HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-3-17, Page 8atesEimasesollesameszamscursoratonaut
ao11StJ1f es, 10 par UM, daily )'1 f fresh eggs by express
It is generally supposed that combines,
of whatever sort or kind, are opposed to
the interest of the consumer.
Wall Paper Combine
is happily tun exoeption to tide, at least
so far. It is explained in this way. If
by oombiuing they lessen the number of
wall paper designs or patterne it will
lessen the expenee of the wall paper by
printing a larger number of rolls of mob
kind. It is so with books. The Author
is paid so much for his mannecript and
the printer so math for setting tbe type.
The first cost is the same whether you
print one Dopy or a million, so the more
you print the loss each volume posts, in
order to force if possible all nnanufaotor.
ere to Jain the oombiue, they are giving
a discount of
Ten per Cent.
to dealers who buy exclusively from
them, We have done so and are there-
fore entitled to this discount as well as
low prices and our customers will be
benefitted by it. Will you be one ?
Druggist, Bookseller, &o.
Trains tears Brussels Station, North
and South, ae follows:
Gor.\'G Sorra. GOING NORTO,
Mail.......... TO a.m. Mixed 0:45 n. •L
Express 12:Sn a.m. .hail 9:13 p.m,
Mixed a :So p.m. Express 9.3E p. 't,
ant °ic�vs tans,
Milts. asseseTyree & Sox are making
ttysunmeutso res
to Toronto from Brussels.
Wti, 3, MoCoArlcsn was the highest
bkdaler for the use of Brueeele market
scales for the balance of 1893. The gum
offered was 972.
Doeo' forget the National Carnival at
the Mfaitland skating rink this (Friday)
evening. The 2 mile race promises to be
olone and interesting.
THE residence of harry Finn, Mill
street, 1122(2 a close call from fire the
other day but by prompt exertions a burn
out wag prevented.
Taos, Rose has gone tllte week
to Durham where be will open out a
tailoring shop. THE Pon wishes
him success. The Durham people will
find Mr, Ross an A. 1 °utter and tailor,
SOME very necessary labor was
done this week in filling in the pitch
holes an tine gravel rend North and
South of Brussels. The road was unsafe
previoue to this and almost impassable
for loads.
Bonsi6 FAnu,--The last of the monthly
Horse Fairs in Brnssels for this Benson
will be held on Thursday, April Gth.
Very successful Fairs have bean held this
Winter but the last should be the best of
all. Dont forget the day and date, let
Thursday in April.
ANNIVERSARY.- The anniversary ser•
mons of the Methodist church in this
place will be preached by rev. Dr.
Briggs, of Toronto, on Sunday, 20111
inst. A public entertainment will be
held on the following Monday evening, of
which particulars will be given later.
STENOGRAPHY. -A graduate of the LOU.
don Academy is desirous of organizing a
class in shorthand in Brussels. Any
persons, ladies or gentlemen, desirous of
taking up the course will kindly leave
their names at THE Poem Publishing
Namur, Woiul—Rev. G. F. Salton, of
Br'us•els,ilas been appointed Instructor of
Normal Institutes for Western Ontario
by the Central Executive of the Provin-
cial S lhbath School Association. Rev.
3. Philp, of London, who is now visiting
the holy Land, has held this position in
the neat. MIr. Salton is eminently
qualified for the work assigned him.
A chiefs amang ye takin' notes, Tr snAY evening last was the semi
An' faith he'll prent it. mons i,ly meeting of the R. T. of T, For
-- - the "rood of the Order," Dr. and Mrs.
Honsn Far Thursday, April 611,.
Maitland Presbytery (met at Kine :r
dine on Tuesday.
J. EA3IrR was away at Goderich thi
week doing duty as a Juror.
PELF. DOOEIWE0D is in town this w=elt
with an outfit of hair goods.
Three was no service in Mel ille
church last Sabbath evening.
ROYAL TENPLARs Coucert in the 9' ,w
Hall on Thursday evening of this v, -ell
A NEW millinery store is to he op re
in Brussels. The lady comes from To
READ the supp'emens this week,
East Huron Farmers' Institute proceed-
ings on it.
