HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-4-14, Page 8- • ^ A. fresh supply of the Genuine William's Pink Pills at G. A, DEADMAN'S PiIGO & BOOK STORE, 104 1,11^ New and Second Hand Rudge Bicycles. G. A. DEADMA.N, Druggist, Bookseller, dm. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. Trains leave Brassele Station, North and South, as follows: - GOING Goma. GOTNO 0012773. Ste.11 Express 11:00 son, Mall 7:02 um, I Mixed 0:40 a 8:18 pail. an . Mixed .........8:30 p.m. xpress 0(38 p.m. ramt alcws Vans, A eidel s amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll p0001 11. C-AMDENING 00 to the front. Wa,vr about a bicycle club? &moo Board Friday evening of n: week. THE Water lank on Church street car,' in one night laat week. War. BLABBILL attended the funeral of Alex. Gemmill, Rowick, last Sunday. COLEMAN 131tos, are having 20 cars of coal delivered at the Euterprise S tit Works. By. J. ROSS, 13. A., and Rev. 1. Ne- Quarrie, (.1 Wingliam, exchanged pu',,its last Su NEXT Tuesday the License Com' is. sioners of East Heron meet at :ha Central Hotel, Brussels. GOoD prices were paid for a numbsr of hoses at the Monthly Fair held ou Thursday of last week. Amman meeting of the Commit will be held next Monday evening to ree,iive tenders for lumbar, cedar and gravel W. D, 1:14ay, Manager of the Broads Branch of the Stannard Bank, has purchased a fine sorrel driver and saddle terse from Councillor Thomson. OWING to his work at the Salt Works interfering with the performance of duty Jno. Cousley has declined to act as Pound -keeper for the corporation. Tire "Emerald" revival team in con. nection with the Royal Templars of q lemperance, is expected to put in a a week's work in 13rusaels in the near future. THE outside North wall of the present postoffiee has been removed this week preparatory to the erection of brink in connection with the new store to be built f by Postmaster Farrow this season. AT0 special meeting of the Council, • last Friday eveultig, au order was given B 'foe 300 feet of new hose for the Fire a Department, 11 eoets 90 cents per foot, a WWI P. discount of 3% and a guarantee af 5 years. THE union meeting, of the various s Christian Endeavor Societies of Brae. sels was held last Sunday 00011109 10 the Methodist oburoh at the close of the regular church services. An hour was profitably spent by the large audience. W. H. Kerr presided. 1 P. M. ea SATURDATS.—Comrnenoing with May the Standard Bank in Brus- sels intends closing every Saturday after. noon at 1 o'clock iuetead of 3 o'clock as they have been doing. There will be no ahange in the other days of the week. Persona having business with the Bank will do well to keep the above change in mind. THE Clinton News.Record says :—"Dr. Shaw has bought from W. W. Farran the well.hred mare by "Fayette Wilkes," dam by Daniel Lambert, at a good figure. The animal is a perfect beauty and the Doctor is to be congratulated on securing so swift a pieoe of horseflesh." The Dr. has been elected President of the Clinton Lacrosse club. To nocomrnodate church goers the gallery of the Methodist churoli has been thrown open. The seats have been dp. holstered and carpet put on the stair. ways. Additional lamps will be supplied so as to make it 000 of the moat desirable locations in the church. Some 40 Ut- tinge have already been taken by the young people of the congregation. As Edmonton paper of April Ord says M. Parsons, of London, Ont„ representing the Brussels Engine Works Co., is in town, and delivered s free lecture on fire protection in Robertson's Hall last Saturday evening. There were between sixty and seventy ratepayers present and Mayor McCauley presided. The tank system WW1 recommended, and it was estimated that the engine, hose - reel and tanks oomplete would cost about, 912,000, Brim. D, B. MoRat, of Crambroole, has purthased a young