HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-3-24, Page 88 �°�'j��° i pLE lO h, Slorse Fair on 'Thursday, Warr 1prA Gall, The biggest Fell: a the Some problems that are very simple sere not always understood. Of course there are some people who from lack of education or proludioe, will not ender. ;hoed. It ehuutd be plain to the readers of TUE POST that there 1s a gain by lessen- ing the cost of nanufactnre, as explained before, Of coarse oolubines, as a rule, advance the prices of good's nranufauturod by them, bot before they do this, they must control the manufacture of all suoji goods. Now, when the great Wall Paper Trust wars formed in the U.S., there were one or more firma that did ant unite with them. In order, therefore, to com- pel these to do so, the Trust did and do eell at a price that those outside cannot compete with them and will no doubt be compelled to join them. Wall papers, in the U, S., for some years, have been sold at a very small margin of profit and for anyone outside of the combination to give a discount simply means to charge an advance price. We do not maintain that the prices of Wall Papers will bo ns tow next year, but we know that the tom. bination goods are alt right this. We would not have purchased from the cons - bine but "Goode bought well are half sold," and while our customers have the benefit of cheaper goods we have that which comas from increased custom, Will you elsare in the benslibs ? G. A. DEADMA.N, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOOTHEBN E1TENSION W. O. & n. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Gonna SMITH. GOING Nunn. bOaf1:a:, a.m. affiant e•t•�, .ns. Express HMV a.m. Mail nixed p.m. Express 08$ ; *0. no) C"' 4 a cal ` ides (Gkems. A chiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Gee the snow of the sidewalks. BuyrtEs are making their appearance again. DIA yon find the faces in the pueele ? See this week's supplement, A QUANTIT0 of interesting local and district news may be fonud on this week's supplement. EASTER Sunday will be the first Sab- bath in April. Friday of next wed, will be Good Friday. reereAOCs agents have been shoe: as thick as hair on a dog's back its this section for the past week. Time was service in the R. C. cnnrch in this place last Sunday morning. Father Kinney, of Seaforth, officiated. RICHARD Wsxsx&nrs is putting 11 Sandy" through a course of training with the ex- pectation of altering his gait from trotting to pacing. Tne friends of R. McGee, the Kincar- dine liveryman, whose team was drown- ed in Lake Huron while en route to Goderioh, have collected enourh money to recoup him for the loss. This was a commendable act. Ox Tuesday afternoon R. Leatherdale bad one of the front panes of glass in bis hearse broken while going through the pitch holes on the gravel road. Several iron stays were also wrenched off. The road is very bad. Miss IitCPnensoie has leased the store i in the Stretton block, lately vacated by 1 Mise Gauley, and is now opening' up her new millinery stock, Miss McPherson had charge of one of the best millinery 1 establishments in Toronto for the past 0 a years. Millinery opening on Thursday and Saturday of next week. p .LAST Monday evening The Revelation h of St. John was the topic of the Epworth 1 League in connection with the Methodist church. The topic was sub -divided as e follows :-Mise Braden, Title, Author, r Date ; Nelson Gerry, Patmos ; Miss a Minnie Moore, Ephesus; Mrs. Cavanagh, p Smyrna ; W. H. Kerr, Pergamos ; A. R. n Smith, Tbyatira; Bruce Wilson, Sardis ; 1 Dr. Cavanagh, Philadelphia ; Rev. G. P. a Salton, Question Drawer. The new a program will be ready for the next meet- b ing of the League. MOOemanai ANn iLEacH AC :xxrgn.