HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-3-24, Page 10SUPPLEMENT TO THE BRUSSELS POST. North Huron Magistrates. To the Editor of TUo Poem, Sm, --Sou asked me weree't there two Parties ou the bonch in Brussels at the hearing of this famous. ease that took place on the railway train between 'Hingham and Brussels, In answer, 1 say yea, there appeared to be. Yon also asked me, how is ib that so many magis- trates are gathered up at so many different times, as were in this case. I answer again, that for the Inst forty years the magistrates in North Huron have failed to establish confidence in the community, beoanse of the gathering of the clans, and the oonduct of the magic• trates in this ease has nob made it auy better. Just let us see ; eight magis• trates took their seats on the Benrh in Brussels to try 5.0 information laid un. der the SummaryConviotions' Act. The counsel for the proseoutiou asked the court to amend the information, so as to have it disposed of by the Indictable •Offences Act. This was objected to be. cause it would not be an amendment ; it would be a new information. Besides, "it would close the mouth of the defend. ants and their witnesses, aid make the defendants prisoners instead of defend. ants. I' would also deprive them of their costs of witness fees ie the Sum. ataxy case. Then a vote was taken to amend the information as requested. Four magistratee voted to amend and four against, therefore on a tie it aould not be amended. This vote, I suppose, showed the complesiou of the wart, and, ,of course, something had to be done. Therefore Mr. Reymann, J. P., was ttpitobforked" on to the Bench and then the counsel for the prosecution asked that a vote be taken again, as (he said) °anotber gentleman had taken his seat on the Bench." To this vote being taken I objected and the objection was held. The information was then withdrawn by counsel, and costs awarded in the Dasa. Now, Sir, it is evident that Mr. King, counsel for the prosecution, must have thought that Mr. Reymann, J. P., word have voted for his amendment, else be (hir. Tying) would not have asked for a second vote in the ease. After thie stage of the case, or cases, what follow- ed ? One magistrate could have do to all that there was to do. Treat the law. as absolute ; take the evidence, a rd commit the prisoners for trial. But in- stead. this Bench of magistrates n'.ts augmented four different times by inat;ia trates from the different townships of Hallett, Wawanosb, Morrie, Grey, Turn. berry, Howick, and the village of Wroxeter. Pray, Sir, what did all theta magistrates do? They spent three days and two nights committing four teen and sent them for trial, and one ma ,is. trate could have done so in as many hours. Now, Sir, what did those Inst four magistrates from North Morris, Turnberry, Howick, and Wroxeter crane to do, at the last moment? Theevic' ince was all taken except against Pratt. Who sent for these magistrates 7 flow did they know a case was going on ? How slid they know but that all had been disposed of the fleet day ? Who sent for the other magistrates that came from near Manchester ? Who was it sent the bogus telegram to the County Attorney ? By what authority did John McCrea, J. P., some back and sit on a case that he had left of his own free will before he had heard the evi- dence? lllr. Spence, of Ethel, left in the same way. Why were these two magistrates allowed, when they came back next day, to sit and adjudge a oaee when they bad not heard the evidence taken ? Out of theiwhole lot only one magistrate objected. It is a principle in law that the Judge must see the wit- ness when giving the evidence, as well as hear the witness giving it, and that the reading of evidence Li not evidence. But in thle ease the prisoners were dire charged because there was no evideuoe offered to prove the charge. The prose- cution pleaded to another • thing quite irrelevant to the case. Any magistrate in a county has a right to wine and sit on any case, and to hear all the evidence when token and dispose of it acoording. lv, but he must take his stab at the beginning and sit to the end of it. I hope, Sir, that some kind friend will apply to the Attorney General at the next session of Parliament end get for each of ns sixteen J. r's. a leather medal. Ronrnx Analrraoxa, J, P. :larch 17, '93. tate north end of the building which was et the time burning out. The loss is considerable to say nothing of the incon- venience. Too molt credit cannot be given the firemen and citizens for their active eervioes on the wonsion. They feared nothing and sonic of them ran great risks with their own lives, bub they felt they had a duty to perform and they performed it nobly. The engines else slid excellent service. The present winter has been very severe all over the