HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-4-7, Page 5APRIL 7, 1893
.>".,.:•;ewzn 1111 .t:?mectt"-II. t,;.. 17 cf^n(sr_.!xrmrtontTm MI!pasatsxanasretarxevr ISIMOtrsrans
arsavfxtammaas:nee m�s�.s� tatM:tmmavIMsmnE*tASSIII ,rmera:!.n,a m ELWRa
o conte Spring ! You brin.., us balmy air' and blue skies. Under your 1nagic inllience Natllrt; wakes to it new fresh betutty et' liroductiveness. Man :•i,�lt1;= to sten, W 1 is ils' dickens. Everything land everyi od,y is awake and the watnliwo;t'd of talo 100 Qat is activity. Keeping glace with the tinges we are already alert and wide awake
to epee and re pulse 1 i
findincreasing dl'inuinds Of a rushing Spring Trade. We do not advertise 1.t7 catch your trace fur 0 logy or a WUPJS hitt we want, it t'dmi4tantly soli rt'.rlilllrly ts}lt!Ile,•er alis failure
s you needing anything in our line, l We are determined to convince the public more and acre that our store is 0 ;good place to trade. That our goods are always reliable
and that they are always as represented.
Beautiful Spring Suitings, double fold, for 25c.
11, yard. Our Customers will remember that lino of all wool cI lnueres, doable fold, fur 25c. a yard.
SVU buvo another stock of thein the different shades. They tiro certainly 0 bargain and you should
see them.
New Prints in Dark and Light Colors. The N ew-
est Patterns in the. Market and at the Lowest Prices.
Good value in Grey and White Cottons, Towels and Towelling, Table Linens and Tickings, Lnee
Cp tains, Art Muslins and Cretons. Piles of Cottonados, Shirting; and Ginghalns at Bottom Prices.
f �3P
a 11
efr 4
r a1
New Spring and Summer Suitings, Tweeds and
Worsteds, Fancy Partings. That -job line of Scotch Tweed is going fast. We have iV good Tweed for
85c. a yard and another line at 50c. They are the BEST value we have ever offered.
New Stook of Shirts, Collars an& Gaffs.
Our Hats have Arrived. They were Imported
Direct from England for us. All the Latest Shapes. Prices away clown. We will guarantee any hat
with our name in it. Call and see them if you want a hat—we can please you in Quality, Style
and Price.
�,. Orr� 7
ala HOES.
Our Stocky was never Better Assorted and we
are in a position to serve you well. We a1i111 to keep the prises low kir a good article.
We carry the Low Price Eastern Goods in stock awl soli tlielli as Ch ap a; fn';ouc, ball: a low price
Boot is not always the Cheapest. We like to sell you a good article, it's pokey e11 our part. We are
here to stay and want you to come again—Any bigot we recommend that iIou't turn out right we make
an allowance. When yell want a pair of Boots give u8 a trial—We ask nothing more.
Last but not Least is oliil Readymata 0lothijia Department,
We have Always made a Specialty of Clothing
and aro loaded up for this Spring's Trade with the largest stock we have nail since the Fire. Stacks
and stacks of Suits for Men, Youths ami Boys. We buy in largo quantities and are in a position to
take advantage of any snaps that are thrown in the market in large lots—
In fact we carry one of the largest stocks in this line in the County. Have had large experience in
buying and don't take a back seat from anyone. If you want a suit for yourself o1• boys bring them
along where you can get a good assortment. Also a number of lines at Wholesale Prices.
Remember we carry Suits for small boys and can
fit anyone from 3 years old., up.
Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs.
war,•—,,,., rn7,R, , r t e 12 ,, ,..:,•. x=r, ====.�
istrct 'Balm
Nal ton.
Horse and cattle Fair hero on Wednes-
day of next week. Prizes will also be
awarded in certain classes.
The fall wheat has conte out from un-
der its Winter coveringlookillg very well,
except around the fence or in other
places, where the snow lay heavy, it is
Sr. Gronos's 0111/11011.—The annual
vestry meeting of the above church was
held last Monday. In the absence of
Rev. Aar. Reilly, incumbent, Jas. Bolgar,
was called to the ohair. The finanafal
report was of a satisfactory ohmmeter
showing the uongregation to be free of
debt. Office bearers were elected as fol.
lows :—Minister's Warden, W. M.
Smith ; People's Warden, Jae. Bolgar ;
Sidemen, J. Soarlett, Juo. Hewitt, Juo.
Bolgar and Jas. Sholciioe. Lay Delegate
to ,`MIMII, J'. Hewitt. The vestry clerk
is W. M. Smith.
C antinbP ook.
A wedding on the tapie.
R. F. Cameron, of Knox College, To-
ronto, is home.
Cranbrook should have some now side-
walks this Summer.
•t in Dames' Hall on
The council me
Wedneeday of this week.
Mise Blair, of Goderiob, was visiting
at the Manse this week.
J. M. Robertson, of Listowel High
school, is home for vacation.
Mr. Taylor, of Vancouver, B. C., was
visiting at A. McNair's last week.
