The Brussels Post, 1893-4-21, Page 5.A.VRU 21, 1893
: $10.00 we can make to Order a good SERGE or TWEED S 'ITrl D.e t patens and made to et you.
OUR $12
WEED and SERGE SUITS made to Order are Kings over anything
offered for the same money ; and OUR $15 TWEED SUITS are famous.
choose from. This Offer is for Quality and Price Unequalled.
THE NOTORIOUS $3.00 and $3.50 BLACK WORST 7'ID PANTS. A Fine Bange of Patterns to
Select from. The Best ever offered for the price. You should see them
Si Kg
Men's and Boy's Hats and Caps in endless varie` y. Men's Felt Hats at 50o., 75o., $1.00 to (33,Q0. Our
Hat Stock is the Largest and Most Complete shown by .any Hatter in Huron.
The latest novelties in Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Suspenders, Hosiery, Cloves, &o.
Melissa Waterproofs take the Lead.
Et el grave.
I. J. Downey shipped a one load of
lime from here last week.
J. Denholm bas been shipping a largo
quantity of baled hay from this station,
Mrs. Tufts boa removed to Ohioago
where she will reside during the 1Vorld's
A. Swnffield returned last week from
the Georgian Bay lumber district, where
he has been worlung the past Winter.
The funeral of lElizabetil Keenighau,
of Best Wawanosh, took place en Thurs.
day of Met week and was largely attend-
ed. She was in her OGth year.
Virrosete r.
Smith Bros. received a oar lend of
machinery and are busy gutting it into
position and will soon have machines in
good shape for turning out work.
The Spring Show, held on Tuesday
11th, was a decided success, the exhibit of
horses being good, espeeintty in rho
lighter classes. There were also some
flue bulls shown. The gentlemen who
had the management of the show in
hand did their part won, and everything
passed off nicely, The prizes were
Warded as follow%:—Imported heavy
draught, J. Wilkinson's, Allan of Cloth.
iel, 2nd, Jas. Bitobie's, Granite Book ;
Oanadien heavy draught, R. Hamilton's,
Bob Mack, and, Angus MtBinnon's,
Young Oliver ; General purpose, 3.
Willtineotl's, Gladstone ; Roadetere, R.
Wilson's, Carlisle, 2nd, Peter SoolVe,
Tont Scott ; Oarringe, Fisher iC Oo'e,
Tisdale tVilleee ; Roadster or Carriage
colt, F. E. Moore's, Victor; Taunt, H.
Patrick, 2nd, Anthony Shoentalter.
Bulls—Derham, over two years, Ed.
James, 2nd, 3i. Sanderson ; Under two
years, M, Sanderson, 2nd, Win, Hammitt.
Judges—Horsoe-.R, AicCotkey, Elder.
glia ; B. Cannon, Ohesley. Bulls—Wm,
Huck, Mildmay ; 3, Johnston, Beleaore.
Mate -vale.
Doe. Messer woe home last week.
John Bosman and wife left for Mani-
toba on 91otday,
What about the football club and the
proposed Association 3
Burs, flay, of Alma, is visiting her
sister, hers, T. Stewart.
Miss WE. A, Stewart in away en a visit
to her sister near Belmare.
Mrs, Samuel Lennox, of ldnrriston, be
visfti4e her sister in this place.
S. Rivers made Alex. Brune a visib as
be was going to sae his children in Tess•
water, of Monday.
Bliss M. Stewart played the organ last
Sabbath in the Methodist r hurab, in the
abtenno of Airs. Timmine.
A Phonograph comfort will bo given in
the Methodist church on &lotdmy even-
ing next when a fine program will be
Messrs, Stowaet ifs Duff aro now row
nine the item/till in the village end it
napes thinee lively as the whistle blows
4 times a day.
4. Timmins and wife Went to Wing,
ham last Sunday to near E v.. G. F.
Salton, of 13russols, who preached in the
Methodist ohuroh there.
