HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-3-17, Page 11
Vol. 20. No. SO.
Wnm, MoKoricher, IIowiok, wan in the
woods on Friday, 10th inst., and by
some means one his font badly, whlnb
will lay him up for some time, The
little toe was cut off.
Ora nee re :o w "1
John Forrest hits sold his blaolt0tnith
shop and dwelling to George Eokmier, of
Ethel, for the 83111 of 1)1,000. Mr. Bob-
03281rtakes p080eseion on Mny lat. If
ruiner proves true George will not batch
it very long.
The next meeting of Grey Connell will
be hold in Oranbrook.
Cranbrook should have telephone oon•
neaten with Brussels.
Lase Sunday communion was observed
in Knox ollureh. Rev. Mr. Henderson,
of Atwood, assisted the pastor at the
preparatory service.
1elole" ew°rtie .
Jas. Elliott sold a fine team to hie
cousin from Bright, for about 91220.
James Broomfield, who has been visit.
in" friends here for two weeks, returned
tehie house in Gale.
Wm. Smith purposes building a house
this summer. W. J. McKee alio pur-
poses erecting a kitchen.
A number left for Manitoba lost week,
among them being, Araby Campbell,
Joseph Vance and Robt. Walker.
Coo. Menzies, who hes been eonlinod
to the hoose with mumps, after an attach
of a month's dnr'ation is able to be out
of bed tagain. Thos. McDonald has ago
had quite a siege hot he 18 on a fair way
to rncovary.
After spending two weeks at the Dairy
School, Guelph, Wm, Woods has return•
ed. IIe will, we expect, be able to ex-
pound the butter fat question to the satis-
faction of the most fickle mind. We
trust his influence may be broagbt to
bear with weight on the very important
subject which has boon one of the chief
topics of disonssion here, namely the use
of the Fhtbanolo tester, and although at
the eleventh hoer, we hope the majority
of the patrons of this factory may see
their way ulcer to yet adopt it for the
coming 0eae0n.
�A twoo ci.
50 pitch bolos on the road between
Atwood and Newry.
Geo. Currie disposed of his pony to
Waltee Jickliug, of Elma, for a fancy
Rev, J. 3. fisher was a delegate to the
Epworth League aouvention, held in To.
Rev. O. II. Phillimore Inas resigned the
pastorate of the Atwood and Listowel
Baptist ohurohas, owing to some die•
satlsfttction having arisen in the Listowel
A pleasing event took place Iaet week
in 0011800120n with the Methodist choir
practice, when the members presented a
beautifully bound Bible and hymn book
to George Currie, in reeoguition of his
services in the choir and church. The
presentation was made by Mies Ida
Parker, and au address read by Mies Ida
MoBain, The choir unanimously voted
Chas. IS. Pelton, of the Bee staff, to the
position of leader of the choir in Mr.
Ourrie's steed.
The Presbyterian Sabbath school is in
a very flourishing condition under the
suporintendeney of Mr. Dunn, ably as.
silted by Mr. Andorsoq. The present
number on roll is 135. Following are
the officers :—Superintendent, Wm.
Dunn ; Aoeistaut Superintendent, Robt.
Anderson ; Librarians. Thos. Fullerton,
jr., Geo. Dunn ; Secretary, J. L. Mader ;
Organist, Miss Jennie Harvey ; Teaoh.
er8, R. Anderson, (Bible class), Wm.
Bell, P. Priest, Mrs. Giddies, Misses
Agues Hammond, Annie Priest, Alice
Hammond, Lizzie Graham, Jennie
Harvey and Belle Mitchell. Three ad-
ditional teaohere are required for the
Summer menthe.
Another wedding is said to be near at
Levi Judkins and son are visiting at
John Hewitt's.
The three year pastorate of Rev. W.
Ottewell will conolude on July let of this
Rev. D. Forrest attended the meeting
of Presbytery at Kincardine on Tuesday
of this week,
0has. Turnbull has gone to Manitoba.
Miss Grimoldby, J. MoTaggart and
others axe away to Northern Dakota.
R. T. or T.—An open meeting of the
Boys' Templare will bo held in the For.
esters' Hall on Wednesday, March 22nd,
commencing at l o'clock. An interest.
ing program is in preparation and every-
body will bo made welcome.
