HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-3-3, Page 66 Tali', BRUSSELS POST. M mum 3, 1893 CURIOSITY COLUMN. effeessieraseessseereseeTs HEALTH. It is seldom done by a servant, and often J'a OBT11. appearanee of a locality. There we go 011ESTNUTB. nut Volt Ileven't Illeneg them All, _ the little Ewes jorkod and bumped along in ;fp,. ear. La sainert. ite Intelligent emeriene eerie 'West, 1 we stop for rs imp of coffee at the pretty lit Sedeatury C)001.1patiOUS. this tiresome fashion, lint they aro kept GI re4 Ms Impressional or our , ,, 1 ty a Power garden as one would wish to see, 1 tie to wit of Noose Jaw, Thero 1 HaW 1111 prat. home bi their eaTiagee without change ot ..,..i . i t i 1 a hoy in " inerry 1..110011)1 1 ofton An intereitting losisou is otierod to the position, getting benumbed and cold in eon. .. . aeked where Sante Chinn' home was and 1 I etuelent of longevity in tho te1dee netde tip ,. • • 11 Nneitgttt:t1e1tIliiiticlii.c7nortee and hut litt le could set nonce i Ms lei -mite wrong. ii (mug in. was invariably told ii Away op North," . . lie seen, so 1 leid down and elept, dreamieg 11,111 1 "''''' "I'""" '''' 14"i" '" 41 ''''' ' ' of Jackeouville, that seiniehow eonie \1. in• reuncleaced old /went wits represented ae , nip,,,g buildings had strayed into. At clay beim; well wrapped in furs and was tobi : break 1 woke and watched the sun pate, lne he Wan dressed that Way the whole yeer cort0.11,9 of erimeee end gal mei singe round. beightly on the mtrth. An !threw. tierce in Now " °P "1111" '4'1g0848 4' (3varY boy the road in order to get, amend a lake '"'"1 giri " 1"'l "1: iu° alld 8""w RI° 1'07'00 brought into frill view the snowy erests ef lloseri and carte but north and south are telly the Reeky mountains. How nette they rel"iv° ("8 al 100 all. 'When -11- 44'" 01 lo lit Vrt the were folly siet y milee eoutlawestern Geoogia, a ohm% dtstenee away, 111 it Tow 1» inukti our train epun over oeoupitt .. beet whi .h are of neeessity plwitiar• , oliwb mut titily the waste produets, lint ae, from the Fir/relit line, the itontherit people, , , espcmially the colored people, tasked me t.t iithiewittiogmel,tp,itfs(t.11,,,tigf,ii..t;.orntotililee ettii,:trry and in to eritor of Al. 1 unhealthfaa-as, fur insienee, into of ti,,,, s.,,,,, am, they are, renewed by .its . ,... 1. t i i 110,111olla atanit •' elle mirth not by inethers theineelves. Not only Are —^ egate, westward ho 11111e11 or so and Isy lifemismeanco mimpeines, eltowing the tante slionld lake the air in the arn,s tit al ohanees e f life or death an effete ett ay verintis attendant. Very serioll$ evils remelt frou oaeopati0110. subjeeting their tender leelion to jars. At first sight there seem to be some glitz,. ing ineoneieteneies in sueti ateles. Ihe profession of modieine, for example, which. Water As a Modiofne. might be cmpe0t...,1 te °acuity a plaeo among The hainsm body le ectuetently undergo. the oconpatioos troJing to Iongost life, is ing thit100 elitinge, 1Vorn out partiolee are found on Die eentrary, among those tending east aside front the syatem, while the, new to comparatively snort life. Lave ever lining termed, \A'atee has the If ws leave out of as..,,unt 1 hoee amiiie : pwer of immonsing ),11,8, tissue chapv3, t te stoker, whiell Illvelve', the ilerl""1 1.1"''' egeney, giving else to MS 1 0`1,,, al r. . of the eows have fetteliers on them in of leiter in m very hot atineeptiere. -it which in 1,1re prevides freelt nutriment, appears to be 080;0,1 that nectipetions er , le.reene but little aemestented to at,11,1, wint,,0•:'• 1, Do the applee grow audio- professieus which call for long Metes at the i weeer are liable to have thu waste prod. ground like peauute 4' 11 Do Yaukees Sleek, or At 01110r sedentary tt ork, pro.1008 I nem fininied faster th us they are build their h011nea 011 10110010 that When victim,* of disease 30.8)e). 111014 those Whioi, : removed. Any ohstruotion to the free work• winter 0011100 tile henses can he shov- necessitate museular activity. i iiig „i 11,1,110,1 I„,y, „1 WIC, predueesdieease, ed up obiee together, and tunnele dug melee the snow from one Melee to the other?" 1 All persons, therefore, whese mempatems ! wheel', if once firmly seated, require) both . are sedentitry eitinilti make it 11 matter oi 1 time and motley to eure. ample aceustcon. That was daring the war, tweety.eight duty to counteract the unwheismnetemieney . eil to rise in the morning weak and 14114401d yearil ago, and the minister of the M. E. of their daily employment hy seine form of will find the eallse in the Iiiiperfe,,t seere. claire)) of Jaelreouville told mu a, few days exercise. j Oen of wastes, Which many times may be ago that when he talked of going to Illinois Athletes do undoubte‘lly die eometimes I remedied by drinking 11 full tumbler of several years after the war eloeed, his neigh. of heart. iliseaSe. and college ittieleute ere water before retiring. 'rhis very materially boes teld him he would freoze to death, sometimes seriously 1111110ml Withe playing . ,,,,,jsts in the procees during the night. and fel. it was 11, common thing to see an Illinois foot.ba,11, but many more die or -hemline , leaves tissue fresh and streng, and ready for Yankee running around with one arm, the disabled from disease superinageed by lark , the aetivo work c)f the day.