The Brussels Post, 1893-3-10, Page 5MAR, 10, 1803 THE BRUSSELS POST
tmati+maYttrw'caavat>n�n�v.:.:arraalswzWu,amusea,omansem:.orrz+Gtt&v:: 'u„ua:;.asu,rs, ,f,..;caravaox':.�fx.^•eserr.-aor,.�..y s,namr.,r-.�•, --11.x••-.,,M m.,^--'>rxc:sarna....• rr•4*T,�•r,••• —_
PC"str1C 1`C�US,
VVn t ton.
Donald Campbell, blaulcamith, of Wed•
ton, has purchased the blaelognith shag
and reeidonee of Wm, Dunkin, Varna,
for 111000, and has taken poisooeinn of
the shop and started work. As tier, Camp
boll le well known hi those parts, Its n
teething, energe;tie bnsiuen" man, we feel
entieiled he will get 0 fair share of pnblie
patronage. We nnderetiand Mr, Dunkin
is going to Clinton to live.
1'it'e.Wm, Htonehonse will soon leave
for Dakota to stay with 11e1• brother,
Next Sabbath ltov, J. I1. Dyke will
preach a 000111111 011 the olaee meeting.
The hotel here is (111 Hing hands,
bnoineos to bo done by Mr. l.ivingntono.
Look out for the phonographic (toenail,.
The best of songs, choruses, opoeehoo
and !Refilling solos by the instrument,
Como I wet sit and lista). Prions low,
A raro chanes to hear singing by 0lectri.
L itat-(t.g' (v 1.
The Choral Society expoot to rehearse
the Hallelujah chorus from the 'Messiah.'
3, 11„ Mowat, aocountant in the Book
of Hamilton here, has been promoted to
a sub•ngenoy at Grimsby.
Andrew Kay has purchased the outfit
and goodwill of J. J. Stewart's barber
business on Main street, and has taken
Tho piano factory is driven with work
just now endeavoring to supply the de.
mod for its inntrutn0nt8. Mere for
seven pianos were booked in ano day last
Kidd Bros, shipped their famous
thoroughbreds Ten Berndt jr. and Oliver
Wilkes to Toronto last week and will
entor them et the Provincial horse fair
to be held in the oity this week.
The Listowel Conservative Association
met in the olnb roots last Friday evening
for the purpose of re -organizing, and
elected officers for the ensuing term, as
follows i—President, R. Martin ; Vico-
President, S. Bricker ; Secretary, R.' T,
Kemp ; Treas., Wm. Dixon.
z�torrtt .
have put in au appearance. on
Mumps a
1 P Pl
the let con.
Prospects of another wedding onljthe
Boundary in the near future.
Marshall Breckenridge, of Michigan,
ie visiting on the 1st eon. at present.
Geo. Johnston purposes erecting a
handsome brick residence on the 1st con.
this Summer.
Mrs. Leotard Rattan, who woe visit•
ing her sister, Mrs. Russell, at lixeter,
has returned home.
Wm. Barrie has 20 hogs in pens feed-
ing for May and ;July delivery. Hogs
pay better than grain these days.
Last week George Hood was attending
the anneal meeting of the Dominion
Grange at Toronto. He is the Treasurer.
A ewe, the property of George 1-Iood,
Sunshine, presented him with n lamb on
May idth, 1892, nud another on Fobru•
ary 24th, 1803.
John Johnston, wife and family, of the
1st con., purposes moving to the farm on
the' 2nd con., which he has leased this
week for a term of years.
Mrs. Kirkpatrick, who was 'visiting at
bet' parents, Goo. Johnston's, 1st eon„
for a week, has returned to her home at
the Nile, her husband having conte after
Wo,. Knight, fourth son of David
Knight, lith line, is hero on a visit from
Marlon, Michigan. 1-10 has been farm -
in, there for the pest ten years, but
owing to the ill health of his wife he has
lcnsrd the farm for five years, Mrs.
Knight is under the care of a physician
at Milton, where her relatives reside.
Their three children are visiting at their
grandparents now.
Som.v,.—The Epworth Lenge() of the
Methodist oheroh, Brussels, held a
social at the commodious residenon of
John Mooney last Monday evening which
was largely attended. The program con-
sisted of instrumental selections by the
Sunday suborn orohestre, ; solo by Mrs.
