HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-3-31, Page 66 ,>tttnt 1at11:.Cfj.CtZ1a, C,rocloricsh. GGoderiolt will inaugurate a monthly cool° fair on Tuesday, April 4th. The contract for the repairs at Port Albert harbor has been let to the lowest tenderer, Patriot( Navin, at 010,479. A. Chinese laundry operated by the proprietor of one of the London establish - melee is likely to open out here in a few days, During his visit to Ottawa Mayor Butler was invited to a party given at Rideau Hall and had a that with the GOverltor•Genecal, His Excellency en- quired kindly after the people of Gode. xioh. Qx(rA-n-iu. Dr. Tuck lute invested in anew bicycle. Frei. Edgar had his hand badly crush- ed while hauling wood from his father's bush. Two of the fingers were much lacerated. J. R. Williams has just paralleled a plant of machinery for the manufacture of "Excelsior" packing and will have it in operation in Gorrieas Boon as possible. Thos. Young, sen of the late Win. Young, of Orange Hill, has returned from Hamilton Business College, where he passed a very successful business exam. He intends to go to Duluth shortly to take a situation. W. Doig, jeweler, was hall up last week. While attending to one of his horses not long ago he had his hand saratohed by the tenth of the animal. The injured member swelled and became very painful when it was found that blood -poisoning had set in. He is about again, Mol(->lswort.lA- The siok are recovering from their attack of the mumps. Miss Livingstone, of Brussels, is visit• ing friends arouud here. John o Elliott has bought the George Brown farm for the sum of 41,500. The Orangemen of this lodge purpose building a hall the coming Summer. Their present intentions are to build large enough to accommodate any public gathering that our little village can en- courage to come out to. One of those happy events took plaoe at the residence of Wm. Mines, 2nd con. Grey, on Wednesday evening,' March 15th, it being the marriage of his young- est daughter, 'Martha Ellen, to James Rae, of 73owick. After the eoremony was over a pleasant evening was spent. We wish the young couple their share of this world's pleasure and a long and happy union. On the evening of the 17th of March, (St. Patrick's day,) Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKee entertained their neighbors and friends in their new house. After having a short program of singing, recitations and instrumental music, and playing several games, they had their tea, each having a partner. They numbered over 100. About midnight they dispersed to their own homes, no doubt feeling very tired. We wish Mr. and Mrs, McKee every comfort in their new house. It is one of the grandest in the vicinity, hay ing a cottage roof and being very well finished. Y,n shun o w. Spring Show of Kinloss Branch Agri- cultural Society will be hold in Lucknow on Friday, April 21st. On Wednesday evening of last week Lawyer Morrison and Miss Eaton Whitley, were united in marriage by Rev. W. J. Connors. H. J. Little, who has been assisting at the Lucknow station for some time past, bus secured a positton in Chicago on the Chicago and Northwestern railway. The Monetary Times, of Toronto, in referring to the recent case of Roe ve. Lucknow, the particulars of whieh ft published in full, says it 18 very doubtful if the judge's decision will stand the high- er test of the Court of Appeal. The Oddfellows of this village intend celebrating the anniversary of the Order in America by attending divine service in the Town Hall at 3 o'clock p. nt„ on Sun• day, April 23rd. Rev. Mr. Fear, of the Nile, will preach. The Dropshot Laorosse Club have or• ganized for, the settsou. The following officers were appointed :-Geo. Smith, Captain ; S. West, Treasurer ; J. Yule, Secretary ; Managing Committee, A. Miller, J. Smell, E. MoCorvie. Alex. McKenzie, father•in.law of J. G. Murdoch, has purchased the brick block of stores on the corner of Campbell and Ross streets from the executors of the late Geo. MoHardy. The price was 96,- 000, and as the yearly rental amounts to some 0050 over and above tuxes, this will make a safe and profitable investtnent for Mr. Mckenzie. Cl IAA ton. The next monthly fair will be held in Clinton, on the 5th of April. W. 0, Searle wits out pruning the other day, when the knife dropped from his hand, and fell, point downward, on his boot; the blade want through into his foot, inflicting a painful wound. In response to the request of the Town Council, the Dominion „Government has intimated its intention of in future pay- ing rent for it's Ciolleotor of Customs ; tine is as it should be, and will relieve the town of the payment of abort 075 a year. Recently J. T. Garrote received a letter from ft, gentletnan in the old country, putting in a claim for some alleged re- latives of the lata 'fames Stavely, who, it is stated, "would like to share in the division of property." Like all the rest of the claimants these will bo left its the cold, es