registered Jersey cow from G. A. Deadman, Wm. Patton, of ALorris township, buys a 2-year.old bull auel another calf. The marked intermit in dairy products and the high prim of ordinary milch oows no doubt increase the demand for Jerseys. The difference in price, Mr. Dead:man states, is so little that more are willing to ,jay it and have the beet. Roam: and streets are drying tipeplet dilly and the Spring hum ie begiunin 010.30ACK AS JACKSON was attending the Pxovi alai Tont meeting at Toronto tilde we representing the Maombees of Britesel CAPT. WINN and wife of the Salvatit Army have removed 'froni Brussel Their sueoeseore have not reached hei yet. Is the published echoed report in last 150145 of Ton POST the pupils credited with promotion to the 03113 clam, should have been ander 4th. ADDITIONAL LOCAL ON FIRST PAGE. THE BRUSSELS POST 1- BoLonsA.—Win. make), 0.11 the 9. bologna he sells, so that customers can 11. depend on getting a, good &Miele. Call in I311 and get a trial 1)0111.711 11 you have not a. need it: before. Oun photos are pronounced the best 0. and. moat artietle, We are always pre. ie Business Locals, Fagan garden seeds at McCracken's. l'wo keys found. Ask at Tu s Poo:. (Innen Xeathere wanted. Apply to 11, Leatherdale, 13russels. NEW jllInp seat buggy for sale elleap. Apply at Too POST Publishing House. 11, J. STRONG'S ettbinet photos run from 92.00 to 94,00 per doz. All are first-olaes. Loos out for window mast week. Some- thing new in photo line. ht. J. Strong, Photographer. SUITS for nieu and boys are now going fest. Why not join the prooesaion at D. C. Ross'. Wassen.—A good, smart boy to learn the butchering. Apply at Win. Blushill's Wolter shop. Dar wood wanted, either nordwood or stove wood. Apply at TUE Posy Publish. ing House. &um a few of those 910.00 and 911.00 suite left. Can and get one before they are all gone. D. C. Ross. Caz and get ono of those nobby and fashionable hats before your size 10 gone. D. 0. Ross, The Ratter. WHY do we do the best trade in town ? Bemuse we keep the largest, flabbiest aul cheapest stook and tarn out the best fits01 town. D. 0. Koss. Ire]: on human and horses and all &Lune iS cared in BO minutes by Wool- ferd's sanitary lotion. This never fails. Warranted by G. A. Deadmem. liet gm added new accessories and backarounda to my gallery I am now in shape to turn out extra fine photos. at iving prices. H. J. Strong. Pr 1. ts never before been possible to get in Brussels such a seleotion of A 1 wools or such superb garments in lit or ts you can get from D. 0. 1toss, WE 1021 01.10111111, a line of photos. at 95.00 per doz. which are right out of eight. Don't fail to sae them. Rentem• bee a.: do no cheap Johu work. H. J. Strong, Photographer. "Dian Cyoliet" of Jail 27th says :— "Axe ef one thing a, purchaser may be certaie, a "New Rapid" bicycle won't oollap.e." 3AS. BALLANTINE, Agent, Brussels. "Wursuriter," of August 31st says :— ".As everybody knows, the staying pow. era uf ''New Rapid" cycles are secoud to none, C. A. Palmer having very wisely put durability and excellence of 01 114111- 81101:100 first." 3.041. BELLANTINE, Agent, Brussels. "Srx days shalt thou labor," says the great Lawgiver. To do good work, man must be at his best. This condition is attained by the nee of Ayer's Sarsitparff- a,11 overetemes that tired feeling, nit:iens the appetite, improves digestion ud makes the weak stroeg. THE confidence that people have in Ayer's Sarsaparilla as a blood medioine s the legitimate and natural growth of mauy years. Is has been handed down rom parent to child, and is the favorite amity medicine iu thousands of house• olds. WELL-DIGOM AND Dammrse.—George irt has all the necessary machinery for igging and drilling wells and is prepar- d to attend to all work entrusted to him n a way that Will insure :satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper bare. Terms reasonable. Residence mooed door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry sI., Brussels. 