John Robinson got n tel on rho
18th from Manitoba eoncorning the death
of his•law, who left 8 child.
eon to mourn her deotaee.
LAW to 8,w c, 1,
Henry Leslie shipped a oar of live hogs
to J. L. Grant it Co., Ingersoll, last week.
A number of fences were blown down
in town by the high wind on Saturday of
last week.
Tho King's Danghtorsof Christ Ohnrob
realized $20 from the pancake social hold
in the town hall on Tuesday evening of
Last weep,
Iiidd Bros'. standard bred roadster,.
()liver Wilkes, was shown at the Spring
Show in Stratford hist week and took'
first prize in that class,
One night last work Kidd Bros. lost a
valuable horse from inflammation. It
was one of a matched span of cobs, the
team being valued at $300. Kidd Bros.
bought them about three weeks ago from
Mr, White, of Maryborongh.
The Blma etreot bridge, a bent of
which was washed away by the flood a
fortnight ago, has fallen. This bridge,
together with the bridge on Bismarck
street, also is bridge on Davidson ebreot
near the brewery, present a formidable
amount of work in the bridge building'
line for the Board of Works this season.
111 ee tat .
James Emigh left here for Detroit on
Will. Sims is fast recovering from his
serious illneoe.
Miss Sophie Symonds le recovering
from her illness.
T. VV. Soott, merchant, shipped a car.
load of potatoes to the Forest (thy on
13. Watson is shipping eevoral carloads
or cattle from this station iso Montreal
this weep.
A box sonial was held on Wednesday
evening in the basement of the Metho.
dist oheath, ander the auspices •af the
Epworth League.
The Spring millinery displays or Mfrs.
anthem and Anderson, it Elder drew
large crowds of the lair ser to their estnb•
lishmsnts for a couple of evenings the
past weelc,
On Friday a number of our citizens
metalled the funeral of the late Mrs.
Grainger, formerly Mrs.: R. Brownlee, of
Blyth. Tito baroavod ones have the
sympathy of the entire enmmanity.
The watering cart wan out for the first
time Inst week.
The Government dredge began work
this tveelc and will cotttinuo as steadily as
the weather will allow,
XII the mncb triad case of Danoey vs.
G. T. l3. the oofnpasy have been success.
fol in getting a reduction in the amount
of intermit allowed in the judgment
against them by the lower court.
Tho two new tags are still Waiting for
their machinery, which has been doing.
ed longer than was expected. Tim
regular floor of tugs anti fishingboats
ere very nearly all fitted up, The tug
Seibold eat nets 011 Tuesday of last week,
the fleet of the season.
Capt. McGregor, hate of the tug Sea
King, will be pilot our the monster whale
back passenger steamer Oluintopher
•Colmnbus, now :being finished at bVeet
Superior, for traffic between Chicago and
Fashionable Tailor and Outfitter, Brussels.
maasit=mata====ras=solassmowstsmumattssmmaAsa p
the World's Fair grounds during the
coming summer. She is the largest boat
on the lake,, being 832 feet long and 42
fret beam and is to carry 6000 passen-
gers each trip.
An atiditiomtl warehouse is being ereot•
ed at the rear of Smith dePethiok's hard•
ware store.
The electric light poles have been
created to the nein power house at Lower
Thos. E. Walker has closed his butcher
shop in town and contemplates removing
to Michigan.
Wellington Martin has removed to
Dungannon, where he will open oat it
Dr. Macdonald will shortly remove his
residence to the lot just South of H.
Davis' residence, on Centre street, and
will greatly enlarge and improve it.
The block Dr. ifacdoaale intonds
erecting this year, where his presene
office and residence is situated, will be
throe stories high, the front to be of red
pressed brick, the windows and door sills
to he of Oredit Valley atone. There will
be four stores on the ground floor—two
double and two single. The mond floor
will be fitted up for offices and the third
for lodge rooms. It will be the hand•
somest block in town, when completed.
