for the ladies to bear in mind that if they take a gentle course of Ayer'e Sarsaparilla in the Spring, they will have no trouble with "priohly heat," "hives," "sties," "boils," or "blank heads," when Summer comes. Prevention is hotter than ours. WELL-DI00INo AND DRILLING.—George Birt has all the necessary maohinery for digging and drilling wells end is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will ineti00 satisfaction. Wells Gleaned out and put in proper shape. Terns reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brnssels. 31.0E REBIMCA Wilkinson, of Broweevaliey, Ind., says :—"I had been in a (1100(0med condition for three years from nervone - nese, weakness of the stomach, dyspepsia and indigestion until my health was gone. I had been doctoring constantly with no relief. I bought one bottle of South Amerioan Nervine, which 314 me mare good than any $"a0 worth of dootoring I ever did in my life. I would vi advise every weaklyperson toa 1' pe t so this valuable and lovely remedy ; a few bot- tles of it has cured me completely. I consider it the grandest medioine in the world," A trial bottle will convince you. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. "Pnuomoe 1101 EDIToi,. '—A very amusing desoription appeared in Mono• ton, N. B., papers recently, anent a int - Ole royal which took place between an editor and a piano agent. It appears the editor had warded the young ladies of the plan, through his paper, not to flirt with the pious agent, who, it was alleged, was a married man and had a wife residing in the town of St. Stephen. The result was the gladiators met in mortal combat, but end to relate the editor lead enoaunt• erect his master in the pugilistic art, for tell it not in Gath, the piano man slugged him with his right and left in a manner which would make Corbett look to his laurels, and wound up by splashing ]him bodily into an immense mud puddle in the centre of the road. The last seen of the editor he was engaged packing up his besmeared suit to send to parlcor's dye. inn and cleaning works, there to be rano• voted and made as good as new after their own inimitable fashion. A KINosTON OBANGnorAN.—Kingston, April 17th.—James Blair, of Napanee, whose ease has been °renting so much interest in that locality, is well known in the Limestone city. He was a resident of Kingston for fourteen years, and it was while 110 rues engaged as cutter for Mr. Livingstone of this place, that he contracted Bright's disease of the kid Heys. His Orange friends be Kingston are delighted to know that he is cured of this terrible disease, by using Dodd's Kidney Pills. Itiany of them who have been similarly troubled with backache, rheumatism and kindred complaints, have started using Dodd's Kidney Pills, and several marvelous aures are already reported. Mr. Blair joined the Orange order in 1854, and is the oldest Orange. man in Napanee. He has been a dale• gate to the Orange grand lodge and has held several important offices in the order. His friends oonsidered his use ss incurable and are of course amazed at his wonderful recovery. THE MONTREAL WITNnoe,—The Mont- real Witness, w11ic11 is to move into ite own building next Spring, will be by far the best equipped newspaper in a me- chanical point of view, in Canada. Ite immense Hoe quadruple moohina will be capable of turning out 60,000 eight page or 80,000 twelve or sixteen page papers an hour, printed onmplete on both sides, out, pasted and counted in piles of fifty. This will be one-third faster than any other press in Canada. In addition, its matter set on the Mergenthaler Lino- type, which gives a new, clean faoe of type every iseue, and its form will be compact and beautiful. The Witness, al- though old and reliable, is up to the front in reepeat of enterprise, and its readers expect and are not satisfied with any- thing but the best. The price of the Daily Witness is three dollars a year, of the Weekly Witness one dollar, and the Northern Mea=angor, published from the same house, fa thirty 0ent0. Agents wanted in every town, village and P. 0. Specimen copies will be sent free to any of our readers, on application to the pub• 110110rs, d TORONTO, April 10.