34-0 Tus HOWPACT0127, —On Thursday afternoon of last week J. D. Konald, who held a chattel mortgage against machinety in the Rowe woollen factory, had the bailiff take possession and as es -result the factory was clotted down, 7.0 is ubfortunate that it le eo as 33011esel0 is net overloaded with industries. There Was no electric light on Thursday and Friday night owing to the trouble. As to what settlement or arrangement will be arrived at le not 1111 91500111 known bet ii-js to be hoped something will be speedily done go tts to get the Machinery again in Motion, WHAT AMERICANS Tines Or OUR Hem. me,—I have met several delegates from Idaho, Oregon and Dakota, all of whom are well pleased with this country sad they tell me that there will be a large immigration from those states the com• ing season. This country is pre•eminen b. ly adapted to raised farming and I would strongly advise those seeking a change to come and look over it. sons WEST, Edmonton. THE MONTREAL WITNESS.—Tho Mont. real Witness, which is to move into its own building next Spring, will be by far the best equipped newspaper in a me• chemical point of view, in Canada. its immense Hoe quadruple machine will be capable of turning out 60,000 eight page or 80,000 twelve or sixteen page papers an hour, printed complete on both sides, ant, pasted and counted in piles of fifty. This will be one-third faster than any other press in Canada. In addition, its matter set on the Mergenthaler Lino- type, which gives a new, dean face of type every issue, and its, form will be compaot and beautiful. The Witham, al- though old and reliable, is up to the front in respect of enterprise, and its readers expect, and are not satisfied with any- thing bub the best, The prim of the Daily Witness is three dollars a year, of the Weekly Witness one dollar, and the Northern Mesmnger, publielied from the eamo house, is thirty mute. Agents wanted in every town, village and P. 0. Specimen oopies will be sent free to any of our readers, ou application to the pub. lishers. ail/ES SLAM'S CASE.-1Tapanes, April 10th.—A. highly interesting calm has happened in this town, which is creating o gnod deal 01 comment. James Blair, a well.known merehant tailor here, has for fourteen years been a sufferer from that terrible complaint, known as Bright's disease of the kidoeys, Te mitered so terribly that one hours work at the Emit- ting table would oompletely exhaust him and he had to almost give up work alto' gether. He tried almost every known remedy for bis complaint, but without may good 00511010, Medical Mau and patent medioineet failed him and he was gradually getting worse every day. .Finally be read re dispateb in one of the local papers stating that a man named Murray, living is Gravenhurst, had been mired. of Kidney trouble by tieing Dodd'o Kidney Piga. As a lea resort lifr. Blair began taking these pills and three boxes made e. now man of him, and seven boxes completely mired him. Mr. Blair is back at work again and says that ho feels twenty years younger and that them pills completely cured hiin, tIlo reeevery hat omitted quite a sensation. pared to make any size from the small unaba,,,a, 14, the ;IN dim, my" parfr,,B Agencies 011 all principal yoilite in Ontario, Quebec, Illanitoba, United Stales (01enpland. and all exeouted in flret.olass style. 0. E. Peery. "Otin Boys van) UHILEI."—This is the title of a new magazine for young people, publiehed by the Ladies' Companion Pub. Co., 166 King street West, Toronto. It is very artistio in appearance and full of capital reading matter, much of whith le original. The illustrelions are very Bee, 1,00 Bo nonierous as to mane the reader feel as if 91010105 were being made to take the place of reading matter, and 00011 piettlee really illustratee some artlole contained in the magazine. It is gratifying to know that snob a journal is going into the hands of the yonng people of Canada. seetealismxisiazustsettusimala Tseawneseinewassamie SEIND,11?1) 134.7VE 01? 