HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-3-10, Page 71r.ic'u 10, !AOL, THE BRUSSELS POST.
a _ mann���AYTXYGfMYRmlm+at®.,osw�ancn,vws•.wlatwu'umamrm'+.w9
HEALTH. I the 1101111011 i0 It1 1110111, In fent, 1,1,11 of
__111,11m,, thi:, 00,,,11 Lien wd
ill 1,01 lo.t ,d on .
the lips, the appeareae•e of the lips el0+
Some General HMO.els plc' ilinictnr.
o,,iiiblim tint of Ile, smooch, The ,are
i,'knessun,l death from 1 n:: tm( 111 II,. ruuhr,1I m1 Iie,1lOilt,,,,,i,.„,„,,,,nl 1,1,''0l l , TM. .0 ,M, d he.
kitel1011 1r,•t•1 more reu,m,nl 111 too „1,1 ‘1,414., swe(11111, Ur even 11211o(v, 1„,,,,60,. o 11 r air li tof ice .1tr 1 t 1 :
before ,,hole,' and- iu o,lb•lu'+ alt„milled 111 Winch tufl,.l,)1 dem, and t .It 1'1111 f, 'L 1 Mira-' ll 1r,n•11G .oil 1 , 111 anr'„h' el„•.
New ' ', N'hc,whar-lh,•n-eollnni,i! Gefecan,yitce14oW ati14;tnalio b4ot1.10,4g,
regmhlu sneh Inal11'001 Intl even u0W we tion of gcul judgment all prod ems., in Thera's l:nine,. 1.,.,..,,lite •ar'".r,
'1 he wet ll tics 3,,Imu L;;l,tlnu-•es.
13,.0+11 it w., ],II,!f tuRn'1. Wen,
\',uin•rlil., 11ave la worth ,)50o,401.
oo'atsirnutlly ptai ool, toed, for a time, 1le'd ...met. a Boot a•1v'01 1 •fu'vn 4ho',give \!room•', of rook go Inlehrad'a1
hear that x110011 novel' lakblu the an Mux,•
have occurred. We are no longer troubled
with canned geode it w1 take the fend mut
id the oats as they aro opened. Snell food
ie now as healthful a8 that. preserved in any
other way, Tho old way was to l01 the
food sterol, in Lite Gans, and the mild of the
fruit or vegetable formed ox of tin, which
isdaugoruuelypoisonous, '!'here is oxide
of load that can iia formed in Gans that are
allowed to stand opou for any length of
time with the contenLi, in thong. There is
a little load used in all cans now.
Canned meets that aro allowed to stand
form ptomaines which is also a thmgorons
811bnt120110 to take into the systmn. Tho
name thing follows in the 1100 of tin -ware in
mil team than usual, whil0 prelV0Itio„ A rout low ud In111ait ,Buena eu.
In the Mitran skeleton there euro •11.10
A 1.:1ee•hmne clears front 111(1 1,0 L'1 Met at
a home'.
(;reek ir.fantr mon are trained in stone
throwing. Y
linrope is reportml to have 50,(MOlu,ateh
Twelve average tea•planto produce one
pnulld of ton,
-- which is far lett.(' --- results Iron)
tahitig only a proper amount of plain fool
all of the time. Tam articles inert, ,s•
racially to be avoided are Hatt, in 000000,
the a pica; Ir,uxtard—host for an outward
applioal(011, 1,1 withdraw 1rrite.thine to the
)(edam), where they ere not flangernlH—
all articles which will irritate the surface,
if tants applied, like mustard, salt, pante.
Marty with vinegar, etc, 1f I should
make any other suggestion, it would be to
use the HOMO irt')rilata, 118 mnetard, 111'„
outwardly, over the pit of the 8tomaoh,
sprinkling it on it wet cloth, that to he
well uovorell with a dry flannel, bringing
tin kitchen. If anything very Reid isplac• the same away 8'0111 the Inside to the oft•
cal in the tin rocoptaulos and loft there some aidGhon r,1io•(ng the stomach, the ail•
of the oxides will bo developed, and cause 11012100100111 the lips boing in111nded as a
injury. If we should put grapes, plumes, [yarning to let us know what improper food
is doing u1, tin 810,11(011.
urallbel'l'lel, or any of the acid 000kod frihte
in 0. tin can or pan for any length of time
the result would be most dioestrous. The
Hafeetwoy is to use glees or (,,noun china,
Cflazed ware is also oun0ideed dmngeroes,
its strong acids take the ginee off, and came
a metallic, scuta to collect of 1,110 8111'I'4101.