Northwest. There is said to be more snow now on the west slope or the Cascade Monntaius than has been known before in many years, The Columbia River has been frozen over so that people have crossed it in inttey places where strong foe has formed this year for the first time in the memory of elan. The loss among cattle in some districts has been slight, in others ex- ceedingly heavy. In Ilutitas county, Wash„ fully three fourths of the range cattle have perished. The snow, which on some ranges is waist deep, has Rept the animals from the grass until they died of hunger and cold, The bluebirds have arrived from Southern climes and are to be heard singing from baro branches of bbs trees. Dr. 11, R, Abbott, London, formerly of Exeter, has enoeesefully passed his ex• aaninations before the State Board of Dental Examiners at Chicago. A moat destructive fire and one which at one time threatened severe destrno. tion to the town, from the fact that a high wind prevailed, occurred here on Wednesday of last week. The alarm was sounded at about 11:80 a. in. and smoke could be seen inning from the roof of R. Davis' residence. Tho handing be. ing frame and of very dry material the flames made rapid headway. The fire- men and a large number of °Wbieens ar• rived shortly after the alarm was given and began to fight the flames from all aides, and by their strenuous efforts sue• oeeded in saving all the contents, save some articles of wearing apparel and a few other email things, although eon- siderably damaged, After an hour of bard fighting the consuming elemente were got under control, to the greet re. lief of hundreds presonb, who were in dread that the fire wottld spread to other buildings. It wee suppoeed to have originated from a defective chimney in For your bonen t. we fell our story from ilamillon and 1'c1.OIs. Neuralgia Cured. IIASIILTON, Jan. 7, 1891. Messrs. Isaao Trillium Co., London, Ont. Sirs; —After suffering for a long time with indigestion and neuralgia, bought two bottles of Royal Crown Remedy. It entirely cured nie. I oan recommend it as the best medicine I ever used. Mus. Hum, 80 Paulette Sb. Lite'Prolonged. PAnis, San. 01, 1801. Messrs. Isaac Ti'f lliatas Co.: Deer Sirs,—I was troubled with rheu. mutism for several years. A. friend in. dcoed me to try your "Royal Crown Remedy," whish I did. After taking two bottles I felt great relief. At the present my health is better than it has been for a long time. I oan oonfcdeutly assure yon your medioine was the means Of prolonging my life. The above teeti- many yon have my permission of using as you see fib. I ant, yours respectively, Mos, lr.oanON. Hundreds of others could tell, end will in Mbar., tell liow Royal Crown Remedy hes prolonged their life. NINETEIIN Boxue,. Brantford, March 20th,—The Lxpoeitor last week publish- ed an article on the oaee of Archie By. mol of this city, which has caused con- siderable exeibement in Brantford and district. It appears Mr, Rymal has had more than hie sharp of auffering during the past few years, so far was he run down from kidney disease that he bad lost the power of his Smite and back. He could only get around with bbe aid of two crutches, or when assisted by kind hands. His death was daily expected. On the advice of his wife he tried Dodd's Kidney Pills and took in all nineteen boxes. Ilio improvement was marked from the second box, He is now Dom• pletely cured and a living testimony of the curative powers of that wonderful remedy. T have opened out a primo stock of new Confectionery, Fruits, Nuts, Cannell Goods, Tobaccoes, Cigars, &c., in the Vanstone 1(O e OYSTERS Cooked, Raw or by the Glass. Hot Tea and Coffee Served at all Hours. Lunch Room. Everything neat, clean, and sold at close prices. Pickles by the Bottle or Quart. Salt and Fresh Fish. JASI MCALPIN1. 11cLEO-D'S System Ren.ovatoa On omnEn— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AHB ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyepepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- snmption, Gall Stones, Jaundioe, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bility. LABORATORY OODERIC , ONT. J. M. MaLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by J. T. PEPPER, Druggist, Brussels. FLAX. J. & J. LIVINGSTON HAVE NO Bushels of Best Ittoh Seed Dior formers in thevieivity of Brussels, who intend raising Aux during the coming sea- son, wbleb they two prepared to deliver in quantities to suit flax growers. Can be got at the Brussels Flax Mill, W. II.DICOraeken's grocery store, Brussels; Wm. Nears Wal- ton; D, Simmer's, Oranbrook; J. bf. Hen- derson's (New Store), Ethel; J. J. V1u- cent's, Jamestown; and Wm. Dresser's, Bluovale, Seed given out at SUM per bushel and ou the usual terms. Order early and ensure a supply. For ilex grown from this seed, $10 Per Ton 11'ill be Paid. If of good growth, htu'vostod fn proper sea- son and delivered at the Flax Mill as soonas fit for threshing. Wo will aim rent a num- ber of good sod ileitis for the purpose of growing 001. N.8,—Farmers are strongly advised to sow their fax on good laud, well plowed and harrowed, not tat low lands, and the yield serein bmore. 