HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-4-14, Page 3vim 14, 1893 TIIE BRUSSELS
e ills Exl'CII('Itt're Armee)* closing to
g • Saturday 1st inat„ at ii o'clock, Ili
1,xoollonoy the Goveeno1 Generalro
r needed ie State to the Uhamher of lilt
Senate in the Parliament building an
They wore Methodists twain, of th
ancient 8011001,
Who always followed the wholsoomo rul
That whenever the preaehee in meotin
Aught that was good for the heart o
The henrora should pour their feelings oat
Tu a loud "Amen" or to godly shout.
Three children had they, all henget boys,
Whose youthful sorrows and yoathful
They shared, ire your loving peronte will,
While tending them ever through good
and ill.
One filly.--'twas n bleak, cold Sabbath
When tbo sky was chalk and the earth
forlorn -
These boys, with a attrition not ko roam,
Were loft by the older folk at home..
Dat 8011800 had they gond when the wood-
ed frame
Was seen by the tall stove•pipa aflame,
And out of their remelt, high, high and
Rosa the red coils of the serpent fire,
With Ota 110(1 sight foe a while they
As the pipe grow hot and the wood•worlc
blazed ;
Then up, though his heart beat wild with
The oldest climbed to a shelf o'0rhea(1,
And 00011 with a !portal and bras of
atee m,
The flame cried out like an angry dream,
When the mother and father oarno back
that day -
They had gone to a neighboring church
to pray -
Ettch looked with a half avortal Dye,
Qu the sudden doom whioh had just
pealed by.
And thon'the father began to praise
His boys with a tender and sweet amaap.
"Why how did you manage, Tom, to
And quench the threatening flames in
To save your brothers and save your -
Well, father, I mounted the strong oak
By help of the table standing nigh."
"And what," gnoth the father, suddenly,
Tuning to Jemmy the next in ago,
you to quiet the fiery rage ?"
"I brought the pail and the dipper too,
And so it was that the water fluty
All over the flames and quenched them
A. mist came over the father's sight,
A mist of pride and of righteous joy,
As he turned at last to his youngest boy -
A gleeful urchin scams three years old,
With his dimpling cheeks and his hair
of gold.
"Come Artie, I'm sure you wore'nt
Now tell mein what way you tried to aid
This light with the fire." "To small am
Artie replied, with a half -drawn sigh,
"To fetch line Jemmy, and work Lilco
Tom ;
So 1: atoocl jest here for a minute dumb,
Because, papa, I teas frightened some ;
But I prayed, 'Ont Bather ; and thon-
and then
I shouted as lona as I could, 'Amen'."
Motherly Finn nods.
Two boys in bed, Jim (to Tom) -
Take your old feet away, now.
bin, -flint burtin' you
Tom -You use gutting over on my
Tom -Are.
Jim -Story.
Mother -Children, go to sleep.
Torn -Jim keeps on a prattle' hie old
feet on me.
Jim-Ainb, maw.
Mother -Jimmie, take your feat away,
Jim -Ouch I Maw, Tom pinched me,
Mother -If you dont go to sleep I'll
come there and whip you both.
Jim -I mint done -quit that note 1
Mew, make Toni quit tryin' to cut me
with his old toe nail.
Mother -Tommy, behave yourself.
Tom-Ainb doiu' nothin', maw.
Jim -Are, too, maw.
Tom -ABA -ouch 1 Maw, Jim's a
pinabin' me.
Mother -Go to sleep this minute, or
I'll oche there and whip you both. Not
another word oub of you. Just another
word, if you dare.
Jim -Gimme my pillow.
Tom -Take your old pillow. Ouch 1
Maw, Jim's a kiokin' me.
Mother -Didn't I tell yen I'd whip
you ? Never mind, you shan't go down
town with ole to•mortow,
10,CAi:N'I'I GIC.
Fifty•ono metals are now known to
exist. ]tour hundred yearn ago only
seven were known.
Geologists eonalder kerosene to be ani•
mal oil. Mouse what we baro in lamps
is the romaine of long extinct monsters
of the earth.
Ioe i0 accumulating ab the north pole ;
some day, it is alleged by some scientists,
the earth will full out of balance and
man will be utterly ennihilatotl by the
rush of moving objects.
It was Prof. Ilufoland'e opinion that
the limit of possible Human life might
be set ttt two hundred years.; this on the
general principle that the life of nearly
all living creature: is eight Canes the
years, mouths or Weeks of its period of
Divers in the clear waters of the tropi.
cal sea find that fish of different colors,
when frightened, do not all dart in the
same direction, but that each different
hind takes sbeltee in that portion of the
submarine growth 0101tre01 to its ardor.
