HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-4-14, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST
ipi$t ict Ici1)5.
Spring Show was held on Tuesday.
i'red, Elliott late bees gazetted as e
.Notary Publio,
Gus, Handfurd, pbotegrapher, has ao.
opted a sitnatiot in Ottawa.
Matters have been satisfitotorily devel.
aping in eenuestion with a creamery for
Exeter and we are now sure of it being
established in our midst. The amount
necessary to insure this institution was
$4800 which has nearly been sobsaribed,
Tho football club Is getting ready for
There is talk of organizing a oriokot
club here this Beason.
.A. cleer's head has been placed on the
front of the Foresters' block.
Mrs. W. S. Bean hoe been absent a
few days visiting relatives and friends in
Stratford and Woodstock.
During the heavy windstorm on Tues.
day of last week oue of the ornamented
turrets was blown from the roof of the
new Methodist Church.
Jno. Rutherford has secured a sitao.
tion in Detroit.
Jno. Barnard has some line specimens
of fancy poultry.
Thos. Gibson, DI. P. P., is in Toronto
attending to his parlia inutary duties.
W. C. Hazlewood bas purchased the
dry goods and grocery stock of W. Lee
Geo. Malntosh, who ter the past year
has been engaged as clerk at the Lion
Store, has left for his home iu Stratford.
Alex. Gibson. while working in his
barn just east of the village, fell through
a trap door and had his leg badly in.
The anniversary of the Oddfellows
in America will be celebrated by bout the
members of the Rebekah Degree and the
Oddfellows lodge in Lucknow on Sunday,
the 93rd filet. Services will be held in
the Town Hall at 2:30 o'clock, when a
special sermon will be preached to them
by the Rev. Mr. Fear, of the Nile.
The station yard here is almost filled
with matinee timber belonging to Angus
lkle(juaig and which is awaiting shipment
to the Old Country markets. It is a
magnificent oollection of nicely heaven
logs and there are few sections in On•
tario at the present time that can pro-
duce as fine timber. Mr. McQuaig bas
also a large amount of timber at other
stations throughout the country.
The floods injured the mill dam con.
Station Agent, Seamen has purchased
a new bicycle.
Mr. Shortreed, our sew butcher, has
got a fair start.
R. G. Darby is back from Dakota on a
short business trip.
There were fourteen cars of grain, live
stock, &c., shipped from here during
Mrs. Strathy, who has been spending
the winter with relatives in Toronto has
returned home.
Rev. Mr, Edmunds had a sudden call,
to attend the bedside of his sick mother
at Smith's Falls.
A pancake social was held in the
basement of the Methodist ohnrch on
Monday evening, April 10th.
`eject ic>r't h.
Mrs. John Fairlev and family have
gone to their new home in Carberry,
The road north from Seaforth, for the
first two or three miles, has been in s.
disgracefully dangerous condition.
The officers of bbe Young Men's Chris.
Ginn Assooiatlon in this town have, by
circulars, mode their annual appeal to
the citizens for aid for funds to support
the Association.
D. D. Wilson is advertising his milk
business for sale, as he intends giving It
up to masse room on his farm for a herd
of short horns which he is importing
from the Old Country.
The Junior Hurons bays re -organized
for 1593. The following ofacers were
elected :—Hon. pres., R. Jamieson ; hon.
vice -pros., John Weir ; pres., G. R. An-
derson ; vice -pros., R. B. Jaokson ;
captain, John Oughton • sem-treas.,J.
A. Jackson ; committee,. McKinley, 0,
Willis, C. A. Stewart. They are the
holders of the "Crawford Cup" and are
looking for matches with clubs that
think they can wrest it from the junior
A bicycle slab is being formed in town.
Wm. Keilly bad Mr. Lennox,arohiteot,
from Toronto, planning alterations on
the McLean property, This is the
handsomest property in the town and
Mr. Reilly will have a pretty home.
Engineers McGillivray, of Kingston,
and Ferguson, of Hamilton, are book to
their engines on the government dredge
and tug Delisle.