01 im a nn gron ownton low and whalf ill not grow fibro to give'the weight. W.13BIGRT, 3. Rt J. LIVTNGSTON, Manager.Ptopriotors. MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 62 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loanil with privilege of repaying whorl required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division. Court Cleric, Bmssels. THOS, FLETCIIER, Practical Watchmaker c&iwZ JeweZer. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Full Lines in BOLO AN SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest Designs JEWELRY I. WEDDING RINas, LADIES GEST Batas, Bit000nxs, EAnnnNes, &o. ta•Also a Full Line of VIosues and Violin Strings, &o., in stook. N.11.—Insurer of Marriage Licensee. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. 'IBIS MAND$O1IIE LADY has Two Companane• Can you find them ? If so, mark faces and send to ns as directed below. The LADIES' COMPANION Is a high class, 32 page, illustrated Magazine, devoted to Litera- ture, Homo Life, Fashion, etc. most artistic in appearance and patronized by the best class of renders. A perfectly fair and legitimate premium system Is adopted by Its publishers at groat outlay, in order to quickly place it and its sister publications at the hoed of all Canadian periodicals in point of circulation. During lace we purr pose giving away Pour Elegant Rosewood Pianos. The most exact good faith will be inept with every subscriber} both as regards the magazine and premiums. See name of subscriber to receive the grand Piano now exhibited at our offices, in Ladies' Companion for March, pry. We publish Ladies' Companion, E1.o0per year ; Ladies at Remo, 50 cents per year; Our Boys and Girls, 00 cents per year. Note our address' 1d6 King St., West, and de not confound our pyblieations with any others of somewhat similar names. 0w LEST, To the first person solving puzzle we will awed an elegant Rosewood Piano, valued a113 8, the next will receive a (1095Watch; the third, a Silk ]Dress Pattern; the fourth, a Swiss Music Itox; the fifth, a Silver Watch • the sixth, a BAtt@r. ar LABR t the seventh, a GOLD Ba000n • the eighth, a Smvga VIVO 1'0,,0018 PRA SI't'm t to the next ten will be given each a beautint Gone 01,0000 ; Tn the middle sender will hu awarded a Cabinet Organ ; and to the ton following each a CRAYON Powrmu'r of sender or any friend, The sander of letter beating latest postmark,' previous 151.11 will receive a gThe 1001 last lreceive n Siler 'Watch ; ten preceding, each a beauifuColi Brooch. CONDITIONS t-I':arh contestant must marls faces 1e puzzle in ink or pencil. advertl,cnwnt out and forward to rot with Thirty' Cents for months subscription b, ,he [.allies' Companion. Addrose, ," " D" LtDPB' COMPANION PUB. CO,, 166 King St., West, Toronto, Can, FIROXVIatairoti E AGI cream,..mc esx.....,ws>m�.erannos.cetra,_+e...,nrn ° 'o p Ellow The Lastest ? Our Photos., Cabinet 15Z.;.e, Cb7''0 0724 X1,54 a Do ;era. NOW is the lirr2e, while they are chem. Sunbeams, Mikado Panels, Cards, a nji .size up to .2 X47 and larger if required. Old pict7ares copied and enlarged at reasonable prices. Every 12er"s072 welcomed at HARV E J. STRONG'S PHOTO STUDIO, BRUSSELS. OVER STANDARD B&NI. is to the front With a full line of new Goods consisting of General Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, .Canned Goods, Flour and Feed, end everything generally kept in a first-class Grocery. I am pre- pared to moot the requirements of the public in a straightforward manner. Call and see before buying elsewhere. Cash Paid for Eggs. Highest Price for Batter and Poultry. My Motto is Small Profits and Quick Returns. Eloping to merit a share of your Patronage and Confidence, I am Yours, &c., , . '-r A M T ..1.,CJ Geo. B2elcer's old Stand. Having secured the absolute control of M. H. Dirge & Son's Celebrated process of Wall Papers and Hangings, I am opening out a FULL STOOK in my now shop, one door North of aline & Smith's Bank. My stock is all new and well selected, every design being patented since Oct. lst, 1892. 20 Full Sets to choose from. Also full lines of Cheap Canadian and American Paper's. Elegant Borders. and Ceilings. Full lines of Window Shades and Springs of Latest Designs. Painting in all its Branches carried on as usual. Shop Blinds and Awnings a Specialty. . RODDICK House, :Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. We. agree not to sell our lines to any other Dealer in Brussels for 1899. M. H. BIRGE & SONS, Buffalo, N. Y. (