Many of the stars are heavier than Dur
MM. Icor example, Miser, the middle
star in the tail of the Groat Bear, is forty
times as heavy as the sen. To the naked
Dye there are five or six thousands of
these helvonly bodies Visible. In all
probability there aro worlds revolving
uronnd them.
Experiments are to be made with a
light brick for interior partitions, earl.
Ings and other places where crushing
otrongth ie tot required. With ordinary
clay and sand about fifty per cont, of (Inc
sawdust will be mixed ; thebrink will be
melded under heavy pretence and thou
burned until the sawdust is consumed.
spore one if you are really 'Waging, bit
of 094100 yeti won't talc, the largest and
0 ; 1110 beet ?"
i Ile stepped down and selected all
' Miele Itb0nt two feet long and in u• heel -
bating manner inquired -
"If you would only eprinitlo a little
pepper on bide I would bo forever rate.
I 6
ft's rather bolsi in yon to ask it, hitt
1 snpposo 1 con sprinkle on a littlo-a
very little," she replied, an elle got the
11epopn t'iporngfy. ani dusted his luncheon very
lie started to move away but seeming
to recollect something he turned and
"Y;ou eeelnso benevolent I'll mak you
to sprinlcle on a little salt as well, I like
my teiolcs mooned up pretty high,"
You area bold man, sir, and its plain
you have the appetite of a glutton, lint
1'11 give yon a bit of salt aid thou you
must bo gone," she replied.
When the Miele hail boon duly salted
the men oxprosned hie thanks and didn't
move away, file game was not working
to snit him. Some Mike would not have
stood there and seen him bite off the end
of a big icicle, but the girl did. And
further, when he hesitated to go, elle in.
clignently ogled out :
"I know what you want. Yon now
want me to warm the ioiclo in the oven
for yen and then pet on some mustard,
but I'll never do 11 I"
The plan moved slowly out of the gate
and as he threw his icicle at a passing
dog gave utterance to hie diognstin
bulguage puaoturorrl entirely with slug•
.t It/t'11ltLan • 1N LOVE,
nols 1118 seat upon the throne. '.C91n
mornbeee of the Senate aseemblod, and
the m0111bere of the blouse of Common('
were summoned to the Chamber of the
Senate, Llls hixoellency wire pion -god to
eloec the third sossdon of the Seventh
Parliament with the following speech :--
Rau. (tnonenen of the Senate; Gentlemen
of the House of tIoinimoda
In relieving you from attendance in
Parliament for Ode year, I congratulate
you upon the energy and promptitude
with which you have disposed of the
duties of the !motion jnot ended,
The Assembly alt Paris of the Behring
Sea Arbitration tribunal gives reltaolt 10
hope that the differences whioh have ex.
feted between the Government of the
United Status and the Government of the
Dominion are npproaobing a satisfactory
adjnatment, while the nomination of the
Prime Minister of Canada as one of the
arbitrators nllords a guarantee that the
interests of our !calors will bo properly,
though not unduly, safo•guarded.
The treaty of eouunere0, which was
negotiated with France on behalf of Cen.
ada, has beou laid before you, together
with the oorrosponden00 whioh passed
dnriug trio negotiations, but owing 10 the
late period of the session at which the
treaty cvas received and the pondonoy of
0OrliO1uniaati0ne a0 t0 its bearing i11 re.
apeot of the most favored 3111100 trent.
menb, and the interpretation of certain
of its clauses, ley Government has
thought it advisable to postpone for the
pre00ut ite ratification) by Parliament.
I thank you for the ample provisions
you have mane to protect the country
from the possible introduction of cholera,
and I trust that the precautions taken
will result in guarding against any clan.
ger from that source,
Tho liberal provisions made for the
proper representation of Canada at the
World's Columbian Txposition will, 1
doubt not, enable this country bo melee a
worthy exhibit of her r0sorn'000 and pro•
geese among the nations of the world.
The various acts yell have placed
upon the statute book will contribute to
the Maintenance of public security and
the continued progress of the country.