- Hot water is other ravine been frozen off. 1 ou will trey attaio a size that !It little short of marvelous. of bodil y etivity. 1 one of 1 he best remedial intents. A hot bath we are wiser thee that now hut let me tell Just think of digging 550 husliele of market - 01 ell the possible mean, of comiteraet- . on going to bed, even in the hot nights of yea confitleutially that one of the school able potatoea from a single acre of land. big tile effects of centinement in the 014)00 !Kum", 1, , better mlo,ver of oigepiess. teathers of Jackeouville told my daughter Then Alberto, raises large herds of or other sedentary employments. walking ness than many drug& Inflate,' pert. last August, that, people's elles ilroppeil off en.fflu, horses and sheep, which are 18 one of the eneeet and easieet. With will subside under tile continuel penis in Manitoba on aceount of the intense cold ; ,ie,,,w, 1.,,d or sheltered all year round. n eesons if would be a ereat gain to te mig of reel hot, water. Very bet and what are your ideas of Canada, any. The western part of Alberta is formed of way ? Ill War rant they'ro just about as odd as the southern idea, of " the north" is, It does tiot seem possible te empliasive in steriliziog our wounds. A riotous stomag 1 But 1 ion going to forget about oopiar, cedar, cot ton.wood, and ether too strongly. the importane, which, indeed. , will nearly always gratefully receive a glass Santa Claus mid his home. He lives "up 'timber and ootit•Ities mines of the finest, amounts te IL neeeisttv, of frceing the li:idy or 1110r0 Of hot water. mirth." I Mei lived at Montreal and Santa anthracite and bailments coal in the world. of some of ite 40 aste produces by physical • _.... lived further north than that. So it is plain I ti liti n there 's found 00 1 )er leitil exerciee performed daily. Beet Tea, It is true that many animals never take ' exercise for its own sake. The museular , Prepared by n. trained nurse is l',010110WS : ;system of animals is kept in the most per- ! -Cut up el tbs. of lean, juesyr sirloin _Meek feet condition, however, by their seereh • into pieces:11,0ot two inehes square. 1 lrease for food. \Vith thetn exercise ie natural, r, sale:mem lightly with butter, whieli place and therefore perfect of its kind. ' over a very hot fire of red elate. and as stem A. sedentary oommation is, to a certain us the pan is hot toes the beef in. Turn the degree, unnatural, laid must be offset by pieresever and over with a fork, letting them exercise. brown slightly on each side ; there will he In walking, the lungs should be expended • seareely a drop of juice in the pan while this . and. the whole muecular system brought is being done, so quickly does the heat am into play as far as possible. A 1)11031,11,1y coninlise its WOrit. As so in as elle pieces are le obtained by this meaus which 441014.80 the heated through, take them tea one by one exercise eepecially beneficial. • and rapidly squeeze them through /1, wooden ---- • lemen scineezer (which must Le standing in r The Sohool Room and the Health of Ohil- ' Isrx'ellitilita‘‘;..'.'d".') li'nutt0 aft shael\a‘lii 'isi.i1:11e-eliti 0 fh :4'111 t 1171 et ou borta. From hero we go by another the Calgary and Edmonton to F.)1010111,011 on the seskaieliewan river, two hundred miles flirt her north. Now in 01100•01. to your euppoetel quota tions let ine say 1,11111 the country I travers- ed is just north of North Dakota end Mon. tante The petivinee of :Manitoba and the territory 0 Aesiniboia aro mostly prairie. Very similar to Delwin, though 'it is laid 111000 tintlier grows there. T110 DalcOla bliZiatril 10 111111noWn. Yes, it is a cold eoun. try, but the air is so pure and cley that eold is not felt like it is in mu. damp ellinate. \\*heat and 17,110 grow luxuriantly and ripen In perfection, and all vegetables health if they would walk to and from their !watee is a prompt checker of bleeding, anti places of business in preference 10 reling. besides, if it is clean, as it o11011111 be, it 111,18 the Rocky mountams and liOot hills which see densely wooded with pine, spruce, drub the juice and cover the. howl well over to An eetimate has been made in Germany , prei.orve the heal. ThiS Manner Of.propars elinneapolis. leo wonder people s 00101 that children there spend abont 0000 hours ing beef tea is most velnable when a is re- drop off with the cold, you say. Yet 1 in school from the ages ot seven to fifteen givred onoc-iitking only a few. minutes saw no earless people. The sun was inclusive, The influence fer geed or fee evil to make, and the entire etrength et the meat, shining beightly ; the air hail a pecelier ex - of 9U00 henna of any emu:optima alum the being extrected. hilaratiug ell'ect, and you feel like moving, body as well as upon the mind 11.10111g thiS walking, gniog somewhere. In obedience • most impressionable period of growth le not Codfish Mines. to the Impulse I walked up Main street, likely to be overestimated. Any phyeiciat, -with a plan fee the development ef e. body, or any moralist with rules for ethieul