HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-2-24, Page 5FE13. 24, 1893
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fei luso" 41 joy
,rt „nit
New Tapestry Carpets, New Brussels Carpets,
New Union and Hemp Carpets.
New Art Muslins and Oretons, New• Table Linens
and Napkins, Towels and Towelling ; New Cottontldes, Cottons, Shirtings, Tick-
ings, Ginghaws, &c.
New Dress Goods, New Prints.
toots [ n d Shies
la Cooper ands Smith's and ArLes, Holden. Co.'s
make, and other Eastern Goods.
E D.
a ', e
Hundreds of New Suits in Men's, Youth's
and B' )ys' Sizes, Amon this lot are Three sp---
ciltl Joh Lines, viz : 20 Boys' Slits at $2 00, sizes front 22 to 30—This lot is
good Union Tweed and will wear well ; 33 Youths' Suits, sizes 31 to 35, all wool
with long pants, going at $5.00, regular price $7 50 ; 25 Boys' Suits, all wool,
with Knicker Pants, for $5 00, sizes from 27 to 32 —This is an extra good quality
and are sold for snore money in the regular way.
New Tweeds, Worsteds, Coatings and Pantings.
260 y c.., of Scotch Tweeds bo ,ght from 30 to 60 per centre
below 'Regular Wholesale price.
Our Reputation tor furnishing the Light Goods at the Eight Time and at Right Prices becomes more
widely spread every day, We would be pleases to have you c )me in our store, as five minutes' showing
of our New Goods will be more convncing than a whole column of Advertising.
1Slit evSt.Irs.
Chas. S. Thornton has purohased a
young high grade Jersey uow from a.
A. Deadtnan, Brussels.
Tho revival services at Sunshine have
baht, dosed until Marsh owing to the
stormy weather and badly drifted roads.
W niton.
FAnttene' INoTITOT0—A meeting of thn
East Huron Farmers' Inatitate will be
held in the F oreaters' Hall, Walton, on
Friday, March 'dr d, commencing at 10
o'clock a, m. Add roeaea will he delivered
by Thomas Strachan, Thornes McMil-
lan, John C. Morrison, Thomas E. Hatt,
Robert Currie, Robert Cleland, John
Hannah and others. There will be an
evening meeting, when a program, com-
posed of addresses, interspersed by
Meleutions of vocal and instrumental
music, will bo diaposed,uf. All are in-
A. ♦'vood.
It.fluonza is on deck.
Aeseesor Jackson is on the war path.
"War ve. Intemperance" was the sub-
ject of a debate which name off in the
I. O. G. T. last week.
The officers of the Presbyterian ohuroh
bah inoreaaed Mrs. John Hoar's salary
$03 caretaker to 6100 per annum
A curd woe reeelved last week from
'Mrs. Owen Hitolroox stating that it is
••impossible for her to lecture in Atwood
tide Beason.
J. A. Rog, V. S., was confined to his
bed last week with blond poisoning of the
richt arta, contracted from a diseased
horse which he was attending.
Prof. Cook, the converted pugiliet, with
his lleilesoope Lantern, was at the SaI-
',ation Army barracks on Tuesday oven
Geo. V. lrallis left last week for Rings,
Manitoba, where be has been appointed
boot at x
s in n subtle
t fib N ,
ache c
salary of $800 per annum.
1 . Wekefotd, while returning home
from a party one night last week, was
overtalten in front of Geo, Wiles' resi•
deuce, Blain St., by two then, one of
whom threw slim down and the other
took what little money they could find
about him, and then let him go. One of
the man was tall with a chin whisker,
and the other a emelt man with mous-
John Denholm intends shipping the
last tlmao carloads of last season's apples
to Chicago thia week.
Our hotel keepers are having a large
supply of ice stared away for the thirsty
now during the summer months.
,lobo Denholm shipped from this
station hoot weak five more carloads of
baled hay to Liverpool, England.
One of the worst blizzards of the
Menson passed over this burg on Sunday.
Theohurehoa were poorly attended,
R.N. W. F. Campbell has been invited
to the pastorate of Flesberton oironit,
Grey Co. Rev. Mr. Tongo, who has put
In three years there, has been askod to
J. Nntigh, of the Oommeraiel, met
trine a miafortuno one day loot week by
eastting his book somewhat injured whilst
'lminrtding trunks, John lo eb0o4 ell
tight again.
