HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-3-31, Page 88 THE BRUSSELS POST alesammaesszeossegastraseatrazaweveresareentes _ ini3i,111T SIMPLE 903110 problems that are very simple are not alwaye underetood. Of course there are some people who from lack of education or prom toe, will not under- stand. It should be plain to the readers of THE POST that there is it gain by loon- ing the oust of manufacture, as explained before. 01 course combinee, as a rule, advance the prices of good e manufactured by them, but before they do this, they mot conteol the manufacture of all each goode. Now, when the great Wall Paper Trust was formed in the U. S., there were one or more lirms that did not unite with them In order, therefore, to com- pel these to do so, the Trust did and do sell at a price that those outside cannot compete with them and will no doubt be compelled to join them. Wall papers, in the U. S., for Sono years, have been sold at a very small margin of profit and fur anyone outside of the combination to give a discount simply means to charge an advance price. We do not maintain that the prices of Wall Papers will be as low next year, but we know that the corn. Ideation goods are all right this. We would not have purelmeed from the com- bine but "Goods bought well are half sold," and while our customers have the benefit of cheaper goods we have that which comes from increased cototn. Will you share in the benefits ? G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &a. DRAM/ TRUNK RAILWAY. sof-rum:a EXTENsION W. G. & D. Trains leave Brussels Station, North ami South, as follows; THE POST for the balanoe of MO for 41.00, lo ethane% Dont borrow ttoy longer. Dox'a forget the milinery openings. See advertisemente in To POST for oorrect dates. Tim best thanks of Ten POST staff are due to George Brewer, of Morris, for a get/et-Qua simply of prune eating apples. Plonamsser arrangements are Wog made for 0 series of races on the Bruit. seta Driving Park to wine off some time 111 J Annamittaxo Keno, who YfaS a familiar obaraoter in Brussels some years ago, died at Seaforth last Monday. He had been an poor health for some time. Carr. Won and wife were called away to Marthnsville, Lanibton Co., owing to the illness of Mrs. Winn's mother. The eoldiers will look after the services in the barracks hero. P001 Br,—A. meeting of nil interest- ed in the re.organisation of the Brussels Football club for 1803 will be held at the QUeell'S Hotel an Wednesday evening of next week at 8 o'clock. Rex. J. Roes, 33, A., has purchased a Rudge bicycle from G. A. Deadinan. It 10 wLat lo known as a full roadster. Mr. Rose intends utilizing the eileut steed in his pastoral work after he has learned to ride the 'knitter." THE quarterly written examination of Rnox clinrola Sabbath school on the prac- tical teachings of the first quarters les- sons was held in the above mentaoned church last Saturday afternoon. The scholars are examined on two leading teachings seleoted from each lesson. tax incipient fire was noticed in time, on Monday, to save s, burn out at the posloliice. A spark is supposed to have dropped into the wood box, where some pieces of paper were, in the apartments occupied by J. S. Smith, upstairs, and was making great headway when sup- pressed. There were no members of the family at home when it ocourred, henos the greater danger. Goma Sooril. MGomel honan. VIBE BIIIGADE.