HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-2-17, Page 6AGRICULTURAL. How Farmers Should Combine Capital. TRI' BRUSSELS POST. 1.1.13. 17, 1893, the indoor lift of the fennel', quite 1(a really the workers on the farm as th]so who till and sow and reap the harvosta. The second reottidio In a garden Is that it be well stocked : the) is, that it grows those n erica of vegetables a,1( fruits most enjoyed by the mein lure o t he family, es ee differ A GREAT LONDON INST1TUTICE• The Orlglu or Lloyd's 111111 the 11'11y I11 'Which 11 't'1•nq%npl8 stiedne814, Al ot Lloyd's. How few of the people In the .1aunary issue weurged. the imper. p 1who use this expression know really all it ammo of farmers, with small ferule, 1olul,in• , I 1 f I f II 1' f means, that the sldpe and ntealere which ing eapital so 140 to be able to omelets., gt•nrttly, ewtll 111 el111111'1111O tl)0 same parents roust' the highest Ouse, 100A for iron and villi g:entest economy all sank m:tehin, s as 0a well as in the pimento It in n Write ofAl for wooden vessels, have to undergo a really save labor and cheapen 1,10E of pro. time to grow kinds that none of the family severe oxen:instal And careful survey of all althetinlh 1111,1 14140 to perch:WO such twill tare for, w.,ilo :any •tl oeidod hpredelietion of their (,1' 1)1,1pa1 parte. it is a kindred Its• l animatelasare necessary to improve their ally member, hotl0 01' hunt,1e, 81101(1'1 he Seela101 cello t Lloyd's register of 13ritish doino'tic anh11 (h3 and render them really respected. A tree diseuaaion 01 the matter ani foreign ah 111101; which does the aurvey- profitable. In tide article we per poee to around the evening lamp. will soon settle ing and allowing. Its oilice is in White Lion give a few hints on the hest methods of what vari1tiee it is hest to en1tivat13. 111 bort, Cnrnhill, L011r1011, and, for the bone- aonlb#mutt lapit,al and naiug kl,or•:,aving the meantime do not forget the ornamental, lit of the underw x11.040 et Lloyds especially maohiuer and seed indents of improved Feed 11100111y as Well an the physical, have and the community at largo, it publishes Y i/1 Bowers somewhere, Dither on the lawn oppmet'evy year a book showing every detail of \Vu \1'11 would AAV here, that we have long I the garden. each vessel, and it is from this honk, called been of the opinion that the Ideal former of Toe third point mentioned was well, tilled " Lloyd's ilegioter," that time underwriter this country, ithe one who is to elevate the ' A neglected garden i0 t•opulsivo to every knows whether the vessel is a good oe hid 00eat1011 and atl'or,t the heat Iibuel 1.1111011 1) 1 01)0 who sees it. 1f you 01H111111 i'eenl00 to one, an(1 in some eaOOO it•lowa mere 111'1111110 1heinrelligeut, pr0aper1'OO, enceessful farm I give it good culture, whatever betides you captain who commands her, er and citizen, will be the 8rlla11 farmer 1(l i had hotter never eminnence 11 gal del, A " 1\'hat. is Lloyd's?" The great inatitn• 100 acres, Or 101,14'4', 1011. n1111iVitteo 1110 11001eet01 garde), will reset epee the what'- lion with 570 members, about, 0.20 8uh8crihe laud thoroughly, and surrounds his dwell. i asters of the growing children and of the ing with beauty, enivenienee, comfort and I parents, too, You know very well that even luxury, especially such 1Henries its ars 1 where there is a will to 1141 a thing, to carry produced from the soil. 'Phe greatest oh- , out any pltn, a way will he found, staelc in the way of realizing this ideal io Now, we know very well, both from ex. the inability of the small farmer t" stock . perlenee and observation, that a farmer his farm with such mathinery as will en. I will be much more likely t0 have a good able hint to produce at as low cost as the ; garden the follawii.g season if he begins large fat titer, and thus successfully compete preparations early. An 1nlpolleet prepare. with hint. \Vo have held, in opposition to 1 tion is to secure the seeds. This can be the.theorles of those who deny that chore I done by your whitey tireaide, when old can be any rightful ownership of land, that i Beretta is sweeping 11091'¢ front the north th01,11•:1111' who ennte'0 in legal possession of I with greatest velocity and hurling upon s0 1)1110h lend (10 is necessary to employ his earth his shat'p snow crystals, Order a mental ,End physical capacities for labor ' 1010 seed eat111egn00 from the mo•tt repot. and enable him to support his family, ]las 01,10 se0(lanlen, study then well, make veer as just plaint to ownership of that land as selections and send on your orders. When :any other property owner 1100 to his prop. 1 you get your seeds it may be well to test erty, but when a man takes possession of , them and see how reliable they aro. A 1,600 01:. 