—White wheat, 680. ; Goose wheat, 61o. to 62o. ; Barley, 40o. to 45o. ; Oats, 37o. to 880. ; Peas, 61o. to 680. ; Hay, 59.00 to 010.00 ; Eggs, llo. ; Veal, $9.50 to 511.00 ; Batter, 11). rolls, 21o, to 22o, ; Butter, tubs dairy, 10c. to 20o.; Dressed hogs, 57.25 to 07.85 ; Potatoes por hag, 80o. to 00a. ; Beef f'ro, $5.00 to 55.50 ; Beef hind, $7.50 to $8.00; Mutton, 07.50 to 08,00 ; Lamb, $9.00 to $11.00. MONTREAL, April 18,—There Were about 4110 head of butchers' cattle, 100 calves and 60 sheep and lambs offorecl3 at the East End abattoir yesterday. The sup. ply of cattle was i11 excess of the demand whish caused a dragging trade, with rather lower prices all round. The beet beeves sold at about die per 10„ with pretty good stock at about • 4c do., while rough and half fatted beaete sold at from 9ja to 81e per Ib. and goorl, large bulls at from 3io to 4o por lb. There was an no. tive demand for good oalves, nd1(l prices were higher than on last Thursday, Common calves said at from $2.50 to 54 each, and good veals at Nein 65 to 07.50 cath, 1lutton critters were rather seam and sold at ftom 44o to So per 1b. Spring lambs sold at from $3 to $5 each. Pat hogs 00ntinne to bring from 01c to Oe per ib, 1h•. Martel bought ton choice stews at 4ae per lb, and los. Iliolhard bon(;ht 8 S2A XD4R.n 134XII of c4,71,ID„1, £STAM111101 c7}7a '1870. H E1AD OFFICE, - TORONTO, ASSETS, • • (Seven Million Dollars) • $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) •$2,000,000 Agendas fa all principal points in Ontario, quarto, Mani fan, United States cOR ,:gland. Oterssigzs A General Banking Business Transacted, Fanners' Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued and Collections made on all points. - SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE GOLLSOT10N OF FARMERS' SALE NOTES. Every faaility afforded Customers living at a distance. W. D. HART, MANAGER, MUMS 85 BAITZEBS 1E3 IR) ITSSEILS Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FA10MERS' NOTES DISCOUNTHD, SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. St;f Kir.C'�°ie ° 8,X211 M',7�P.I ff't ratIVi%T. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com. pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal a lite end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. We ('0001 to write 'Insurance In old English (lI• Canadian Cormpanies, or In Mut. mil Companies a8 may bo desired. AOENTS FOR CANADA AND UNITED STATES : THE GAN,1DIAN BANK OF COMMEnoE. more at the same rate. A butcher from Quebec bought a carload of cattle here to ship to that city. Lwow, April 18.—The Mark Lane Express, in its weeilly review of the British grain trade, says : English wheat is in small supply and prices have ad- vanced W. Foreign wheat has been the subject of epeoulation, buttou been. and Saturday last was exhausted and the market was flat. The surplus stooks have not been worked off. The overstock amounts to 248,000 quarters. It is fear. ed that the markets at the leading ports will be depressed by excessive offers. The total imports of wheat thus far amount to 334,000 quarters. In 21 out of 80 markets prices have favored sellers. In oorn the demand is mainly for round. EAST BuryALo, N. 7., April 1S.