—A meeting of firemen ExpLtMil ress is aim a 7:e2 am, I ixed 9:45 Sim Was 1,eld on Monday evening in the nixed .01,90 13.311. Bspreas teas I a, Connell Chamber for the election of officers and the traroaction of other basis _ 0000. P. Scott, who has been Chief for 311:ai an 11 isjytg 11-ans, years, declined re-election. The follow- -'„. s' -'-'•-aas•so. 1119 p: atom seers, choseu to the reapeotive offices :- - A chiers arcane ye takin" notes, A. Currie, Chief ; An' faith he'll prout it. 1. C. Ross, Captain ; Flats Jackson, 1st Lieutenant ; CLEAN 23E. SATPRDAY of this week is April Fa. I's day. WHEELED vehicles are once more to .130 front. Howse Fair on Thursday of next wt. It. Come to it. Goon Friday will be generally observed as a holiday. Jas. BaLassrtratt has purchased a new bicycle, the new Rapid. THE po,totlice will bo open on 0.3od Friday from 4 to 5 o'clock p. m. DON'T bon Ow THE POST any loner,- as 51.00 will secure it for the balance of 1803. Couxen, meeting next Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Board of Health will meet at 7:30 sharp. ' Tan Maitland river was very high for a few days this week, The foot bridge was endangered but stood the test. HEALTH INSPECTOR IIIMADPOOT is already on the warpath and the watchword is, and will be until the work is attended to, "Clean-tm." A. CorELEY has sold two Brantford bicycles already this Spring and, like Alexander of old, is now hooking for fresh worlds to conquer. lizoromers are cautioned about riding at Et razing gait on the sidewalk. The value of the limbs of pedestrians must come into the calculation. Tnn first Allan Line ateamer of the season—"The Sardinian"—will leave Montreal on May 6th at daylight. W. .11. Kerr, Brussels, is agent. Conatnnewto with Saturday morning of this week the town bell will be rung at 7 a. m., noon, 1 and 0 p. m. Constable Broadfoot will attend to this duty. LENTEN service is being held in St. John's churoli each evening Sale week. Rev. Mr, Lee, of Atwood, assisted the incumbent on Wednesday evening. MANE StmGESTIONS.—Now 18 the time for persons who yearly and fault with the list of prizes given by the Agricul. Mira! Societies to hand in their segos - tions. 111 18 a patent fact that nearly every list in the country requires revising, and thoroughly too. 0171i TEACHEBS.—Principal Cameron will eat hie Easter eggs at Luc:know, Miss Braden has gone to Linwood. Miss Downey le holidaying at Listowel and Hanover, and Miss Cooper will enjoy a visit with relatives and friends at Clin- ton. THE weekly debate of the Young Mans' Conservative Club, on Friday evening of last week, was on the respective merits of Monarchical and Republican forms of government. The Monarchists were short handed, only one of their speakers being present, and the chairman decided, on a oonnt of points made, that the Republicans had the beet of the debate. There will not be a meeting this Friday evening. Ir is due to those interested to state that the canvas made for assistance toward Mrs. Williams being gent and cared for et the Toronto Hospital resulted as follows :—Collected by Mrs. Dennis and Mrs. Rosnig, 312.95 ; by Mrs. A., Sinclair, 412.50, total 425,45. Out of that a single ticket was purchased to To- ronto (339.90) and cab 13010 (31.00) to hos- pital paid. The balance la held by the Reeve in the meantitne, he having sent a guarantee to Toronto for seven or eight weeks board at $2.80 per week. The operation of removing cataract will be performed by Dr, Reevee free of charge, by special request of De. Graham, Denoitange.—Deborning is beaomieg more isommon since the appointment of the Commission to 00011801, 3,110 cruelty or otherwise of the practice. Until last Satiirday a bovine belnnging to G, Deflation was possesewl of a filo 1)0119 11 horns bet as she was too numb "the boss of the ratich" 1351 vilar veterinary, Waratiok, Ward enesged to reincve them. irlm animal did not approve at the idea and that it was painful there can be no donbt but she partook 01 11831 dinner although the operation wee per- formed only a few minutes before, sloth smeared with pine tar was plum( over the wound but as it mutated much uneatioess it was removed. This cotv le a Canadian bred which has a reputation of being an enormous milker. Mr. Dead - non fa keeping her to experiment by mewing with the Joreeys. The latter have always been afraid of her, Iler loss thetef 0310 will bo their gain. Noble Gerry, 2nd " F. S. Scott, Secretary -Treasurer ; 11 W. Diatom and D. alolienzie, Engineers. Reel a:o. 1-8. Jacksou, Watson Ainley and 'J1. James. Reel No. 2—Noble Geljy. 