0,4,11D4. =isexi.A.max.asxmemx:e aze70.. HEAP OFF(OE. - TORONTO. ASSETS, - (Seven Million 1)ollare) . 97,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) - - - 92,000,000 I.E...4,MS227711771, SAGILTHER—PrTos,.—At the Methodist Parsonage, Winglion, on April 6th, by Bev. S. Sellery, 33.33., Dir. joseph Smelteer, of Dungannon, to Miss Elizabeth Fitoh, of Belmore. 330s3ess—Stamasse—In Morris, an April 11th, by Rev. J. W. Prins, of Blue - vale, Miss Laura Sellars, second daughter of 11r. Joseph Sellars, to Mr. John Boman, of Kat Portage. DEEM—S01PSON.--A1 the residenoe of the bride's mother, on April litai, by Rev. D, Forrest, Mr. Henry W. Deem, to Miss Mary, second daughter of Mrs. A. Simpson, of boundary of Me- ===. OE:2151/1.L.—In Ilowick, on the (ith inst., Alex. Gummi'', aged 46 years. MON11102111127.—At Deloraiue, Man„ an 10th inst., aohn Montgomery, aged 58 years. MoNsm.—In Grey, on the 10th inst., alargaret, beloved wife of Peter Mo. Nall, aged 42 years, 2 months and 17 days. McEwss.—In Bluevale, on 91h Mary Agnes, skint darighter of W. A. EthEwen, teauher, aged 8 years and 4 months. Caswtax.—Maggie E. Caswell, daughter of the Rev. J. Caswell, of Grimsby, and formerly of Lnoknow, died on March 29th, aged 18 years and 03 mouths. TUESDAY, April 18.—Farin stook, im. plements, cto. South i; Lot 23, Con. 4, Morris. Salo al 1 o'olook sharp, Geo. Brewar, Prop., Geo. Kirkby, Auc. Tolitficyo, April 1101.—Flour, extra, 92.00 to $8 ; straight roller, 92.95 to 95.. 20. Wheat, white, 650 to 60c ; spring, No. 2, 610 to 62o ; red winter, 050 to 600 goose, 00o to 61c ; Manitoba. hard, No. 1, 82e to 82io ; Manitoba, hard, No. 2, 79c to 80e ; Manitoba bard, No. 3, 74o to 75e frosted, No, 1, 05o to 60o. Peas, No. 2, 56e to 57e. Barley, No. 1, 44o to 450; No. 2, 40e to 40o ; No. 3 extra, 85o to •, No. 8, 82c to 34o, Oats, No. 2, 824u to 33,10. Sales—Goose wheat outside at glo ; peas outside at 57c. LONDON April 1001.—The Mark Lane Express, in its weekly review of the British grain trade, says : In 68 mar- kets there has been 6e1 improvement in English wheat. The sales sinoe the harvest have been 3,921,060 qrs., the de- crease, as compared with last year, being due to the low prices. In oonsequenoe of the low values wheat has been fed to stook. The imports of foreign wheat Untie the harvest amount to 8,088,247 qrs., and the imports of dour to 4,183,- 416 qrs. Both the imports of wheat and Sour show a deorease. The stocks have all decreased since January. There are 2,918,000 qrs. of wheat on passage to Great Britain. Flat corn in Mark Lane is weaker ; round and yellow is firruer. The stock of aorn in London is 80,000 qrs. against 87,000 qrs. at the same time last year. EAST BUFFALO, N. Y., April 11111.— Cattle, Only a few lots left over from yesterday on sale ; these were taken by local butthere at yesterday's prices. Sheep and lambs, offerings, 65 oars ; market fairly active and easier; the top of the lambs brought 96.90, but later ohoitie sold at 96.80, and good lambs at 96.60 to 96.60. Sheep were also easy 10 price, the best ones—vary good ones— going at 95.90 with 96 full outside values for extra prima; the balk of the offer- ings were wool stook, the slipped lambs and sheep selling generally at yesterday's prices ; common to fair butchers' stock were 10o to 15o lower. Spring lambs firm for choice, but light were in too heavy supply and sold lower. Hogs, the fresh receipts of sale bogs to -day were only 2 cars and they sold at all kind of prices ; one deck went at 98.35 straight; a, load of dairy fed Oanadas brought 98 straight, and a small lot went at 98.05 to 98.20. laic:mg:nub, April tllth.