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The Brussels Post, 1893-3-31, Page 5
MAR, 31, 1893 rrarectaTE,saw^amWA2r.",v=l'E,90„rFEZC.9.V.,'"oar•erttsexsr5oaavrmmxvmns¢swvnwemun IINEetuesrtavrsamererestsaanw THE BRUSSELS POST 5 MEM yll .0??...st14111 iii d Welcome Spring 1 You bring; us balmy air and blue skies. Under your magic innuendo Nature wakes to a new fresh beauty of productiveness. Man yields: to your influ.. enoe and his pulse quickens. Everything and everybody is awake and the watchword of the season is activity. Keeping pace' with the time`. we are already alert and wide awake l 1 rtyour trade for a dayor a week but we want it constantly and regularly whenever the future to the increasing demands of a rushing Spring Trade. We de not advertise to catch y finds you needing anything in our line. We are determined to convince the public more and more that our store le good place to trade. Tlio,t our goods are always reliable and that they are always as represented. liESS G PRTS•. Beautiful Spring Suitings, double fold, for 215c. a yard. Our Customers wi.11 remember that lino of all wool cashmeres, double fold, for Vic. a yard. We have another stock of them in the different shades, Tlsoy are certainly a bargain and you should see them. New Prints in Dark and Light Colors. The N ew- est Patterns in the Market and at the Lowest Prices. Goocl value in Grey and White Cottons, Towels and Towelling, Table Linens and 'Pickings, Lace Curtains, Art Muslins and Crotons. Piles of Cottonacles, Skirtings and Ginghalns at Bottom Prices. ust New Spring and Summer riser Suitings, Tweeds and Worsteds, Fancy Pantiugs. That job line of Scotch Tweed is going fast. We have a good Tweed for 85c. a yard and another line at 50c. They are the BEST value we have ever offered. ow Stock of Shirts, Collars ar.L 1 n A BIG- RANGE OF TIES, GOOD VALUE. Our Hats have Arrived. They were Imported Direct from England for us. All the Latest Shapes. Prices away down. We will guarantee any hat with our name in it. Call and see them if you want a hat -we can please you in Quality, Style and Price. 4 J Jt Our Stock was never Better Assorted and we are in a position to serve you well. We aim to keep the prices low fbr a good. article. Wo carry the Low Price Eastern Goods in stock and sell them as Cheap as anyone, but a low price I3oot is not always the Cheapest. We like to sell you a good article, it's policy on our part. We are here to stay and want you to coma again -Any boot we recommend that don't turn out right wo snake an allowance. Wheu yon want a pair of Boots give us a trial --We ask nothing more. MAE Jii Last but got Least is oin R@adymaila OlutJ.i sa Department We have Always made a Specialty of Clothing and are loaded up for this Spring's Trade with the largest stock we have had since the Fire. Stacks and stacks of Suits for Men, Youths and Boys. We buy in large quantities and aro in a position to take advantage of any snaps that are thrown in the market in large lots - SMALL DEALERS CAN'T TOUCH THEM.. In fact we carry one of the largest stocks in this line in the County. Have had large experience in buying and don't take a back seat from anyone. If you want a suit for yourself or boys bring them along where you can get a good assortment. Also a number of lines at Wholesale Prices. Remember we carry Suits for small boys and can fit anyone from 3 years old, up. Highest Price 1---)aio for Butter and f ggs. txz.ct etoz. C etata ar oolr.. $1,00 will secure THE Poa'r for the bal• anon of 1803. `fake advantage of this offer. Next Wednesday the Township fathers will convene hero for the trausaotion of business. Jacob Schnook has returned to Wash. ington Territory where ho is engaged in the lumber woods. Mr. Schnook is a hustler and knows how to snake. the climate. W,asernn -A Precentor for Knox church, Cranbrook. Applications will be reooived by the undersigned until the 5th day of June, 1808. Applicants will please state salary. Ray. D. B. Mogan. John Kirkconnell and family have removed to Hullett township where he has leased 200 acres of land