Blake Brice., for seine time past pro.
prietors of the Wells' brewery, have de-
cided to dispose of that property and will
sell ib by public auebion on Monday,
April 170.
At the nomination to fill the vacancy
in East ward's representation at the
Council board, J. W. Smith, the Bost
street baker and grocer, was eleoted by
Some of our manufacturers are matting
exhibits at the World's Fair. D. K.
Straohan is showing his hotwater heater,
M. Nicholson is sending his boiler,
Thunoimon Bros. are sending a purifier,
and the Goderioh Organ Co. are ship.
ping some organs.
Ten young men from Goderioh drove
to Monohosber on Good Friday morning
and there launched their canoes on the
Maitland, and floated to Godsriob.
With the exception of the eapsizing of
one of the (anoos and the duoking of its
two occupants, the trip was a very
pleasant one,
The license report for 1801.92 has been
levied. The first table in the report
chows the number of licenses issued dur-
ing the last three years. They were as
£ollowe ;-
1889.90 8,809
1890.01 8,648
1891-92 ...., 8,464
A reduction of 145 in the last year over
that of 18611.00.
The total revenue eolleotedon a000nnbs
of licenses and fines, including sums im-
posed by manioipal by-laws, wee as fel.
lotus :-
1889.90 $ 060,600 55
1890.91 080,298 68
1081.92 005,000 10
The above amounts were divided be.
!ween the province and municipalities
(after dednoting expenses) in the follow -
mg proportions :—
Provincial revenue:
1889.00 $ 807,281 02
1890.01 308,200 17
1801.00 300,004 88
Municipal revenue :
1889.90 $ 297,353 45
1890.91 2114,088 20
1891.92 280,487 41
Of 500 municipalities iuoluded in the
license districts more than half, or to be
exact 342, do not await themselves of the
powers granted by the legislature to zing.
anent their revenues by increasing the
license fees beyond the statutory duties.
The fines collected during the post
year for violation of the license not
amounted to 923,316,30 as compared with
$22,570,07 in 1800.91.
The report coutaine a statement of the
number of licenses issued under the
heads of tavern, shop, wholesale and
vessel, from the year 1874 until the
present time, exclusive of those issued
for short terms. In 1874 thein were, is-
sued 4,793 tavern, 1,307 shop, 52 whole-
sale and 38 vessel licenses ; while for
1891.2 there were issued 2,990 tavern,
193 shop, 21 wholesale and no vessel
licenses, these having been abolished in
In Toronto in 1874 there were 530
licensee. In 1880, the year of the passage
of the Fleming by-law, the number fell
to 300, or 224 less, although the popula-
tion had increased threefold. Last year
the number, including wholesale licenses,
was 211. In Hamilton, in the some
period, the licenses were reduced from
223 to 131 ; in London from 118 to 52 ;
in Kingston from 123 to 55. In Ottawa
there were 203 in 1674, 200 iu 3875, and
only 147 loot year.
In 1875 there were 8,80S commitments
for drunkenness in the Province and in
1892 2,730, or 1,132 less. The commit-
ments for this offence in 1892 were the
lowest in number in the history of the
Paovince. In 1889 the number was 4,-
797, in 1890 4,573 and in 1891 8,014.
The oities of the Provisos show a Targe
reduction of commitments from year to
year. The following is the record of the
leading cibies :—
. 1890. 1891. 1802.
Toronto .2,075 1,783 1,444
Hamilton 418 251 142
Ottawa 003 204 192
London 882 213 150
Kingston 109 125 87
Grerret•ul IN a We..
Finland has just been celebrating the
two hundred and fiftieth anuiversory of
printing in that country.
Gen. Hiram Boyden, the well-known
inventor of the Boyden rifle, died sud-
denly Friday at the Metropolitan Club,
New York.
The Arkansas State Lsgisloture has
passed a bill conferring on the women of
Arkansas the right of suffrage and me/f-
ine them eligible to membership on
school boards.
The U. S. Consul at Canton, Chiva,
has cabled the State Department that
10,000 Chinese actors, etc., belonging to
rival companies have left Shanghai for
the United States to visit the World's
Fair, where they will give exhibitions.