Golsen WEDDING.—Tho 50th anniver-
sary of the marriage of John Howitt and
Wife, old reek -lents of this place, was
celebrated on Teeeday of this week, a
large number of reletfvee . and friends
being present at their comfortable resi.
dance on the any mentioned. The
worthy couple were presented with a
number of beautiful and useful presents.
The company enjoyed themselves in good
style, a program of vocal and loetru-
mental music, by Prof, Hawkins and
others, adding greatly to the pleasure of
the poste. At 5 p, m, all sat down to a
0111111)100(18 repast. The evening pe08od
pleasantly with games and other amuse•
matte and before the 0onlmny separated
for their respective homes Macy hearty
and honest wishes wore expressed for
lengthened deye and i(10rma81ng happi-
ness to the host end hostess ass they con•
tine() their jonrnoy through life. A few
wads concerning Mr. and Mr0, Howittes
earlier years will prove interesting. They
were horn in Buolcinghamehire,1,nglaud.
Mrs. IIewitt's maiden name woe Anna
Baton and she was united in marriage
to Dix. Hewitt on March 14th, 1848, all
'CV811os1, England. Five weeks after
their Wedding they sailed too America
_.._... .
tend settle] in Vanghu township, and 4
years Tater moved to Hmlletb township.
Abont 40 years ago they carne to Walton,
where a bosh farm was taken up. By
hard work and the penalise of eoonetny
the goddess Fortune smiled on their
undertakings and pla00d the family in a
proeperou0 condition, Out of 12 child.
0011 10 are living, some 0f them leaving
found home in Oalifornia, Iowa and
Dakota. Mr. Ilewitt, although 70 years
of age next April, is cheery end active
anti he and hie estimable partner bid fair
to enjoy a good many ,years erat. Tan
Pose adds its congratulations.
F�a1 ell aeze.
Mies Bella Fraser is visiting at Strat-
Mese E1108 Gimblelt, who formealy
resided Here, is visiting friends er
B. Allen, of Stratford, agent for the
London Life In801'an08 company spent
a few days here last week.
Albert, son of John Little, started for
Dunnville, ICeutuolty, on Monday of last
week. He gale to see an mole and if he
likes the country he intends to stay for it
time at leant.
Assessor McGill is abont through ev01a
his animal visit.
lawyer Cook expecte to leave for
Saginaw, Dfinll., this week.'
Tho electric light has brightened nn
tilis burg immensely, and is giving static.
WW1. Sims, blacksmith, who ilea been
ill for some time pest, i0 not improving
very feat.
No service in Trinity church on Sun-
day morning next, in the evening Rev.
Mr. Diehl, of Holnoeville, will preach a
1mi08icnary sermon.
On Monday evening the temperance
lecture in the Presbyterian church was
brought to a close early, owing to 11.
Sellars taking a fit.
A number of Good Tomplaro from a
distance wore in town on Friday of last
week, attending the regular meeting of
the Blyth lodge, held in the Temperance
Mrs. Lucas and family, who have been
spending the Winter with her mother,
Mrs. Tanner, sr., of town, left here on
Tuesday on their journey home to Cal-
gary, N. W. T.
Mee. hitehoox, the temperance lastly-
er, drew two large crowds on Sunday in
the Methodist church, also on the follow.
ing Monday and Tuesday evenings in the
Presbyterian ahnr0h, which resulted in
her getting e, largo number to sign the
Saturday morning Mrs. Parrot received
ward from Detroit of the sudden death
of her son George, who had been living
for the past seven years in that city.
Tho deceased held a position in Haman.
ton'" drug store hero, previous to going
to Detroit. Owing to it being impossible
to get into the Westfield cemetery for the
snow, the remains wore not bronebt
home to be ddposited in the family plot.
$1.00 in advance secures Tnu Pow for
the balance of 1808.
There was no service in the Presby-
terian church last Sunday as it was
oomrnunion at Oranbroolt.
Some dreadful pituli holes on the
station road. It should be somebody's
business to see that they are filled in.
Dire. Lawrence Dobson's health is not
et all what her many friends would de-
sire it to be, but we hope the Spring
weather will make an improvement.
Our old friende Wm. Patton and wife,
of Hespeler, are intending to beoome
residents of Ethel in the course of a few
weeks. They will be heartily welcomed.