from Andrew Taylor on a 10 year lease. $000 a year is the rental. Mr. Ktrkconnell had Wm. Cameron's farm, 5411 con., for the past eight years. stir. Cameron has moved back to the homestead. On the day of the last horse fair in Brnasele some children were playing on the road side 11 utiles North of Brussels. One child had left a shawl and ]rood on the side of the road and it is said two men in a rig, leading a horse, stopped, pioked up the wearing apparel and drove on hito Morris, despite the crying of the owner of the dry goods. Mrs. Duncan Livingston wants the shawl and hood returned and thereby save farther trouble. Wm. Sims is able to be out again after his severe illness. Miss Sophie Symonds is seriously in- disposed at present. John A. Brownlee returned to the Forest City on Wednesday. 12. Watson shipped it couple of car- loads of cattle from this station to Mont• real on Thursday. Constable Davis aecommodatocl m couple of youthful looking tramps to a night'e lodging on Thursday. Rev. T. E. Higley has so far recovered from his indisposition as to be able to attend to his dories on Sunday last, Friday night burglars were discovered to have boon at work during the night at the safe in the G. T. R. office at our sta- tion, hot they did nob get much of a re. ward for their energy, obtaining only it few coppers. Dior¢ Reeve Mooney woo at Goderioh this week attending the bridge arbitration. 31.00 will souure Tno POET for the bal• aim of 1803. Take advantage of this offer. .rhes Sarah J. Johnston is at present on the siok list. Iter brother Silas is also s1olt. Mrs. Iiumeyor, of Niagara, was visit- ing her aunt, Mrs. Seymour Thornton, of the let con., last week. Adam Scott has leased rho farm of Robert ilugboe, opposite his own lot, 7th lino, for it term of years. Harry McArter, of Haeriston, wag hero on a visit this week hoping to re- cuperate defter a siok spell. Capt. Henry Brewer left on Thursday of this week to resume work in connoo• tion with the Salvation Army. Miss Mira Ramsay has returned to ler home after a visit of three months with relatives and friends aroued Woodetoolc and Hamburg. Sho enjoyed her visit greatly. The 100 sore farm of George Brewer, Si lot 28, con. 4, has been purohased by his son, F. E. Mr. Brewer se. Will not remove from this locality but will likely make his home with his children. Alex. Eeket, of the 2nd oon,. had big barn and stable and their contents, don. silting Of two horees, five head of cattle, his grain, hay, implements and a lot of other ecti0100 eomplotely destroyed by Ara On ?Friday night last. The cause of fire ie unktt_own but it is supposed to be was No lantern need of th3 ean tabloethattre night. Wirt cel eatsn. J. Nicoll, G. T. 13. station agent, has been appointed American Consul, in suc- cession to A. 0. Strathdee, late G. T. R. agent Isere. S. Gracey, who has been on a three weeks' visit to his brother, Dr. Graosy, in Waxahachie, Texas, returned last Tuesday. Ile reports tho weather there as similar t0 what we have in the month of May. John Neelands was in Brantford last week attending the quarterly audit of the accounts of the High Court of the 0. 0. 1. Mr. Neelande has held the position of High Treasurer of the Society for up. wards of ten years. John Pelton, of Zetland, who oontom. plates removing to town shortly, has par. chased a lot from T. L. Jobb, on Diagon- al street, on whioh he will erect a pump faobory. 11r. Pelton intends to go into the manufacture of wooden pumps of all kinds quite extensively. 