tare, would feel Geo 00101101 ot line as cif priceless value for ille elifOreelnnt et his eystem. What are the physieal emelitiane ..11et surround. a Chilil in the itVer ga se.n..n: This young being must have eunlight , :reset f001, a 111 0X000100 011p11411 tO as we have learned, from one and a half to two inches in height 4)1001111y, and to pin fimici four to ten pounds it, Wei 4.iit yearly, wi 11 othee development in prop.: t lit mar, to do thie lie requiree front leaf) to Iloilo cubm feet of fresh air per hour : ne ellen Id lave an amount of eXereise elual to two 0, three miles of walkieg pee dec. clopencling upon hie mee, as well 1.14 nourtshing loud with its fair proportions of niterieen awl carbon and hydrogen. As regerds tirst requisite, viz.. sunlight, even in our best city (private) schools, which are for the most part held in private houses, the minas- eion even of liglieto say nothing of sunlight, . cod. It's colder work thee fishing, coil mai. ing is, but the returns are quicker. per pupil is generally inadequate. Tho sun in these Melees can ouly enter through the two or three windowe of one Children Should never be Porozd to Eat. door, varying with the time of day as to the Many people compel children to eat side upon which it enters. On the lower • against their will; for instance, when they floors of these houses it can only enter far come to the breakfasatable without an ap• a limited period of time-frout one to two • petite, or have lost it at tho prospece of a hours daily. Whoa the elass•rooms are visit, party, ete. Unless WO are thiesty,we upon 1110 unstained eide of the house, as do not care to drink even the purest weter, they must be in many cases, the oecupents and as for eating. when there is no ampetite get not even thie amount. As regeeds the it is revolting, as we all know by expert - presence of light, it is virtually,. 1111posoilile ene0. The appetite is excited by the pres- to adequately Relit every poruen ef these once of gastric juices about the 010100011 ; rooms entliciently to give a proper allow- but if there is no gastric juice, there will be adce to eatth peed, as those whe Hit toward no linligur therefore, to compel a child to " the extreme end of the room Can only have swellow food :1110 the stomach when there helf or one.thircl as mueli as those who axe is no gastric juice there to receive it, is an near the witelows. It is likest ise generelly abeuraity, net to laity cruelty. In the ob. • (although 4101 1111011001 imprauticabie to at, settee of gastric juiee in the stotnach food is range the light so that it may fall in the ap• rejeeted by voiniting, or remains theee fer proved dieeetion, vie.. from tho loft side, 110410o -a " load," causing great discomfort •and first upon the book, not first upon the and oppression. eye. As regoads the aotual requirement for Iresh air. it is fair to say that it, is probably impossible to adequately ventilate s. parlor • A terrible wolf etory is reported from floor, centaining from twenty to tifty chi'. Belgrade by the Vienna correspondent of dren for three or four hours daily, ituless the London Daily News. A pope was driv. moms system of artifleial ventihttion is he, in a sledge in broad daylight with his 'maintained, and this We seldom flud yohug men servaut teem Svilajuay to Seib private houses. -the more's the pity, As a itjuae, when a herd of wolves burst out of matter of facemoat these monis svere 110.1 a womb Toe pope fired into the wolves, eigned for the requirements of a moderato and one dropped dead, while the others ran family of not over twelve persons, and •it away. The pope was anxione to secure his cannot he expected that they will offer the booty, end with his servant went ta fetch best facilities for housing three or four times the wolf, As he dropped Rita() the sledge that number. I the horses, who were trembling on account As regardsthe durationaf theschoolperintl, of the wolves, allied and. ran away. The And the resulting hilimmoe for good or evil pope cried to the servant 1 " you muse epos children,who narst =Annie a more or catch the horses or else we tire both lost. less immobile position for that time,we find My rifle is in the sledge." The young man that four hours is the minimum. tiine for the ran for deer lite, but it took him 0 long ilaily seseion, many schools holcling for from tone to 006011 the frightened animale. hen • one to two hones later, with from twenty hail driven back with them to the spot Minutes tr) 0110 boar of reerend ion. , where he left the pope he Mind the top SVe believe a large Part of the nu:favor. hoots with legs and feet, in them, blood- ble influence of school life upon the childei stained. tattered clothee, and the long gray health is tine to the prelims/fel immobility b 31031 of his master. which the ordinary syntein requires, and ' the neceesitry mintinement of a yettne• child if I vis:ted tbe jolly old saint at his home I meet go furthee north too. To make a long foldsituil, silver and petroleum. The rivers inbow, Bow, Red Dem, and Saskatche- story ellen, as the story books Say, I 1000 Waal rise in Om Rocky mountaius and advised by 011 .1,1 visitor of mine, Mr. the water is beautifully