1. T. Ross and Joe Ballantyne. Reel No. 0—J. G. Slone, B. Gerry and W. Albley. Coal eart—L. Jackson, A. Crozi.o. and J. Pugh. Branehmen—A. McNeil, A. McKay, 38. McDonald and IC, Scott. A deputation was appointed to wait on the Council. The questions of a better fire alarm, quarterly meetings and re -arranging of the Brigade generally were discussed, lansoacrtox or ST3IPATITY—The follow- ing resolution was passed by Court Alt-aandra, No, 24, C. 0. F., at its last meeting :— To Mrs, Charles Mitchell. We, the metnbers of Court Princess Alexandra, No. 24, Canadian Order For- esters, wish to express our deep sympathy with you in your sad bereavement. God in His wise Providenoe has seen fit to remove from you a dear husband, but He who "doeth all things well" bath takeu him away from a world of trial and suf- fering to that bright and better world above where pain and sorrow are un- known. Please acoept our sympathy and may He who has promised to be a "hue. band to the widow and a father to the fatherleas" ever comfort and sustain you and your children in the hope of a glorious reunion in the heavenly home above where parting is no more. Signed, 011 behalf of the Court, WALTER SMITH, R. S., ADAM Penne, F, S., War. ELAsHILL, D. D. H. C. R., ADAar REID, CHAPLAIN', Business Locals, SEE my add this week. IL 3. Strong. Flout fish arriving daily at McAlpine's. Mi pans 41.00 per dozen at 33. Gerry's. 5 14.quart pails for 41.00 at B. Gerry's. Loon out for R. Leatherdale's advt, next week, Fon your photo go to Strong's over Standard Bank. Am, kinds of tinware made and repair. ed at B. Gerry's, CLOVES, Timothy and fresh garden seeds at MoOracken's. Tun low prioee for cabinet photos will continue all Perry's. LATEST cabinet photographs, best finish, 31i per doz. at Stroog's. SAP pails 58.00 per 100 ; Spites 41.00 per 100. 13. Gerry. Fon eale, cheap, one set second hand ablate harness. I. 0. Richards. SUITS for men and boys are now going fast. Why not join the procession at D. C. Ross'. STILL a few of those 410.00 and 311,00 suits left. Call and get one before they are all gone. D. C. Ross. Clsar, and get ono of thoee nobby and fashionable hats before your Size is gone. D. 0, Roes, The Hatter. THERE 15 no reaeon why children should be allowed to suffer from loath. some scrofulous sores and glandular swellings when Ruch a pleasant, effeotive, and economical medicine as Ayer's Sar- saparilla may be procured of the nearest druggist. Bs sure you get Aye's, .Anmen TO INTENDING SETTL01124.—Re• port of delegates from Maritime Provin- oes.—We would Pay unhesitatingly, go to Manitoba or the North-West Territories. There you will soon empire property and take your pleats as 8 part of an indepen. tient fammug population, instead of ito- tanning, if yon go to the Eittffea, mere operatives, getting, it may be, fair wages for the present, but making little, if any, provision for the future. THE BIBIAL 0ssit.-13rantford, March 27t11,—Aroble Itymal Who Was diecharg. ed from the hospital hero sorno 1113118 090. as incurable, suffering from a. compliaa tion of diseases, resulting from dimmed kidneys'bits beort cured by Dodrl'e Kidney Pills. Ills ease is the current talk of the town. So far WWI ho run down that ho lost the powor of his tome and logs, also tho =solo of hie nook, and Wee as helpless as a ehild. 130 la now a strong, healthy Mall again, and never tires talking of that Wondorfel remedy which sowed his life. Sur up stairs and have a look at photo in gelltfry. If. J. Strong. Munn., 0 good quiet delving horse in trade for herniate. I, 0, Richards, haw jump seat boggy for Bale oheitp. Apply at TUE PORT PlibliShing House, A 124110E assortment of proceed and 13011123 made tinware at 13. Gerry% latter canons from 40.29 1111. 