Stephen Krossler left on Tuesday for
Sault Ste. Marie where he will work at
his trade.
Wm. Stoles has opened up a new
blaoksmith shop and is doiug cult° 0
rushing business.
Mise Nettie McNair and John McRae
are glome for Laster holidays from
Gocloriolt High school.
A daughter of Mrs. Porterfield is very
low now, duo to decay of the bones of her
leg. Someyeare ago she tell, hurting her
knee. Very little notice woe at first
taken of the matter but now it is feared
amputation will be necessary.
Fax Mnnslixo.—Tire annual meeting
of the ehareholclere of the Ontario Farm.
ors' Flax A1Vg Go. was hold in the Agri-
cultural Hall, Atwood, on Meroh 26th.
Tho President, 3, W. MoBain, occupied
the °hair, who, after having itddreeeocl
the meeting, called on the secretary to
read the minutes of last annual meeting.
The auditors' report for the year ending
Tune 2nd, 1822, wits also Dead and adopt-
ed. Itho secretary read a 1 financial
abatement of the .receipts and expendi-
ture since last audit, and showed by
assets and liabilities that the prodao°rs
could get at least 90.50 per ton for first,
class flax for orop of 1802. After eon.
siderable discussion it was moved by
John A. Turnbull, seconded by James
Irwin that the industry be again put un-
der the management of five directors to
be elooted at 1hi0 meeting, Oar1'icd.
Moved in ameudmsntby David Edgar,
seconded by Joseph McLennan that the
mill property be sold if it would realize
50% on paid up etook, or rent it if it will
realise net 5% annually on paid up stook,
Lost. The following persona 'were then RVztam;i1staaa.
Crowell Wilson, jr., of Hamilton, spent
his Easter holidays under the par0utal
nominated for directors for the ensuing
year : Tuseplt Hannay J. W. MoBain, J.
A. Turnbull, .184. Henna, John Graham,
Robt.l'orrest and Henry Smith, Mr.
Turnbull and 11r. Smith having re -
Moiled the other five as named were de-
shared duly elected. Moved by Mr.
Donn, seconded by John Bell that the
directors bo ant1orizad to rent land
whereon to sow flax. Carried, The di-
rectors mot at the close of the annual
meeting. J. W. MOBttin was reappoint-
ed president. The meeting then adj0aru•
.t.bns a'.o ay el.
The Mechanics' Institute have received
a fresh supply of books.
Nightwatoh Osborne has done good
work in enforcing the truancy act.
An order for twelve pianos was remit,.
ed on Tuesday of last week, by the Mor-
ris, Peild as Rogers Co. from a St. John,
N. I3., dealer of high financial standing.
Peter Livingstone had a horse die the
other day whioh had earned its release.
Had he lived till next May 110 would have
been 31 years of age.
Sneak thieves visited the smoke house
of J. Livingston, flax manufacturer, on
Saturday night and stole six hams and a
couple of shoulders.
J. D. Lee, son of Jas. Lae, who for the
past four yearsR
has been attending the
Bellevue Medical College of New York
City, has been suooeseful in obtaining
the degree of M. D.
W. G. H. Gilpin, who' ttotinired his
knowledge of the "art preservative" in
the Standard offino, has assumed the
editorial and business management of
the "'Hastier," published at Hamioto,
The Bank of Hamilton have pnrohaeed
the Bowman corner ancl will thoroughly
overhaul and refit it for a bank.
Tlao pries paid was, we believe, 91.500
and the old bank building worth about
92,000 to 92,500.
J. M. Sehiubein, merchant, has per. I
chased the Methodist p880001age property 1
on Alain et. west, formerly owned by P.
Lillie°. Tho congregation consider the
]rouse too large for a parsonage and
hence have disposed of it. Mr. Sohin-
beim gave 92,000 for it.
The Grand Trunk station was again
made the scene of operations of mid-
night meahttnios on Monday night of last 1
week. Some Lima bowesu 11 O'olo01 that
night and 7 o'clock next morning the
station was entered, the safe blown open
and the cash therein abstracted. Tho
burglars got away with about 9100, all of
witiolt was in rho safe excepting some
coppers, which they, 18100 helped them-
selves to from the till. Entrance was
gained through the freight house and
waitingmoen doors, both of which wore
pried open with jimmies. Tho safe was
operated on in the old•fasbionod way,
powder being used, whioh was inserted
through a hole drilled into 11)10 101) of the
safe, The charge apparently was nob
large enough to blow the door open,
though it 8,1110 considerably shattered,
piok was therefore used as a lover to
pry it open. This and other tools left
behind wore proenr001 from the motion
nlsn's tool house, withal tvas broken into.
From all appearances the burglary ryas
the work of the mane gang who broke into
the station a little ova a year ago, So
far they have eovered up their traeks so
well that their identity is unknown,
Rev. Mr, Wood, of Blenheim, has ao-
oepted to call to St. Pours (heath, Wing -
ham. Mr. Wood will preach his first
sermon on Sunday, April 10th.
The Wingbaun foot ball team organized
last week and the following officers were
elected :—Captain, L. II. Dower ; Seo-
relary, John Allenby ; Treasurer, Chas.
