HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-4-14, Page 4a T II E BRUSSELS POST Aritn, 14, 1803 ismusomzemeeismietee*aerecreematitteepaneeremermilnetleueleatilletaneMeaLlerellietaieelFeeNORT**eaNiencealltr======ilellellerNeeMeelleelltertineaeMIMiterattelteMMSiereletentelletenterrnereeineeleeeenieetrierneilirlieteireleetielebetiamerragerTrileeme,"_ New Advertisements. Morris Council Meeting. ! Local --0. P. R. Local -C, B. Perey. Royal Crown Remedy, 131ash ill. Lootle-Dr. J. 0. Ayer. ;..oele1-111ontrea1 ee'itereee. Local -W. II. Dieflictelten. 1,00ttle-,finies liallatitnye, 'd'enciers Wanted -P. Beinee, House Cleaning -J. T. Pepper - The King of Carte -Jelin Wynn. Por Hale or Rent-joeeph Clegg, New Goode in Stock- A. R. Smith. Tenders Wanted -Rev. J. W. Piing. Information Wanted-Atkene Lk Allen. 'bc)..1.1rtis5e15 past. FR/D.,ty, APL. 14, 1W3. that oiturd Mining to tette 0 double intereut in him. Alter the tnettl, lerie• I sing gave the tramp hie addrese, some The Owl well met in the Township ' change to help him buy a Deka to hie Hall, Morris, on March e7th, pursuant change home in Kittanieg, end haft hint. A to neljournment, members all present, law dap; ago Krissing metered word Reeve in the oheir, minutes of last meet. I t 1 from a firm of lawyers in KAMA/int that Mg read and peewit. The PeOt.'" , the Wenger sellout he 11011 helped hod of Mr. BloClelland mid e:there, re ninon died and left Min 112,000 that had ireffiiiil section arBelgrave, was then 0e1k0 ikt,, kb, pos,,,,a,b,,, a 41w weeks be. taken up. It woe moved by GOU. Kirk• " by, seconded by S. Calilbiek that this fore his death Connell eitheint W. J. Johnston to aot la uonjunction with an arbitration sim11uron County. ilar- - Exeter le to hove a combined butter and oheese factory on the improved separator system. Mr. Melelanue, the representative of the Davis, Ranhin (Jo., h LIIe teethe of a few ly appoloted by the Conned of its L . 0711100811, with a view to the formaeion of a unsch ion osection a ol t 13011411108, Car- ried. On motion of 0, A. lIowe, moond- d by Geo Kirkby the following 1100001110 - were ordered to be peed B. cat, Ittldg , e work on enternmeing cittzens, has sneceeded 111 of ()Mimeo, wit ase s AN election for the Hones of Commons is to be held in the Vancouver distriot British Columbia, on the ninth of May to fill the vaceuey in the House of Coin. mons canned by the late Mr. Gordon death. John White, ex•Ill. 1'. for East Hastings, who is now carrying on beg - nese in the district says that the candi- dates will be Mr. Huntee, the manager of the Natetimo and Esquiinalt railway, and Mr. Haelam, a lumber merchant. The Dansmuirs, W110 01Y11 1110 railway which elr. neuter operates, want that gentleman elected to parliament so that he may bo in a position to secure for his principals a valuable piece of Indian reserve lend, near Victoria, and it is probable that the issue in the election campaign will be whether the Don. enauire should have the property in question oe not.-Ottawn, Free Press. irinting, 17.50 Wm. e , Goo. white, week 011 west hemd pipe, $2.00 ; D. Farqnharson, gravel, $1.50 ; Wm. Elston, wood to Exfordes, daughter ot Charles Toms, ol Wool. 17.00 ; lellseee Bxford, charity, 114,00 ; house, and 00100 of Judge Toms, of Gode• Jag. Meese deli was eolemnized them on MondayboLl'iIiU'y, r edremoving lee on ,50 ; W. Clark, valise for evening of hest weelc. Tho bride 14.10 township pellet's, 11,00 Win. Cameron, Lusted by her sister, Mills T01/16 "1111 Mise ; wood mud attendance to Mr. Murphy, Minnie 0,10000,, with 11116$ B08810 Toms, 1111.00. D. Herrington and Ill Arm• of Bey City, andm Miss Sybil Toe, ol • • Goderieh. The W0011180160 NMI E. P. Hannaford, jr. of Montreal. '21ie ushers