Gentlemen of the House of Commons :-
I thank you for tie liberal provisiona
you have made for the requirements of
the public service.
tioe. Gentlemen of the Sonata ; Gentlemen
of the house or Commons :-
I feel with deep regret that the period
of my official connection with the Do •
1111nnlon is drawing towards its olose, and
that in all probability I am taking leave
of yon for the last time. Lest this
should be the ease, I desire to avail my-
self of the present o0oasion to express
my abiding interest in all that coneerne
the welfare of Canada, and my sincere
affection to her 'people, Who have never
failed to testify their loyalty to the per,
son and throne of our sovereign, and to
show kindness and eonsidertetion to her
representatives. It will ever be my
sincere doaire to be of service to the Do.
minion, and I shall continue to obsrish
feelings of the warmest solicitude for the
welfare and prosperity of those amongst
whom I have been placed clueing the past
five yearn. I pray that the biasaiuga of
Almighty God may at all tines attend
Progressive dinners are still frequently
given. A simple way is to have the
ladioe'cards arranged of a salver and
handed around betve0u courses for the
men to draw from.
It is a mistake to wash the hair too
often. Once it week is decidedly too
frequent. (nee a month would be better.
The natural oil is washed out, impoverish-
ing, the hair, making it dry, and often
prematurely gray.
To polish slate floors, use a smooth,
fiat pieces of pumice atone, then polish
with rotten atone. Weeding well with
soap and water once a week ie usually
enough to keep the slates clean, but by
adopting the above method not only do
the slates become polished, but any stains
are taken out.
Those who ate not so fortunate an to
have velvet•lined oases for their silver
apoone and forks can protont them in this
manner ;-Take a strip of the heaviest
canton flannel, wide enough so that after
laying the sp0oaa and forks on it the
cloth can be folded over them ; thou
stitch a band of the material to the up-
per part of it and fasten, leaving spans
or loops through whioh to Blip the silver.
A mixture which is excelleht for re•
slaving grease spots and atoms from
earpeto and ulothiog is made of two
onn000 of ammonia, two ounces 01 white
uastilo soap, one cameo of glycerine, one
einem of ether. Out the soap in small
ilieue8 and dissolve it in one pint of
vnttcr over the fire ; than add two quarte
of wean. This should then bo mixed
with more water, in the propot'tion of a
tea0upfnl bo one ordinary sized pail of
water. The solid ortioles are throe wash.
01 thoroughly in this. If grease or oil is
spilled on the carpet sprinkle flour or line
meal over the spot (10 soon a6 possible,
let It remain for several bouro•and 11 will
absorb the grease.
Lemon stains on cloth luny be removed
by washing the goods h warm soapsuds
oe in ammonia
The grease should always be shimmed
from all Senpa. Long and slow boiling is
1100809a1y to extrrl011 the strength from
the meat. If boiled fest over a very 1106
fire the meat bee0nleO hard old tough,
and will 1101 give out its juices. The
cook olionld 08130011 8011p slightly, a0
more can he added if nommen-1y, while it
is it11pos8ible to remove it.
811E WOU11i ,'r1 UREA'.
A day or two ago when a servant girl
opened the aide door of a bonne on Sibley
street, in response to a tramp's Recoil,
her face looked so bind and benevolent
that the hungry man had no doubt that
a good dinner awaited him. He had,
however, laid out a certain program and
he the afore began :-
"My dear woman, I haven't had any.
thing to eta foe two days and I wanted 60
cele you if you would 0pi1r0 me one of
those icicles 0111011 have fallen from aha
eaves 't"
"Well, 1 dunno," she slowly replied ea
she looked out. 'I tuppooe we might
A bachelor in love loses a dimple on
two, growsmelanoholy, reads poetry and
looks at the moon ; le nervous about his
necktie and his gloves ; consults his aunt
as to what kind of hats gide most ad.
mire ; changes the style of his frequent-
ly, bat is never satislied.
His countenance he as ohangeablo as
his neokbio. Nov elm has tangled, and ho
is radiant ; now the has frowned, and he
wears a furrowed brow and looks in at
the apothecary's windows and thinks of
If his 180nclress sande him manic n
bosom not quite perfect it grieves hhn to
the heart's core. He presses the most
golden haired damsel without a glance,
His llognets tare anonymously aent to the
object of his adoration. He is hourly
afraid of revealing hie condition 01 heart,
but makes it manifest un0oneoionsly to
all beholders, Fiendish passions dwell in
his breast. He nears that she has been
at the opera with young Walking, and
wane to hill him. He says tioreely in
society that he approvea of deelliug and
that should lie call a man out he would
aim at his heart.
tie would like very much to work hard
and make a fortune, but he cannot do it.
He horrifies his employer by entering as
item in the ledger "1,000 Angels.' 110
is seen to cheep his brows suddenly at
dinner time to the horror of the waiter,
who, believing hien to be choking beats
him on the book mud offers him water.
