HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-2-24, Page 88 BUIE\ THE BRUSSELS POST FEB. 24, 1893 G. and. dijild.dIG. I Mil'elle• 01.1100 AND Damn BbiPPed a BUG A. Rem diepoeed of her hoese • cer loue of cattle to Montreal last Friday, and kit ou Turnborry street, keit week, to aV *AIR/11.1!D ad.N1,11)4, Ile ines e,ompen; .i,g them ',like :there, "Mina fe • 3, in of property 011,1 wlId n1 a great bargain. 35 00 AND emirs- I he deeialeni of the Magietret le the mum ef Held -row Ts. a0111.11 10.11E1 Piteao of Kitioatdote, retooled hest week, was ivee • n Or,,r313v The defendant Pratt was filled 05 00 and coots. It is not atilikely that the latter will rile Moet. to 650. The other 410Sen Were further 0...jou”eed tor , her weett awing to ticj,•.01')y of Conductor Me - Callum to be preeent. Lawyer McPhee. 2011 appeared for the Kinearcites. ii.', Mei-Lev, ef , lot w, wit coil, duet the servmes in Meleille church twist rya bath, both le ,rning and evenlog. ! Experienc, and enrefnlintee in baying Jeno fine re ,idenno, geeen street, merottateleele le a uttit ounsideratee both to the buyer and eollor. The mereleint that can buy well it et a great advantage crier one that may lank thk partioular, 113 10 an old letup that mann& benebt are half wet" aud there id mew Inuit Sulu illation in it. In reviewing our in• e7moriencis of eixteen yeare ago with our knowledge of gonde, =eke,. and prices to•ciay we realize the truth of the ad. eat referred to. 0..r oustomers have the advantage gained by Moo buying and careful selecting. While this principle applies to all dope:au-hits of our business '30 18 especially applicable to RIPER which we have selected with great care and from several inatiateeturets. We believe it will be to your advantage to buy from us should you purpoge getting ae.y. We will be pleased to aupply you. G. A. DEAMIAN, Dreggiet, Bookseller, eto. GRANO TRUNK RAiLWAY, SOLITEXIM w. G. & 13. t raine leave Brussels Station, North and follnwe- GoiNaSotrril. Gozro Nous Ft. 7:1.0 a.m. Mixed 0:45 a.111. Eitnrose thO3 Mail :Hs Mixed ..... 8:50p.m. Express ..... D:88 p.m. tbral c..41tort$. A, ohiel's ainang ye talon.' nott.S, .A.re faith prent it. Senn goods are arriving. HOENE Fair neat Thursday. Wove is a searce article in Brussels. Tug Columbian watch is the helmet craze. NE= Wednesday will be the 1.,t of Trzemer was the regular sittings of the Fourth Division Court. LIN,INOSTON Been. sent two Cara Of tow trans Brussels this week. LAST Monday S Smith shipped a car of cattle to the Eastern merket. Dnamo Lent public service will be held each Wednesday evening in St. 11.1in's (thumb. 11117. haeal ourliug club here ba. beet3 playi. g for the various me ials and time and hold by them. Tim into. Rah 3)01,1 uGailler -.Any math; hos,s ilry'ing •low and cl.;.lcull task after the fire. J. sateen, formerly of aiorrie tow,oltits has taken the local ogen0V for the Sineee sewing machine Go. ALFInin LOWEY loot gm,31 111).4 week from itdiarernation 01 3110 tome mei Sh woe moth 6.10 eta h„ illeNarene •N, of ilretteels, cMee.ted S. Elliott, ri Wine:emu, II eke tin i rem last Tnes•lay evening itt he ter town. iteae the :Anion Emerrailoneet Oohs pro.ram at the Town Hall, Brussels, ou Friday eve,itig of lies.) week. They j.r..intse mar. Pimp, 013.13 3.3are addre-e, illustrated by manic Imtern 'ilea*, et tile eisauetima Army herrneks, llrostels, on Wednesday eveniuo of thin weela had a ;ie tali last Sunday trout fire nwing to the eoo' in the titovepiter burn mg, Oivnee to the deatroying of an eleotrie light lamp poet by the fire Saturday night the circuit 30413 broken and plant WKS net in operation on Soniay night, Tee oars of apples wore shipped during the past week, Eight of them went to Liverpool and the remaining two to Chi. 03)130. They were !chipped by Mews. Kelly and Steep. Berv. L/B. SUAW, id Toronto, 10111 preach the mieeionary anniversery sermons of the Methodist church in this plates on Sunday, March 5th, at 10:30 and 0:30 o'• clock. 