were George Lusconhe, ex.tneyor of Simeoe ; J. 13. Bietterby, of the Bank of 001111110100, and H. Hodson, brother of the groom. The ceremony 11n1.0 perform. ecl by the Rev. E. R. Molts, B. D., rector of Trinity Church, 8111.1000, efter Metall the party drove to the reeiclunce of the bride's father, where an elegant supper was previded, after 071)1011 1110 happy couple drove to Waterford and took the M. C. R. 11711111 10 Buffett' and other allies east. Imad, 13.00 ; A. MoDonamon etof over 15,000. ald, grevel, 510,- semi:in. stool( ream the Meiners to the ; d The wedding of 13110111 Hof Simeee,,to Mies Iloilo Toms, seeond odson, grocer, road, 13.00 Cleo. TurveY, ditch en strong were appointed 1 01100-1 division No. 0, in place of Geo. ',Purvey and Jas. Ireland. Pathmestere were then ap minted as follows :--North Boundary, 0. Henderson, H. Bosnian, J. McCracken, J. Gardner, Win. Patton, R. Shaw, 3. Messer 4011 A. Miller. 1st Line, J. Fife, 1. Casemore, Jt. Bloom- field, Geo. Castles, A.. 13. Jackson, Wm. Thornton, A. Shaw, Jno. McVay and A.. Forrest. lend Line, Wm. Findlater, El. Perdue, L. Jewttt, J. Sellars, S. 1 , 1 Geo. 'Turvev, W. Forrest and C. Forrest, '1'.1.112:, 11.1Yorrityel,WC!'eal)eaiiW., 13. Tine question of Prohibition promises to be it lively one in the Provincial Legis- lature now in session. Thousands of electors have petitioned parliament that a plebiscite be taken in the near future in Ontario and the 01. P. P's. will either have to grunt this request or run the gauntlet et the next election. Dy the License report for the plot year, a syn- opsis of which is published on page 6 of this iseue, it will be seen that the liquor trallio is being somewhat curtailed but the temperance element purposes making fresh advances. The plebiscite would afford it definite answer to those who flung the repeal of the Scott Act ill their !aces ; it would advance progress to. wards a settlement of the disputed ques- tion of the respective jurisdiction of the Dominion and provincial parliaments in the matter ; it would ascertain the pro. hibition vote ; 11 07010111 demonstrate the strength of the prohibition party and command the respect of our legislators who regarded votes more than petitions; it would place 011 record the definite de- mand of our legislators for a, prohibition vote it would let Ottawa know what Ontario thinks ; it would give proiiibi. tion a knowledge of its steength, with the consequent confidence and enthusiasm thereon. Sellars and Jas. Ireland. 4th Line, Von Vannorman, G. Nicholson, Wm. Bryans, Geo. Proctor, L. Wheeler, H. Buelihold- er, Win. McCracken, P. b317007817 1(1113 Jne. Currie. 5th Lino, A. Halliday, 3. Cloak- ey, F. Baines, A. Clark, 'P. Miller, 1'. Centelon, 3. Sommervide, A. Cameron, Sharp and M. Cardiff. lith Line, J. Grasby, 3. Yonne, Win. eliehie, J. Cook, J. Donglies, Helaine, H. Foreyth and R. Niebol. 7th Line, de Greenen, A. Lindsay, 3. Petoh, J. McCaughey, J. Kelly, C. Howlett, A. McCall, J. Olen - nom and T. Maunders. 8th Line, Win - Pollock, Laidlaw, J. White, Wm. Phelan, Wm. Skelton, P. Jackson, S. Fear, Geo. Smith, J no. Skelton (1011 (100. MoCall. 90e Liue, Jas. Snell, H. hall - mond, J. Richmond, R. Brown, Joe. Jackson, R B. Laidlaw, Wm. Taylor, Geo. Grigg, J. McArthur, R. Higgins and W1.0. Smith. West gravel road, J. Gal- ley, T. Scandrett, T. Gosmen and Geo. Kraehling. Feist gravel road, A. Bry• ens, Geo. Robb, Wm. Oakley and 3110. Bulger. By-laws No. 4, 5 and 6, 18e8, were duly read and. permed. On motion of S. Caldbiek, seconded by Jos. Proctor the Council thou adjourned to meet again on the 09th May next, for Court of Revision and other business. W. 00.1110, Clerk, Gr. ellOrtli DietiV1.1. Throe persons died of cholera on