The Brussels Post, 1893-4-21, Page 3APRIL 21, 1893
Nature's Liquid
Acts Supernaturally and causes
a Marvel at Bin',
The Greatest Marvel of the
Christiau Era.
no 11lstcry of the Century Iles Not
Prodneed is I:quul,
gargl STRIKES or af111y11:.
$eyed freta the Grave the Husband or e
Loving WIfo 000 Father of four Rear
Children, --'rhe sato1 of Four of the
Most 1'uihrcnt Physicians In Conaria
/0/11108 by the 000000011 01' 00r, John
`Weir, of London Teu'nship•.-'l'hey All.
Agreed That lie Must Die to Fron,
'three 1', Ton Dmfs.—The Marvelous
Cure Is Effected by the Liquid Known
ns "iii 1 barrio' ltoyalerntvn It enredy."
Tho London Advertiser says :—
The residents of Bier and surrounding
district in London township, were, during
the past few months, much excited over
the ur1tical and peculiar disease of one of
their most esteemed residents, John
Weir, who liven on lot 15, on the 15th
eonceesion of London bownship. Mr. b 0 t t bf 110C 1' { b t
Welr'e ease was ane of the most lament.
,At tilos he lay Inc days unable to telco
nourishment of any kilo l and [luring the
limited period of three menthe he was
reduoed to a more ekeloton and was bet
a shadow of his former salt, barely turn.
ing the scales at 84 pounds—whioh, for
a man of hie height (live feet night incites)
is the lightest weight wo however known
to have bean recorded, The hest physl.
plans were °ailed in tram L01100D, Luoau,
Granton and surrounding towns but none
bold out any hopes Inc bibs recovery. Our
fancily of two bright boys, 12 ancl 14, and
three little girls, were all palled to his
bediido to say farewell and receive a
father's dying blearing, for be, lead al-
ready been told that he meet sot his
affairs in order and that lin would soon
be in eternity and wield nob possibly live
longer than a few days at the Moab, Ao.
nordingdy bin last will and testament,
disposing of all hie earthly goods, was
signed,ae he might die at any moment ;
and I fully believe if we had been ono
day facer in getting 'Williams' Royal
Crown Remedy' he would be in his grave
It was a sad sight to neo a loving bus•
band and tender father part from all
earthly ties, leaving a wife and family
who were depending on him for sippOrb,
At this elegised moment, jurat as lite is
fiiekering out, new hope is inspired
through the ltindneso of a young lady of
this city recommending thie marvelous
liquid. The thoughtful young lady's
name is Miss Stasis Morden, of 110 Car-
ling street, within one block of this office.
With the determination to got all the
partioelare of this truly marvelous cane,
t ere or er s0 o0 - or arin' s roe .
Arriving there, he was cordially reoeivod
by Misses Rosie and Sarah Morden, who
both made the following declaration in
the presence of seven witnesses, including
their mother, brother and younger
sister :
I was visiting Mr. Weir's brother -in
law, Geo. Rumball, near Bryanston, and
when Mr. Rumball told =of Mr. Weir's
serious illness and how all the doctors
had given him up, I begged of him to try
'Williams' Royal Crown Remedy' (for I
myself and also my father had previous-
ly been greatly benefitted by this marvel.
one remedy, lily great confidence seem-
ed to inspire a little hone in Mr. Rum.
ball, although he had long gine despaired
of ever seeing Me. Weir rise from his
bed again, for Mr. Rumball spent most
of his time at Weir's ; he went over on
Sunday and did not return until the fol-
lowing Monday at 11:80 p. m.) Ile re-
plied that they had sent to Landon for a
fourbh doctor and if beheld out no hope
lie would then try Williams' Royal Crown
Remedy. This doetor (specialist), after
examining Mr. Weir, passed his death
sentence upon him, would give him no
medicine but simply charged hint $10 for
assuring them that "he could not live."