—Oat- tle—Only 8 ears on sale, mostly nom• mon to fair stock, taken by butchers. Sheep and lambs, twelve oars on sale ; prices steady to a trifle better. Fair Michigan lambs sold at 06.85, and they constituted the bulk of the offerings ;- best clipped lambs, 56 to $6.15. Hogs, twenty-two cars on sale ; prices loo to 150 lower ; the tops of the offerings brought $7,25,but $7.15 and $7.20 took qo ire a fair number of good weights. The York demand and order trade were light ; a few good weight Yorkers sold at $7.15. ; fair light Yorkers, $7 ; mixed lots of Yorkers and pigs at the same price ; good pigs sold a05510, with some lots at 68.80 and some southwestern pigs at 06.25 ; roughs sold generally ab $6.25 and stags at $5.50. MORN - SWITZEn.—In Grey, on April 9th, the wife of Mr. Charles Switzer of a son. MARRS�.m. Lion—Sonro.—In Christ chard), London, on 18th inst„ by Rev. Rural Dean Smith, of Morpotb, uncle of the bride, assisted by the Rev. A. H. Rhodes, Miss Florian Smith, daughter of Rev. Canon Smith, of London, to Rev. Edwin Lee, incum- bent of St. Paul's 011000h, Princeton, formerly of Atwood, xoxfla_ VIZARD. —In Brigden, Ont., on April 9th, Ra ohel Jenkins, beloved wife of John Viz ard, aged 25 years and 8 months. Stumm .—In Grey, on April 16th, Ida D., infant daughter of Edward Sperain, aged 3 months. fyRtrS£=,S MARINT£TS• Fa11 Wheat 62 64 Spring Wheat 58 60 Barley 80 35 Peas 55 00 Oats 28 80 Butter, tubs and roils16 17 Eggs per dozen 10 00 Flour per barrel 8 00 3 60 Potatoes ,.. 60 00 Hay per ton 7 00 00 Salt per bbl., retail.,,1 00 00 Hides trimmed 8i Hides rough 3 Sheep Skins, nob ..... GO 1 PO Lamb skins each..., 65 00 Apples per bag 50 00 Wool 17 18 Pork - 7 00 7 50 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. QUANTQUANTITY OF HAY FOR ITY Apply to T. MCGR1G018, Queen et., Bruseals. 1 GGS FOR HATOHING FOR SALE.—Eggs of Pure Bred Black Min- oroas, and White Leghorn, from Thos. Rloe's boot strain, 81.00 per setting (18). Al. eo 1 trio of Binh A7iuoreas, cock no relation to hens, end two Leghorn Oockerel0. All of Bost stook in Ontario. 88.0f WM, HARTRY, Seafortb. JERSEY BULL FOR SER- won.—Stook for the creamery to fast coming to the trout. It will pay you to have aros0oowith first class mileb cows if you have Well. For further particulars apply at my Drug and Book Store. G.A. /MADMAN, Brussels. TENDERS WANTED.—TEN- nEns will bo 16001500 ' by the under- signed, up to kitty 15111, for veneering the Bosnian ebsroh, Morris, with brick, Alt material terniabod by eonlmittoe. For 8001)ter Information n11111y to J. W. P1tING, Pastor, Biusvale. FOR BALE OR RENT,—COM- Foaouot hOtosa on 1411)1 ebnIeb 33rue- sola, for sato or to 1•mil, i nerd ee band, 181011 soot] well 'twistable On promisee. For fur' tttQk'pnrtieulare tU_ 11y 95001,_, /003/13GG, Brusoo10, or to JOHN 10100407001', 2 doors 7')nst of eforesaid,houeo, 01- rIOMET BIOYCLES.-- `L�....' The Imdaretgaed has secured the ag- aney, for Brussels, for the famed (100151 Shay ales. The Comet is, without doubt,one - of the hest bicycles e S 6 mato bei" the Om 1 set In oonstrnotron and ono of the moot handsome. Those who desire a high grade wheel should not fail to 900 9110 0o0109 on exhibition at Deadmml'e Drug Store. A• I, MaOALL, Comet Agent, Brussels. TENDERS.—THE TRUSTEES of Sunshine Methodist Church will re- volve tenders up to May 10111, 1&08, fol dig ging out foundation and putting n stole wall under aforesaid Methodist church. Lowest or any tender not necessarily 00. 007100. For parCeylon apply either to LAWRENCE WHEELER, (.1'10. PARKER, or JAS. RUSSELL, all of Sunshine. P. BAINES, Secretary. Brussels Mechanics' Institute. AI embers are requested to return ell books fn their possession not later than Wednes- day, April 20111, 80 that the annual report and inspection may be trade. The books w111 be ready for distribution again the see: ond week iu May. MISS SHAW, Libiari an. ANNUAL MEETING. Brussels Mechanics' Institute. The annual meeting of the Brussels Me- chanics' Institute will bo held on Monday, May let, at 4 p. m., at the Library, for the purpose of reoeivieg the annual report, elect- ing officers for the current