Illon• clay in L'Orient, France. AA Bennettsville, Lo.., Louis Bush, a colored burglar, was lynohed on Friday night. The dronght in Kansas has boon brok- en. but the wheat crop is damaged 50 per cent. The 200th anniversary of the introduc- tion 01 1130 prititing press in Nev York was celebrated in that oily on Saturday, William Williams, a drunken painter, of Chicago, murdered his wife by cutting her 11300111 1(1111 than suieidecl in the same Toe anti -Home Rulers o E Ireland_ are evidently forgetting entirely their many expressions of loyalty to the Queen and Iter laws and are placing themselves in rather an unenviable position in the judgment of many, Hero are a few ex• ampler :-Balfonr has told them that he hopes they will not bo famed to light for their liberty, but be would not say that "what eves justifiable agamet a tyran. nioal king might not wider certain cir- cumstances be justifiable against a, tyrannical majority." Lord Randolph Churchill, speaking at Liverpool on Fri- day, said that if the Home Rule bill, by some malice of the infernal powers, were to become a law, all the loyalists of Ul- ster would fight against its operation. Was Mr. Gladstone aware that an Irish parliament would mean oivil war in Ire- land, and did his hearers believe that in the event of such a war 130111811 troops would be allowed to ;Moot down the Protestants of Ulster ? 'Ulster would be within her legal rights in resisting the enactments ol an Irish parliament. RV. Robert R. Kane, Belfast, who is bead centre of the Orangemen in 'Ulster, says : "If Home Rule comee then civil war will come afterwaeds. We mean to ignore the Dublin parliament and refuse to pay taxes, and should its judges come down here we will hunt them out of the oountry" A. lengthy manifesto has been issued by the Ulster Defence Union, in which the people are urged to organize in Opposition to Home Rnle, The manifesto appeals to the people to retain their self-control and prevent disorder and violence, and goes on to say "We know they can bo depended upon to take their part in every patriotic effort to preserve our oountry from the ruin by which oho is threatened ; and further, eve reiterate in the words of the Ulster oonvention, "Our fixed resolve to make common oause with them in resisting the attempt to impose a Home Rule paella. 111041 1013011 our country." The British goveenment, while not attaohing 1)10011 importance to then theeats, are still making preparations for possible con- tingencies by enlarging the berracke 111 various parte of Ulster preparatory to the sending of large }maim; of troops there. The union mechanics on the Worta's Fair buildings are on steam. on hie way to a reetautant, and, taking Dr, Haffkine, of Beelin, define to have the Man with him, bought hit° 0. Meal, corlkterea cholera by inoonlatien, The tramp retailed to drink liquor, and the excitement of the gem° swallowed it T The junk stnelt in her throat for a few u moments teed then paereel into her sthoutoh. A (Motor was called in end WAS 0000 able te relieve the little one's pain, but the Jitek 07011 101 removed from the Won -mull. 'The Manitoba building uow in 000008 of erection otenipthe 0. prominent position Ina outside the Exposition grotteds, Chicago, between Pifty•seventh and Fifty-ninth streote. The bedding is 210 feet long, 90 feet wide and 4 stories high, with 0 square tower in the °entre, 71 18 811 exhibition liitlI ancl ,hotel combined. The space for exhibits will be immense 0.11(1. 