the estate has practically passed to the possession of the crown. H. Plumeteel's busineee interests do not prevent him taking an native per- sonal interest in good live stook, ae he la the owner of seven head of line Short- horn cattle, and in addition thereto a beautiful and highly bred Jersey oow, recon tly purchased from the famous herd of Mr. Jones, Brookville. Among other animals is a brood.mare that weighs 1800 Ibe. On the 176h, 18th and 10tH of April the Board of Examiners in couneetton with the Guelph Conference of the Methodist chords, will :moot in Batten. bury Street church, Clinton, to examine probationers and candidates for the ministry, It is expected that altogether there will be between fifty and sixty persona present. It is likely that on the evening of the 18th a public mooting will be hold, to be addressed by some of the ministers present. IMN:ttaA:. While Thomas Brimntaoombe was en• gaged in (tutting loo on the mill pond one day recently, he accidently slipped in a hole from where the ice had been taken. By timely aeeistance from othere he wee extricated from his unpleasant predica. meat, The Order of Chosen F riende, an American Society, not being entitled to register under the Ontario lnsurencs Aut, will have to cease doing business in the province, This society olaime to have a large membership in Ontario. It is unfortunate for its members, many of them for years having paid into the beuificiary fund of the order, thinking that iu their old age, their families would be protected by this insurance. They now find that they wore rooting on an iusecure foundation. We uucleretand that there is 0 lodge of the above named society in Exeter, of about two years standing. As Donald McInnes, of Osborne, was driving hone from town, accompanied by two other parties, a peculiar and fatal acoidene happened to his horse. They were crossing the iron bridge at the North end of the towel, which is com- pletely void of snow, when the horse be- came choked with the breast collar and as if strangled, staggered to the North- East corner, where the nutter became caught in the railing. The aminal then made a struggle and freed itself from the rig, after which it staggered against the fence at the approach to the bridge and rolled down the embankment, breaking irs back, which caused almost instant death. The animal was valued at ;140 and is quite n loss to Mr, McInnes. 't'Veal tong. A PLr$enx-r EvaNtxc.-Tho monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society in connection with the Methodist church of Walton was held at the residence of John Berry, 12th eon„ licliillop, on Friday afternoon, 17th inst. In the evening the following owinprogram p oglaty was engaged in fi by a large company of young people : Opening selection by all, "A Shelter in the Time of Storm ;" recitation, "A Leoture on Temperance," J. McGavin ; Trio, "Birob• nil's Farewell," Mrs. 5. MaGavin and Misses McGavin and Berry ; solo, "The Dear Old Stepatone," Will Pollard ; re- citation, "Edinburg after Plodden," Miss Barrows ; solo, "A Little Bow of Blue," Miss Williamson ; recitation, "A Felon's Cell," Miss Berry ; instrumental, Miss E. Pollard ; reading, "Dead in the Door- way," Miss Swallow ; recitation, "The Old Grey Horse," Josh Pollard ; instru- mental, hies Kinney ; Chairman's ad- dress, William McGavin, sr., after whieh Mise Lou Pollard gave an instrumental, accompanied by Josh Pollard on the mouth organ. A very pleasant evening was spent, when all left for home at an early hour. A Goon SEND Or•P: A large number of the friends and neighbors of Donald Campbell and wife assembled at their residence on Monday evening, 13th inst. In the course of the evening Mrs. Camp- bell was presented with a beautiful din- ner set and silver butter dish and Mr. Campbell was made the recipient of a gold chain. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell were taken completely by surprise, but made a suitable reply thanking their friends for the presents and for their kindness to them daring the past nine years. A good program was carried out after whieh an excellent repast, prepared by the ladies, was partaken of. Everyone spent an enjoyable evening and all join in wish- ing Mr. and Mrs. Campbell every success in their new home. The following is the address : "To Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, - We, your friends and neighbors, cannot let this opportunity pass without showing yon that we deeply deplore your depar- ture from amongst us and in showing our good will towards you. To Mr. Campbell we tender this gold chain as a token of our good will to him, and to Mrs. Camp- bell we tender you this set of dishes as a token of oar love and esteem for you. We do not offer you these presents for their intrinsic value but for the good :will you are held in by us all. Wo trust through the mercies of Divine Providence you and your family may be long spared to enjoy these souvenirs in your new home. Dated at Walton this 13th day of March, 1893. Signed f Mas. McAr, tsrmo. 