13. Gerry. Dar wood wanted, either 1301811008 011 stove wood. Apply ab Tnn Poor Publieh- ing House. No unnecessary tranefers and re-cheok- ing when you buy your tickets of Grand Trunk agora% Br your Manitoba tickets at the 0 T 11 depot and have your baggage clunked through to deetinatton. Come one, 00111 0 all, and give us It call. Beet photos are always oheapest and Strong's is the pleas to get them. GLANCE over my am and sea photos to be had for 0319 110111311 and 13 half. a J., Strong, Photographer. GEEHE feathers wanted. Apply to R. Leatheadale' Brussels. 111 will take more thnatalkto bent the facts presented in ;fames Walker's advt. this wok, He is the leading carriage builder in 13ru08e18. Tun low prioee for cabinet photographs have been snob a great encoess we will continue them a short time. 0. E. Perry. PAIR of gentleman's buckskin gloves lost or left in some store. The finder will oblige by leaving them at Tnn POST Publishing House. WET do We do the best trade in town ? Beoanse we keep the largest, nobbiest and cheapest shook and turn out the best lite in town. D. 0, Ross. Pr has never before been possible to get in Brussels snob a selection of 8.1. woolens or ench superb garments in fit or finish its you can get from D. 0. Ross. DONT fail to see tho line display of buggies and carts at Walker & Eivan's shops on Horse Fair day—next Thurs- day. Call in and eeo J. T. implement 811011 00 the same clay. "Fon 0 long time I suffered with stomach and liver troubles, and could find no relief until I began to use Ayer'a Pills. I took them regularly for a few months, and my health Was completely restored."—D. W. Bathe, New Berne, N. 0. Elsomeit Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused humps and blem- ishes from harem blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweoney, ring -bone, stifles, sprains, all swollen throats, eta. Save 550 by nae of one bottle. Warranted by 0. A. Dealunto. 311313111113310 OPENING. -0 nr Grand Spring Millinery Opening will take place on Thursday 6th of April and following days of the week. We will be pleaeed to show our immense and varied stock to every lady waling on us. Moans Rotate, Smale's Ws/La-Dream AND Dantante.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar. ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in 13 way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terms reasouable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Ternberry et., Brussels. 34-tf Hol ha,1 ha 1 Who ever heard of a combine lowering the price of goods to the consumer, whether it be a shoe lace, a washing machine, or a roll of wall paper ? The American Wall Paper Trust allow 10a' off if you buy exclusive- ly from them. °Biro & Sons sell oheaper and give 15% off. Why ? 1st, beoauee they do not pay $20,000 into the Trust; 2nd, they sell direct to the trade and save the jobber's profits. Come and inspeot quality and prices at W. Rod- dick's Wall Paper Emporium, Brussels, CLEARING SALE.—We have deoided to clear out our complete stook of dry goods and groceries by June lst. You know what that means. 111 12)015)10 bargains for the masses. We have a complete stook of Spring dress goods, prints, ginghams, shirbings, clothing, etc. and remember everything must go. Do you want any - 111111194 10 001 1100 ? If so call early before the aesortment is gone. Bargains in every lino. Produce taken as mash. Alex. A. Rose, Bargain Store. 41.00 :-19. Meese tinware for 41.00 — 1 la -quart pail, 1 30.quart pail, 1 °Inert pail, 1 Dish pan, 1 RIM( pan, 1 Pudding pan, 1 Tea Drawer, 1 Wa811 bowl, 1 Dipper, 1 jelly pan, 1 Pio plate, 13. Gerry. 530MSZS.. Minuatt.—In Brussels, on March 22nd, the wife of Rev. D. Millar of a daughter. WRAY—Mtwas.—At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Wm. Minee, of Grey, on March 15%, by the Rev, W. F. Brownlee, Mr. J. A. Wray, of Howiolt, to Miss Martha F. Mines. Cox—Lam—At the residence of the bride's father, on the 21st inst., by Rev. H. A. Newoonthe, Mr. W. 11. Cox to Miss Lizzie, daughter of Mr. Wm. Lake, all of Grey township. NAnon—Louonnen.