HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-3-31, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST MAR, 31, 1893
New Advertisements.
L000s-p. 0. Ross,
140111—Alex. A. Rose.
Local—Minees Hoare.
Royal Crown Remedy.
Loeals—L 0.1lieharde.
Locals-- De, J. 0, Ayer.
Loenle—B. Leather(laic.
Plain Talk—Jamea lValker.
Ueutlernon—Alex. Straelion.
Spring Ooode—A. R. Smith.
Spade Harrow—Juo. Witleer.
Bicycle for sitk—A. I. Meilen.
Loeal—Pose Publishing House,
Millinery Opening—E. Rogers.
Dressmaking—Belle Livingston.
Jersey Calf or Bale—J. R. Smith.
elervent Wanted—Mrs. J. T. Pepper.
Spring Goode—Ferguson Si Halliday,
iThe c4iltu55t15
pluvAr, MAL!. 31, 1393.
TEE Ontario Legislature will open in
the new Parliament building in Toronto
on Tuesday of next week.
noun areTthout 7611 church members
in conneotion with the various congrega-
tions 10 3russele, but very few of the
above number aro connected with the
only Temperance organization in the
town. A. Hemline np would put inside.
Mien into the cause.
LE Alowte, a Moutreol Conservative
paper, intimates that Mr. Porter will
shortly resign his positien as finance
minister on the plea of ill -health, and
that he will be succeeded either by
Speaker White or Sir Charles Tupper.
Certainly the parliamentary proceedings
of the past week have completely wreck-
ed Mr. Foster's prospects of political ad-
A 2 c030 rate of postage on letters was
discussed iu the Dominion Parliament
one day last week. Nothing was done.
Canada, wants this proposition made law
also a reflection in the rate of passenger
fare on railways from '3 to 2 emits. It
would be a popular wove iti both instate.
ces and instead of losing money by it we
believe the opposite would be the case.
Tins Globe's London, Fug., special
says :—Hon. Edward Blake, who is
somewhat feeling the effects of overwork,
will spend the Easter holidays in Scot-
land, staying first 5n Edinbnrg with Mrs.
George Brown. He will speak in Midlo-
thian ou March 31st, at Paisley on April
3rd, in Glasgow on April lth, and at
Darlington en route south on April 5th.
Requests for his speeches continue to be
numerous, Mr. Blake having had to re.
fuse over twenty applications.
t dor 1 trescriptions by any merchant (el ttooet I ewes.
or Mho': preen who is not a duly quell -
The duke or Bedford is dead.
Iltit druggist. In the rural districts Dr. Adolf Fieehof, a noted Australian
there are no drug stores, and 13 the bill
should beoome law, country manhunts
would be prohibited from telling meal.
clues of any sort, to the great hutonven•
ienee of their customers end the general
pally. Under the guieo of proteeting
public health and suppressing qtmeitery,
on attempt is being made to throw the
entire bneinee' o2 dealleg in medicines
into the hands of a few. In short the
Ontario legislature is to be asked to
sanction the creation of is oonthine to
control the trade in drugs and medicines,
phyeieittn, is dead.
A windstorm did 9100,000 claninge in
Indianapolis loot Thursday.
Indian John, a once Masons (thief of
the Columbia river Indians, in °reign), is
121 years old.
The National Plate Glass Company
has been incorporated at Springfield, Ill.,
with a cepital of 118,000,000.
Sir George Dibbo, Premier and Colon -
nil Secretary of New /Meth Wales, is
maid to be in financial
Col. Elliott Fit& Shepard, editor of
The Nev York Mall and Express, died
soddenly on Friday afternoon of last
A conutry stere•keeper is surely its etun- Two gamblers named Weill and Robb,
patent to sell sake or water oil or patent from New Orleans, snicided alt Monte
Carlo on .Wednesday hight of last week,
medieinee as he is to sell groceries or
after having lost heavily.
hardware. There are only 125 druggists
Governor Flower has si "nod the bill
doing business in Ontario, outside of 1 appropriating 9300,000 odditional for the
cities, tower; and incorporatvd exhibit of i'iew York state at the World's
villages and the bill would 1 Columbian Expositiou,
force every person in the province W. W. Astor, who recently purehaeed
The Pall Mall Gazette, will start in May
to buy drugs and medicines from one of
on The Pall Mall Magazine, to bo pub•
fished in Landau and New York.
IN future weathers of the British
House of Commons will receive compen-
sation for their servicee. A resolution
favoring such a reform was carried in
the house last week by a vote of 276 to
229. Until very recently, when labor
organizations undertook to give labor
representatives financial support, it was
impossible for poor men to accept nom-
inattons for seats in parliament. They
could uot afford to neglect their business
and live in Londou. But when members
receive compensation for their services
to the country—and the idea that they
should work for nothing is absurd—the
masses will obtain etronger representa-
tion in parliament and the power of the
classes will be further curtailed.