1 -le goes reptitiously to theso•oaded glair.
voyants, who dosoribe "a light-0onlelect.
oil young lady, sir, and her face turned
your way, end her heart de her hand, if
o nly you can get over the cr000 betwixt
11e thinks the crass is young Watkins
and growe dangerous.
Suddenly you see the bachelor in love
amazingly altered. He smiles, looks
happy, eats comfortably and nods to his
old enemy Welkinl. Theo 700 may bo
sure that ho has somewhere In his bosom
a pertain carte do visite and that the
original of the picture bus bloshiogly
advised him to "sale pa."
A woman cvibh two ehildr00, after din•
Ing in a Texas restaurant, discovered
that she had lost hot pocketbook. The
proprietor was in the not of having her
arrested 80 a fried when a man walked
up and offered to pay the bill. Both
looked at each other as though they were
aogttaintecl, lint neither voice. Once
they had been man and wife, but had
been divorced about ten years ago.
For Particulars
Settlers' Trains
mend to your nearest nailroacl
Agent and obtain a copy or
ss rv; 6FactserarBv'tdrr
Agent, Brussels.
1898 —FLAX— 1898
Haven limited number of Iln011ela of the
- Men 11817!011 SUED
lOnr farmers in tin 9101»ity of Oranbrcok
who itend raising' Fax duringseason, which they are 11re1114redt to deliver
in quantities to 0dit flux growers,
(tan be 001 at 61.10 nlOANnitool( 011 on Afirr,.
Seed given out on the lomat 101100, Order
}tarty f0 ensure a simply.
Por pax grown from this Sited ,ytr0 Peionm
wdi bo paid, If of gond growth, harvootod in
propos 0oaoor, and delivered at the Flax
Affli as eerie m0 lit for th reshfug,
We winding ic number et good sod fields
for the puree%) of growing it
CAMERON 101108„
PropeIeterp (leatibrod)1011 tlitt
111".110 I11H 88'00t0lt,
Guobnu, Morph 25tb, 1070),
¥-our best remedy for
E-rysipelas, Catarrh
Rheumatism, and
C`"w.i ofula
salt-Rheum, Sore Eyes
J'.-bscesses, Tumors
R-unning Sores
S.'curvy, Humors, Itch
A-nernia, Indigestion
P-imples, Blotches
A-nd Carbuncles
R-ingworm, Rashes
i-mpure Blood
L-anguidness, Dropsy
L -Iver Complaint
A -ll cured by
, ;,., , 9 .Pro
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer ee Co., Lowell, Afass.
Sold lly all Draggles. Price St; six bottles, $S.
1014FOs Others, will cure you
- -TO P1111—
bliss MoPherson,
Takes this early opportunity of
returning thanks to the ladies of
Brussels and locality for not only
their presence at her
but for the number of sales made
and orders taken.
The latest and most Fashion-
able Millinery Goods kept and
satisfaction assured to all pur-
Those who were unable to get
to my store last week will be wel-
comed any day that may suit
them. Our whole stock is 1100
and well bought.
Trimmed Hats from $1.00 up-
Fashionable DSilliuer,
Stratton Block, Brussels.
C� Rstaiirat
I have opened out a primo stock
of new Confectionery, Fruits,
Nuts, Canned Goods, Tobaccoes,
Cigars, &c., in the
Ironstone Block.
000110cl, Raw or by the Glass.
Rot Tea and Coffee
Served at all Hours. Lunen
Room. Everything neat, clean,
and sold at close prices.
Pickles by the Bottle or Quart.
Salt and Fresh Fish.
TEOS1 F0101E11;1
Practical T to7trauc7„er
aiuZ Jeweler°.
Thanking the pnblio for past favors and
support and wishing still to 80our0
your paerolago, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from lilotablished and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by us.
Crooks of the
Latest Designs
Limnos Gam Realest
r:W'Alaa a S!'nll Line 0f VIokine and
Violin Strings, &o., in stook.
N. BB.- 410,1N* of ;Marriage Liceasea.
T. Fletcher, Brussels,
baying been troubled with Dyspop,iu
--whish caused tieing of considerable
inn the stonutch forl
some mime pe
est, Hand
hating found clothing to give me any r0.
lief, 1 at last 1pr00111er1 a bottle of
Williams' Royal Crown Remedy, 0111011
gave me immediate relief,
1 '1” Wier,I.tll I31ein:N,
1110OYAL ('5(O N 10838097 MRS ALL.
liamlr,ron, Deo 0 1800_.
Xt., Maas 1l'?l1iaarx, honden, f1711
Dear Sir, -.After suffering for 10ug
time, with Pains 111 nay baolt, extending
to my lower parts, oleo no ambit/nn to
do ley daily work, I was induced by Mr.