1110 hotel will bo capable of provid- ing for 500 or 600 preens. The build. ing is intended to be a mart of general heedquartees for Manitoba 1(13(1 (111,11114i1111 people. The roof is now on, the plaster- ing and painting will be comment:led this week and the bnikilog will bo rowdy, 11 10 expected, early in April. Simnel Grigg, of London, who Is well and favorably known all over Canada, will be the manager. The chief nine is eo show the great agrionitural resouroes of Manitoba, which, with a population of 175,000, has already great railway facilities and can 011030 11. wonderful development in the production of cereals and in mixed form- ing. There will also bo a Moe exhibit in natured Instory and other objects ot in- terest. Commissioece Smart, of Bran. don, whose executive ability is highly spoken of, is supervising arrangements. Sporting News. Jay.Eyo See, now 15 years old, will be campaigned again this year. Rosedale nrioket club will take a trip in anly, playing in London, Ohathatn, Windsor and Detroit, Wallace Ross has defaulted to Neil Hanlen. He is in England and says he intends remaining there for six months. Lobasso, the famous trotting stallion, is dead. An offer of 0100,000 was re- fused for him after lee broke the world's reoord lasb year. There is a groat DUI() dog owned by 0. 0. Gemison, oE Mertensia, N. Y., that ia showing phenomenal speed at a paoe. Last season he was timed, so it is elaim• ed, a gnarlier in 43 seconds, The Gremo•Roman wrestling matoh 01 Springfield, 0., on Monday evening be- tween Tom McInerney, of Columbus, and Nab Aeiton, oE England, was easily won by McInerney, he gaining the first two falls in 13 and 124 minutes respectivelY. "Maud S.," who has been worked all winter on the =eared trade at Tarrytown is moving with a great deal of power and elasticity. She seems to be recovering the form which made her queen oE the oval track to old-fashioned sulky. Ole. Bonner is very much pleased with her ooridition, bob she will never approach the records of tomay. Charley Mitchell, writing from Lon - dos, says he will not sign articles for his fight with Corbett until he returns bo Amerioa unless the Coney Island Athletic Club insists uponeit. He had a plea -emit trip across and made make a hit at a ootthert given in the saloon by singing several of Chevalier's songs. 1\litohsll expects to sail bo August. manner. 13130 time for receiving exhibits et the World's Fair bail been extended to April 30. Only about one *hid of the exhibits are now on the grounds. Five thousand coal minere in the Borinage distriet in the province of Hai- naut, Belgium, have resolved upon a general etrike, partly for higher wages and partly for universal suffrage. Two of the big Krupp guns for the World's Fair have left Pittsburg for Chioago 011 0008 specially constructed, One gun weighs 02 and the other 42 pone. The 130-touner has not yet reached Pittsburg. The first serious accident) to occur on the drainage channel happened on Satur- day 41 3300150, ten miles north of Joliet, Ill. A gale struck the rumbilever and started it down the traok toward the engine house, in whioh fourteen men were huddled. The top port, weighing about 280 tons, fell directly on the engine house. Nine men were killed and five seriously wounded. The men were all Italians except the fireman, Samuel Kerns, who lives in Joliet. Great Britain is now far in advance of Russia as far es regards extent oE posses- sions. The recent partition of Africa has added 2,000.000 square miles (nom- inally DA lee,st,) to the British peewees. ions. At the end of 1892 the British Empiee, inolnding proteetoratee, spread over 1.2,208,506 square miles, while Rus- sia the next largest ooenbry, inoltuled only 8,457,289 square miles. 