The Brussels Post, 1893-2-17, Page 7hl
tor.././ sesessereereesseureeteetes
1 the defence 11 AMR an inestimable boon, l ANCIENT ()LOOKS.
' W11110 !OE 1411011WW1• it meant certain death
•..�"• During 111e evening' air, Dull Ilhllt.1'au+d I A Nuulbrr o!' Mid Wa- ys el' Juvlate•In:t 111/11" 0 011 1.r the T111 1'Y Mimic by rho hr 1411.0
An i'ulrust lRg eerie re Del 10114011 11 111.040 141(1 diffulalu.v between 410 41141114 null emelt• I '1•f pp,• n!' TYlltes 101111 Aryv U•rd 141 the 111111
101111 11,41114 1, i•�uiLiue 0111110 0um, ti0g 0f I i
14111 l'unadhul :flUlua•)r (institute. 1 Y l I The oldenU 1»001111/n 14110 nta4surinq time or Wit?,
.1.t the ()utal'i° 'Veterinary 011]111;17 (111 1.(,o (emitterrate ]e en nier 1,1404 seem and. 4411111411'', w111)')) Wee 11111 ,,i001111,011 110/ oy I , (1ip,iyara'y Among
ll, , Ill(! +Vl')1%' ii,,,0. +,;.,:. in 1 4,010.
1'11 l,, ((l 1110 ];,]111111')1]1 ,4'11
)'rids elenin' Ur: (]rata UI11'1 of t1m ' 8041 ]tylpt. Am 1118th uuuhtlglp4.1,' ,
Y 6 14414111/11111 (1.l. W 14111+ 111141401' I ire, In MO II', dig of 1110 111!,
Snlokt,Iesi 1'i, Uunlp(uy, 411111111, Falg••I Major \leuley prupust•118 vele 114 tllltnIoH were Illrious 111111011 a ant 01 M! le extter ,:Lely 111,'1. f 411441'epoulcu t btyum71 1111,1 ,4 1'n Iluel
laud, delivered a 1001111'0 helmet the 1nemle''I ; to the le' 1. e'er ex n'eeeillg the hope that the were Ill 1111.!, O1,Jgof litlal('( Wile extremely oma of 111+ 1'41100 Of 11'mh mb I) l is ' 1.11411
of 14111 Oan;wlinn Military lusutuu, ontermite'.] 1 l temple, etnecir vo of a ghtee eyliuder grade- of the lslee," 1'c ting diet Lord 3b1•dou:dd ,
• would MVO 114 deusnr" of 11•,141'•
Smukolt:e howler and the elate 11•.11114: L,' 14111411 of Ihu 411110014 nn 11011114 fiWu•0 a anti 0410nto 1414111104. equal parts, 1111111 141111 at ]H 111x14 1'1111111 (she," AN 141111 is a, 1 Gita
131411. ih8j11r )11141111, of the 1.0.1,1liers, • 0.1.•1on. Lieut.•Colt (;Aveley, dialrice pay- ivlitrrlc5atllnd ill L•welvnthalrxlt llmilut• 141144 ]""x
00elpicd the chair, and there watt a largo 11111•,101', 001411111 a the 1001],11, ] 0
atfeudan00, 1'a 114. elation npwie 111 1114 ohsurvnt.iot(s, comae of 4hu ::0111111'1011, the 4111444 ok,ek
Tho l0uluro wee 1. moat coin aide and 11111,88111 re,1 fn complimentary trams to the I shop;ed y
aofth ourinal. t rnll,Y 114111.10,1"11011/11/M.
rau the
ooutpl'ellouoito Ono. 4;11)1114,('1'rllu'who10'lo''ulruohlehhadjuet peen doliverud, A. l! yrlthelydetcript n of�yun. �wld111 Li..
ground,atldoviuci1gathmruugll144,enyof:very1mpurtamtpoint117888that soldiers would Yr. 1
Um 0uljncl. 'Phe lecturer 0110110'11 Wil 11 he ;(1111' le e1111•y 14 fnl';erg1'1' supply 01 1111•! theEm caliph rlUl1Iagne•ItaSC]Iltl 444.11414 to
some timely remarks 11entO7vnhi)1 the reign' munition in 81111011 smokeless powder ' ' the Emperor Charlemagne,
of black powder, ,41:1 ,:4v'1' 11timel-11V0 10 111° I " 11 LYa11 it h geld, 111'44 a 1'11r(!1111!lar,
P Imo,1 (ban wax 1111 011140 with 1111111 powder. , o
opin1011, th01',ugllly mldlVO8d, lip d0111,t, 11Y 111 hoped the former would soon ho used in 1411111101 will )old, 11114 the 11111414 warn
those who heard it, that the clays of Shalt.- r t',sue e, marked oma did, At Gln eud of emelt hour
0peares " vtlltinons saltpetre" were nun'I, '1'111 veto of OMAN4.440 earned 11/110 14 s'tprosaliveloua ltl l.oIl111110K 114!11011x1111 1,101 01 ern 18100 were from the 01194111014 0 purled(of
berod. 13iaelt powder was first used in applan,,, and in 1.11111 37 M. (leant. Ituil.ell,' their touch while ew,lvo cavaliers, x 1111 • nun 1,x111,1 d 1'r (et my n people o die.
