HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-2-24, Page 4New Advertisements I
Excursions—G. T. R.
Local—.las. Mc1J eine.
Royal Crown Remedy.
Locals—Dr. J. 0. Ayer.
13a.1'nslCR— Ales eltrseee11.
Ruduud Prises—U. E. Petry.
Abstract—Township of Morris.
Raymond Maehinea—J, J. Gilpin.
Eggs for Hatohing - Wm. Battey,
i ( 1 ,t .
3l� ss (s Vast.
FRIDAY, FEB. 24, 1898.
RDtlous bee it that W R. Meredith
will take a seat in the Dominion cabinet
and that Hon. J. C. Patterson will as-
sume the leadership of the Opposition in
the Outerio Legislature.
The Queen's' speech was approved in
the British house of commons on Satur-
Dr. Tamlyn represented Wingham
lodge, A 0. U. W., ab the Grand Lodge
held in Toronto taut week.
A pre minent m• mher n1 the Str,Nnrd
r edgragati'lnal ebeleh ea)d that ilei'
Rev. W. Lindsay has decided to with,
draw WA I. alguatluu.
Mi•s Nora Clench, the vonne Caattcil•
so vi•'+Iml. t.f S . ''11•ty.., pl'ty
ed before the Queen and Princess Boa.
trice at Osborne house on Jealnat y 20th.
The temperance sooietiea of Stratford
aro circulating for signature petitions to
the City Domicil praying for a reduction
inthe number of hotel and ehop lieol888.
There is a tree in Jamaica known as
the "life tree," on amount of its leaves
growing even after being 'levered from
the plant. Only by fire can it be entire-
ly destroyed.
Tat: Local Legtelalere will likely meet
next month. The Dominion Allienoe is
completing their plane for the preseutt.
tine of Is strong case asking the Ontario
Government to take a vote to test the
fet.liu;; of the p.w pie ut this Pro'inoe o•t
the question of Prohibition. Publio sen•
timeut is beleg aroneed ou tbie great sub.
jeot and we are firmly of the belief that
if a vote were taken it would favor the
abolition of the liquor t aOlo.
Tam Ottawa correspondent to the To.
ronto Globe says: Dr. Macdonald, of
Harm, who tiev?r takes ap the time of
the bonne unless he hos something to
say, and who is prepared to say it in the
m st forcible and convincing manner
took a band in the debate Monday. tis
statements and arguments were fortified
by an irrefutable array of figures which
proved how miserably the national policy
has failed to produce the result promis.
ed by its advncst e.
NEST Tuesday the election battle for
the vncaney in Toronto in connection
with the Local Legislature will be fourht.
Th I+ candidates are Dr. Ogden, uphold.
ing the Reform banner; Dr. Ryerson,
representing the Conservative party ;
and Phillips Thompson. the Progressive
candidate Of coarse it is conceded Chet
Toro..t has a large Conserve ive majority
but on the death of H. E. Clark, N. G.
Bigelow, Reformer, was elected ever H.
A. E Kent. The present vananoy was
occasioned by Mr. Bigelow's death.
Both Dr. Ogden and Dr. Ryerson are
very popular citizens of the Queen's city
and a warm conflict ie anticipated.
Township of Morris
FOR 1892.
Cash on band from 1891 8
John Mooney, collector
Brussele Bal. Railway Award
John Mooney, nn 'eater
Jas. Coulter, part payment of
Jas, roniter, int, on metope,.
Thos. Wilkinson, int. nn mart
Thos (1 bsua, license fond
Thos. Gibson, license find— .
Co. Treas. boun'ary line grant
tics resiaaut TARO ..... ...
Bank of Hamilton deb. receipt..
Back of Hamilton, interest on
deb receipt
Blvth partpay'tof R'y Award
Blyth interest on R'v. Award
Blyth inte'est on R'v. Award
John M alley, eollentor
John Mooney, collector
Tbos, Wilkineou, .ay't of mora,
Thos. Wilkinson, int. on mort
Jae Coulter, bel. on moot
Jam Coulter, int. on mortgage
John Mooney, collector
John Mooney, collector
Blyth bal. of R'y Award
Blyth interest on R'y Award ,
Laud Improvement Fluid
John tli nnnav, oolltntor....