3vlf anti i•wrrx . $1.00 secures Tun Pon for the balance of 1803. Taste advantage of this offer. The Methodists in this pinoe are busily eng000ll erecting a shod in the rear of the ohareh. Mrs. Wm. McDonald is quite seriously indisposed with Erysipelas in one of her lege. A pily0ioitw is in attenclanae. The Maitland river rose to an unusual height on Friday night last in conse- quence of whish some of the residents were compelled to stay at home not being able to get out of their houses except by boat. Alex. Hord, who Lives on 120h eon, of Grey, met with it serious accident on Fri- day last while he and his brother were engaged in hauling gravel. They under- mined the frost crust and the sudden thew caused it to cave fu, ahnost com- pletely entombing him but by his broth. er's untiring exertions he was rescued but nob however before he received a fracture of the hip bone. But tinder the care of a physioian it is hoped he will soon be able to be around again. Several tailors are negotiating for George Currie's old stand. Goo. Dtenbroolr is improving slowly from the fatigue of his journey hone from Cheyenne, Wyoming. On the eve of his departure from At. wood, the pupils of Wm. Bell's Sabbath school class presented their teacher with a beautiful Bible, as a token of their ap- proeiation of his labor of love with them. Mr. Bell acknowledged tbo gift in a few brief, but apt, remarks. Mies Aggie Dickson read the -address, and Miss Ber- tha Murray tirade the presentation. On Wednesday of last weak Mrs. Jas. .A. Gray stet with a misfortune. She was driving to Atwood, and fu attempt. ing to Oro0O one of the many pitob.holes which adorn the gravel road the horse made a sudden finish to one Bide and in doing so got one of its front logs over the shaft, and in the struggle to extricate steels literally tore the harness to pieces. Mrs. Gray removed the broken harness and substituted a new set, and completed her journey without farther mishap. A meeting wits howl in the Town Hall, Atwood, for the purpose of organizing it township association of tho Patrons of Industry. There worn quite a large number of Patrons present from the various subordinate aesootationis of the township. It was decided to form it township aeooeiation and the following offieere worn accordingly appofntel;- President, Hugh Richmond ; Vies- 1'residonE Robert Smith, of Mogkbon; Secretary, Andrew M. Sweeton ; Treas- urer, James (tray, of Britton, A number have already signified their intention of taking a trip to the World's Fair at Chicago the coining Summer. Thos. Bird left on Tuesday of last week for Manitoba. Ile teas well known here, having ran a threshing machine in company with his brothers for a number of years. A rain and hail storm accompaniers by thunder and liehtuing passed over this section on Friday of last week, An electrical storm so early in the season is something unusual, Wm. Garter had a number of his neighbors assisting et a wood bee on Thursday of last week. About twenty cords of wood was eat, split land piled. The bee was finished up with a sooiol hop in the evening. Onrn-About 9 a.m. last Monday the messenger Death beckoned the spirit of Archibald Duncanson, lob 2, con. 17, away. He had been poorly for several months, the best attendanoe being en. able to counteract the disease. Mr. Dan- causon was born in Argyleshire,S0otland, 57 years ago and came to Canada when 19 years of age. For the past 35 years bo has been a highly esteemed resident of this township. The deceased was united in wedlook to Miss Jane Ferguson, daughter of the late Adam Ferguson, in 1882. There are eleven ohildren, two of the sons, Adam and John, being in British Colombia. Mr. Dunoaneon was a member of the Presbyterian church for years. The funeral on Wednesday after• noon wee largely attended. Rev. D. B. MaRne, of Oranbraok, conducted the ser- vice. The interment was made ab Brue• sell cemetery. Mrs. Dunoansou and family have the sympathy of the com- munity. D. Sutherland and wife, of Wjugham, were visiting friends here thio week. Revival services are being bold in the Methodist ebtltoh but the results have been nil so far. Another butober shop will shortly be opened here whioh will no doubt improve the quality of our beef if not the pride. R. R. Hay and another horoe buyer were on Tuesday buying horses. A num• ber were offered but only a few changed hands, Geo, 3inowslow, who some years ago clerked for his brother-iu•law here, has ' opened out as a general merchant iu the Leech block. Every business plane is now occupied, Who will build more? Rev, Won. Baugh, of Trowbridge, oa. copied the Methodist chetah pulpit on Sabbath list and