W. H. Willis, of Wingham ; and a
clarions( and organ dun by Dr. and
Mrs, Cavanagh. Refreshments were
served. Proceeds amounted to 013.35.
The League is much indebted to blr. nud
Mrs. Mooney for their hospitality.
William McLennan is very poorly at
A number of the farmers are getting
ready to make maple sugar.
Mies Lowry, from Durham, i8 visiting
on the Boundary et present.
Miss Millie Jaoklin has gone to Inger.
sell to visit friends in that town.
J. McLennan had a wood bee en Mon-
day. A. lot of wood tuna cut and piled.
Miss Mcll'Iiohtel, of Hellen, was visit.
ing her friend, Miss Maggie Berrie, last
Two young ladies from the Boundary
Mounted 220 pitch holes' betwecu Morris•
bank and Brussels.
Literary and Debating Sooietiee have
been almost a blank this Winter, owing,
principally, to the stormy weather 0.11(1
bail roads. While this is to be regretted •
we have reason to believe that home
reading and other studies received more
than the average attention, Nothing like
being armed with a good stook of know-
It1ruevem002s.—Jolts Granger purposes
000011ng a brick residence on his farm on
the Boundary next Seamen—Mrs. Thos.
Granger will build a driving house.—
Richard Granger Will 004130 his barn and
put stole stabltng underneath and will
also build a straw hoagie,—Geo. I-Iislop,
of the Boundary, contemplates building
a brick dwelling.
Geo. Forrest, oon.14, baying leased hie
farm for a term of year8 removed this
week to the township of East Ionia, Ox.
ford:Oo,, whore he and his good lady will
reside in future. Mrs. Forreet'O health
has been very poor for some time bonne
the reason they quit the farm for e. while.
During their residence of nearly twenty
years here they proved worthy and
obliging neighbors, always willing to
assie1,ready to entertain and kind and
affable to 011. Mr. Forrest was precentor
in Knox chereh, Oranbtoolc, for several
years and hie removal also 0018008 m
vaoe.noy that will be difficult to get one
SO capable of filling. Although their re-
moval is regretted by a largo circle of
acqualntanoee all unite in wishing them
a full mongers of health and all the good
things of this life.
John H1ra011au and daughter, who have
been laid np so long from typhoid fever.
will 40011 lie fully restored to thole metal
good health.
'Jr.t Mwi xon.--On Tutwday (vowing of
last week a tuft meeting vies held ttb lemurs
1hnr011, After supper 1'idward 13ryau
was milled to the abate and addreesos
were given by Reeds, 10euore, Watte, of
Ilenfryn, and Newcombe, of ]911101.
9111810 vete supplied by the 0111)'•0. The
p0ooeedn amm11ut0d to 528.00, On Wed-
ne8ilay evening ;l social 10(18 given 111 the
sane 011ur011. The trustees contemplate
a number of needed improvements and
these will be undertaken in the near
00 Friday evening last several sleigh
loads of young peoplefrot0 the surround-
ing pint also John 1 11100 with his sleigh
well filled from Morrisbank assembled at
the louse of 1'eton Doig, 1111 eon.,
Howick, and spent the evening in dancing
and ether cujoyable games. They re.
tented home at an early hour in the
morning wishing that bachelor Doig may
be long 8parad and e'er another year
gne0 by they may have the pleasure of
again assembling with hire and a partner
111 life,
11 Vint.
Dont forget the 0onoort this (Friday)
evening, The program is a good one,
Morris Fogel is away on a holiday
visit with relatives and friends in the
E est.
D. G. Horn, formerly of Ethel, has re.
moved to Napinka, Man., where he will
conduct a tailor shop iu connection with
0 general store.
We ware somewhat surprised to hear
of 111e death of a former resident of this
place, in the person of David Henderson
of 1301108018, Ho died last Sunday.
Onr Sons of Temperance have been in.
vited to attend the Royal Templars eon.
cert at Brussels on Thursday ,evening of
next weep. A good p003101m is on.
Next Monday Chas. Willis, William.
Routley, D. Green, 111. Lamont, E. Gilt
and perhaps 1. Niobol will leave for
Dakota where they intend pushing their
John Gill sold a heavy draught horse,
4 years old. to John M0Mann, of Sea -
forth, for the handsome sum of 5150.
This is a goon figure the way horses are
selling and indicates that the animal
was a good one.