Iiiokell, to try Royal Crown IRemedy.
After taking two bottles, and pills as
directed, I consider myself entirely our.
ed, and can hiphly recummed your med.
eine R. C. la and pills, to do all you
slain them to do. Yours truly,
1112 - Surma Brae, 177 Cannon St. Bast,
lava) 1(n11 Htearmttips,
Profit Portland, Pratt Ilnitfax.
April 1.
P a i-siia n ...,..... April ian t 113. April Ni,
Alongolian. April '17, April 211,
Sur, 31roln Ala,, trnal, Prone Quebeo,
ltnian Way n. daylight. May 7.
First cabin, 0101 i f41 auc1via 1811803ds TraliraX—
; returrn,
1105 and upwards, Second cabin, single, 010
Steerage at lowest. through rates, from
New State 0! 0ehreell Glasgow,, il ceiling l'irstnCabin,
8.1d; return, 800.
For further particulars ire to railroad
rates, berths. Ac., apply to
AGENT, BRCSSELs,u( proprietors.
• u'or,
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A, Hunter,
Division Covert Clerk, Brussels.
NO bushels of Bost Dutch good
Nor farmers in the vicinity of Brussels, who
intend raising flax during the caning sea -
HMI, whioh they ore prepared to deliver in
guanti11100 to suit ilex growers. Gan be get
at the Brussels Flax 2)111, w.7f, 3I8Crnoltet's
gr'ocer'y stole, Brussels ; Win. nail's Wel-
ton ; D, Zimmer's, Oraubrook ; J, AI, Nle.,,.
11010811's (vow Store), Ethel ; J. J. Vitt*
em,t's, Jamestown ; end wan. Alessur•s,
l3luevale. Hoed given out at ai.5n per
and 0110010 a on
,v Jlo rnee f(',rown rani
this sued,
} 10 Pee Ton will be Pllid.
If of gond growth, harvested 13 proper sea-
son nu,1 delivered at the Flax 41111 as soon as
At for threshing, we will also rent a mum -
her of good Sod fields for the propose of
growing Jinx.
N. B. -Farmers are strongly [Vivified to
POW M1012' 11140 ou gond land, well plowed nal
harrowed, not on low lauds, end LI a yield
will be from a too to a ton and a half per
acre inure, tine grown on low laud Will u.+t
glow fibre to sive the Weight,
f�p i®� ® ��f�r�. r IV 0..l1ACDONALD Actuary,
anaging Director. 3 i
Capital and Assets, $5,000,000
New Insurance, 1892, $3,670,000
Insurance at Risk, $022,595,000
Policies Non -Forfeitable and In.
• disputable after two years.
Gains for 1892 over 1891 in In-
surance, Written, $755,000,
Or over 25 per cent.
Insurance at Risk, $1,978,000
Or Nearly 10 per cent.
Assnranee Income, $18,678
In Assets, 878,931$
W.. . i , E -LJ .J� 1176 , •
(' 1.
ro- ,• tis AND
is to the front with a full line of Daly Goods consisting of General
Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, Canned Goods, Flour and Feed,
and everything generally kept in a first-class Grocery. I amu pre-
pared to meet the requirements of the public in a straightforward
manner. Call and sec before buying elsewhere.
Cash Paid for Egg's.
Highest Price for Butter ancZ Poultry.
My Motto is Snail Profits and Quick Returns. Hoping to merit
a share of your Patronage and Confidence, I am
Yours, &c.,
t.T. E C.S.. M ..t..0.J.
Geo. Barker's old Stand.
1 lof
a Yl-
The atterattoa of the Pablr,o is invited to orfs• well
assorted stook of Boots and Shoes.
To Look Well HOW 18 IT
Ie more the roeult of good judgment THAT TII11
and taste than more lavish use of money.
My stook of
Boots & Shoes
Is adapted to fill the wants of those who
having 018ndor incomes, still detain to
make their appearance creditable,
ltiy experience old close relations with
Inannfaetnrere enables ane t0
present 11118ofrt
Unequalled in the county for 0tyle, qual,
ity and price.
DOIRI1 Shoo Store
Is Selling so many Boots 1 Shoes ?
let ---Because they buy from the best
2nd -Because they aro satisfied with
small profits.
ilyd--Because their customers get sat.
dtll--Beea100 they won't sell you shod•
dy goods.
tth-13oeause they stall so algal:.
]any your next pair of Boots or Shoes
10301 ale and give ata a 111111.
Special Attention given to Custom Work.
Don't Mistake the place but go direct to