Thee is reedy nothing so sale as glass, or
the common stone or earthen jars and jags
Tito Cost or 011,,I w'nrro ionsllp LI slit p•
building, '
A woll.koowu ("cote]) shipbuilder, Robert
that have not been 81120011 inside. These 1titled, in a carefully prepared add('098 de.
simple roeeptttolesaro free from danger, and livered recently on the 00cu0ioe of the au.
they can he used with impunity for holding
nearly everything.
ro1.0 WALLS.
neral °engross of the 1':dueationel Instituto
of Scotland, 1)l11Ntr(2te(d 1110 importance of
dim (nigh technical training by presenting
au estimate he t
of outlay now required on
81011100y and hygienieprinciples aro eandl the art of 11 .210 h shi fon 10 1 over fall
ly' mal(ing 121111031 complete changes in our p 1
modern hooses, anti everything from garret (above what would be necessary if the actor
tel (miler is being u^erh.wind and viewed in clue t0 ignorance and carelessness on the
the light of science. All of this work incites Pat of workmen 00111.1 he eliminated.
belt,,' live G, healthier and stranger bodies, 1\bale 01te13HHlne99 will always °emir to
and more egjnyrneut in this world. .p„„ some exte11,, yet fewer mon are witltully
improvement may be slow but there is a '14'1'0"u" 1110.11 4:11111altly elr31000, mid
steady bettering of oursurroundiugs through hence it followsLluat the more amen knows
w11 this endeavor. One thing that needs et hie work the more careful well he be
attending to in most houses next to the about it, The opinion was 00 pressed that
question of a dry 0elhu is to loop at the the discipline of technical training, the ea -
was and see if hey ore o01d or ware Ones. quteed habit of scientific method, is of itself
In wooden hooses this is not so essential, perhaps the best means of fostering the
fatuity of taking care, of pninetaking, and
was ethical that no nun not engaged in
actual constructive work can form any
the north or west side of the house bOOome adequate conception of the enormous Avesta
so cold and clamp in winter that they are a to the world caused by inaccurate, o• to
constant menace to the health of the 0cot_ speak plainly, by bad workmanship.
p1111(0. The walls are not only cold, but they Mr. Caird pointed out that Lloyd's Reg -
aro (lamp and =bit, If an article of clothing to winch 1 eseelH aractivellyfro huil1,n he ('0,1111 ]it itnitbs
is lung upon them it will get quite moist in
anin loin his a factor of safe( is fixed
the coarse of a few hours. Such houses f{' Y
done right on thin brick by the committee in excess of the theoretical
have the plastering d
or atone, and as them,, latter hold moisture
stl'olgth of the materials of the steucture to
170sist any 8110110 that may 0011111•. This
factor isthe result of experience of the
heterogeneity of the structural material and
defects of (workmanship. In this it i8 tint
MI muni as one oaf° is Ivnrth to dee in hose even the 00erag0 that rules, but the 0001101,
that the society will loss.
houses through the winter. Therrmcdy i3 Y I
oimpa0, 'fear doe n the old wall and per. up 111 view 11 these ecusidorations it was
laths and do the plastering on theft, o1 (t
this is too expensive nail lalllx ria ht on the
old wall, and. have as smsm,l ward made over
them. The danipnosi of the house will be
uure'l almost iunnelliat0Ly,
least tet per cent.
but stole and brick ones are very apt to have
cold, (lam!) walls inside that monis a chill all
through the house. Walls that fico upon
[ell through tea winter it soaks right into
the wall. This was a common way to build
the old fashioned store ant brick houses,
and many (('e the Dame to -day. .It is really
asserted that the ex•m:ise of 8(41010101' 0,000,11
of ('arefn111e"s en the part of workmen, not
ette)1 eta to Melees. emit, 1,111 annething (titte
1•0(1(ible and reasonable, would warrant a
rOlIl(OUnn of scantliege to the extent of at
s•ou,v'c 1 i'1s1N1l-1,, 'Faking; 111(10 assumption as a lasts, \i r.
'I'hrr0 19' no 1.111,1 but that Ghee ere (rain$ etched that he 111,11 1114(111' ,t calculation
some people who arc so 011001 p:11,10 1,, 1111' Whi,h slaved that. in the nn'rrantile marine
puisening oil%"119 of trlinre, that they mills' of (treat Britain 1h, ro Ix iiieoled °Vin' '1.1,-
lroot inhaling the 11ut0it1 in a 000111, 0r 1Veu 01111,1110 in exeexx of iron and steel employed
1 root til, peg,oa of gut inrete"ato smoker or in the canstl'11Ot ion of 010210ers, an 1,x11000
"1111 er, 111,11 people, 0111111111 stand ,smoking 0vhicll as required and eel -vied 111,0111 simply
in the living reo1n, 1011 m Is not only an in. ns an allowance for lel workmalship. The
ilietten for them to 0ndor0 the sinekine 1)111
it is pasiti11• pliienting, ( loot inual sub..
jell 10 the Millet ion will 111 the ,111100, of
tum bring on sickness, tool even denth,
Ono 01211 be111110 stied an inveterate 0laewer
and smokes that his system will become
thoroughly saturated with tobacco. esenees
anti odors of it will ooze out 11 every Imre.
Very sensitive pimple 0leepine with such a
tobaeco-s1inrated man can easily absorb
enough of the poison to cause sickness.
Another 0(11(0 11(10 just bee, reported of a
wife dying from the effects of soon inlh'tion.