Revival services are to be continued
another week in the [Methodist ohuroh.
The regular meeting of the 12th Dixie.
ion Court was to have been held on lion.
day but owing, uo doubt, to the severe
storm on Sunday, Itis Honor Judge
Doyle did not appear.
On Sunday evening Jabez Walker, sex.
ton of Trinity Church, whilst attending
to his dutie-, met with an accident
through some of the pluetet falling from
the gelling and striking him on the fore.
he'd. He received some severe braises
and ants.
Bela -rave.
Last Sunday night our local butcher
was presented with a eon.
Mrs. Thos. Scandrett is a little better
though still seriously i11 at her mother's
in this village.
A first -Musa Isoture will be given in
the Methodist ohuroh here on Weldon.
day, March 1st. The subject is "Cate,
combs of Rome." A rare treat,
Mies M. Logan, or St. Marys, is visit
ing old time triende in thie vicinity,
A tea meeting is o, the lapis at Roe's
ohoreh on Tuesday eseuing of next wook.
Robb. Strachan ie away at Toronto be-
ing treated by a specialist for his failing
A. McIntosh, er., has had a serious
attack of intfammatinu bei we are pleased
to hear he is reocvering uow.
It is said that a young lady, a former
resident of Grey, now in Manitoba. had
her ears frozen in bed the other night.
'Last weak Thomas, eon of Thomas
Straoban, arrived home from British
Columbia, where lie has been for about
two years.
Mise Mory A. Stowart bus returned
from vieiting Mende in Whitby, Oshawa
and oil, , places. Wo ar glad 1» have
her in our midst again.
Rnbt ie o d of his
Menzies who tit sa
farm to Engel Bros, tome a me ago, has
pllrOhftead it house and lot in 13 ussels
and will move there shorts,.
Robert McDonald Tuts pnrobaeed lob
18, ooh 11, containing 180 mores. This
is one of the Hiram whitn farms. The
pride was said to b" 84,800. Mr. Mc.
Donald takes pnsseseinn .ono ,
Robe. McKay, non. 8, mot with a seri-
ous accident while chopping in the bush
on Saturday last, having had his thigh
bone broken in two planes by a falling
limb. He has suffered a good dont of
Considerable dismission is now going
on oonoorniug the matheinatioal geo-
graphy of our eobool sections. The oou-
tsution is that our eeotione are too Large
and that they should be sliced down and
a nu mbar of new stations formed act meth
make it more convenient for ohildroi 10
attend school, Petitions are in airault•
tion t0 that effect.
The snow storm last Sunday wag a
enoozor. The winter seems to bo open
wide at both ends and the wind blows
through it with tremeedoue force. Snow
banke eight foot high are reported, with
n great many places to hoar from, 14tani-
tobeihs lied batter quit blowing about
their hard winter. If the storm Don-
tiituee much longer tripe bettveen planes
will have to be made by means of bol•
loons and it will not be neceeaary to get
on top of the strive staek to start
thorn off.
FOOTBALL. --Last Friday the football
club of S. S. No. 1 played a match with
No. 4 tlorris at the latter school The
visitors won 1,y 0 to 1 The follawina
were the Grey players :—W. Razes!,
Bert Ril', L. Hollinger, 5 Crered, R.
Cardiff, J. Ritchie, W. Blake, J. Rollin
ger, T. Davidson, R. Ferguson and J.
Calder. A return match will be played
n'»i --Isabel, beloved dant/liter of
Thomas and Flora Straoh.m, passed
away to the home I eyond on Wednesday
morning of this week. Tile deceased had
an attaok of la urippe about 8 years 000.
She had recovered from it nicely when
she oa•ight cold while attending a funeral.
Thio renewal reedited in her going into
deelure,oausieg her death, at the early
age 01 20 years, 7 mouths aid 14 days.
Miss St a0hnn w.e not ()unfilled to her
bed add was able to go to Brussels about
two weeks ago. The eubjeos of this
no ice was a general favorite with all who
knew her and her unexpesbed demise is
deeply regretted. The funeral will take
place on Friday afternoon of this week
al 1130 o'clock. Service at Mr. Strath.
an'e residence, 8rd con., at 1. Ioter-
mens at Brussels cemetery. The Borrow
ing relatives are deeply sympathised
r roH1Jlop.