As a lasb resort Olr. Rumball immediate-
ly hastened to London and got a supply
of that marvelous liquid known as 'Wil.
liana' 'loyal Crown Remedy,' and they
had scarcely been using it three days be-
fore he was out of danger and by the time
the third bottle was used Mr. Weir was
out of bed, his family all joyous and hap-
py again. I had never met Mr. Weir
previous to this serious itleese but as
soon as be was able to come to the city
he called to see us, as he himself said,
"to express gratitude for my telling him
of the marvelous liquid which saved his
life," all of which is perfectly true.
able that has yet been recorded, and be
was entitled to and received the sympathy
of the entire community (it that can be
of any value to an afflicted mortal pros-
trated for many months), on what all his
neighbors end every physician who was
permitted to see him, said, must, of
necessity, be his death -bad. The excite-
ment in the locality ran high and spread
until finally it reached this city, and the
Advertiser decided to send a reporter to
aeoertain the twits of the ease. The
correspondent only know that the gentle -
m00'0 010000 was Mr. Weir and that be
lived near Bier, and while inquiring for
this name the correspondent was so
fortunate meet: meet with the Rev. Isaac
Langford, tor 85 years in the active
ministry of the Methodist Church, and
brother of Rev. Alexander Langford (at
present chairman of the 1Yletbodist
church, Brampton, and for three years
in this city and previously of Winnipeg),
Rev. Mr. Langford said he had spent
most of his life in this section and when
be was asked about this wonderful ease
Mr, Langford said the person referred to
was John Weir, who Lived 1} miles forth.
er west. The oorrespondeut could not
mistake the place, as the barns and out-
buildings were comparatively new, and
he knew Mr. Weir and remembered his
illness quite well and that all the doctors
had given him up and they were expect-
ing his death every day, and after tbo
dootors had given him up he was cured
by some remedy which he afterwards
learned wee Williams' Royal Crown i
Remedy. Rev. Mr. Langford assured
the correspondent that Mr. Weir could
give all particulars, that he was very
reliable 4nd anything he said about his
ilium or the remedy might be relied up.
on. The reporter drove on as client:ea,
determined to know the whole truth and
in a few minutes reached what be ima•
gined to be hie destination and turning
up the lane observed a man chopping
wood, wielding the axe with all the vigor
and energy of a young man of 18, but as
the correspondent approached him he
perceived he must be a man of some 50
years of age, and thinking he had made
soma mistake he inquired if he knew
John Weir, who had been so ill. Ima-
gine the reporter's surprise when Mr.
Weir replied ; "I am the very man ; all
the neighbors for miles know of my
terrible illness and marvelous recovery,
after every doctor who saw me said there
could be no obanee whatever," and the
tears of gratitude almost flowed from his
eyes as be replied: "I will gladly give all
particulars ; I would be very ungrateful
if I didn't—life is so sweeb—mud 1 owe
my life to 'Williams' Royal Crown
Remedy:' "But you must first put your
horse in and feed him," and the rate at
whioh Mr. Weir ran for the best oats be
had on the premises spoke volumes for
the new lease of life he had 'received, and
his gratitude for the marvelous liquid
that had been the t.0mana in God's provi-
dence of saving hie lite. The reporter
then entered the house and was intro.
diced to Mrs. Weir, a somewhat younger
person, a pleasant and oheerfel and
particularly bright lady, who was active.
ly engaged to quilling some ornamental
an$ useful matting. Mrs. Weir gave the
reporter an equally hearty greeting and
having directed him to a comfortable
seat beside a oozy fire, they at ono() drift-
ed in conversation back to what to there
seemed their life's theme --"Gratitude to
the manufacturers of the marvelous
Mr. Weir said ; "I do not think there
is one man in the township, or in the
county, who has toiled no hard both late
and early. Before I was married I ohop
ped and cleared 40 tares at night, after
my ordinary day's work, rising again
early in the morning." This sbatoneut
was also verified by the neighbors, who
commended his erorgy and ambition.
"And in this way," said be, "I overdid it
and general debility followed." "But,''
said IIIc: Weir, "trouble never 0onlee
single handed ; and while in this poor
shute of health I sustained a very heavy
leas by fire, whioh consumed and com-
pletely dosbroyed my barna, all the out.
buildings And the entire season's prop.
