HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-3-3, Page 88
Ilr Experiouoe and carefulness in baying
merchandise is worth considerable both
to the buyer told seller. The merchant
that can buy well has a great advantage
over one that may lack In this particnlar•.
It is an old adage that "goods well bought
are half sold" and there is more truth
than fiction in it. In reviewing our in.
experience of sixteen years ago with our
knowledge of goods, markets and prices
of to -day we realize the truth of the ad.
age referred to. Oar customers have the
advantage gained by close buying and
careful selecting. While this principle
applies to all departments of our business
it is especially applicable to
which we hove selected with great pare
and from several manufacturers. We
believe it will he to your advantage to
buy from us should you purpose getting
any, We will be pleased to supply you.
Druggist, Bookseller, tem.
dornrER0 ESTL•'NS1005 w, o. to n.
Trnirq !can' Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Cxence Sorra. 001050 NORTH.
Mail.,......... 7:10 a.m. Mixed 0:45 am,
Express 11:50 a.m. Mall 4.1'1 pan.
Mnad ..... b:50 a.m. Ibx 1ese ,
II your neighbor calla to borrow your
vapor tell rum It'e Lent.
THE !1(105 mill 005pe0ts t0 complete the
handling of last season's crop title weals.
not Spring Assizes will open at
Goderloh, on March 1011], before Justice
TIM monthly written examinations for
February were on at Brussels Public
school this week.
A Nrammt of Ilrnsselites will take in
the Fax concert at Ethel on Friday even•
ing of mixt meek,
llama Brxnar will be two weeks
earlier this year than last, and it falls on
the 2nd of April.
Ovrae 450 toes of ice have been tarsen
from the Maithend this 1Viuter by Wat-
son Ainley for next Summer's use.
Idea, De. Slimy, of Torouto, assistant
Afisaiouary Secretary, will preach the
annual missionary sormons in the Metho-
dist church iu this place next Sunday,
IT is predicted that the coning spring
will be a great season for sugar making,
those engaged in the business stating
that a good season always follows a cold
Ora school teachers are attending the
East Riding meeting of the Teachers'
Association, meeting in 1Vinghen, hence
there was no school on Thursday and
Friday of this week.
Ton Fon circulation is moving up
steadily. We are largely indebted to
our excellent corps of correspondents for
this desirable condition of affairs, TIM
PosT aims to give the news.
1t is reported on good authority, that
James Laird, sr., formerly of Brussels,
is ill with cancer in the stomach and
very little hope is entertained for pro-
longation of life, Ile lives at Under-
wood, Bruce County.
Emma, AIP:Nztcs has pnrehased the
William McNeish property, an William
street, paying the sum of 5.200 for it.
lfe takes possession at once, Mr. Men.
zies purposes malting a number of im-
190 L5. ctvs Iftclit3,
C` V prov,•uluuts next Spring.
-- A arat.111 of subscribers have not yet
A rhiel's aniang ye takin' notes paid their subscriptions for last or this
An' faith he'll print it. year. We very kindly thank all who
have paid up and reuewed anti would
again ask those who have not done so to
resptnd as early 05 possible.
Ci •Ncu, meeting next Monday evening
at a tloek. The Board of Health for
lye, consisting of J. G. Skene, Alex.
Stew •art, H, Dennis, the Reeve and Clerk,
and L)r.' McNaughtou, Medical Health
CIdc,'r, will meet the same evening at 7
o'en•: k, at the Council chamber, for
ergs 'ization,
1'- u, Mitten has purchased the house
aim tot from P. McKenna, near the
(1.'1'. R. station, and will take nossessiou
abo:,t April let. It is said Win. Haiste
will remove to the section house where
Mr. _tidier and family aro now living.
Mr. McKenna will not remove from
Brud bels.
'•I tui InafuER cue time, when I was a
boy," writes a well known merchant, "I
had to start a fire. There was plenty of
kindling, but I wanted to be economical
of it, since I out it myself. So I took a
small lot of kindling trod started lay fire ;
it went out. Then 1 took another small
lot, and my fire went out again. And so
on, until pretty soon I had no kindling
left, and no fire burning either, Now, if
I bad used a big lot of kindling in the
first plane, I would have had my fire all
right, and some kindling left. It's the
same way with advertising."