'tbe miseionitrycnotrilialiona last year amounted to weer 6100. MN. 0000138 IVOICAT, Of Bennington, Raneas, in remitting hie Subscription to Tali Pose says :-Prehibition in doing pond work here in eeviog the boyo from being enticed into goody ne.100103 tlo not Woe it, of course, but treating haa lost its pnpnInrity. He:env SMITH, of Brussele, lately 'eat 'Zenith C,,Iumbia, hoe purehased the Wroxeter planing mill and will get 1.' worts at wee to have eser3tlaing in o• 1 ee for the coming season's trade. Mr. Smith will remove his family to the Northern burgh in the course of a few weeks. Heesit Faia,-Tbe bigeest and best litee rah of the eeesoo will be h 1.1 in Brussels on Thnraday of next week. A large -member of boyers are expected atel there will be no shortage among the sellers. Dont forget the clay, Thureday of next week, Karol.' and. Goma to the Fair, 4 wale for libel has leen issued against the Ooderiob Signal, at the itistaosa . taupel......c of elm room in Crabb's block, in response to the letter in that journal accusing him of a, contravention of the bylaws and an On. Perk. statute, .32,000 is named as the dame 13R. Mr. nior ran a billia.ci table in Brussels for a few monThe a year Or ago. FiWOEHICE Atmore, Director London Com ervatory School of Elocation, sup. onrtal by Miss 01. T. Stevenson, notelet. and Situ Fax, Canada's great comic recethet, have beet. engaged to 13)7.13 33 gra,. 00130132 011 March 3rd. in the Town 1114,, Brenda, under the (twice. 01 1)38 Ore•,eetra of the Methodist Sunday echo .1. Don't miss 11 1013 it will be the treat of the season. an of Hall at Pep. perht dreg store. CemoNia-fin Wednesday of lest week tw.. Hoke of Brileeele Curling Club wont to wheelie:co and payed re friendly match with the knights of the ....woe et...t 111*. 11.1010 311113 wa.ii't 10 it al' 03., Brivivels winnine by 16 shots. Coore ,1138 118 foliowo enreems, w ante NG.. 1. 1313. 0'. neon), ..4,. 1•' W. D. Hart, W. V .00. A . ottrrio, skip . . 1, •.' 1 31 VIM; en t. .3, Ifewitt, Altel, . 3. 13. 1.100,10i.on, 13, 1114.19.11 ...... ...AO Tee Stratford Iferato eayo ford curlers are 1.1.0!„ at the ire...meta they 133'13 lent% , .1 0. a re•ilit of the protest e, teroi in, )133'47., because SP a tiord ed lir. I ol 'a, WI10 t1100 .11 a Memos/. of Cllr0100. 'al 00./1,010e 1 1t) TM: Oonuert biol. Will be given on „d 32,41 1„;;11 and a'areb nal a ill bo a 1.; the al /.;,, ,,utip Those wile attend will enjoy a rich treat ye„,...,„ 00rh„.„ 0ere lin', over their de• amii Will laugh for hours. feet, however, and lapanseed, 110 EAST III1r011 FilrMers' Institute meet. objrction was 1n -lo to Nr T.,,ird while rag at NI, a 1ton on briday of mxt week. 1 hers will be three session, morning, afternoon fled eveiting, all open to the pubiie. Tun storm of last Sunday was on• of the worst of the ;mason. It militated very 311113311 against attendant* at church. The W. a and 13 1090 1301 opened nnill the 1 000 train Paine fron) Minatedine, QUITE an interest is being aroused in oonneotiou with tho pending suite over the f atais on the G. T. R. at Wire:than) j unction On lbe 10111. The tete! emnee Ell beat laInulay atter:am, . ....b. bele. Tata:mem-T. Fletober having dead ' tn give tie the miency nf the American I Expresq Company 111 this place, owing to pressure of other work, JO T. Ross op- 1 pima for the poeition and seemed it, as. sliming the dn'ies en March 1st, Mr. Itoso will take Mr. Flettther's horse and ' conveyences ltd the offloe will be at his gr. eery, Tee Kincardine Reportee sat 1-.31 1.. Pratt Wee, Oil Monday, floe) 65.00 and , coats by l'ilitgi.trittee 1.1m,ter and 0110rets of Brussels, nn Aare. of areal!). This ' was it part 0111,s r• omit retv on Contleat• or let edlumh, teak. Mr..Pratt 90.138 v,ill it, peal the CASO, 11,1 he is not and claims that the weight el evninnen shown 131a inwooent3o 1) thr 01,110..." Prait 3"))'('. 