—The Montreal Stook Company, Point 50. Charles, re. port as foliates : The receipts of evil stook at these yards for the week ending April 8 were as follows 1 180 cattle, in. 003111114 20 left over from previous week, 120 ebeep, 286 hogs and 208 calvee, of which 5 cattle and 25 sheep were mit on hand. Trade during the week was dull, the demand being limited, owing to butchers having seemed a large supply the previous week—Ilaster. Tho supply was light and Bold at low prices and a tailing off in prima resulted, We quote the following ite bein g fair values 0,403018, butohers' good, 4a to dic ; hutch. ars' medium, Bo to 843o ; betehers' culls, 2e to Bac ; hogs, 843o ; 0 elves, 93 to $4 ; sheep and Iambs 94.60. OREAVORZ8 A General Banking Business Transacted, Farmers' Notes Disoounted. Drafts Issued and Collections made on all poll:at). SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SPECIAL ATTENTION OVEN TO sue Oormiscirios OP PA14:21111W SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance. W. D. HART, ItIsssann. CaLLIES & SMITE, BAITICEEZ :8Uss.-E)I.S, Transact a General l3anking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FAKIKEES' NOTES DISCOUNTED, SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. SearANGS Rance ONAVOrifirAY2". Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwarde at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal a Ithe mid of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. 4300 effect 10 Writo 10821P4111e0 In Old Finglish or siaaadiaa siampaniaa, or ili mid. sal Compainies as maly be 110811:021. AMINTS FOR CANADA AND UNITED STATES : THE CANAD/AN BANS Or COAIMBE011, INVMMOIMICominorp.......10.1.114211••••.1111116111NAINAIIIIII, TMPROVED LARGE WUITE YORE - _IL. SHIRE BOAR. The undersigned will keep for service this present seam the 30030011011 largo white Yorkshire pig i'llently" 00 lot 20, 400.0, Morris, to which a limited number of sows will he taloa. Terms $1.00 tithe paid at time of service, with the privilege of return. ing if necessary. Pedigree may be 0000 111'- oe application. 1001114100 NICHOL, 1512 Proprietor. THE PLS COLLIML QUANTITY OF HAY FOR sale. Apply to T. Mai 11130.031, Queen st., Brussele. pu JIB BRED JERSEY 13E1— FEB min' for sale. Wed from Ono of the best m llhlsg stmins in Canada, Apply to S. R. SMITH, at A. McKay di Ca's., Hardware Store, Brussels, ;EGGS FOR HATCHINGR FO 13Azu.—Eggs of Pure Bred Black Min. roes, end White Leghorne, from Thos. Rice's hest 0500ln,$3,05 per setting (38), Al. so 1 trio of Bieck Minorcas, cock no relation to liana and two Leghorn Cockerels. All of best stook in Ontario. atf W111, 39033101110, Senforth, TER SEY BULL FOR SER— V vreE,—Stoelt for the creamery is fast cc Mix:Eta the front. It will pay you to have steam, with lint Ouse (sews it you have tnell. Por further particulars apply at my Thug 0011 330031 Store, G, A. BRADMAN, Brussels. TENDER S WANTED—TEN- -A- Dims Neill be reoeived by the under- siguecl, lip to May 15th, for veneering the Batman church, Morris, with brick. All material fureished by committee. For iurther information apply to J. W. PRING, Pe dor, Bluovale. 10011 SALE OR RENT.-001V1- 001MBLIC house on Mill street 131:115- 8018, 100 sale or to rent, (3000-0 00 land, with good well end stable on premises. Pm fur- ther particulars apply to JOSEPH CLEGG, Brussels, 00 20 3011N BROM:MOOT, 2 doors East of aforesaid house. 11. TENDERS.—THE TRUSTEES of SU 11013313 Metboiliat 01=0 will re- eeive team s up to May 101h, MS, for dig- ging out foundation and puttiag a atone wall under aforesaid Methodist Church. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. For particulars apply either to LAWmegog WHEELER, 9100. PARKER, or 1030. 