year, &o. A. HUNTER, See•-Treas. REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN. DEn5IONED line aeveyal good Farnls for sale and to rout, easy terms, in Townehip1e of Morrte and Grey. F S. BOUTT,Bruesele, 37-01. �^1HOI0E FARM 'FOR SALE,— Being South half Lot 27, eon. 8, Morrie, 100 sores, nearly all (bared. Good buildings, fine young bearing orchard. Immediate pos- session. Easy Terms. Apply to W. M. SINCLAIR, tf- Solicitor, &o., Brussels, 2/1n ACRE FARM FOR SALE. The 200 more farm, being lots 11 and 12, con. 10. Grey, ie offered for sale. 120 acres are cleared end the balance well tim- bered. Buildings first-class. Orchard , well, &o. School house wlthie 40 rode. Posses- sion given at once if desired. 1'01• further particulars as to pries, terms, Ra apply to MRs. WALIOEB, 14f Roseville P.0. or NELSON BRICKER, on farm. QPLENDiD FARM. OR SALE. L BEING lots 11 and 12, 0011.18 Township of Grey. County of Huron, containing 200 acres, the property of the late John Robert- son. 150 acres dewed and free from ob. otruotione, 10 acne bush, mixed timber, balance partly cleared, Soil clay loam, meaty rolling. Folioed with straight rail faeces and watered by two wells and a spring privilege. Commodious dwelling house, with large woodshed attached end an excellent °eller under house. Two Jorge barns, atone stabling and other outbuild- ings. Two good bearing orchards. orna- mental trees and email fruits. 4} m14ee from Brussels, a lively town on the G T. R., convenient to echoed,churches and post office. This property ies well, is a fleet• elann grain and Weak farm and should be seen by intending purchasers as it is offer- ed at a bargain, For further particulars apply to or DANIEL RROH7 R SON' on the proud by letter to Cranbrooll P. 0. 80.4 INFORMATION WANTED. IN MI ESTATE OF 701810 LEITH, OP THE TOWNSHIP OP GEORGINA, IN THE COUNTY OP YORK, YEOMAN, DECEASED. Notion Is hereby given by the undersigned Soltsitore for the 1lxeeuter of the abovo- namod James Leith that infoematlon is eougbt on behalf of the said 19xtembor an to the whereabouts or rosidense -of David Leith, who in or abort the year 1808 resided in the Township of Grey, in the Oouuty of Huron. Atlanta all oomuanniootioue to 0110002015 & ALLAN, Solicitors, Traders' Bank, Toronto. Dated at Sooforth, April 1107, 1800, EDUCED TO $1.50,— The Dam of my Roistered Jersey Bull is the beet cow in the Glen Demi) fiord and a prize Whiner at the Io(hretrial,Toron. to. Omit Of service for grades, reduced to 3150, G, A, DEADMAN, Druggist, 010. MPIBOVED LARGE WHITE 70117. 371110E BOAR. Tho nndeitiguod will keep for 80x1100 this 3renent eea5ou the Improved large 11)111e Yo1'0,8hire pig 'Readyon lot 20, eon. 0, Mnimis,towhich a limited number Of awn will bo talon. Terms 81,0p to he petit at tinlnofsorvIca,wltittheprivilegoof votm'n- ing 11 uto00e0ry, Pedigree ala��qq ba 80001 up. o11 application. ROBERT 13S01IOL, 156E Pnnpr1etor; APL, 21, 1893 DEIRCAMetor .HOUSE OLEAN' G. WALL PAPER. More Than Ever, More Beautiful Colorings, Prettier' Designs, Better Prices, —AT— Pepper's Drug Sere, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 1-4 L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, o Solicitor and 0011v oyanoer. 00800. Woes made, Oilloa—Vanetone'sBlock, Brue- sole. a1.8m �. &I. SINOLAIR, Solicitor, Conveyancer, No ref y Pub. ISS, &o. Otlloo—Vaustoee's Block, 1 door north of Coubral Hotel, Private funds to Loa11. cIAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, God,rioh, Ont, 05. 0. 000109010, Q. 0., PHILIP I{oLT, 0111.1LEY 1103,1195, AUCTIONEERS. ARAYMMIANN, . Auctioneer, 1s always ready to at - to ndBales of farms, farm stock, &0. ferule cheerfully given. Orn•ubrooll P.0. Sales may be syringed at TGs Poem Publishing House, Brussels. G_EORGEi KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms, 'Farms and farm stooka epsoielty, Orders loft at Tun PosT Publishing Rouse, Bre seals, or sent to Walton P. 0., will re00i00 prompt attention, T,IAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- se as m1 A farm stoc, Iainpr°paf00 to conduct sales of farm stock at roaeouably plaices. Blowing the standing Of nearly ,vary p0•s0u 1 inn in a peahen to sell 00 good works and got good security when sold on radii. Satlofantiou guaran teed . Give me acall. 