AUnrrons' Abstract of Brussels Public
school Treasurer's accounts for 1892
may be read in this issue.
TEE boot and shoe business of George
Good. in Brussels, is announced to be
closed on Saturday, 25th inst.
MESSRS, CARDIFF & Tummy have rented
the large shop on Thomas street, appc•
site the Queen's Hotel stables, for an
implement show room.
A. Bin has been appointed the local
agent of tbe North American Life In-
surance Co., in the stead of W. B. Dick-
son, removed to Denver, Col.
rte. Stratford curlers played for the
Trow medal, S, W. Laird, formerly of
Brussels, won with a score of 31 points.
A. F. McLaren was second with 26
A seamen of Foresters, Canadian Or-
der, attended the funeral of the late
Cbas. Mitobell, of Morrie, on Wednesday
afternoon. Mr. Mitchell belonged to
Brussels Court.
LIST of passengers ticketed by J. T.
Pepper, C. P. R. agent. Geo. Kelly,
Winnipeg, Man. ; Wm. J. Pratt, Killar-
ney, Man. ; J, M. Parsons, Victoria, B.
0. ; James H. Kelly, Glenboro', MAI.
AT the organization meeting of the
Board of Health J. G. Skene was re-elect-
ed Chairman on motion of W. H. Kerr
and Ales. Stewart, ker. Skene makes a
ilrst•class officer. Energetic efforts will
be pat forth to have everything in ship
shape as soon as possible after the snow
gets away..
Oa Wednesday of this week G. A.
Deadman shipped a part bred Jersey
heifer. She was sold to Wm, Hanna,
of Fergus, for $50. The Jersey calf
advertised in TEE POST was bought by
Wm, Patton, of Bluevale. Mr. Deadman
has made a purchase of two more regia.
tered Jerseys to arrive this week,
A Brims 320 YEARS cam. -William Croft
Newsome, Queen street, Brussels, has in
hie possession an heirloom in the shape
of an English Bible printed at London,
England, in the year 1573. It belonged
to the Croft family, having been handed
down through the successive generations.
Mr, Newsome's mother's maiden name
was Jane Croft who died about 20 years
ago. Having resided with her eon he be.
came the custodian of this interesting
relic. Ten years ago Mt. Newsome was
offered 9200 Inv the Bible but refused it.
The book is bound in leather and is well
preserved. There is some talk of it be.
ing sent to the Columbian Exhibition, to
be held at Chicago. The Oroft family
were natives of Yorkshire, England.
Mr. Newsome is now about 70 years of
OntT.-Last Friday Mary Cornell,
relict of the late blithest, Shine, died at
London, aged 78 years. Mrs. Shine was
a native of Adaire, Co. Limerick, Ire'
land, and was married to Mr. Shine
when 17 years of age. in Peterboro' Go,,
Ontario, They made their home for a
time in Smith township. 41 years ago
they moved to Mornington township,
Perth County, where they ifved 6 years,
and then to Grey townehipp,� where they
resided for many years. Mr. Shine died
about 19 yetrs ago. Mr9, Shine's mind
had been somewhat ineesired for years
and she wee taken to ri.ondon for tret-
nlent, There were 0 sees and 6 daugh-
ters in her family, as follows 1 -William,
dead some years ; Daniel, of Poole,
Perth Co. ; M'[lahtel, of Brussels ; Robert,
dead ; John. of Michigan ; Samuel, of
Henfryn ; Mee. Coutts, Perth Co, ; Mrs.