1100giue my egony of mind- When I am
plied to the insurance company to in-
demnify cue against my heavy loss to find
that the policy I had been carrying for
a number of years had expired jnat seven
days prior bo Olio lire. Title heavy loss,
coming as it did on my already shattered
frame, combined with the aftee-ellecbs of
la grippe, completely broke up my con.
stitution. I became pale as a corpse
my blood seemed to be burned to water ;
I had dizziness tend a ringing noise in
my head 1 my hands and feet were old
all the time and my limbs were cern
p]'etoly swollen top to the body. Some
deafer called it oonsnmplio n of the blood.
I got en weak that 1 could toot walk ; yet
I would nob give up, as there Was no ono
else en the farm to do the work, until at
length I was aonpelled to take to my
bed, and as to the remaining history of
that terrible illness my wits, oan relate it
better than Ir ae part of the time I was
bnooneeiob5." Mfrs, Weir .continued
"All that my husband Lae told yon is
true and all too frosh in our memory.
Signed, f Bonn Motmxns,
soma[ Monosx.
Several others in the neighborhood
corroborated Mr. Weir's statement os to
his serious illness and marvelous re-
covery through the efficacy of this liquid
and Iris reliability in all particulars
Should you, reader of this narrative,
know of any sick friend whose blood is
oompletely impoverished, or system and
nerves almost completely shattered,
whether given up by their physician or
not, if you will kindly forward this pa-
per to your friend, calling their attention
to this article, you may be the means, as
was 0Ibss Roxis Morden, of saving .some
precious life and es in the case with Mr.
Weir, they will never forget your kind -
You never see Williams' Royal Crown
Remedy advertised in large display with
horrid fuse to attract attention, as is
necessary with the common and often
useless patent medicines, sarsapnrille,
tonics, eta. When a remedy has the
merit to back it up, as in the 0050 of
Royal Crown Remedy (where the sales
amount to thousands of dollars every
year), it finds plotty of grateful friends
like Moss Morden, John Weir and Geo.
Rumball, etc., who are only too happy
when they are recommending it, and
there are always to be found in this
country reliable papers ever willing to
give publicity bo genuine and marvelous
cures as those just narrated, but there
may be many suffering mortals, those
whose eyes may never see this, and for
this reason yeti should send it to them.
inlets Royal ' o al Orows Remedy is a
perfect blood purifier, alterative, builder
and nerve restorer, espooially designed
for building up shattered oouebitubicns
and affecting complete eines in such
diseases as ariee from overwork oe did="
ordered kidneys and liver troubles, the
tired feeling therefrom, the after offecb of
la grippe, dyspepsia, rheumatics, neurai-
gfa, l000motor ataxia, diseases depending
on humors in the blood, such as wedeln,
Chronic erysipelas, etc., Oto. Royal
Crown Remedy gives a healthy glow bo a
pale, lifeless complexion, as in the case of
Mr. Weir, His neighbors could seam.
ly believe their own eyes when they deet
him. This marvelous remedy effects a
radioed ours in all oases arising from
mental worry, overwork or amasses Of
any nature. It fa to speoitic for the
troubles peculiar to the female system,
This, of all ages, is the suientiflo age, and
science has made rapid strides, "foo
asienos deals with known facts," and the
medicines of the old schools are being
quickly replaced by new and more aoien-
tifte remedial agents, Whose work is to
thoroughly purify the system, not by
purging, but py a more moderato and ,'e'
liable action, taking hold of the tlebilita•
ted system and permanently building it
Willie/1a' Royal (frown Remedy is a
Liquid I%emody, manufactured by the
Isaao Williams Company, 208 landas
street, LOhden, Ondor the supervision of
n practical chemist. It is sold only in
ono•piet bottles, with the name "Wil-
liams' Royal Crown Remedy" blown in
the bottle and wrapped in yellow paper,
(printed in red ink, with their autograph,
"Isaac William Co.") on tile front. $1
per bottle, or six bottles for $5, Bear in
Mind 61,15 remedy i$ a liquid, having no
reeemblanoe to the oomnoi cul muo11
advertised patenb me lieioos, sarsaparil-
las, tonins, eta., end nny dealer who offers
you substitute for title lignid in any
form, is trying to defraud you and should
be avoided. The public 1005 oautlened
aged:lob all snob, they have no similarity
or comparison, and are ab beet Only imi-
babione, whose makers try to reap a pe.
ouniary adventage from the wide.spread
reputation of this marvelous liquid.