- e 'Conductor McCallum and Brakeman p Leech, of the G. T. R., were tried at s Walkerton Wednesday before Judge e Barrett, without a jury, on a charge of s conspiracy to murder. These parties, t while in charge of a train Doming out of t Kincardine, were recently attacked by f some of the passengers and a free fight e ensued in the course of which all hands f were more or less injured. The attack- p ing parties were recently tried and eon. p ',doted at Goderioh. In return they f charged the conductor and brakeman h with conspiring to murder them. Judge t Barrett held that there was no evidence of conspiracy and discharged the prison. era. Hoerr JACK." -Capt. J. Lightowler and wife of the Salvation Army' who left for India a few years ago have return. ed and brought with them a large number e of interesting, curiosities or Indian B curios. Amongst other things which C the Captain and his wife have token the D pains to oolleot aro 8 idols, all brass, the M names of wbioh are respectively, "Gum. 13 pate," "Ranchord," and "Marotbie," strings of beads which the natives use to 13 adorn the sacred calf which they wor- ship, bends worn by priests and fakirs, B sacred =stoat cymbals, braes. drinking bowls, some of which are beautifully en. M graved, different kinds of ladies combs, ear.ring, noee•ring, toe.ring, sandal wood ornamental cases, wheel for grinding grain, Parsee and Mahommodan shoes and sandals, palm leaf, showing the M manner in which the natives heap their accounts, braes ink et,•nds, cloy pots used for holding gain to protect it against G vermin, plate for clea',ing grain, Sunday plates in brass, which the high oast people eat from, native dagger and razor, G nutmeae, chestnuts, shells, eta. The G Captain also has a sample of the native cestnmos worn by men and women, and G the new Teetament and Salvation Army song book printed in the Gugarati lan- guage. The natives reooivo from two to G three anna5 per day Inc their labor, which be equal In our money to from three. to eta cents, The climate of India suited Capt. Lightowler but on account of hie wife's ill health, oaneed by the very exoessive heat, they had to return, 0sae00. COLLECTOE CAVAN, of Stratford, was 1 1O0r11 an Tlsureday of this melt and anon with Constable Scott was looking up "swamp whiskey" manufactory 1u th country, TUE Mel ranee 0nmpauies intereated i n 0 tt 0 the recent tiro in wbioh W. Nightingale's store was burned were holding an investi• gallon, or inquiry, this week before A, hunter, .1. P. THE Grand Trunk Railway has grant, ed reduced fates for Laster holidays. liken tickets will be issued on Thurs. day, Marob 30th, valid to return until Tuesday, April 411,, at single fare. Tunes is an increasing demand for Jerseys and their' orosees, On Tuesday 0. A. Deadpan': elliptled a young Jersey ball to Martin Leigh, of Burgas:elle. Oxford County, has long been famous for its dairy stock. THE following persons :vete elected as representatives of the congregabion to the Quarterly Board of the Methodist church, lireese's, ata meeting held on Wedues• duty evening of this week :-R. Leather - dale, A. Cousley, Jno. Downing, 11, L. Jaellson, T. Moore, Alfred Lowry andel, 11. Smith. THE iligh Soboo) Entrance examina• tions in Ontario, will, this year, wen- tnenoe on June 28th, examinations for Primary and Junior Leaving teachers' certificates and for University Pttes Matriculation, will begin on July 4th ; while the Senior Leaving and Honor Matriculation examinations will com- mence on July 13th. Erxbr householder should get a move on and get his or her back yard in order as soon as the snow gets away, The Board of Health does not propose to have any shuffling about it this year, but all premises must be cleaned perfectly, so Viet if cholera does come the Board of Health cannot be blamed for not having done its duty. The law will be enforced to the letter• i rnsnEN,-The attention of sports. mru is called to the regulations and re etrlctions in connection with the Game Ince t•egarding the