—On Wednesday, 15th inst., at St. Paul's ehurolt rectory. Wingham, by Rev. E. W. Hughes, Mr. David S. Naylor, of Iaast Wawanosh, to Miss Mary Ellen, daughter of Mr. Wililani Lougheed, of Week Wawassoith. ..ttarremmeiw M.as.,X.osam. TUESDAY, APRIL I LTH,—Parril attlk, implements, household furniture, ate. Lot 15, Con. 5, Grey. Sale at 1 o'clock. Wm. Bather, Prop., George Rirkby, Alma Wtotinsoar, April Ia.—Farm gook, its. plemente, &o. Lob 32, Con. 14, Sroy. Rale oommenoes at 1 o'olook, Alex, Ontlthertson, Peon. V. S. Sott, Auct, TUESDAY, April 18,—Parm stook, im- pima,* tte. South Lob 28, Con, 4, Morris. Sale ab 1 o'clock sharp. GeO. Brewitr, Prop., GOO, Kirkby, Ano, Moseranan, Maack 27.—About 1,000 head of butchers' cattle, 5 octaves and 00 mutton orittere, with about a dozen spring lambs, were offered at the east end abattoir to -day. There was 3» largo representation of butehere on hand, and trade wto pretty brisk, but prices were Iowa Some of the Woe drovees Mato that prices of extra beevea Were lower to- day than they have over seen them at MAR. 31, 1893 IMZEOSIVIMAIMICILMEOGOIIIIEZOFLIMAIM,Mi ST4ND4.:12.1) 134X.fr C4X,I.D,4, =,-10'Z'..3-13=13=122120,01711. HEAD OFFICE. - TORONTO. ASSETS, - (Seven llilIion Dollars) . 57,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) - • 42,000,000 Amides in all principal points in Ontario, Qurber, Manitoba, United Slates Rag/land. allEn'effeSSZO Reamate. A General Banking 13u0ine0e Transacted, Varnters' Notes Discounted, Drafts Toned and 001180t:ions node on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTNISPIT, Intereat allowed 021 deposite of 41.00 and upwards' from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded hair yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THEE COLLECTION OP FAMINE& SALE NOTES. Evory facility afforded Customers Jiving at a distance. W. D. START, MANAGES. enumnenono=amamomonvonoososeronomenotrammomem MIMES 13.6.1110EILS, 1372,uss-E3Ps Transact a General Baniting Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FA Ram as, NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. 5a33°gaw's igaMi Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Pear, 3301319 Added to the Principal a 1 the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. 1E4 elfret to lypitu Insurance in Old English er Canadian Companies, or in 131113. WU Companies as mil' he deSlred. 3.0e YOH CANADA AND UNITED STATEs : Tu CANAMAN BANE OP COMMERCE, • any previoto Easter market in Montreal. Extra beeves sold 03 11103)1 43o to a little over 5o per lb. and So per pound. was Raked ill a few eases for fancy animals overloaded with fat ; common to good butchers' cattle sold at from no to 45o per Ib. ; large fat bulls at from 33o to lie per lb. and one extraordinary fine bull 37138 80101 at 5ac per Ib. and 91 over. The best solves and slieeE were bought up be- fore ranching the Market, excepting two very fine calves which were bought for 354. Ono dealer bought 11 extra calves at 43o per lb. and 48 yearling lambs at 43.35 per 100 lbs. Another dealer bought 80 oholoe yearling lambs at 55o Per lb. ; spring iambs sold at from 43.50 to $6 each. Pat hogs continue to sell at from ate to 63c per lb. EAST Bram°, N. Y., MARCH 28.— Cattle—There was a fair supply of yester. day's unsold cattle on the market and 013O Car of fresh. The market wars weak and dull, Sheep and lambs—Five cars on sale, hardly enough to make a 1111111110131 sales generally at yesterday's prices. Hogs—Tho receipts were light, only 5 cars, but about 20 oars, including 9 decks of Canadiou fed stook, were carried over from yesterday; the de- mand was very light, packers not being on the market at all, having bought about .3,000 bead yesterday ; ofew of the best bogs were sold to a Boston buyer at 37.