The beet druggists keep "Royal Crown
Remedy," but if your druggist does not,
remit direct to Iseee Wetter MS On., Lon.
don, and they will send it to you by lir.ut
express. The pries at which "Williams'
Royal Grown Remedy" is sold makes a
course of treatment oomparabively inst.
pensive as compared with any other
medical treatment.
Clip this out and keep it.
't'hr'ee flooueainl People Gloved to 'rears
at, a [[avioid Service.
The vast crowd of people who attended
the Crossley and Bunter service ab the
Metropolitan elmreb, Toronto, witneesed
a moat touching some. Mr. Mullet: ac1-
droseed the large gathering at length and
with powerful effect upon the subject of
temperance. do. Crossley, who followed,
was interrupted by a well.dreesed, in-
telligent looking young mon who rose
from a soot near the platform and said ;
"I would like to say something. It is
very important," He then_ asked Mr.
Hunter to speak with him in private.
The evangelist and the penitent retired
to the vestry, where the latter told his
story. The young man and his father
are among the leading business men of
the oily of Ottawa. The former is, or
rather was, a confirmed victim of the
alcoholic habit, His father decidocl to
tette him to an asylum at Guelph to go
through the gold mire. Arrived in To.
ronto, they missed their train for Guelph,
and had to spend Sunday in Toronto.
By chance they wandered into the Metro.
poliban chnroh. The evangelist's words
affected the young man greatly and he
felt convinced that only by first expert.
enoiug a change of heart wield he eao-
osssfully combat the terrible dipsomania,
Mr. Hunter prayed and talked with him,
pointing out the simplicity of the plan
of salvation. Shortly the young man
professed conversion anti returned with
Mr. Hunter to the body of the church
where he stool up on the platform before
8,000 people and testified to his salvation
and the power of the graoe of God. The
father, who was seated near the middle
of the building, left his seat, mounted the
platform and throwing up his arms
around his sot's neck kissed him over
and over again. The incident created a
mighty sensation, the vast assemblage
being moved, alntoet to a man, to tears,
Perhaps no event attended with such
pathetic cireumstanees ever occurred in
a Toronto °birch betore teed certainly no
more convincing proof of the power of
good with whioh Messrs. Crossley and
Hunter's evangelistic efforts are attend-
ed need he asked.
Clinton Collegiate last year expended
over $0000, of which $15500 went for feel,
books, contingencies, etc. Seafo'th
Collegiate expended nearly $6000, $700
going the same as Clinton. llotlerich
High School expended over $10,000, $070
going for contingencies.
n.:at Oso to experiment
:,rnpounds purporting to
1' :;�xi ,nriire, but whioh have
-' ...nt eseell an l value. To make
ether than the old stan-
.r.l .i; ':b'., Sarsaparilla—the Su-
perunl' 1..)d -pleader -1s simply to
i,e ito io.:s of time, irony and health.
If you are afflicted with Scrofula,
C'r -etrh, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia,
.[roma, lemming Soros, Tumors,
or my other blood disease, bo assured
It is impossible to run bueinoss with-
out causing talk by the opposition, and I
find the more businoas I do the more
they talk,
After tide when you hoar any person
speaking against my work tell them I
took tat Prize on Buggies at Wingham
Fall 'Lair last year,
If that don't ulna them off tell tbetn
I got 1st Prize at Sealorth Fair in 1892
for best Buggy.
In case this don't quiet them inform
them that la Prize mac, awarded any
Buggies at L'elgrave Pall Show !eat year
and I have just as good Rigs in the Shop
now as were ever shown.
Should the above feats not satisfy
let them know that Jas. Walker took 1st
Prize on Buggies at Wroxeter Show in
1892, and tint he can sell more Buggies
than any one in Brussels.
If every one cloc'b admit that
Walker's is the o,05r place to buy their
Buggies, Carts, d;0., tell them that he
tools five tat Prizes and two 2nd Prizes
for hie work at Breesels Fall Fair last
Seven lst Prizes on Buggies in one
season is a record hard to beat.