shooting or destroy- iug a` wild ducks, &e. during the bread. ing. s anon. The penalty is a heavy out and o mebody will be called to book be- fore W. Climie, of Listowel. the Warden for this section, if the law is violated. A wo•,i to the wise should be sufficient. Pe ,Eters who have children about to bogie school are advised to send them at Lasa•,, or at the beginning of the Fall tern,. eo that teachers may be enabled to erre lie them in classes, and cavo time and inconvenience, for it is about as 'nue% trouble to teach one little child as a class of five or six children. When they come to school straggingly, teachers cannot arrange them in classes, and heaves they do not receive sufficient at- tention. If parents will kindly act on this suggestion they will facilitate the teachers' work, and do a kindness to the children. MISER. The editor of the Atwood Bas attended a concert recently given by the Sons of Temperance as Ethel. Here le the report :-"Tbe Fax concert last Fra day night, under the auspices of the I. 0. G. T., was a howling success. The Math• odist church was crowded to the doors, and the program was very good. The solos by Misses Lang and Spenoe were heartily encored, as were also Prof. Haw- kins' instrumental selections. Every ap• pearance of Jas. Fax was a signal for deafening applause. W. H. Herr, editor of Tug Beneseas POST, occupied the chair. His droll, witty rematics between the lumbers, so characteristic of W. If., kept the audience in excellent humor through. out." Bro, Pelton was sober we know hat, but how be came to think lie was n the Methodist church, when he occ0. » ed a reserved seat in the new Towosbip Hall, is more than we oan understand. He evidently bad the razzle-dazzle a ittle, caused by the close proximity of fair resident from Blenheim town, Kent Go. If R. S. will let up on reediting "I Need thee every hour," e'll be restored to his right mind before ung. Onir.-Last Friday morning Willie, (deet son of John Wynn, a well known esident of Brussels, died, aged 26 years nd 10 months. The deceased had been oorly for some years and his death was o f altogether nnlooked ' for. After eaving school Willie had served his pprenticoehip in his father's carriage hop, the intention being to hand the usiness over to him. it was willed tberwise, however, and after a trying xperienoe death released him from all stn and trouble. He was a kind heart• d, good natured youth who enjoyed the steam of all who knew him and hie arly demise is greatly regret. ed. He had no fear of death, rusting in a risen Saviour. The uneral on Sunday afternoon was attend• d by a large number of neighbors and riends. Rev. Mr, Salton gave an appro. elate address at the residence of the arents. The floral wreathe were beauti- ul. Mr. and Mrs. Wynn and family ave the sympathy of the community in heir bereavement. "0 what a joyful meeting there 1 In robes of white arrayed, Palma in our hands we all shall bear, And crowns upon our heads." TEE following are the amounts collect - by the Bible Society collectors for the reseals Branch :- enaction at annual meeting, $ 5 02 e nation from "S. A.," 6 00 rs. M, McLean, subscription, 1 00 rossels-East, birs. 11. G, Wil- son & Miss Lizzie Reid, 80 17 russets -West, Mra, Dennis & Miss Shaw, 18 65 russeis-North, Misses Men- zies & Moore, 8 75 orris, eon, 7, Miss MoCall, G, Mies Smith, 4 00 5, M. Black, 1 60 " & 4, Misses Black Currie,4 16 orris, con. 3, Misses Ireland & Armebrong, ' 3 26 Moate, con. 2, rey, eons, 1 & 2, 7itisees Rae, 8 40 " 8 & 4,11itisses Straob. an dt Taylor, 5 85 ray, eons, 6 & 0 ray, cons. 7 & 8, Misses Clara Oroolue & Alice Cardiff, 8 80 ray, cons, 0 & 10 " 11&12,J,T. David. son, 18 76 ray, cone. 18 & 14,Misses Rfteh. io & Stewart, 8 05 Ethel, Misses Davies it Milne, 27 06 Sales at Depository from Deadman, 18 72 1 $163 91 TIE BRUSSELS POST Tlil: sleighing 15 getting