411)111111,1 for 11111111141 pmpusc s m 14111 year n( 441 hu 14111 into'. 011'40 l \by0r l 'enema Ha' 1 the Gall•Gvel u1' 14'1101111 pirates, 1411 die
W1111111 1 11111 x1 re Will lin of 'merest to litany',
renders, 1 Nnbjoin U brief to tm11t of Ilea
01101' po'vrrful fend) from which It will b1',
'deny yew the title p,..o(d from the 31a.�
1111111,1') to the King 1) Mootlaud, by whom,
0ldrnt eon It lad' ..wee hetet ret anted. 3Iy'
information 144 brewed pii01ipidly on Toery's
'+011111, 1111 end the clause' bmf I hate Met
cousnited other 84,41•ks oil the et1bjeet wlu',,'
1 found 1leauthority deficient. Arc,rchne
to the teeth uhu0118)1, Argyle teal tin, Mere.
1:44)), exuotl 51'1) 'ee'k lnp1rd, the 1tl1e year - Th
• 111)1 1104(1 twelve wludows, engaged in i
Y3 6441, with the 4140)1 4 t11AL if Iron, 111'. 1111.• 1(aniosh t11'ly from 14111 Norwegian 84114
trait of gen cotton. During the whole of tere,m'0 41 hank moment" warranted it there p!cturesquo gvato temone, 1111(1 at the Inst 141111101 iuvudulY. Iiia I7, ,1. kit 41111 ,1111114,
that period no important rel 14'ovem)ut was „.„01,„1(0 r0ttlrned 111 their (lnudclles.
made 1'n its 11111111411 u7pu•e except. that of 11411 140.011 n probability ofsmokuluss l.!owdcrheinq ] he hour-glras was ill common use nearly the spa 0f Shiro,' and a .laughter of 10111
[ adopted by the (4811ad1,111 3111111(4, While to 14111 Moss of the 1.0014 1101114114', 111111 11'7111 al• 174' 1) of fhb “14(1(911 patties1(; but the4417 Mend -
granulation, this being comparatively plod' 111 definite reply could be green, still 11 We;ways employed t ,881.1'8 1410 purpose of x111 , 1'r of the 4.11„1;0 of 14111 Isles wax (1) foo tills
11411, and n[ lata year married to an 4x440'(11' hoped that 5111011010081 powder might bo in• chronometers, The clock in the modern 11, 1, ,lulu Admm�nu, who lad the ill fortune
extent, so Out black powder was now made trelu00,1 this year, smear, out dates 14,1401( 1411 the tenth century,1'o be expelled trent his p0s,ee!•ials by the'
with grains Much three than mustard 800,18 j ()thee catnerks were offered by einem- and was invented byit Preach monk u(Anrweeinand nought refuge in Ireland,
on We on the 114(0 hand
mei-wideur er 111181 14101,1 114.44 Ridrnt., '1)r, Powell, Lima, Crean and 11e1114 Gerber, who 10(1 studied mathematic:,Having 11441110 received (undUc 0eiauaee tion lila l'd8
Y Iin)1100, 3]. 1 . bluhou8, he afterwards
shape ofthogeeater81000. This diversity in' Before ae nratingthemembers of thein. among the ife110, old opo Sylvestern 1410 late. ofliio ooken expedition fol• the recovery
size and slmpe leas i'aeuded to govern the st11u111 ex111111ned with 1(to1081 8pe0)1110011 ye418 of red if ri became Popo what Ih of his territories, but was t riovo. ')sial ; and
rapidity of combustion, which became slower h This learned 1(00(0010dflodw1thwbatwae
11.1010 alae was increased ; and the require- of 111 111118 114111111 of enmucharged rattily one of the most important of raven.
114 was ]0414 to 1110 son Go retrieve.
l with Snnkelose powdery 10111011 Mr. Duff tions—en escapement attachment ; but TILE VORTEXES lir els MOINE.
menta of modern artillery, strang0 though ie had on exhibition. 1
Put -
might seem, demanded a slower and slower
o not 0 )1 11, s5, 1111 0111000 1111(1 theme made for )y This son was the "mighty4headS 1.h erle<h" Put-
rato of combustion, which in blank powder a long time afterwards were exceedingly ting himself at the head of the rnhanitams
was attended by a corresponding increase
-- raraoeo titry, In the thirteenth century, a of 11orven, be expelled the Norwegian in.
of smoke, The tore. of all 080108)000 was Saracen to 14034echanic honatrnetod a clock Ho welt•'), and soon became master of blorven,
superior to any before produced that It be. Lochaber, and Argyle, and in order to secure
0111175 the Islas for his posterity, he carried off and
0,18101.11 T11110E11ae 1•T 11' r ROPE. (8441 rigid the daughter of 01111, Norwegian
King of the Isles, By hey ho had three
sons, Dougall, Reginald, and Anglia, Som-
erled now so eht a wider sphere for his
riperations. Alter an attempt to secure the
Earldom of 3loray for 111s grandsons, his
next great arm leas to depose Malcolm 14'
Authentic' C11se8 111'which at slat [Geon
cremated by the sudden formation or igni- I Known to teeter.