Bank of Hamiltee borrowed
Bank of Hamilton deb. receipt
" int. on reuetpt
" deb. receipt
„ " int. on receipt
Euwano IiL,NE's great speech in the
Imperial Parliament, defending Hon. W,
E. Gladstone's H•'me Rule Bill, was a
masterly one and has won golden opin
foils for the well known Oanarlian Some
have even gone so far as to predict that
Mr. BI ke may sumo day 0.80106 the
leader -hip. It is hinted that Scotland
will also pat in a plea for Home Rale.
Hon. W. E. Clads:.:L_ end lira. Glad.
stone lined with the Q .ben at Windsor
-Castle on Tues lay of this week. The
.o'd gentleman retains all his faculties
10 a wonderful manner and his vim and
fenaoitp combined twill likely see the
Borne Rule Bill safely through the vari.
ous necessary staree to make it law.
2861 77
1600 00
139 50
917 75
500 00
35 00
411 80
40 00
4 32
164 62
18 01
500 00
For r'onchit1s
"1 never realized the good of a medicine
SO much as 1 have in thelast few months,
during which flow i_have suffered intensely
from pneumonic, It llo - I by bronchitis.
Atter trv1,;: ,trit Una:: • itl n
bene'it 11. ran t' I A
Pectoral, and the effect Ins been marvelous.
a staple dean relieving me of choking., nod
sccur,e, •t good night's rest," — T A,
nigginbuthem, Oen. Stew, Long Mountain,
L. Grippe
"Last Spring I w•aa token down with la
grippe. At times I was completely prostrate
ed. and so difficult was my breathing lhnt
my breath seemed as if confined in an iron
cage. 1 precured n bottle of Ayeis Cherry
Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking
it than relief followed. I could not believe
shat the effect would he so rapid:"—W. H.
Willl:ens, Cook City, 8, Dan.
Lung Tru hie
6 32
425 00
14861 25 50
1200 00
500 00
1165 96
27 20
500 00
12 12
2100 00
5700 00
425 00
25 00 I
" For more than twenty-five years, 1 was
a sufferer from lung trouble, attended with
coughing so severe at tittles as to entitle
hemorrhage, the poroxysms frequently last.
ing throe or four hours, I was induced to
try Ay)er's Cherry Pectoral, and after raking
four bottles, was thoroughly cured. 1 Can
confidently recommend this medicine."—Franz
Hofmann, Clay Centre, Kans.
Cherry Pectoral
Prepnred by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Low•tfl sass.
Sold by all Druggists. Price S, ; six bottles, 55.
Prompt to act, cure to cure
For ScrofuRa
"After suffering for about twenty-five years
from scrofulous sores on the legs and arms,
trying various medical courses without benefit,
1 began to use Ayers Sarsaparilla, and a
wonderful cure was the result. Five bottles
sufficed to restore me to health "—Bonifecba
Lopes, 357 E. Commerce st, San Mtonie,
"My daughter wnsaflticted for nearly a year
with catarrh. The physicians being unable to
help her, my pastor recommended Ayers
Sarsaparilla. I followed This advice. Three
months of regular treatment with Ayer's
Sarsnpnrilla and Ayers Pills completely
stored my daughters health."—Mrs. Louise
Aiello, Little Canada, Ware, Mass, .
6 00 I� h
1100 0 H e�
1000 00
1000 00
29 68
535 00
15 87
$23629 75
Roads and Bridges $ 1251 96
Ch.trity 186 34
Officers Salaries 689 00
I..cidentale. 229 82
Printing. 71 25
'faxes- 3161 76
Interest and Drainage 728 94
Schools 4010 69
Back of Hamilton 2035 00
Railways . 11000 00
Balance on hand 294 99
Tatar 522629 75
We, the undereitned, have examined
the fo'egoing accounts with the vouchers
and ooupons thereto belonging, and find
the same correct.