Tobacco disagreed with her, and iter husband
nit of sympathy for her smoked chiefly at,
the club, ili0 office or on the streets. But
he w1111 such a veteran at the business tied
1110 System became saturated with it. ll.is
wife slowly 1at0orbed cn0ngb from his body
at night to kill Iter. Neither understood
the matter, nor could he be nail0 to oeuvre -
bond that he hail billed ho' from his smok-
ing. Rubies axe especially sensitive to
t0haceo smoke and fumes, and they should
never bo .kept in the room whore smoking is
going 011.
3101.10 .1S 01101)10041(1 1)180,
An amusing theory is now discussed that
meat is an anti -mast( dint, and those who
persist in fooling largely on moat can never
be very mastoid singers. The true diet for
them 10 vegetables and grains. Nations
that eat exclusively or largely of meat and
fish aro not musical nations. To carry out
Lida theory different rations are mentioned.
where meat and fish are the chief diet, and
who are not musical. The others 1,1181 are
musical aro mentioned as )train and vege•
table eating nations. The theory is first
founded upon that of birds. ]3y a queer
coincidence nearly all of the carnivorous
birds (monk,soreatn and cry, but they do
noising, while nearly all the class of grain
eating ones are sweet singers. It may be
that their diet has something to do with
tiheir 111110X,1 talent and voices, and in the
same way people and nations may be affect.
ed similarly. An interesting collection of
vacs now would consist of a comparison of
the dint of all groat singers.
A. 8. ATtttoo ON, M. 1).
Too Much Meat.
There is he doubt that many of the
diseases that 0111101 humanity are caused by
ion great, indulgence in a mcatdiet•. Scien-
tific mulbnri1100 tell 1,0 that meat f8 astin,n'
load, and that much of the high pressure
Manner 111 w11)011 Lilo busb ies0 of 1110 is COM
ducted is superinduced Iry the stimulation
of our diet. Now, a healthy organization
needs no stiinullnt. Under healthy eons
di1,ion8, the . body and dol will he active
enough for the duties required of then.
11,01,00 end euros aro vegetarians, bat they
have 0nfllelent str0ng111 and activity, and if
the 0varage Inman being were as free from
alisetee Rs our font'.footed friends, the
doctors would have a geoatly restricted field.
Wo 0h0uld eat, less meat and more of 1,h0
;rains. If w0 have no taste for grain Mode,
it is because oto• eppet(1.0 has become rlo.
prayed. \Vo can, by persistent olicrt,sdtloato
our ,ppoldto so that, it will crave healthful
rind wholesome food,
Coli Sores,
The or0ptions on the lips, popularly To.
ga'd011 as cold soros, have un 1100811110 ane•
nen lon, necessarily, with enlds, or 1.110
01(.4 1:4 of the pores of talo stomach, tesnitug
from tho 11011 of improper food, nr 111.1
1ng11"p1:rnsn of oven wholesome fo111,1eking
ton 014(011 or te.k m. (G too Often and at
lrregelat' lines --between the Meals, \V ham
calculation showed f nether that over (.:I,l1on,-
ne0 worth of coal is burned annually in
propelling this surplus material which should
be quite 11 nneens0ary.
Another point touched upon was that the
relative imperhunee of goal workmnnehip
10 constantly increasing, livery day the
testing of materials is becoming mere thor.
,ugh and complete, and ae in result, and
perhaps more so as a re801t of the prugre0)1
of metallurgical science and praoti0e, ma-
terials 0110 becoming more homogeneous
and more uniformly reliable. New alleys,
011011 as nickel, steel and others, promise in
the neer future to furnish materials of
groat,]' strength and reliability than are'
available at present, so that the element of
worltlntmehip in the factor of safety will
assume ,[veil greater importance, If full
advantage is to bo token of the eupe•(or
qualities of strength and ductility of those
new substitutes for steel and iron, the
workmanship, the fitting and securing of
the parts must keep pt1Oe with the materials
in improvement.
The shipbuilding establishment with
which 1,1'r. Caird is identified has turned
out a 11umber of very fine, largo and w011
known ocean steamships, and he is, there•
fore, well qualified to express a1 opinion en
questions eoutleeted with shipbuilding. --
1000 Ago.
wily Spillers' Webs Are Itsed. (u OR great
The astronomers of the naval observatory
have looked all over the world for spiders'
webs. Such gossamer filaments spun by in.
for cruse lines extend at right angles with
each other across the field of view, 0o as to
divide the latter into mathematical spaces.
Threads of cobweb are employed for the
purpose because they aro wonderfully
strong for their exceeding fineness, and
also for the reason that theyaro not effected
by moisture or temperature, neither ex.
minding 110r oontraothng under any con-
Specimens were obtained from China bo.
cause it was imagined that the (largo spiders
of that country would perhaps product() a
particularly excellent gutility of web. How.
ever, it was foiled that tho host web was
spun by epirlors of the United States, such
as ere plentiful in the (neighborhood of
Washington, Accordingly expositions aro
made early in .1 two each year to get frau
the fences and barns hereabouts the 00000110
of the big "turtle back"spider0, Hach oo-
e0nli i8 composed of a single silken filament
wound maul and round, though there aro
apt to be sono breaks in it whore Mistress
Spider loft o1Two•k for a Iamo.
