The Brussels Post, 1893-3-3, Page 44 New Advertisements. Locals—D.0. Ross. Local—Miss Maitre. Looals—J, J, C. Ayer. Royal Grown Remedy. Local—W, Nightingale. New Goods—Alex. A. Rose. For Servico-G. A. 1)eadnutn, Loeal-- neer 1'ubliehing House, Carpet Weaving—Mrs. _meson. Auction Sale. -Emmanuel Olrer, Hoots and Shoes --John Downing. Conservative ,Meeting --I1. le Taylor. Ct I)i' lrus$cI `4.1a5t, I'!tIDr(1', .:1L1 R, 3, 1593. _Tear Fax nest Friday evening. Township Council will meet here on Saturday of this week. Our teaehet's are ettending the Con. • vention at Win:da mn this week, lie \\'annex's stile wax 0 hummer. Geo. Rirkby rtes the auctioneer. The rosidenee of Mrs, Iiell'er has been purchased by 1'riuuipal Dobson, so it is said. Win Spence, J. P., was at Brussels several days on the ML•ei roti uties bench in connection with the trial over the row on the train. Reeve Milne and Clerk Spence were nt Cloderich this week on township busi- ness. Mr. Milne was there last week at. tending a meeting of the Warden's Cont- mtttee. Coxemrr,—A grand concert under the anspic a of the Soho of Temperinee will be held in the Truniehip Hall ,on Frfiley evening, March 1 th. The committee have secured James Pax, ut Toronto, tate well known comic v xali: t and (diameter artist. to adtfition eholee program or recitations, dialogues, tableaux, instru- mental and voted must: will be pteeent. ed, Miss Bull, Brussels, accempaniet. The chair will be neenpied by W. 1I. Kerr, of 1 ru, eels. Don't mics this treat. 11aerie fli'yna. A large lynx was seen nut far from the village on Tuesday of this w,elt. liobt Utleo ntld lost his valuable e.dlie I dog by it being killed by the taut.. License Inspector J. 11. Miller paid an I official visit to the village on Monday of this week, Mrs T 1- ell has had a large quantity f tee sieret away for daring the coining ummer. A sawing match is to t , place at Mrs. T. Hates, A first met teuu i prize l it offered after which e dauoe is to take place. John R. Fraser carne near losing a horse on Monday caused by the severing of an artery in the leg hot through time- ly assistance his life was saved. • Geo. Denman has disposed of his farm, lot 33, con. 11. Grey, to a gentleman in Woodstock, taking in pert pay a house and lot in that town. Price not learned. J. R. Baker lost one of his matched ponies from intl,untnroiou on ;\ 1,,n,hty of this week. The other it also sick from the same complaint but under the care of a veterinary we hope be will soon be all I right. goer correspondent is of the opinion that a nrt1t•trate and constable are two necessities in this place. One evening recently a robe belonging to :Beattie Dros,, :Brussels, was tekon but fortunate. ly the thief did not get off with his booty as the robe was found hidden in the scow. The guilty lv+reen had better be careful for be is well Ituotvn and will be closely watched in the future. Q:retneteroolet. A young man in the vicinity of Cyan. brook was up to Ethel church last Sun. day night and when coming out of the church yard the burse trade a jump to one side catching the post and pulled the seat off with a couple of girls, Look nut boys. Couci;n'r.-'-The concert given under the auspices of Court Douglas, C. 0. F., in Dames' Hall, on Wednesday evening of last week, was a decided snouess. High Chief Ranger, Towe, of Loudon, made a first•elaes chairman and the various numbers on the program were very hrnrt• ily received and encored. Mrs. and Miss Sage won fresh laurels in their manipula- tion of the musical glasses, bells and bottles. H. L. and Mrs. Jackson, of Brussels, made delightful mush. on the violin and organ, and J. McLeod, of Sea - forth, brought down the house in bis comic specialties. It was a good even- ing's enjoyment. The Foresters will hare about 1523 or S110 clear after all ex. pensee are paid and are well satisfied with the result. FOOTBALL.