cleat. and cold ; elalario„ cut hist October, to visit the north elle smaller streams that rise in the Foot- hold. 1 hail heard of Manitoba (uow don t hills, also Natalia water es pure as running water 0811 be, W111011 Wall numbers of lakes, little anti big, ere well stocked with fish. pronounce tt Manitobaw for that len t the correct way) and it8 S01013 of the boys of the men who were boys when I was a boy, had Coal crops out of the river banka and can gone there before ten years ago, so 1 went, be had for digging mut hauling. Fine to aittnitoba first. In order to got there 1 farming land ran be bought of the railroad went up the 'Mississippi river not on a, steam. company for three dollees an acre, or the beat but nn a, C. B. ,V, Q. tram to Minenti. go„,,,,o,,,," will giv, a0y mn,,,, 00 1„0,,,,,an pelts. Do you know what etate that is in? mete is et the heal of a family, or any boy There I took a *eat in ii, ear of the Great over eiehteen years of ago, 160 acres, on Northwestern railroad yillich took ine conditiim that five acoes lei broken the first threugh Minnesota. and North Dakota .te year, ten the second year, and build a hos- Winnipeg. Do you. know where thee is? pitable 1101100 MI11 take up his or her rest. 11 is nearly five hundred miles north of denee the third year in it, living on the placa six months in each yeite for throe years, then a deed is given. The governitiont will not sell any laucl, nor give more than 1 60 mores to ono person. There are no taxes to pity exoept a school tax, munieipal taxes iti the towns 0111 in. corporate•I villivms. The public &hoot " ep" in Winnipeg ie south ; for the Rest system is most excellent, great. care being An c,1,1 ,ailor te the Attic regions hes beton River runs noeth to 1Indtioris Bey. The. exercised in the eelection of teachers, and News (von Rtris aloollt 0.011100, • 1••111•0' hew he missee reellY "0111 w8a1aer :meet follows a betel of the river and has ,,,,go, ..„.„,..i.. bei„g p.id 1. th. i...1.4. Fllbs With bil terness oil!. crap, dwell this 41.00, "74416 the kind of oar FOP the theiS01:1.k.QCA inhuman thei•efere a erook in it, but the creok does ti„„ of good, ,o0,.,,A,. lan used te,•,'' he ..1i.:1. " I don't beliI:ve I'll not mar it very much. 1 walked ilearly two 'rho gov,entinen t ? 0, yes, the government. Soon ar, gel tie as lin 'Wei, up ! •est what I Nviait this side of the Labrador. miles up the street, last old. F10.1, t.arry, The 1111114 10110 lilleltleS 4100•11 10 linsinese runs lint itch, ehanee of being etrapotel. Jack -1, Weal, 10 111010 abolit yen that ill so delicious?" 13satriett yo110 ar.111.” It appt le lie this 1111Sitleal ef the needy tramp to go arolitid 10011ing for moment. 811,--. P.m% you think lealiiher's pica turee eniniale are nat untl ?" Do -They are eer ai illy beastly," 11 l've ma heel a gluon, thing 0110114 nen. 1100Plei" 8114,1 NV4010,140. " Mc% of them haven't any nerve," 4, M iss Kum -Do you Illte teranjona roles?" al les Minium-. Pretty 0•011, if they aro 1110510 0 1th plenty of jelly. ' Pastor (eativitigd-" Are you fond of ivil 1 decks, ales, Youngblood 1" lets. Young. blood -" Yee ; 1 married one." Literary Vieitoe-" Willie, you know who the antocent of the brealifeet•dable lee" 1Vily Willie-" ' ea, sir; it's 0111' hired girl." " Lot's see, lienpeek, what is it we call a man who marries two wives -a higamita, 1' Some call. him that. I call him an idiot. 1, Nooriolt tole; me he neve,- deigeoys a is. oeipted bill." " No. He's more likely to have '0111 framed. and hong up in his perlor as curiosities." A learner on skates is apt to feel hurt at his repeated eoiliai0118 With the ice, but he should remember amid his injuries that lie struck it, first. Hieks-11 Stiggins and his wife, they tell 1100, 110Ver speak to eaeli other." " Wicke -"So? *What splendid whist partners they must melte," Ho-. \Vila sort, of an engagement ring shall it he, Fanny ? " She-" Solid gold-, Charlee, I'm so lived of wearing imitation gold for engagements." ulia-11 My huslatel is very herd to please." Maude...111e must haVe changed lots eine° ho married you." Aud now they don't speak, some how, "Hit (loan de." Raid Uncle Elton, " tor take too much 'count ob de tau' dat er man looks goodmatured. 1)e crocodile hab do Unsettle griti on eeeord." Hostoss--1 \Val you have a piece of pie, Georgie ?" Georgie-" Yos'm, but please make it double aize, because ma told mu not to aslt for two pieties." 1' The eyes, as the poet said, aro the win. dews of the soul." said the moralizer. " I suppose spectacles are the storm windows, oh ? ' put in the demoralizer. "Donee" seal the medical ettelent, " ie a blind num apt. to be au atilt?" " Why, no. What makes you ask thet ?" " Thu adage says : Out of sight, out of mind. " Facetious friet1.1.-" Well, have you and yonr evife yet se; tled as to who its to be the speaker of the house ?" Young husband - "Not. yet. We 11011 idly mi,..upy the chair to. gether." is net :inite. like our), though you would " "see, '' slid ,',./t.I old .11r. Jenkine, "1 71.