11111 1 large newts of hand, which eedoes net need 1 dozen of each kind, kept rnoost in earth or tape charge of the linden: titers' interests. again, and the "wedding bells" in his left standstill just on the edge of the river. It ail does not property cultivate, keeping bran, or moss or even in cotton flannel, and Th000 agents are chosen from the most ear came true soon after. had Bathed over him when he saw the others from entering and cultivating 4t, we kept warts under' the stove, will begin to trustworthy of the merchants at each place The servant. girl sitting with her "feller" sparks that the beidgo was beetling, nevi are not Moved to say anything ill advocacy sprout 4n a few days, and you can judge of and the appointment 4s 'inch coveted, for in the "nigger -heaven " grinned and tossed that a 8par had fallen, sel.d Ong up, es it wont of such claims, y 1 the vitality of the seeds by the percentage althougllthere is no fixed remuneration, yet hoe head when the refrain began and hum. down, a show of light. ile ca00d the train We ere aware that it is net an easy. mat- , that germinates, there ere a number of emoluments in the wed it softly to herself, "Sure, yer vice 1s and the wed oho it engineer ( 4010 0 passengers. o. '1 There is would } '\'hen, a ain, of m1( think it advisable sweeter'n her'n," lvhis erect the "feller-," g tee to iudicato n pian by which a numhur' g Y Y way of,ees, besides the pr'pi3O which harps p •f 1 a a•tne•shi or 'pint to start tonne kinds of vegetable and "lower to bring mor business Ti "Roont,e us and two people were in n state of blissful ON.b OF THE OLD 130E0E. • 1109) the !lull%posed Singer Cotietuerell, The immense hall was crowded with " all some and conditions of men," all impatient and eager' to hear the mnnh advertised new winger. Tule orchestra had playa" nearly a1I it8'repertoire, in or(lor to prcv'0at the andienee from noticing the long attn., and still she (lid not come. When at lust she did appear she wee accompanied by her 010014.1(13)', who explained the) the artist Wall sulli,ring from a very unpleitsant• sore throat, and that, though 1011101' than disappoint her only n young man, but T. wautt. to relate two kind frieed0 0110 would try to ping, her o } } 6 ) , experiences 01 hie which show him to be possessed of a marvellous presence of mind. " Ill October, IffiN, he woe engineer of a train that was clashing through burning forests near Lina, 0., at the rate of misty ONE EI GIEDER'S ESYEIiIENCL•'S, ale 11ns !tilled Two -la 1*croons, tial 10 1temirlled as 111 1111)4' Lafayette Truman, engineer of the Elie train 1111(1 ran into the 10ast010 11111noia train Friday night, has killed twenty-two men," wild C, 11, illcCullough, a brcthee engineer of the Chicago aid Lrio road, at the ('1111uu 11(01 night. 'Net," he 00ut1101, "11( 1)e COO° 3Vet8 110 to 11101110, and In every ease he line been exo,,el9ttel by the jury. :Meet of tubae killin s were at taprna,1 crown gs and in ether sin ilar acoid01110 where the engin• ern' could not, bo held responsible. Ifo Is 801eetlon would not bo the brilliant aria on the programme, but n simple, old ballad. With a sweeping bete he retired, 0nd the 111 1 A tut tl LATE FOREIGN Ni.W8. A law lute be04) passed i11 the British colony of Victoria impnaing a five per cent, duty on the income derived from property in the colony by per time not resident in the eolen ', A Paris uewapaper offers prizes for the best designo for 0, new issue of Trench post- ngu 0laulp0. The present stamps, 10eled ill 1873, have always been snbjeuted to much harsh eel tic'ism. Several French railway lines are going to light their' enl'l'fagen wall the (sleet vie light, "ns it has been found perfectly pruutical to make and s1.01'O electricity by gleans of a umreltanic11 attachment to the eng010," pro l e tognu. moment later the singer's Count Johann Kt'aaiekl, member of the voice fully proved that the sore 11,1001. was U Upper House of the Be3111, 111, t110ew him - a stern reality, and not 11. deep -laid adt'er. miles a1 hoar, That night the sky w4(8 con. pp fixing scheme, as the wise ones of the midi• waled by black storm clouds, and before Belt' from the third storey of 01( hotel hu mice hod begun to 8u01)00t. She was quite the burning dlstrlot wits reafled 1110 dark• V1on1(a into the oourtpard, and 1V148 Infltant• house, and when she reached th0 high note nose from the windows of the tarn seemed ly killed, l'hc Count, made an attempt to impenett'able, Then, 101 the train pr0ueedel, 001/0011 suicide in November lest, and it is the horizon became hazily red. As the believed he was subjeot to fits of insanity. train sled on nearer, tllo blood•rod clouds From 8tatieties covering the last