HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-3-24, Page 5MAR, 2.1:, 1803 Presbytery of Maitland. The Presbytery of (11011(011(1 islet in Knox ehnroli, Kincardine, nn the 14411 and 1511 (este., Rev. W.11. Geddes, mod. matte:, J. McNabb, cleric. D. cite agreed to appoint E. A. Afeleenzio, 13. A., sled. eta or Montreal College, to supply Lang - side e'.ltlgtegtttioll during next NNW UM, The fallowing ntinletero were appointed n011nniesloinea to the General Assembly: G. Mel(cty, A. Y. Hartley, A. Malley, .1. L. Murray, .1. tte)htrinne, W. II. Geddes, nett the following (+Meme ; Hugh Ituthar. ford, Charles Ma.li.enzie, Alex, Stewart, sen., James MaNttir, Mr, Amlernon gave notice that he will move et next meeting that there shall be Nix ordinary mentiege of the Presbytery held during the year ea follows : On the third'L'uesdny of January, Mandl, May, July, September and November. It were agreed to grant pertnle0lell to the Wroxeter oougregatiou to mortgage their chnroh property to the extent of $1.,000 to be applied towards payment for the new (March. Liberty wits given to Bervia congregation to dispose of certain property. The session tetot"ls of Chal. nior's Church, Kincardine township, and Bernie wore examined and attosded as carefully and correctly kept. 11 WOO agreed to melte applicatioue to the 160010 mission committee Inc the fol. lowing grunts for the year : For lielgravo, $110 ; Pine River, $150 ; Dungannon and Port Albert, $150. Messrs. Geddes and MoLanahlul were appointed membore of the Synod committee on bills and over. three. The report an eytematio bane. 1100800 was adopted. The Rev. Mr. Murray read the anneal report of the Presbyterial \V, 1'. M. So. cioty in behalf of 1110x. MuNabb, Secre- tary. The Presbytery recognize with pleas- ure the very interesting report from the M. S., whish was real, and nor. Melly commend the enoiety to the eycn' porky of all our aougregati0ns. Rev. Ale. Wilson, returned missionary ham India, gave a most interesting and cenpreheu• sive itddreee on missionary work in India. lLlr. Anderson read the annual report on the state of religion. Mr. Geddes rend the Sunday sohool report. Mr. Hartley read the report on temperance, and Mr. Murray that on Sabbath observauoe. These reports were adopted. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to the ladies of Knox church, Kincar- dine, for their very hind hospitality in providing for the comforts of the dela• gates of the W. F. Al. S. and members of the Presbytery. The Presbytery ad. journed to meet at Wingham on Tues- day, May 0113. JOHN AltaNnna, Clerk. Lcoknow, March 21, '03. MISSIONARY i1LEETING. The ninth annual meeting of the Mait- land Presbyterial Woman's Foreign Mis- eionary Society was held in Knox cherish, Kincardine, on Tuesday, Murch 1.1th. Delegates were present from the follow. tug nuxilinries :-Ethel, Brussels, Bine• vale, Wroxeter, Teeewuter, Bolgrave, Wingham,Whiteebnroh,Lncknow, South Kinloss, Ashfield, St. Helens, "Barris" Mission Band, St. Helens, Bervia, Pine River, Ripley, Huron. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers, prominent among the dec- orations being the Society's risotto "The world for Christ." The meeting tvae opened with deer). tionel exercises conducted by the Presi• dent, Mrs. Suthorlencl, Ripley, cud Mrs. Ross, Brussels. After singing hymn "Come Holy Spirit," Mrs. Murray, in behalf of the Kincardine Auxiliary, gave a very cordial wel0ome to visiting Bele• gates to which Mrs. Ma1co110, of Tees - water, replied. Hymn, "Elapsed be the tie" was then sung, followed by the an- nual address of the President which was full of practical suggestions and we trust will be put into p00011 o in the coining year. .A. charas by a number of small children was sweetly sting. A review of the year's worst, as o0n• nn r l rt rained in the Saoratary'e annual