George Balmier intends moving to
Jamestown this Spring where he has pur-
chased a blaoksmithing business and a
house. Wonder what be will do with the
latter 7
It is reported that the Rev. Mr. Lee,
the English 011uro13 clergyman bare ie
going to leave the ministry on account' of
ill health. He will be missed very math
as he hits made many friends and proved
himself a gentleman and a Christian.
CONCERT.—The concert given in the
Township Hall lase Friday evening, tin-
der the auspices of the Sons of Temper -
aloe, was a very enjoyable one and re•
fleeted not only oredit on the performers,
but on the energehio committee that
made the arrangements, There was a
large audience, who were not slow in
allowing their appreoiation of the various
numbers rendered. The following was
the program :—Instrumental selection,
Miss Bali ; ohairman's address, W. H.
Kerr recitation, "Clear the way,"
Johnnie Cameron ; song, "The seven
ages," James Fax ; solo, Mise Lang ;
dialogue, "The census taker," D. Lam-
ont, W. Newcombe, Missoe Willis, J.
Milne and W. Baynard ; quartette,
"Mortgage the farm," Messrs. Willis and
Magian and Misses Spence and Lang ;
encore, "Three old maids of Leo," Misses
R, Sponoe, L. Spence, M. Lang, and Mr,
Magian ; song, "Tho story of a Idea,"
James Fax ; solo, Mies Davies ; tableau,
"Tho drunkard's home," scene 1, Geo,
Brewster, Willie Spence, Johnnie Camer-
on, Mrs. S. Niohol and Mies Emma Im•
lay ; inetrumeutal selection, Prof.
Hawins ; tableau, "Tho drunkard's
home," scene 2, same 0lnaraoters as scene
1 ; solo, Miss Selena ; dialogue, "A eat
wit110111 an owner," Miss S. Willie and
Nissans. Brewster, Willis and Lindsay ;
song, "A day at the drone," lies. Pax ;
recitation, 'Love in a tree," jure. Kel-
lner; ta111eam, ';A herd shave," Goo.
Browstar ; duett, Mae Dario and M'r.
Willie ; song, "Sohneider'e Band," Jas,
Fax ; National Anthem by the °empany.
The 10th01ite0 aoquibted themselves
admirably. Dir, Vex w,10 a8 fenny as
Mr and responded cheerfully to tho
encores. T110 pr0000(1l [amounted to ever
$85,00. Mien Davids kindly loaned hoe
piano for the. occasion. Prof, hawking
played Mr. Fax's acconlpannhuente and
Miss' Bail, Miss Nowoombo 1131(] Miss
Davies performer! similar duties for 111e
other vooali010, There Wae1'e te poor
plow on the program,
If..i„ot'.OW el.
\Vernon H. Hay ilea boon 111npoineod
bailiff of the Division Court hero, in
place of Robt. Ilay, resigned.
Tho Emoritld Temperance Workers,
under the auspices of the R. T. of T.,
will hold a week's meetings in the Town
Hall, commencing on the 10th April.
The W. 0. T. Union has ong,tged the
Rev. Anna H. Shaw, of Washingbon, D.
0„ for two addresses in Listowel, the
first on Sunday night, kith inst., and the
second on the Monday following.
Mrs. Dingman, wife of Dr. Dingman,
was called away last week by a telegram
aunouneiug the death of her sister, Miss
Annie I-Iopkins, at Cambridge, N. Y.
The deceased had been in poor health for
some time,
Kidd Bros' Oliver Wilkes floored a big
victory at the Provinoial Spring Sbnllion
Show hold in Toronto last week, taking
the sweepstakes prize, $20, for best
roadster stallion, any age, given by the
Agrioutterel and Arts Aweooiation of
The concert by the married men of the
Methodist ailment was carried to a very
eucues8ful issue. There was agood turn-
out of young and old, and from the
hearty applause ]which at all limos greet•
el both 8pe:nke10 and singers, it would
appear that everybody was enjoying
himself and herself. After the program
1un0h was served in the basement. The
proceeds amounted to over 342.00.
Mein getereires.
The roof of the rear part of the build•
lug occupied by T. II. Ross caved in from
the great weight of 8uoty.
The dog -poisoners are still et work.