Rev. Me, Yeoman's, of Wiarton, preached in the Preebyterian ohureh during the Van two Sabbaths. Ile is not the unpatrnotio man tete News tried 00 paint him last slimmer 0u01 was highly thought of while here, Maple sugar nothing. The Beide aro clear of snow with the oxoeptioe of the fence sides. Mrs. James Forgeson hen been ill this week with congestion of ilio lungs, $1.00 will seenre THE POET for the bal. an0e of 1803. Take advantage of this offer. Mee. Wm. Smith, 10th oon., is visiting relatives at Orangeville and other North- ern points. Township Connell will meet at Dames' Hall, Oranbroolc, on Wednesday of uoxt week, April 5110. The water• was very high for a few days in creeks and low ground. Some onlverts were damaged. The snow is still many feet deep on the gide roads. Those side roads wonld be desirable sites for wholesale ice ware. houses. Jamas Mitohell, 12th cat., opened the plowing season for 1803 last Tuesday by engaging in this agrionitnral pursuit for 8 hours. Who's next? Jack is suffering from a govern, attack of love elaltiose. She returned, home this week after a ,pleasant visit with relatives and acquantances. George Fowler has returned after com• plating his course at the Toronto Dental College, graduating with the degree of L. D. S. Th n Banner says : -The census returns for Listowel show a dncroneo in the num. ber of mannfaatnrine establishments he. tweet1 1881 to 1801, from 53 to 38. Capital from 8407,550, to $2155,385. No. of bands from 509 to 213. Wages from $151,085 to $57,000. Cost of materials from 3503,220 to $304,050, and value of prodaots from 3802,825 to $491,750, The returns were made between the time of the burning of the Hess factory and the building of the new. The returns for Listowel, which have been fairly made, show to disadvantage against so many other towns for whioh the returns were notoriously padded, es for instance Palmerston, where the number of estab- lishments is given as 71, though neither the bands or capital begin to reach Listowel's figures. Were our returns cooked upon this principle wo could com- pare with any town of equal population. We give our enumerators credit for making a candid return. Had it been done in thie way all over the figures would have been reliable, L1, t,,ow•e el. M. Briolcor has opened an insurauoe agency office on Main street, next door to the Banner office. Donuebb S; Bowyer has the contract for three 500 gallon cheese vats and ole i2 stoop steel gang press, for the bolas Cheese and Butter Manufacturing Gds. factory this Spring. John Scott, cattle buyer, while still robaining the lease of the Ray farm, has removed to Robb. Roth's new residence on Main street for convenience. Ile has gnat in telephone connection. Rev. J. F. Parise, of Christ church, has been presented with a purse of over $00, to purchase a now horse, his present faithful boast Kate having reached the good old age whioh should entitle her to superaunnation. The Epworth League of Christian Endeavor of the Methodist oburoh, hav- ing heard that A. R. B. HOtchi0on wits about to leave town to take up his resi- dence in the city of Winnipeg, decided to give some expression of their top• preoiation of his serviaee. A000rdingly itt their loot mooting Freed, Largo tend an address and Joe Moyers presented Mr. Hutchison with a teacher's Bible. A meeting to reorganize the Marlboro' football team was held in the Moohanios' Institute rooms, Listowol, last Friday evening. The following officers were electees -President, 1l. 13. Morphy ; Vico•Prosident, 13. Ingram ;. Treasurer, W. J. Benning; Secretary, W. II.Olimie ; Captain, Geo. Mitchell ; Managing Goon. mitres, J. L. Wilson, D. G. Anderson, T. Alexander, J. W. Treleaven, .dam lien. The proepoots for a good voasoh are bright. 