WVilrp:lift SSS.
Moore Bros. are gutting ice on the
Lower Wingham pond.
The Huron County Teaohere' conven.
Con will be held here on the 2nd and 3rd
of March A public entertainment will
be given in the town hall on the evening
of the 2nd,
An invitation basket social, under' the
auspices of Coen Maitland, No. 25, Can•
adieu Order of Forestnre' will be given in
the Foresters' Hall, Gre_ory's block, on
Friday evening, 2Sth inst.
The fire alarm wee rung en Tuesday
af-ernoon of lag week about 2 o'clock.
The stovepipe in A, E. Simmon's office,
over G. E. Siege store, took fire, but it
W/18 thrown out on the street before any
damage was done. Fortunately the
services of the fire brigade were not re.
q u fired,
The Congregational church at Wing -
barn was partially destroyed by fire Sup
de ' morning at 1 o'clock. The fire
oanuht from the furnace, but was for-
tunately di -covered before it bad done
much damage. The baaament was dam.
eared ro the extent of $500, ted the organ
upsteire atffered from the haat. In'
cured in the Mercantile far 52,500.
w. J. Sheffield, in employee of Thos.
Bell, white work i "! t11 a buzz planer, by
some means Ha hand name In contact
with the knivee, and alt the fingers on
his 'eft haat) were taken off. It is not
Chu Mr. •hef0eld will ever be able
to work at big +' ad' a,aiu, es the fingers
are taken off oloae t o the palm.
AootonNT.—loth Boll, one of the beet
k'tow,l residents of Wingham, and
brother of Thomas Bell, proprietor of the
Winuham furniture fhto.ory, had his foot
and lower part of the leg torn off Tues.
day mornin0, while putting a bell on He
pulley, in the factory, The ambers
amputated the limb Tuesday afternoon,
but hold out faint hones of recovery.
Mr. Bell was at one titne one of the old
stage drivers from London to Exeter,
Clinton, Wingham, eta., and was a well-
Our outlet% went to London and play.
ad in the Waster': Outstrip Tankard cone.
petition.' They were pitted against the
Forest City Club and were defeated by
27 points. St. Mary's won the tankard.
The score was as follows ;-
1,01,11D0N, WINONIAtt.
111511 50. 1.
70, Gni Ionia, 0,Kelohtel,
e, W. Davie, foo. Redlands,
W. 0. Noble, ]t Vanatona,
• L, 0ftDonald,skip, se. duo, DiisloV, skip..11
MINK N0, 2.
1X. D. Dawson, And. Sfftultell,
pan. Dower,8. Kent,
W..24 Strong, las. Mccoratd,
R. Reld,.le., ship 23 E. Patterson, Mile. .11
U.a:Jortby for Pored elty, Si,
CHAS. MoCtxLLANnj Andibors.
To the Reeve and Members of the Mini.
cipttl Couubil of Morrie in Council
We have prepared a state.
ment in duplicate of the Receipts and Ex.
penditure of your To•vnsbip up to the
81st day of December 1892, inclusive
whiob we herewith present.
At that date there wax a balance to
the debit of the Township, $2025 27/100
but it is gratifying to know that the
whole of Railway Indebtedness is paid off,
and we think were are ju tined in saying
that the finanuee of the township s•e in a
eatiefaotory condition and that the
business of the Township bas been am -
ducted with a view to effioienoy and
economy. We are also pleased to report
on the very correct and satisfactory
manner in which the Treasurer's book:
have been kept. We have examined the
funds in the Treasurer's hands and find
them quite oorreet, We are also of the
opinion that his security is perfectly
All of whioh is submitted.
Cues. MCCLELLAND 1 Auditors.
RICHARD 308148120N
FEB. 13Tn, 1893.
F> 13, 24, 1893
Small Profits AND
-nick, Returns.