tion of more or loss elastic gases. 7.'1000,
while oeonpying marvellously small 0001.1 n'' 1 10100 interested myself somewhat in
pass when ucnitned, swelled 11111001180 1 yang til] ma1 1 141111808 v (Imo,.01111
proportions on being set free, Meek pow. Dr. Elder, "and have met severe" well an -
dors gave less than 111111 -third of useful thonticated instances where fright was the
forces, no less than ttvo•thirds bong inert 0,41100, The English Surgeon 1teemedl, Fran.
or detrimental. It was hardly neee09104y (!Is, tolls of a drunvner in Delia across whose
to state that the black pOwe104 408 a legs a !menden lizard crawled while 110 W08
mechaeical mixture of wood and sulphur in the sevesaltpetre,
al r or ,o-cioai ns-hitlod 1 elf n train, and it a wase that it 4,00 cill]for ra ilhis 60til140,`!ad " ' e'c1°Pl•,rglhltu totup i'eooieent century In 1141114(1 11ew 11of ) the
'nnemn f agaouloot r (William
of sty 78, 12and10 parts in the hundred, ,1104000 and he (lied, a Paris workman named V'iult fuvontd4 a Caulnorel; but after many conflicts he 3401
11111 of these the Inst was held to be the 1 •1'redericit I. of Prussia wee killed by clou)1 wllich ems( even 111,81 of the Saracen ultimately repulsed. by Gilchrist, Hurl of
chiefly detrimental nuc, and therefore the fear' he00al, v1 frwi'om her h00L17v and ono and, dabbling henius into the shade. Prom tract period, Angus, and n treaty of peace wn0 0011011,10$
one 1,1441 pally to be ga, rid of. An Austrian f. l t n pc e, , 1 (, Prance rapidly took the lead, mud long sus- ill 1153, held to be of such ]mportancc feet
chenne14 named 5111111', iu .endeavored to 'u e amities I1 blood, rnshed upon hal• II.1 • Cawed her. nh801010 tltlpreuauy in cutch it 104010,1 an era in datingStenti011 charters,
get rid of the sulphur, and to reverse 1110 benIe)ncl while
ek 1n''ta dozing
lior tohis
bee' . n111unf,LUt1u•ine; but, in spite of numerous The fiery spirit of this warrior 01100 4gain
',repot O'10 of useful and detrimental peed. }vhilgu• lady whose ghost, was believed to , iulpt0rmn0%tx, the system remained far LIG 4 Stlitool , (1,,,) his army in 0 u,1 risinat
outs 01 111(1 !dude
(by treating dry :,111111 fom poi rust, oven 111 the ffteouth century,appeared
0111141111 001141 nitric 1114111 sulphuric neids, bat enviably app110r W110110 101' tate death of a Gine of 1111 rest oxnunplo8 of 10 Mock of that Renfrew on the Clyde, where he was met
his member of the royal family Was to occur, in }, the Steward of Scotland with a large
and after 11( 11111 n1.1am 11 L.Y n was too quick
801111111 a' and he was thrown into a fever and died in 1'f Paris.eriod Clock Inatk lig 411511 not become Natiored Library
force, and slain along with Gilleeidlum,�it
rapidity, gun cotton WWI I10W only used 1"114 1 s' "11(11 a tract profession until the following
001• eon bm•n of 0 previous marriage. (1))lecnl-
1deal eg purposes, The next problem to be I flat perhaps the most remarkable death tury ; before that, the locksmith, and even luta s son, Somerled II, then sueceeded to
solved was how to brin • this ami xtbtedl 1 trent fear was that of the Dutch painter, the blacksmith, hada good dee) to do with his grl+ndf114her's possessions in the High -
otherwise Y I (Ury, an, who lived in the seventeenth con- y d l lands, while Deegan, above mentioned,
othertvia0 vlauabl0 40400 as obtained from a 14111 most skil.nll made specimens. The g
nitro -compound explosive underdue control. f°1'Y'
One day he want into a room full of public cloaks, which (haring the latter half negn11'0d Sway over the Islet. ,Somerled dl
The most likely manna"' in 11)1,81 this could anl4tomiotd subjects to sketch some death's of the fourteenth 0entney because the pride remained in unlisturbedpossession till 1'221,
be ttchr1vld was by the combined etf4011 of 104415 and skelTho w for a platelet he iuten2 • of great cities, were for a while so clnlnafly when 11e took part in an insurrection which
„ the (hamlet, and the proficient 441 prnetlml i e'1 to paint. The wt+atbel was very sultry,. constructed that, es some writer says, a caused Alexander 11 to march against him,
gunnery, seeing that the most highly $cion• 1 and while sketching he fell asleep. He was modern French turnspit for roasting moat 0011801111g au army in Lothian and Galloway
nroueed by boles dancing around him and the Scottish King sailed for Argyle, but
(ilia compound from n chemical »oinG of moves with more acouracy, They must g 6Y
view might be ) introduction
from a ma101,1(- Ile skeletons suspended front the ceiling have been troublesome also to take care (seas was overtaken on the way by 0 storm and
and the practical introduction end 111110mm. clashing together. it was necessary to wend them several (]mea murex INTO T1111 Cr.r 11x8
1 t m fit of terror he threw himself out, the
]y eve
7;1atC01oy tof 1 1.11808 004, exploa- 1 window, m1111, though he sustained no se' (011e
diming the course of twdnty-tour 11001$; but, p
ive8 ward 1411 be. 141018 01(0 to % Sootch hue- 1 6 all 110 same, kings a((d municipal 41111)10(1•