Attempts have boon made 1.o tis,, tam co•
creme of spider's lino those of silk -worms,
and 0xgtlisf 10 fabrics have boon manul'a0tur-
o,l front them, Unfortunately It was found
impossible to niche the industry a coin.
mer0ial 31100088, owing to tho combative in.
olination of Meso o'oatnt00. When kept
together they will always gobble each other
up b1 a short time, the 'final result being a
single very large and. fat spider and ono
Sukeq's Sign,
A residents of Newmarket was 011p1iee11
the othor Horning when hn went to milk
his cow to find R placard attached to her
horns, which bore the tollowieg nm,rilpion;
"(70 down and pay for the eabbll;I:l 1 dc•
Veered last night,"
1 toll 911.1 (air phtina' 1,01+,
1l,,l 1 '•naldn'1 ,lne ileternlin,•
1110,2 1 pearl hiul a 11,1vin it rldlit nod lett,
tvhn 1041+hit by the .,rnmam.
Of ,nurse thele could be no ud+mke
11' u• n •e, of len ^feta$,$ 11.11 911'
hen h tarred t, I t
For 1'et ,0+neo Juhmm1l mut 111111 scn(vlud '
AL every w•m'd he trat4 4113'11(',
And the nllohl°r he (emit 00 to say:
There's vitriol's kinds of (Meld in',
:1114 r,lll(lun'x as gond for eve')' day
As '11.1 to (('1111,1,, meet in',
1 don't 1Lbll. 1210(11 ul':4 mita lila'. give.;
The Lord amens at oly lrouohia''
And spends Ills (lou: the 1]ollowin' week
111 (Montle' anti oval emelt In' "
1 guess tont dose yva9 bat ter (neigh
For (111111(1 like .Junes to +wai ler:
11,11, 1 nut loud Ito didn't open Ills mouth
Kol mem (aloe that to holler.
Ilnrenb l (ay0 I, fur the minister •
of nom,. 1 .•M.( It lintel
(fie( 118 moor inOre of 1111+ open 1(11X:
It's v01'3' vertu-king,llet•
'lY10 Milli -I0r LII 11 ri'ery time,
And 1V,•011 110'pok0 of fashion.
And 11-rit:Mit' our in bow: and thong:,
,\s wanner+ ruling
Mita.•.011111' lo v11errh In +rd I lie rat y1'e,
1 I enulda'1 help n'w'hakI21'
.1.n$ a-nnq'gin' lay wire, fad says I, "Thai's
1 Sou.
• 1 guess t hal set bar rankle'.
0111901 t,, myself. "'1',1141 M(1'n19i1'14 pet.”
Rol 1111,,, is a queer , rood tun,
And I'111 2121c•h, afraid that oma 0' 11,11 folk,
(('on'1. I alio the application,
Now if hu had 01111 a (word ,Ihnut
Aly personal remit, ri si11nln'
I'd h11vu gena to work to right 10ys01f,
Anal not ret thnt•r. a•grinn(d.
.1nst then the minister (4)134, 411y, ho,
"And now 1'vr. ennet 10 11,0 1(11,00 ' 1,01,0 written au various languages.
\l'in'e,• Irst this she a -e by 110;n' their friends
As sort ,i moral umbrellas, ()tit of 41.8,0110 guardians of the poor fn
!:very State in 11oxia,, will be represented
at the World's Fair,
A revolver has Leen invented that ;hoots
0001111 11111110 a 000,,11,1,
When tea wan first broughc to !England
the leaves w'e1',1 eaten.
.A full-grn011 0 I"ll'lUIIt 10 '11(4221,10 (11 carry.
fog 10 lead of two telae,
A signal passes tit reigh the Atlantic cable
in 31-Iu01h of a 110101111.
There. are aver 1,0110 South African war
Medal% 11W'11 Lilig e12Ltirll11ltx,
Lord'1'onnytem 1ua1e0 the 1,173rd perso1
barbed in \1',euniuster Abbey.
Every year the population of the l'nited
Stattm Ix inm'e1L9el by 1,11011,0110.
Tragedy was first rap resented on a waggon
ly'Ph0api0, at Athens, 11.1'. 2113.
In Mafia there is a species of crow that
laughs just like a human being.
IL is said that a Hungarian shepherd, age
111(1 years, (till attends his flocks.
:Haire than 7111) lives of Columbus have
Gra home ".0ys he. tied Mel yourfafault,In,tealrl u' 111111111' 1,0)11' brother's:
(10 hone,” lie •1111•. "1.n't wear the ('011(3
Vou'1'e teal 111 111 ter others.'
11y wife sill nudged. and Brown he winked,
And there 111, luta u' saline,
And has o 101(X11.1 al our pew;
it set my blond to hone.
sap 1 to myself. out• minister
Isoittin' ,t little hitter;
1'11 to ((1)1 when 111001 lits out that I
Ain't 01, all that kind of a critter
Lake Ontario.