Now that a meeting of the Directors of
the Grey Branch Agricultural Society is
near at hand we hope some well defined
pian will be set in motion regarding much
needed improvements on the Fair ground.
There's nothing to be gained by delay
and whatever work is undertaken should
be done in the early Summer. What's
required ? There is levelling to be done
on exhibition ring ; Miming to be put up ;
new pens for sheep, pigs, 110. 110 en-
olosure for cattle, if not stables ; office
for Secretary ; and a general overhauling
of the "Crystal palace." There was a
neat surplus in hand lase year and the
way to increase it is to woke a wise s.
p55211003 so as to add to the convenience
and comfort of exhibitors and sightseers
and thereby seoure a much larger patron-
age. Everybody is aware that good in-
tentions or resolutions will not do the
work but at the meeting, after plans are
formulated let an energetic committee be
appointed to see that the work is protnpt.
ly and properly done. There is not a
Branch Show in the County that is in as
prosperous a condition as Grey Branch
nor is there a prize list as large and
varied hoe past success wont tithe the
place of the necessary vim and outlay in
'coping with competition therefore the
550855133 00 hold the place we occupy by
keeping grounds, eto., up to high water
mark. Every director should get on his
thinking sap and then in the midst of
counsel there will be safety.
Tao attention of the Local Hemet legie-
Wars will be called to a bill entitled "an
not to further amend the Pharmacy Act"
which is likely to be introduced at the
coming session. This bill ought to be
carefully studied—and detente& It is
not asked for by the public but by deal'
015 in drugs who already enjoy privileges
enough. The bill proposes to prohibit
the sale of the eenernonest Wedielnee
such aft castor 011, sonna, sate or
ade Harr
The Best Cultivator.
Harrow Ever Made.
It has no equal for pulverizing hard slay lumps.
It is beyond question the base machine for malting a seed bed or inverted sod.
For preparing fall plowing for spring seeding, especially in heavy clay soil, where
the land is baked or become hard and difficult to move.
For cutting up and pulverizing any kind of stubble land, either for the purpose
of starting foul seeds or fitting for seeding.
It is unquestionably far superior to anything in the market for cultivating any
kind of land that is very difficult to subdue.
Where every other tool has failed the Spade Harrow will be found to be just
the machine needed.
As will be seen by the cut, 11 10 constructed with two revolving cylinders, com-
posed of 56 spades, 6 inches wide and 8 inches long, set 2 inches apart, and when in
motiou turn the ground up as oompletely as can be done by hand. The machine has
168 sharp cutting edges, and in working the ground it does not drag or trail, but
turns the soil up and lets it drop loose behind the machine, leaving the subsoil on
top and level surface, It works in any kind of land ; and in mucky, Mammy soil,
where the Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows clog 110 and bactome useless, the Spade
Harrows does first-class work.
russets for the Season of 1893.
Begs to announce that her Grand Millinery Opening
will take place on
* A Pr huui Pk *
11 TALK.
It is impossible to run business with-
out causing tun( by the oppeeition, and I
lind the more bushiess 1 do the more
they talk.
After this when you hear any pason
speaking against my work bit them I
took let Prize on Buggies nt Wine,ham
FM Voir last year.
And Two Following Days,
When will be shown, without exception, the Largest, Choicest and.
most Elaborate display of Millinery ever seen in Brnssels. Our
Accomplished Milliner, Miss Grobn, has been at great pains to se-
cure all the very Latest Novelties and we feel justified in saying
that never before has she shown such excellent taste. Wo most
cordially invite every lady to see our lovely goods which we cannot
describe in an advertisement.
_iJESS G-00 S.
If that don't shut them off tell them
I got let Prize at Settforth Fair in 1892
for best Buggy.
In case this don't quiet them inform
them that 101 Prize was awarded my
Buggies at Belgrave Fall Show lost year
and I have just as good Rigs 131 the Shop
now as were ever shown.
We will also show at the same time our New Dress
Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, Feathers, eze., &c: Our whole
stock will be very complete, something to suit everybody. A very
nice Hat of the Newest Fashion, full Trimmed, can be had as low
as $1.60, and Good. Girl's Hats, suitable for School Purpose, as low
as 20 Cents.
Remember the date of Opening, Thursday, April
6th, and don't forget to cope. We will be glad to see
BRUSSELS, March 29th, 1899.
Should the Melee facts not satisfy
let them know that Jas. Walker took 151
Prize on Buggies at Wroxeter Show in
1892, and that he can sell more Buggies
than any one in Brussels.
If every one don't admit that
Walker's is the meet place to buy their
Buggies, Carts, vete, tell them that he
took five let Prizes and two 2nd Prizes
for his work at Brussels Fall Fair last
Seven 1st Prizes on Buggies in one
season is a record hard to beat.
This is Plain Talk and I ask you to
come to ray Shop atm prove the Trutb•
fulness of what I say.
