HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-3-31, Page 3MAIL, 31, 1893 ra IIER SISTER'S BEAU, My sister'!] bo down in a minute, And says you're to wait if you please And says I might stay till the oomas If 1 promise her never to tease, Nor epcale till you speak to rue first, 13ut that's nonsense ; for how wonitl you know What she told mo to say if I didn't ? Don't you really anti truly drink so ? And,then you'd foal strange hero alone, And you wouldn't know jut whore to sit ; For that chair isn't strong on Its legs Therefore we never use it a bit. Wo;keop it to match with the solo, But Jack drys it would bo just like you To liop yourself right down upon ib, And knock out the vary lust sorow. 'Sp000 you try ; I wont tell -you're afraid to I Oh ! you're afraid they wouid Gunk it was Mean, Well, there's the album -it's pretty- Zf ycp'ro sure that your flingers are clean. For sister says sometimes 1 daub it, But sho only says their when oho 's Dross, There's her picture ; you know -its like her, But she:ain't so good-looking,of course. Thio is ane ; it's the best of them all, Now tell ate you'd never have thought That ease 1 waa as little as that ; It's the,only ono that could bo bought. For that was the message to papa From the photograph man where I sat - That he wouldu't priut off any more Till he first got his money for that. What I maybe you're tired of waiting ? Why, often she's longer than this ; There's all her book hair to clo up And,ali of her front hair to frit. But it's nice to be sitting hero talking Like grown people, just you and me ; Do you think you'll bo coning hero often 7 Oh, do ; but dont acne like Tom Lee. Tom Lee, her last beau -why, my good- ness 1 He used to be here day and night, 'Till the folks thought he'd be her bus. band, And Jack says that gave him a fright. You won't run away, then, as he did ? For you're not a rich man they say, Pe slays you're as poor as a oharoh mouse ; Now, are you ? and how poor are they Ain't you glad you met me ? well, I am ; For I know now your hair isn't red ; But what there is left is mousy And not what that naughty Jack said. But there -I must go; sister's coming, But I wish I could wait just to see If sho ran up to you and kissed you In the way that she used to kiss Leo. A ST1'i)0 OF FACES. A dry eye means a hard heart. Brown eyes aro the most kindly. A pouting upper lip indicates timidity. Black eyes are,the most rash and im• petrous, An insignificant nose means an insigni- ficant man. An open mouth is a sure sign of an empty head. Very large, thick lips are a sign of sensuality. Largo ears aro andon h o fat the heads of coarse {people. Very full cheeks indicate great digestive powers. Coarse hair always indicates coarse organization. A projeoting ander lip shows malignity and avarice. A double chin is invariably a sign of a lover of the table. Pointed noses generally belong to med- dlesome people. Blue eyes belong to people of an en- thusiaetio turn of mind. Largo eyes in a small fano always be- token maliciousness. Narrow thin fiostrile indicate small lungs and low vitality. Power of language is indicated by full. nese beneath the eyes. A retreating ohiu is always bad ; it shows look of resolution. If the forehead be shorter than. the nose, the sign is of stupidity. Oblique eyes are unfavorable ; they show (running end deceit. Old Aar Know 11? Wood pavements cause opthalmia. Canada boasts a 22,000 pound cheese. Germany loads in spectacle wearers. Watches aro placed in door handles. Australian aborigines eat butterflies. Aro lights illuminate Vienna's [lathe. dral. In Europe 70,000,000 wear wooden shoes. Paris hits:2,000 daily and weekly pa- pers. Rubies are more valuable than din. monde. Bahama islanders use American fertilizers. The four ocean routes employ 1,100 steamers. In Washington Uncle Sam employs 2,• 304 nefnroes. British Columbia has a oolooy of Scottish crofters. Feminine Cyn:c'am. .0. women who prides herself on her in. sight into the oharaoters of men she meets remarked the other clay that a man always judges other mot by him- self as a standard. This Is the way sl.e finds one man judges Another man ; A rascal -Olio who owes him Inonoy. Ditto -One to whom he owes money. A dude -Ono who dresses better than he. A miser -One who cavae more money than he: A spendthrift -Ono who spade ,note money than he, A snob -One whose social position is bettot than his own. An upstart -One whose social position ie worse than his own. A smart man -One who thinks as he do es. A fool -One who dosen't. A prank --One Who has theories about men and things different from his own. The woman went on in the same strain and gave het own ideas of mon, Who agrees with her ? Theee are some of them A thief -One who bakes 131. , A oapitaliet-Ouo who takes $1,000,. 