maker who had o lo»tukfncil41111 for dealing aarttl�,and unke had 14011110011.1 thelnt a slight
commo an ties and citizens wero alike proud of their
with them. The Ic !1111114 went on 111 shah arnong hie ghostly surroundings, he 11)01 in
possession, Before the sixteenth century
how in 1,, o the invention of Capt. a 804)00U9 tremor. I01111111 04140 many other ended the prominene metes of France vied
Schultze, an talker who had distinguished with each other in the production of
himself in the German arm wile brought cases where the shock to the nervous system
y' g wbic11 we know as fright las produaod WONDERFUL 0408078,
to the attention el the late J. 0, Dougall, (leatll
Mend of 0 celebrated limn of the gran and
rifle mannfaoture'o in London and Glas-
gow. The two gentlemen mentioned set
about discussing the happy metlinmdesirod,
the 117101❑ point being to diminish the eel -
About 1320, an abbot of St. Albans, in
England, invented a noteworthy clock, and
some forty year,, later n clock that 81r1ek
the hones was sec up in. Neslminetee
ieb11ey. lent in litany ways theme time-
pieces were very defective, an etolution h+ul
A second attempt, however, proved more
successful, and Somerled was compelled to
retire to the isles. At the same time Argyle
was raised into a eherilldom, with Gillespie
Campbell of Lockawe as ita hereditary
sheriff. In the Sagas, ender the name of
Sundrreyan kings, appear the two sons of
of which those of Renee tend of Lyons aro »011 U—Dugall Scrag and Duncan. On
01111 to be 80011 among the curiosities of_ these princes refusing to yield even a notel-
et Queer But Delightful Town• those cities. These time pieces were the ad•' nal homage 14) Norway, piing Ilaco despatch-
miration of Europe, and only Venice and ed his Commander, Uepao, with a fleet to
61-1rusools is a showy, geometrrually built Strasburg could venture to hold up trade reduce them to obedience ; bat the leader of
city, with endless atreight avenues, cubic pleads in rivalry, The Strasburg clock, the expedition was in reality a brother of
unle of (1)1(6)1011 in gun cotton—that being perspeetivcs, and well -ordered suburbs : a }01101 ranked ninon • the seven 4111111148 of the 141011 mon Ito had been sent to subdue,
the rending 4114110 --and to retain the volume 34001()1 and laughing capital vulgarized by 110 mediae -id Germany. although conat.t'uutod in and, abandoning the service ,,f Race, united
of oarboniu acid in black powder. ;inose imitation of every other capital, and with 1352, had to wait until 1.57:3 before it was himself to them. Upon thlsIlauolimself pro -
10 you s previously Ale Dougall had ex- an immoderate love of etecc0 has led to the %hared to the complex structure which still melded against them, 4111/1 nitnmately slew
pressed the opinion 14111414 they were on theeve imitation of Parrs in particular t a 1 modern ie• remains a 'nerve], having in our own century Dugan Song and his ally Somerled II. 118-
of west great i,iven ion in explosives. CptThe ed town laid nut by rule, scraped clean with been once mean% repairell—or, more correct• pito andDunoan soaped, but the former was
for sporting
invented by Capt. Schelde pumraastene, deprived of all the briaa-britt ly speaking, made over --by a native of the afterwards slain in flute, Duncan suboe-
for sporting purposes 1'v shot guns enimln- of its antiquities, rebuilt without any of its town, who devoted tone years to the task, quently reasserted itis authority, and found.
441401 01111 in the production of smokeless primitive originality n town which 1108 Puling the sixteenth ,0.imiry clocks, al- 0d the prim of Ardohattan in Lore. Hi8
1141114 for military pnrpos0s, for in 1870 sprung forth from Lha vitnlsofanuient Tunethough many beautiful ones were made, re- son and successor, Ewen, continued bio elle-
Mr. Dougall drew the serious attoution of tors with ready-made squares, symmetrical (nn)ned much valuable possessions that they glance to Haoo, and when ho refused to as -
the French Government to the advantages throeghfaros, straight streets, 81.0000 and were considered fit folegifts to royalty, and, 01st Alexander II, to ( 41111004 the Isles, that
of smukoless powder for sporting guns. and bastes'd•otacco buildings, live•storied houses In 141011'fl080,']pte118Of OOIl40414pel'1LLI4.011a bre, (11000(0), collected 1411 a, Illy 01,1) sat 0111 to
French chemists, mho aro wolf 11110 w 1 011 of the 14:$11111 topographicni peculiarities of gossi Tau old chronicle•snever men tt„ r, them give hilt battle, but died at lierier& on the
clever inventors and improvers, soot mon. Ifnropeunism ; a town which has lain nettle outside of palaoaa Of 1411! wealthiest 11011011, I btln Jlely, 12.40. Alexander Il I. o11 n,.taen-
cd to employ it for 11141110'1 purposes, Al- its a1101011t 1'01788, OCIURhlg11 140 dnaG its 14114 Some of the most graceful clocks ever Yash- lug 1110 maljority, resolved to complete the
lesion WOO than 1111110 to the 0114111110 fm- 141)1110 plaster -work, pulverized .Ls venerable innod belong, however, to that ago and it designs of hes father, and sent the Earl of