•011 delta here to fish air 0,1.1 &sten to 1 110 ogross . the bridge over the Aeeinilioine river, live there for 1ears and never Nine' the dif. Lebrader, ).011 jest gi1 1 0 pielt ail! is no, t and the street un either side, aii4 several i;,,,„00ce. ;10,1 mines ',...01, ii.it mine 'mu 00)..1 the .1cc• narallt1 streets were lined with. hue ',rick , ,, , 'Pile form of government is essen. ttai i V tile sante ; the difference is in the ad - 'large. l'bes're frozen in tast. :some et ern s and stone blocks, three to tit e etories midetration. Judges, magistrates, eon. heve 1,0-11 in there for a million years, more high. Eieeffic ,`",) hur8" ev's traVeree stables, sheriffs and (Aileen of that, kind, or less.' They got catolitel 11 11 .sonie 11111.0 the city in every illoeution, ain1 the ''"Ir"cl's tire not elected. by. tlto people ; like post - ale! froeen in. A whaling man t knows las and also the piddle: buildings are i„,„ter, 111,y 110e itopoiniod, ho, ouliko busluess can tell offhand where heel strike illuminated by electricity, But, 1 mest p,simesters in the Llnited Settee, ehey tan. a saying lead. He lands a crew on a berg not detain you in 11 innipeg fureher told they ent a level place to stand on sine 1 ou then just open galleries into the ice. find the coil in seams like 0.31. I neyer WOrked ill a cool pit, but I've hail the thing explained to me, mid it's about the seine. 'file cod tvere swimming around and a layer oi them got froeen. Then would. Leine u. layer cif plain ice underneath, without may tiimmings and after,varci. ecinther layer of The Latest Horror in 'Wolves. A Sleigh-Riclo• to a &emir nr bench wit Meet some inteoven• inst. roan for wo non on 11 in 011 000111.-- . ing none:nine antivity or renreation. iii• 1 1.11,10 her in ell -0114 6031 warili 1 mobility is opposed to growth, it ie cliposcel len me.seimis or her s aime tO 011 the inatinuts of the Malt hy lower animalibantl to those of all vigorous ebildrea, '.at,• sheet, bell, chime Anil S. 1,14, 1WaY• • .4131 -epee's Baettr. 1110 1.•±..1) and glitterm stem, teeviter beheld 1 11s, 1.11.y The Baby's A 0'11.4, owl wt, go I 11,0 1 110 ,1111 :We.,1, IL is xtell to send the babies ollt for an Avid e,•re awl Ilere M 11011.c.:i011 f4;011.111 grin , etn,y, they ate „en/hive t„ Pets by its in 0 flying )113•0111 • nompetent haticle. But often tend e• body hi jarred end WestrieJ liy rattled over a rough rood, hemmed into end over gators, and thumped OVer c•roseitigs at headlong speed, until it receives tnoro harm a ati good frien its milieu, Almost every one it nOWE1 W1101 differinum thorn is in drivere ; how onehrian Will. 110001Ver easy the cerriame take you to your jourrey'm feeling thet you are black and bine free, • jolting rtimet whiloanother will avoid every liew steed the hers. s teems driven! 'rec. wee! tulle e1:11 ler ,11 very mid 11, Aim vv0ry Ep. 1,01) II., in lie iron. And ev../.F Is while nil mirth. lioW401.4. I he 111.111).114,,,,,,,•111+1 130)V bright, Thee ; of the tette er Meld! We ram, the open rmel like wind - leg ioi 111/2 sliasloWy iithes (nir wild pile, sliwhens. Mid 1 Mot in., bowl cnteittill to hold nil. 4,-,0,40W. Wh,.11 1 I vy lier than to know that it co:items er :15,0,10 people and that an immense amount of business is transacted there. Steam boats ply the ri% ors a numbn of railroads centre mut all directions, menufacturies and shops employ thousands of workmem Yee on the Christian Sabbath all the busy hum of machinery, the rmnble of etreet oars, the rush of the steam boats is hushed. Not a shop, store, piece of bueiness or emuse- Trien is open. Take a look at the vegetables, nt the grocery store fronts. You never saw any- thing like theal in Bunker 13111. 13eatay of I-Tebron potatoes so largo that you can't pot five of them iuto peek ammeter) ; real bag& turnips that tWO Of them won't go in- to a half bushel measure ; cauliflowers weighing ten pounds. But 0110 Genets up and we take our seats in the oar end start for the West over the Canadian Pacifie Railway. What, ct railway that is to be sure, reachieg from Halifax no the Atlentio Ooollal to Vancouver on the Pacific, 0750 miles, there connecting with a line of swift steamers for China, Japen and Australia. Away We go for the West. What clo yeu expect to see ? A barren wesie ? rhen yon will be disappointed. See the stubble fields miles and miles in went, Steaks of grain, hundreds of them, es far as you one see. Snug term houses, big barns, teams plowing , steam engines threehing out the golden grain. With a shriek of the whistle erel a clang of the bell We run into a little town, clean and neat, because new, none of them 0001' two years old you know. What immense elevators they build. So We pass Poteage la. Prairie and otber towns of :MO to 1,000 inhabitants and stop at Brandon, a. town of 4,000 people, at the unusual 110110 of 110.00, which means five minutes past eight at night. We are now fairly started across the great Canadian plains, and before Wen ty- four o'clock We Will be past the boundary of Manitoba anciTushing across the prairies of the territory of Aesimhoire It's night of course, and all we can see as we enter anti depart from the twilit aro the glittering electric lights that ie in brilliancy with the bright. stare that, sparkle like diamonds in that bright northern Airy. So wo pass Virden, Moosrenin, 131.1iailVioW, Qu' Appelle end other p iteee, and