All the courting is done by the women
in Ukraine, Russia. When a woman
discovers a man she would like to marry
she visite him at his house and tries to
charm him. If he does not like her he
leaves her and lives elsewhere until she
deports his home.
The receipts of the Monte Carlo Casino
during the year which ended last week,
were nearly $5,000,000, or larger titan in
any other year in its existence and per-
mitted of the largest dividend yet de-
clared. It is said the principal feature
of the year's gambling, and it might be
added the worst, was the increase of the
number of petty players; and a feature
sot to the credit of this country was that
the number of American gamblers- in•
creased considerably.
Owing to the general failure of the po-
tato crop of 1892 in the United States,
that country is now importing large quan.
tities of this vegetable from all parts of
Europe. We note almost daily imports
from Loudon, Bristol, Liverpool, Wake
gow or Leitb,in the United Kingdom ;
sad from Bremen, Havre, Antwerp,
Hamburg or Rotterdam on the continent.
The heavy duty of 25o. per bushel impos.
ed by the McKinley tariff on this article
of prime daily necessity forme a heavy
tax upon the industrial classes in the
United States.
In a report to the Board of Control of
the World's Fair last weep, Director.
General Davis said that 1,827 carloads of
exhibits had been received at the Park.
The large proportion of these are for the
foreign sections. American exhibits are
just beginning to arrive in large quanti•
ties. Col. Davis reported that the in•
stallatiou of the exhibits wan delayed
by the leaking roofs, but added that the
roofs are now believed to be tight. With
favorable weather during the present
month he believes that the installation in
all the departments, except possibly the
department of ethnology, will be practi-
cally ready for the opening on May let.
Bonded warehouse, No. 308, ab the
distillery of the Allon•Bradley Distillery
Co., in East Louisville, together with 12,-
000 barrels of whiskey, was destroyed by
fire on Wednesday evening of last week.
At 5:45 o'clock, while four mot were
placing a barrel of whiskey in one of the
biers of the wnrebouse the bend of the
barrel broke, and the °entente mu along
the floor to a lighted lantern and took
fire. In an instant the warehouse was in
a blaze, and the men were foroed to flee
for their lives, Three alarms were turn-
ed in, and when the fireman arrived the
big brick warehouse was a roaring
furnace. Barrel after barrel of whiskey
would explode, sending flames seventy
five feet up in the air. The names from
the burning whiskey were so strong that
the firemen coald hardly got close enough
with the hose to throw streams on the
fire. The whiskey was valued at about
$600,000, and was owned by over 200
different persons, and is thought to hove
been all covered by insuronoe. The
Warehouse was valued at $80;000 ; fully
Natives of the Solomon Islands think
that hurtioanes are caused by the Hap.
plug of the wings of some monster in-
visible bird.
The 1lobier Produce Company, of Ex.
eter, have handled since January twenty-
five loos of butter, and ore now handling
14,000 dozen eggs per week,
A romance of nationally unfortunate
and pathetic detail was discovered at
Ilotnestead, Po„ on Thursday of last
week, when two detectives from 'Toronto,
Canada, discovered in Mr, and Mrs, ,Asa
Barr the relationship of brother and
sister and the heirs to a fortune left by a
relative of Mrs. Barr's dsoeased mother
by adoption. Twenty-five years ago two
waifs, brother and sister, were abandoned
by German immigrants at Castle Garden.
They were legally adopted, ono by it man
named Asa Barr, the other by a Mrs.
Evans. The latter moved soon afterward
to Philadelphia, where she brought up
her adopted daughter, giving her a good
eduontiou. Twenty years later the boy,
grown to manhood, moved also to Phila-
delphia, where he followed the trade of a
painter. Chance drew the brother and
sister together. Barr was captivated
with the girl, and wooed, won and mar-
ried her. During the lots strike they
moved to Homestead, where Barr found
employment. The adopted daughter of
Mrs. Evans recently became heiress to
considerable property in Canada. De•
tsotivss ware sent to trace the heiress,
and in their investigation disoovered the
true relationship of Mr. and Mrs. Burr to
be that of brother and sister. The
terrible knowledge prostrated Mrs. Boor,
and her husband is grief-stricken, No
issue his resulted from their marriage.