The Presbyterians failed to extoud a
onil to a minister at the meeting of the
Presbytery in Ilarriston.
Tho material for the new Presbyterian
obeech sheds is nearly all on the ground
and work will shortly be commenced on
their erection.
A "Soup Social" was bold by the
Womans' Missionary Society of the
Prosbyterilmt uhureh, itt N. MiLaaobliu'a
on Wednesday evening.
The following efficient staff of o0ioers
were slanted in oulutuebion with the Foot-
ball club :—President. J. II. Tainan ;
Vieo•President, A, Melubosli ; Secretary,
J. 31. Isaias ; Treasneor, W. 11loig ; Onp•
lain, D. Fallahny ; Oomtnibboe of Man.
agement, Goo, Walker, W. Doig, R, Per.
Ilfrae DAU Auto Buenas Steen Aw,er,—A
terrific thunder storm passed over here
on Wednesday night of last week stud
about 12030 o'olook Dane's mill darn gave
way. As soon as the Ilona, with the float.
ing timber, melted the bridge, which 18.
about 30 rods below, it too gave way and
started for the oounty toe, U. Sander-
son, who mettles none the bridge, was
awakened by a terrific) crash or thunder
followed by the rushing waters and as
same tot he comprehended what lied hap.
pened he hurried to Mr. Dano's and hie
non, accompanied by D. Sendorspn, drove
to Wroxeter to ware Air. Bleck of the
approaching flood. Bir, Blank was
aroused from his slumbers and sun•
Deeded in getting up his gated about 10
miantes before the flood reached there,
Itr Blank thee sent word to W,cighare
to warn the mill men of that town of the
approaching danger. Gerrie is now in
rather a bad pligltt, the nntin business
p,rtioe of tato vilbtgc being out off from
the railway. The only way of crosett,t
is by driving through rind foot pa.seincers
have to wait on the bink until some
team comae along to carry titent over.
Air. Dane does not think that `the dam
Wee swept away by the sudden raising of
the water- but that tete centre pier Wee
strnok and shattered by lightning and the
opinion of residents near the dam
strengthen this idea. Although the
flood gates and pier were swept out 001
a foot of the entbauktnent was dislodged.
Iidr. DUne'S loss in re -building the dune
and the mill standing idle will be several
thousand dollars. Reeve Gook was in
towu and gave a contract for a foot
bridge to be erected immediately. It is
the opinion of many that au iron bridge
would be the most economical to erect
,13cn0'ol a.
Reeve Mooney was on the sick list last
week with an attack of pneumonia.
Miss Nellie Rutledge and Mies Aggie
Agar left for Manitoba on Illouday.
Mrs. Chas, Sheriff, of Toronto, was
visiting at Willows Farrow's last week.
Thos. Bons, jt., loft on Monday to
learn framing with Thos. Newsome, of
Jas. Ireland, 3rd line, has lost five fine
young elves with grubby head, within the,
lash foto weeks.
Councillor Birkby has been on the sick
list with an atbaok of gain.), but is
getting all right eosin.
We are glad to learn that Wm. Mollie,
who has been ill all winter, is now able to
pall on his neighbors again.
Miss Kate Rnssoll has returned home
frmn a visit to friends in Saginaw, Grand
Rapids, Bay Oity and Hammock, Mich.
The snow and rain of the past week
has been very detrimental to Spring
eeoding, especially on low or hettvy
Dottounan McMillan had his arm in-
jured the other day while untying a cow,
by having a hook °atoll into it, He is
carrying the injured member in a sling.
Owiug to the wont storm the other
night sloe Loyd's barn was struck with
lightning, tearing off a ventilator, clamng•
ing the end of the barn and killing one
of rho caths lo the arable. It wits a
pretty close call.
Quentin Anderson, Bed line, ltd Jas.