1)00;1 roll thy waves, Ontario,
'Ahtl,•(•resttd, angry, wild.
They (lash neon thy pebbled shore,
llcllnnro to 1hoo' sullen roar •
0111 0(111(11" hued -locked chili
Low hang the stnrtn•eleuds Dor thy b.tsul,
Alnak 114111111120? the sky,
'rill rent, with lightnings avid flash,
The winds, let loose, the water0bt,h
And. loss 010 whit osprey high.
Amid the strife Or wind and wave
The ruin (smuts 1'tl.hiW; Mown,
And add: 41+10120 1 ,'.. h1+0111; 0.010(1
'1'u sw^1,l the t 1,4411111. 1111 amend,
And w-rtt(ve 1011(ling, drown,
O11u 111
Like .0)111• rebellions spirit 1 h111,
1\ Olt I ikia ulent enthroned
10ilhtn thy heart. or is Liu -nary!
Of all 1 his fury- will remorse,
For 0in to he atoned l
Fee' na11)1 tiny waves, o1,)'1(in,
ll:n•h 11,,0,1- .treaty r,'.1
Thy eM'lin'g. fn, um:'apped Lina(-: clew-,
Aimee deep my0 ori'•- hi,! below,
Anil yetto be eon
Now mini thy 11 )VI'(, tlnlnrio,
No 'lnrm•w'ind0 vomit thee rave;
!'pun I la' 001141), eznre breast
Tho wild bird, wee,ry, glop, to rest
.1nd (lip its piutnn to thy wave.
Aernss thy bosom white -silk speed,
Fair messengers of (rale:
And on thole ro„so the>ni11,1"o sung
('11,111" merrily. verho1-ho, along,
To cheer the 8131110 milkmaid.
Ontario 1
A sail, n skill', n cloud of smoke
That ural rkxa st010001".1 wiry
\ 1111n her raft with hardy crew
That bravely-, su1111)' steer IL through
1800 this satntner day.
In flays long pest, Ontario,
191, 11Tohaw9: a harp ,1(1)00,
Freighted with tomahawk rind knife,
'1'11 take 1(10110,011 Irot( 11t'o,
Oft crossed thy waters blue.
Ontario I
Now peace ono plenty hleoo thy shote,
And stalely hong,, n1111(101.
When dusky- wi0wa rat 0h,lters xt1.Ovo
1'o 11k10 IVIII,in t.h0 forest grove,
w'heru roamed the antlered duo'.
The moon 11 silvery lath way lights
101,080 thy (l0rksnillg waste.
The ce(1ar•pe'fmn0d breezes blow,
The laughing streanllets gully fluty
To thee, to (12042 in 1111910.
The dainty tilts of breaking flay
'Piot tinge tiny void, grey wave;
The 00rgeoue setting sun rat, ere
114 glowing enters stoops 111 leave
Upon thy flashing l'1110.
0 changeful lake, thou art over fair
10 storm, in calm, at eve
Rat oho 1 think 11ove thee best
When storm -winds roar above thy breast,
Thy wild waVOs serge nand heave.
The veil of night is thickening fust t
I strive the Moran the gloom
That bungs upon thee, lovely hallo,
A parting look of then to (alto,
While (loop t'egl'Obl consume.
IG Dnroaroe 0'3(08111.
If everoomo )nu'0'1)Oarlcd ono should give
ltospoosivc loot:, for gentle glance of thine,
Forgot it not., its long as thou (malt lhe;
1(01, in thy heart of hearty, enshrine!
Should 0000 some congenial Spiel t, say
A 101111,0 word, in 11101111011 Ip'.' g,1t'lou „grown,
Oh, lel. It not ns frost ed (I Ower,, decay,
nal. be,118 =aeon I 1,1120 (mown 1
11own) 0en10 1111.1(11d:1, one 0110111)1 d a
An net of 1,111,1111'•,, int Ile (101)1 01' need,
\VII In thy neln'ry, faithfully renew
The fragrant incense of the 110011
8110n111 otter 801110 angelW0nuln trust
The tivmsur,x of her coming years to thee,
Lelnother hopas ho trodden In the dust.;
But loyal to thy prom We he 1 1:. 11,. 10
Historic Baoholors••
Many eminent mon, whoso (lames are
household words and Who 111000 loft their
impress upon the world, Lire bachelors.
1100th000n, Schubert, Rollin], I:inaeseand
1.)olizotti, all great 00rnmml npl0ionl conic
posers, worn bachelors. Join Cl. Whittier,
our American poet, was a bachelor, Kent,
1,110 great philosopher; 1':rnsmus, the HO110110r
and philosopher: Leibnitz, the (101,011140
11at110111riti0ial :1`Inmboldt, the philosopher;
(:a lloo, who discovered the application of
the p0111lutn and that the earth revolved 1
llugans, the Herman a0Lr0noner, who tits'
),.evOral Saturn's rind mud one natell)1111
l.eibig, the ('110111(81. ; 111'. 1Talmema 1, the
orf iultlor of homoeopathy 1 11r. Prins
Joseph :1a11, the originator of phrenology,
and (lncricko,1110 inventor of the tar pimp,
won, all bachelors.