AcatmsNT.—Last Monday John Sibbeu,
a wxll kuown resident of MoKillnp, and a
great fanoier of good horseflesh, was very
seriously injured by being kinked by one
of his lionise. At first it was thought he
could not survive but there is every prob
ability of his complete restoration now
although he had a otoee call.
bfATnrxoNrAr.—Ou Wednesday evening
of this week wedding bells chimed at the
aomfnrtab e residence of Councillor Ma.
Gavin, when his fair daughter, Miss
Annie, and Robert Morrison, a woll•to do
yonug fanner of this township, were
united in marriage in the presnnee of a
large cotnp,u,y. Rev. W. Olaawell, of
Walton, ofliuiated and tied the matri-
monial knob securely. An enjoyable
lime was spout, the host and hostess left
nothing undone to add to the pleasure of
the �U
eats. The wedding
gifts werere
useful. M
valuable and n
May and Mr. a d Mre.
Morrison's future be onof happiness
and prosperity.
1 orrirs-
Mrs. Robert Bosch is very poorly at
Mrs. Wm. Bray is again confined to
her room.
1'h4, sidewallo, are iwpaesible owing to
the severs snow storm,
Miss ittery Oolduick is home from
Manitoba 0i n visit to her parents.
Mit% Atelia Chambere has been enjoy-
ing a visit with her sister near Scaforth.
In this week's issue the Auditors' ab.
street for 1802, Morrie township, may be
Quito aunmbor of Morrieites will go
West tioxt month, Manitoba and Dakota
are the objective points,
Last week Rev. Geo. Jewitt and wife,
of Melrose, Ont., wore visiting relatives
in this eeOtion for a few days.
Peter Barr, 4t11 line, whose Dolt was
killed on the railway on the Oth that.,
says that the reference to it in last
week's Posy was incorrect as to the
horses getting water at it spring on the
to:Weide. The animate wore wintered
from the pump near the house, and the
bars being down at the road, the horses
galloped out. The valuation wee made
by two men Mooted by the llailwity Co,
teethed of by the owner; as reported.
Mrs. Geo. Knox .nd •on •urge, of
Hallett, spent the fore part of this week
with Mrs. Jno. Mason.
Capt Henry Brewer is home on a visit
to hie parents. Ife has been with the
Salvation Army for eeveral yeera.
Speelal servioea at Sunshine are closed
for a week or two until more lavorabic
weather and Metter roads. Miss Wit -
Haute is expected about the middle of
Wm. niiohie, who was dangerously
ill, 11 on recovered so far as to be able to
get about at his home now. Hie son
John, of Saginaw, has boon visiting here.
Ile has beets running a meat market for
the past two years in the above mention.
ed plates.
B13/1/DING.—James Smith, 8th line, will
erect a brick residence next Summer.—
Edward Littl. fair, Oth con., intends pot.
ting np a large hank barn next season.—
Jas. Hall will have his barn raised and
stone stabling built underneath in the
re HYMEN'S Boxns.—On Wednesday of
this week Alex. Smith and Miss Jane A.
Sholdiue were nutted in marriage, at the
residence of the bride's parents, by Rev.
W. G. Reilly, of St. John's church, Brea -
seta The bride was attended by Mies
Kate Hodgins, of Biddulph, and .lobe
Smith, of Brussels, supported the groom.
There wars a large number of guests in
attendance and the wedding gifts were
numerous, valuable and useful. The
happy twain have the hearty congratula
tithe of their many friends in their new
relation in life.
The arbitration between Huron County
and Morri• township to settle the claim
of the latter for percentage of cost and
maint'nanoe o; bridges of 100 feet and
upwards will take place at the Court
House, Godarioh, on Monday next, 27th
inst., at 11 o'clock a. m. Judge Toms is
the County arbitrator, Wm. Olegg, of
Wingliam, represents Morris and J. A.
Morton, Barrreter, of Winghem, is the
third. It will cost quite a nice little
sum to hold this arbitration if the gnus.
tion is gone fully into belt it is probably
the most effeotive way of settling it.
Reeve Mooney will go to Godarioh on
Monday. Morris has L2 bridges over 100
feet long
4onusN DOATe,—Ole Thursday night of
last wook David, son of Alex. Nichol, Oth
line, died after a brief illness, aged 80
years and 0 months. The deceased was
married about 2 yearn ago to Mies Mar-
garet Smith, of Wroxeter, and shortly
after they removed to Dakota, where lie
had a farm. Last Fall Mr. Nichol came
home owing to poor health and muter -
went a course of medical treatment that
appeared to straighten bite op all right.