One of the latest victims is Jack, the
thoroughbred Irish fox terrier owned by
Lionel Hanson, of the Queen's.
John Teasley, ,familiarly known as
"happy," left town last week for 1llani•
obs, teller(' 110 has a farm. He was a
tresident of Lower Wiugham about 13
years ago.
Last week Stephen Piper, au employee
in McLean & Son's saw mill, of thin
place, had the small linger of his left
hand taken off with the slab saw, at
which he was working.
The beautiful osmate "Britannia and
her Daughters" was presented on the
evening of March 17th in the town hall,
by the pupils of the Presbyterian Sunday
school, under the direction of Prof.,Scott.
Tho Times says :—Our townsman,
James MoLanohlln, is becoming quite a
professional at draughts. On Thursday
evening last he played 11 games with
Douglas Fraser and Wm. Walker, of
Turnberry, winning the whole seven
from Fraser and six from Walker, 111e
seventh being a draw.
The meeting held in the Baptist
church to consider the formation of a
Normal class for the study of the Scrip-
tures, was fairly well attended. After
some disouesiou a committee consisting
of elle ministers of the different churches
and superintendents of the Sabbath
80110010, was appointed to further oon•
aider the matter.
Councillor Golley, owing to the action
taken by Couooillor McKenzie, has re-
signed his seat. Mr. Golley's property
qualification was not just np to the mark
when the previous elections occurred,
although he ono qualify now. Dlr.
Sutherland. stays be will not take the
seat, as he is entitled to, which will
necessitate another nomination, when
Dir. Golley will no doubt be returned by
A wedding in the near future on the
1st con.
The roads are in a bad stable owing to
the thaw.
The item referring to Miss Lowery
visiting on the boundary should have
read Miss Torry.
Who is the young man on the 2nd oon.
who drives the young ladies home on the
front bob -sleigh 7
Miss Lottie Hill arrived home this
week from Toronto where the has been
attending the Conservatory pedaling
her musical
education. We weloome her
Alex. Kellner has tauten charge of the
farms of Alex. Forsyth, 24 miles North
of Brussels, and will work them on
shares. Report says he will Boon take a
W. W. Hoy and wife returned on
Saturday from a visit to Mr. Hoye
mother, near Oollingwood. The old lady
is 80 years of age and is in very poor
health at present.
A number of young folks drove to the
roeidenoe of Mrs. Moffatt, Morriebank,
on Friday night of last week where they
tripped the light fantastic until the wee
oma' hours ayont the 'twat.
Fools Bola.,—On Saturday, 25t11 ult.,
the football team of S. S. No. 0, Morris,
Dame over and played a friendly game
with the "Exoelsiore" of S. S. No. 8,
Grey. The day was all that could be de•
sired, a gentle wind and a clear, cool,
bracing atmosphere. Play began about
2 o'olook, No, 3 won the toss and decided
to kick down. Play began and the ball
travelled from one goal to the other un-
til finally the Morrie centre drove the
ball between the poste. The goal, how-
ever, was disallowed by the rotate° na
beioA off side. Play was started once
more and the "Bxoelsioro" getting in
Dome fine combination, which puzzled the
Morrie defence, sncemedod in driving the
ball between the flags but a foul was
olaimed f11 froom of goal consorinenely
half tine ended with no goals scored.
Things now looked blue for the "Expel.
sloes" who had to kick up hill and
Morris felt Buie of victory. Play had
not been started long, however, when
Morris began to 01101 signs of fntigeo
tv11i0h became more and more apperen1
towards the close of the game, Shot
Alba shot teas rained,in upon 111e Mortis
goal 1-1111 alIly 3110 excellent play of the
goal -keeper saver( 1110111 from severe do.,
feat, Finally af100 some fine loam play
the "Exoolarore" scored the first goal.
Nemeses goal0 were scored Were time
was np and the match thus ended 1 to 0
111 favor of S. S. No. 11, Gray, WM.
Smith anted as referee to the entire antis-
faotion of both dubs,
We are pioaeerl to notice that the
medloal treatment received by Wm.
Pollard, at Toronto, for loin 03o8 lute
proved very beneficial and his eyesight
1s now about all right.