Kira•in, near Clifford ; Mts. llollinback,
in' Grey township ; Mrs, Disney, of
Michigan ; and Mrs, Broaclfoot, of Sea,
forth, Tho deceased's body svae brought
to Brussels on Saturday evening and the
funeral tonic place from the residence of
Iter son, Elizabeth street, Brussels, on
Stmday efternoon, Rev. R. Paul took
charge of the service,
(]ave -eh gave a clarionet and ortnn
duet, : D,. Strubb nn aceordenn solo ;
and 1 he Select Councillor a number of
magi,. lantern views. Next meeting, On
the 2,1 h, J. Moore and company give the
prow •,m,
Or •liESTRA.-The following office
bear rs have been elected for the current •
year 'n connection with the Orchestra 1
of the Methodist Sunday school in Bens -
eels : -President, Dr. Cavanagh ; Sea. $
retell- and Conductor, II. L. Jackson ;
Treasurer, H. J. Morden ; Committee,
W. Roddick and W. 13. Herr, This
musical organization is doing well and is
preparing a fine range of instrumental
mnsiofor entertainments. Engagements P
may be made by applying to the Presi. f
dent or Secretary.
G. T. R. NOTES. -112x. Hislop and wife
left Brussels last Friday for Alameda, °
Manitoba, where they purpose making n
their hone. -A. 0. Cortnaoh tonic train
on the same day for Chicago. He may
go on to Denver, Colorado, to visit rola- fn
tives —Wm. Speir went to Fargo, Dako- T
ba, last Monday. -On Tuesday of this
week William Watson, of Grey, took a
oar load of horses, &o., to Portage•la. °
Prairie, Man. -George Hogarth, baggage 00
man and operator at Brussels station, b
was snbpoenecl as a witness in the G. T. f
R. ve. Pratt, and went to Gocleriob to the
Assizes on Tuesday. -Last Friday at
Kincardine Conduotor M000110nl was
committed to stand his trial for oon-
spiracy, at the Brine Assizes. -Immense
quantities of new goods are being brought
15 for the Spring and Summer trade, by
the business men.
Fno3c Bermes Rlvnu.-The following
interesting letter, written by Mrs. (Rev.)
McLachlan, a sister of Mrs, Selton'e,
speaks for itself and requires no cone.
went from us 1 -
To the ladies of Brussels.
NOTE TO FLAX CROWEHn.--Attent1or ie
directed so the advsetieement of J, & J.
Livingston of send flax and the advice
given therein to farmers ea to the grow.
tlr of flax, There ie no doubt that,
owing to the slater° of flax, through oul.
tivation pays a good return in tine atop
espealally, One flax grown on low lying
or ill prep'trml 100,1, is larking in fibre
and weight. Good sod land yields the
beat return.
O1lITUA1t'.-1i lizabth Ferguson Mo.
Crate whose dentias was reported to the
last issue of Tut Pose was born in the
parish of Girthom, Kirkcudbrightshire,
Scotland, on March :flet, 1826, and was
united in marriage to John MOCrae in
18.45, They lived (1 years at Bummer
Hill fittut, Baloueghi parish and emi-
grated to Canada in 1852. Mr. and Mrs.
McCrae spent about 2 years near Guelph
and mune to Morris township in the Fall
of 1853, taking up lot 80, eon, 6, then a
bull farm, The deceased enjoyed splen.
did health until about 2 years ago and
was possessed of a vigorone constitution.
She was genial and kind hearted incl
was most highly esteemed by all who
knew her, The cause of her decease was
heart failure, passing away without a
struggle. Mire. Macrae was the mother
of 15 children. 7 daughters and 8 sone
survive her, They are : Mire. Angus
Lamont, Grey ; Rev. David L., °olling-
wood ; Thomas, Northwest ; Mrs. Chas.
Watts, Brantford ; John F., Montreal ;
Mrs. James Speir nud Mrs. George Robb,
Morris ; and Misses Jessie, Sarah and
Jeanie at home. The funeral service
was conducted by Rev. D. B. MoRae, of
Cranbrook, lira. MuCrest was a mem-
ber of the Presbyterian church for many
years. The 4 sons.in-law, son and
nephew of the deceased were pall bearers.
Mr. McCrae and the other members of
the family have the sympathy of the
community in their bereavement.
Among others who attended the funeral
were : David eloCrae, Grand Chief of
the Sous of Scuthmd ; John McUrae,
Prof. at the Ontario Agricultural Col-
lege ; and Mrs. Robertson, all of Guelph.