Rngluad and \Vales 130 are women.
A patent has been issued fora lr:k which
0011 be aperaLod only by a magnetised hey,
Weaving 'ligan ribbons into gnats is the
]010x( fad of the girl whose sweetheart
Two years ago there was only one en.
operative dairy society in Ireland, while
now 111000 aro 311,
401000lem is still supplied with water
from Solomon's Pools through an aqueduct
built by the Crusaders.
Before a Chinaman 01111 leave Australia ho
is compelled to register his departure, and
leave his photograph.
The Revised l;omen Bible has been erne-
r -
pleted. 1?o1• nearly thirty years critics and
scholars Mayo been at work nn it,
Nealy 40,0111) people in Great Britain pay
a guinea m year for the privilege of display-
ing their crests on their stationery and
I'Ilo present Freugh Republic has spent
10,0011,0'0 in improving the waterways of
the 0onntry, which roaoi,s it total length of
7,151) miles. All these canals are free.
A \'ekeb:uua (Japan) c0rre.epo de ntstates
dh,tt. since the great earthquake Of 18111,
1,1 ])) and 1,6•!11 shocks h11.00 1101411 1•0pet'ienc.
od 111 Xagnya ant (1110 ruspeutively.
I1 10 assert ('21 that wst orpr,of sheets of
paper, :mimeo 1 and hydraulically rvunpress-
ed, Make a material as dllr,.ble :111 le Itilre
for shoes. II 111.0 makes scrt'iovahle Masco
shot 0.
In Japan, if a woman is not married by a
certain age, 1,h+, authorities pick our a 111,111
whom 111(7 calpot noir to marry. This may
keep down 01.1 maid", lint it inefla.us the
number of Malo all bibles,
It is e4a1n(•21 for the now magnesium (lash
light for lighthouses, fnlr,dn0ed expert•
mentally in Germany, thant its ability to
pellet ratealmloxt„poufneat:ncspltore 0xceeds
that of qtly other knn11'11 light.
No wonder the fish erne is never "short,
'1'he flounder lays 7,000,0[[0 eggs annually
several others from 1,0"0,000 to 3,0110,0)10
while the turbot is credited with depositing
from 11,000,000 to 111,0110,000 during eau),
breeding season.
Many of the houses in Madrid have a
long palm branch twisted along the rail-
ings of one of the upper balconies. 'this
wa8 blessed in oto of the churches at Palm
Slmday, and is kept until another is sub-
stituted in the following year.
'Phe total member of letters carried in
France during 1801 was 5i0,00 ),1100, ascom-
pared with 1112,000,000 in 187. The num.
11er of post -cards fluting the same peridd
increased from 3(1,01(0,1100 to 41,000,0110 and
newspaper wrappers from 11)2,000,1,01) to
On tho white marble mantel -piece in the
Queen's sitting renin is placed the bast of
the late lamented I'rince Consort on the
right, whilst 111at of the Quoeu is on the
left. Ilex Majesty always has beside her
on her writing -table photographs of her late
beloved husband.
Thorn is a lady in Paris to whom her
elegant countrywomen are drawn ,just now.
At single glance she sees what haat or bon-
net shape sults a face ; sato idealises the
00410110 types of beauty, and her flight of
fancy aro never beyond the sphere of sound
good s011se and taste.
Both the Kurds and the Cossacks believe
that Ararat is guarded by an unearthly
being, and that no man can (ascend talo peal:
and live. They have n somewhat contrary
opinion, hnwovor, me to what kind of spirits
are on guard, the former claiming that the
davit is guard supreme, tho later that angels
are on watch,
There Is invested in railway enterprise
in the !United hiu)d0(11 upwards of 7,0117,
000,000. Moro than ;1,43,1100,000 is spent
annually as working expenses for wages and
materials 1 mid the number of noel directly
employed constitutes an arn1y of 1350,1)00,
A funeral on bicycles recently took plttro
in Blighted. The deed man, who had been
eaptuiu of 11 bi.yclo club, requa;tell before
his death that his holy should be 00111119 °d
to 1110 ecnlrtery on hiuy'eic., i and, to make
the event complete, the n0aeltere of the
club Arent ml bioyelos.
There ore 2,11111 ("g70111 lnlploywl fn
\Vnohinutcu by the (=ovrrho out, and they
draw retort the Treasury nl salaries about
8:,1100,000 a year. 111,11)1here are between
(5,011(1 and 80,011) Ite',tl'nes who live at the
national capital, and their avemmniation of
Wealth is now Very large. ,11110113' 110[n,
too, are many of the best educated young
(1100 of the moo.
ADry Goods Goniue.
('lerk--•il0w shall I mark those ,enols':
Old 'lhpoyard--•Inst lignre .u1, fifty per
cont. profit and add servo 01111 ,•cels, 110 the
W0111011 will th111k .1111 4111110g;8.1.