elo was most encouraging. The work has gone forward with a steady, natural growth. Nearly all our auxiliaries re- port an increase in interest and uontribn. Mon. Two new auxiliaries have been added to our ranks during the year -Cal- vin church, East Wewanosh, end Tees• water, snaking a total of twenty auxil- iaries and two Mission bands. The membership has increased to 888. Five life members have been added during the year. In September a large quantity of warm olothing, valued at $180.00, was sent to Rev. Hugh Meebay for the use of the yncliruls on Round and Croaked Lakes Reserve. Tho Treasurer's report showed the total contributions to 130 11362.18, an 10 - crease over that of last year of 1108 61. Mrs. Alexander dedicated the offering to the Lord in prayer. A pleasing incident of the meeting was the presentation of a Life Membership Certificate and address to our esteemed Treasurer, Mrs. Grahtem, Brnseele. The address was read by Miss Munro, Kin- cardine, and the oe•tifiooto wee presented by bliss Anderson, 51, Helens. Mrs. Graham, although Baleen by surprise, made n very suitable reply. After sev- eral items of business'• were disowned an excellent paper prepared by Mies nether, of Kineardine, was read by Bliss Munro. A Brett was then sung by Mrs, Kelly and Mrs. Robertson, end after this a die• cession on "The best method of uonduot• iug auxiliary meetings" was opened by Mies C. B. Gordon; of St. Helens, and in which several of the ladies took part. Toe question drawer tone conducted by Mies Dltviee, of Ethel. The meeting was closed by Mies Mao - Donald, St. Helens, leading in prayer. Lunch was served for the ladies end members of Presbytery in the bas anent of the ohnrob. Ilia long table, tastefully arranged with fruit and flowers, fairly groaned under the array of good things provided by the ladles of Knox obnrah, Kincardine, whose hospitatity knew no bounds. At the evening meeting Rev. W. H. Geddes oaoupied the chair, The Pres- byterial W. F. M. Sooiety'e report tvas road by Rev. J. L, Murray in bebell of Mrs. MaeNabb, Secretary. Mr. Mal. wire, of Teeswater, in an earnest and well worded address moved Ole reception of the report. A. Campbell, I. P. S., seconded Mr. Malsohn's motion. M0. Wilson, returned missionary from Iudfa, gave a very intereeting addrese on Mission work in India, Excellent mueie was furnished by tiro choir of Knox church, A solo by Mt. Watson and it quartette being well eon - dewed were muesli appreciated. The fallowing are the canteens (sleeted for the ensuing year : --President, Mee. Sutherland, ltieley i Viee•Pr'eeidents, Mrs. blecrity, 1%iururiline, sirs. Linxs, 1 11ruseela, blrx. ;Slnlanhu,'1'eeswaier, .lira. Derides, Whiteolturoh;Treasurer, Airs, Graham, Brussels ; Secretary, Aire. MneNabb, Lucknow, Grey Council Meeting. At the last meeting of the (trey Coun. oil the following l'atlimastore, Peirce. viewers and Pound•Iceepers were tip. polnted as follows Pathmastere--Alex. Tbolnpeou, Johu MoLemuen, IlonrY Grange., Geo. Sangeter, HLanoo Cum. mings, David COM pb011, John Cutt, J. 11. Mite, Robert McInnes, Duncan Me. Donald, John McDonald, (100. Brown, Wm, Smith, Chao. L'osuns, llouetld ItIc- Donald, Jae, Bishop sr., A. 11. Ilenenald, John Smith, Joseph Raynctrd, John Mc- Cartney, 4130Cartney, John Miller, Daniel Spillott, Root. Pirie, James Bowes, Alexander Mallouatd, Sinton Grant, Bart Laing, Angus Shaw, Geo. Welsh, Wm, Pollard, Frank Collins, Chas. Oedema, Robert Bennett, Wm. Aunett, Jtte, Cttl'mbiit, P. McDougall, Angus Lamont, Peter Seller, David Badgloy, Robt. Dilworth, John Gill, John °ober, Richard Rupp, .Edward (Collis, Truman Smith, Jolla McKinnon, Henry Ball, Robt. McCallum, Robert (thenar,, Wm. Wilson, John Sanders, I. Lake, Edward Campbell, Thomas Skim - mon, Wm. Cook, Thos. Davidson, Plias Dickson, Oherlee Switzer, 1,Vm. Petrie, Val. Foerete