TAE annual meeting of the Teachers'
Association of Last'Horon is being hold
in the public school, Wingilam, on
Thursday and Friday of this week,
Wm. Houston, of Toronto, Director of
Teachers' Institutes for Ontario, will be
present and discuss English in its various
aspects. On the evening of the first day
a public meeting was held in the Town
Hall. Mr. Houston gave an analysis of
two English poems. Music was furnish•
ecl by the Wiugham Methodist S. 5,
orohestra, under the leadership of J. A.
Morton. A number of school children
also gave some selections.
Somal, -The social given at the res].
dance of L. Hembly under the auspices
of the Methodist Sunday school orches-
tra, on Thursday evening of last week,
was successful and enjoyable. The fol-
lowing program was presented ;-Selea•
tion by orchestra ; comic solo, T. A.
Hawkins ; alarionet duett, Messrs. Jack•
son and Cavanagh ; reading, S. B. Wil-
son ; selection, orchestra ; comic solo,
T. A. Hawkins ; reading, Miss Braden ;
solo, violin, H. L. Jackson ; ocarina sol,o,
Nelson Gerry ; selections, orchestra ;
"Homo sweet home," orchestra. Coun.
oilier McCracken occupied the chair in
his most affable manner. Proceeds
A DErno1T FartE,-The Leamington
Post says ;-"A Leamington young man
was last week the means of bringing to
naught a gigantic swindle operating in
Detroit. A firm earryiug ob business
under the natne of Martin it Merritt, ad-
vertised for clerks, ticket sellers, waiters,
eta., to go to the World's Fair. Among
the hundreds of applioatione which were
sent in were several from here, and the
reply received in every case was that if
the applicant would forward 55 the con-
tract would be closed. Grant Lane was
among the number who received this
offer and an Saturdoy went to Detroit to
investigate. Ile found the whole thing a
fraud and informed the police to this
effect. Tho result was that the ranch
was inspected and closed up on Monday.
Snores of Canadians have been mulcted."
An advertisement appeared in Toe POST
of Bluth a Bureau in the above mentioned
city, which we DOW believe to be the
same concern and is consequently a
franc, Tho public is warned against
patronizing it,
I1vamea1r..-A largo and pleasant
gathering took place at the residence of
Johu Geary, London, on Wednesday,
Feb. 22nd, the ooaasion being the Inarri•
ago of their eldest daughter Sadie, 10 3.
Aunett, merchant, of East London.
The ceremony was conducted by Prof.
T. L. Fowler, AI. A., in his mond happy
way, after which tie „nests sat ilotvn to
a bountiful itpreaft, The bride Was Itt•
tired in !tench grey satin anti cfeatn
silk ]nuc, flowers, ornaut 00000, and at.
tended by Miss Nan Dallis, of Wingham,
dressed in fawn, llowtre, cream Poses.
Misses Charlotte nail Gracie Geary,
dressed hn cream, acted as maids of
honor, 0, Within, photographer, of
Ingersoll, attended tie groom. The
])resents were nunumeus and costly,
showing the esteem in which they Were
both held, Thu groom's gift to the bride
WIN it hanrlsun)n dhunaull ring, Mnsho
was furnished by the London Iferpe•s.
After spending a most enjoyable evening
the liappy oonplo left for their future
home amid the hest wishes of one and
all. Mr. Annott was a former resident
of Urocoelet
llei, d.
CON.LItr in Town Hall this (Fridsy)
"G.at Save the Queen" is sung in nietr-
ly 2O languages.
dcttom , Board meeting On Friday even-
ing of next week.
Miss STEVENSON is an A 1 soloist and
will please any audience.
Loch out for James Walker's advt. hu
next week's issue of THE Poor.
Inn Horse Fair on Thursday of this
week was very largely attended.
253 pitch -holes on the first mile and a
quarter of road north of Brussels.
A1u:or, the elocutionist, is well retitle 1
hearing. TOwn Hall this (Friday) even-
I'.ESElivEn seats and plan of Hall at J, 1
T. Pepper's drug store, for concert Fri-
day evening.
THE auditors, J. N. Kendall and T. Y.
S. Birk, have been busy this week pre-
paring the yearly report.