31.10 himself th .1110 got oil Pet inW Wed,. s0y, : 1,3•13313tv .1.0 ,33 3,41) d r'• elite( .. 1'4,01 tr ,31,..1.1 ti, 3. 3i, es... Dme.1 1 Pratt, Le; ed and Iticieto, t )hii0trri wore co, 1intra. oin,n ,1 4, b: ahe r, itab IT, 1)11r lit. 01101 0114/11,1. A': 0: in r the laii..r O rifle 1,' 'V 1 .11e ..d al)'' ele vel, 'Meting 33 (10, it 00.3h, Mr, I Prai• iv C, rnt 0100, aeized Leitch aed finme iiately Coucluetor laloCa1111.11 I took a band ;31 .1.0 feel bit Hot; 3.11.. mon, ed 11 le caul, with a nonphug 1101), wi•Itin an Melt of the ga h made by the tire sh Tel, Then followed a souilla be I tort the iielidemor and Mr. Durnion 1.. 1 oieh the frn•Mer ttel-iVed 1100000 f.10 melting, The emulate:us were separated by Mr. faded and Mr. Mile, hot eorappiing W1.4 ViN101111 to one11. (Aar, ,s of differor.L hinds have been agaihst the tett Kincardine men. Crinet..bh Prattle cage was tried in Brnsoole 0(1 Monday bet the decigion was reserved. Mr. Dernion we,s unable to (vapour beimt 1131)) op from the eff tate of the blows ro ooived on the lead, Tho whole telTteir i; ueey unfortunate and three or fonr of :he parrlolpitnte MU lt Oodtiy 180 3)1*11 60 hlooT, Derision baa Pruitt the page ti yeers itt Tiverton and 1.10 dercline and 011 people NA Wy010 Will beet ue out aseyi e, that he 10 11,381.1111)1) but quarrelsome. As the east, ie now 'mit jorr we refrain hem maltiog bother Cerement, the gamo was In promisee, 0 he proteet of Berth) was upheld r Stream,' was deolared out of the e•wip, Senforth, Platteville and Berlin W0,0 11180 or;ered to play over aged,. for .. .a. • the finale, but the Berliners .efusece, aith• drew their protest and offered to play Sirntford 10er Pg,1!ll. 313. 013(013(1 en 'lets e so provoked eet the • , ..1 nt .iy conduct nf the Berlin e...1) if;at the./ in turn refused te play. Thee , trail 1.1 ai- tsrentive then but f• r &Hefner aini Plitt eville to plea oft e .011i1 Pltial Once 401 illunkleiy, 1 bk. .0 01 1 35 to 20 in favor of Seimale.'• gentleman eeferred to is S w rmarc.1, weal know., in Menials, who roalo. 0.1 his family to Stretford a short time ng.. S. W. is g00.1 Clrle. too, mat the eame. 1111E -A.hout 10:30 o'theak Sei,irclay night fire was diseuvered 'W01. .‘..1,,,,i,t- i1010,1e's general store, the a./orm 33;p333 quid; y sounded the tire engi .1ree to the river in short order, The 11 .000 ;nude gr. at het 'way and the brioltug -WM. soon 0110.1 wit.b dellne smoke pre- ohidon; the posetheity of saving goods. Three eel ewes of water deluged the 11re a, alleetIvulv 10130 1113,3 work clo33e 111,2 the iinmediatel4 0 1)134 4.illth end Wei' se ..o.! WI '11 en a, iNirattvely little clannte., The large a( 1,31, Wan +.31381-11 ,. 110'00{01r, t Stnilhier110; 1.01,13 1T014 4, (011) itIS, et nittn.1 at 3341)00') .'y the oemee, 4'.,.) 31.3841 1:13,3 11,3.1 1311H.1 3331'3141.i; vale, 1 at oe one , mat ti133,3 1133;13... ar. Night. i...;81,3 .1,3 heathy lathed, It is 3). 113333W1; 1113* the illy ,...1300,3 e,j, Inga!,..ind childrait 3vgra ftsw33y 33 13,14;113 30. Old 1011 11 '1330 wa 1 .;..;,, \1.r .T.si 1110,18 1394 et the barb s hop, 0.4010i11100 1-3 13•333,,.. cs, w113011 'eels 67 110.,, as folbovi. DM. .1, ern, of ..303,33 ; Northern, G•711111P, 15lo1011, Reyal, of Mania al ao.I •,,,ra„ ere, ,,f The 1r13 A frame bei 'dine, 80 feet 1 mg, 2 /11103 high and bel". i e Dominine Loan et Insestment Company of Lt. 1 n. Mr. Nleditingale moved 130411 t, ook I- to it last Spring. 32.000 'n "11 1 1.n. 10,1115 a than bialys; t',01.),reyed. If would have been impossible to have (11 11 21 eeeino work better thao it Ohl ethrtiat n) lit and Sendrev morel , • end ..ntoite 0'3 00)d 1115 fireM,m ..lick 10 their poets famnnely uutil the firs 81311'. 