Business Locals.
SEE my add this week. IL J. Strong.
Fimsn fish arriving daily at M.LcAlpine's.
THE cheapest suits hi town at D, C.
A NICE range of ties, very cheap. D.
C. Roes.
Fon your photos go to Strong's over
Standard Bank.
Nrw Spring, goods at D. C. Rose' the
lea,lie. 1.
CALL aid see our 511.00 snit, obeapeet
n town. D. C. Rose,
LATEsr cabinet photographs, best finish,
19 per doz. at Strong's.
Kerr an eye out fo,' bargains in boots
and shoes. A. R. Smith.
ONLY one week more of the low vices
for photos. C. E. Perry.
STEP up stairs and have a look at
botos in gallery. II. J. Strong.
ONLY one week more of the low prices
or photos. C. E. PERRY.
GENTS Furnishings, a Spring Display
f quality and elegance. A. R. Smith.
New Spring hats just arrived in all the
ow styles and colors, cheap. D. C.
No uuneeessery transfers and me•cheok-
g when yon buy your tickets of Grand
rank agents.
C,m1 and see the Melissa, waterproof
oat, away ahead of the ordinary rubber
et. D. 0. Ross.
You can be economical with no effort
y buying your carpets and staple goods
roan A, R. Smith.
Buy your Manitoba tickets at the G T
R depot and have your baggage °beaked
through to destination.
Cons one, Dame all, and give us a call.
Best photos' are always cheapest and
Strong's is the place to got them.
Gamin= it will be to your interest
to call and inspect our oharming display
of New Spring Hale. A, R. Smith.
BLACK driving whip lost in Brussels
last Snnclay. Finder will kindly leave
same at Tun Pose Publishing House.
GLANCE over my add and see photos to
be had for one dollar and a half.
H. J. Strong, Photographer.
A0Trvlry is the watchword for Spring.
We've got the new stook and aro prepared
for a rushing Spring trade. A. R, Smith,
ITCH on hamar and horses and all
animals cured in 30 minutes by Wool -
ford's sanitary lotion. This never fails.
Warranted by G. A.. Deadman.
Oust stook of tweeds, worsted coating
and panting is distinotive in style, ele-
gant in display, admirable in quality
and sure to please. A. R. Smith.
On 1 yes, we got a bargain when we
bought those Scotch tweeds, but they
have got to go. Hurry up and leave
your measure for e, suit. A. R. Smith.
ENGLISH Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem-
ishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs,
splints, sweeney, ring -bone, stifles,
sprains, all swollen throts, etc, Save
950 by use of one bottle. Warranted by
G. A. Deadman.
t has all the necessary machinery for
ging and drilling wells and is prepay.
to attend to all work entrusted to him
a way that will insure satisfaction.
lie cleaned out and put in proper
ape. Terms reasonable. Residence
pond door north of the bridge, west
o of Turnberry et., Brussels. 84-62
Mimes to search" is the old adage.
Batches out any weakness of the eye-
, resulting from impure blood.
me who use flyer's Sarsaparilla find
rah no cure searching or even dis-
reeable than any other month. This
dieine is a wonderful invigorator.
A 1 be 1 ha 1 Who ever heard of a
bine lowering the price of goods to
consumer, whether i6 be a shoe lace,
aehing machine, or a roil of wall
er ? The American Wall Paper
mat allow 10% off if you buy exclusive.
rem them. Birge & Sone sell cheaper
give 15% off. Why ? 1st, because
y not pay 920,000 into the .trot '
, they sell direct to the trade and
o the jobber's profits, Come and
peat quality and prioes at W. Rod-
I's Wall Paper Emporium, Bruseele,
Evsa HAD A FAILURE, -I left Glasgow
June 2nd, 1888, and went to Carberry
Manitoba. I worked on a farm the
year and earned three hundred
ars. I have now, besides the farm,
od stock of farming implomente of
own. nave Oleo three good home
twelve good cattle, besides a good
olr of poultry and pige, all of which
paid for. I have never had a failure
rope, nor have I suffered damage
m any °case,
Signed, A,,01. Ltiest l,,
Welland, Man., OM, 1892.