itt 5.23 u pull up at livable, the empital of the northwest terri• tortes, Here we found lino buildings, both public! and privitte. SOITIO of the buildings 11,01.0 built by the government and are very fine. There, is the headquarters of the monet police, m tely 1111•11 vecy elostely resemble:as cavalry. Detachments of theee 111011 tern found in all the 1014110 o f ulnae 11) the northwest, their 010111 ditty be ing to keep a eltarp eye on the Indians, of whom Gime are many, anti arrest criminals, of whom there 0130 few. 1101i 6. do 1 glutei vieit in Regina as stayed there a any and n. night, and " toek in ' the eights of the town, If you boys and girle of Bunker Hill ever go up to that o mutey and expect, to iind a wilderness 3 01 11,111 lie pleasantly diseppointed. If you ex. petit to find a litilf.eterved, ignorant int of people yeti will be vetey much die:ter/minted not be removed except they neglect time duties. Whatever the party in power may be or whether one party is defeated. by an- other every year or net makes no ctilIerence to the postmastees and other olliees I have mooed lf they am faithful in the die. charge of their duties they cannot Midis. turbed ; so the "spoils of offize " no figure in 10eal elections. Everybody does not vote in that country. It is only those who pay taxee to a certain amount, either as freeholder or tenter. \Vonant who own property in their own right, whether married. or single, vote on !natters affecting the experaliture of money. .A. reserieted suffrage prevents the cieies ruling the country through the "hummer vote " and Pe acts as it Still -1011%11f: 10 the /t..Tinisitio0 of property. That is what the people tp there say. To people who are not, politicians there are no cl ifferenoes be. tween this country and that worth noting. An observing person weuld notice some difference between the habits and manners of the people there and those at some perta of this country. Apart from the beautiful Sabbath observance that stops business and football and baseball, I heard loss profanity in one week there than I hear in a half a, day in Jacksenville. The people habitual. ly couverse in 11 low tone of vcice that seems quakerish, and they move much more leisurely on the streets, and with far less noise than with us. The people are mostly Canadians and English and 8001011 ; quiet, orderly, peaceable people they are, the soul of honor and hospitality, 'limy instinctively dislike the epeculator and encourage by every means the small farmer end ineehanic in the founding of permanent homes. The people are oontented, happy, prosperous. Malar - ions, lung, throat and rheumatic affections are unknown. The complexions of the people are as clear ss their streams emd theie smiles are as height as their skies. There aro Indians there, Sioux and Croes mostly, bet they are au quiet and orderly as the whites, They have good reservations, many of them fine farms. The government has built largo industrial schools where tho Indian boys atul prig aro taught not only the common branolies of education but (teepee. tering, blaokemithing, harness making end farining, and the girls lemeekeeping, the care of 0011.8 and peultry, sewing and nurs- ing. The boys and girls at those schools are just like other boys and girls, dress tho 80.010 and play tbe Sallie and are prond of their scholarship. The girls nee in groat dammed £1.0 housemaids. Now I innst stop or the petite). will think I want tn fill up his paper. 0, yee ! I hail forgetten Sante, 011010, While up there I asked a little boy at the hotel where Saute Clons lived, and he said, "Up North" so had to return without a glimpee of the attl fellow's home, as I was as far north as a railroad would take 111e. A Whits World. T never knew the world in white Se belief I ell eon Id he, As nava mom It here water the Wintry sea 1 new brattier a lieW Ehts been rove:110d 1.0 1110. 1'1108000ln° Mended WaVeand Cloud rh e e 0 ,1110 aro well rod, well dressed, Intel!' • ;1;1011 14,,'"41.100"„',13,`‘,1 11(1,1im:,;10 °,f n°14. ,, , „ , gent, educated, morel, They lute° gocel ei, eve*. eurve n,,,,i';,,j,r,"P'''''' W.1•••0 00°' schools, good elle relive, grond lloWspn.pers, Widlo 1110 111110 at I' did over MI 01111 '1,i1.11:1, go,,11 bridges, True the enuntry 14 8 l'I'rmtil 11""11,1" hold, is tmt, as 1 hickly set 110,1 ait Macempin tenuity r'',,I'lll 10"011,,Intm hid! ilwaliii , lonso stone arid tnodorate ins iiii eed at, the Am iiii• i hi., lr in 51,140. 'Nat ,, 11/433301h her sculptor's hand rough plact10. llo sere that iii00ien mitfcr .t :el bib .,r li,,, I., , 11,11,111i in:4 liemn4 1 nod 1 1,,, tri10111.. tire f mil ice. tiptoe , lei t, new 1 ) • .1 1 (, 1 ef 1 , ' e 1 , , , Nen 0 urn boinv rip.f.4 op, 1/t.NV 1,16111)1gs • Aimee i he aloes Ito id:mood: ou . 10 rpm , .1,1 N. wilt,/ 100..1 ,0,..), 1111i10 144. nineli it•1 tboir tilders fr,.01 1111,i3/4111. A ii'l i"," i • iiwi'i i "' 'Tim" 4..(1''Y'li . 1,,,i ,.4.,,,,,, ,, . . , .., . •A!,,1 hi... .,.. ,ii poi 0 ..3,30 !, ; Vil 11 1101.Vor,! erected, linkt. railroad:0 befit, 0 lei a i, w E.: i1 is on s10.11 a ihi; , i 1.,4,1.,^. If. 1, WW1 .1 ic. (It V in ,..., , ,, , , , . • e ' .- - • . - I.,' - 1 .01. .. 