033,'3. control. The oWer dory of the berried buil•ling Wan erected by N. M. Livingston otimber yours egM . 0. Regatta, Mr. 1 ,lvingeton'e enoceseor, 11-cl the upper story net on an i 0. milIl. u0133, 13,14)34 /50011 1 1 0 yu0,113 1,310 Oo filunde y the 0(00..4 north wi feereld the few eon .4 • .3'1 1.)11- . • • 11,130 theme and men ue.re detailed to 0010)) it all eight to precool! any teethe- damage be. ing dono. It i3 dolibtfnl 133 0. 1,,)" 1)313)11. ing will be eruoted 0the sae of tato although the lot la a desirable orici. 3.1-33' •-,•7:17,1Sim aenTn. ii E A r., OFFICE. -, TORONTO. ABSETB, • • (Seven Mililoo Dollara) . 37,000,000 ! CAPITA l', (A ntherizee) . - 52 000 0')) ' Got; the Boit WALL PAPPP at the Lowest Prices at 1 iinenrin, in en prinei poi privy, in rito,,rta, Quehee,Illialtolia, l'ai led Staleil 11' 133)711111.33. . KIST IS IVOR TOO NOD 1 Varfamczo Okra,reaff. A Genera) Banking Buoinese Transacted, Farmers' Notes Momenta :Drafts and Volleetioas made on all pinta. SAVINGS BANK DF.PARTMENT. 10re8emm. was 11.111314,1 M Km Interest allowed on deposits of 61.00 and upwards from date of 41000811 10 date of leseetee 13 fee, days ago 131 11)8 inetanoe of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. IL 13, Dornion, of that )(teen, for commtraev, on the 10th inat. Leitoh WKS allowed liberty on his own bail, the wee to be Maned in Kincardine On Friday of thie week, Fsn5 No. 2.-')) a. na, Wednesday morn. ing 1110 3137 of fire was raised end the stunk» and flame s mn indicated the location, viz the frame building adjoin. ing the Nightingale wore burned Satur- day night. There was a frame message way, or compartment, betwoon flu. two buildblea, u ilized as au eillee by the store, and the smonkle,ing lire under the floor of the comer (store 10 seppoeed to 11313.3.1 caused tle blaze in No. 2, the Wee haviug received quite a scorching from Saturdey's fire. When it was found that the buil:lira was. to 'emit), gutted ..s to Lc useless and the likelihood of it remain- ing for a fire trap, inatrootime were give,l 0 1013 1)10 wreck been op, and there. by remove all danger. Tide wee done, the fire engi working conniving two sir -tuns to .lannige tt. adjoining property. The sthro bottomed to the D minion Lean te Imeeetmest Oa, of 'amnion, and had been uttlizel for an implement wareroom by Messrs. Cardiff and Kirkby in the summer and for etro ing pork during the winter. It wan one the oldest 1,3 thel plane bav ing once served its day ue the Nerth A.00athas. II, se Aitano. et .4.144.150 110t known at time of writing, The eon. tents were renio.01 lest Monday so tee to admit of repairs when the warm weather Caine. Business Locals. ERFSTI fish arriving daily at. McAlpine's. 31 50 per dozen for cabinet photos at Peri y's. Foe your ph -toe go to Strong's over Standard 13an.k. Toe lareeet stools of new goods at A. 11. Smith's, 0431103ET Photos only 31.50 per dozen] nt Perryht. Bantle et SONS artistic wall papers for sale at W. Roddick's. Ora best finished cabinet photos only 51,50 per dozen. 0 E. Parry. No ii-olec scary trausfets and tear:heck- ing when vnii hey your tioke 04 Clrend Tennk (38011)11 E1151.05IIISri we do no second class work in the ph to Me, 13. J. Stroug„ ever Standard Beek. Rom ce Sows have no comnetiou with the America), Wall Pieper Trust. W. I Roddica, 1 ont dealer. Rem& SoNs e13a1 pepers are very hi 41331,110 tiic,i11,cfosea,peripr quality. For 127 Rni BUT yoor Nienitobte tickets at the Cr T d pot and 111190 7131)13 biegoage elieeeed •onith la deetineetion WANTEO young gentleman or Indy 041 1001.0 pbolOgrapb V. Apply *la 0000 10 Fr, ,rong, photographer, Ben Vent. hamiseme boritere, ceiling. iota fe eees at all • Hues at Minnick's Wall Pence Emperi me, ono deer north of Gilliee 10 Smith's 111411k. ,lrrr arrival t lame stook of new eprOil bets, Tlu (13.38181 2)1(31129 101)1)11' direct from Euelated. et, R. Smith. ENeeisu