13. J, Hill, merchant, of Toronto, f0
visiting ander the parental roof this
weep. IIe pli0pa0ee !Waking a business
trip to the West. Mete John hill oleo
talks of paying relatives aid friends in
Manitoba and the N. W. T., a visit.
R. 11:. MoDeneld is removing this week
from the 0th to the l2tit eon. to hie re.
oently purchased farm. Wo wish him
prosperity, Mr. Benefield, of Stratford,
has puraha0011 the Habkirk farm on the
0th from Mr. McDermott, of Stratford.
The price is said to bo $4,000.
13.180000 VS. Excansron8.—On Friday
afternoon of lase woek the "Excelsior"
football team of S. S. No. 3 played a
match with the "Rangers" of No. 0 at
the latter school. The snow was almost
too soft to make first-olass playing bob
during the 40 minutes the fun lasted
some lively kicking was done with the
result 1 to 0 in favor of No. 0. W..A.
Smith refereed the matoh in a satisfac-
tory m000ee. This being the first time
the "Excelsinrs" have been defeated, No.
8 feels greatly anted over its 80000888.
The following boys nonatitnted the home
team ;—.Jonah and Ben. Poi lard, Telford
Keifer, Walter, Charlie and John Bishop,
Hugh McCartney, Jonathan Wright,
Geo. Keys and E. hill, (teacher.) Only
ten persons played ns No. 3 was one
11Ltrnllmvian. An interesting event
oontlered at the residence of James
Snuffle on Wednesday, March 3th, bo-
ing the marriage of hie third daughter,
Miss Lizzie, to John H. Ixislop, an in-
tlastrions end prn0peroes young farmer
of Carlisle, N. W. T., son of Jas. Hislop,
of this township. To Bay that Miss
Smillie is widely known for her many
good qualities and is a general favorite
would but faintly convey the esteem in
which she is held in this community.
Tho 0000M0119 was performed by Rev. D.
Forrest, of Walton, and was witnessed
by about fifty of the relative+ of the con-
tracting parties. The bride and brides-
maid, Miss Mary Smillie, were neatly
attired in main colored cashmere with
all the other suitable accompaniments.
The groom was assisted byhis cousin,
Archin Hislop, in his u0ual calm, de-
liberate way. The oongratnletions end
good wishes over, and Mr. Hislop might
well bo congratulated on having secured
for a life partner such an estimable
young lady, the proof of which was plain.
ly seen by the number of costly and use-
ful presents they were the recipients of,
all sat down to a supper got up 1n Mrs.
Smillio's best style and it is needless to
say all did ample justioo to it. After
supper the company spent an hour or
two in social chat then all went borne
wishing the married couple a happy and
prosperous life and that all might meet
again in the near future on some similar
occasion. The young couple took the
train at Brussels on Friday, 10th inst.,
for theNorthwest where Mr. Hislop has
a borne already prepared. 'While we
deeply regret the removal of Mrs. Hislop
from our midst we can assure the good
people of Carlisle that in her they will
find a hind friend and a lady in every
sense of the 10001 and we hope they will
use her well.
1311" c v'tale.
Wm. Sellers has moved his family to
Clinton, Ont., where he lute secured
steady employment.
The I. 0. G. T. Lodge of this village is
wide awoke and quite a number of new
members are being enrolled.
Christopher Thornton and James S.
Timmins have exchanged horses as they
each lilted he other's animal best.
Rev. A. Y. Hartley was away Tuesday
attending tee meeting of Presbytery at
Kincardine. Some Indies aloe went to
attend the annual meeting of the W. F.
M. S.
James S. Timmins has rented his
farm to James Crawford who has bad
charge of said farm for the past two
years. We wish him success in this new
A meeting of the patrons of the Blue.
vale obeese factory was held in the For,
tasters' Hall on Monday, 511) inst., to take
into consideration the desirability of
starting a Winter creamery, also the pay
meat for milk according to the butter
fate oontained in it. Both propoeals
were voted down by large majorities.
Mrs. j'ae. Timmins is now organist in
the Methodist ohnroh, She tools charge
of 4110 organ for the first time on Sunday
night last. The choir is preparing to
gfve a service of song on the evening of
Baster Sunday, April 2nd, Excellent
nets music las been procured and with
Mrs. Timeline at the organ, leaving Mies
Maggie Stewart free to sing, the choir is
ar,'offoient one and the servioo will bo
of iuteresb and profit.