110300510,0,, 011 01 Supshine. F, BAINUS, Secretary. REAL ESTATE. "WARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN. _11.2 TEM/CM= 12135 several good rants f or Bale and to rent, easy terms, in Townshipti of Morris and Grey. I' S. SOOTT.Beinise/s, WM. 20f) ACRE FARM FOR SALE. The 200 acre farm, being 1018 10 and 12, eon. 10. Grey, is offered for sale. 180 acres are cleared end the balance well tin1- bored. Buildings first -ohms. 010110011,3380, dm. School hello within 40 rode. Posses- sion given at once if desired. For further particulars as to price, 'Lerma &e. imply to DIRS. NVALhER, 8-10 Roseville P.O. or NELSON BUMMER, on farm. FARM FOR SAL15.—BEING neat LOt 18, Con, 5, Grey, eontabliug 00 55100 211000 or less, 85 eons cleared, and free Dom stumps, newly seeded and in good shape, 5 acres in Fall Wheat and put in well. There is about 0 acres of bush, part hard wood, and part cedar and the balanoe is pasture lane. Thera is a never failing simply oi water, ono well at yard and a spring in the blab. Plitoo is drained and well fencedwith oeder fencing. 713040 le n good franca bonne with kitchen and wood- shed attached, a good triune barn on posts. Buildings are comparatively new, good or,. chard mad garden, school house right abyour door. 8 01110) 2.7010 post office and reilwey. 0 mile,, from Bruelmle. The farm 10 a corner lot and nicely situated. The land is good and lies nicely and COM be bought very (Mean as the owner wants to hay 5 larger place. TOMS roasoilable. For torus and partieu. lees apply on prinniees to owner, 0.13.0110111, 00-04 or by letter to lilting P. 0. 7531,07.7,337I22.0 avc..e..asaclarza, QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. I. utast. lots n and 12, oon. le, Township Xotoi wheat 62 64 of Grey. Comity of Eleven, contnbling SOO Spring Wheat ... 58 60 OCIOS, tbo property of the late John Robert- Barleson. 100 acres cleared and free from ob. y .... ..... BO 35 stractiors, 10 aeras limb, mixed timbet, 00 Peas 55 balance pertly element Soil (slay loam, Oats 28 BO 50:4111y rolling. Falwell with straight rail Butter, tuba and rolls16 17 femme and watered by two welts and te Eggs per dozen.... 10 (10 5311155 privilege, Conimedieue dwelling house, with largo woodshed. attached anti Flour pot barrel.. ..... 3 00 8 50 as .3...u.o00 cellar under bouee. Two three Potatoes .., 60 Hay poi: .. 7 0 00 barns, stone stabling and other oubbuild- 00 lugs. Two good hearing 14.75139,0±10,14.75139,0±10,erne: Rton Salt per 13131., retai0 l" 1 00 00 mental trees and emelt fruits. 41 nuke from Bressols, &lively town on the G, W. 31., 111400 trimmed 34 nonvenient to oboe], Oh020212011 11.00 /10211; nictot] rough 8 oillee. Tide property lies wog, is a east- „ mess 4413114 end stook 800(0 anti should be Sheep skins, each 60 1 Cu aeon by Intending purchasers as lb is Om: - Lamb skim (atoll 65 00 eel at a bargain. Per further MRSpertleulitre0.1tO fl la itei SON, Apples per bag. ... ......., 50 Wool. .. ” ........ "..,17 i. , ' V 0180 ath"011Yirte°1:eisee, or by letter to draiihrook . Park "we"! ... . . VV. 6,6 *4 7 00 7 50 , 0, 110.3 INFORMATION WANTED. Iio Tirn ESTATE OF 3011221 LEITH, OF 17121 TOWNSHIP OP GPOROINA, IN THE COUNTY 01' YOBS, 311101TAN, inticsasam. Notice le hereby given by the undersigned Benetton; for the Exec:inter of the above- named James Leith, that information is 0011 at ou behalf 02 2130 said *Rev:inter as to the whereabouts or residence of David Leith, who in or about the year 1803 resided 111 tho Township of Grey, In the County of Addrese all 0011151410000 0i005 00 A.T111E/4 S 4, ALLAN, Solicitors, Traders' Bank , Toronto. Dated at Seitforth, llth, 18Ikl. • NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to Revised Statutes or puerto, chap, no, potter, is her eby given that all pOr- Boos having elnime against the estate of JAMES FULTON, Nvho died in the Town Ship of (lrey, on the 27111 day of December, 1802, are requested to send o statement of their claims, postpaid. with prover vouchers thereto, to Janet Fulton. 