prov0ments ntndo in am0)101800 powder iu 40111'0, cleaned out 1(0 110140040, tumefied 11411
can ley claim to the invention of wraehes, Ross against the Isles. Haw collected au
different countries, In England, tire Fred- 811118, desquamated its ulcera, to matte itself which were at first perta1l 1 clocks on a army, and, assisted by many highland
meek Abel act truly 01 g tged himself w1thjthe like other towns ; a town of palnoes, liar- ver small settle. Timepieces were made in chiefs, determined to oppose the forces of
subject. Capt. Nobel's powder, made up racks, neadoulies, and ,ficial buildings, in tilt Ssmallria of odd aha 110,of which those in the Scottish Icing, and, if possible, assert
of uitro•glyuariuo, nit o•eotlon and caul- 4111111 f1' concentrated all the machinery u) the form of ships were anion the quaintest his supremacy over the territories in guts-
pllor, grave good pastas, bet it 80(10 feared govormnont, and wh1011 is the very heart of Pg q (fon. In 1'263 both armies met ILt Large,
that the presence of so volatile an ingredient the bol olitic ; a 10w11 which, with Its as well as the most complicated w b weeir
1 g body -politic workmanship. :11'10 first mention that ave whore, as 14011 know, the Norwegian fico(
as camphor, would surety set up a chemical sponse population altogether inauHiuient to find of Omens cloaks is likewise in 1)1111 0011- was totally destroyed, and Hoco's
change, a1111 that the powder would not be people as wide thoroughfares, and with its
reliable in all climates. Sir Frederick Abel's somewhat paralyzing condition of well- fury, 11111 there is a 41101141 of ono 411111,
cordite, or string powder, 1405 exposed to a being, its ostsntatlona luxury mut wealth, 1114811 It nt1'nuk, i$ said 140 here lighted b•
ver high and Lanother L L 1114 •e n u1'. 1111111110 and 11111101 n tiro. In the seven- 1140011, who during the hostilil leo had chbng•
y 6 d e very low 'temperature with- calla lip a vision of 1 T y , pur. century," writes an excellent, autlene ed his mind and remained a tetra), died
alit being injuriously affected 8)1)101' 149 I'0- ring, self-satisfied, )11411014, 001)0tndl, (11,lUh- ity, "a erect change took place in the use without male issue, and the lordship of the
garddd pressure or 01111101141, and the 1100110- 0110101 place 1'i town 4111114. 1110 retained its made of olocks, end a corresponding royale- Islam then passed to the descendants of
may from the machine rust at 1,000 yards bourgeois character with all 1111 pomp, a tion 000urreti in their outward appearance. Reginald, second son of Somerled I, Upon
W 0s very nearly equal to that given to by mettor•of•faol, homelike, punctilious city ; \Vatellos,whioh beget to be quite numerous, the 1411]11140 of 1111114111110 by the slang -Mar of
Nobel's ;but the oxueasiv0 heat generated a• 11114011 Inhabited by sten of .ample 11111111040 were Rauuld in 1346, it was inherited by John
carried metallic foaling, and frequently the and moderato intelloutnal power, combined
' a50,t11DEn A5 ORNAMENTS Macdonald, chief of the Clan Donald, who
remained of the ballet was denial oft and with a wpom re for trivial et, with lit all, had married his third cousin Amy, sister of
unserved in the barrel rendering the ries military pomp rend show ; yet, with it all, and were ostentatiously hung from the Ronald ; in this irately it remained until
feats, ho bye. Notwithstanding all its de- still rolned eng a very careless
(a1' to 1.1)00514110 belt. Clooh-milkers boeame regularly the failure of the dime lino by the death
feats, however, this is tlnd powder which 115 ]411411 to loud an easy, careless life.—[Harper a attached 118]110411 to the French court, and, of Donald Drat in 1545, The period is also
being adopted in England by the 13rftinNoekly, in the redia of hone SIV, enjoyed 111e noteworthy as marking the conuneneoment
Government for use in trait now magazinee privilege of having them workshops in the of the decline of the great Clan Mftcdonald,
which 3408Mdestined to replaoo, eoonet• a1' A Green Foreigner• royal pttlaue, ,Lad --greatest favor of all wh)011,1034becomes divided end broken into
lador, the urtiui-Henry, Tho lectures First Boy—"111e paper' says that when free ndm
iasiom to the king's a,pat•tmante' 01411.1111111 branches, James IV ascended the
next spoke of the various puwdoi' of 14110 some tram -robbers started to rob ttlo pas -
Smokeless In 11]•17, a distinguished mnthomaticial of Sapttiah throne 111 1.1414, and in his sixth
Smokeless Powder Company of London, for 8ang0es out \3 001, n man jumped up an' 'Holland, named eleyghol,s, astonished the ear of his reign 1141110 visited the High -
blears, W. Darling R Co., of Mon- knocked 'em down, and )duped 'em out." world by producing a clock w(Lhltpendulum 34008 14111x1 the Isles, and isited tphe
troal, Zion. leenen tooappointed agents for the Seoond Iioy—" ('x11088 he 1111191 a•been a colcepnou which speedily revolutionized as far as 1)unataffoape and blingarry, 4 e•