t•, Henry Cox, John S leirau 1 Jae, Mitchell, Andrew Hislop jr., Pat Blake, Neil Duneanson, Adam Turnbull, Louie Steles, Andrew McInnis, Luke Speiran, Joseph Whitfield, Ieattc Matt- hews, D. Robertson, Adam Douglas, Arch. Hislop, John Campbell, John lLarris, Donald Campbell, Dtngahl Me. Taggart, Alex. Malley, Marshall Hard - son, Andrew Johnston, Relit. Blair, John Ballantyne, Duncan McKenzie, James b[olay, Robt. Meehan, Jas. Kendall, John ,Jones, Matthew Morrison, Samuel Snell, Jus. Strachan, Duncan McLauoh- lin, Jae, Ireland, Jae. Kelly, Albert Oak. ley, Jas, McDonald, Chas, Alderson, W. McDougall, \Vm. Dark. lrenee.viewers Alex. Boss, Duncan Taylor, David Dunbar, Jas. Lindsay, Malcolm Lamont, Robert Bowen, Geo. Welsh, Uriah Mo. Fadden, Peter Sinclair, Wm. Fulton, Hartwell Speiran, John Stewart, John IVhitfleld, Jas. Oliver, Donald McDonald. Pound.keepers-Thos. McEwen, J'aeob Steles, John Berton, Peter McDonald, IIartwell Speiran, Mee. Hell, John Harris, Joseph Fisher. West. SPzxce, Clerk. &]ttleel. J. Heffernan is away at Muskoka. Quito a lot of sickness around here. Mrs. W. J. Sharp is on the sick list. Alton Willis bee been under the Dee. care. Another wedding is said to be near at hand. George Laird talks of going to Dakota next week. The night school bas closed for this 0ea0o0. It was a success. Postmaster Spence has been laid up with the prevailing bad cold. Wm. Patton and telfe have get nicely , settled in their old home here. David Milne has leased Jno. Cober'e farm ler a term of •1 y. urs. The aeueal rental will be 1280 and taxes and road- work. Miss C. E. Davies attended the meet. tug of the W. F. 1I. S. at Kiecudieo last week in connection with the 1'rueby• tery of Maitland. Miss Lizzie Lake and henry Oox, 12th con., were nutted in marriage et the residence of the bride's father on Tne-- day evening of this week. Next Tuesday 11. Wanner leaves for Dakota. Chas. Willis, Aaron Cober, Enema Gill, Mat. Lamont, D. Green and Wm. Routley 1v0111 West last week. Wm. Acnes and family have removed to their term in Morris township. Win, D ckmiet and family heve moved into his newly acquired eesidenae on the bank of the Maitland. Mr. Henderson, merchant, is the die. tributing agent here for Brussels flax atilt as far as giving out seed is concern• ed. A quantity of the bust Dutoh seed was sent he this week. Qndnl,IIPLnee.-Last week a Leicester ewe, the property of David Milne, the well known stock man, presented him with 4 ram lambs, all doing well. Mr. Milne has 18 lambs froin 0 ewes so fax this season. 0on1INc''eoN.-Will you kindly allow me to correct an error in your last issue regarding myself. It is not correct that I am giving up the ministerial work, but I am leaving this mission this month and purpose (D. V.) :eking another at no great distant period, but al present I am not aware rts to where I may be sett. I take my farewell with the congregation next Sunday. BIMIN Loon. Dup.-Last Saturday afternoon Mrs. Andrew Sharp died after an illnees of several months of a lung trouble. The deceased was the mother of a large family and was very highly respected by all who knew her. She had beeu a res(. dent of this locality for many yearn. The funeral took plteae on Monde), after• noon, the interment being trade at Elm:, cemetery.. Revile. Mesas. 14IORne and Lee took part in the service. I41r. Sharp and family hevo the sympathy of the community. G. cetei•aal N Prions Bismarck cullers from fits cf despondency. Oxford is the favorite for the fortis. 