000. A soldier -One who makes Milling a bulnaoe. A great man -One who never opens hie mouth. A laborer -One wtto gate to work at 0 o'clock a, in. A murderer -One who mamas killing a pleasure. A bnsiness man -Ono who gots to work at 10 &cloak a. 01. A statesman -Ono who tapes without making money. A politician -One who makes money without talking. A hypoorite-Ono who says what he does not think and is found out. A lawyer -Ono who makes a living out Of the quarrels of hie fellow mon, A physielan•-One who mattes hie liv- ing out of the bodily auliorbegs of his fellowmen. A. merchant -Ono who makes hie Hy- ing iving by buying what he sloes not want to sail at a profit wrung from hie fellow• men. 11OU.1+.110L1t lll;m. lIere is a whole practical medicine cheat n a few words. C • •c s. ut this out and n a e i'1100a place �1 Olna COIL 74 t este it tt 11 a } p n p where you can handily raise be it. Fever blisters, when they are allowed to develop, are very painful and most disfiguring ; and yet they eau easily be ouroc} in the beginning by keeping a ball of eaitpoter on hand and at their find appearance moistening the ball with water and rubbing it on the spot. Hob water is good for sprains. Raw oysters are good for hoarseness, Turpentine is good for fookjaw. Raw eggs are good for a ant, Salt water is good for falling hair. Quicklime in water is good for poison. Tar on sugar is good for weak lungs. Hot lemonade is good for wide. Sugar moistened with vinegar ie good for hiccough. Hot milk is good as a stimulant. Milk puddings and stewed fruit are good for bilious dyspepsia. S'P1ITIION OF POSTAGE STAMPS. The invention of postage stamps is said to be due to a printer of Dundee, Soot. land. England, 52 years introduood the system of prepaying letter postage, and according to a decree of December 21, 1830 issued the first stamps which were to be put before the public on May 0, of the following year. A year later they were introduced in the United States and Switzerland, and within three years had become common in Bavaria Belgium and Franoe. One of the moat important and valuable eollootions of postage stamps and other postal devices in the world is in the Genera} Imperial Post Office at Berlin. It takes 80 men and women to make a postage stamp. First the white paper is ant into shoats, each large enough for a hundred stamps. The stamps on each sheet aro counted 20 times to make sure the number is correct. The printer counts and passes to the gummer, the gtlminer gums the back, and being count. ed, gives it to the perforator, who divides the stamps by rove of little holes, not forgetting to oonnt. It is surprising bow quickly and accurately the hands work. Seven hundred millions of postage stamps are made every year in the United States. Nev York oity uses 8,• 000,000 a month. AirESmos Iib'MARRIAGE. We warn getting ready to go to as wed- ding the other night, my wife and I, and our son of five years was rising as all the assistance lie could by asking about thirty questions to the Infante. Ho be- gan by saying, while he wound my only white law') tie around his stloky little fingers :- "Where you going, papa 7" "I'm going to a wedding." "What's a wedding ?" "We where two people are married." "What does married mean ?" "It means that -oh, you're too little to understand anything about it. Put that necktie down suet run off and play." "Papa, were you ever married 7" "0f course I was. What a question I" "Who did you get married to ?" "Why, to your mamma, of course." "Oh l Did folks come to see you mar. ried 7" "Yes, indeed." "Why didn't you lot too see you get married ?" "What an idea I Yon don't know what your talking about, child." "Wasn't I borned when you were mar- ried ?" Well, I should