1 Mne. GAUDINE=. Canadian Newt. The Ayr Advocate has discontinued publication. Paris is asking permission from the Ontario Government to extend its limits. A ladies' auxiliary has been formed to aid the proposed Y. M. C. A. in Belleville. At St. John, N. B., on Friday, a 14• year-old girl was sentenced to two months in gaol for drunkenness. Alexander Buntin, the Montreal paper manufacturer, died of heart failure in Bath, Englaud, on Friday morning of last week. Durward Reid, the 4•year.old son of J. S. Reid, was ran over by a waggon at Hamilton on Friday of last week, and instantly killed. The animal meeting of the Toronto Veterinary College was hold on Friday of last week, when 110 graduates received their diplomas. It is reported at Montreal that a move• stent is on foot to combine the principal woollen mills of the Dominion after the fashion of the onion combine, Robt. Clarke, dairyman, of Blandford, was nearly gored to death by a cow last week. Three ribs and his collar bone were broken, besides his right ear was ahnost cut off.' The gas in Trinity churoh,St. Thomas, wont out on Sunday evening last just as the ushers started to take up tiro collec- tion. A good many of tiro congregation immediately followed the example set by the gas. Fawn Island, opposite Sombre village, in the 131. Clair, is to be boomed for a summsr resort this season. Great im- provements have been made by the owners, in the way of putting up build. inge, fitting up croquet lawns and tennis grounds, oto„ and a find wart has been built, at which the Detroit boats will tall every trip. Notice is given of application to the Ontario Legislature for the incorporation of a company to construct an eleotrio.or other railway from Strathroy to St. Thomas and from Strathroy to some other point on the Grand Trenit between Parkhill and Forest. A . committee of Strathroy citizens has been formed to further the project, and it hat been de- oided t0 raw a guarantee fund of 111400 to meet preliminary expenses. THE BRUSSELS POST NAM DINSISUSSEDSSRDSVASIOISMINIMISINUMNENISNEWINIMIOESESS A detective arrived at Braesbridgo an Friday of last week its obargo of 11. W. Godolpltiu, the defaulting Huntsville treasurer, whit was brought before a juetioe of the peace for trial, Ile mane a statement admitting hie guilt of the charge of forgery and embezzlement, anis wee committed for trial, Two Orange Valley farntors left Flesh. erten village, Grey County, for hone, late one night hist weak, One got lost and was found in the early morning tramping circles in a held. The miter had a team but drove onto the 0, P. R. track and a freight train dashed along, throwing horses, man and sleigh into a snowbank. One of the horses wits !tilled but the farmer escaped. Sitar D,:AD.-A ease of shooting occur. red about 8 miles east of Ganauoque, Ont., on Friday, itlaruh 24, - by wluob Joint Fltzsimnuuts lost his life. The ownership of a house and small piece of land in the locality mentioned and near the St. Lawrence River was in dispute, Fitzsimmons elaluned it by right of poor• chase from all the heirs but one, and Mrs. Joles claimed it as the heir whose interest had 1101 been pnrehased. Throe weeks ago Mra, Jolts and family moved into the house and tools possession of the property, which was previous to that time unoccupied. They lived there un- disturbed for two weeks, when one night John Fitzsimtnoue and three of his sons appeared at the house and forcibly eject- ed the Joles' family, throwing their effete out on the road. There was con. siderable resistance, and the affray was the cause of several charges for assault, oto„ at the police court at Ganauoque. The oases were tried at Gananoque on Monday and Tuesday last, when the Police Magistrate reserved his decision tilt Thursday, Maroh 23. Friday morn- ing he dismissed all but two of the charges anal fined John Fitzsimmons and one of the sons ez each and costs for assault. Wbether this decision was taken as upholding Mrs. Doles' right to the property or not, is not known ; but Friday forenoon she and her 1 husband took their effects back to the house with the intention of moving in again. Charles Shipman is Mrs. Joles' father, and his story is that he happened to he passing the plaoe when his daughter oral son•in-law reached there with their things. They called him to assist them in unloading, and he went over to the house. Just as they stopped at the door the door was pulled open front the inside and John Fitzsimmons appeared in the door- way and forbade them entering. Shipman attempted to parley with hitn and at- tempted to go in the house. Fitzsim- mons then, according to Shipman's story fired several times with his revolver and then beat Shipman unmercifully over the head with it. Shipman retreated and Fitzsimmons retired to an inner room and closed the inside door. At Chia time Shipman's son, who had been hunting ducks, came along with his gun, loaded with duck