92. P S. SCOTT. BUSINESS CARDS. T H. MaCRACIdEN, Issnror of Marriage Licensee, °Ries at his Grocery, •Tarnberry street, Brusooie. I. N. BARRETT, ' Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door 0onth of A. M, McKay & Co's hardware store. Ladies' and ohildrens hair cutting a speolalty MoNAIR, ..CL. Stumm of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commie - 01000r, &0., Q, B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire 'neurones, 00. 0ilioe at the Oranbroolc Post Off)oe, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- 11M11Rl.N09, FIRE ANO MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, Clark of the Pourtb Division (Mart Co, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Publte Land, Loan eared Inearn nee Agaut, Funds invested and to loan. Collections made. Chloe in Graham's Block, Breese's. OIL PAINTING, Mise Morias, of Wingh am, is prepared to give instruction in oil painting. love maybe ascertained at Miss Nellie Itos8' store where setmples'of work may be seen. Mise Mortes would also take a few more pupils to music. T A. HAWIIINS, 1. • in st. eels, anorganist i, o the Art of Teaching,l0101.• W. Thayer, Plus. Doo., Neve York, w111 give loosens to pupils either at J. C. Halliday's, ear. King and John Ste., or if preferred, at their own homes. Atonally, Tuesday and Wednesday at Walton. Terms moderate. MEDICAL CARDS. A. MaNAUGHTON, M. D. C. M., L. R. C.P., Edinburgh, M. C. P S, Ont. Residence and 01Be0 In Wileon' Bleak, oorner of Mill and Ternberry Ste, DENTAL. , 7L) F 1V T 7 los M. CAVANAGH, L. D.S., D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal. College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- versity, OFFICE—Oyer A.B. Smith's Store. Brussols, VETERINARY. T A. WARWICK, ex • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. ie prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a com- petent manner. Partleular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Galla promptly at. tended to, Oitloe and infirmary—Twe doors north of bridge d'urnberry 09„ B1,1550111. Notice to Creditors. IN THE 11011101110 OP THn ESTATE OF WILLIAM CAMPBELL, LATE OF THn TOWNSHIP OP GREY, IN Tan 001NTY OF HURON, YE0- 31AN, DECEASED. Notice is 1150511Y given pursuant to Chap, 110, Section 80 of the Revised Statutes of On- tario, 1887, 6/ant all creditorsand others hav- ing any ohtime, liens or demands against the estate of William Campbell, late of the said Township of Grey, yeoman, deooased, who died on or about the eleventh day of Janu- ary, A, D. 1808 are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to Darla Campbell or Archibald Campbell, both of the Township of Grey, yeomen, theExecutote of the per. sohal estate of said donned, on or before the 1st any or May ,t. n. 1890, their names, addresses and descriptions, the fall 11920100. tars 01 their claims, duly vended and the securities (if any) held by them. And Mao note° that niter the said let day of May the said Executors will proceedto dlntnibuto the waste of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the °teams of which notice. shall have been given as above required and the 8at(t HI:couture will not be liaule for the said estate or any part th Greet to any p010011 nr pm:so in of whose plaint mottos. shall not have boon received its aorta aid by the said 1lxoeuto1'e etb the Ono 01 each distribution. Dated at Atoloaworbh this gra day of April, A, D. ma. DAVID OAMPRELL, 111991111,111.110 CAMPBELL, Executors, Moitdw0rbb P. 0,