The lecture re on "Travels in Ireland,"
1 pooh
by11ev. William �' alah of Brampton,
Wl V
was a genuine treat and 'those who did
not hear the reverend lecturer missed a
good thing. 1t was under the auspices
of the Ethel Orange Lodge.
Wm. Hawkshaw and family have
moved into the house lately vacated by
his father•in•law, 3011n Fox. Mr. Whal-
ey and family have moved into Mr.
Hawkahaw's residence near the livery.
Tho yonug rustics of the pnblio sohool
played a friendly game of football with
the pupils of S. S. No. 1, Elmo, result-
ing in favor of Atwood by 2 goals to 1.
Itev. Mr. Lee anted as referee iu a very
satisfactory manner.
A young man by t11e name of Davis
one day recently gpt the first finger of
his right hand badly crushed in the
brakes of the flax mill. It was thought
at first the finger would have to bo am-
putated, but it teas luckily saved.
Thos. McCauley, of Woodstock, has
opened a grocery and, confeotionery store
in the steed lately occupied by Chas.
ZZernnl, 0110 doer Smith of Dr. Cowen's
office, where he will carry a large and
well selected stock of fresh groceries and
An nn fort anal e aecident happened Sat-
urday night to the little mare Robb,
Hay, of Listowel, hos been aooustomed
to driving. The mare had been'standing
all the afternoon in Young Coulter's
stable, Mr. HIay having get one of Hawk -
show's livery horses to do his business
with, as he wished to rest the mare,
which wag well up in years. Shortly af-
ter 0ever$icloak he Started from fl'oul-
tnr's for home old while jogging along
Main street in front of Nerds' drag store
the -boast stumbled muse full 110nd1)111g (11
elle ground, hreakhul the aheeldal' of Re
right front leg, Veterinary lien 1.0111 im-
mediately summoned, but nothing 00)1111
be de11e to OOVO the MD 11119,1, and so jail.
1(a(11114 wog rellneetell to put the brute
out of misery, which he did with 1110 0111
at his revolver. 1Vhile Mr, flay lite
0h181ained a 10H4, It io fnrtul�utto tient the
boast was an old one and had about
served 1111 clay curl generation, -'The ties,
1.—len oan depend on getting a let
class buggy when Jas. Walker makes it.
2.—.In my experience in business I
have never found a man who wanted 11
cheap buggy. If I thought I could sell
them I'd build buggioe to sell at 000.00,
the price of a thump factory buggy.
3.—What good is a guarantee on a
buggy manufacturer) away from home.
When obreakage oecnre you have to pay
for repairs.
4.—Don't let any man talk you into
buying a cheap factory buggy when yon
can better yourself by pnrehaeing at
5.—In ansa you want a cheap factory
rig come and I will get ono for yon at
050.00 and freight.
G.—Come and see my 1st class buggies.
Lots of them on hand and will be sold at
prices that cannot be beaten for similar
work. By the time 3 or 4 persons got
their percentage out of a cheap factory
rig and the freight is paid I oan give you
au A 1 rig about the same cost.
If you want your old buggies
painted, trimmed or repaired
COMO t0 JAS. WAI.Iowa.
Special price on new wheels.
Tops repaired.
Pull stock on hand in all de-
All new rigs guaranteed for
five years.
Best make of Road Carts at
lowest prices.
Como Emil got our prices and
terms. They will please you.
Remember the stand, stone
shop opposite Town Hall.
A TT DrTORS'=f 0' WI'
Balance on hand, last andit..5 1442 55
Provincial School Grant
Town Hall rents &o
Arrears and non.resident taxes
Boundary line grant
Poll and clog tax
4. P. fines
Refund of Insurance
Total amount levied
310 55
07 20
125 00
111 80
20 81
101 00
18 00
125 00
6858 50
Total 5 8801 50
Oash on hand, keel n000unt..5 7132 14
Oonnty and School 160 64
Special account By-laws 1442 37
Towyn hall 2000 00
Fire engine and hose 4000 00
Band instruments 250 00
Hay soatee 150 00
Howe mortgage 5000 00
Mortgage real satins..... 000 00
Geo. Rowe, taxes 152 00
Geo. Rowe, 10800 000 41411 15
Amount to balance - 17740 70
Total 532880 00
Street Improvements
Fire dept
Interest .
Vetere' List Comb
Meet; anIOW Institute
Board of Health
Street lighting
Taxes remitted and uncollected
Eleotion expenses
Registration births, coo
(County rate
Consolidated loan
No. 8 By-law.