shot. Shipman tools the gun and, going to the door, called out that he was not afraid mw, as he could shoot, too, He pointed the gun at the inside door expecting Fitzsimmons would open sudclen'y and would be cowed by the sight of the gun. But the door did not open and in the excitement the gun held by Shipman went off, accidentally, as he says, the shot going through the door. Waiting a few minutes and calling to Fitz• simmons, without obtaining an answer they burst open the door and found him lying dead on the floor, the shot having penetrated his chest. Shipman thou tomato Gananoque and surreuded to the Police Magistrate. Shipman was badly out Mont the ]read. His wounds were dressed by Dr. E nory, who probed thein but found no shot. Fitzsimmons was a large man, 57 years old. One of his sons is a merchant and postmaster at Rook. port. ALLAN LINE Royal Ilett steamships, LIVERPOOL AND LONDONDERRY. Prom Portland. From Halifax. Sardinian march 30. April 1. Parisian April 3.3. April 15. Mongolian April 27. April 20. From Montreal. From Quebec. Sardinian May e, daylight. May 7. Hates of passage via Portland orHalifax- First cabin, from 045 and upwards ; return, SOS and upwards. Scoond cabin, single 080. Steerage at lowest through rates. From New York for Glasgow, calling at Derry - State of Nebraska. April 18. First Cabin, 040; return, 500. For further particulars as to railroad rates, berths, 00., apply to W. H. KERR, AuIENT, BRUSSELS. ]2W 111 Miss MoPb.erson, an Experienced and Fashionable City Milliner, has leased a store in the Sti'ettoii Block, B1'u,$sels, and will open up a branch new display of choice Millinery goods for the Spring and Summer trade on Thursday and Saturday, March 80 and April 1. Ladies of Brussels and sur- rounding locality are invited to call and inspect the goods. Miss McPherson had charge of one of the largest Millinery es- tablishments in 'Toronto for 9 years and guarantees satisfaction to those favoring her with their patronage. Don't forget the Opening days. 112An, 31, 1893 Tan 51 THEE. COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. McLEO D'S kIyste x' ;.exi.ov toy -0100 °EDER- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weal( end Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpala- tiou of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Brouohitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY 000ER6CH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufaoturor. Sold by J. T. PEPPER, Druggist, Brussels, P iedLuced Prices -F011- Olui'8pli$ --AT- BRUSSELS. Cabinet Photos, 1,150 & Doz- Our Best Finished Cabinet Photos, only $1.50 per cloz. until further notice. Gallery in Smith Block `0, E. PERRY. 8 YIv l c-0 IFTNI TREST1 4 Having secured the absolute control of M. II. Dirge tC Son's Celebrated process of Wall Papers and U'angingas, I nm opening out a FULL STOCK in my new shop, one door North of Gillies its Smith's Bank. My stock is all new and well selected, every design being patented since Oct. lst, 1892. 20 Pull Sets to choose from. Also full lines of Cheap Canadian and American Papers. Elegant Borders and Ceilings. Pull lines of Window Shades and Springs of Latest Designs. Painting in all its Branches carried 011 as usual. Shop blinds and Awnings a Specialty. W. ROD OK, House, tSign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. Wo agree not to sell our lines to any other Dealer in Brussels for 1893, M, I-1.1BII%GD tC SONS, Buf'f'alo, N. Y. Do Ti ii Lim,. The Latest 2 Our Photos., Cabinet Size, are only 01,50 a Dozen. Now is the time, while they are cheap. Sunbeams, Mikado Panels, Cards, any size up to 2.2x27 and larger if required. Old pidtnres copied and enlarged at reasonable prices. .Every person, welCOFned at HARVIL LI. S RONG'S PHOTO STUDIO, BRUSSELS. OVER STANDARD BANK. We have secured another stock of just the kind of Goods you need, including a fresh stock of Groceries, and are better prepared to oi'l'er Bargains more remarkable than ever. Note these Prices Ashton's full width Prints, regu- lar price, i 2ic., now 80. Gorman Indigo Blue Prints, regular price 150., now 125.10 Fast Colored American Print, regular price 8c., now 50. Standard Width Shirtings, price 12zc., now foo. regular Heavy 10 oz. Cottonacle, regular 25c. goods, now 180. If Wise You will Buy Dry Goods from us and at Once. Why P Alm Note These Flannelettes in various shades, regular price 10c., for 6C. Heavy Dark Colored Flannelette for shirting, regular price 15c., for 120. Throe -quarter bleached all linen tabl- ing, good value at GOc., for . 350. Largo Linen Towels, former value for- gotten, now they are only 10 C. A. lot of Ladies' Jerseys usually sold for $1.50, now 500. Because by buying now you are among the first to secure the choice, and everyone knows that if the bargains advertised are genuine they are soon picked up. Of course we have others, yes, all over the store, that space will not permit us to enumerate. ALEX. . A.. JEWSE. M.1 kinds of Produce taken.