Legal proceedings will be instituted to
sever the marriage bond, and the couple
will leave for Loudon, Canada, to claitn
the fortune,
Reduced. :.Prises
—FOR --
Ayer's fair\Vague
Makes the hair soft and glosey,
"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
nearly five yours, and my hair is moist,
glossy, and in an excellent state of pees•
creation. 1 ant forty years old, and have
ridden the pleios for twenty five years,"
---\Vm. limt'v Ott, relies"Afustnng hill,"
Newcastle, \1'yo,
Ayer's liairVigor
I'reveutt hair from falling out,
"A number of years age, by tecom-
mendatiau of a friend, 1 beg:ut to use
Ayer's lidlr Vigor to stop tine hair front
fatting out and prevent its turning gray.
'Mr first effects were- most sntisfzctory.
Occasional applications since have kept
my hair thick and of it natural color."—
/ I. E. Basham, McKinney, 'Texas.
yer' r !Hair Tigo4
Beetoree hair after fevers.
" Over a year ago I had a severe fever,
and !then 1 recovered my hair begun
to fall out, and what little remained
turned. gray. 1 tried various remedies,
but without success, till at last I began
to use Ayer's ]lair Vigor, and now my
hair is growing rapidly and is restored
to its original color."—Mrs. A, Collins,
Dighton, ,Mass.
Ayer's H*rlfi r
Prevents hair from turning gray.
"My hair was rapidly turning gray and
filling out; one bottle of Ayer's Hair.
Vigor has remedied the trouble, and my
hair is now its original color end full-
ness."—B. Onkrupa, Cleveland, 0. *
Prepared by Dr. S. O. Ayer & Oo„Lewell,&lass.
Sold by Druggists and Porramors,
APRIL 14, 1893
'Tlflll', llATSI)$1OIll.B LADY has 'trwo C'o..ijssnions. Can you end
them? If so, mark faces and send to us ns directed below. The LAIN 141d'
COMPANION 15 a hlgh•elnay, se page, illustrated Magazine, devoted to Miura-
hire, iiotne Life, Position, etc, most artistic in appearance and patronized by the
bust class of renders. A perfectly fair and legitimate premium system 1a adopted by
its 'publishers at great outlay, in order to quickly phaco it null Its sister publieatiuun
at the heed of all Oio nllan periodicals in point of elrculatlon. During MS w0 pun.
pose giving away Poor Elegant w
It weood Pianos. The most const good
tal tit will be kept With every esbsortbmy both as regards the magazine and premiums.
Bee name of subscriber to receive the grand Piano now exhibited at our offices,
in Ladies' Companion for Marc),.
sly^• WC publish Ladies' Companion, nee per year; Ladles at Monte,
he cants per year ; Our Boys and (Girls, sn cents per year. ]Ante
our address' IanKing Ht•, west, and du not confound our 1>uhlicnileis
with any others of somewhat similar names.
¢t INE Ii't NU iti`''l. LIST.
To the first Person solving puzzle we will award an elegant Rosewood Piano,
valued' at WO; Oa nest will 1'eeelye, It Gold Watch: the third, s 90i llx Dress
Pattern; the fourth, net wins llnnie Itax t the fifth, a Kit ver Watch • the
sixth, a ttalI0vu'r LA,11't the seventh, a dorm ilaoocnt : the elghth, e. Sisven Fere
C'01,001c TOA Ss'rr; to the next ten will be given each a beautiful Conn lhtonmt;
Te the middle ponder will he awarded a Cabinet Organ : and to the fon fnilowdng
each aQttnvoa 1'o,rrsnt'rorsondur or any friend. The sender ne letter hearing
lalust postmark, previous to June 1111, next, will receive a Gold Watch, The sender
next lo last will receive a 94b0s'er 0Va 5&llt; tea preceding, each a beautiful !,told
Br"C 110.
advert semenHis`t : 'and forward
must 'nark (sees in puzzle in tune or pencil]
ant advertisement out and forward to 00 with 's!ltirty Cents lbw 11 mollis oe
subsoriptlon to the radios' Companion. Address, ^;
"D” LADIES' COMPANION POB. CO,, 166 King St,, Wost, Toronto, Can
Cabinet Photos. B1.60
P DOz.