11 moy be remarked that nearly one-fourth of the immense area of the British Empire has been added within the past five years. The Salisbury Government appropriated more land than the whole area of the U. S. "Clara, the Hugger," or Clara Sher- man, which she says is her name, 07110 before Justice Blume at Chicago the other morning to explain why she pee. taste in embracing every young men ebe =iota. Tho previous night, while Pollee. man Fitzgerald wee walking along Washington Boulevard, she suddenly seized him around the ilea. She made every effort to draw the ofiloer's face to- ward hers but he managed to free him• sell. When the woman teemed that her wonIcl-be vlotim was a policeman she ran away. Later in the evetdng Fitzgerald saw her hugging rb young man and he ex - rested her, When she WWI arraigned in court she said that whenever she mote her eyes upon a young man with a hand- some face she cannot; resist the tempba. Son to kiss him. Justice Blume fined her 120. As a reward for (31113114 0. tramp a meal and helping him on his way, U. h Kris. sing, of the Home Dressed Beef Corn - p0513, Pittsbnrg, Pa., has been bequeath. ed 012,000. A year ago, Me. Keissing, while walking down Indiana street, WAS aceosted by a strangee, who told a hoc. rowing gory of hoed luck. Krissing Was Coi ox (Lelia an IV te sec Eel. Some boys in Houghton recently thought they would have some sport in breaking a yoke of Misers. They newer'. ingly yoked up the steers, and in order to prevent them from turning the yoke they tied the tails of the animals together. The steers got frightened and ran away, and in their flight became unyoked. They then ran 000 011 each side of El. tree, and as a result of the boy's sport the steers are both without a brush to switch flies off with during the coming sumtner. A most inberesting wood.sawing 000 - toot took place on the farm of Timothy Kelly, of Moea, the other day, the primal - pals in the event being Miss Annie Kel- ly, of Mom, and Mrs. John Tait, of In- wood, vs. Mrs. John Mitchell, of Holmes, dale, and Miss Ithe Lobton, of Alvinston. The log used was 15 inches in diameter and was finisbed by the fleet two named women in 31 semonds, the latter taking 35 seconds to complete the cub. The prize was 0 purse of money contributed by the spectators. A. little girl named Laura Blair, daugh- ter of Jos. Blair, No. 254 Catharine street north, Hamilton, had a novel ex- pel:mime Saturday afternoon, which may result seriously. While playing jacks with little Mamie Doyle near the Cannon street school, she platted one of the small iron playthings in her mouth, and during 111.1.11 PLO TA 71 10 impossible to run business with- out causing talk by the opposition, and I find the more business I do the more they talk. PIN THE El PEN *omaamatx•asm•a.•orsLla.........=EEr.racna.•••-srtmnoameu•L•V•rs.. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! After thee when You hem: any person speakiug against my WOrk toil them I took 111 Prim on Buggies at Wiugbam Fall Fair last year. 1100130 Cleaning is at hand that is the time there is always something wanted in my lino. A 13pdroom or Parlor Suite, an old Lounge done over and made as good as new, or some of our new Patent Window Shades required. nave the largest and best asserted stock in the Comity and as 11)113' for spot cash I defy competition. Look at some prices Good Kitchen Chairs for 30e. ; good Parlor Chairs for 55e. ; good Rocking Chairs for ; &hewn Suites. for $7.00 and upwards ; Sideboards for $.5 00 and upwanls ; Bedsteads for $1.80 and up- wards ; Parlor Suites for $20.00 and -upwards. Everything sold at If that don't shut them off tell them I got 1st Prize at Seaforth Fair in 1892 for best Buggy. irery low. Prima for 30, Days, During house (doming time, The invoice of a now and 10011 assort- ed stock of CURTAIN POLES to hand -Stook here in a few days. 3 Curtain Poles all complete, a new design in ends, for $1.00. In ease this don't quiet them inform