MY DEAD FRIENDS.—We gratefully
acknowledge the receipt of two large
boxes of clothing sent to this mission
last Fall. I should have written before
but perhaps you will nob be surprised
that I have not done so when I tell you
our poetoffioe is two hundred miles from
as. We receive our mail by the B. B.
Co. packet twice a year, at other times
we are dependent on ohanoe. We appro.
Mate the interest manifested by our
friends in Brussels in thus caring for our
Indiana. -It is very difficult for them to
buy clothing as there is no way for them
to earn money. It is all they can do to
get a little flour once in a greet while ;
most of the time it is fish (without salt)
and a cup of tea. As soon as the °old
weather commenced we distributed the
clothing ae bet we could, giving each
old woman a quilt which she uses for a
shawl. Out of the patehes sent I had
some of the younger women mane quilts
for themselves. They make them very
nioely and are quite proud of them.
Some of our women do silk work on
leather but as they have ho way of dis-
posing of it they have not mnoh en-
couragement to imptove. The dolls and
trinkets sent were reserved for the
Christmas tree. The Monday following
Xmas our teacher, Miss Batty, had her
school children meet at the church
where she had prepared the Christmas
treat. Each child received apresent and
a bag of Sandy from the tree and they
were all greatly pleased. Mies Batty
also gave out the mitts, soaks and stock-
ings knit by the children in the school
during the year. She is much interested
in her school and le doing well among
the ohildren. Our services both week.
night and Sabbath are well attended,
In the afternoon we have our Sunday
school which is attended by old and
young. We are very much hindered by
the leek of Mechem as our °lasses are too
large to do them justice. Miss Batty
has the infant class, Mr. MaLaohlem
has the Oreo Bible class composed pf old
and yonng, and illuetrtee the lesson by
the oolored lesson leaves that you sent,
My class is composed of boys and girls
from thirteen to twenty years of age.
They commit to memory a number of
verses in English bub it its diflionit to
snake them understand what they read.
They aro very fond of einging and readily
learn the tames. Our einging is almoob
entirely in Oree. 'Goal has blessed tis in
our work and has encouraged us by smile
being brought to Jesus. I would again
tha1lf you for your kindness.
I remain,
Youre truly,
L, E. MIo1;AcIrotw,
a go
in 0
ct :Ea,sc9rrAI , ,,tau z.. ., a,
S.'T 1,,4XZ)„11.1) L,fl.,AP 07" C4X..1.111,
:E0TA19x.,I-^053£7:7 01371
ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) - - . . 92,000,090 Got the Best WALL PAPBR at
Agencies in tell principal points in Ontario, Ouches, Manitoba, lnited Stales d' Ragland. the Lowest :Prices nt
MAIL, 1T, 1.898
A General Banking Bueinese Traneaoted• Farmers' Notes Discounted,
Drafts Issued and Collections made on all pointe,
Interest allowed on deposite of 91.00 and upwards from elate of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance,
Transact a General 13anl{ing Business, Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
t 2 rixfii'eo° '."d.16'.lii' raN.P 1 drvtu el .
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interet Com-
pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal a t tbe end of the Months of
October and April. Special Arraugetnente made for Time Deposits.
We elreel 10 write lnsurluu'e 33, 0141 English or Canadian ContpenieS, er in. mut-
1.1 t'„Iltlninle5 !re 01:13' be desired.
AGENTS yon CANADA Alin I1Nrren ST'A1Es : Tna CaxAaims Rum OF COI ME111E.
A 01,AcH fur drtving mit found. Owner
may have it by paying for this notice.
Poor Publishing Hones.
"I have used Ayer's Hair 'Vigor for a
number of years, and it has always given
me satisfaction. It is an excellent dress.
ing, prevents the hair from turning gray,
insures its vigot0us growth, and keeps
the scalp white and oloan."-Mary A.
Jackeo1, Salem, Mass.