thi)'ty• appeared to he tumbling about tumultuous• two yenta it is 00111 pitted that the average ly as if it were a sea of fire buffeted by life of women in Fenno() has been 38 years, angry winds. At lough the train seemingly and of men 3)1 years. During ln0t, year, plunged into the heat of this forest ot fire, however, the av0rl,ge rose to 40 years for "'i`lhere was a straight 8trotuh of track both sexes. continuing for 000841 miles. As the train In the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg per. dashed along the fire sprang up in sheets 00118 desiring work or help hnl•0 now only to send a postal card to the Direete' of the Postal Admin18tretiou in order to have their "manta" advertised in every Poet 011leo in the grand duchy. ere, and an equal number of etlh,titl1te8, her v0100 111)11001 "cracked," but (0411 the began in a very small way. In the latter WC1ra0 oho sing and the more nervone she part of the seventeenth century an Edward became the more intently the people 1is10.,. Lloyd kept a coffee homes 111 Tower street, ed and the morn interested they seemed. and later in Pope's Head alley, and to this But in truth, the majority of her hearers coffee house flocked rho merchants and bro• were far away in mind, though present in iters of London to talk overbn01ute88. Thera the flesh, and the sounds they heard were they used to agree to share with each other '1400w11. 0100. Cho fat man 111 the ("mar their marine risks, and started a now8paper Who looked so intently at, t110 singer's feet coiled Lloyd'a List, gislug all the latest in• "vas tlunkmg of the far away limo when telllgence of their maritime ventures, and somebody had sung the very song to from crackling, falling times on ether Sulo, so tete smell body grew 1,, #110 limited him, 01111 the face at which he mentally and above wase, canopy of shifting,eddying, surroundings for almost 100 years, till I774, gazed turas a very different one from that of red snmoke. Down the treeit, beyond the when with 00veltymine members, it ami• his wife, now sound asleep at home. The teach of the headlight, there was only a red ).rated, taking with it the old name, to the old maid by his aide had a pleasant memory blur. A bridge spanning a deep river was first floor of the Royal "Exchange, where it connected with that song, too, and the ahead somewhere. Suddenly, immediately has remained ever since, and beide( its thought of it brightened her fano and made in front, Trnnlaul sawn shower of lig sparks members and subscribers, ha0 now over her look so young and pretty that her old 118 upward. In an instant he was reversing 11 rho III erent so0 Torts who adnlireracrosa the aisle lost his 'tenet all over his engine, and the train was brought to it Itis proposed in France to impose a tax of ten ee1ti1110s per 1,000 francs upon time bargains 00 the Bourse. Thus tax is oxpeot- od to yield 11,000,1101) francs, which would holp to cover tho deficit resulting from the remelt of the liquor tax. A snake laboratory, for the study, under strictly scientific conditions, of snake poisons and cures for stake bitoe is to be established in Calcutta. L1 is to be found- ed by a nativeof the province, and [will bo have arrived at the coldnaion so quickly the only institution of its kind in the world. that the additional transitory light was It will bo thoroughly equipped and perfect from the bridge burning. Trey would have in every respect. of art can °ru p P 1 seeds m boxes, s0 as 110 have cod apron enjoyment for rho next half bora. The stock association for the purchase and g g Itch#taws call it, is guarded by a barrier, all Otvilelsilip of machines and blond stock, plants to.transplant into the garden as soon which stands a red•coaterl janitor to see 1 hey ardnottte sighed andd singing teacher 11 as the soil is well warmed 0p in the spring. that no stranger pa8se0 through, fur 1(a one p 1 g glaugh. that shall operate with justice and equity - you If do not oar0 to bother with hotbed, but members or subscribers is allowed to 1 oil all et once as he recalled his varied ex. to all the members and give no cause for Y perieuces with the mvoll•tvern 1()0840, and •I I B la we world you will want to start some tnrnato plants, at least, for to wait for tomatoes to grow in p y in front of him two pretty vocal students the open ground, from seed, is to shorten- 1, f Il'g thought exultantly how beautifully they %would be able to sing that song "next term." Alas 1 their teacher, might have told a different story, and that kindly old tyrant Time diol so eventually, for one of them entered the heavenly college very soon and the other married a plumber. Up in the gallery two shabbily dressed W0111011 glanced sadly at one another, undone wiped