EasT Huron Conservatives hold their
annual meeting next Tuesday in the
Wiugham Town Hall, commencing at 2
P. In.
R. LEATIrmiD.ILE was at Gorrie last
Wednesday taking charge of the funeral
of Mrs. J. R. Williams, wife of the un-
dertaker of that place.
THE humorous songs of Sim Fax will
make you laugh. Hear him sing "A. day
at the circus," "He didn't split the
wood," tbo., on Friday evening.
25 KINCauDDIEITEs 00,1115 down last
Monday to attend the Court in Brussels
as witnesses and onlookers. 550 Wont
into the treasury of the Grand Trunk by
this exenrsion.
Bev. G. F. SiLTo05 was called to Gode•
rich last Tuesday owing to the serious
illness of Mrs. Salton who is visiting
there. A telephone message says Mrs.
Salton is improving.
SOCIaa,--A. box social, under the aus-
pices of Knox Church Sewing Circle, will
be held at the residence of James Ireland,
3rd con., Morrie, on Thursday, 0111 inst.
Sleighs will be at D. C. Ross' store at 7
o'olook sharp.
MAsoxrc.-Next Sunday afternoon, 5112
inst., at 0 o'clock, Rev. G. F. Salton will
preach a special sermon in the Methodist
church to the members of St. John's
Lodge, A. F. to A. M., No. 28.4 and visit-
ing brethren. On account of this service
Sunday School will meet at 2 o'clock in-
stead of 2:30 next Sabbath.
Emmen LEASEE, --Monday evening
last at the Young Peoples' meeting iu the
Methodist church addresses were given
by the President and Rev. G. F. Salton.
The latter spoke on "Backbone," and
gave some very seasonable advice. Next
Monday evening instead of 'holding a
Ineeting in the basement the league will
give a social at the home of John Mooney,
Morris. Sleighs will leave town about
7;30 o'clock for Mr. Mooney's. Refresh-
ments and a musical and literary program
is promised.
Y. M. O. 0, -The Young Mens' Con-
servative Club met last Friday evening,
The program ooneisted of ; Reoltatiou,
"Tho highway oow," S. B. Wilson ; read-
ing, "A bashful man,", S. McCall ; a
lengthy and very profitable address on
"Why we are politicians," by J. D.
Ronald ; song, "I'm a hustler jest the
same," T. A, IIatvkins. The next meet•
ing will be held /friday evening, Maroll
10th, at 8 o'clock. It will be opened
with a short literary program, after
which the question "Resolved that Iu-
temperatco has been the amuse of more
destruction and misery than War," will I
be debated. This meeting will be open .
to lactiee, and every member is expected
to bring one or more ladies with him,
Otirr-Last Saturday evening 14lary
A., beloved wife of Duncan MaMillnn,
Brussels, died after an cxteuled fllnoss,
aged 111 years, 7 months and 211 days.
The deceased was born In Cape Breton,
moving to this PrnvinoS in 144, She
wan united hi marriage to Jahn Alclley,
of McKillop township, who died a2Ut11
21 years ago leaving fi children. About
21 years after, rho sub, ...it of this notice
married her now ben J. partner then re- '-
1,iding ht A[eKillop. ;stn 50110 tan able -
bodied, healthy Woman until about i,
years ago when she contracted a severe
cold that developed into consumption.
Later inflammatory rheumatism set in
tied she was a great 00L1st'er, all of which
eho bore patiently. At the limo of her
death rhe Was wasted to 11skeleton, Mrs,
McMillan was a nrenber of the 1 rushy-
terian church for years. The funeral
5ervi1n On Monday afternoon wits 0011- _
titioted by _Rev. 1), Millar, of Knox
'..]runt). 1111', AleMillttu and (Ivo mother-
laa.+,rinldren have the sympathy of the
Vondpnnnity in their bereavement,
Business Locals.
Venni fish arriving daily at TtloAlpine's,
Tun cheapest suits in town at 0, 0,
51,50 per dozen for cabinet photos at
A. NH•E range of ties, very olleap, 1),
C. !toss.
Foe your photos go to Strong's over
Standard Bank.
CAtotti:r Photos only 51.50 per dozen
at Perry's.
New Spring geode at D. C. Boss' the
leading tailor.
You can get anything you want to
wear at D. C. !toss'.
Biwa ttt Soots artistic wall papers for
sale at W. Ruddick s,
CALL and see our $11.00 suit, cheapest
in town. 1). C. !toss.