'Dominion. He than tool[ lip 14115 question of some immigrant wet had%'( been livin' in a the whole theory of clock construction. In dotted most of the refractory sly, cldefs to
magazine rifles, pointing out the advnutagoo free oountry long enough to got seared," the seventeenth 111111141141, pandntum olnohs obedience. '1'111 Lord of the Islet', how•
which accrued to an army supplied with were tlto rule, not the exception ; and, as ober ,ceased - to or') of he tett ),ow'
good weapons of this sort. the Austrians they were now set on mantels or brackets,
w ereuow armed with the Mannlioher mage- Silenoing Complaints the bbeke We'e no longer ornaments, as had lot being tiler in a condition to ate
zine rifle, wllich 14118 adopted in 1886. In Servant—" P106a0, 441110, t110 boarders been the 0080 when they were kept as the tack him in his strongholds with any
Demnaek trials had been taking place since complained that the 'dealt was (ong11 this principal ornaments for tables, prospect of 8uec000 returned to ledin-
1883, and was believed I.ilah the American morning," In the eighteenth century, th8 mo 1soi• burgh, where he assembled a Parlintnelt,
, Lee rifle, cm the Krag-Jorgensal, would be Ml's. Sl(n(diot.-"Too Lail. Give them geou9 docks Over seen were mannh4o18red which declared the title and possessions of
'adopted, Ill 1'taneo the Lobel rifle had liver to -morrow," lar royal pelaa00, especially for those of John, then Lord of the Isles, to be forfeited
finally been adopted. Tho rifles adopted by Sorvant—" And they want maple sirup lfranre. A cloak 111 one of the mime in the to the Crown. Sipco that period the title
the Germans were the Manser, anti meso a for their griddle calves. ' p(4Ia0e of Vorsnillos 4.08 made 0011,01y of 1108 boon borne by the boh••appa'ent to the
aligb(ly altered form of the Mannliohor, Mrs. Slimdlut—"Omit the peddle cakes. silver and cased in silver gilt, chow with 1 ofoItith throne. Mir Alexander 11Itedonbld
Italy and Switzerland have taken to the 100,008, flowers and masks, and adorned of `Unto died at Rome in 1766, bold in the
Votteeli, whilo Turkey and Crena femoral at with open-work oruanlm>tatinu, surmount- salve year ltis son A10E0111104 wne 1.11 180/1 140
calibre. 433, whilst Switzerland had also a A Man's nerves. ed h (L revel 040E11 and etandin . au a, the peerage as Lord elacdennld of Slate (in
Y g the Count of Antl•lnl and his present de.
magazine rills 1141111411 445 the Schmidt. I .lyra. Binits--"Una 1 Doesn't it 1111141:0 you square pedestal of silver. '1'111.0 was un•' Y L 1
Sweden had adopted 'r b( (e :shape of a Brei t•box 1.0114 eetmelan1, known to the ITlfl,1amle1'o as
Swu 1 a 1 a 1 pt0l u 33etninwton 8111111 nervous to have the windy blow so 11118 14411,11 11111 1.l p 8 k 1 lfacllhennill min 141)10,11 lir "Slnademdd of
bore instead of the ,Iaroann, 'the United of night?" fully ornamented and anrnlonoted by three 8h represents 18011140 1.h(•
tltateo, ht11111,101'atOOrl, 1114(1 adopted IL TtClll• • Mr. 13]111140-'-." Why?•' l.'u:[lids Ilnldlog it globe topped by CL crown. 14'111' Islee" llil()tleali011t iy ] V
inggLonsmall bore. IneheEnglish aarmyt1,, ..,1 use hate the 1.1,11,14(8! They rat(h! Louis SV. go ye oar 0f Itis daught(tr7a iL°OinlltLordoithe101011
reduction of calibre had been carried to mat lite everything," Y clock whielt Immo hitter•writer thus dc• (
extreme point, the Loo•3lntlntd of .:10:3 hole 1 "Um I it would make me nervous to hear scriber : " In front, of the ,Intl; are a shop•
lmv!ngbeeladopted. A description of the' the windows rattle If the wind 34,10(14. l,low-
lo18t,'r rifle 30(80 given, and the ophliou 01110 NU,"
expr000m) thin thee ootthl 1'e 110 dispute
:1110010e numerous advantages possessed by 1 (ioi,f7 trete 0A1611. —Cream one event 11011
all•boro rifle over ono of a comparative. cup of "moot, add into 44(1 sneer and creou,
asin " P • ' together beat the yolks eight, eggs too
ly large 11111[1411. 1.1111 were t Rminottmt in g d bb
ei3O a411(1 weight of cartridges» -118 rotates . cream and add to the first mixture, To
of the now aneramiti0n weighing 110 IMOMO tris add ooe•half cap milk and one tend one.
than 70 of the bfartlnl.Hmu'y—lnoreLood' hal) mins floor 11)mid witjt two tei0po"nftls
;e0nracy and penetration, prec(ieal absence' baking polvdot' ; (laver with ono teaspoon -
of recoil, 'higher (nuzzle velocity, giving a ,'fill orange extract and halts in a4 moderato
lower trajectory, and a saving in transport oven about fortyfivo minutes. This is a
of ammunition, (.rho obliges likely to be' good rule for 41011)1 the yolks of eggs end
brought ab out in a01na1 warfare were point- makes a cane of fine texture, Bake it in a
ed out, and the opinion expressed (hal forsingle loaf Midfrost,
herd. 111111 1110 dog, trail a parrot petalled cm
%gulden twig from which haute ahletcrs of
cheerio•+: the'e•Ymd0 on an irregular base
00114)010(,1 of 10,0018 mounted en golden
hromet, The lanes 0,0 enamelled on she
dial, which is crowned ly a porcelain
Typioal Piro Eseapes.