00lning boat race with Cambridge at 3 to 2. The Government of Argentina hoe ap• proved the treaty with China on the bon ndaty question. The Treasury Depertment at Washing- ton is still r000lviug so many offers of gold that it oanoot aooejcit them all. It is repotted from Chiettgo that the condition of the new wheat crop in the Western States ie fee from encunregiug, The extradition treaty between the United States and Sweden has been reti- tled, and will 0011I0 into operation a month hone, ltobert Springer, born a slave in New- oaetie, Del, in 1771, and consequently 110 years olt1, died near Morgantown, Pa., on Friday night. The total loos to 180 ineuranee com- panies by the great fire in Boston lately foots up to 12,001,480. The total in- eurenee carried was $4,200,000. THE BRUSSELS POST C. 11. Lindley, of Oneida, N. Y., a pro. rnlncnt buainees imus, toile recently WN. 8114(10(1, sontulitted suiafcle Heturday nmrttiug by hanging in the teller of his afore. Owing to the, 0evere Whiter the ltux• ei011 Government will not 1d able to send ships to repreeent that-llutultr'y at the greed coral review in eanneetimt with the World's Fair. Two paintings worth $15,000 have been stolen Loin the resjdenue of J. Pierre - pent Morgan in New .York, An itinerant piatere vendor took thein. Ile ecld one tor $25 and pawned the other. The She0idul'Aleudota eilver mince at Telluride, Colorado, employing 350 men, Kaye been closed down and will remain so until silver adlvanoes to a paying point. Tlrey are owned by 1311gllettmeu in China, "Squire" Abiugden, backer of plinth ista, rare horse 0301100 and gentleman jockey, and general exponent of fast living, died from ptleuuleuia at New Orleans on Saturday, aged 31. His in - thane wee £J.00,000 a year. Jinn hall, the pugiliet, while intoxicat- ed Sunday night, assaulted a New York uahnuul. The other 0.rbn1011 in tbeneigh• boyhood rallied to their unfortunate brutller's defeene, and hall was throwu down, kicked and pummelled by the en. raged men until he cried for quarter. Daniel Nelsen, once a prominent mem. her of the German Emperor's body guard mid it veteran of the Mel:lean war, ryas found hanging dead from 0 rafter in the garret et hie rem,haukle home at fresh. pond, N.J., Sunday by a nes gbbur. 61,1- 800'O thrust wee out from ear to ear and there was a long gash on the back of his noose which bad apparently been made with a razor. There will he a great array of dead- heads at the World's Fair. Treasurer Seeberger has just completed a list of the stockholders entitled to tickets to the Ex• Position under the agreements 011800 told 1001. He has found that 130,000 tickets are (100 stockholders. Besides these the Illinois Legielttture, city of Chlaago mem- bers of Congress and newspaper men will swell the total to 150,000. M. L. Kele, a wealthy contractus, of Chicago, shot hie wife, her nurse and himself on Monday evening, and it ie thought all are mortally wounded. Mrs. Zeds is an invalid, and has been in charge of Mrs. Wells, a trained nurse, Keil re- turned home under the influence of liquor, and a wrangle occurred, in which the nurse took the part of the invalid. Keie encled the quarrel by putting two bullets in the body of his wife. 110 next shot the nurse In the shoulder, and then shot himself in the head. D. F. Cameron, of North 6tsth0pe, hada aovmre end prolonged uu(flmt on the fared of his neighbor, Win. Maze, Fri- day, with a collie dog. He cue taking a short cut across the field towards Mr. Maze's house, w11011 the animal rushed at him, attacking slim in front. The dog jumped at his threat and tore his vest and panty but did not emceed in fastening upon him, although the aouilict was kept up far over en hour. It was only ended at last by 31r. Cameron slow. ty 010(01ng his way, facing the dog all the time, to a stump 801110 little distance off where there happened to be 0 handspike. He got on the top of the stump and flourished the b,unlspilte and the people on the farm, discovering his siteatielh and coming to him, the dog at• length re. treated. Mr. Maze promptly killed the dog. _ ^e�g ar.. 74FLA $je uoli���s Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Mar. 30, 31 and ApI. I. RETURN