Orn best finished cabinet photos only
51.60 per dozen. 0. E, Perry.
New Spring hats just arrived in ail the
new etylea and colors, cheap. D. C.
No unneoessary transfers and re-cheek-
ing when you buy your tickets of Grand
Trunk ltgents.
REl1En11N.n we do no scoond class work
in the photo line. Il, J. Strong, over
Standard Bank.
CALL, and see the Melissa w aterproof
coat, away Rhear[ of the ordinary rubber
coat. D. C. Ross.
13m111 d: Soils have no connection with
the American Wall Paper Trust. W.
Roddiolr, local dealer.
Fluent & Sees wall papers are very
handsome and of superior quality. For
sale as W. Roddick's,
BUY your Manitoba tickets at the G T
R depot and have your baggage checked
through to destination.
WANt:•:D.-A young gentleman or lady
to learn photography. Apply at ones to
1I. J. Strong, photographer, Brussels.
4ln.75.1'L'nr.-Miss N, 11cure i5 i❑ To.
route thin Week attending millinery open-
ings and making purchases for the com-
ing 001180n.
1'EttY bands0010 borders, ceilings :and
friezes at all prices at ltoddick's Wall
Paper Emporium, one duo0 north of
Gillies d: Smith's Bank.
Goin chain, with lour trinkets, lost in
Brussels last Saturday between the Dor-
ton terrace and J. T. Roes' grocery. The
finder will confer a groat favor by leaving
it at Tun Poen Publishing House.
PEOPLE with delicate stomachs find
Ayer's Sarsaparilla agreeable to the haste
and therefore prefer it as a blood•purifier
to any other. This is one reason for its
urn:a1 popularity as a spring and family
medicine. Safe, certain and palatable.
BHEratarIsal Crnzb IN A Dar.-Santh
American Rheumatic Cure for llheuina-
t]em and Neuralgia radically cures fu 1
to 3 days. Its action upon the system
10 remarkable and mysterious. l.t re-
moves et once the cause and the disease
immediately disappears. The first close
greatly benefits, 75 cents. Warranted
by G. A. Deadman.
"I've tried all sorts of bleod•purificrs,"
said an old lady to a "cutter," "and you
can't persuade Inc that any other Sarsa-
parilla is as good as Ayer's." There's
where she had him. She know that
Ayer's was the beet -and so slid he, but
it paid him better to sell a cheaper
Ox aoaonnt of my reoent loss by fire
I will require all indebted to me to pay
up their accounts AT ONCE. I will be
found at the American Hotel for the next
two weeks to arrange settlement. After
that time my amounts will be handed
over to my lawyer for collection.
Respectfully Tours,
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is proper.
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in it way that will insure satisfaction.
Welts cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnbsrry st., Brussels. 34-11
"MCLEAN REaCutb,"-Hornings' Mills,
Feb. 27. -People of this village and
vicinity who read with wonder and
astonishment the marvelous cure Dodd's
Kidney Pills made in the case of Sam
Murray, of Gravenhurat, and Mrs.
Brown, of Toronto, which seemed almost
too startling to be true, are now no long-
er in doubt that Dodds. Kidney Pills are
the greatest medioine on earth as there
bas boon a cure right here in this village
almost as wonderful. Wm. fvioLean of
this place has for months been troubled
with backache, nervousness, lack of am•
Ultima, loss of appetite and flesh, symp-
toms tvttich only exist when the fell
destroyor "Bright's disease" has the
victim in its grasp, which is generally re.
garded as incurable. Mr. McLean has
been thoroughly cured by a two months'
use of this remedy and frankly says that
they saved his life.
[From a Leading Journal]
Over -work less injurious than over -
worry. A leading physioian says : "The
over-working and worrying of brain and
mind and loss of rest ranee most of the
nervous ailment and many other diseases
that we have to combat. It is making
terrible havoc in the rank and filo of our
society, and it works in such a way that
few people properly realize their great
Bangor, and its victims are among our
brightest and best people, selected from
the richest to the poorest. Daily 1 meat
with men and waren suffering from ler.
vole prostration, headache, insomnia -
all the result of improper living and diet-
ing." This honorable physician's opin•
ion agrees with inmched's of our English,
Canadian and American practitioners'
opinions. These dreadful causes and
ravages are increasing, me soon by the
hundreds of cases, many el which lead to
insanity and death, But we aro glad to
know that with the increase of the ctrl'
amities modern science has made even
more rapid strides, and the old medicines
are being (pinkly replaced by nett/ and
more scientific remedial agents, whose
work is to thoroughly purify the system,
not by pnrgiug, but by a n10r0 modern
and reliable action, taking holt of the de-
bilitated system and permanently uplift,
hug it. The great and 5101el00101 modern
agent forthis is (11"W11 " ihlia1'na'
I IlaW
Royal Crown ltometly," It will truly be
the wonder of the twentieth c5110ury.