away a tear, while not far from them the angry feown of one face and the hitter ex• should the vessel be lost or damaged, and pression of the other told its plainly as his initials. So front desk to desk the Iwords of a domestics tragedy. broker goes, tutu he luta completed the 31)01111 :IND Tint 31113811'1Av. amount he wishes to insure, after which a Down in the orchestra seats the Bost violinist's face lighted up with a heavenly =Fleas he listened to the tender tune, for it was associated in his mind with a Kappl courtship, a merry welding day, and thirty five years of perfect Marded life, Ie the first TOW a young malt loaned bock in his seat, mid softly, unconsciously whits. pered : " Good -night, mother," as 1,o thought of the lolg•dead woman who had so often sting him to sleep with that very air. She had intended him to Become a Baptist minister, he, remeinbored, with an amusing smile, told last night he had. been sent to interview a (ambliug•ho0se keeper, 4,ani i t he sat in the 1111811) hall she had t gl t regarded all such places with holy horror, as wiles of the evil 0,10,) and he blushed to titbit of where to -morrow might see hint. 1300id0 him another journalist sat smiling in a half -sad, half -happy way—a bright 3101.103 welnnn about to give up the work she loved for the sake of the chubby little nrehiu whose golden head had nestled io her lov- ing arms the last time she had heard that 11,1111111, And so, the song wont no, the theatre was crowded with ghosts and spirits, ghaat• ly skeletons, and pleasant visions. Wedding menthes and merry datum tunes, funeral dirges jangled in soundless melody' 3 people moot rif an vessel on any nrticuhu date and dreams and hopes long dead came bark Y y P to life again ; babies that hod never lived with ease. These books ate on slopingwerecradled in loving, lonely arnms; geld 11141100 were disceverel, dillicullics 0111'. mounted, dioagreemer.t0 settled, nnuntates elImhod, and oceans noosed, Po some it murmured of still, plcaoaltcountry places 3 to others of the nloiutIni sea, while ac) o few felt ter the Moment 0, breath °f the fresh wn1(1, 911114(11, ill childhon(i, 11011 seem. ed to blow all troubles act ay, In 901110 ears and hearts it, snug a psalm of then ltsgivOng, in others it wailed a dreary despairing dirge; to others again it was the stirring call of a battle trumpets but more that all it whispered of the hope and cheer which underlie all human sorrow. And snit 13101)0 to pass that when tho song was ender" the applause wa0 deafening and the singer felt obliged to return. Hor next selection, a brilliant gavotte, was very well rendered, but the upplana( was faint and perfunctory, and time 08toni0he11 artiste wondered why such a musical audience should allow et) little diseriminatjon. If for 111 moment she could have looked back of the Bowers and congratulations sho re. aioved,the manager'sdolightfulapprobation, end the faces of her maty now made frienlo she would. hev0 seen that the mem- ories awakened, had pleased all hearts, enter. These, however, can introduce strangers. Yon ask for the person you wish to see,and after a name quite unite 1 - the season of fruitage wonderfully. iblo to you has been called out, your friend Teo following annual Hovers may bo appears and you walk in at his invitation started in the house and will bear trans- and see before you a long room with three planting well: Antirrhinum (or snap drag rows of desks, at which the underwriters on) asters, balsams, dianthus, portulaeca, and their 0nh0(11010s sit. The gangways petunias, phlox drumluondi), salvia, stook are filled with brokers and their (1011(s, ten weeks and zinnia. Shallow boxes, showing the underwriters' ships on which with from two to throe inches in depth of the nature of the risk is written, and, soil, will answer everyparpose in forward- should he litre the risk, ho writes down the tug plants. amount he wishes to run the risk of losing Another preparation that can be made to good advantage in hinter is 001114).03. Select some of the finest, most rotten manure that you oat find about the slablee and spread over the 0arvace 0f your garden policy is made out, to which the under. immediately. If the ground is covered With writers affix their names and respective "lines." At the end of the large room there is a small apartment where some mule under- writers sit. As you go past rho barrier you will be struck with the fearful noise going on, and marvel that the mortals rushing hero and there should be able to catch their respective names when called, yet so i(01110• complElI n rte rot p 00, recommend no loose association of neigh• hors, verbally agreeing to purchase, own and use certain property jointly. Such aseoci+tions are pretty certain to result in misunderstandings, disagreements, heart buntings end, probably, ilgitu1)000, Our idea would be to organize legal joint stook corporations, for well and clearly defiood pmt poses, everything to bo well understood and in writing. A dozen lle0r neighbors, working from 1000 to 1300 acres of land, in as utterly a square body as possible, could meet together and talk the matter over. 