hope not. Put down your mamma's gloves and ran and play." "Papa, when are you going to get mar- ried again 7" "Oh, do stop asking questions, you dont know what marriage means, and I can't explain it to you." "If you'd taken me 10 see you married then I'd know all about it. Will I ever get married 7" "I hope so, my dear. I don't want yon to be an olcl baohelor 7" "What's an old bachelor 1" "A person that does not marry is call. ed an old bachelor." "Then my Aunt Monica is an old bachelor." "No, she isn't." "She isn't married, is she ?" "No, but only 01011 are old bachelors." "Oh I" "Let,your mamma's bonnet alone," "Papa 7" "Well 7" Z know who I am going to marry." "Indeed I Whom 7" "Grandma." A 01005'1511 'I'I5t0 (itinbih SWINE. Who has over heard of a ohielcsn that oould swim, that preferred swimming to walking 7 Thom aro sono scenting con- tradictions in the world of nature, for ex, ample, the oat that shrinks from wetting even her velvety solos is drivou to die• traotion by the smell of fish, for very love of it. And a great, scrawny muster, that never should be so much ae seen taking a bath, except in a nice, dry, dusty place in the road or aeh•heap, deliberate• ly walking into a pond of water and swimming carnes it is a queer sight in• deed. Yet that ie what anybody may have seen lost Sumnler at the millpond on a little stream called Baker Brood(, which flows into the river St. John just beyond the border of Maine, in Canada. No was a big fellow, dignified ,,and flu• portant from the top of his flaming comb to the tips of the stiff feathers that TEE BRUSSELS grew at right atlglos to his feet, like wings, or "pantaloons." Ole bad always taken Ilia bath in the dust heap, until Ile grow old enough to lead hid charge of Ilene far away from home, about the more distant fields, even beyond the brook, where all day long they nibbled blades of tender grass and chased the grasshoppers, But °neo aro'lnel the pond and a0r0aa the brook, the most direot coarse hack to rho roost lay in a lino aoroae the miil•pontl, and how often ba and his family wore °auglht by the darkness upon that elder of thu stramn, and just how the tiling was managed at first, no one will ever know. But 011e evening the mon who were working near the mill saw a Noah of lions and a rotator on the wrong aide of the brook, looking wistfully toward the other side and home. Ono by ono the Ileus, taking a goad start off the high bank, flew scrotal, leaving the rooster alone. But only for a momout, for instantly be walked to the water's edge, waded in without the least hesitation, and Arnett out for the other shore. He cat alp 111511, well out of water, like a duok, and as it was only about sixty feet wide there, he was armee in a jiffy. Then shaking his feathers oloar of the moisture, 110 ran away niter the „ lege old carr bens 1 00 e Y him. This remarkable oaonrrelce was wit. Dossed eevoral t}mss ; as often as the chickens, tempted by the mole renters, richer hanting.gronmla, wandered in that direction. Liver ('omplalnt, kidney Debility and 1''eiliale Weakness all Cured. LONDON, June 20th, 1880. For some time I was a [sufferer of liver oolnplainb, affeotionsof the kidneys, de- bility and female woaknoes, also with pain in the side, between the shoulders, and underneath the shoulder blades, and much weakness in the back and distress acmes my body, and mob sinking clown of the system. Through persuasion I tried Williams' Royal Crown Remedy, and have derived groat benefit from its use ; in foot I am feeling bolter at pres- ent than I have for a number of years. I can with pleasure, recommend it, and I would induce any ono who is afflicted to got it without delay. Mus. E. Grum. Montana's silver statue of Justice was enacessfully oast on Saturday. It weighs 1,000 pounds, is valued at $70,000, and is aaicl to be a perfect representation (life size) of the figure of Ada Behan, the actress, who allowed herself to be the modal. Tho statue is for the World's Pair. There will be no Montreal and Chicago line of boats to oall at Sarnia- this year. The awlle00 of the boats say they do not anticipate any World's Fair busiuess, and will lett their boats into lines on Lake Erne or into the Lake Superior grain trade. John Weir, book•keepor for the