On Tuesday night lase a social was
held in the basement of the Methodist
ohnroh, under the auspices of the "Wil
ling Workers' Society", and, although
the roads were had and the night stormy,
it evas a seethes in every particular. The
tee, provided by the ladies was an excel -
lout ono, though not as elaborate as for a
tea•moeting, and the provision was
%bandanb, After tea Mr. Timmins was
galled to the chair and presided over the
intermits of the meeting with hie 318001
abiliey and affability, expressing hie ap•
preoiat1on of the honor conferred upon
him, and hoping that 0,11 would enjoy
themselves and bo drawn closer together,
every vestige of oohangemont and envy
eliminated from all hearts tire a result of
this social gathering. IIe thou intro•
dead the performers in a few well.
chosen reuarlt8, oinking everything pass
off very pleesahlly. The readings by W.
II. and Robert Stewart, Let I31011or, Mies
Jenkins, the music, both initrntnenttel
and v00a1, by Ales. Timmins, Mies Maggio
Steuart, homey Robb, Dir. McPherson
jr„ and the choir, were all good and
m3011 appreciated by the audience. Al.
together the menial were 11111013 pleased at
the success of their nndeetaldng. Pro.
mods in aid of parsonage,
Revival services are in progress at
Sunshine Methodist ohurah.
Mina Tomlin Kelly, of the 1101 line, is
visiting Menthe in Hullott tat present.
The hay pressers are working in the
vicinity of the White school, 8111 con.,
this week.
Co. Matter Mooney i0 away attending
thes Gr100010.and Lodge of the Orange Order
Robbie and Lizzie Moore were in East
Wawanosh visiting their 0ou81n8 on Fri-
day and Saturday.
A. G. leasmn has leased ,John Broad•
foot's farm, West of Breesels, and will
move thele next week,
Wm. James Johnston, jr., of 1st line
Morris, has been very ill with intim-nine.
Mon of the Image. He ie somewhat
better now.
David Moore lens engaged James Laid.
late, son of Robert Laidlaw, for the sum-
mer months. James is a reliable young
man and Mr. :Moore is fortunate ie Beene.
ing his services.
Invitatione are out for a wedding on
the 7111 line this week. The fever is
evidently going North an there has al-
ready been a wedding on the Oth and oma
013 the 8111 line lately.
Jolm Agen, of the 0th line, had a bee
Wednesday afternoon cutting wood. The
invited guests enjoyed themselves in the
evening by games, singing and keeping
time to the musi0 with their light fan•
reeds toe.
Robert ,\fathers, of lot oon., lost a very
fine horse last week. The animal had
been kinked while some of the young
people were Tawny visiting Mende in
Wawanoah and mortificntiou having set
in, they had to kill it.
W. M. Moore and wife, of Toronto,
who have been visiting in thin locality
during the past few weeks, returned
home last week. While here Willio,pnr-
chased a fine four-year-old driver and
took it to the city with hint.
Frank and Chas. Armstrong, sons of
Rich Armstrong, 3rd line, who went to
the Northwest some two or three year's
ago are having bad luck with their horses.
One has died and three others aro not ex.
panted to recover. They lost a vteluabie
horse a ,year ego too.
Francis Ashton has rented his farm to
Wm, Casemore jr., from near Wingham.
He will move over to his other plaoe on
the 7th of Morris in a few weeks. His
son Archie is lying at the home of his
eou8in, Mrs. Lucas, of Gorrie, very ill
with consumption. Very little hope is
entertained of his recovery. Mr. Ashton
has an emotion sale on Friday of this
Osrl'.—l1rs. George Brewer died at
her late residence, eon. 4, on Saturday
morning, aged 71 years. The deceased
wait born in Wellington, Somersetshire,
England, and was united in marriage to
her now bereft partner on .December
25311, 1852. They came to St. Thomas,
Ontario, in May 1853, and after a reef-
denoe of 23 years, removed to Seaforth,
and 2:1 years later took np lot 23, con. 4
from the Crown Land Department and
became residents of this township, where
they have lived continuously since.