811001140" What prooeutiol(a have •yen
here in case of lire 1''
hotel Ulcrk--•"We holo fire eseapa0 from
every fine'. All yon have to do is to make
your way to ono of 1hemend fall oil."
wily Ito BtaYed 111•
'Mother-"'1•he 1) Saturday. Why don't
you go out and play ?"
Handl Som leen 1111.1,11 I'll get too tiered
to sit still in chervil 1,,.11 orrow."
Mother--" Well, if you are 1)re.1, you
need not go to e11nrch. You need exercise,
and Should take it 411 -day. Two buys have
been waiting for you out Hero for the past
Small Son--"V•o-a, they're waiting ter
liolc 1118," ---
A oat with its fuer rattled doesn't feel fur.
. .t.t •. � dv ,(� •i fl, -C'1' i v' Curer ,pf41
Tho Most A.stoni..slbing Medical Discovery of
the Last One Hundred Years.
It is Pleasant to the Taste as the Sweetest Neetar.
It is Safe and Harmless as the Purest Milk.
This wonderful Nervitlo Tonle bas only reermtly been introduced.
into this country Lt• the llrnl,rietors and manntu•turcm4 ot the Great
Routh Atnerl. to Nervine T,Idc, and yet its great value us it ('Urative
agent has long 111.1,11 kinewn h} n few of the DM11-1 s learned 1 physhlans,
who have not, brought its 111(11ts and value to the knowledge of the
general public.
This melli, inn has completely solved the problem ol'the ea re of indi-
gestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the general nervous h\'stee14. It is
also of the greatest talcs in the cure of all forms (1)' ''•'fling health from.
whatever cause. It performs this by the great nem -lite tonic qualities
which it possesses, awl by its great curative powers 411,011 the digestive
organs, the stornaeh, tete liver and the bowels. No remedy compares
with this wonderfully valuable Nervine Tonic as a builder and strength-
ener of the life farces of the human body, and as a great renewer of a
broken-down constitution. It is also of more real permanent value in
the treatment and care of diseases of the lungs than any consumption
remedy ever used on this continent. It is a marvelous cure for nerv-
ousness of females of all ages, Ladies who are approaching the critical
period known as change j11 1,t'e, should not fail to use this great Nervine
Tonic, almost constantly, for the space of two or tlu•ec years. It will
early therm satidy over the danger. This great strengthener and extra -
tive is of inestimable value to the aged and infirm, beetles(' its great
energizing properties will give thew u new hold on 1il'e. It will add ten.
or fifteen yearn to the lives of many of those who will use it half dozen
bottles of the remedy each 10:11.
Nervousness, Broken Constitution,
Nervous Prostration, Debility of Old
Nervous I-Ieadache, Indigestion and Dyspepsia,
Sick Headache, Ileartburn and Sour Stomach,
Female Weakness, Weight and Tenderness in Stomach,
Nervous Chills, Loss of Appetite,
Paralysis, Frightful Dreams,
Nervous Paroxysms and Dizziness and Ringing in the Ears„
Nervous Choking, Weakness of Extremities and
Hot Flashes, Fainting,
Palpitation of the Heart„ Impure and Impoverished Blood,.
Mental Despondency, Boils and Carbuncles,
Sleeplessness, Scrofula,
St. Vitus' Dance, Scrofulous Swellings and Ulcers,
Nervousness of Females, Consumption of the Lungs,
Nervousness of Old Age, Catarrh of the Lungs,
Neuralgia, Bronchitis and Chronic Cough,
Pains in the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Pains in the Back, Chronic Diarrhoea,
Failing Health, Delicate and Scrofulous Children,
' Summer Complaint of Infants.
All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful
Nervine Tonic.
As a 6171.0 for every class of Nervous Diseases, no remedy has been
able to compare with the Norvine Tonic, which is very pleasant and
harmless in all its affects upon the youngest child or the oldest and most
delicate individual. Nine -tenths of all the ailments to which the human.
family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired diges-
tion. When there is an insufficient supply of nerve food in the blood, a
general state of debility of the bruin, spinal marrow, and nerves is the
result. Starred nervtes, like starved muscles, become strong when the
right hind of food is supplied; and a thousand weaknesses and ailments
disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system must supply all
the power by which the vital forces of the body are carried on, it is the
first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not con-
tain a sufficient quantity of the kind of nutriment necessary to repair
the wear our present moclo of living and labor imposes upon the nerves.
For this reason it becomes necessary that a nerve food be supplied.