Mare!) 13th. The Gentler of this week
devotes a column to the case of Archie
Rymal of this city, who was discharged
froln the hospital as incurable, and went
to his mother's home to dio. He wee so
far gone that he coold not move hand,
foot or head and could not change his
position without assistance. His wife
bearing of so many so called incurable
cases being cured by Dodd's kidney Pills,
after every other known remedy had
felled, pnr0llased a box. After taking
nineteen boxes, ltymal is ae well as ever,
end has gained in weight from 107 to
145 pounds. This case is startling, but
COM -Toa, -In Eine, on March 9th, the
wife of Mr. Young Coulter of a son.
Lasts. -In Grey, on January 2561a, the
wife of Mr. Allan Lamont of a daugh-
FEiGUSON.-In Myth on March 9th,
the wife of Dr. Ferguson of a son.
Hue ol'-SairLLIE.-In Grey, on March
8th, by Rev. D. Forrest, of Walton,
Miss Lizzie, third daughter of 1VIr.
James Smillie, of Grey, to Mr. John
H. Hislop, of Carlisle, 19. W. T.
Strom,—In London, on March 10th,
Mary Cornell, relict of the late
Michel Shine, aged 78 years and 21
B1Ew1111.-In Morris, on March llth,
Elizabeth, beloved wife of George
Brewer, aged 71 years.
MITCHELL. -In Morrie, on March 12611,
Charles Mitchell, aged 46 yeare, 10
months and 12 days.
McKExzro-In Mlonkton, on Thursday.
March 2nd, Charles McKenzie, aged
09 years and (3 menthe.
ATTC972OTS s.2...3=,s.
Fnxz2 r, Union I7Tn —North half lot
16, con. 2, Morrie. Farm took, imple-
ments and household furnibure. Salo at
1 p. m. Francis Ashton, proprietor,
Geo. Kirkby, auctioneer.
SATURDAY, MARCO, 18TH. -Lot 27, eon.
14, MaKillop, Farm stook, implements,
d:°, Sale at 1 o'olook, Thos. McDonald,
Prop. Geo. Kirkby, Amt.
03$Tmm=7-,f3 Mes-m=07T,
Fal] Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tulle and toile.. -
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Potatoes ,,,
Hay per ton
Salt per bbl„ retail
Hides trimmed
Hides rough ..
Sheep skins, eaoh
Lamb skins eaoh
Apples per bag
Pork .,
8 50
7 00
1 Se
7 '75
4 00
1 CO
8 00
mo take charge of a small family.
For further parti,ulare apply to
84.2* Brueeals.
ylor..-Stock for the creamery 15 fast
coming to the front. It will pay you Mimeo
Dr 005 es 101111 first anew 0111011 eo10e if you
110 ve inch. For further Particulars apply
at my Drug and Boole Sto•o,
0, A.DIIADMAN, llrueaels,
3lODOa18R19IWeANdsTElODo1.e—on-lTikn Ill 01 U11 fNo
one 11 OM, Detuotion Tudlan Ieoed,N, W.
on Mein Lino 80 miles
either silo of pine named, Word to be left
-.._- SAL1t,-Eg 9 of Pura Brod 13teakc. Min-
or000, and White Logherns, from Thos.
56100 s best strain 81.00 per setting (10). Al•
so 1 trio of Waal( Minorca/4_ coati no relation
to het amid two. Leglioly cookorols, A11 of
boot stook in Ontario,
80•tt WM, IIART143, Soaforth,
The 350 neve farm, belt 102011
and 15, con, 1(, (Grey, is offered for sale. 120
acres are cleared mud the balance well tlu,-
b.r0d. ;landings first-class. Orchard, well,
&a, School house within 40 rods. Posses-
sion given nt Dune if desired, 1,m' farther
particulars as to prte0, terms, R+o apply to
1111RS. \VALlallit,
41 Roseville P. 0,
02. NELSON 73110CIfi:R, on farm.
Lot 9, Con. 4, Grey, containing 100
acres, 7e acres cleared, balance timber,
Thee 100 emnforteblo bongo, a bank barn
Auatle, good stable, orchard, 2 wells and a
Level' fulling spring creel,. The farm is now
in grass. Fences good. Pooeeesi,n given at
any time. I',,lln will he sold cheep. For
lurtilor partienlars apply to
JA S, JACKSON, opposite the lot named or
J Unit PH OLJ'1Gt1, Prep.