Mrs. Brewer was a hearty, strong
woman and a helpmeet indeed to her
husband in pioneering it in years gone
by. She had been ill for about 12
months previous to her death, suffering
from a complication of diseases. Her
end was peace. Her children are Wil•
Ilam, Edmund, Fred., Mrs. W. Wilkin-
son and Henry. She was a member of
the New Connexion church previous to
the union. The funeral took plane on
Tuesday afternoon, Rev. G. F. Salton,
of Brussels, oonduottog the service. In.
termeut was made in Brussels cemetery.
Box Saute—The box eooial bold er
the residence of Jas. Ireland, on Thurs.
day evening of last week, was a grand
success. The rends were not very favor-
able owing to the large amount of rain
which fell during the day but the night
was all that could be desired and four
large sleigh loads drove out from Bras.
eels w11io11 swelled the number present
to about 175. At 0 o'clock the chairman,
Wm, A. Smith, teacher, Grey, took the
chair and the following program was
exceedingly well rendered :—Solos by
A. Strachan, Mies Maggie Taylor, in-
strumental music by Miss Margery
Strachan, doett by Mr. Strachan and
1111013 Taylor, instrumental by Miss Mary
Lamont, solo, (German) D. Strubb ;
organ solo, Miss Jennie MoLeuohlin ;
dude, organ and harmonica,
Miss Edith Buell and brother.
The sale of boxes name about 10 o'clock
and then the fun began. Some got what
they wanted, some got what they didn't
want and some got neither what they
Wanted nor what they did not want, be.
cause there teas a scarcity of boxes.
Every person spent a very enjoyable
evening and left wail pleased. The pro.
needs amounted to $10.80 and will be
planed to the credit of the Bruesele Knox
church Sewing Circle.
Dan Dsolu.—Last Sunday evening
about 7 o'clock Charles Mitchell, a well.
known resident of the 5111 line, inflicted
a terrible gash on his throat with lan old
eioklo. A physician was sent for at
once to Brussels aid sixteen seitehe0
were neeeseary to close the wound. The
j0glar vein woe dantegod but not severed,
In a fit of coughing some time after, the
vein burst anal the patient died about
midnight. He was in hie 45111 year.
The deceased was troubled with hie mind
acme years ago and was sent to the asy-
lum for treatment. Fur some time peat
it was noticed that there wee likely to be
a re.00cnerenae of the same alnllotion and
the family guarded the sufferer as well as
possible. Itis said that he made an at•
tempt to use it 01,000 which was arrested
by the instrument being taken from him
and he also threatened to drown him-
self. lie leaves a wife and levo ahfldeen
to month his 1lutfn101y demise. There
is a rumour that Mitchell was not kindly
treated by hie relatives but the nearest
neighb0re say this le untrue. Mr. Mitch.
ell belonged to the Canadian Order of
Foresters and the funeral ou Wodneeday
Hfterumn was under their 0(10pi008. Rev.
David Miller, of Br'uesols, w0.0 the
officiating clergyman. The interment
was made tee the Sunshine burying
ground, '
Huron Assizes.
The Huron Assizes opened Monday
afternoon before lion. Justice Rose.
There were six jury and six nou•jury
eases. The criminal side of the court
was light, only two ousel being on the
calendar, one arising out of an assault
charged against Durnion, Laird aud Mc-
Gee upon Cmtduo1or McCallum and a
brakeman, and one of perinry against
Robt, J. Gore, resulting from a oharge
made against 12. C. Cameron. The To-
ronto bar was represented by Ce. F. Shep-
ley, Cl, O., and W. It, Riddell, the latter
acting as crown enuneel. Tho cases of
Breckenridge vs, 13reekenridgo and At-
torney -General ve. I3runadeu were settled
out of -court. Baird vs. McLeod,
Stewart vs. McLean and Waxeoborg vs.
Beacom stand till next sittinge. Adair
vs. Wade was undefended and judgment
was given for plaintiff.
The mach talked of assault case of
Condnotor McCallum vs. Durnion, Laird
and McGee was amicably settled. Font
true bills were found against the Kincar.
dinettes, by the Grand Jury. Durnion
and Laird plead guilty and were fined
$200 and bound to keep the peace for 5
years. McGee was disohergod. In the
G. T. It. suit for interfering with the
free use of the car Durnion and Laird
were allowed their liberty en suspended
senten30. 1t ns hinted that the cases
against 111000110 nn and Leitch, to be
heard at Walkerton, may be settled also.