'They could determine what machines it would be economical for them to own jointly, which would be, probably, such as they would want to use for a short time only, in certain Seasons, say a drill for seed- ing, spring and autumn : possibly a roller, corn planter and perhaps a disk harrow, and mower, barvestor and threshing machine. Whenever a praoticablo busking machine shall be invented that would, likely, be in- cluded, and a potato digger whenever we have one that is really labor-saving and economical, Perhaps a large cutting oma. chiue would also be =used and a a•Imt)on steam-engine to operate threshing machine, cuctine-machin', possibly buio.saw in sena localities where wood is still plentiful. Then, they night inela11e such seed ani- mals as a stalllou, a hail, a ram, a boar, all of best blood, or, perhaps, a stallion might profitably cover a larger territory. It could easily be estimated how much would be required to make all necessary purchases and then '.25 to 50 per cont. added for repel' s and other necessary expenses. 1 his would constitute the capital stock, which should be divider. into shares of convenient size, $25, $50 or 5100 each. This stock should be taken by the neighbors, exclusively, and in proportion to the number of acres each member has under cultivation. It would not he necessary to pay down the full amount of all the shares at once. A certain percentage could be paid atorganiz• anion and future assessments made as hinds were regnirod to make further purchase", Some of the most tellable met should be einem as trustees, and a presddeut, seer(• tary mid n•,•'t:mrer-elect, The treasurer should expend the money, and the store• snow all the better. When the snow melts and the rains fall the mannr0 will he dis• solved and soak into the soil, ready to feed the plant, a0 00011 as the seed is sown and germinates. If these preliminary operations are at- tended to in hinter you will be likely 10 planta garde" in the spring, if not, von will probablybe too bees' to attend to it toured do they get to the buzz and se clear• and go another year with nothing worthy of ly and distinctly does Fervent, the jovial the name garden on your premises. crier, call them out that they very seldom have to be repeated. Un the left as you An Extraordinary Story. a room, head Youter is the superintendent's nt s 1 m, l e An extraordinary story—oto of the real- which is the "loss honk," in which is writ• ity-beatiug•romanoe style—reaches us from tel all the serious casualties. At this boort Kieft The news reeds litre a shilling•ahock- all the underwriters and brokers look first er or n, Porto St. Martin drama, and, with- in the morning and then pass on to what is out entering into all the unsavoury details called the " chamber of horrors." 'phis is on which our correspondent dwells, we "nay a small room, of the halls of which all the summarise his narrative briefly, as follow0 : casualties, great dol small, aro posted, also —It seems that, by the orders of the Central notices of the committee and all the tole- It ole• Itevolulionaty Committee, one of. the afiiliat• grams Itnn0uncing the welcome news of the cd was entrusted last October with the safe arrival, the speaking or the departure strange mission of eloping with the wife of of vessels, or the disastrous tidings of a One o? the chiefs of the famous Third Section loss. of the Impanel Chancellory, the object of The arrivals aro posted in to large books in the proceeding being to extort from Madam thoorder they are telegraphed before being la Generale some information ahont a fresh posted into large alphabetical index books system of reprisals against !Nihilists, as #n which the initiated can trace the move - planned by tho High Police. The mission it appears was not one of extreme difficulty, for on the 10th of V ovemhor the vouplo were tra. rolling i11 Italy hill' ler the 1'10)l411 Ivo do- ecriln.ions of A11ua hate', 80(0)14,)., 111('1 Ito lharl \Corner, impresario, awl several tar y • koeE 1 the u,ronut: 1.0,1 have volarnu101h9 reports hr,,) been despatched to 19) 9)) 11 St. Pe1e1 1)41. I111ile m4lwtirne, tha as• the property, .ahnuhi 11. erected at. tom r..p•t lr h:ri been trade known in every detail home e f the "ecreta•v l0 1,•e leased to the to the p1,111,0 ell over the 1$nlp1re, :u,d when 'l�anci