them that 1st Prize was awarded my Buggies at Belgrave Fall Show last year and I have just as good Rigs in the Shop 11007 00 07510 ever shown. Should the above facts not satisfy let them know that jag. Walker took lab Prize on Buggies ab Wroxeter Show in 1892, and that he min sell more Buggies than any one in Brussels. If every one don'b admit that Walker's is the 0080 place to buy their Buggies, 00e1s, &o., tell thotn that he took live lst Prizes and two 2nd Prizes for his work at Brussels Fall Fair last year. Seven let Prizes on Buggies in one season is a record hard to beat. This is Plain Talk and I ask you to come to tny Shop and prove the Tenth - fulness of what I say. The Shops are crowded with stook and the largest exhibit of Buggies and Garbs ever shown in Brussels may bo seen at ney business plaoe. Repairing in wood melt, painting or brimming promptly attended to. Call in and get prime. I will not be undersold on any first -clam work. Remember the stand, opposite the Town Hall, Brussels, JAMES VALKER, •1111.114,14.1...11U1.14111•PWW00.1.04:1.P.11....0 02431•1001•1WAIMMKIMMIWIWIIalll WINDOW SHADES! It will never pay you to put up your old Window Blinds. Como and see my Spring Shades, nothing but the best Cloth and Springs -used. They are, by far, the cheapest considering the length of time they wear. Put up and warranted to work at very Low Prices. Carriage Maker. lerzrearte....meauSIXEMI THE NEW GEO. EA 8 RE E3 EUSSILTtS G-OOD'S OLD STAND. UNDERTAKINC+ ! I keep a cemplete stock in all its branches. As the warl11 weather is coming 011 DOW is the time an Embalmer is 3:equired. Having taken Diploma on embalming at Toronto Medical School from Professor Renouard, all work intrusted to me will be properly and promptly attended to either night or day. ORGANS and PIANOS! I buy instruments for spot cash and buy them right. As I do not peddle them from door to door and do not pretend to run them alone as a business (having lots of room and no 'expense) therefore I can give the public the benefit of close prices. Don't buy until you get my Figures. Grand Opening-, Sale on Frida-, and Saturday and Following Days. We have been for several days opening up the finest stock of New Goode over displayed in Brussele. Wo invite you to visit our dors and we will offer you such bargains no will make our opening Bole memorable aud the Now Cheap Store famous in Brussels. The NOW Goods et the New °boat! Store consist of Ladies', Mimes' and Child- ren's Fine Boots, Shoes and Slippers in all the new colon and materials Gentle. moo's Fine Laced. 13almoral5, Congress, Gaiters and Oxfords in Dongola 31311, Coe - doyen and Nil. Working Shoes for Farmers and Meohanies-Sbrong, nettle durable and cheap. Bore and Girls' School Boots'very Cheap. Our Boot and Shoe stook is well worth the attention 05 1111 intending porobnsers. TRUNKS AND VAT/BBB-NEWEST AND BEST, Chinaware, Crookery and Gl000ware in Tea, Sete, Dinner Sete, Toilet Bets, Water Sets, Lemonade Sebe, Fencer Chino Plates, Cups and Steteers. Fancier Choosers, Goblete, Lanai's, ceo. Don't feel to see our ruuldsoroo Goblets at 50, mob, in fact don't (3031 10 inspect this elegant stook of China, Crookory and Glagsware. Batter and GOOD BROS.1 NEW CHEAP STORE, MRS, TUFTS, Manager. nggs Wanted. 17: eatttler al Special Attention to Repairs, ett We have decided to clear out our Complete stock of Dry Goods allil E6 e 1130 You know what that means. It means Bargains for the Masses. We have a Complete Stock of Spring Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Shirt- ings, Clothing; Etc., and remember o you want anything in our line P lf so call early before the assortment is gone. BargainoiaEvery Bargain Store, Brussels. Produce Taken as Cosh.