1 nn, ,•Ite,....3 33., 1, ,...iiiiive . (41 ,,„,1„, h., .0„:ii„,,,,) t, ow i,,,1 j.. ,A, ,..„ , t 1,„ T.) 1.e.,1 W14 11114.';. 11111. ' v. child's cab 00014 a t.,,,,q1L1.0 1. -Witilont 0. j3r, bill A s1.3'.33.1. rid, v; i li 1 1;:e :41 E. 1 ewe. -11,11)y Leven), beets:et any faith 111 these now•fangled specilies. I've buried eieht children in my time, and the good eld-feshioued plebe is plenty good enough foe tate" Tom-" What about that pi•etty girl von fell in loVe with at tlio seaside ? Aro emit wei ing on ber ?" Harry -" No, eluel waiting on lne 1100.. I take my mettle at an platen Mak, urani.." Mitrie-" HOW can girls tell when men aro going to propose?" lilthel-" They always get on their knees !" Mario (shocke.1)-" Why, I think that'e very Me. proper ! 5110011111'e allow any man eo got cm mine." "There is an old sayieg to the effect that the three hardest words in a language to say are 'I am wrong.'" " That's a mistake it Is much harder to say, • You aro wrong when the You' Is a strapping big fellow." of Inamma ( to little girl )--" Lot. tie, 11 )400 drink so 1110011 tea yon will be an old maid." Lottie-" Oh, I don't believe that at all, Air Harold. Mamma drinks tea and she las been merited twice, and she isn't 0,11 old maid yet." Tho Mid -spot of' Cur Planet. For several eenteries clifierve cities ol the Orient. have emitesteit with WWII other for the Minor of 111,111g 1.1,411411'ZVE1 1110 11111..rip of our planet. 11) 1830 1,311)&111 pogy3))/iler 4)31.30)3,1 un elaborate work hi whi..11 he trier; t. prove the Brieish inetrops one lo be the Lento, of the lauded stir. (atm of the globe, Jerusalem and Delphi, notwithstanding that neither ts sittutted on oe very mute the equator, have for ages been the two main emit eittents Liiii greet mut tral ei 13. WolltroVeroy, of the London Soviet), for the Ex pleratiou of Paleetirie, toile 118 t1111.1 11 err Sheik has eent, home drawinge of the epos in .1.TR:sale:II width is eupposed by tonne to be the teetet eenteu of our world. ril 10 int/4.'0,31A lig plann 10 ill the Creek Church, nine. feet to the right of thc re- liquary oontaining what peep:nee to lie the Crown of Thorns into) by our Savionr, tbe tiost nail time WM 11 ri 0011 through Hi1i right, hand, and the bhmil whielt lie elled on that, meounable ocetteion. It is written in the Realms : "Clod le my King of old, woeking salvation in the millet of the earth." This can ouly refer to the scenes of the Passion and of the holy sepulchre : the elitist or 011.1 epot of the earth must, there. fore, be sought. in that vicinity, The belief thet the center of the emelt is at Jerusalem is very amient, for it. is alluded to by St. Epitome in his reference to Noith's prep, over the bones of Adam, St, Ephrein says: * * * "And nail buried Adant'e !settee in the middle of the earth." A certein round stone 111 the temple of Delphi is also epoken of by the itncient writers as being the 'elavel or center of the earth." Orestes tottes refuge there when pursued by Enmenities. Pinder also Makes 11151111011 of the exact location of the venter of the world ; and Pensanius, like Here Soltiek, else lied 1110 pleasure of beholding the only genuine eeu teal hub 0111.• planet. 0, however, locatee it, at Delphi instead of at Jerusalem. " It is made," he said, " of white stone, smooth and polished, and is no doubt ehe middle point ot all the world." Earth Frozen GOO feet deep. In former inetallmeets of tide department 1 11111. 0 mentioned both Week hojensk end Flolturg Beach, Siberle, an being the coldest known spote on tho earth's; surface. \VItile this is true as far as nue- face eemperatu re 18 connereed, Yakutsk, in the mime country, ims the reputation of hay. ing its soil frozen to the greatest known depth. As long lige as 1 s2e Ruseitin met, chant at that place onnmenced to sink it well to it distance af thirty without get Mg throiteh he frozen ground and commun lea 1 . oti the fact, to the lluseie.0 Academy of Sciences. That inetia mem eent men to take 011nrg0 of the digging operations at the %win - tiered well. 'Plane seientitie genileinell toil- ed at heir work for seVeral years, 11111 at last abandoned il when a depth of 38'2 foot had been reaelied with the ground ,,r earth still fro/en hard as 0 1 oak. In 1 01.1 the Academy seat 0 eorps of men to the \veil 1 0 take the telnpe I, Of 1110 vary• ing depths. Fisen the clam thus obtained they ,etme te the etartling emit:lesion lino. the gement was fa 1011 1.0 1111/1 11 of Mei feet. That woithi le tee the frozen strata the bottom of the well :gill '218 met (help. Is the Earth Hollow ? The orthodox Iealander 1 elirve, that the earth lute an olwzines through it from pole to pole ; in other words, that it the exact. counterpert of a gieentio brad. According to their ideas, ail water which flows to the mirth ie drawn thitherward by a suction created through the ocean tumbling down. ivare into the opening or hollow, which they firmly believe to exist, Their author. ity for thie curious belief is the 11 Gamut Sage," a sentissaceed work written early in the fourteenth century. H this ancient 6301111n0 18 to be relied upon one Bjorn Leif - son, a lishermau,who was driven northward by it fierce gale eliont tlie year 1201, is