HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-4-7, Page 44
New Advertisements,
Local --Misses llonro.
locals ---11..1. S„n g,
let yttl ('town lh•uu•,h'.
Locals- -Dr, ,1. C'..\) or.
Local --,his. llalhut,) ut .
u0 Days--AIo'i. A. liusc,
Thanks -11iss :11ephereon.
Furniter•--I1. L,atherdale.
Pink fills 11, A, i)eadmtut.
License District -J, It. Miller.
New cheap Sim, -(bud Ilros.
Notiee uo credihrr --.hast 1'nitmt.
'I'n Dairymen -liallai tyue k \Vilton.
Notice to c: red here ---1)avid Campbell,
Archibald C'ttutpb,11,
(? lel �41�llsa�l�t 1,�t7i.
FRIDAY, iI.11i, 111, 181113.
Cr; x•.
Spring plowiug is to the front.
John Askut wee away Iaat \rash visit•
ing his brother', at llarhh,uu.
11re.'Phne. Heritage, o1 London, be
visiting old friends in this locality.
James M. Robertson is home from the
Listowel iliglt School for hit vneution,
IN Ili.; Lizzi„ Mtt,atchlin, teacher,
Loudesboro,' was home for bee Easter
J. Wallace, from Essex connly, vette
viettiug at Itis uncle's, Adam Sltuldice s,
lith ten., last week.
MoAllieter and John McGavin,
of the 11th con.. spent Sunday with
friend- on the 9th cou. of Morris.
Another wedding is expected to take
place iu the near future oo the lUth line.
watch nu ail you will find oat the itt-
terestel parties.
\V�l. Smith, formerly of the 111th con..,
is renewing acquaintances in this locality
at present. He now resides in the
vicinity of Guelph.
Robt. McKay, who had his leg broken
some weeks ago, it; slowly improving but
it will be a while yet before he will be
able to get about,
Miss B. Sellars, from the vicinity of
Belgrave, and Charlie Sellare, of God.
e, ioh high Sebool, are spending their
Easter vacation in this locality.
C. Bowerman, of Mitchell, who taught
school in (irey township for a number of
years, has successfully pas -ed the recent
Intermediate Examinatiou of the Toron-
to Dental College.
Pttrn,u>u',—Alesauder Rose, Int 11,
con, 2, takes no back seat on stock rais-
ing. This Spring so far five Shropshire
ewes have presented bim with thirteen
line lambs, all alive and doing well. This
is a record bard to beat,
Wm. Brewer has leased the 100 acre
farm belonging to Richard Chapman,
0th con., for a term of 5 years. This
farm is immediately North of Mr.
Brewer's own lot, Mr. B. is a big farm-
er. Richard Mitchell, who has had Mr.
Chapman's farm for the past three years,
has moved to his father's farm on the
0th con.
I-It)nniEtc.—Last Tuesday Rev. D. 13.
McBee, of Cranbrnok, spoke the word,
that made Conrad Eug'e, of this town-
ship, and Mies Annie Menzies, of Mc-
Killep, hit i tt i and wife. Hearty con-
gratulations ate extended to Mr. and
Mro, Engle for a emouth and happy sail
over the matrimonial sett. They should
look oat for "squalls,” however.
Hamilton, Richard and Thoe., (deceased)
George, John, Henry, Mark, 11re, Thos.
Hingston and dances, Mr. Cardiff died
on May 7tlt, 1863, aged 70. Airs. Cardiff
was a consistent member of the Episco•
palian church for many years. In the
absence of the inenntbeut of St. John's
church, Itev. 1:. W. Hughes, of Whig -
ham, tank charge of the service. The
funeral, on Tuesday afternoon, wits
largely attended, Among the friends
from it distance were 13. 13. Smart and
daughter, of Sarnia, and Richard Ham-
ilton, of Milverton.
SCt1000 Rrromr, No. 4, Goer.—The
results given below show the standing of
the pupils in their respective classes for
the quarterly review examination, end-
ing ltlareh 31st. Names are in order of
merit. Fifth class—Willie Bryant] ;
Senior 4th—Mary Rae, Oliver McInnes ;
Junior 4th—Russel McAllister, Annie
McAllister, Mary Jane Lynn ; Senior
3rd—Jessie Rae, Jennie McDonald,
Annie Bryant), Reuben McInnes ; Jurtior
3rd—Albert Cook, Joseph Molliu, Willie
McAllister, George Malnnes Senior
2nd—Mina McAllister, Lorne McKelvey,
Edward Jaoklin, Eliza Cutt, Fred. Dry -
ane, Jeanet MtCutcheon ; Part Second
Sr.—Andrew Mann, Magpie McDonald,
Clara Bryane ; Part Second Jr.—John
Fraser, Tommy Rae, John bfullin.