" For several years,I was troubled with
inflammatory rheumatism, being so bad at
times este be entirely helpless. For the last
two years, whenever I fbit the effects of the
and have not had n egan to take
k ll forSarsaparilla,
a long tune—
E. T, Hnnsbrough, ElRun, Va.
For all blood diseases, the
best remedy is
S..r'sa ►i;:.l.Mist
1Y1 Eii
is to the front with a full lino of new Goode consisting of General
Groceries, Crockery anti Glassware, Canned Goods, Flour and Feed,
and everything generally kept in a first-class Grocery. I am pre-
pared to meet the requirements of the public in a straightforward
manner. Cal] and sae before buying elsewhere.
Cash Paid for Eggs.
Highest _Mine for Batter and Poialtry.
My Motto is Small Profits and Quick Returns. Iioping to merit
a share of your Patronage and Confidence, I am
YOnl'e, &C.,
Prepared by De J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowes \Sass.
Sold by all Druggists, Price $t ; six bottles• 35.
Cures others, will cure you
dulcose Price a
Geo. Batker's old Stand
Cabinet Photos, $11bo
P sR' Doz
Our Beft Fini,hed Cabinet
Photos, only $1 60 p tr doz
until further notice.
Gallery in Smith Block
hcau, A )
Having secured the absolute control of M. H. Birge & Son's
Celebrated process of Wall Papers and Hangings, I am opening out
a FULL STOCK in my new shop, one door North of Gillies &
Smith's Bank. My stock is all new and well selected, every design
being patented since Oct. 1st, 1892. 20 Full Sets to choose from.
Also full lines of Cheap Canadian a.nfl American Papers. Elegant
Borders anti a✓eiliugs. ii'ull Lues of Window Shades and Springs
of Latest Designs.
Painting in all its Branches carried on as usual. Shop Blinds
and Awnings a Specialty.
MORE n it Abri® D MACEISiatl 3a9S
Sold in Canada than any other maker
Be on Your Guard.
6Vhen buying anythin'• a perron wants
that thing to be right. Now, In buying a
Sewing Machine there aro several little
things to look at.
First, see tont 11 is new. This may
seem a strange reminder, but sometimes
unscrupulous dealers keep machines an
trial in a house, then repossess and 'sell
for new. Beware of this.
Sacond,see that it runs easily and
Third, see that ib is warranted right
from the manufaotnrer.
Fourth, see that you buy goods made
as near home as possible to that in case
anything should go wrong it can be made
right easily.
Fifth, support home industry and buy
the bust.
Sixth, buy the Raymond, made ab
Guelph, and you will bo aatie8ed.
Jr. 4. I L!9 tai' tom, ri
House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painter,
Alex. A. Rose.
We agree not to sell our lines to any other Dealer in Brussels
or 1898.
Buffalo, N. Y.
Auction Sale Announced for this week at
If there is one thing that
will delight the heart of Man
Woman or Clllld,
It's a Bargains
We have been letting you
know from time to time,
through this paper, of the
Bargains we are giving in
Unavoidably Postponed but special bargains will be given at
The Whole stock of Fine Boots and Shoes, Rubbers,
Overshoes, Felt Boots, Pure Gum Rubbers and Socks, Shop
Furniture, &c.,
A large quantity of general goods comprising' groceries,
crockery, glassware, &c , will be sent from Seaforth for the
Auction Sale. Private Sale at Greatly Reduced Prices
now going on
NS 1
In all Lines of Winter and Leavy Goods.
and SUITS,
and BOYS'.
Spring Goods Now Arriving.
General Dry Goods,
Readymade Clothing,
Nun's Furnishings,
&Ct, &C.
corrmoI rs
coreTo ITAD S
NEW Boots, Shoes and Slippers.
Alex. Strachan.
A great number have been in
to test the genuineness of our
Sale and invariably they went
away satisfied. Wo know this
is a bad season of the year ; that
money is scarce, but we must
have it, and have it quick, so the
Greater the Sacrifice.
We moved the stock here to clear
it out and it MUST be done.
We will make it an ob-
ject for you to pur-
chase now and
from us.
You don't need to take our
word for it, ask anyone who had
been hero, or better, Como and
sec for,yourself. We moan
TUN Tan Al Ca
Garfield. Souse,