about played out in a0tr15 leaves, while 1:1 plenty of seetione the s'Sow is 3 or 4 feet deep )'et. Irene Co, -A meeting of Brussels Psco• mon will be held in rho Counoil Chamber on Monday evening, 27th lust., at 8 0'. stook. A11 intereebed are asked to be present. P. SCOTT, Chief. As will be :naked by oald elsewhere T. A. He:viduu i has ohanged his quarters from 1'ustsnaster Farrow's to J. 0. IIaM. liday'e, corner King and John streets, Rev, lin. Beds, of Toronto, will preach aunivureary eormous in the Meth. odist ohnroh in. bus place next Sunday, Mnrell 20011, The Dr. is one of the most eloquent divines in oounertioa with the Methodist church, A married man's concert will be held on :Monday. evening. LIPSMssu Nln'e Ckrt'I1FICA'rs,-At the meeting of Maitland Preebyterte' Society, held ab Kincardine lest week, Mrs, (Dr.) Graham, of Brussels, was made the reaipisnt of a Life Member's Certificate accompanied by the following kindly worded address :- etre. Graham, Treasurer of the Presbyter. sal Society of Maitland, DEA: b1AuAac,---L1 discharging the very pleaewg duty which has devolved on me I feel I am giving utterance to the heart- felt sentiments of each member when I say that we were, as a Society, eager bo have the opportunity of testifying our appreciation of the very efficient anti disinterested manner in which you have for the past six years discharged the responsible duties of Treasurer for the Maitland Presbyterial Society. We would, therefore, in recognition of this and also as a token of personal regard, ask your acceptance of the accompanying Life Member's Certificate, trusting that you may be long spared to use your talents and influence in the Master's ser - vim: here below and when called from this to the higher service and joy "in the presence of the Icing" you may have your highest hopes and greatest am- bitions realized in the greeting "Wall done, good and faithful servant of your Lord and Saviour." Signed on behalf of the Maitland Presbyterial Society, 0. Suntan s:en, Kincardine, J. McNeal:, 14th Marob,'93. W. 11. Mclnar, H. altrano. The address was read by Miss Munro, of Kincardine, 'ma the presentation made by Miss Anderson, of St. Helens. It is hardly necessary to state that Mrs. Grahaln was very pleasantly surprised. A most suitable reply was made. Mrs. (ir011am is a very enthusiastic worker in el,urolu ornttnioations and is well deserv• ing of the above recognition. Business Locals. San my add this week. B:. 7. Strong. Fina( fish arriving daily at McAlpine's. THE cheapest enits in town at D. 0. Ross'oa. Mn pans $1.00 per dozen at B. Gerry's. A NICE range of tins, very cheap. D. C. Ross. 5 14 -quart pails for $1.00 at B. Gerry'a. NEw Spring goods at D. C. Ross' the leading tailor. ALL kinds of tinware made and repair. ed at B. Gerry's. Caovsn, Timothy and fresh garden seeds at McCracken's. THE low prices for cabinet photos will continue at Perry's. GALL and see our 011,00 suit, cheapest in town. D. C. Ross. LATEST cabinet photographs, best finish, $14 per doz. at Strong's. Ar pails $8.00 per 100 ; Spiles $1,00 per 100. B. Gerry. STEP up stairs and have a look at photos in gallery. H. J. Strong. NEW jump seat buggy for sale cheap. Apply at Tins POST Publishing !louse. A Lama assortment of pressed and looms made tinware et B. Gerry's. DAISY churns from 03.26 up. B. Gerry. NEw Spring hats just arrived in all the new styles and colors, cheap. D. 0. Roes. Der wood wanted, either nordwood or stove woad. Apply at Tun POST Publish- ing House. No unnecessary transfers and re-cheok- ing when you buy your tickets of Grand Trunk agents. OArm and see the Melissa waterproof coat, away ahead of the ordinary rubber coat. D. 0. Ross. Bur your Manitoba tickets at the G T R depot and have your baggage checked through to destination. Oasis one, come all, and give ns a call. Beet photos are always cheapest and Strong's is the place to get them. GLAND= over my add and see photos to be had for ons dollar and a half. H. J. Strong, Photographer. THE low prices for cabinet pbotographs have been such a great e0000ee We will continue them a abort time. 0. E. Perry. THE trouble with most cough medicines is that they spoil the appetite, weaken digestion and create bile. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, on the oontrary, while it gives immediate relief, assists rather than im- pairs the aesimilative process. "WHAT's in a name Y" Well, that de. ponds. For instance, the name of "Ayer" is sufficient guarantee that Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a genuine, scientific, blood. purifier and not a sham like eo much that goes by the name of "sarsaparilla." Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the standard. RugobrATlsnr OuutoD IN A Der. -South American lihonmatio Cure for Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days, Ste action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. 11 re- moves at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly beneflte, 76 cents. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. WELL-DIeeINo AND DiILLINo.-George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entreated to hien in a way that will insure satiefaotion. Wolfe oleaued out and put in proper share. Terms reasonable. Residence e0ooud door north of the bridge, west aide of Turnbeefy el., Brussels. 84.bf HA 1 ha 1 ha I Who ever heard of a cosnbiso lowering the price of geode to the consumer, whether it be a shoe lace, a washing machine, or a roll of wail paper 7 The American Wall Paper Trost allow 1O% off if you buy oxelesive- ly from them. Binge & Sons een cheaper and give 15% off. Why ? 101, because they do not pay $20,000 into the Tenet' and, they sell direct to the trade and. Dave the jobber's profits. Come and inspect quality and prides at W. Rod- diolr'e Wall Paper Emporium, Braesele, ST.iX]),1]f1) J X.IC OF VAX, IDo' , HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) . $7,000,000 CAI'ITAI, (Authorized) • - , $2,000,000 steamfns fit ati prinripnl p001,35 fa Ontario, Queber,1lfmiitabu, United Stela a0 J'htytand, A General Banking Ilusiness Transmittal, Farmers' Notes Dieeouubed, Drains Issued and Colleotions made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, InWee' allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from data of deposit; to data of withdrawal and eonlpoundel half yearly, SPNOM I. ATTENTION GIVEN To THE Coaia':crlo a or FAMINES' SALE No•'Ns, Livery facility afforded Oustome'e living at a distance. W. D. HART, MANAmnu. CILLIES 84 SITI, 131i'Zfs Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all pointe in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal ,t tths end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. \Yc cifeot Is 15,90, lnen,'sn a in old English or Canadian C'onlpanirs, or in !lint. null Companies 55 may b0 Ileal ref. NTS FOR CANADA AND UNITED STATES : THE CANADIAN BANE of Common. Fou your photos go to Strong's over Standard Bunk. A SPLENDID AvIII:AS. -Tbe Deloraino Times :-"M. 13, Wilson a Son raised from -100 acres of land 14,470 bushels of No, 1 wheat, an,l from 75 acres of land 4,020 bushels of bats, and off 12 acres of land 483 bushels of barley, malting in all 19,073 bushels of grain frau 547 acme of land this year. Miteboll Bros. threshed for N. Haggert and turned out an average of 38 bushels an acre on 00 acres of wheat, 60 acme of which was thrashed from the stook." $1.00 :-12 pieces tinware for $1.00 : - 1 14.quart pail, 1 10 quart pail, 1 0.quart pail, 1 Dish pau, 1 Milk pan, 1 Pudding pan, 1 Tem Drawer, 1 Wash bowl, 1 Dipper, 1 Jelly pan, 1 Pie plate, B. Gerry. 730RN • Lsoi os. -In Toronto, on March 18111, the wife of Mr. John Leckie of twin eons. CoLEaisN.