0030 04 the Exam - tors of the deceased, at alonerleff P.0..00 or before the 1st Day of May, 1). 1883. And farther take notice that alter the sal,(day , 110 vaocatars ain to cllotributs 0110 BEMIS 0, the said deceased among the persons entitled there- to, laving regard only to such chains of which notioe has thee been etyma, and the Executors will nob bo liable for said assote or 0041 32011 thereof, so distributed to any poison of whose claim notice shall not have beau received at the time of such distribu- Dated at Township of Grey 01130 2111 day of April, 1803. JANET FULTON, 384 Ono of the 'Executors. Notice to Creditors. IN YEE MAYaina OF TIDO POTATP OP WILI,L111 CAMPBELL, LATP, OP THE TOWNSHIP OP G1ur, /14 Tun COLINT7 OP LIOliON, 7E0. MAN, DECEASED. Notice is herebY given pursuant to Chap. 310, Section 80 of the Revised Statutes of On- tario, 1887, that all creditors and others hay - lug any tan ims, liens or (1 emends against the estate of William Campbell, late 01 1118 said Township of Grey, yeoman, deceased, Who died on or about tho eleventh day of Janu- ary, A.D. 1808, are required to send by post Dropaid or deliver to David Oampbell or Archibald Campbell, both ot. the Township of Grey, yeomen, the Executors of the per- sonal estate of said deceased, on or before the 1st Day 01' May A.N. 1803, 51004 1100355, addresses and descriptions, the full partiell- lore of their ()llama, duly verified aud the securities (if any) hold by them. And take notice thet after the said lst 0107 of May the said Executors will proceed to distribute the inmate of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given 00 0110.70 required and the said Executors will not be liable for the paid assets or auy part thereof to any person 00 431000008 of whose claim notice shall not biro been received as afoveraid by the said Executure at the 51000 02 such distribution. Dated at tfolesworth this 8rd day of April, 03,11. 1858, DAVID DADIPBEILL, AnoninArm GAMPIOILL, Dmiontors, Moleeworbb P, 0. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN VIE MATTER OP THE 'ESTATE OF WILLIAM CAMPBELL, LATE OF THE ToleNesilP OP OBEY, IN P)0n 00U)4Tr 030 FlUtiON, YEO- MAN, DEBASED. Notice le hereby given pursuant te 011,4». go, section 80 of the Revised Statutee of 00. taxi°, 1887, that all creditors and others hay- ing any claims, lions or demands against the estate of 'William 0 ampboll, late of the said Township of Grey, yeoman, deemeed, who died on or about the thirtieth day of Janu- ary, A.D. 1808, aro required to send by post prepaid or deliver to Memrs. Darling da Ste- wett ab the town of Listowel, in the flaunty of Perth, Solicitors for David Campbell and Alexander Alettender, both of the said Town- ship of Grey, yeomen, the Administrators of the personal estate of said dedeased, on or before the 171.12 laity of April A, R. 1893, their names, addressee and deecrintions, the fall particulars of their claims. duly verified 5.003 0130 aeourities tit any) hold by them. And take notice qbat after the said 17th day of April the said Administratere 30111 premed 10 distribute the meets of the Bald estate mope the nutleo entitled thereto, having regard only to the eliding of widish notic) shall have been gtvon as above re- quired and the said adraintatratoes 'will mob 130 liable for the said assets or any put thereofto any 1102:000 00 persons of whoge claim notice shall uot have been received as aforesaid by the said administratore at the time of Buell distribation, bated at Listowel this 10111 clay 020,1110011, 03.33,1003, DAVID CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER ALTA:SANDER, Administrators of said B state, DA11LI410 &I3LEWETT, Sleds Solleitore, VETERINARY, T. D. WARWICK, . Honor Graduate of the Ontario VeLothetry ooltbga, is peppered to treat al( tits:mat: of demeetioated animate in c, nettnit manner, Parhaulay attottion paid to veterinary den tiatry, Oats ptomptly at, 0011110,3 111, °ince andintbanary—Ttve del/re 1101113 04 bridge d'Arnberry et., gruatiele, Am, 14, 1893 HOUSE aliElp.1\11 —410. WALL PAPER. More Than Ever, • More Beautiful Colorings, Prettier Designs, Better Prices, —AT_ Pepper's Drug Store. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. -D L. TA.YLOR, BARRISTER, J_io Solicitor and Conveyancer. Bons made. Oilloo—Vanstone'e Bleak, 13xus- eels. 21-81n iv- M. SINCLAIR, TV • Solicitor, Conveyancer, NotaryPub. Ile, &e, 00(o—Vaustoue's Meek, 1 door uorth of Central Hotel, Private Puuds to Loan. CIA.MERON, HOLT & HOLMES, 13 misters, Solicitors, Notarial) ',ohne, Goderieh, Out. Bt. o. CAUTION, Q. a., marts new. 110011011 100001101. AUCTIONEERS. ,t RA.Y1VIANN, .rA.. • Auotioneer, is always ready to at- tend lades of terme, f arm stook, ,to. Terms cheerfully given. 0 renbrook 15,0, Sales may be arranged at THE Poen., Publishing lionse. Brussels,. (2)30R GE KIRKBY, ‘...! Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct oil on reasonable terms. Perms and farm stock a 81300iIMY. Orders left at Trtn POBT P Oldish ieg Houso,Hrussele, or sentto Walton 15. 0„ will receive prompt attention, I_TAVING TAKEN OUT LICEN- J. an as an Auotioneer, 0 am prepared to conduct sales of farm stook at remboualde pricee. Knowing the standing 01 nearly every persou I am in a position to sell to good marks and get good seouriby when gold ou oredit. Satisfaction gnaranteed. Give 141 01304111. 82- P S. SOOTT, BUSINESS CARDS. UT H. Mc0RACKEN, 77 • Theurer ofilfarrlage Licensee, Odle° 1.118 GTOOOTY, Turnberry street, Brussels. TQ1 N. BA.RRETT, Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door south 08 03.. AI. McKay At Co's hardware store. Ladle s' and chilerens hair outting a speoialtY MoNAIR, • Ismer of Marriage Licensee, by appointment of Lieut,-0iovernor, Oonnis- stoner, Sc., 9.13. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insure/leo 00. Ofileo at the Oranbrook Post OMee. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- INERInanan, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court Co, Huron. Conveyaneer, Notary Public( Land, Lean and Insurance Asset. Funds invested and to loau Collections made. 011100 111 Graham's liloak, Brussels. ("IIL PAINTING, Miss Merles, of Whighani, is prepaxod to give instruction in oil Patetiag. lorms maybe aseertained at Bias Nellie Bose' store where samples of work may be soon. Miss Merles would also take a f ew Moro 020131113 In mush). A. HAWKINS, ..1L • Organist in St. John's Oinnoh, Brus eels. and pupil, in the 0301 01 Teething, 02 03. W. Thayer, Mug. Ilea., New York, will give lessons to pupils either at J. C. Halliday's, 000. King and John Sta., or if preferred, at their owu homes. Moetlay, Tuesday and Wednesday at Walton. Terms moderato. MEDICAL CARDS. A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. • O. M., L. R. 0.P., ladinburgli, M. 0, P 0. 008, Rosidenes and office In Wileon' 13look, corner of Mill and Turnberry 'Ste. DENTAL. NT IP I M. CAVANAGH, L. D. Se D.D. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burg eous, Ontario, and of Toronto Hui - varsity. Orem—Over A. R. Smith's Store. Breams, EAST HURON LICENSE DISTRICT. The East Huron License Clam- missioners will meet at the CENTRAL HOTEL, BRUSSELS, --ON-- Tuesday, April 18, '931 skt 10 O'clock a. m. To take into consideration the Applications for Tavern Licenses for 1898-94. The number of Hotel Licenses granted last year in the Riding. were 25. The number of Applications this year are 26, Wm. Beirnes, Arlington House, Porclwich, boing the only applicant for house not being Licensed last year, . W. G. Taylor is an applicant ; for license for the Revere House, 1 Brussels, and E. Livingston for the Belgrave Hotel. J. R. MILLER, IIISPEO TOR, Jamestown, April 0, 1898.