After the lloltaylnonu
Mls, \Cli 1 -.•' 1 .11.11 (leen• forgot,
dear, how idiot t0 y"llileo111.1 a horn tan 1.11•
11011 LI ate.” ,
Mr. \V,bbles lw ill tulpi nota--" 1 1111(1
THE T,S'llf°, GREAT O'
L.tmac� / i
' t
fi '•::..1ti
The Most Astonishing Medical Discovery of
the Last One Hundred Years.
It is Pleasant to the Taste as the Sweetest Nectar.
It is Safe and Harmless as the Purest Milk.
Tilis wonderful Nerviale Tonic has only rceclntly been introduced
into this em101,1"' 1/y the proprietors and inan11fact1lrrs of the Great
South Alneriean',,mine. 'I'olli(', 111111 yet its groat x1,111(1 OS It curative
agent has Lulu been known by a 111w of the must learned physicians,
who have not brought its merits and Value to the knowledge of the
general ]1111[1!".
This m(dic'ine bas completely solved the problem of the en re of indi-
gestion, dyspepsia. and diseases of the general TieryOUH system. It is
also of the greatest va11,,' in the cure' of 1111 firms of `'fling health from
whatever 11(4(4')•, it performs this Ly the great n(•rclne vatic, qualities
which it possesses, tlhd by its ;Groat curative power:) upon the digestive
organs, the sionllu'!:, the liver and the hovels. No remedy compares
with this wonderfully valuable -Nervine Tani( as a builder and strength-
ener of the life forces of the human Loll;', and as a ,great renewer of a
broken-down constitution. It is also of more real permanent value in
the 1 reatmeut and clue of diseases of -the lungs 1ban any consumption
remedy ever used 00 this continent. It is a marvelous care for nerv-
ousness or females of all ages. 141lies who cure appro:teh1ng the critical
period known as change i11 lit!•, should not fail to use this great Nervine
Tonle, llbnost constantly, fur the space of two or three years. It will
carry theta ssli'ly over the (huger. 'fids great strengthener and cura-
tive is of inestimable value to the aged and infirm, because its great
energizing properties will give them a new hold on lint, It will add ten
or fifteen yell 'O to elle 111.1•, of many of those who will use a half dozen
bottles of the remedy each year.
Nervous Prostration,
Nervous Headache,
Sick Headache,
Female Weakness,
Nervous Chills,
Nervous Paroxysms and
Nervous Choking,
Hot Flashes,
Palpitation of the heart,
Mental Despondency,
St. Vitus' Dance,
(Nervousness of Females,
_Nervousness of Old Age,
Pains in the ITer.rt,
Pains in the 11acs,
Fatting Health,
Broken Constitution,
Debility of Old .Age,
Indigestion and Dyspepsia,
Heartburn and Sour Stomach,
Weight and Tenderness in Stomach,,
Loss of Appetite,
Frightful Dreams,
Dizziness and Ringing in the Ears,
Weakness of Extremities and
rmpurtieg1)2111 Impoverished Blood,
Boils and Carbuncles,
Scrofulous Swellings and ticers,
(.'onsuutptiOn of the Lungs,
Catarrh of the Lungs,
Bnhad 'houic Cough,
Chronic Diarrhoea,
Delicate and Scrofulous Children,
Summer C'ompiaint of Infiults.
All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful
Nervine 4 Tonic.�,
NERIF �F QTS .'Y`1SE2.tAA.s'ESt9
As a cure for every (•lass of Nervous Diseases, no remedy has been
able to compare with tho Nervine Tonle, which is very pleasant and
harmless in all its (Alerts upon the youngest child or the oldest and most
delicate individual. Nine tenths of all the ailments to which the human
family is heir are dependent On nervous exhaustion and impaired diges-
tion, When the"e is an jnsuflicient supply of nerve food iu the blood, a
general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the
result, Starved nerves, like starved muscles, become strong when the
right hind of food is supplied; and 6 thousand weaknesses and ailments
disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system must supply all
the power by which the vital forces at' the body arc carried on, it is the
first to suffer for 'want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not con-
tain a sufficient quantity of the kind of nutriment necessary to repair
the wear our present merle of living and labor imposes upon the nerves.
For this reason it becomes necessary that a nerve food be supplied.
This South American Nervine has been found by analysis to contain the
essential elements out of which nerve tissue is themed. This accounts
for its universal, adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous do-
01111w0080871!.1.1:, Tao,, Aug. 90, 'SG.
To the Great South: l (2,04(1112 ,1h' d,noe• .k.:
Imam (+ woo: -1 desire to say. 1r) yen I last 1
have suffered for tunny years with n very serious
disease of the stomach and nerves. T tried every
medicine 1 yenta hear of, but nothing done ole
flay neprecnhle good until 1 was ttdH081 to
try your (treat South American Nervine Tonle
011d Stemmeh and Liver Cure, nod Nino using'
0,11.0,0 bottles of It I must say that 1 nm sur-
prised at Its wonderful powers to cure the stems
Reams W,,,grlaoN, of nrownsralley, Ind„
save : " 1 had horn (0 a distressed condition for
three years from Nerrou00000, w'enkneos of the
Stomach, Dyspepsia, and • Indigestion, until my
health was gime. I had been doctoring con-
stantly, with no relief. I bought ono bottle of
South 2(0100leni Kerwin, which done Me more
gaud than any $e0 worth of dnrioring 1 ever
nrA and general nrrroua system, It 0verroor 11141 In lily Iilr. I would advise every won Illy per -
knew the value of this remedy rat T Glu you would sun to 000 this valuable and feeds remedy , a
not be able to snppty the demote',
bottles of it hos mired me cnmploely. I
J. A. 111111000, Bx-00,00. Montgomery Co. consider it the grandest medicine In the world,"
CltAWIroit.DSVILLL, Ihn•, June 22, 1807.