R. McDna,\an, Teacher.
Ourr.—Margaret Dnffieltl, relict of the
late Mark Cardiff, died at the residence
of her son James m Sunday last, at the
advanced age of 78 years, heart failure
being the 0311s0. Deceased was born in
Wexford Co., Ireland, and came to Can-
ada when 10 years of age, malting her
home in Kitley township, Leede County.
She was united in marriage to her late
husband en Deo. 24th, 1831, and they
moved to this township about 34 yeare
ago. Mr. Cardiff purchased 200 acres of
land, viz., lots 3 in the 7th nod 8113 cons.,
from Jno. Arnott mud a 51r. McDonald,
respectively. There wore about 30 acres
oleared on each lot. IIy hard work and
the practice of economy eu00ess attended
their efforts, Mrs. Cardiff wits universal-
ly respected and her kindly face will not
soon be forgotten. The subject of this
notion was the mother of ten children,
eight of whom aro living, as follows :—
ere. Jas. 'Williamson, Mrs. Henry
Jas. Dick, of Kippen, has purchased
the Carroll hotel, Seaforth, for 413,000.
OIr. Dick takes possession May 1.
Seaforth had a little flood last weep.
One lady in the flooded district attempt.
ed to leave her home in a washtub, but
the cranky boat upset and the lady was
treated to a cold dirty bath.
The people of Hanover were greatly
surprised on Tuesday morning by the
annoancemeot of the death el Joseph
Scarborough. At 10 o'clook Monday
night he was apparently in good health,
but a little later three doctors were
called in and before 12 o'clock he was a
corpse. The doctors pronounced it a
case of apoplexy. Being an apple ex-
porter, Mr. Searborongh had a large
circle of friends throughout Ontario, who
will be sorry to hear of hit death. He
was a member of the Independent Order.
of Piorstters and was bnried by that
sooiety on Thursday. Deceased was 20
years of age and leaves a wile and three
APRIL 7, 1803
our,iwahi,4= gmato' w.,,a,..umm " .7 seerea- n.,\7 aisasuik, Se ora T'rv2014111011118157.i� 8katalUSIS SISSIO7.SIUSZ '1 t. S. ,.uG-a rv.1' ,W4.1241G.:1=ZSMISIS=SIOSSiF.SISSLISSNRAR/aSalatm
E2. TT 88 Hl Li 8.
Grand Opening Sale on Frida'i and Saturday
and Following Days.
We Have been for several clays opening up the finest stock of
New Goods ever displayed in 13rttesels. We invite yon to visit our More tmd WO will
OGS ) on sheet bargains as will make oat' Opening Stile memorable trod the New
Cheap Stt re famous in Brussels,
The Nt w Clouds at the New Cheap Store consist of Ladies', Miesee' and Child-
ren's Pine Boots, Shoes and Slippers in all the now unlore and materials, Gentle.
Wren's Fine Laced llalntorals, Congress, Gaiters and Oxfords in 1)ougola 1iid, Cor-
dovtut and Calf. Working Shoes for Foetuses and Mechanics ---Stroup, ttettt, durable
and cheap. Boys' and Girls' School Beets very Cheap. Unr Boot and Shoe stock
is well worth the attention of all intending pnrcltasers.
Chinaware, Crockery and Glassware in Tea Seta, Dinner Sete, Toilet Sets,
Water Sets, Lemonade Sets, Fancy China plates, Cups and Saucers. Panay
Cheerers; Goblets, Lamps, ,4c. Doti't fail to see oar Handsome Goblet„ et .lo. caoh,
in feet don't With inspect this elegant stock of China, Crockery and Glassware.
MRS. TUFTS, Manager.
Butter and Eggs Wanted.
We have a Largo Stock of
SAP PANS, &co.,
All made of First-class Material.
oofing alit Save Troughing Attended. to,
Of 311ussels for the Season of 1803.
Begs to announce that her Grand Millinery Opening
will take place on
And Two Following Days,
When will bo shown, without exception, the Largest, Choicest and
most Elaborate display of Millinery ever seen in Brussels. Our
Accomplished Milliner, Miss Green, has been at great pains to se-
cure all the very Latest Noveltios and we fool justified in saying
that never before has she shown such excellent taste. We most
cordially invite every lady to soe our lovely goods which we cannot
describe in an advertisement.
We will also show at the same time our New Dress
Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, Feathers, &c., &e. Our whole
stock will be vet -y complete, something to suit everybody. A very
nice Hat of the Newest Fashion, full Trimmed, can be had as low
as $1.50, and Good Girl's hats, suitable for School Purpose, as low
as 20 Cents.