No. 9 Bylaw
No. 10 Bylaw
School amount
Amount to balance
515 00
160 01
859 50
81 25
30 00
08 78
37 07
14 77
52 00
273 75
28 78
35 011
10 00
254 20
153 00
04 08
b 00
870 01
350 00
1400 00
154 00
800 00
1825 50
2385 15
Total 5 8801 50
Debenture Debt 5112200 00
Treasurer's Salary 40 00
Collector's Salary. 40 00
Co1p0us falling :doe and pro•
vided for -- 800 00
Inas received her stock of New Spring Goods and
wishes to call particular attention to I11'oss
Goods Department. As usual wo have the newest
Styles and ft very large stock to choose from, and
Ro invite the ]adios to give us a call as we feel a
pleasure in showing such Lovely Goods, and our
wo feel sure in saying that nothing equal to thein
have ever been soon in Brussels. We have also the
newest designs in 'Flannelettes and Teazel Cloths.
We have some very pretty spotted goods suitable for
Ladies' Blouses, in fact something to please every-
body's taste.
Millinery 1 Millinery
MISS GREEN has just returned for the season
and is now preparing for our Opening which will be
about the latter part of this month—dun notice of
which will bo given. We will have I-Iats to snit both
young and old and prices lo suit everybody. A nice
well trimmed Hat can be bad as low as 11.50.
Taking 011r stock as a whole wo feel confident in
saying no better .Assorted, Cheaper, or more Com-
plete Stock can bo seen in the County of Huron.
Remember we take no back seat, Ivo are bound to
do the business if Low Prices and Civility will do it.
You can get both at
BRUSSELS, March 10th, 1503.
A.HE '
Do You l'The Latest
Our Photos., Cabinet Size, core only $1.50 cc
DoZ.e.n, J'Yow is the time, While they are
Sunbeams, J11b7i,ado Panels, Cards, - a72,y .size
up to 22x27 and Za7g'e7° if required.
Old pietnres copied and enlarged at
reasonable prices• Every person
ZUeloomed cal
a 7ARV E J. STYv.O G'S
Alil GDO
PROF. DORENWEND, of Toronto,
the leading Hair Foods manufacturer
begs to announce that his representa-
tive will be at the
Queen's Hotel, Brussels, Friday .and Saturday,
March 17th and 18th
With a full line of his celebrated hair Goocls for both
Ladies and Gentlemen, comprising WIGS, TOUPEES,
BANGS, WAVES, SWITCHES 1Cc. These Goods aro
made on scientific principles and so closely is
Nature copied that their detection is impossible.
Oall and see thein and be convinced. It costs
11182880 0o nothing to try them, Remember at
VW35, the undersigned Auditors of Msnieipal accounts for the Village of Brussels,
V certify that the foregoing statement of the reeeipte and expenditure 110 well
me the assets and liabilities of the said Village of Brussels for the year 1802, i8
oorreot and that we find a oaeb balau08 in the hands of the Treasurer of 02885,15.
Bnutsobe, March 0111, 1898.
3. 1. KENDALL,IAuditors.
I. It. S. KIRK, I
On Friday and Saturday, March
17 and 18.
Practical Watchmaker
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wiehing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Li1ws 111
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by no.
Clocks of lite
Latest Designs
Waunn 0 RINns,
LADIES GEaz 11.21108,
EAr0txes, 4 c.
'r." -"Also a Full Line of VIOLINS and
Violin Strings, dm., in stook.
01. f:.—Issurer of' IlarrinSe Laron.+e..
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
Rea:aced Plices
iOiCRill S
Ea]irfet Photos, $1150
Our Best Finished Cabinet
Photos. only $1 50 per doz,
until further notice.
Gallery in Smith Block
For ParticuAars
NOE Tatf
Send to your nearest railroad
Agent and obtain a copy of
"Free F'taetswwl'aills S,1
Agent, Brussels.
Ne ! eslalffalit
I have opened out a primo stook
of new Confectionery, Fruits,
Nuts, Canned Goods, Tobaccoes,
Cigars, &c., in the
Vanotone 131oc1 o
Cooked, Raw or by the Glass.
Hot Tefr, and Cotten
Served at all Hours. Lunch
Room. Everything neat, clean,
and sold at close prices.
Pickles by the Bottle or Quart.
Salt and Fresh Fish,
as. ltci.LPINN.