- 80, but the bulk of the sales were to York men, who got good weight Yorkers at 47.- 40 to 47.50 ; the light weightlots dragged 88 57.80 to 47.85 ; a few good quality 0001111,7.108 hogs sold at $7.25, but any- thing of the western kind was not (pot- able above 57.10; roughs, 46.75 to 47 ; stags, 45.50 to 46. Lomma, Moan 27.—The Mark Lane Express, in its weekly review of the British grain trade, Faye : English wheat sells at from 22s to 28s per quarter in tbe western and north-western mar. kets. La London the price is 28s 18. Foreign wheat is little changed. Tho red sorts are 6d in buyers' favor. Both California and ordinary rets wheat are saleable in London for more money than in Antwerp. Russia is now sending to Great Britain 100,000 quarters weekly. In likely to send as much after Easter. There were 2,770,000 quarters of wheat on passage on March 25th, Corn is firm in half the leading markets, 2vir.21.MIC=ITM. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Peas Oats Butter, tubs and rolls Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel.... .. . Potatoes Hay per ton. .. Salt per bbl., retail, „... Hides trimmed .. Hides rough Sheep skins, each Lamb skins each ..... Apples per bag Wool Pork 62 58 30 55 28 16 12 3 00 50 7 00 1 00 3 60 65 50 17 7 00 04 CO 85 00 80 17 00 3 50 00 00 00 1 00 00 00 18 7 50 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 0 ANTED.— A SERVANT Girl, or girl about 131 or 18. Apply 111109.3.3. riorim, l3ruseels. BICYCLE FOR BALE.—THE Tindersigned htte a Budge Model D. Bicycle, almost new, to sell et a bargain. Guaranies complete, with LA Pone Pneu motto Tsres,mud suaree, Sic. Apply to A, I. al GOA LL, Btuasels, 15RESSMA.IIING, hiss Belle Iiivingstou desires to in- timate to the ladica of Brussels and 8111!. )!011bdillg °0310t -IT that ihe is prepared to do drestmaking oither at her home 1 mile north eiBrussels or at their Manes. A fit guaranteed, BELLE LIVXNGBTON, DILL1B BRED JERSEY off for sale. Bred from one of tbo best milking 011133100 311 Oanacht. Apply to 3,1t. Barren:Cs at A, Matey & Ca'a,, hardware Rom, Bruenola, E a GS FOR DATOBING FOR . SALIN—Eggs of Pere Bred 1{1110k Min- or efts, und White Legborma from Whoa. 111 co's 1,051 Otral 0, 31,00 per 501.33119 110), Al- so 1 trio of Meek inOralle, 00012 110 relation to hens, and two Leghorn 00e11e11e10, All of host stook In Ontario, tf WOl, TIARTRY, Seaforth. TERSEY BULL FOR SER- ey 3111'T3.8(001) for 010 01031)1013' 30 toot mining to the front It win tety you to lova e100800 With Era 01211321 P.3 11011 00WO if yoil 11O95 mob. Por furthee particulare apply Drug and tOOlt Fame, CLA,PF,ALMAN, Bruseele, VARMS FOR SALE.-92HE UN• nunstexam 31130 0090110) good Farms f Or 139.10 and to rent, easy terms, 111 Townships of aforris end Grey. P 3, SOOTT,Brassels. 3740, ralOICE FARM FOR SALE.— Being South ball Lot 37, coma, Mortia. 100 acres, nearly all cleared. Good bnildings, line young hearing orchard. Tmumiliate pos- session. Easy Terms. Apply to W. SIN CLAIR, tf- &Molter, 90,111,008018, 20 (i ACRE PAEIll FOR SALE. 1.) The 100 8.0110 farm, being 1015 )1 and 13, can. 10, Grey, Is offered for sale. 120 acres are cleared and the halation 'troll tim- bered. Buildings first -ohms. °milord, won, 30. School house within 40 rOaft. PORROO- 13 1011 017011 03 03100 11 desired. Vor further particulars 00 30 prion, terms, 30. apply 110 MRS. WALLE 2.141 Roseville P. 0. or NELSON BRICKER, ou farm. viAnAl FOR SA.L J.: East Lot 15, Cum 0, Groy, containing no 00300 111030 Or less, 81 mires °leered, and free from stumps, newiy seeded and 111 good shone, 0 acres in Fall Wheat and put in well. There is about 0 acres of hush, part hard wood, end part cedar and the halftime 19 reams, lend. There is a never failing suPPIY 00 3111(3011, one well at yard and a spring in tbo bush. Place is drained and well fenced with eerier fencing. There is a gotd frame house with kltelien and wood- shed attached, a gond frame barn on 13013E8, Buildings are comparatively now, good or, oltax-1 mud garden, school house right 3(5 1003' door. 3 miles from post office and railway. 