Stavin Liniment removes ell hard soft or (alio sect Mini and Meru : n • ithes from horses, blsod soavins, curbs, splints, sweenov, ringthone, stiflee, sperins, all swollen throats, etc. Steve 1150 by USG of one bottle. Warranted by Ce. A. Deadman. AN obedience to the eimple laws of livadetie and the use of Ayer's &Reaper. ilia will enable the most delicate 1..41) or sickly WOrnan to pa.s ease and emety from the ioy atmosphere of February to the warm, moist day,. of April. Itie the hest of Boerne med tomes. Penrhe treuhled with sick and 31 11 01110 beedaches will find a most 005cm:ions remedy in Ayer's Cathartic Pills, They streugthen the stemmata etinaulote (18 liver, reeler° healthy action to the diges. ties oreans and thus afford speedy and permanent relief. WELL -DIGGING Awn DItmL/N.i.-Grorgo Birt has all the necessary machinery for i"gging and drilling wells and is prepnr. eu to attend to al/ work entrusted to bire ice a way that will insure eatiefeotiom Welts cleaned out and plat in proper stare. Terms reasonable, Residehoo o :mid door north of the bridge, wast v'ele of Ternborry at., Bruseels. 34.133 “IMPOETANT DISCOVERY," -Toeouto,Feb. 20 --Amon the 8)113338)18)11(38111 41011 d b(4104110153y 00101100 '10 1.h 1 ojt theade perhaps voile 1.„ tome important 3 Inimeidty than the clisomeey 0(1. cue fee Briglithi Disease of the Kidneys. 'e..at this r01128 ly comeietely unest.re 1118 t •'1,1 10140 11'.1 .11 ,18 s,do sab POW 00 establish 13)1)4331, Evevy brings newt 0) 1310 meat enrprising cones rentl'ing loon its lies. The ease oi ,)rj, fieeovri, of Tocareto, wha, wias) nbent re, .1r 411 "tome for I• ooablos, gaol up by tho II croitel ttathoritiaf, 40.1 by 4113 prornineot mediae) moo, also that of. Sam Mierray, of (et...Yenta...do who 48(35 (4:08. up by ions :dere and who wits Raid hie life dIsm 1 .v elsirro: by the Graoici Trunk 11y. has attraelisd widesprend attoetten. Beth were completely oared by Dedd'a Kidney Piths. lloW Royal ri.oWn remedy Cored elf Coaintatut leading rii.vmivinirs 'nil 1 100 It 4011313111180 id,eloten ha& 010 inG 13331111(18 or rtnomy Flesh. Lewook, MAY 7th, 1881, I Lake pleasure in adding my teat)ninn. lel to the many you have already. A.bout two yeere age 349318 suffering from liver cemolaint. I coneithed some 0) 1)30 ((0111)5(3 4100112130 brit 00(1131 lind 00 telief. I .8118 10 try, your Royal Crown Remedy. After using one bottle 1 felt so better elm. I evae iodnael to eon. gime. When T. had taken the third tonal o..joy my food, 13181013 I hot hot done for a long time I WW1 ro.iiiood to a okeleton when I commenced t., Imo it, anti to.day my weight is about 180 potinae, Tenni [only, /11801341,til 011s. SnlialAt ATTENTION OIVE.N TO THE COLLECTION OF 31.061' NOTES. Every facility afforded Ceetomers living at 9.01010)1138. W. D. TEART, MANAGER. GILL XES & SUITE, BANZERS, 13 --R. TTF'-1 -F;L S, Transact a (1111301'311 Banking Business. Drafts Bonght and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FA 113IE BS' NOTES DIS0011 TED, SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. 3.110.1WEM A.9,3M 011P4VVMPINV, Interest Allowed on One Dollar end Dow:vela 131 Correia Bates. Interest Com - 0011. lei 'raise a Y. "1 Psiog Acidea to the Peionipal 1 3t• H-3 nil of the Month. of October atm April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. We. (Wert (0 'write Insurance in old English Or Canadian Companies, or In flout. nal Voinponleo 318 11131)' dreirell. AC1E2iTS 1.011 OANADA AND thirran STAThs o CAPAnrAll BANK038Ociamence. 315 00 per week straight salary to re. P4141..11.314 Lwson, ma) ur Weide, to e...14 • resent us in your looality.-addrees B, Oana.dian Magic Folio Om, 77 Victoria St., l'orento, Ont. '31-3 Perth County. On motion of Messrs. Coveney and Knox, 311Perth County Council, 11200 was granted to the township of Eitna, Logan aud Ellioe for the perpose of improving borickey between the ahem townships east of Moukton, Herbert Better, the G. T. R. brakes. 