the only human being who has ever actually beheld the spot where the teeters of all the oceans P111110,0 10N11 ward and are not seen again until they have .pneded entirely through the earth and agent appear, bubbl- ing mid frothing like a mammal) spying at the South Pole. Symmes, the American Angie explorer, entertained a. somewhat similar notion. "A Snail's Pace." WRY THE GREAT EASTERN FAILED. sier P04001. Wag Kin 1.013' out or remoun iou toner size. Referring to the failure of the Great haste ern, which at the time Was attributed to her size, in oomparison with the success which now attends bones of neerly the same dimensions, 1100/ plain 11010 10 110/01L1 archi- tects, vessel owners, and, in fact, everybody possessing oven a limited knowledge of the requirements as to power in large steam vessels is the main comae of failure in the Great Eastern. Hee power Wail entirely out of proportion to her great length and other dimensions. The dimensions of Ale beak) liners are now approaching nearly to the size of tho Great Eastern. The length of the Goeat Eo,stern was 680 feet and her horse power 7,600. The 110 10 Cunard liner Campania, launolied a few weeks ego, is 020 tect long, but her horse 1.01000 Will ha 30,00D, end it is said that the boat which the White Star line proposes to build at Belfast, Ire- land, will be 700 feet long, Ib is the differ- ence of power to whieh attention is called, however, and in this cionneetion the follow- ing table showing dimensions and power of vessels construuted since the Great Eastern diseppointed waleing public thieesafour yeurs ago, will prove iuterosting 'Length, Brelth, Roam DM C. feet. feel, newer. Oren! Maslen 7,114) Britannic 1871 465 in 5,500 188) 630 50 10.13011 4.11.3. of 1101110 1801 313 61 11,0310 Umbria 1831 601,5 57.2 14,321. City of Parte son lin on1,1105 1390 650 61,6 111,0310 Nornitualia. 18310 620 17.25 10,552 Ruerst.131smatink1091. 6132,0 63i, 111.1).2 4.131101/01110. 1811)) 020 (16.11 30,000 1.111.16 the expleetation of the Groitt ern's failnee as shown was her great lack of power, -43.3 THIRTY-TWO COUPLES MAIMED. CrOIVItrri 1100 Vera 11111101 01111 IliSs Beide .1.40.00 ill an 01it 0103I man 1 an C1100111. A lluclittreal, a despatch sive 1-11i accord- ance with the atutiont Romnanien 011860111 the weddings of thirty-two pemant, couples, represemeng the thirty-ttvo districee of "Rounwelia Were oolobrated toslay in the presence 0,) leown Prince Feed band and his bride, After the marriage ceremonies the couples drama: in thirty-two earring/is dee. °rated with flowers to the royelpalace, whore It wedding d inner was gervml. la Mg Charlee gave a, purse tilled with geld to every entiple and Crown Prawn Fertlivand cliciked gases - es with every bridegroom before drinking with him, The ilrOW11 Prime and hie leede WV14. 1.1.001 ed 3,1)1.11 out lit),) 3.. 01 the street, crowds \Olen th-y flout the 01101 1.11 1..0 the 1.3 do -3N "A snail's pace " need no longer be used es a term more or lese indetinito ; those skilled, in the science of " snailology " can tell you just to a dot the enaire rate of tra, vol. These interesting facts were ascertain- ed by some wonderful experiments at, the Florence (Italy) Polytechnic Institute in 1880, and those Manned to be exact 0011 now use figures to support their arguments. It was all clone in this way. A half a dozeu of the mollusks were permitted to crawl be. tween two points ten feet apart. Exact Lime was kept front the start to the finish, and thus the average "pace" was ascertained. The experimenters reduced their figures into tables of feet, yards. rods, furlongs, etc., and thue found that it Nvould take a snail exactly fourteen days to travel a mile. VisIcfns• ,^,Whonee thoAe wonder.WOV011 ViSiOnS, Sarno 00 INI3•Atery's weirdegt wings, Filling nightly 111 11.018 of inert uni 'With a wend. of plethenn allege? Do they coma from ronlies of eptrits While the body lies at, relit, And the spirit free to wander, Speake to spirit lilionnreiss'ill As at eve the ememer lightning fruin oat the sin inhering cloud ; So in I lie spirit noollwo 11s eley.i.neuniber•il sir:end, .Arld viseme of oie• slumber Shod a rad innee richer Me Then 1110 11100n110,1 "vol. Sinaloa, Or the 111.0110) lieavenei star, As at. clime Aurt)133. arising' relent, her thinners le the eke.; So in dream,. the ,plelt ranging Roaches 111114 eye bony enmigh ; Settles ,erene, celestial 11101111th Itoinns where. inertale nilVer trod t I trinke the Nip of love's mweet And In 1,1100 .01 1,0111 11111110S W1 01 ii011. Clilldliond Visions- -(1 oldiin Vlsione I Bright. wit h •My'e anisette 44,1111r0 Clad with Levee, vo oetiel garments; 'Irian Mug divIlieig things; linyliord isions-iilissful 0718101181 113•11. of every earthly t•are; Reclining where the golden einenIng sleet lila !Irish te.t. on nheanis dune! Millen 1 Viginn,/ 100f II I VIS100,4 1 Wrolight rr0,11 Fililny.K fairy 100010, Where toe nr 1111 foldthg, 1:Mon ri0Me.d. enor biomes! Youthful V;41111 S.,drlog VIAntis 1 Belli on 1.11', highc4 ,fattott, From tee I Me 010 VII 101 M11 1,1,11 V 1,1 ,11,. li,yrnt visions! W331,, or wood.., ah111,0 ,.•; 1.0:0 heaven "lb 110, :wool, !war,. O twit; .4. I.:, pommels, 1`,A. Toronto, 43111.