01131100 how Brussels. The farm is 0 corner lot and nioely situated, Tho lend is good and lies nieely and can bo bought very °heap as the owner wante to any a larger plains 'Parma reasonable, For terms and portion- 1-1rs apply on premises to owner, Will, 0.11ABIZER, 31-110 or by letter to 0113103 1). 0, QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. 113 11131110 tat. 11 end 12, 000. 18, Township 01 0111831, County of Huron, containing 000 mires, the property of the late john Robert- son. 100 acres cleared and free from ob- structions, 113 acres bush, mixed timber, balance partly cleared, Soil olay loam, mostly rolling, Palmed with straight rail fences and watered by two wells and a sp in g privilege. COmmodieus dwelling housoorith largo woodshed attached and nn excellent miller under house. Two largo barns, stone stabling and other outbeild- ings. l'wo good boariug orchards, orna- mental trees and small fruits. 41 miles from Brussels, 0137013 town on the G. 3. R., convenient to wheel, churches and post otlice. This property lies well, IS a nrst- class grain and stook farm and Should he seen by intending purclinsere as 311 (0 offer- ed at a bargain. For further particulars apply to MRS. JNO.11013118T SON, or DANIEL ROBERTSON, on the premises, or by lottor to Ornabrook P. 0. 139-4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 114 THU lirATTEll OP THE ESTATE OP WILLIAM CAMPBELL, LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OP GREY, IN TEM COUNTY Or HURON, 5230. MAN, DECEASED. Notfoo is hereby given pursuant to Obap. 110, Seotion 80 of the Revised Statutes of On. *aria, MK, that all creditors and others hay - Ing any 8103108, 11008 Or demands against the estate of William 0 ampboll, late of tho said Township of Grey, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the thirtieth day of Janu- ary, 4,03. 1993 are required to send by post , Prepaid or deliver to Masan. Darling & 111e - watt at the town .of Listowel, In the County of Perth, Solicitors 201, 030114 Campbell and Alexander Alexander, both of tho said Town- ship of Grey, yeomen, the Administrators of the personal estate of said deceased, ou or Wore the nth Day or April A, D. 1893, their nalneti, fiddrOBSOO and descriptions, tile 1 011 319.31111001008 of their claims duly verified and the securities (if any) 31818 by thorn. And take notice 'that after the said 17th day of April the said Administrators will 0000080 00 distribute tho assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notioe shell have boon given 00 abovo re- quired and the said aaminIstrators will not bo liable for tho said assets or any part thereof to any pergola or persons 01 whose Maim notice shall not have been root:lived fte aforesaid by the said administrators at the 03)05 01! such distribution. Dated 3111 1,181101100 this 100)1 day of ltlaroll, A, D. 1803. DAVID CAMPBELL, AZ/SUM:Ma ALBXANIMR, ol said Estate. DAUM() & 131,13WETT, their Solicitors. TMPROVED LARGE WEHTE YORZ. ELEE33113 BOAR. The undersigned win keep for service WS present 800.8011 the Improved largo white Yorkshire pig "Ready' on lot 30, 11031, 9, Morris, to which a limited number of sows will be taken, 2.0ornal 31,00 to bo paid at time of ROM100, 'With the privilege of return- ing if necessary. Pedigree may be soon •up. on applioation, 13013130,33 NICHOL, 1001 Proprietor, VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, Moor Graduate of the Ontario Vain Mary Collage, is ProPutod 10 tran't 1111 tilmiages of domesticated animals lu 13 oom- patinas manner. Particular attention paid to voterluttry dentistry. Calla PrOmPtias, tonded to. 05100 mud m Infirary—Two Oors north of Wage Tureborry at., 800eee10, VIN MT IS MR TOO 0001) Got the Best WALL PAPER p.t the Lowest P11C08 at Pepper's Drug Store, Lots of Paper at 50, per Roll. PRICES TALK. LEGAL MID CONVEYANC.'NG. RL, TAYLOR, BARRISTER, . Solicitor find Conveyancer. Collec- tions ]115d°. 