Minn 'I'i;n •m'•crett'y should be ' '''""plc returned on the 121111 of Decant - located its near 'tie centre of the area - •_, 1d11s,in, ;01(1 rep0lred to K10f1', that covered by the stnukheldero,' ,m practi- cable. In the byiaws it ehonld be stated, holy mach shodid be charged for use, per day ,,r per acre, for every machine, and how muoh for service of et cry animal and such charges should be anteren against every stockholder rising machines and animals. At the enol of the year the compauy should be credited with the value of earnings of property which rdlould be divided among the shares of stook. If any stockholder has had more than his share of use he would fall in debt to the company, and if any had less his credits wonld exceed his debts. The by-laws should explicitly state the rules of precedence in use of machines, es there the •greatest danger of trouble would arise. Those who should first get ready to use the machines should enter their names and toe them in crier of record, and as soon as clone return to secretary. The sec- retary should carefully examine each ma- chine before and after each member should use it, and any damage oppearing, not 1100• (wearily resulting from wear, charged to the one who caused it. We are ewer° that we have only hinted at the details that would be necessary in such joint stock operations, but we are con. )idem that small organizations are feasible, if farmers will enter them and conduct them on ordinary business principles, and we be. lieve that they would result in great peanut. nay benefit to those engaging in them, We ask our readers to dimities the rlu00tim1, offering such objections, if arty, 148 they may think woildoperate to render them Mmprate finable, Mahe Early Preparation. hr. t -'n' i of Nihilism, ft 1908 only to meet a ep—' y 100111. Man and wu,nan were recng• Met .1 immediately, and his Excellency, telegraphed for from St. Petersburg, stat toll without delay, and surprised his wife with her paramour in an hotel, Before the gen- darmes who were following him could inter- fere, the General, drawing his sword, began to hack about, decapitating his wife with a tremendous blow, ail mortally wounding the man. The body of the woman w118 buried the 011.1110 night, and the wretched man thrown into prison, where every care will be taken then he does not die before he speaks out. So eager is the Russian Govern• mint to know every particular of this story that a special emissary has been despatched to retrace the route journeyed by the two over0. Wolves in Chinet. The plague of wolves in Shensi, a moun- tainous province of North Central China, is described as becoming more and utero alarm- ing, A correspondent in that part writes that in the village in which he is sojourning they had beard of eleven persons being car- 1'ied of by these animals in seven days. Most of the victims wore children ; the rest young persona of 10, 1.0 and 20 years of age. "They cone," says the writer, " to our village here every night just new: Men ar• bestirring themselves, going out in large numbers t., hint tern, as yet, "however, un encentsfully, "To -night we have put poisoned mutton in two planes not far off, hopingto find at least one 'load wolf to•nurrrow. They roast in open daylight, boldly entering villages and carrying orf helpless little ones. Three went 4n company a few days ago into it 1(a• til•0 village ; one of the number entered a An experience of over half a century has 1f1141 01111 n nnouhl 11 011) inclvery llilahis has taught us that few things connectedwith been futile. It semis this; is their breeding the farm give greater enjoyment to the, entire family of the farmer than a vvell•ar• time, hence their abnormal boldness. ranger", well stocked, well -tilled, garden. Itis well arranged when located adjoining the dooryard in such a way as to augment the beauty of the landscape, and to be of easy 000088 from both sit4)ng•roem and kitchen. 11 difficult of across it wil 1101 bo visited sofrequentlyin Omsp01'e motnentx of time snatced from thebtlsy llvra of those engaged in carrying on a farm, whether in. doors or 0111; for, he it known that we regard tho houoekoepe s,themolts,911),4,preparethe food for snpplyi'g the energy required to perform the outdoor labor and make (ivory. thing pleasant, restful and o0mfortablo in Avoiding a Scene. \C ifs---" D1,1 you toll that girl she'd got to go at once?" Husband—" I did, and she says she won't. Shall I call it poli(lnman 1" Wife—" Mercy, no 1 Tho idea t Our 1)1011130 would bo in all the papers. I'll get rid of hor." lIusl,anrl- "\'nu? ITow can yo1?'' Wife -" I'll tell her yet arca brute and wall t 1 111.11) 11,,1 (111'1431 1', x1190 0)1)r101)50; al• tl,nn1h Pur ',11111 1111,1 will