C. A1. S. Thome, of Antheretbnrg, has
among itis collection of lowers, an orange
tree, about a foot in height. Ito, last
w01,1t, pinked 1111 orange from the tree,
whioll maims the second ono the trade 3,115
produced, The tree is hi binssoltl ami IS
well worth a visit to see, The fragrance
from the true is much like that of the.
wild byaointilo,
STt4XVDd, 1v.D Bel NIC OF C'X.1D„1.
mm'z'Aax,xsxxaa :sclera.
ASSETS, (Selma Million Dollars) 57,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) - 132,000,000
.deenrfee 11t all principal paints fn Ontario, Qa, bee, Manitoba, Z'nitrd Slates df• England.
OR.V `Ji SZ V dh'le ser' are•
A General Banking Business Transacted. farmers' Notes Dieeountod.
Drafts Issued and Calleotians made on all points.
Interest allowed on deposits 0151.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
Ss'scciL A'TTEN•r1oN GIVEN TO •r110 COLLECTION 015 FAttxciue' BALE NOTES.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance.
W. D. HART, MANeoma.
QILo lata. l 3 84 SM./TIE, 33.42eaxr Bd,B►s,
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts J3ought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great .Britain.
Sia•f'^Ex6T,5b AIWA' AVMS g'elf2OWT•
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest COn1-
rminded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal a ]the end of the Months of
October and April, Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits.
11'e ,weal to virile Insurance in old English or Canadian ('olnpanlro, or In Mut-
ual Companies as only he desired.
Messrs. Crossley and Ilunter, the well-
known evangelists, commenced Sunday
a series of special services at the Metro-
politan tllethodiat church, Toronto.
Listowel, on Feb. 22nd, the
wife of Mr. Conrad Sllliux of a son.
Sitnei .-In 1'ordwich, on Feb, 10112, the
wife of Dr. A. M, Spence of a daugh-
ANNET•r-GE:tcr.-On the 22nd inst., at
the residence of the bride's father,
by Prof. T. L. Fowler, 111'. A„ Air.
James Aunett, to hiss Sarah, eldest
daughter of Mr. John Geary, all of
Wren-WELrwoon.-In East Wawanosh,
on Feb. 10th, at the residence of the
bride's father, Alias Annie, daughter
of Mr. W, Wellwood, to AIr. Geo.
Webb, of St. Helena.
McMu.oAon-In Brussels, en Feb. 25th,
Mart' Ann, beloved wife of Duncan
Mc114i]]nn, aged 40 years, 7 months
and 23 days.
A'Ci C'Y"xON' SAT.,ES-
TnrnsnY, MARcu 0th. -Farm stook,
implements, &o. Lot 20, eon. 0, Sale at
1 o'clock p. m, 1'. Dowell, Prop. George
Kirkby, Ano.
WEDNESDAY, M,1u011 15T1.1. -Tarin stook,
implements, alto. Lot 10, eon. 4, Morrie.
Sale et 10;30 a. m. Emmanuel Olvar,
prolnaietor, Geo. Kirkby, auctioneer.
WEDNEsnar, MAncn, 8111. -Lot 22, con.
5, Morrie. Farm stook and implements.
Sale oommencee et 1 p. m. Win. Eck-
mier, proprietor, F. S. Scott, auctioneer.
Emmy, Mann 10th, -Farm Stock and
implements. Lot 13, con. 0, Morris,
corn mencingat 1 o'clock. Jane Heard
and Chas. Mitchell, props. Geo. Kirkby,
I''RmAr, MARCH 17'ten.-North half lot
16, con. 2, Morris. Farm stook, imple-
ments and household furniture. Sale at
1 p. nn. Francis Ashton, proprietor,
Geo. Kirkby, auctioneer.