Tuesday Drs. Smith and Second, and R.
McGee undertook to drive to Goderioh
from Kincardine on Lake Huron. The
horses broke through the ice and were
The case of Copp vs. Coleman was
tak011 np. 1301. Copp, the plaintiff,
built a foundry for the defendant in the
town of Seaforth and claims some 52,-
000 as the balance due on the contract.
The defendant alleges thee the building
was not completed according to contract ;
that it is unsafe, dengerous and not at
all litted for the purpose of a foundry
where heavy ma0hintey is fn operation ;
that it thews signs of going to pikes,
and counter claims far damages. There
were a great many witnesses. Judg-
ment was reserved.
A trite bill teeniest Robert John Knox
Gore, on two indictments for perjury.
Gore, on being arraigned, pleaded guilty.
Ills Lordship deferred sentence.
Addie Cormack has gone to Chicago.
D. C. Ross was in Durham this week.
Mrs. Thos. Stewart i0 still very poor.
Miss .!label Jackson is home from To.
Miss Teenie Menzies has been on 1110
sink lint.
0. E. Turnbull, of Guelph, Snndayed
in Brussels.
J. A. Young, of Mount Forest, was in
town this week.
Henry and John Haists talk of trying
their luck in Michigan.
Wm. White, (King Billy) of Mitchell,
was in town last week.
Mrs. Lopped and son have returned
to their home in Toronto.
Mrs. J. S. Smith nod Gordon are visit.
log at Kincardine this week.
Mrs. Thos. Danford is home from a
visit to Clinton and Seaforth.
I. 0. Richards is down to Bayfield on a
business trip for a couple of days.
Miss Cora Ferguson, of Teeswator, was
visiting in Brussels and locality this
Mrs. H. J. Whitley and children, of
Kincardine, were visiting at Jas. Jones'
last week.
Mrs. Robinson, of Alpena, Mich., is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Welsh, Mfil
street, Brussels.
T. A. Hawkins was at Ethel neat Fri-
day evening taking part iu the Sons of
Temperance concert.
The infant daughter of Jas. Walker
has been dangerously ill with bronohitis
but is improving nicely now.
Mies Kate Riohardson, teacher at
Tee0wttter, was renewing old acquaint-
ances in Brussels for a few days.
Fred. Downing talks of taking a rest
from shoemaking during the Doming
Summer end trying sailing instead.
Robt. Ross, machinist, has gone to St.
Catharines where be hos a situation in
Wright & Cunningham's machine shop.
We wish him success,
Rev. J. Ross, B. A., Mrs. Ross, Mrs.
Graham, and others, attended the meet.
(ng of Presbytery and W. F. M. S. at
Kincardine last Tuesday.
W. M. Sinclair, R. M. Dickson, J. T.
Rose, Noble Gerry, F. S. Scott, P. Scott,
Dr. MoNaughton and Neil Richardson
were away at Godorich this week.
Seams or Srmno.—Crowe are return-
ing from their Winter's visit,—The boys
aro busy with marbles.—Spring millinery
openings are talked of.—Robina have
made their appearanoo.—Maple sugar,
"our own make," is offered for sale.—
Gardeu treed are ocoupyiug a front plane
and if a"dirty lookingt, Italian would show
up with a llnrdygirdy no further proof
would be necessary nkat gentle Spring
had come.
To indium the 0anadia7 branch of the
McCormick Manufacturing Cotnpany to
laoato in Wallteeville, a free site and
exemption is offered, while Walker, the
big distiller, proposes to erect the build•
ing free and pub in a railway siding.
A petition lute been presented to Sir
John Thompson asking for the r0lease of
Wm. G, Collins, who two sentenced to
four years from Stratford in Kingston
penitentiary for obtaining under false
pretences, 0111110 beef to the value of $1,25
Collins eemplein8 he wag 3101 given, a
fair 1001. On the tone day he Ivan con.
vioted of the offence above referred to he
wa8 convi0.0d to :several nllarg00 of
lrtroony. The matter has beer, rotund
in Pollee Mn istoalo O'Lnano to report
mm, and the 0hallee0 of William obtaining
his h'eedoe when all the facts are laid
before the Minister of Juotiee, would op.
pear to be small,