3245. - Il rnatels P. 0.
East k Lot 10, Con. 5, Grey, containing
50 acres more or less, 35 acres cleared, mud
free from stumps, newly seeded and 1n good
shape, 5 acres in Fall Wheat and put 1n well.
There is about 0 a:mos of bush, part hard
wood, and part cedar rued the bmhanoe is
pasture land, Thee is a never failing
supply of water, 0212 well at yard and a
spring 1n the bush, ?limo is drained and
well fenced with cedar fuming, :there is a
good frame 1,ons° with kitchen and wood-
shed attached, a gond frame barn o u posts.
Buildings are comparatively new, good or.
obar=1::ud garden, school house fight at your
door. 3 guiles from post office and railway.
0 miles from Brussels. The farm ,s a corner
let and Moldy situated, The land is good
and lies nicely and sae be bought vary °heap
as the owner wants to buy it larger plaeo.
Terms reasonable, Fo1*tsrms and partiou-
l2r9 apply e1 premises to owner,
WM. 0. BAlilMMMR,
91.02 or by letter to Ethel P. 0.
f` »ewe lots 11 and 12, eon. 13, Township
of Grey. County of Humor, containing 200
uores, the property of Mao late John Robert-
son. 150 nares cleared and free from ob-
structions, 15 acres bush, mixed timber.
balanco partly cleared. Soil clay loam,
01oetly rolling. Fenced with straight rail
foeces and watered by two wells and a
spring privilege. Commodious dwelling
house, with
largegau exelet 10.0 under !ammo, Twolarg8e
barns, steno stabling and other outbuild-
ings. Iwo good bearing orchards, orna-
mental trees !mil small fruits. 41 miles
from Brussels, a lively town on the G. T. R.,
convenient to school orahoe 100. post
otaee. Tbls property lbuies well, la a first-
class grain and stock farm and ehoeld bo
seen by intending purchasers as it is offer
ed at a bargain, For further partleularo
apply to MRS.
the proms see, or by letter to Oraubrooic P
.0, 30.4
OF Honore.
Estate of Penelope McDougall, late of the
Totenship of Grey, in the County of
Fluroa, spinster, deceased.
Pursuant to Revised Statutes of Ontario
chapter 110, uotioa 1s hereby given that all
creditors and other persons having any
Maims or demands against the estate of
Penelope MuDoueall, late of the Township
of Grey, in the County of Huron epinetor,
dee01te0,1, who died on or about the Tenth
day of August,1881 are requested to send by
Mist prepalrl or deliver to Roberti L, Taylor,
at the village of Brussels in the County of
Huron, Solicitor for John McDougall and
Daniel Campbell, exeoutore of the said de-
ceased, 00 or before Friday, tato 2414 Day
March, 10011, their names and addresses
notfoe is fur hoe given that arbor the
said last mentioned date the said executors
willipotato among distribute
parties assets
atitled ththe
to having regard only to the claims of which
they shall thou have notice and that the
sale executors will sot be liable ter the said
ascots or ally part thereof 50 distributed to
any person or persons of whose claims not -
Me shall not have been received as afore-
Dated at Brussels this Mb day of Febru-
ary, 1808.