This is Plain Talk and I ask you to
come to my Sbop sur prove the 'Truth-
fulness of what I say.
The Shops are crowded with stook
and the lariaest exhibit of Buggies and
Carts ever shown 10 Brussels may be
seen at my business place.
Repairing in wood work, painting or
trimming promptly attended to. Call in
and get prices. I will not be undersold
on any lirst.dass work.
Remember the stand, opposite the
Town Ball, Brussels,
tit Pays to Use
AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and AYER'S
only. AYER'S Sarsaparilla oan al-
ways bo depended upon. It does not
cry. It 1s always the same in
quality, quantity, and effect. It is
superior eo combination proportion,
appearance, and in all that goes to
build up the system weakened by
disease and pain. It searches out
all impurities 1u the blood and es -
pals them by the natural channels,*
Prepared byDr, J.0. Ayer ,4 oo„Lowell, Mass,
Bold by allDruggtets. Price 51; sift bottles, 50.
Cures others,wM cure you
For ParticuNars
Seit lers' Traoee
Send to your nearest Railroad
Agent and obtain a Dopy of
sa Frge F&36tseFaarlED4”
J, T. P.+.PP.Ell,
Agent, Brussels.
Carriage Maker.
We have a Large Stook of.
SAP PANS, &o,,
All made of First-class Material.
Roofing ane :lave Troughing Attendee too
Do Tn. Erlow The Latest
Our Photos., Cabinet Size, are only $1.50 cr&
Dozen. .N'ow is the ti772e, while they are
Sunbeams, Mikado Panels, Cards, any size
up to 22x27 cclacZ laIler if required.
Old pietnres copied and enlarged at
reasonable prices. Every person
weloor)zecl at
I have opened out a prime stock
of new Confectionery, Fruits,
Nuts, Canned Goods, Tobaccoes,
Cigars, &o., in the
Va .Oto se Block.
Cooked, Raw or by the Glass.
11ot rT'ea, and CDn ee
Served at all Hours. Lunch
Room. Everything neat, glean,
and sold at close prices.
Pickles by the Bottle or Quart.
Salt and Fresh Fish.
Practical Watchmaker
and Jeweler,
Thanking the public for pant favors and
Support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we ave opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by nn.
CZoe7ds of the
Latest Designs
War rIee RINae,
LAnnts Geo Mos,
Lamas, dm.
111"'Also a Full Lille of VIoente and
Violin Strings, two., in stook.
N. lt,•-lssuror Or llrnrringe Jicoo5es.
T. Pletcher, - Brussels.
its the front with et full line of new Goods consisting of General
Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, Canned Goods, Flour and Feed,
and everything generally kept in a first-class Grocery. I am pre-
pared to meet the requirements of the public in a straightforward
manner. Call and see before buying elsewhere.
Cash Paid for Eggs.
Highest Price for .Butter cencl Poultry.
My Motto is Small Profits and Quick Returns. Hoping to merit
a share of your Patronage and Confidence, I am
Yours, &o.,
J. _L=JI d --ll.. M -1L-d R.
Geo. Bker's old Stand.
�o�is � Slide ior SOK Tat
The attention, of the Public is invited to our well
assorted stook, of .Boots and Shoes.
To Look Well
Is more the roenlb of goad judgment
and taste than mere tavieh use of motley.
My stook of
Boots & Shoes
Is adapted to Oil the wants of those who
having sleudot Weeniest, still desire to
melte their appearance creditable.
111y experience and close relations with
manufacturers enables me to
present a line of
WOOTwr A.Itt
Unequalled in the county for style, mud.
ity and price.
DOWNING Shoe Store
Is Selling so many Boots d; Shoes 1
1st—Beoauee they buy from the best
2nd—Bsoause they are satisfied with
small profits.
Brd—Because thole customers get sat-
gbh—Because they won't sell you slwcl-
dy goods.
5th ---Because they sell so cheap.
Buy your next pair of Boots or Shoos
from us and give tie a trial.
Special Attention given to Custom Work.
Don't Mistake the place but go direct to