114,311 who was injured at Stratford, had hia arul taken off mar the shoulder by Surgeon Barris at the Brantford Hoepi- Pei the 011 er clay. He stood the oper- allicia remarkably well, mud a rapid re- covery is 1101Y lookod for, Somme AT 111/TCMILL -A. quiet OM LIM tleman by the tante of Meehan:1i Garbutt, a rePred fartn.r, tool( hie 1113 Seedily meriting bet.n.eou the 1..‘nr of ,..!even end twelve by Intoning himself in hie heck 141.0)4011, 10 30 10it.11Wt'r Of ahem five y. ars of age and quite (loaf. ilio 1.1)4001(0321 bons,, for him, and when wing to elm ob in the moreitia lett him alone in the Mame upprovelly 7 he happy. ch, 1,1 return 0 emu 12:15, she limited the house 200 17.1111, stud tbe poor union 11 111111 lifeleee. Neighbors sed It doctor were called in. and With, Brow ent the body dawn. bn•iy Wile warm, hut lege o .3,1 Item cold. Ile drove two Torg spthee into the rafters, to which he a. 13,0110,3 4,,0 II, :4100, made a mem Willi Whiell Ilt. I'a.gc 1 himself. It is goner-.!ly tleingh that the act was done clariee temporary ie. sanity. A. son 033 1113 (l)ed 1, the Loll. don Asylumabut two Years ago. Others say 1)1131 110 woe tii•s,tisfied with 1 he way his eiciee kept hnuee, th• Ehn T 0X1r.i. vagant, a,,d that he tounirkod hio inteutioa 11 ehort time wgo 10' :3i vilig up housekeeping on this iwoonet. Ho was a Reformer in politios,a Methoaist in religion, and a quiet, respeuteri resident of the town. Just before committing the net be took off his heavy hoot» and pat on a light pair. laxeesmames.xaxiste. S. - SITOI,n701.1.-3 i the reel a,•,100. the parent', Morrie, on Feb. 22nd, by Rev, W. (.4. Reilly, of Brus• sells Mr x. Smith to Riies Jane A. Shell -lino, enih of Morris. Fioniusow-01eGavm.-At ill residence 11) ,he L, dshe pareete, gollinop, on l'eby. 29nd, by Rev. W. Ottewot., Bohm t Morrisoo to Miss Annie, eldest daughter of Ootmeillor aim Gavin, an of McKillop. Nicsuot.-In' on Feb. 1)1)118 David Niohol, aged 80 yearn, months and 8 dave Gre3', on February 22,141, Isabel Ilargarot Metier, setond derighter of Themes Streelian, aged 20 yeare, 7 months and 114 clays. T1301313,111, EMT, 28T11.-ritr,.. 1310011, implement°, •Kie. Lot 23, no,,, 7, Grey, :3-18 oommeuees nt 1) oleloek 0 te, Henry Wanner, prpricror, Geo. Eirk15, auctioneer. '(111111.91,113, Moon 901.-Ferni stonk, imple)11ents, cS:c. Lot 20, emu. 11, Sale et t p m, Doe. Kirkby. Atte. 'Weiter,entv, DIMice "sp. -FM 003.103 inanlemoute, dos, LI coin 1, 131, ay. Sete eloon p in. le'. 11. Reid, P332. F. 8, Beat, At.e.. 0.1310,15181513, Mer.on 1 rern.--Form 81011 iMph ,1e, 3,, , 1)1, o'')' 4 .1, 10;0, Sc le at IMO it. ne. Etrimenn. I 0 • a., 321)4 110.1410)', Gem Iti. It by , et ionner. erecrenor, Sen. -Lot 22, can. 5, Morrie. Farm Mock and hoplernents. Swe oreumelices et 1 p. 117., Wro. Eck. mier, proprietor, E. S. Scott, auctioneer. X.7.W.e.I713)eMIM0S Iv.tak.:e.24** mr:ren, Fall Wheat , . • .. ... Ill 05 'Ipring W11133).0 3. (11 112 Barley 30 40 Peas 55 150 Oats 20 80 Butter, trait( (ma rolls.- 17 '00 Dogs per dozen 17 00 Flour per barrel 8 60 4 00 Potatoes 50 (10 Flay p011035., 0 00 7 00 heat pm ":1., leitesit..„., 1 00 00 IVOR trimmed ..., , Ilidee if- i In., 3 Sheep lilting, each . 60 Lomb eking ettell .. . ... 65 Apples per burin 1 00 Wool 17 Pork 3300 4i4E PEOPLE'S ORMAN. • .- \AT ANTED. -A SMART BOY V or 5001)0 11100 to learn the Drug nod book business, 31, A. "'MADMAN, Druggist ate. . . TB.' YOU WANT A. SITUATION In this City or nate, send us particulars of what you would neourt. liraft 0S.1.40.M, 00 Griswold St„, 2.8•8in Detroit, Alloli. VOUNG HORSE, sineni1380rne05, l'ittior 30131 (130,141) (hut all nearly now for sole ala borgaili, 3300130' or has 110 further 11150 for latent Apply 10 0E0, 130110034, nue let, Itthel. T5100-8 FOR HATOMNO FOR 103.4 SALE.