—Tbe Cranbrook "Ironsides" went up to Ethel on Feb, loth, to play the great champions called the"Rovers." The "Ironsides" wore very quiet and played without the least roughness. When the game was finished Cranbrook sabred 1 goal and nearly half a dueen more. The ball only carte once to the Cranbl'onk goal. The "Ironsides con. eider that the "Hovers" are not as much as they blow to be. The "Rovers" think the "Ironsides" are the heavier. We will tveitth with you %ehen you come down, but it seems that we are not going to get a return match. They were that much ashamed about the jnniore beating them, that they could not put it in the paper when they put the other. This clue bent then( by 2 goals, the last goal was put in less than three minutes. That is pretty good ter 30 minutes work, your not in it "Rovers." Murrell for Ci'anbrook. The next meeting of the West Huron Teachers' Association he held ou Thurs. day and Friday, 25th and Stith of May next, in Exeter. The police of Windsor are about to make no effort to put a stop to gambling in that city, and a number of rooms in whioh itis carried on are soon to be raided by the force. The rase commie• Mon, or pool room, is crowded every day, but there is no law under which they oar be prosecuted. There was n rumor at Windsor on Sat. nrday that the 0, P. R. Co. had pur. abased the Crawford Mouse there, the property 01 Mr, Mulilurchy, of Wells, MoMuraby & Co,, of Hamilton, who is solicitor for both parties, and has prob• ably advised the deal. The proepeotsare that the Canadian Pacific will rent the hotel and maize many improvements to their Windsor property, and will mon their Port Arthur boats from Windsor instead of Owen Sound, as heretofore, YE S Sarsaparilla Y -our best remedy for E-rysipelas, Catarrh R-heumatism, and S-crofula Salt -Rheum, Sore Eyes A-bscesses, Tumors R-unning Sores S -curvy, Humors, Itch A-nemia, indigestion P-imples, Blotches A-nd Carbuncles R-ingworm, Rashes -mpure Blood L-anguidness, Dropsy Liver Complaint A-iI cured by " mgtm �n�rt7t��;:- �. tgy>S�y a�1� v aL7 sa alinlPist11 Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by ;11 Druggists. Priw• $1; xis bottles, Si. Cures others, will cure you THOS. F%DTCRNR 1'r'aClierr7 TCate717/1ake7° and Jeweler. Thanking the public for pest favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we' are opening • out ti'ntl Lines in GIRD AND SILVER WATCH Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Matters fully warranted by us. Clocks of lice ;Latest Designs JEWELRY ! WEDDING nixes, ' LADIlie Gem RINos, Baoocmnos, EARRINGS, &o. r Alco a Full Line of Vtomxs and Violin Strings, &u., in stook. N. It. isxurer uMarriage Llcrnaas. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. pp F'I It 11 evmv 6-1;,:;,g4 .Y toe, : Makes the hair soft and gloss;;. " naive used Ayer's Muir Ci: -at• ;..r n,arly rive wars, and my hair i:. moist, g ossy, and in an excellent state of pres- ervation. I tun forty years old, mull., ridden the plains for twenty tate years.•' —Wm. l Leary Ott, are gas " i. i ustang 131," Newcastle, \\-yo. k� . r ..,::mac �,a's �' Victor d) Prevents hair from fulling out. "A number of years ago, by recom- r.�^n'itt:, ,tt of a friend, I Logan to use .\v,•r's 11:11. Vigor to stop int hair from falling out and prevent its turning gray. The nest elatets were most satisfactory. U:casional applications since have kept nry hair thick and of t natural color."— i; L•', auburn, McKinney, Texas. ye "5s k air Vigor Restores hair after fevers. " 07.r n year ago I batt a severe fever, nod when I recovered my hair began to fall out, and what little remained turned gray. I tried various remedies, het without success, till nt last I began to use Ayer's Bair Vigor, and now my act' is growing rapidly and is restored to ns ortginal color,"—Airs. A, Collins, Dighton, Mass, Ayer's F114'Mr Vigor Prevents hair from turning gray. Aly hair was rapidly turning gray and filling out; one bottle of Ayer's Hair \'Ig r has remedied the trouble, and my hair is now its original color and full- ness."—l3. Oetirapa, Cleveland, O. * Prepared by Dr. 4, O. Ayer t (', . 7,owe] I, Mass, sell by bxugglets and 1'et0ttt tore, ted:mood Prices D —ran— BRUSSELS, Cabinet Photos. 