Stun, t.
The members of the Windham L. 0.
L., 701 and R. B. P. 120, a000mpauiod by
visiting brethren, attended service in the
English ohoroh on Sunday last to hear
the farewell sermon of Rev. E. W. Hugh.
es. There were about 160 Orangemen in
the procession. The rev. gentleman tools
for itis text the 12th verso of the 83rd
Psalms "Blessed is the nation whose God
is the Lord and the people whom he has
chosen for his 0800 1nhe•itanee." He
gave it short history of the Orange Order
for the last two hundred years. He ex-
plained the reason and object for the
different degrees and finished by thank.
ing the Orangemen for their many favors,
both pahli° end private, which he had re-
osived from them. In - the removal of
Rev. Mr. Hughes from Wingham the
Orange and Black Lodges end the Tem
peran0e Calise loses one of their strongest
adv0001tea. Mr. lass P roahes in ].ees-
water next Sunday and duos to Adelaide
the next week, whio11 parish 110 will look
after, The collection taken up at the
Orange 0er0100, which 11113.0 anted t0 over
twenty dollars, was presented to Mr.
Hughes oe Monday morning by a com-
mittee from the Orange Lodge.
li:31 at a vaalc.
Thos. McGuire left on Tuesday for
An eye (looter paid our village a visit
last week.
Joseph Leech is visiting his brother,
Rev. Geo. Leech.
Mrs. Robb. Leathern spent the Easter
holidays with friends in Hamilton.
John Harris, who has been sick with
inflammation of the lungs, is around
George Gannett has a new daughter at
his home. The young lady arrived on
Master W. 13. Stewart was spending
his iE'aster holiday's at hie grandma's—
Mrs, Thyme's—Morrie.
Mies Cross, of Moorefield, has gone t0
Swttn Lnlce, Manitoba. She ie a sister
to Mos, A. Bruoe, of this place.
R. and W. 11. Stewart, jr., have Rona
to Toronto to attend the sobonl of Pod-
agngy and pass Moir final examination.
We wish them the 08000as they deserve.
Airs. Robert Sibbald, who has boon ill
for a long time, died on Monday morning
of last week. She was born in Howiolc,
wetland, eighty six. years ago. Mre.
Sibbald was it member of the Presby.
teri0n oltur011 and tans respected by all
who knew her.
The home of Mr. MoNwan, Principal
of thetPoblie 0011001, has bees invaded by
death taking his infant daughter, a fete
months old. The funeral was on Tiles -
day at 2 o'eloolt. Another of lite family,
it bright girl of eight years, is lying very
ill with inflammation and but little
hope of raoovopy is entertained. Asir.
Motlwan end wife have the sympathy of
the entire oommuuity.
James Timmins has meld his store and
dwelling here to Joseph Leech. The bar-
gain was completed last week. Mr, Tim-
mins has rented the store from the pur-
chaser for one year and will be prepared
to supply the neacls of his immorous cus-
tomers at right prises as in the past.
Aire. Owen Hitehoock, 100turerfor the
I. 0. G. T., will preach in the Methodist
church here next Sabbath at 3 and 7 p.
m. and will lecture on Monday night fol.
lowing in the same place. A silver col-
lection to defray expenses will be taken.
Airs, liitcll000k conies under the auspices
of the District Lodge, I. 0. G. T. She
is a clever speaker and well posted.
The Easter service of song in the
Methodist 0110 Mil here was in every way
eucoessfal. The choir, nncler the efficient
leadership of J'. J. Denman with Mrs.
Timmins at the organ, Bang the 0110100
selections with spirit and understanding,
lifting the minds of all to the miracle of
history—the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Notwithetanditlg the very bad elate of
the roads the horse was filled in every
part and all seemed pleased and profited
by lie delightful service. Tho pastor
trade a few remarks at intervals clueing
the singing, touching some of the lessons
to be learned from the resurreetion of
At Simeoe Judge Street, in response to
B. B. Os
isleapplication, agreed that
the Freetnane at Gh
the caeca of ,
charged with the murder of Constable
Hankin, would not be tried at the conn.
ing assizes. The application for change
of venue stands for the present.
— —'r0 TlIE-
Takes this early opportunity of
returning thanks to the ladies of
Brussels and locality for not only
their presence at her
but for the number of sales maclo
and orders taken.
Tho latest and most Fashion-
able Millinery Goods kept and
satisfaction assured to all pur-
Those who were unable to get
to my store last week will be 11e1-
coned any day that may suit
them. Our whole stock is now
and well bought.
Trimmed Hats from 1.00 up-
Fashionable Milliner.
$treated Blook, Brussels.
We have decided to clear out our
Complete stock of
You know what that means. It
means Bargains for the Masses,
We have a Complete Stock of -
Spring Dress Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Shirt -
Tugs, Clothing, Etc., and remember -
Do you want anything in our line P
If so call early before the assortment is ;one.
Bargains in Every Lane„
Bargain Store, Brassels lark
Produce Taken Itis Cash.
tY „/. w Nl1V,