Imtnally suffer tvith11(1 her help, Thou ehe'll go.'' desks 41( the reading ro0ln,an1 are constantly 1101ng posted by a stall' 04 clerks who aro krill busy night and day, 1,, this rcadnt,g room ore kopt looks in which the r.101/rd of every ruptein from the time he gets hie maw• ter's Oer1.111cahe is written. There aro also all the directories of the principal 10011,0 in the world, which aro religiously tiled and kept for reference, and a host of other books, eta, necessary for the information of those doing business there. A TERRIBLE WRECK. Collision era 1'ntslmgel• Train, O{•il88 n fnitle Train lin 1lnng:t'y, A Buda Pesti, telegram says :—A pas stinger way train tool a cattle train collided near Gran today. The cattle train was heav- ily loaded and its impetus forced the loco- motive over the loeomo)ive of the passenger train and into the first, and second carriages. The other carriages of the passenger train were partially smashed. In the first Car• riages three persons were killed instantly and 10 more were severely, perhaps fatally injured. In the second carriogo 15 persons were injured two so seriously teat they are oxpeoted to die. In the other carriages 13 persons were out or bruised, but none dangerously. The engine drivers of both trains were terribly burned, but may re- cover. Three hundred head of cattle were killed, Most of the injured who could be moved have been taken to the Grau hospital. The misplacement of a switch is .supposed to have caused the accident. Tho Feeding of Schoolgirls. In the feeding of schoolgirls, soya the TIospitel, the first thing to do is to provide there with a1 appetite ; and tido con always be clone if intelligence is at the head 0f af- fairs. The girls ahottlri 1111ve it iiberal sup- ply of fresh, woll.eoaked meat at least twi10 a day. 1,, addition to this they should have eggs and fish three or four days 111 week, A groat variety of thoroughly nour- iac4ng puddings should bo provided for then ; and plenty of voggotobleo of the fresh• est and host, (411)11 should bo abundant and fresh fruit plentiful, They oh 10111 have fou' good meals in the day, They should never study within an hour and a half after one meal, and half en hour before the next. Your hours a day of thoroughly diligent etudy le as m ooh ao tho average girl ail; well stand, "five hours aro too 10ug for many giro, and obx too muoh for all but the very stronge01. Wo have purpo001y avoided the laying down of minute rules, Mit we hope that enough has been said to slew par. • o)t0 what ought to ho clone for their daugh- ters (during school life,, and to parstuulo thorn to insist that it 811011 1:0 rl0il0. FEARFUL RIOT IN BOGOTA. One Hundred Men Killed and Five Jeno- Aired Wounded. supposed it was an inconsoqueltk,l part of the phenomena, and plutiged ml to tlestrac- don. " The other incident, while not surronn d• ed by the popular hero -like aspect lent by the forest lire and the run 1hro1gh 111, eras 1(0 loss heroic, mei showed a far (Teeter pre0' once of mind This was in Ohio too, neer Hepburn. IT s train this time tens running at about the same rate, sixty miles an "tout', when the rods :m each side of the engine broke, instantly 11111ing the fireman and wrookiug the cab. Truman, to save him. self, j,entped into the tender. And there he writs isolated, and it Were, for the train was going sixty miles an hone, and the broken rods were flying sadly and beating cloafen- ingly, and it W00 impossible for him to reach An attempt to rob the Casino at Monte Carlo was ro)eotly made by employees. They tried to steal some 110,1100 as it was being transported from the gaming rooms 10 the cashier's offiee. Several croupiers were involved and sixteen arrests were :rade. Ono watchman arrested had dyna• mite in hispookot. Light miners atJurjovka, Russia, were imprisoned in a aline by its being onddouly flooded with water a month or so since, it took ten days to pump the water out, and all hopes of their rescue were abandoned, but when reached they were still living, although terribly exhausted, hexing eaten nothing during the wh110 of theft imprieon- 111onp The mortality from diphtheria in Hun - 011 airbralto with the train going at that gam last year, as shown by a return pub speed. He is only a young nutty, but he (lid lisped in Buda -Pesti, was quite appalling something (hen that many old engineers An iuquiey instituted in _1 enmities proved have since toll" me they would never have that in these alone 1:1,070 children were at - thought or. lie got out his pocket knife and tacked with the disease, and 0187 died in A New York despatch says;—The Heralds Panama eorrespondoat cables: There has been a serious ret at Bogota, wide)) lasted two days. It is said 100 men were lolled and 600 wounded. 