1150 DOz. Our Best Finished Cabinet .Photos. only $1.50 "per dos. until farther notice. Gallery in Smith Block C. E. PERRY, PHOTOGBAPT:IER. THE BRUSSELS POST e t BARGAIN r� t#�P� e. We have just secured a710 fiber steep- of Gcncr- al Dry Goods and Gr'oc- eri.es wviiic71 will be 7'16/1 off at old prices. TVa!eh for it next weeks. Conte Early. L.tA ROSE Brussels. norm pa' MONDMACIIIINTES Sold in Canada than any other ala et Be on Your Guard. When buying anything a person wants that thing to be right. Now, in buying a Sewing Maohiue there are several little things to look at. First, see that it is new. This may seem a strange reminder, but sometimes ttnsernpnlons dealers keep machines on trial iu a house, then repossess and sell for new, _Beware of this. Second, see that it runs easily and noiselessly. Third, see that it is warranted right from the manufaoturer. Fourth, see that you buy goods made as near home as possible so that in case anything should go wrong it can be made right easily. Fifth, support home industry and buy the best. Sixth, buy the Raymond, macre at Guelph, and you will be satisfied. OLD MACHINES REPAIRED. ?an MAIL, 3, 1803 is AND e u r 1 is to the front with 11, full line of new Goods consisting of General Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, Canned Goods, _Flour and Food, and everything generally kept in a first-class Grocery. I am pre- pared to moot the requirements of the public in a straightforward manner. Call 100(1 see before buying elsewhere. Ca.s7t Paid fin. L„. 41s. HiLl hest Price for Batter and Poultry. Iffy Motto is Small Profits and Quick Returns. _loping to merit a share of your Patronage and Confidence, [ all: Yours, &e., • J. + A M E R. Geo. B eker's old Stand. SOVET1UW INTERESTING _laving scoured the absolute control of M. II. Birgo & Son's Celebrated pt,res. of Wall Papers and Hangings, I am opening out El, FULL STOCK in my new shop, one door North of Gillies & Smith's Bank. My stock is all now and will selected, every design being patented since Oct. 1st, 18fl'ii, .2U Pull Sets to choose from. Also full lines of Cheap Canadian and American Papers. Elegant Borders and Ceilings. Pull lines. of Window Shades and Springs I of Latest Designs. Painting ill all its Branches carried on as usual. Shop Blinds and Awnings a Specialty. W. RO DIC , ]Ionse, Sign, Carriage anti Ornamental Painter, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO.We agree not to sell our lines to any other Dealer in Brussels for 1893. M. 11. BIIIGE & SONS, Beale, N. Y. J. J. GIL X4 s AGENT, BRUSSELS. The attention of the, Publie is invited to oz67' well assorted stock of Boots and Shoes: HOW IS IT To Looe Well Is more the result of good judgment and taste than mere lavish use of motley. illy stock of Boots & Shoes Is adapted to fill the wants of thoso who having slender incomes, still desire to make their appearance creditable. My experience and close relations with manufacturers enables me to present a line of V007C1InelAn ilnegualled in the county for style, roust• ity and prise. T.IIA.T THE DOWNING. Silos Store Is Soiling so many Boots & Shoes ? 1st—Because they buy from the best manufacturers, 2nd—Because they are satisfied with small profits. 3rd—Because their oustomore get eat. ideation. deb—Because they won't sell you shod- dy goods. bth--Because they soil so cheap. Buy your next pair of Boots or Shoes from us and give ue a trial, Special Attention given to Custom Work. Don't Mistake the place but go direct to JOHN DOWNING, lsr13IBS S W1ID IIM17 011' CHARGTua LAIRD _BLOOM, ]BRUSSELS. smummmc-,-:--••-:.rrr�z:snz�xam-2ssmarteu Auction Sale Announced for this week at. WJD'S STORE Unavoidably Postponed but special bargains will be given at The ;cvllole stock of Fine Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt Boots, Pure Gum Rubbers and Socks, Shop Furniture, &c., HAS GDT TO BE SPEEDILY SOLD. A large quantity of general goods comprising groceries, crockery, glassware, &c , will be sent from Seaforth for the Auction Sale. Private ,Seale at Greatly Reduced Prices now going on. J. R. GREGORY, LIQUIDATOR. p axn m'ar .,n.,w :arraternarammuo=r.'snmecmuarnamvarrms, mea .mataaa,rsasmaaatwuun 33 S di all Linos of Winter and heavy Coo r SPECIAL BARG INS IN OVERCOATS and SUI9.11S, MEN'S and BOYS',. Spving Goods Now Arriving. cum -1,1,01\1B OOT r3,' O N.ADS sI�IRTI rGs D± EJSS GOODS PRINTS. NEW Boots, Shoes and Slippers. lex. Strachan.