It, L, TAYLO1t,
Scheller for Jlsosutoro,
The undersigned will keep for Service . Mita
present 'mason the improved large wblle
110111 111re pig "Ready"- on lob 20, eon, 0,
Morris, to Which. a limited ,]umber of Sows
Will be taken. Terms 151,00 to be paid t
time of eervioo, With the privilege of return•
ing if noceeoary, Pedigree may be aeon up-
on a11 pl.ioatlon, R011L'"RT N101101,,10Gti Proprietor.
tl a Honor Gradnato of tlto Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
disown; of domost!oatei 11ilnmis is a cores
potent Manner, Particular attention paid
to vet e:mars, dentistry, 0n110 promptly at-
tended to. 1Jllloo an11ntr1D2•ry-Two floors
north of bridge !parnborry et„ IIruseols,
Pspper's Drug Store,
Lots of Paper at 5c. per Roll.
bi map ,oiO1lluo-Vnd au0tOne sl}laos ol3rus.
sole, 31.901
Ito, 00. solicit
Oi0000YVati ton n'' liloek1 , Conveyancer ,tall door
north of Central Hotel, rrivate Funds b0
Barristers Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Yoder loll, Ont.
sr, 0. 0.21105ml, es. n„ 1'0ILIP noLT,
DUDLEY 1101111(0,
.+--a.• Auctlonesr, to always ready toat-
tendsoles ofhums, farm stock, A'0. Terms
cheerfully given. 0raubrnnlc P. 0, Sales
leery be arrtunod 216 1"E Paww Pubilshmg
House, Brussels.
Lisousod Auationeor, Eales oondot
ed on reasonable terms. 1/211010 and farm
stook a specialty, Orders loft at THE POST
Pullll sh lag Nouse ,l3r,lseas, or seutto Walton
P. 0., will receive lironet attention,
to emulocttsalea f o farm stock at reasonable
prices. knowing the standing of nearly
every pe'seu 1 am 111 n position to sell to
good ma.rim and got good enmity W11011 sold
on credit, Satisfaction guaranteed. Give
mea call. 32- 1' 0. SOOTT,
• Tesuror of Marriage Licensee. 011loe
at his Grocery, luruberry street, Brussels,
. N. 73ARRET'T,
Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door
south of A. M. McKay A: Co's hardware store.
Ladios'aud 01lldreu0 hair cutting a specialty
ti. Tesuror of Marriage Licenses, by
appointment of Lieut,-Governn1, Oommie-
510u5r,0010A:o., Q.13, Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Insurance Co. (mice at the Oraubroolc
Olerk of the Fourth Division Ooart
Go, Haran. Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land,. Loan ants Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to loa,,. 0011oat1ons made.
011100 in Graham's Stools, Brussels,
Miss Morfoe, of Willgbam, is prepared
to may he instruction
tuMlll se Nellie Ross' store
whore samples of work may be soon. Mise
Monne would also take a fey more pupils in
Organist in St. John's Oburob, Bros -
sole, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching of A.
W.Tbayer, Mus..0oo., New York, will give
lessons to pupils either at 'Thos Farrow's,
hornet. Monday, if
anti Wed orit a-
day at Walton, ''Perms moderate.
0.1Ft., L. Ti, O.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P
S. Ont. Reeideuoe and office in Wilson'
Bloo 0, corner of MIIl and Turnborry 'Ste.
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, 0utarlo, and of Toronto Uni-
versity. Om/win-Over A. R, Smith's Store.
License District
Bast Riding of Huron.
To the Tavern -Keepers and Shop -
Keepers and Others whom it
may concern.
05031010 le 1,aroby .given that
Applications for Licenses
for the Sato of Liquor fu the
for the Lieense Year 180301, Which 0001
n1011oo9 on the hit Clay of May next, will be
raaolvod by the unilorslgued from the prat -
sot date up to
Saturday, April 1, 1893,
inclnsivo, Applicants mast Sornieh the
tames of two good anal euilioienb serener as
boodemon at the time of malting application,
Any ap])lleaut for a now llOo,eo must fur-
nish a Certificate signed by a majority of
the electors entitled to veto at Notions for
the Legislative .8000011115' 10 the Polling .Subs
di -views In which the prseises 50115M 10 be
licensed aro situated, cud the mild majority
must Montano at least on0.tllird of 1110 said
oleeters who aro at the time et sn0h ttepli-
Oat1o11 rot1de160 within the said Toiling
Sub -division,
J(0, r6, idlr,.T,ER,
Jamestown,Yob ,18,1800,