-Di Elma, ou March 1311), the wife of blr. Wm. Coleman of a daughter. McKoy -In Mission City, 33. C., on Jan. 30413, the wife of Mr. Joseph MoKoy, formerly of Atwood, of a son. MA.RRSM7D. Pgnnin-F onnxAN,-In Elma, at the reel. dente of 111r. John Inglis, the bride's grandfather, on March 16th, by Rev. Andrew Henderson, assisted by Rev. D. Perris, of Obeeley, Mr. William Perris, of Grey township, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of the late Mr. Jabez Foreman, of Elma. SPEinaN-MOCALL.-In Morris, on March 16th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. D. Millar, of Brus- sels, Mr. George Speiran, of Grey, to Mies Mary Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. Alexander MoOall, of Morris. MAournu-BosauAN.-In Morris, on Meech 22nd, by Rev. J. W. Pring, of Blue - vale, Mies Sarah L., third daughter of Mr. Edward Bosman, to Mr. Robert 0. Maguire, all of Morris township. mamma WxNN.-In Brussels, on March 17th, Willie, eldest son of John Wynn, aged 26 years and 10 months. SIIAnr.-Io Grey, on March 18th, Mary, beloved wife of Andrew Sharp, aged 63 years, 4 mouths and 2 days. Ltsnsnolovon,-In Tuakeremith, on the 4th inst., Anna Oosens, reliot of the late Robert Landeborougb, aged 70 years, 1 month and 24 days. SHAW.—La Grey, on March 19th; Mary Alice, only daughter of Angus Shaw, aged 22 years, 9 mouths and 1 day. 73RV13n7=IM.M MARSfITB, Pall Wheat 02 64 Spring Wheat 58 CO Barley 80 36 Peas 56 00 Oats 28 80 Butter, tubs and rolls18 17 r dozen 12 00 Flour per Barrel 8 00 3 50 Potatoes 60 00 Hay per ton 7 00 00 Salt per bbl., retail1 00 00 Hides trimmed 3i Hides rough 6 Shoop skins, each 00 Lamb skins each 85 Apples per bag 50 Wool 17 Pork 7 00 1 00 00 00 18 7 50 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. OOM WAN TED,—THE UN - 0505>0N ED deBiree ream in a ear for ono b omen Dostination Indian Road, N, W. T., or any station on Main Line 60 miles either side of plass named. Wert to be loft at 1'1205 POST PIIBLISBING DOUSE, Bruetals. 1GGS FOB. HATCHING FOR SALE. -Eggs of Pine Brod Black Mu - comas, and White Leghorue, from Thee, dice's beets tr,iu, 81.00 per setting Bea Al - 001 trio of B1aoh lotool•sae wok lin Metier,to helm, and two Leghorn boolcerele, All of boe31811011 in uut,1w'J03, 1 M01010Y, Soatorth, JERSEY BULL FOR SER- v10g,-S0Ool, for rho oroonory Is fast owning to the front. It will payyon to have Oroeseswlth fleet oboe milch oovt5 if you have snob, l,'or Anther particulars apply at my Dross and Book Store. et, i1,DEADMAN, Brnssels, REAL ESTATE. ®(� ACRE FARM FOR SALE. and 12, eon 18 Grey to()Korea fort" sale. 1ots 21 acres are cleared end the balance Avail thn- bored. linibllugs llrot-class. Orchard, well, Sc, School house within 40 rods. Posses - sloe given at mule if desired, fror further particulars as to pnioe, terms, Ca. apply le Mits. WAL10E1t, 1-03 Roseville P. 0. or NELSON BSI CHER, on farm. pAJ 5I FORRSALE.-i3ri100 Lot 0, Cou. 4, Grey, cnntaining 100 gores, 70 acres cleared, balnmes timber, Thera is a oomfnrtabte boles, a bank barn 40000, good stable, orchard, 2 wells and a D5v5r failing spring creek. The fares is now in grass. Faeces good. Possession given at any time. Form will be sold cheap. For further perticulare apply to JAS. JACKSON, opposite tine lot nnnied or 52-M.J OS191'II CLEGG, Prop. Brussels P.O. I41ARM FOBSALLi'.--BEING East 4 Lot 15, Con, 5, Gray, containing f55 acres more or less, 06 acres cleared, and ree from stumps, timely seeded and in good shape, 5 aorss in Fall Wheat and put in wolf, There Is about 0 acres of hash, part hard wood, and :tart cedar and the balanoe ie pasture laud. "There in rt Hoyer failing supply of wafer, one well at yard aunt a sPring in the bash. Plass is drained and well fenced with cedar fencing. There is a good frame bowie with )(notion and wood- shed attached, 0 gond triune barn on posts, Building, arra Comparatively new, good or. obar 1 gid gardou, school house right at your door. 8 miles from post omen and railway. 