My daughter, eleven years old, was severely afflicted with St, Vitus' Dance
or Chorea: We gave her three and one-half bottles of South American Ner-
vine and she is completely restored. I believe it will cure every rase of St.
Vitus' Dance. I have kept it in my faintly for two year's, and ant sure it is
the greatest retlledy in tlio world for Indigestion and Dyspepsia, and for all
forms of Nervous Disorders and Failing health, from whatever cause.
State of Intlirou2 Joni/7 T. 'LiIS1I1
.fitolttfonrcry !'Luray, f 88
Subscribed and sworn „0 before me this June 28, 1287.
CLOAS. W. 1Vrluuu'I', Notary Public,
The Great South American Nervine 'Tonic
which Ivo now offer you, is the only absolutely unfailing remedy ever
discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast train of
symptoms and horrors which are the result of disease and debility of
the human stomach. No person can nil'ort1 to pass by this jewel of bical-
001'11,10 vale who is affected by disease of the stomach, because the ex-
1)1)11n0e and testimony of many. go to prove 111111 -this 111 010 ONIE and
ONL0 ono great, cure in the world for this universal destroyer. -There
is 110 ('((.0(0 of ulnnali 1'nant disease of the stomach which eau ves:'ot the
wonderful curative powers of the Sonth American . ervine Tonic,
111 notes 11, 'RATA,. 0f wnrnrtnlen, Tad„ lay.: Dues. 1:1.1., A. Unarms. of New Ross, Tndlnnrt,
o I owe my Me to 111r tlre,t 11,0 )41 \nn•riyau 0(130: "1 i•0nnut express hoc inneh I 0w•e to nh
1 a
Nil, hie, 1 had herrn In bra for [icr,n ,'h "° Alun, •
flan o(f,rlN of 2111 exhausted NtenmrU, Indl;rvrsilaah N"trine Tnnir. Dfy tyktmut wax ('onpktnly ehn.t-
\ermnN emso'n11"n, nos n 111)11 Gal x)111110red bawl, appetite gone, wet ,,oIgldng Dud spitting
enndltiun of 11(9 whole system. 11;1.1 1;i 1'011 tap (11p blood; inn sure T was 111 Out first singc8
all hopro of goo ting ,,'.'ll, 1111,1 tried three dor. of eonemnption, an inheritance hnude1 (110.00
101',', rcitli nn 1,'),'). The arta bottle of the Nort'• through scorn] generations, 1 begun Hiking
Au• Tonle Improved mento much tint Iwas nnlet(' !lir Ner(9ue Tonle, Dud continued Hs 1180 for
welt a 0)01, final 1fete bol f let cured are 0111 i11'ly. about 810 months, and 010 entirely enrol, It
I believe it Is the best medicine In the world. t 1 1s the grandestremedy for nerves, stomach and
entl not rreonon,nd it too ll ighly." I bingo I have ever sum."
No wale'Iv compares with 0100111 AmniumN SCUVtse 08 a rare tar the Nerves. No remedy com-
peres won smith Amerle.nl Nervine ns n wondrous 1111'0 for the Stomach. No remedy 14.111 at, all
minion, whit h South American Nevem,. Me a cure for all 1M01118 01 ta11111g health. It Writer fails to
pure 1 m11g,a1o11 anti 11,y0pe7r.40. It tower falls 1e cure 011011mne St. Altus' Donee, Its rework 1'•o
build op the whole system fro wonderful In the extreme. It ,110011 the old, the young, and the,nld-
ate ag"d. 1) is 11 erect friend 10 1hem:rd Rud mora. Do not neglect to use this protean boon;
if yon ,le, y011 may neglect the only remedy which will restore yeti in healdL :,.nth American
iso inc It prt'f (fly safe. end very plen0nnt. to 16e 1,1(10. Delirnte 141IloN, do not fail t0;meth%
Brent (lett•, bre11110e it 0(1) pat 111e 61,nn1 of freshness 01111 b00.uty upon yo11r lips and in your cheeks,
mid tldrkly drive away your disabilities and w,xlkeesse8,
Price, Large 18 (:,,!;Ince Bottle "v1,Q ); Trua,7, Size, 15 Cents.
4f _.>t 1..,/pt by ; "ruggh;ta orlkO 1171'.1 ` teem
Dr, E. F1iu,dufmCrawfordsville, in
fdillg Sd•
At,. il/1 V, Wholesale and ligait Agent for ('18,