-elgge 03 109)0 1.1111 11ipe)4 01i - #r000, 1.03:110/.00, 1,.13• Mloe'N eee strain, $1.1.10 per setting (131. so 1 Black NII..oreitit, 13013)1rel,,tion to 110114, .00 134',,oh, All s.tona in 0111.41,0, 33 tf WM. DAETI1Y, 8eafo,th. REAL ESTATE. H [OE' 1113.11101 POIt SALE -- )going South half 1303 137,000,0, Mmris, 111)1 neror, ily all alo.iretl. 111.310), re, 013. .,.ittint beat 1444 OA. luanoninte, pee - 0311810n. Mazy l'crnia, Apply :" W.', M. SINCLAIR, t f 1,4,480015. 201) ACRE FARM FOR E SAL ‘f Tut, ihn acre farm, ‘,ing lots 11 14, 000, (0. 14 rev, is uttered Mr anla In neves ,,re chaired -ne 1139 111.131443 1V011 Wm- ' IdinAs tywhard , woll, 31. SOlincii heinla 'within 90 rods. Posses. sina elven at Mice lf desired, or further portion:1141n MS to ptiee tnrillS &a. 140)1138 11 I MAS. 8.1f 1,,e,1!`e P, 11, ur Ire:L.1,0N 13101335411133, 015(11130, pi A LIM VCR .13 BA.LE.-BIN G Let II, ('in 4, (Ivey, containing 1)0 noros, 70 acres °loured, balance timber. There (00 noinfortable bongo, a book hare 00011 stable, orchard, 11 wells 11110 (13 ,lever fnl1,,ig Sluing crock. The farm 100010 in gra 411. Veneee e00d. Possosslon given at any time, 080111 w1,1 eheap, For turtion' po.N.Ieulare apply to 1AC11380N, 011305110 1)40 1091108,04)013 .lmiKl'B 01,113130, Prop. 101.81, Brussels 32,0. 1.1-1A110.1 FOR INC East Lot 15,0on, 5, Grey, containing 50 acres More or less, 85 acres cleared, w,ci true iron. etumps, newly eee331311 wail in ge),1 slinpe, 5 Re, er in Fall en d put I., wen. 'I here 10 alamt noree 311 bus.., part leird wood, and padar rt ceanti Mao balance 10 1/11.321111 laud. Bien is a never failing suppl, of water, elm Well at yard and a Sprite; in the haell. Plane 18 001800 wad fct c,,t1 with cedar fencing. There 10 43 got d felano hem" with Iiitahou and wood• ailed 3t.t10ciled, gum; frame barn ,,u posts, Buildlags Me 80 aleeratively 0,30', gnonl Or- ellere Una garien Beauel trae ee right. 0.1.1 7001. dour, 8 miles min 13081 00(08 Rra1 Way. O 41110,1 11001 aruesele. The -krill 13133 0411108 41; 0117 0,4."C 11,011011 Wooly 01 1,4)418,1 Ina 1.14,1 le good M CAVANAGH, L. 0. S., 0. 0.13., nee hoe nicely end on be bought very cheap „ as the ',warm wanba ts to uy ger ),t),00, 13011390138,8. in00 Terms reastineln0 10,11. terms and puttee. 3 ire 1)11311 00 prondece to Owner, Yier,o l.in.ibty,..,01.11/110er -0Vt310113113 4t9ro, 8,, at, 14, pAligl4n, B 11-3,2 or by letter to 1311,01 1?, 0. (,,IPLEN DID Falai FOR 1113 13)38. • 1,11.10 10 te 11 Mill 10, eon. 13, ...Pc. mien in Lioease Dir;tziur, „, Inas of Thom, ('o, Wining 200 a'.1nT01)1:0°rl'o 1"l0",rnbe:N;,T50ore8,11elri,(00,,) 1)130 rotzigT.H111- it4ortint13, 10 soros bush, mixed timber, balance train. cleared. hod May loam 7:ast P-ltirlfr or truroue Pepper's Drug Store, Lots of Pam' at 5c. pec Roll. PRICES TALK flL. TAYLOR, BAR2aR.I3:TER, a Sollottor nd Conveyancer. Collo. Ideas made, Oillee-Vanstono's Block, Dm., Bele. NY• oll'iciStrirrN°Mili'vAr0)1.1R1111.1er,NOtill, 32111.1. lie, 01011u-VanetOce'e Block, i 333103' north 033 0000141 Hotel, Private Ponds to Loan, (1A ItIltliON, HOLT it; HOL1,u(1S, . earriaiert, soceitor. troterine C(oderieb, dn t. Cl, C. 0.4011)18018,Q. 0,, .01111,11. 1100,1., DUDLEY HOLMES, AUCTIONEMS. A. itAYkeiNN, a. • &natio-nem, le always ready to et - GO utl sales of farms, farm stook, dm forme cheerfully given, Oranbruok 0330, )10loa may be aertneed at Tun POST Publishing Rouse, Brussels, 130R0138 XIRKBY, ideeetea auctioneer. Gales ennilne/ ea 011 reitatuahle 100(118. Panne awl rant, n1 001 1 ni...k.1.t11 3.3r2(0r. 1,,31. osT Po:AH[411)k Rouse, liru gaols or 033111 10 Walton P.0., will receive prompt Ateution, r4A.vING TAKEN OUT LIORN- .L4 an an ‘11101100ae, 1 11111 prepared to conduct s 1 les of farm stook at reasouable print's. 11110(3 1013 We standing of nearly every person am itt a position to sell to good marks and get good sunray when sold 011 ure,llt, 8,1,111.0ae1iell guarauteeil. Giro 010 13 call. 82- IP 0. 