0010—Yamstone's Meet-, Brue• sole. 33.310 -T 5115. SINCLAIR, VT • solicitor, Convoyaneer, NOtary Pub - lie, &a, 0illee—Vanstoro2s Block, 1 door 11003,13 of Central Hotel. Private Funds to Loan, _ . . CIAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, N...J Barristers, Solloitors, Notaries Public, Godeiloh, Ont, 51. a. CABIERON, 33. 100310, 1)0I)L811 180311) 110. AUCTIONF.ERS. ARAYMANN, • AnotIoneor, la always reedy to at- tend sales of farms, farm stook, ite. Terms oheerfally given. Cranbrank P. (7, Bales may bo arrstmed at Tun PosT Publishing House, 13110 000)9, riEORGE KIIUSBY, 'la Licensed Auctioneer. Solea conduct oil on reasonable terms, Perms nod farm stook 31 speofaltv. Orden lett at Tun Pon Publishing House ,Bru nee's, or gout to Welton P. 0„ will receive prompt attention. T_TAVING TAKEN OUT LICEN- A.J. an as an AuctiOneer, 10111 prepared to 001131000 Roles 03 10110 stook at reasonable KnOwing the stowing of nearly every 'wimp 2 tun tu a position to aeli to good marks and got goo,13 security when Sold on credit, Satisfaction guarantee/1. Give me a oath 32- r S. SUOTT. BUSINESS CARDS. MoCIIA.OKEN, • Isnarer nfttarrliegn Licenses. 003e° 0.01,10 Gr000ry, Turuborry street. Brussels, N. BARRETT, JL• Tonsorial Artist. Slum—Next door eolith of A. af. McKay On's hardware store. Ladies'audchildrous Lair cutting 5. 91)00311107 A MaNAIR, xi..• Timmer of altullage Licenses, by appointment of Liout,•Governor, Commis- sioner, &o., 33.33. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance Co. Oillee at the Cranbrook Post °nice, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- INSIMMcon, FIRE AND MARINR. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Pourth Division Court 08, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Panda invested end to leen, Collections maee, Ofilea in Graham's Block, Brussels. PA. (AIL INTING, ktiss 11011180, 02 Wingbam, is prepared to give instruction in oil ',feinting. Terme 111117 1,0 nseertained at MISR Nellie Boss' store whore m11111108 Of Work may b0 soon. AIM Merlins would also take a few more 111031110 10 music, rp A. HAWKINS, • Organist in St. John's Church'13rue. Sole, and pupil, in the 4111 01 *Tenehing, of A. W.Thayer,Mus.Dom, New York, Will give lessons to pupils either at G. Halliday's, eor, Xing and John Ste., or if preferred, at their own 1101008. Monday, 9080507 and Wednesday at Walton. Tons moderate. MEDICAL CARDS. T A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. U . o. m., L. E. 0.P., Edinburgh, 13.0. P S. Ont. Residence and aline in Wilson' Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry 'Sta. DENTAL. 313+ .Laf PC' X Met GE' M. CAVANAGH, 1..- 13.2., D. D. S,, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Mil - varsity, Omen—Over A. 11, Smith's Store. Brooms, License District —OP THE— East Riding of Huron. To the Tavern -Keepers and Shop - Keepers and Others whom it may concern. HOTNE hi hereby given that Applications for Licenses for the Salo of Liquor in the EAST RIDING OF HURON for the License Year 1808.04, Which 001)2- 11100105 033 11)18 100 day 00 03157 next, Will be received by the nudersignod from the pres- ent date up to Saturday, April 1,189S, inoluaive. Applicants must furnish the moue of two good and suilleiont suroblen as bondsmen at the time of making aPPileatiom Any applicant for a 13011 lions° must Inc. 0390 o. certificate signed by a znajOrity Of the cdoetors entitled to vote ab elections for the Legislative 800001 1,17 in %Droning. Sub- division in )vhiell the 1)0 0)01000 sought 00 1,0 licensed are 01)119.0813) 011311 the said majority must ineltule at Toast ono -third or the said etcetera who aro at the time of Buell apPli- otttion reeklente within the sala Polling Sub -division, JNO. 13, DIMLISR, In Op actor. Jamestown, Feb .18, PM,