A few weeks ago 110 went back to Dal'eta
to bring hie wife hero and it is supposed
that he caught cold, which resulted in in.
flaromatioo of the hogs and pleurisy, and
after suffering great pain for a few' days
he passed,awey. The funeral toots place
on Saturday afternoon, the interment
being ,Wade In Broeecls cemetery. The
sorrowing relatives have the sympathy of
the community in their unexpected
Hoaiant.tt,—On Wednesday of last
Week the residents° of Mrs. Wm. Kelly
was the centre of attraction to a large
number of guests to witness the marriage
ceremony between John Muldoon, of ItIe-
Killop and Miss Bessie Kelly, daughter
of the l,oatela. Rev. W. G. Reilly, of St.
John's ohuroh, Bruseele, officiated, The
bridesmaid was Miss Simpson, of Col.
borne, and George Kelly was the grooms-
man. Many usrfnl and vitlnablo presents
boapolte oho popuhtrity of the bride.
After partaking of an exoollent dinner
the happy couple drove to Blyth and
took the afternoon train fur London.
Returning on Friday a reception party
sae held in the evening at which about
one I,uwlred ,,nests were pr. see!, and ao
enjoyable evening wasoepent, Mr. Mut.
[loon and bride leave next month for
their new home at Hannay, Manitoba.
The hearty good wishes of a large oirote
of relatives and friends will go with
Ln,crues.—A lecture under the auspices
of L, O. L.. No. 0131, will be held in the
'Township Hall,.Gtbel, on M waxy eveu•
ing, Feb. 27th., when Rev. Wm. Walsh,
of Brampton, will .peak on "A year's
travel and sojourn in Ireland." There
is a rich treat in store for all who attend,
and the Hall should be filled to the doors.
Don't miss this lecture, as the Rev.
gentleman is one of the bust platform
speakers that has ever visaed the vil-
lage. Doone open at 7 p m., lecture
commences at 7:80.
Foox1Ann.—The Oranbrook "Ironsides"
cane to Ethel on Wednesday afternoon
of last week and faced the Rovers" of
this village. Tho play all through was
iu favor of tate "Ironsides" as they were
coneiderably heavier than their opp'm-
ante, yet uot,vitltetanding this they only
soor°d one goal. Taking it altogether it
could not be considered a good exhibition
of football. The following composed the
teams. Ethel—Justus Lake, Jno,
dere, A. A. Cober, W. Duke, D. hawthorn,
A. MoKay, G. Dobson, W. Newcombe, 1.
Slemmon, N. Milne, C. Wilds. Oran-
brook—J. Ritchie, T. Ritchie, G. Ray -
man, J. Oster, Jas. Bothwell, R. Brown,
J. Brown, El. Coreality, F. Oster, D.
Steles, D. MoQuarrie. J. Bothwell
refereed the gauze The "Rovers" play
a quiet game without oh„ least rouuhne•s
and can make it lively for auy club of
their size.
THE j�. ii O,9 tt9.0.� BEST FRIEND
For Particulars
Settlers' Trains
Send to your nearest Veilrona.
Agent and obtain n ooyy of
"Freg FactsieFart,Sr`
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110 All Points in
HA.NIT013A `
j ori,T[1.WEST.
liebruary 28.
March 7, 14, 21 and 28.
April 4, 11, 18 and 25.
Colonist Sleepers on every train
Only ono Change Between Brus-
sels and Winnipeg.
No extra e11arge for Reserving
Sleeping Births,
t1or Bates and Fell Portiouloma Ap•
ply to
!.gent, Bruetels,
J. 'r. PEPPER,
Agent, Brussels.
BP. Hestaraii
I have opened out a prime stock
of now Confectionery, Fruits,
Nuts, Cannell Goods, 'Tobaccoes,
Cigars, &.e., in the
Val/stone Blocks
Cooked, ltaw or by tbe, Glass.
Piot Tea, and Coff .m
Served at all Hours, Lunch
Room. Everything neat, clean,
and sold ,tot close prices.
Pickles by the Bottle or Quart,
Salt and Fresh Fish,