This South American Nervine has been found by analysis to contain the
essential elements out of which nerve tissue is formed. This accounts
for its Universal adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous de-
enewronesvite E, Ism,, Aug. 20, '80, REBECCA w11,Rtx000, of Erownsvalley, Ind.;
To ilrr Creat South, .American Medicine Co._: says : " I had been 1n a distressed condition for
DEAR Gnsrs—I desire to say to you tat I
have fingered for many 3.0008 with a very serious
disease of the stomach and nerves. I tried every
medicine I could hear of, but nothing done nue
any appreciable good until I was advised to
try your Great 500th American Nervine Tonic
and Stomach unit Liver Cur(!, and since s,14,,
several bottles of it I must say that 1 inn sur-
prised at Its wonderful powers to cure the at00l-
itch and general nervous system. If everyone
knew the value of this remedy as Ido you would
not be able to supply the demand.
.1. A. iiAt,nls, 11c.'rreas, Montgomery Co,
three years from Nervousness, weakness of the
Stomach, Dyspepsia, and iudigesuon, untll my
health was gone. I had been doetodng con-
stantly, with no relief. 1 bought one bottle or
South American Nervine, which done ale more
goodthan any sae worth of doctoring I over
11 111 in my 11fe. I would ndvi00 every weakly per-
son to use 010 vnlaable and lovely remedy , 1111
few bottles of It has cured me completely. I
consider it the grandest medicine in the world -le,
CRAWFORDSVILLE, IND,, June 22, 1587.
My daughter, eleven ,years old, was severely afflicted with St. Vitus' Dance
or Chorea. Wo gave her three and one-half bottles of South American Ner-
vine and she is completely restored. I believe it will cure every case of St.
Vitus' Dance. I have kept it in my family for two 'years, and am sure it is
the greatest remedy in the world for Indigestion and Dyspepsia, and for all.
forms of Nervous Disorders and Failing Health, from whatever cause.
Slate of Indiana,9111111 T. �.ISII:.
Montgomery Country, } 00:
Subscribed and sworn .o before me this June 22, 1887.
CHAS. W. \VRilter, Notary Public..
The Great South American Nervine Tonic
Which we now offer you, is the only absolutely unfailing remedy. eve
discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast train of
symptoms and horrors which are the result of disease and debility of'
the human stomach. No person can afford to pass by this jewel of incal-
culable value who is affected by disease of the stomach, because the ex-
perience and testimony of many go to prove that this is the 1111E and
()XIX 01011 great cure in the world for this universal destroyer, There
is no case of unmalignant disease of the stomach which can res'?t the
wonderful curative powers of the South American Norville Tonle.
ITAn111ET E. :Mug.. of wnynrtown, Intl., sats: MBs, 1i1.r.N A. 11E,tmmnx, of New lanes, s,llona,
01 owe my pilo to the Oren, :luuok'ool anyN: '• i cannot express bow mu0410400 to the
'1 rvtoe, 1')101 11101 III 11011 for lice months from 11'1101" Tour. \[,• "Y"11" naw '""1111(1411s What:
ihr motets of as exhausted stmooch, hntl(gesi los..-
Nervous IRostralotl and a general that teed torsi. appetite gone, was troughing nue spitting
,ondtllun 09 my whole system. 1411,1 41(110 1111 up Mood; nm ane 1 was in the 411`11(. stages
10111110'0 01 gm 11,4: wrlb 11,0l Inlay thy, dor.. 441 Nom/moth/11, 1111 lnh(v'itnnre handed 1103,11
tors, 1-44.14 no relief. The deet bottle Id the Neer• 1(lrnnglt 0400401 generations. 1 began taking
hu' 'I',,04C 1114,r,1001 tans, nmrl 1011 t 11;00111110 to the 1(040400 Tonle, end Neatened 110 0110 for
walk about. anti n few hal ties mired int en,irel,,0, - about sax menthe, end net entirely eared. 111
I heli, ve it. I. the best T0011101111in the world. 1 Is tam grandest remedy for nerves, 01001)10'11 and
con not recommend it too highly. ! lugs I have ever men."
No remedy rnnlpnres with NnlTtt .3.MEnllAE N11113,41r as ileum for the Verroa. Nu remedy conte
pares with smith Am0rir,tn Mervin,' 11010 wondrous 011'0 for the 0100,0CE. No remedy 11,111 1/1; ail
vomparl• wit)( Smith Amrrl,nn 114401110 (80 11 mire for 011 forme of failing health. Il. never Tells to
are Indigestion and Dyepep0in, 11 lever 114110 to mire Chores or S1. t'1',,o iimice, its power. to
,Wild lip lie• a lode Hystes, w,md:rfol in 1 he extreme. It mire, ih 1'04,1, .L' 131,1 ow
erred. 114 fa a meat trivet' to 110' aged and 111(1.10, Ito net naphrt to me i 11;.14 pen iot10 boon,
If pun do, yet may 040011.0 1 110 001.0 400011)' (01(11,41 will reotlh7 you to Ilcnll11. 511111411 Amrrlean
Nervine IN perfeefly sada, 1/1111 rmry 41100nat in tum (0000. Delimit, ladles, du not fall to 0110 thla
great mire, became H. will put 1 h0 bloom of freshne,N nod beauty upon your lips audio your cheel(8,
and quickly drive away your disabilities (incl weaknesses.
Price, Large 16 ounce Bottle $LOO; Trial Size, 15 Gents."
If not kept by Druggists order direct from
Dr. E. OETCHON, Crawfordsville, lllrir
G. it.,. »E,CIPM.%.V', 'Wholesale and lel1ill Agent for ]Itlho83els, Ost