0. milee from Brussels. The farm ns a corner lot and nicely situated. The land isood and lies nicely and cam be 1,005101 very clump as the owner waits to buy a larger plaoo. Terms reasonable. For terms and particu- lars apply ou promisee to owner, WM. 0.1MB1i1131, 81.10 or by letter to Ethel P. 0. i3PLENDID FARM FOR SALE. la Iboom0 iota 11 marl 12, 0011.10, Tow» ship of Grey. County of Huron, contaiuina 200 acres, the prope•by of the late John Robert- son. 100 acres cleared and free limn ob- ebruobtons, 15 acres bush, mixed timber, balance partly Moored. Sall clay loam, mostly rolling. Folioed with straight rail Maces and watered by two Ivollo and a house, with lag�s woodshed attached dwelling au excellent cellar under bootie. Two large barns, Moue stabling and other outbuild- ings. l'wo good bearing orchards, orna- mental trees and smell fruits. 4 miles from Brussels, a lively town on the G. T. Ir., oonvenisut to school, churches and post olllce. This property lies well, is a 11rst- elase grain and stook farm and should be seen by intending purchasers as It is cffar- ot ab a bargain. For further particulars apply to or MRS. ROLOitllTSON,on the premises, or by Ietter to Oranbroolt P. 0. 00.4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE a1ATTE1 of T0E ESTATE OF WmnIAat GAIiPEELL, LATE OF THE TOWNeIIIP OF GREY, IN THE COuNTI OF HD1oN, TEo- arAN, 00008521), Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chap. 110 Section 56 of the Revised Statutes of On. tar'1o,1887, that all erelIliors and others bay- ing aoy claims, liens or demands against the estate of William Campbell, late of the said Township of Grey, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the thirtieth day of Janu- ary, A.D. 1805, are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Darling & .131e - vett at the town of Liebowel,•in the County of Perth, Solicitors for David Campbell and Alexander Alexander, both of the. said Town- ehrp of Grey, yeomen, the Administrators of the personal eotate of said deoeased, 0n or before the 11th Pay or April A. 10. 1898, their names, addressee aid de00rlptions, the full particulars of their alai ma, duly verified and the eeouritiee 111 any) held by them. And take notioe'that after the geld 171h day of April the said Administrabor5 will prooeed to distribute the assets of the said estate among 111e parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the elalms of which notice shall have been given as above re- quired and the sold administrators wilt not be liable for the sold assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of W111000 claim notice shell mot have been received as aforesaid by the said adruioisaratols at the time of such distribution, Dated 8,at Listowel this 15111 day of March, A. D,180 DAvm OAtrrnsax, ALERANngn ALnxANxEn, Adminiobra.tor, of geld 100 mIs. Mamma & Brannen, their Solicitors. IMPROVED LARGE WHITE YORE.,J1 SHIBE BOAR. Tho nndorsigsod will koro for eervioo this pprreent season the Improved on larga white Oo,ksbfre pig "beady olot 20, con. 0, lim Morrie, to which a ivbsd number of Bowe will bo taken. Terms 01.00 to be paid at time of50rvioe, with the privilogo of return- ing if neoessary, Pedigree may bo soon up• 001 apcation, BO13ENT 1•110110L,1•110110L,1511pliProprietor. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, QJ Honor Graduate of the 0utario Voterliseey °oleo, ie prepared to treat alt diseases of domostieatee animals 011 a com- petent Mauna)), 1'art:Sular attention paid to Veterinary doutisbr'y, Celle promp1l at- tended to. O81eo and fu0rreary-Two deole tooth of bridge i'nrnborry sI , ifrassoie, TI1L Bru 2 NCNB TN OM 1 Got the Best WALL PAPER at t110 Lowest Prices i t Popper's Brig Store, Lots of Paper at 50. per Roll. PRICES TALK. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. D L. ,TAYLOR, BARRISTER, L• Solicitor and Oo0veyaucmo 00110- ttous made. Oaloe--V,tnstotss's Bionic, Brus- sole• 21.11m Av. 111. SINCLAIR, Scheibe,, oonvoyanoor, NotaryPnb• Iia, &o, Oflice-V&netoco'o Block, 1 door 110155 of Central Rotel, Private -Funds to Loon, fAMERON, HOLT t& HOLMES, 13 arristors, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Godorich, ant. 51. O. OMICRON, ca0., PHILIP HOLT, nnnLltS nOLbrria. AUCTIONEERS. A RAY MANN, Anstloueer, 1e always ready to at- tend sales of faring, fat's: stool,, &o. Terms cheerfully gtvou. Craubrooll P. 0. Sales may be arru.uged at TIM PosT Publiehfng I1o11se, Brussels, I EORGE KIRI{l3Y, 01 Licensed Auctioneer. Salus conduct oil on reaeon5bie terms. Farms and farm 5toolt a specialty. Orders left at Tm•: Pon PubllebingBowie Br1iBeale, or sent to Walton P. 0 will receive prompt attention, tTAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- s1t as an Auctionnor, Ism prepared to conduct sales of farm stook at reasonable prices. Knowing the slanting of nearly every p0r60p I am lu a position to sell to good marks &ltd got good seearity when gold 071 credit. Satisfaotiou guaranteed, Give moa call, 52. F S. SCOTT. • BUSINESS CARDS. H. MoORAO1EN, v v• Usurer olMarriageLicensee. Olftee at hie Grocery, •1'uruborry street, Brussels. 1• N. BARRETT, '1'oneorlal Artist, Shop -Next door eolith of A. M. McKay & Co's hardware store. Ladies'aud ohildreuu Lair cutting a specialty A MoNAIR, Insurer of Marriage Licensee, by appointment of Llout,-Governor, Cotnulie- sioner, &0,, Q.13. Conveyancer and Agent Pine Insurauoe 00• Ogiee at the Onaubrook Post 0ince. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM= INSAIANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. A HUNTER • Clerk of the Fourth Diwlstou Genet 00, :lures, Conveyancer, Notary Public Land Loan and Insnrenoe Agent. Fends luveaiod and to loan. 0ellectione mato. Chita in Graham's 81ock,Brneeels, Ii IL .PAINTING, lJ Mise Merles, of Wingham, 15 prepared to give instruction in oil painting. aeries maybe ascertained at Miss Nellie Ieoss' store whore eamplae of work may be soon. Miss Molded would also take a f ow more pupils in music. TA. HAWIKINS, • Organist In St. John's Church, Brus- sels, and pupil, in rho Art of 'Teaohiu of A. W. Thayer, 0,1(15.1)50., New York, wit, give lessons to pupils either at J. O. Balliday'e, cot. Hing and John Ste., or if preferred, ell their own homes. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at Walton. Terme moderate. MEDICAL CARDS. T A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. Gl • 0. M„ L. B.O.P., Edinburgh, M. O. P 0.055. Resideoce and o1110o in Wilson' Bloch, corner of Mill and Turnborry'Ste. DENTAL. 3)FN:TIST1 M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario and of Toronto Uni- versity. Orrice -aver A. B. Smith's Stare, Brussels. License District —OP THE -- East Riding of Huron. To the Tavern -Keepers and Shop - Keepers and Others whom it may concern. - NOTICE le boroby given that Appli.cationis for Licenses for rho Salo of Liquor lu the EAST RIDING OF HURON for bbe License Year 1800-04, which 0o1n- m011505 on Line lsb Clay of May next, will bo received by the uudei'signod from the pros• ant ditto up to Saturday, April I, 1893, inclusive, Applioantg mast furnish the names of two good and euftiofeet enrsl)os es boul0nr011 at tie limo of matting application. Ally appllontut for a now 11001180 Meet fur- 'nista it oortiiioato eiguod by a majority of the eloetoes entitled t0 vote at oleetiohe for the LOgislative ascent My in OMNI/N Sub- eivisiou in which rho pr0111i501 sotnght to be liaoosed aro situated, ami the sold mejm4ty uni0tinclude at least apo -third of fbo gait electors who ere at the time of such appli- cation roottleute within the said Polliug Sub -division, Me0, it, MILLER, Inspector. Jamestown, b'ob,13,1808,