Martin, 4th line, have both lost their
dogs by poison. Tito fiend who ie doing
this nefarious work should bo given it
close of his own medioiue to help him on
his way to dogdom,
The auction silo of George Brewer, on
Tuesday, welt well, about $1,000 worth
ad &tonic, implements, iso. being disposed
of, in addition t0 what Wall putohaood by
Itis non who has the homestead. George
1{lrirhy was the atlet1oneer.
A very fashionable event took plaoo at
the residence of bho bride's father on the
6th int.t., Bella, it daughter of James
Netheiy, and John Whiteman were unit•
nil in the bottle of matrimony by Rev.
Me, Bigley. The left that eight bit' their
future homeonthe 0th of 11Io'ris. \Vo
hal send our hearty congratulations with
the new married anagen.
While Mrs. Wnt, Bray was reberning
from Bhtevale one evening last week and
while in the swamp of the Ned lice, Best
of Ilenry Bone'e,'Thos. Garniss,who wits
riding on 110rsebttok, dbllided with Iter
rig, smashing ono of bite fors wheels end
badly damaging the front axle. This
shove utter negligence on the part of Me -
Eternise as there was plenty of went dor
n man of horseback to pass,
Dr, J. 11. Mc0assy, of Conoordia,
Kansas, has been appointed aloof Medi.
cal Superintendent of the Topeka In• '
sane Asyhnn for a term of three years,
at a salary of 88,600 per annum. The
doctor was formerty an engineer at Sun•
shine, and a carpenter and school teacher
in Heron. He is note a distinguished
medial 'man of Kansas. His friends
will bo pleased to learn of his distinction,
11:Htla set.
Mr. Meriden removed to Chatham.
Frank Kept mil Geo. Nichol have
gone to seek their fortune in Wisconein,
At the Mnekoka mill of Messes. Milne
c2 Heileman one million shingles were
sold in 10 days. That's rushing them off
at a lively rate,
Rev. Mr. Newcombe was awity on Mon•
day taking charge of it, funeral for Rev.
Mr, Watts, of Iionfryn, who is laid up
from the runaway accident of last week.
Tbe hotel here has changed hands,
Joseph Querrin, or lvlildmay, being the
purchaser. Mr. Burton will continua to
reside in Ethel for a time tit least. The
new proprietor was licensed for the coin-
ing year.
700,000 feet, a third of the nonan stook
of logs, have been put in at the sawmill.
This falling off is largely doe to the un-
u"0tt1 depth of snow in the bush last
Winter rendering saw•logging almost im-
possible. Mr. Alone disposed of 100,000
feet of pine this week to a London firm,
Reeve Milne fans been on the sink list
with an abtaok of la grippe. He is con-
siderably improved and able to be about
bit his physician adviebs a few months
rest for recaperatiin. This will be hard
medicine for Mr. Milne to take as he is a
On Friday night, 7th'inat„ during the
storm, lightning struck the chimney on
E. Batsmen's house. Going down the
pipe it luloolcod the pipe down and the
title off the stove and splintered one of
bbe joists 'hider the floor. The inmates
do not desire another visit front the
electric current.
S. our T. --Ab the regular meeting of
Ethel Division S. of T„ No. 140, the fol-
lowing 011140rs were iistnllod :—W. P„
Miss A Milne ; W. A„ Alias Stephen.
snit ; It S., Miss 0. Davies ; A. R. 5.,
Miss At. Elliot ; F. S„ Miss E. )iollo•
way ; Treat„ 11ut'ria Fogel ; Chap„
John Cober ; Con., Il, M, Dobson ; A.
Con., Miss B. Keys ; I. S., Miss A. Lem -
tent, ; 0, S , David Lutnant,
Frets. --On Thursday evening of last
week blto plerning feetoty of Jim. Milne
di Sons, et Iiuntoville, tures destroyed by
fire, ocoesioted by 'sparks front the
smoke stack, Tho less is placed at *12,.