9R' 7SSr72.,S 1dAx2PL•7-7R'B,
Fall Wheat 63 64
Spring Wheat 01 62
Barley 30 40
Peas 55 56
Oats 20 50
Butter, tube and rolls.... 17 00
Eggs per dozen 17 00
Flour per barrel 8 50 4 00
Potatoes .. 50 00
Hay per ton ............. 11 00 7 00
Salt per bbl., retail...... 1 00 00
Prides trimmed 8;
Hides rough 3
Sheep ekins,each 00
Lamb skins oaob 05
Apples per barrel 1 00
Wool - 17
Pork 8 CO
1 (0
1 50
8 50
e usual at MILS,PT,,ARSON'S,
Cburub St„ Bruno IS.
vic•n,-Steck for the creamery is fast
00 ming to the front. It will psyyon tohnve
e1• oases with dost class lunch 50515 if god
have tuoh. For further particulars apply
at my Drug and Book Sto•o,
G, A, »]:ADMAN, Broesole.
SAM -Eggs of fora Bred Black Min-
orcan, and White Logl,o'❑s, from 'Phos.
Woe's best strain, 81.10 per potting (13). At.
80 1 trio of 131,1515 Allaoreas, coal/ no relation
to bene, end two Leghorn Cockerels, All of
best %tonic In Ontario,
80.11 WM, ItA7t'T1IY, Seaforth,
East Huron Liberal Conserva-
tive Association.
Thy 0.11111111 meeting of the above Ansonia -
floc will be bold at Om TOWN HALL,
WIN COMM, on 'IL ES IDAll, 1t.A000'11 71h,
1808, at 2 o'clock p, tn, sharp. \ largo at -
WWI 1111C of Ilisit, bl'r%111 rt1111dSLtd,
W, 11,01.100-G, R. 0, TAVLtli,
President. Seeretaty.
Erns%ale, Feb. ONO , I30le,
t,(/ 'IliOICin, le AEU FOR SALE. ---
YJ 'Being South half 1.01 57, sol, r„ Morris,
lase ark es, nee riy nl1 cleared. U01:211411 dini,s,
fine Vouch hcmrh,g 1 i a1u, rd. llnnudiato DOS -
Session. :Easy Terms, Apply to
tf• Senator, Ane„ Brussole,
The 2110 acre farm, bobs luta 11
and 11, eon. m, (troy, Ss offered for sale, 130
sterns a10 cleared roll the bah"c0 Stoll111u-
bered. 115 rilinos arsl•uluss. Orchard, well,
Ra. Felson] house within 40 rods, Posses -
pion given nt 01(00 if desired. Per thriller
particulars as to price, terms, 00. apply to
2,1115, 11'ALkE1t,
1.11 Roseville P. 0,
or NELSON 1 h10t00RI;, on form,
Lot 0, Con, 4, Grey, containing 110
1:cres, 70 cores cleared, balance limber.
Thorn is a oouOortablo umtso, it bank barn
40x00, gond stable, orchard, 0 wells told a
Dover foiling spring 500011. Tho Janis Ss uo5
1,1 grass, li cones goo].. Possession given at
tiny time, 1+1111,1 will bo sold clump. For
01(15(er 11uu'tieulnrs apply to
JAS. JACKSON, opposite the int named or
J 0S1;Pli OLB'GG, Prop.
3241. Brussels!' 0
East d Lot 13,0ou. G, Grey, Ceuhtiai5g
G0 nerOSmorO or los=, :15 acres cleared, anti
free from stumps, newly seeded and 111 good
bail), 0 lures in Pall Wheat and put In well,
filioro is shout 0 acres of bush, part hard
wood, and part cedar 1014 the balance is
Pasture land, There is a never failing
supply of water, one well at yard nod a
spring lu the bush, Plano Is drained and
well formed with eedur fencing. There ie a
good frame house with kitchen %u(1 wood-
shed attached,n gond frame baro en gusts,
Buildings are oompmrntivoly now, good or.
char1 end gardou, school liaise right at your
door. 3 miles from post 01000 and railway,
0 miles from Brussels. The farm is a corner
lot and Mealy situated. The land is good
and Iles mealy and eau be bought very cheap
its the owner waste to buy n larger plane.