Remember the date of Opening, Thursday, April
6th, and don't forget to come. We will be glad to see
E. RO : E
BRUSSELS, March 29th, 1893.
It is impaseiblo to rue bnsiueee with-
out causing talk by the opposition, and I
find the more business I do the more
they talk,
After this when you hear any person
speaking againet my work tell them I
took lot Prize on Baggies et 'Wingham
Fall Fair hist year.
If that don't abut them off tell then
I got let Prize at Settforth fair in 1892
for best Buggy.
In case this don't quiet them inform
them tlutt 1st Prize was awarded my
Buggies at Belgrave Fall Show last year
and I have jest as good loge in the Shop
110W as were ever shown.
Should the above facie not satisfy
let them know that Jas, Walker took 1st
Prize on Buggies at Wroxeter Show in
18113, and that he can sell more Buggies
than any one in Brnssels.
If every one don't admit that
walker's is the nesx place to bay their
Buggies, Carts, Sea., tell them that he
took five let Prizes and two 2nd Prizes
for his work at Brussels ]fall Fair last
Seven let Prizes an Buggies in one
season is a record hard to beat.
This is Plain Talk and I ask you to
come to my Shop and prove the Truth.
fulness of what I say.
The Shops are crowded with stock
and the largest exhibit of Buggies and
Carts ever shown in Brussels may be
seen at my business place.
Repairing is wood work, painting or
trimming promptly attended to. Call in
and get prices. I will not be Undersold
on any iirst.alass work.
Remember the stand, opposite the
Town Hall, Brussels,
Carriage Maker.
_ USS'E .�
�T1JP� E
.1s House Cleaning r is at hand that is the time there is always 3
sonluthing wanted in 1,1y life. A Bedroom or Parlor Suite, an'old
Lounge 40110 over and I node its fitlotl as new, or some of .our now
Patent 11•iutlow Shades required.
I have the largest and best assorted stock in the County and
its i buy for spot cash 1 defy competition. Look at some prices :—
Good Kitchen Chairs for 80e. ; good Parlor Chairs for 55c. ; good
Booking Chairs for 90e. ; Bedroom Suites 1'or. $7.00 and upwards ;
Sideboards for $5 00 and upwards ; Bedsteads for $1.135 and up-
wards ; Parlor Suites for $25.00 and -upwards. Everything sold at
Very low Prioez for 30 Dayz,
During house cleaning time. The invoice of a new and well assort-
ed stock of CURTAIN POLES to band—Stock here in a fo\\' days.
3 Curtain Poles all complete, a new design in ends, for $1,00.
It will never pay you to put up your old Winslow Blinds.
Come and see my Spring Shades, nothing but the best Cloth and
Springs used. They are, by far, the cheapest considering the
length of time they wear. Put up and warranted to work at very
Low Prices.
1 keep a complete stock in all its branches. As the warm
weather is coming on now is the time an Embalmer is required.
Having taken Diploma on embalming at Toronto Medical School
from Professor itenouard, all work intrusted to me will be properly
and promptly attended to either night or clay.
I buy instruments for spot cash and buy them right. As I do
not peddle tlleni from door to door and do not pretence to run them
alone as a business (having lots of room and no expense) therefore
I can give the public the benefit of close prices. Don't buy until
you get my Figures.
Special Attention to Repairs,
11itAiv7r",cTURaD E1'
Each returning season. brings us the gratifying intelligence that our store is steady
growing in favor, and that it is Anchored in the Confidence of the business pub-
lic. We now have pleasure in calling your attention to our Dress Goods Department,
and nothing iu Brussels begins to compare with the collection of New Dress Fabrics
shown by 'us this season. We are Certain that no Dress Goods stock anywhere within
your reach can be more favorable to you.
This Season are very pretty in Pattern and iu quality, we are confident you
can got no butter goods. Wo invite the Ladies to look through this Department.
We have had our Mantles in over a week but telt weather has boon
so cold w0 thought wo would not say anything about them until it got a little more like Spring. Many
merchants say there is no money is Spring Mantles and directly wo cannot say that there is, but our
progressive methods will not allow us to carry only profitable linos. The Newest Styles aro Here as
usual—Couldn't keep store in the Spring without them. Come and see if we have 0110 t0 shit you.
Wo passed into stock Yesterday our importation of Kid Gloves, and among
the lot you will find some very pretty linos.
We have doubled our stock in this department this season and you
will find it the most attractive stock ever shown by us.
Op posits American Hotel) Brussels.