000, with 38,000 insttra000, The engine
and boiler were attend as they were sop.
orated from factory. Mr. etilme was a
resident of thin locality, moving away
to Sterling Palle, Muskoka, abeet 14
years ago. They tvett to Huntsville 6
yours ttgo and had a Guo business: Jct
addition to sash and dour they rnauufau.
tired furniture, broom handles, due.
Messrs, Milne will rebuild atones,. Their
nil friends berg sympathise with then
in their loos.
Afneersta airs—There wee a htehionalle
wedding ab ()heist church, Lon1Ou, Tilos•
day afternoon, wbon Rev. Edwin Leo,
inenmbent of the Episcopal church, at
Princeton, and it graduate of Baron
College, (formerly of Ethel), was trotted
in holy bonds to Florian Snaith, dengh•
ter of Bev. Canon Smith, rector of
Christ church. The edifice WWI llllod to
the doors for a considerable title previous
to the oemomony by a throng of the
friends and well.tvtabers of the young
couple. The oeromony Wee performed
by Rev. Rural Dean Smith, Rentor of
Morpetb, assisted by Bev, C. H. ltbodes,
assistant at Christ Church. The brides-
maid was Miss Bertha Smith, sister of
the bride, and Arthur Shore, ,f Huron
College, was hest man. The ethers' were
Jame Hancock, of Huron College, and
Ernest Smith, et Mo'peth. Subsetinsnt-
ly a reception was held at the rectory nt
which a large number of gueste were
present from Brantford, Stratford and
other places, A beautiful collection of
valuable gifte received testified to the
esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. Lee are
held. After the wadding breakfast, the
young folks loft to spend a honeymoon
in the East. The many friends of Mr.
Lee in Ethel and locality are a unit in
wishing himrelf and bride many years of
happiness and prosperity.
�S r.weoti1.
George Currie is the happy possessor
of a baby girl.
Mrs, 0, F. Thompson is confined to
her bed with inflammation.
Clots. Polson, of the Bos staff, has re•
turned home for the summer.
The Strathroy Despatch Bays Rev. Mr.
Lae, of Atwood, preached two very ap-
propriate and able sermons there last
The I. 0. 0. T. held it open meeting
last week. Fourteen new names were
added to the roll besides a nutuber of
proposals read.
heloses Aegis L •cttbtucd, Maggie
end ,Joan Mitchell left last weep for
Walkerton, whore they have secured em.
pimithe t in Geo. Currie's tailoring es.
Iom.t po0)cs 13tu.—The annual Spring
Fair of tate h.Itna Agricultural 1100301'
was held at Newry, on Thursday •nf 'net
week, Tito weather' being fine the 01-
tendn.noe of visitors wee above the metal
number, but the entrioti in the differout
classes were meagre. Itis evident from
the halt .f interest manifeeie4 that the
Spring show has octlivecl ite nsofpinees
mud night to bo relegated io the shades
of oblivion fm a time itt least, Rs the
benefits derived therefrom are tint ado -
(plate t t the cost. The following prizes
were awarded :—heavy draught inn.
ported Olydeetlelo--eat., "Aikenbrto
Darnley," E. Henry ; 2nd, "Bir Patriok,"
L. Turnbn 1. Agricultural -1st,
"Darn.ey Chief," Jo:copb Johnston.
Blood, with eedtgree —1st, ":Can Bleeds,"
Kidd Bros, Roadster -1st, "Hensall'o
Olear Grit," 1lenry Vidor; 2,1d, "Young
Chicago Volunteer," John Sp, mile. Dur -
hams, aged --1st, "1ftNight," A. Simp-
soti. Otto year old—est, "Cleveland,"
Ales. Petrie,
3.1..0NE ' TO LOIN.
lay Amount of Money to Loan
oo Fain or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when reliuiretl.
Apply to
A. Hunter-,
Division 0nfci•t ()Mork Bl'ftssets.