'Walton. The Andrew Mattison farm will be sold by mortgage sale on April 0th. 51.00 secures Tose POST for balance of 1803. Take advantage of this offer. Prof. Hawkins' music pupils will dive a recital in the Foresters' Rall on Wed- nesday afternoon of text weep. John Sibbeh, of Moliillop, went to To. ronto last week to have his eye treated by it specialist, This useful member was seriously injured by a kick from a horse, Cilonadi Lx1 NOW114. The Beaver Rue steamer Lake Super- ior, with 500 irnmigrauts, arrived Mon- day night at Halifax. Georgie Walsh, of Rnsanquet township, committed suicide Tuesday morning by hanging himself in his barn. At the Liberal caucus on Tuesday ib was decided to hold a Dominion conven. Won at Ottawa on Juno 20th mud the suc- ceeding days. Godolphin, the Huntsville treasurer, pleaded guilty to both forgery and em- bezzlement un Tuesday at Bracebridge and was sentenced to three years at Kingston penitentiary. An infant son of John Boyd, living at the oorner of 1lfertier and Cataract streets, Windsor, was fatally burned on Tuesday morning. The child and an elder brother tried to start the fire with kero- sene while the members of the family were away from home, and some of the oil was spilled upon him. This became ig- nited, and the child was horribly burned about the face and breast, and one ear was burned completely off. It is not likely the little sufferer will recover. Mr. MoNiool, general passenger agent of the 0. P. 113., states that it big passen- ger traffic is going to spring up in the transportation of Chinese from Vancou- ver to Halifax on their way to the West Indian Islands. Chinese are allowed in- to the West Indies free, wed are common. (sing now to go forward in large numbers. A party of 800 arrived in Vancouver the other day, a portion of which goes to the West Indies. $1.00 will 000000 THE Pon for the bal- ance of 1803. Take advantage of this offat•. Quito a quantity of .anchor belonging to Reeve Milne was taken away by the high water. Mr. and Mies Hogg, of Thatnesford, attended the wedding of Miss Lizzie Lake last week. David Fisher, of Goderiab, further of Mrs. J. T. Leman, formerly of llthel, died a few waeke ago. He was a well known and highly respected gentleman. Wnunrxu B14Tl,s.-011 Tuesday evening, Mately 21st, the residence of Wm. Lake was the centre of attraction for a num. ber of relatives and friends it being the occasion of rho marriage of his daughter, Miss Lizzie, to W. H. Oox, 12th oon. Grey. Rev. H. A. Newcombe performed the ceremony in hie usual happy way. The bride was attended by hop sister, Miss nether, while George Whitfield, per. formed the duties of gmomnsman. After the tying of the matrimonial bow the bride and groom lend the way to the sup. inn mem whore ono of the most bountj. fal spreads wag tbotoughly enjoyed by everyone in the company. The bride re. calved a number of handsome and useful presents, showing the esteem in whioh they both were held, The evening Wag pleasantly spent , in s0eial games and veal and instrumental music when finally all joined in singing "Auld Lang Syne" and the company repaired to their respective homes with best wishes for Mr. and Mrs. Oox's future happinooe and prosperity. .n ©r Lt3 Is 19 Etchl+ltis "1 never re:diced tho good of a Inc ;:!nc so much as 1 hove to the last f,w 001' s. during which time 1 bavo suffered intease:y front ,pnetunonin, folbawed by t r n. u After trying various rear- t benefit, I begun the use rf r a.1 .. ry Vecteral, and the vLrrt has h.•, 0L n;cu,,:. " d vie rliwe s••sur t I. ti goml m Orriippe •' 1.::•a Spring I was taken down 0100 kx K tf :Lt t:tn, 1 ea comhlcteh•;r:•r:,t- ,;t •;, ,l fls','t wag my h•ratInm Out l t •nu,l nv if 11,n t.i -,. 1 i u.aurad a bottle of Ayer lhaary and ,.o sooner thud i beemn t it than relief followed. 1 conn t t believe that th.• effect would be so rapt 1. -W. 31 Williams, Cook City, S, Das. Lan Fr T t Eibk " for mora than twepty-lit years. r 0 ns n sat' rer from lung troUble, att nd d with contohing so 50t•ere at. time CO:t Yc 1,01norrhage, the p000003nt$ 11 t i t y l r t - bo; three or four hours. I was u t 1 1 as ttp Avvr's Cherry Pectornl, and r .ig four bottle., war th r. u h v 11 0101 ennt',dentlyrecomnatd the ied,.nu Iran0 Iiofmann, Clay Centre, hwn. h 5 Vedi Derry room' ? I I'r••.nrcd by -17r, J, 0 t I .0 Sold by n11 Druggists, 1 rice y t ; e,x Protttptt aS Met, otter to Ca.tine