Our Beet Finished Cabinet
Photos. only $1.50 per dos.
until furtherrnotice.
Gallery in Smith Block
System Renovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palma-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Lose of Memory, Bronohitis, Con-
sumption, Goll Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. T. PEPPER.
Druggist, Brussels,
'hate Star Line.
Between New York and Liverpool, via
Queenstown, every Wednesday.
As the stammers of this line carry only a
strictly limited number in the FIRBT mud
000050 08112•1 accommodations, intending
passengers are reminded that au early ap-
plioatiou for berths is necessary at this sea-
son. For plans, rates, etc., apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
To All Points in
April 4, 11, 18 and 25.
Colonist Sleepers on every train
Only one Change Between Brus-
sels and Winnipeg.
No extra charge for Reserving
Sleeping Berths.
For Rates and Full Partioulare Ap-
ply 00
Agent, Brussels.
a .dSir' M r6
The Best Pulverizer.
The Best Cultivator.
'apreJ taea n&osiug
It has no equal for pulverizing hard slay lumps. 1182
Ib is beyond question the bees machine for making a seed bad or inverted sod.
For preparing fall plowing for spring seeding, especially in heavy olay soil, when
the land is baked or become hard and difficult to move.
For cutting up and pulverizing any kind of stubble land, either for the purpose
of starting foul seeds or fitting for seeding,
It is unquestionably for superior to anything iu the market for cultivating any
kind of land that is vary difficult to subdue.
Where every other tool has failed the Spada Harrow will be found to be just
the machine needed.
As will be seen by the sub, it is constructed: with two revolving sylindete, emu -
posed of 50 spades, 6 inches wide and 8 inches long, set 2 inohee apart, and when in
motion turn the ground up as completely as can be done by hand. The machine has
108 sharp cutting edges, and in working the ground it does not drag or trail, but
turns the soil up and lets it drop loose behind the machine, leaving the subsoil on
top and level surface, It works in any kind of land ; and in mucky, clammy Soil,
where the Disc and Spring Tooth Hermes clog up and become unitise, the Spada
Harrows dose first-class work,
We request a call froin you to
see our New Spring Stock of T,veecls and Suitingi of all
kinds, from a cheap knock -about to a line Black Worsted. -,
A, special range of wear Cheap Tweeds
for Spring and Summer Suite.
This week wo have received a complete stocl, of new Hats. They
are very becoming this season and what is equally im-
portant—they aro very Cheap.
'Fre want to Sell you your Springs Hat.
How are your olcl Boots looking when you got your Rubbers and
Overshoes off 2 No doubt you will require a new pair.
Make a B line for our shop and you will bo suit-
ed both i11 quality and price.
Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Braces and a General Stock of Gants' Fur-
nishings now in Stock.
IIaving secured the absolute control of M. H. Birge tC Son's
Celebrated process of Wall Papers and Hangings, I am opening out
a FULL STOCK in my new shop, one door North of Gillies tC
Smith's Bank. My stock is all new and well selected, every design
being patented since Oct. lst, 1892. 20 Full Sets to choose from.
Also full lines of Cheap Canadian and American Papers. Elegant
Borders and Ceilings. Full lines of Window Shades and Springs
of Latest Designs.
Painting in all its Branches carried on as usual. Shop Blinds
and Awnings a Specialty.
House„Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter,
Wo agree not to sell our lines to any other Dealer
for 1893.
M. H. BIRGE R, 'SONS, Buffalo, N. r.
in Brussels
MEEIT119 .......1213111.34561.19.9M11,1111101
Do Tou Enow The Latest ?
Our Photos., Cabinet Size, are only $1.50 Co
Dozes. Now is the tinne, while they are.
Sunbeams, Mikado _Panels, Cards, any size
up to 2,Ra 7 and larger if required.
Old pictni"es copied and enlarged at
reasonable prices. Every person
welcomed at