TICKET'S Will be issued from all Stations in Can - tide at SINGLE FARE Good to return until Apl. 4. J. N. ICEND,f1LL, Agent, Brussels, ER'S Sarsaparilla ¥-our best remedy for E-rysipelas, Catarrh i z-heumatism, and ;:9-c rofu la uaalt-Rheum, Sore Eyes A-bscesses, Tumors R -tuning Sores S -curvy, Humors, Itch A-nemia, Indigestion P-imples, Blotches A-nd Carbuncles R-ingworrn, Rashes I-mpure Blood L-anguidness, Dropsy L-iver Complaint A -Il cured by AYE S 3 rsaparilla Prepared by Dr, 3. C. Ayer & Ce., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists, Price 81; ole bottles, 81. Oures others, will cure you Welcome Spring ! You bring us baldly air and blue skies. Under your magic influ- ence Nature wakes to a new fresh beauty ul' productiveness. ((Titin yields to your influ- ence and his pulse quickens. Everything and everybody is awake and the watchword of - the season is activity. Keeping pace with the times we are already aleft a1111 wide awake to the increasing demands of it rushing Spring Trade. We do not advertise to catch your trade for a day or a week but we want it constantly and regularly whenever the future finds you needing anything 111 our lino. We are determined to convince the-publicmore and more that our store 1s a good. place to trade. That our goods are always reliable and that they are always as represented. Beautiful Spring lfuitii,ge1, double fold., 25o. a y.L Our customers will remember that lino of all wool cashmeres, double fold, for 25e. a yard. We have another stock of thele in the different shades. They are certainly it bargain Gigs you shaild see diem. New Prints in Dark and Light Colors. The Newest. Patterns in the Market and at the Lowest Prices. Good value in Grey and White Cottons, Towels and Towelling, Table Linens and Tiekiugs, 'Lace Cnrtains, Art Muslins and Cretous. Piles of Cottontides, Slnrtings and Gingllams at Bottom Prices. New Spring and Summer Suitings, Tweeds and Worsteds, Fancy routings. That job line of Scotch Tweed is going fast. We have a - good Tweed for 85c. a yard and another lisle at 500. They are the BEST value we have ever offered. NOW Stook of Shirts, Collars and:, 01.1a. A. -RIO- A_ 1\T1=(; 0.bTI±iJS1 0-0011 7.7- Tr J'- 1. OUR EATS HAVE ARRIVED, They were imported direct from England for 118. All the latest Shapes. Prices away clown. We will guarantee any hat with our name in it. Call and see them if you want a hat -we eau please yon in Quality, Style and Price. . Ir ill Ice Our Stock was never Better Assorted and we are in a position to serve you well. We aim to keep the prices low for a good article. We carry the Low Price Eastern Goods in stock and sell then as Cheap a8 anyone, but a low price Boot is not always the Cheapest. Wo like to sell you a good article, it's policy on our part. We are here to stay and want you to come again -Any boot we recommend that don't turn out right we make an allowance. When you want a pair of Boots give u8 a trial -We ass: nothing more. RE 1ijYAIJE CLOTHING Last but not Least is our R1eadyinade Clothing Department, We have Always made a Specialty of Clothing and are loaded up for this Spring's Tracie with the largest stock we have had since the Fire. Stacks and stacks of Suits for Ibsen, Youths and Boys. 'We buy in largo quantities and are in it position to take advantage of any.snaps that are thrown in the market in large lots - SMALL DEALERS CAN'T TOUCH THEM. In fact We carry one of the largest stocks in this line in the County. Have had largo experience in buying and don't take a back seat from anyone. If you want it suit for yourself or boys bring them along whore you can get a good assortment. Also a number of lines at Wholesale Prices. Remember we carry Suits for small boys and can fit anyone from 3 years old, up. Eighest iarket price paid for Butter and Eggs. Yom's, Respectfully,