Terms reasonable. For terms and particu-
lars apply on premises to owner,
51-10 or by letter to 101101 P. 0.
1.. 13Erxe lets 11 and 32, am, 13, Township
of Gray, County of Huron, oontalniug 200
acres, the property of the late John Robert-
son. 100 acres cleared and free from ob..
struotione, 15 acres bush, mired timber,
balance partly cleared, Soil clay loam,
mostly rolling, Fenced with straight roll
fences and watered by two wells and a
spring privilege. Commodious dwelling
hoose, with large woodshed attached and
nn excellent cellar under house, Two large
barns, stone stabling and other outbuIld-
lugs. Two good bearing orchards, orna-
mental trees and small fruits, 4i miles
from Brussels, a lively town on the G. T, 11.,
convenient to school, ohu'ol,es and post
oillee, This property lies well, Is a first -
clam; grain and steak farm and should be
seen by intending purchasers as it is offer-
ed at a bargain. ]Por further particulars
apply to MUS, 5000.1t0I1E11TS0N,
or 0AN150L ROBERTSON , on
the premises, or by tetter to Oran brook P.
0, 02.1
FTOCE AND I11PL1lliEN1e.-MV. George
!trilby, Auotioueer, 12115 ralolved instruc-
tions from the undersigned proprietor to
sell by public auction,et North Half Lot 50,
Oan. 1, M orris, on Wenesday, Mar. 10, '03,
Commencing ut 10 o'clock, sharp.
The following valuable property, viz; -1
Imported heavy draught Clydesdale Stallion,
eOlgroo Stamp,"
] unypvr5draught Mare,
1 heavy dtraughb colt,heavy
lt; a1 general opux-
pose horse, 4 years ; 1 single driver, 0 years ;
0 tat steers, rlaiug0 yea's; 7 steers stookms,
rising 3 years; 13 515505, rtelug 2 years ; 1
heifer, Ming 2years 19 youngcows, in oatf;
1 farrow cow ; 1 heifer, rising 8. in calf 1 1
heifer, rising 2, in calf ; 3 miring oelven; 1
sow, in pig 1 7 dozen young hens ; 3 colonies
of bees; 1 Deering Unmet', Watson"; 1
mower and pen hasvoster ; 1 Horse rake 1 1
wagon i 1 single buggy 1 1 015muorat 1 3. road
cart; 1cutter ; 1pair of bob-slsigh51 straw
cutter' ; 1 One horse power ; 1 Gale harrow 1
2pair of iron barrow ; 11 plows ; 1 Waning
m ill; 1 amp boiler ; 20 sap palls ; 1 velvet scales
2 near kettles ; 1 grindstone 1 1 sickle grind -
or 1 1 gang plow ; 1 turnip pulper ; 1 turnip
snuffler; 1 good land roller; a sets Of team.
harness 1 1 set of single harness 1 llav rank
Hay fork; wheelbarrow; 1 pair of goose
l grass good 501000; A gnottity of lumber
20 new grain bags ; A quantity of turnips
Doublotroes, neckyoltos, chains and other
awe! et too numerous to mention. A100 0
quantity of household) furniture. Tile sato
will bo without reserve as the Propitiator has
SUM his farm. Terms, -All dams of 81310
and under au)lt ; over that ai,00tt 10
mouths credit•win be given on furnishing
approved 351111 notes, 6 oar tout. per au -
num elf for 011511 on arodit annum hi, Tho
fat snores to bo eaeh, Special terms for the
imported. Clyeloodale 810!!]00. 141.10I0014
KIRKBY, Auctioneer, 188IMANULL
0L, 0110, Proprietor.
511IIt5 BOAR.
The endershgued 10111 keep for sst'vloe this
pre/0111 season rho I111M0Ved largo white
Yorkshire dg "Bands' on lot 10, oou, 0,
Moiris, to 51,1011 a limited lumber of sows
will be 'Sultan. 'Perste .11,50 to hit paid at
tithe of Poet 100, with tuna p, lvIIcgo of return-
ing if necessary. Pedigree may be aeon Up -
011 &iodination, ROBERT 1,410Ii011,
101,0 Proprietor,
"if I). WARWICK,
fD a ironer Graduate of the Ontario
Venn hairy tin1ltu, Is prepared t0 treat til[
dierns5x of d,nc513oatntl nutiumle 1n a own.
potent Inuinnr, 1'artt0t11ar attention paid
to veterinary dentistry, Calls promptly at-
tended to, Minn and I55i'niary-Two aeon
north 0.e bridge'l'tnnburry St„ brussels,
MAR. 3, 1893
Got the Bost WALL PAPER at
the Lowest Prices at
Pepper's Drug Store, -
Lots of Paper at 50. per Roll.