8430131, OUSIAESS CARDS. 17i7- H. aloORAOXEN, v . XmourHr ofikturrlageLlootmaa, Odise aids Grocery, l'urnberry street, uressele. N. BARRETT, • lone...rod 01109 -.Next door tiOuth of A. M. Ilielcay Co's bat..., ivit ro St re. Ladies'and 01111(40ns hair cuttio.i a sr e..1,:lty 31aNA.1.8, .Ct. ieeurer Or IlfarrinGo a, by 8.1,130111timi.33 of Lima,. 11,41 sinner, , Q. D. Conve, • • 11 1e0u,oue• ltt the 33r4.1n13ok Post Udine, ROBERT CUNNING:4AM- 151e13easel:, FIRE ANL/ :".,,tsruNP., GUELPH. 5, LEX. HUIsTTEP., PI 'it- 414 of ruo Funrri 1/Irt am. Vourt Co, 11ni...v. Ow: 8.111333e, •L1, 3 rt. ,tio 0 1 1 , inVested avd 10 loan, 1.1 .0.0, Oillee 11, Graham's 31 10,01, 111%.- 0.9. ( \ IL PA I Is' TIN G, Alinten, ,17111010 n, . 1 10 glee 108)-P0011111)iv '" • r.oil may bo 13awlurtaiwad 81 Wee ,lits it •h8' store Whore sa,nplos 101,ric luny be new . 51,00 1140 tJoit• It tow more to Music, fri A. HA.WEINS, 41 Organist in 111.301111'11 )"'tiro , , rue - eels, and .toll,lu Um Art of T1lac0i,3), er, Mee, New 7'4't, 0,1, ^IVO loosens to oupile °Mier nt has I'lrroVes, Turnberty Ktroat, or 132 '130103',o, at ihcir 0W1.1 be. eo, 11[3311.13uv,Toonaay and wssies- clay at Walton. lerins moduritt, MEDKIAL A. tdoNA.MUTON, 1)1. tr • 0. N., 1,, Th. (L)'., 11:01t.Intrg11. 3' P 91, Ont. tvesideuee and 0111014 in 114' u' Mock, corner of Mill and 1.`ernborry 310, DERITAL, .o101) 061111,9' am eat each elreignt 1)411 Peeav me/ wotered 1.1. two wen, Warn, e0113 111, A110 11011•0. 113301 large 111313.0,1001 113ite0.011 atm. 141) 011.0.110111 clulin I. 0,1) 331' hou 3,33. 'IWO In Vlle barna, Stoma 811,1111,1 end 0)1,,,'1.011011 mi, 11.4,00 nil 11 0)11(3), (011,04, now r.,',, 08o0 ),,.4i,'11,( coelooae, Drees 41 1i)118e 11,, 111'U t.htt '''14 13414.3,3. 1.0 .01,10,1, 01.1,1 (Awl, nut! tillta en. TI is proper( • lies we.), Jr 0 rat. 01111111 g3a111 OKI etelni fitrut end should be seen by 31,10 l41t,g Mir/mason as it is (000- 1,1 et a bargain. Por further 1115,1) 'Mare apply to 1111101, n10,11.011 hit 1 1,014, or DAN11111., 100 111,•,ON , on tin promises, or by letter to ()ran brook 0. 004 LARGE WHIT la YORK- SEIBE BOAR, The endersigovie nill koup for 301) 100 this 111.1010111 0050011 MO Improved largo whits yoritehire pig "Beady" on lot 00, eon, 0, 0ri01, to whieli a Linited number of SoWo will be taken. Terme 41.00 tube paid at time of Rerviee, With the peivilogo or return- ig it legionary. Pedigree 03347 110 3108(1 uu Application, no mom 14.1.171801,, lett Froprlator, , VETEWINARY., ir IVAT!WICIL 8 Boner Oritttuate Of the 00101315 o0 'Veterinary 001100e, 111 prepared to treat an on diseases of domesticated 011118018 11) it e13111. a 60 potted, inanner, Partlenka attention pitld tO veterinary dentistry. Cads nromeoy 18.- 3.8 tondod in, 0.111.c../ and ir,.,lintry-Two 3)000 33 8 50 'meth of bridge Tureherry sto To the Tavern -Keepers a. .1 Shop - and Others whom it inas concern. ivonn..in is hereby given tent Appljca "wits for Al,t,),,133s dal° of Liquor in 010 FAST MING OF NORGE; fre. the 7.' • use Tear 5808.04, Whicb cona• inehons On 1.10 18) day of May next, will be reuelval lie the mulersigned faint the MS. set Ian up to SLiturclay, April I, [393, Aeplioeuts must farm.", the names of two pond end 031)5184001sureties tis bondsmen at 13128 1)1110 of mitt• lug lip eligation. Any applicant for a SOW li0o13o0 mat fur - Mau a el3331,11co.to eIgned by la hirjorliy of toe electors unthIed to vote at 91 '4,3, to for 111- Legial.alve A 'moldy 111 then...toe 311.3. division fu welch the premime entield hs licensed aro situated, and the said nu enity roUstincludo 148100dt of he said electors wh eta at the Woo of liti0:1 0 citiOn reeideeta within the 01,11.3h8F8•00.,,i6nre, •3110. IL, 1111,01.03 Suledivlelon, Janaeetown, Feb. 13,1801, 3 $, d 11