The Shops are crowded with stook
and the largest exhibit of Buggies and
Carts ever shown in Brussels may bo
seen at my business place.
Repairing in wood work, painting or
trimming promptly attended to. Call in
and get prices. I will not be undersold
on any first-ohtss work. •
Remember the stand, opposite the
Town Hall, Brussels,
Carriage Maker.
1114 IIIANI/140311E, IRV has Two Companions. Can you thul
them 1 If an ;nark raves and snot to us as directed below. TN LA111,11
colarmtneioN n high-oless, 31 page, Illustrated Magazine, devoted tu Litera-
ture, 11i0e Life, Fashion, etc„ m
nst artistie In appearance and patronized by the
best class ()frontiers. A perfectly fair nod legitimate premium system is adopted ley
its publishers at groat outlay, 13, order to quickly place 11 and its Fistvr publientiong
111 1(1, bend (tf all Canadian periodieals in point, of cireulation. During. let,3 we 1'
11000 givingMW
U 1,01111. 141eir,l1111, ibiteieWouil Pietism. Tn. liret e NAV I. good
faith will be kept With ,,vory ri her, both 10 regarda the nutieaziee and premiums.
See mune of subscriber to rotative the grand Piano now exhibited at our oiliees,
in Ladles' Companion for Unroll,
i,A!te We publish Latticed Companion, Si.un par roar ; Ladles at .P.Iiinta,
cents per year ; Our 065,55 ,11552 Carts, ii,. 001111 per year. 7,ti,1
address' 1010 Sling Mt.. West, and do nut confound our publicat:otti
with any 1111000of somewhat MUM11.
r FE a.0 T
tho first person solving pu zzle we It'll] award ttn elegant Rosewood 11.1nne,
valtietl at S13011 the next will reeelen a Glad Watell :, the third, It 105I It Dremit
Pattern; Ole fourth, a 14w1,42,1 Music Box ; the a MilVetr Ware), 13116
sixth, a Itaktittitat L1511'1 the seventh, a Coble Bloom; the eighth, 0, 41,1111 Plva
OtOr,otia '11(1,Sart ; to the neNI, ton will be given each a beautiful Com 00 liereast
To lite middle sender will la, misled 11 Odd tcrt 01.113t II ; uilI1) the ten P,I towbar
mud; a Ottawev PowIttle T of sootier or any Mond. The sender of letter bearing
1. 1, postmark, previuus to June 11111 nt,N0, will reeelre s ,140131 Wed I oh. Tl.o slider
next to last will receive a Milver Watch ; ton preeetlIng, ,'nett tt beautiful Gold
CON 0)1T t —Finch Lembua
o:taut to ;nark ibeea in 1.01' in ink or
t.tut advertbannent .A11 Pownal to us with Thirty O'ettes ler 3 ro,Dalts'
robscriptlun to the Ladies' Compnolon, Address, "
"D' LADIESCO2PANI0N PUB, 00., 166 King Si, West, 'It roto Can,
We request it call from you. to
see our New Spring Stock of Tweeds and Suitings of all
kinds, from a cheap knock -about to a fine Black Worsted.
opeolal range of very Cheap Zunis
for Spring and Bummer Buitz.
This week we have received a complete stock of now Hats. They
are very becoming this season and what is equally im-
portant—they are very Cheap.
TTre zuanl to Soli you your Spring Hat.
How are your old Boots looking when you get your Rubbers and
Overshoes off 2 No doubt you will require a now pair.
Make a B lino for our shop and yon will be suit-
ed both in quality and price.
Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Braces and a General Stock of Gents' Fur-
nishings now in Stock.'
nt,t, UrnO7uRED
Each returning season brings us the gratifying intelligence that our store is steady
growing in favor, and that it is Anchored in the Confidence of the business pub-
lic. We now have pleasure in .calling your attention to our Dress Goods Department,
and nothing in Brussels begins to compare with the collection of New Dress Fabrics
shown by us this season. We are Certain that no Dress Goods stock anywhere within
your reach can be more favorable to you.
teIlettev'T ,
This Beason are very pretty in Pattern and in quality, we are confident you
can get no better goods. Wo invite the Ladies to look through this Department
11 '
Wo have had our Mantles.in over a week but the weather has been
so cold wo thought we would not say anything about them until it got a little more like Spring, Many
merchants say there is no money is Spring Mantles and directly we cannot say that there is, but our
progressive methods will not allow us to carry only profitable lines. The Newest Styles aro here as
usual—Couldn't keep store in tho Spring without them. Come and see if wo have ono to suit you.
MINAITtal 1.21=OrGni....00.7.AMIIIMP011,IMS1020Jeg 1...1{2.19.11111011A1016=009•10.601•0001MIL
We passed into stock Yesterday our importation of Kid Gloves, and among
the lot you will find some very pretty lines.
We have doubled our stock in this department this season and, you.
Will find. it the most attractive stock ever shown by us.
Opposite American Hotel, Brussels.