1 ). Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collec-
tions made. Otnoo-Vaustono's Block, ]ions•
sole. 21 rim
te uydoolie,' tis, UsorVaesono'sBlink,,lr
north of Contra! Hotel, Private funds to
'.J Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
(iedorloh, Out.
AL e, CAai1:RON, fl, C.., 0001,1r 1101a,
• Auctioneer, 1p always ready to at-
tend Dales of fauns, farm stook,- 00, Tei
ms given. (1 ruubrook P. 0, Sales
u:ay he anneal at 101E foss' Publishing
Halms, Brussels,
Sdcenmed Auctioneer, Salon &induct
ed on reasonable terms. Norms and farm
Publl sl Ing nrnloc,i3remelt:,c 1' 1011! to Walton
P.O., will receive prompt atteutiou,
A� 01) 215 1111 Auotioneor, I 11111 prepared
to conduct sales of farm 51001 at rrasttcablo
priers. Knowing the standing of nearly
every person 1 nut iu n po sitinn to toll to
good marks and got good soourity when sold
on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give
meet eat. 311- 1' 30. 600TT.
Iss❑rer of Atarrlage Licenses. ()glee
at his Grocery, 1'uruhorrY street, Brussels.
Tonsorial Artist' Shop -Next door
south of A. 31, McKay tv Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and childrons hair cutting a specialty
I00uler of Marriage Liceusss, by
appointment of Lieut,-t1overnor, Commis -
stoner, CS., Q.13. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Iuourunoo Co. 0111s5 at the Cranbrook
Post Unice,
Clerk of the Fourth DNisio❑ Court
Co, Enrol, Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land, Loan and Insurance Antra. Funds
invested and to lam, Collections made,
Onlue in Graham's Block, Bruaauls.
Mise Merles, of Wioghon, is prepared
to give inatruotlon in oil painting. %arms
may be aeoertaiood at Miss biotite lion' store
where samples of work may be seen. Mase
Merles would also talte afow morn pupils in
Organist in St. Jobu'e Church, Bras.
gala, and pupil, to the Art of Teaching,of A.
W. Thayer, Mus. Doo„ Now York, wilgive
lessons to pupils either at Thos Farrow's,
Tarnberry Strout, or if preferred at their
own hones. Monday, Tuesday unci Wednes-
day at Walton. Terme moderate.
S. O0. M., b. li, O.P., Edinburgh, M, O. P
nt, llosidanes nod Wilco in Wilson'
Block, corner of Mil! and Tarnberry 'Ste.
1) 3L r+r 'X OF I
M. OAVANAGH, L. D. S., 0.10. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto
v0rsity, Ol`OI015-Vver A. lt. Smith's Store.
License Markt
East Riding of Huron.
To the Tavern-Xeopors and Shop-
keepers and Others whom It
may concern.
NOTICE is hereby given that
.NDJicataens for 'Accuses
for the Sala of Liquor in the
for the License Year 10300.4 which can -
memos 011 tin 1st clay Of f.Iay next, will be
reoatve4 by the undersigned from the pres-
ent date up t0
Saturday, April ril I, 1898
inclusive. Applicant,' meet farelsh the
names of two geed and aullloiolt sureties tut
bondsmen at the ]into of malting appliod,lon.
Any applicant for it 11010 lim nso nn1at MP*
pian n certificate signed by a majority of
the electors entitled to vote at eleoLions for
tiro Legislative A.ssamWy in the Polling Stub•
division in which the pi (mime; 0,11,1,1 to be
1100/1104 1150 uItu(1.totl, 01111 0b, sato nlnjnri
must bttluds at leant m10-tllhvl of 11te said
olosto•o Who are at the tint, of auolt appli-
cation residetnts within the said Polling
JAW, 10. AIIt,T,1•/Il,
Jamestown, 1'01).10, le111,