Windsor Truck 00., disappeared on March 10th. He came from England about a year ago. 11e had been hoard eevoral times - to snake remarks that showed he contemplated suicide. A letter was found in his room on Saturday from Lord Lonsdale, of Cumberland, Eng., the contents of which show that the two aro cousins. An underground river has been dis- oovered 4 miles north-west of Augusta, Iia. A few days ago Wm. Allan dug a well on kis farm in that locality, going to a depth of 133 feet. Not finding as much water as he desired, he dog 44 feet 7 t dd nl the auger dropped fu•la• ndst e tat. and the bottom of the well. What water bad accumulated also went through the hole. The hole was plugged up with olay and debris, and the wet} again filled with water, batt suddenly the entire bottom fell out, carrying all but five feet of the walls with it. Nothing was then left but a deep hole in the ground at the bottom, where could be seed a swift rushing stream. All efforts to fill up thio hole have proved futile. Rubbish, stones, logs and other debris have been oast into it, bat the rushing anrrent carries it away almost instantly. Efforts have been made to sound the depth of the subterranean stream but they too have been futile. 1898 —FLAX — 1893 CAMERON BROS, 11 ave n limited number of Bushels of the - 131ST. DUT0B SEED - 1i'or farmers in the vdentity of Oranbroo 11 who intend raising Flax daring the arming season, which they are prepared to deliver to qunutities to shit flus growers. Oan lie got at the 00,0013000 FLA1 M1LL. Seed given but an too usual terms. Order Pearly to ensure a supply. For Ilan grown from this seed 810 Der Ton will 110 paid, if of good growth, harvested 1n propos eofaoa,, null delivered 1,1 the Flax 01011 tae soon as 01 for throsuhlg, Wo wall rout It munber of ,nod sod [folds for the purpose of ,towing flu x. (J 3I17RON 111408., Proprlclore ('rnubrao;l 010/C:11111. Far Particulars ABOUT THE Settlers' Teslas TO IT AND THE NOT -EST Send to your noarast Eailroad Agent and obtain a copy of .(Free FactgleFarllo,S" J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. P 0 S T F6 a ,trtntEtrarfa81111nmawnEiHtelatt0011 a11011a141480:.AILIaseort00231.axrast112110WASSea That i:; not with to experiment w;;!, ✓ e: a operands purporting to but which have • l,lm;n01 value. To make u , of r'., s otln,r than the old stan- I b u ,c patina -talo Su- 1 i.•pu ifie -•--is simply to ;i- t , io. c of into, ntoa,ny and health, ;t'u aro afflicted with Scrofula, t rat, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, 110000)0, Running Soros, Tumors, ca. idly other bleocl chaenso, bo assured that St Pays to Use AIEIL'S Sarsaparilla, and AYER'S ouly. AYEIR'S Sarsaparilla can al- ways lat depended upon. It does not ✓ ary. It is always the same in duality, quantity, and effect. It is superior in combination, proportion, appearance, and in all that goes to build up the system weakened by diseaoo and pain. It searches out r rities iu the loo all in -purities blood and A e..• 1 pals thou by the natural channels.* 9 Vm79 Sarsaparilla Proltarod Uyy Pr.,7.0,.tyer 0 Oo.,Lowe)1 Maus. Sold by all Druggists..l'rico 00; cis betties, 30. Cures others,will cure you Just Received, Dross Goods, Prints, Lawns, Nlusllns, Embroidery, Laces and Lace Curtains, Cottons, Cotton - odes, Shirtings, Flannelettes, Cretonnes, Towelling and tt job line of Dross Goods at 5c. My Stock of Groceries is com- plete. My Black and Japan Tea at 25c. is the best in Town. Pare Coffee, pure Spices. First-class Canned Goods at the following prices :-8 Cans Tomatoes, 25o. ; 8 Cans Corn, 25c. ; 8 Cans Peas, 25c. ; 8 Cans Pumpkins, 25c. e.Y o G. BEENE. B'; isu$iil I have opened out a prime stack of new Confectionery, Fruits, Nuts, Canned Goods, Tobaccoes, Cigars, 4Cc., in the aistosae Block. . OYSTERS Cooked, Raw or by the Glass. liot Teo and Coffee Served at all Hours. Lunch Room. Everything neat, clean, and solcl at close prices. Pickles by the Bottle or Quart. Salt and Fresh Fish. JA$I 1YIcALPINE. .L..4io{1J1 11JETDl ER Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Full Lines in HOLD RHC SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by us. Clods of the Latest Designs JEWELRY 1 W11000013 RINGS, I,Anlse Gnu Rum, Summing, EAunoeoe, &o. 1. Also a Full Line of Vlosnls and Violin Strings, dm., fn stook. N. 101:-Iesnrer of Marriage Licenses.. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. White Stair Line. IROYAf, 71Alf, STEE 131011100. 13etwecnl New York autl Lbvorponl, via (Ju0elslew11, every WednoedaY. Ae the 510m11005 of this naw carry only a strictly MMus( number i11 the. 1.110:1' ,,11/1 .000011 0A111N 0CUaOntlntlutl011e, lntelnling paeeongore are reminded that au curly al,. p110111I911 for berths ie (0011 Fe1'1' at 11,00 sea - sou, For plans, rated, eta., apply to W. H. --Kerr, Agent, Brussels. �oli1ars Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Mar. 30, 31 and Apl, 1. RETURN T4Rl ET S Will be issued from all Stations in Can- ada ut SINGLE FARE Good to return until Apl. 4. J. N. ICEND.I LI, Agent, Brussels. I4IONEi TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Lean on Farm or Village 1'ro- porty at 6 & 6k Per Cent., Ye,zrly, Straight Loans with privilege. of repaying when required. Apply to A, Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. F L.A X. J. & J. LININ f rioTON NAVE E6� Bushels of Dost NIA Sod - ro' formers rmising the daring of Brussels, w 1, v rn 1a lc 'Mead0,,w rasa,, flax d,rep,, rho scolia; sen.• eau, which eu tlfl ',rewired to l Miser ill quantities to soar alas growers, lean be :rot at lain Ji rus sole Flax Sial, W . H, 1le0rnolk'u'.:: grocery store, I3russels; Wui. Neal'. Wal- ton ; D. Zimmer'a, Oraabraok ; 3. 11. Heu- dorson's (New Store), Ethel; J. J. Vitt. omit's, Jamestown ; and \Nn. Messer's, I3htevale. Seed given out at 11.00 per bush el and on the usual terms. Order early and ensure a slimily. For Has grown frnn, 11,11. song, $10 Per 'full will be Paid. If of good growth. ftarvost:•d 10 l roper vaa- son and delivered at the Flax 9011) to; noon as fit for threshing. We will also rent a nvnl- ber of geed Sod fields for the utupose of growing flan, N. 13:-1'armsra are strongly odvlsodto sow their flax on good laud, 1ve11 plowed and Harrowed, not ou law lards, and tt:e yield will bo front a ton to a ton and a half per acre more. 17ax grown on low lama will not grow fibre to give the weight. W. }MIGHT, J. 0 J. LIVINOSTON, Manager. l'0eprietore. J. Z. NACDONALD, Managing Direotor, Capital and Assets, $0,000,000 New Llsurance, 1892, 83,070,000 Insurance at Risk, 822,505,000 }TORONTO. { W. C. A E nDONALD, Gains for 1892 over 1891 in In- surance, Written, 8755,000, Or over 25 per cent. Insurance at Risk, 81,978,000 Or Nearly 10 per cent. Policies Non -Forfeitable and In- Assurance Income, 848,078 disputable after two years. In Assets, - 8439,8 78 w. . .b1.. WI .I.W -IAV AGENT, BRUSSELS. fat AND � .. eturn lg is to the front with a full line of new Goocls consisting of General Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, Canned Goods, Flour and Feed, and everything generally kept in a first-class Grocery. I ala pre- pared to meet the requirements of the public in a straightforward manner. Call and see before buying elsewhere. Cash Paid for Eggs. Highest Price for Butter and Poultry. My Motto is Small Profits and Quick Returns. Hoping to merit a share of your Patronage and Confidence, I am Yours, &c., J. EL ER. Geo. Backer's old Stand. meemmammammislallMO Sloes nor Via The attention of the Public is invited to azar well assorted stoeh of Boots and ,Shoes. To Look Wen Is more the result of good judgment and taste than mere lavish use of money. My stook of Boots & Shoes Is adapted to fill the wants of those who having Blender 10aa11108 atilt desire to make their appoarauce creditable. sit ditable. 11fy experience and close relations with nlannfa0turere enables me t0 present a line of jP00'1't'V'7f'3.A.la w Unequalled in the county for style, quad• ity and price. H -OW IS IT TIZAT THE MUM Sloe Sto_rc Ie Selling so many Boots & Shoes ? 1st -Because they buy from the best manufacturers. 2nd -Because they are satisfied with small profits. 3rd -Because their customers get sat. iefantion. 4th -Because they won't sell you shod- dy goods. bah -Because they sell so cheap, Buy your next pair of Boots or Shoos from us and give us a trial. Special Attention given to Custom Work. Don't 'Mistake the place but go direct to JOHN DOWNING, LAIRD BLOCK., BRUSSELS. t BIPS SEWED PRIM or CBARGE.