11'he riots wet'( in no sense political. Thr trouble grew out of an article by J. Ignacio Guit• throe, a professor in a local Jesuit College, alleging Widespread ignorance among the laboring einem, The artisanal arose en mese and a mob of 400 gathered about the house of llutttoroz, stoned the building and broke the windows and doors. The police remonstrated with the rioters, but they were driven away, They returned with re- inforcements and a collision stemmed in which shots wore oxobangod, Tho police wore vlotnl'iatls, Another fight occurred Inter in the day and the rioters were dia. pa'se.1. Everything was quiet the next morning, but at o o'olock 4n the eveningµtho working men gathered by thousands in Sun Vic- torano square, (kneesward[and in the pub. lio maritet, They overpowered the police and for a while were in full pn8ses8ion of the city. Newspaper olliee0 were molted and a general aoeanlb was committed on the police ba'raeks, The Government caller1 out the military, and after a sharp fight the mob tva.0 dispensed. The capital 18 still in rstate of [doge although it is oBlolally an. m uncoil that :mitt kala been restorer". A Do y"1( believe in fate, 1'aL'4 dare and striae local press censorship has been CS, pIlwat would we stand o1 widout'orm 7 tablishod cut the hose, thereby apply#ug the automatic brake, and:meeecded in stopping the train. I would rather ride behind tint man," eon• el oiled 1lr. 3leCullmlgh, "than any engine::: the twelve Mout 118 Aa there are 72 coun- ties in Hungary, the journal eatilll1tte8 the total 1111111101' of cotes in Hungary at no lose than .10,000, and the deaths at :1011)1). The in the United Staten." (tenement, is at present considering means of combating the disease. The Kangaroo asa Prize Fiehter• Among 111e recent developments in the world et 0001.1'., in Australia, is the train• a n stab and spar or ing of a kangaroo roc t stand u/ s u lox with a human antagonist. An exh1bi• tion of this cations hind of combat now takes piaeo regularly at the Royal Aquar- ium, London, and it attracts many spectators. The way in which the lateral Itongaroo spars in the bush, 1110birthpiece, ispeonliar, He phlae0 his front paws gently—almost lovingly—upon the shoulders of his anta- gonist, and then proceeds to disembowel hint with a sudden and energetic movement of one of his hind feet. From this ingenious method of practicing the noble art of self-defense the kangaroo at the Royal Aquarium has been weaned. The clever instructor of this ingenious marsupial has trained it to conduct a (mutest under the conditions known as the \iargnis of. Qtleensborry's rules. It capitol be said that it adheres to 111.00 regUlatieus quite s,, rigidly as the combatants who pummel one another at the Notional Sporting ('tub are 141)0)10(1 to d1,, On the contrary, it euulot wholly disabuse 1tsell 0i the idea, favored by the 1''retch, though discountenanced he the English, that dose who are ettuclted have as good it right, in defend thont01lt•es with their feet 1(w wilh their fiats. 111 affects 101 x01'0lo 111 preference to 1, /m,r,', a pre'di• leaden which, conaidering the levee with which a kangaroo tan kirk, might quite oonceivanly cause an injury to his antegnn. 1st. However, 110 berm, has as yet boon clone, and the a conntet' between human and marsurpial is spirited and novel, and admirably illustrates the power of elan to bend the brute creation to hie Evill. A writer in a recent number of the Over. land) oalnthly advocates the importation and domestication of the kangaroo in 1hi'. 0011, try. He gives authorities showing the fensi. bility of the project, and believes the animal could be introduced and raised here with profit. The flesh of the kangaroo is highly esteemed as a food, and fc'om the hides a vMumble leather is made. These aro le3iti. mate uses o• the °ninmtl. But it is shook. iogto think of degrading so naeful a urea• tura clown bo the level and equal of abrutal human prize fighter, The Tragic Side of Rife. Those heavy crosses, each covered with a narrow, pointed roof and decorated with a rude pianism, standing beside tho path, or 00 the bridge, or near the mill --what do they mean ? They mark the place whore it human life has been lost, c' where some poo' peas. ant has been delivered front a great peril and has sot up a memorial of his gratitude. Th11) toll of the na,gc.r that luras on the steep slopes of grass where rho mower( have to go down with ropes around they waists, An'1 in the beds of the streams whore the floods sweep 110'011311 in the spring, an(1 in the forests where tic great trees fall and crush mon like flies, and out the icy bridges whore a slip is fatal, and on the high passes where the Winter snow 84100',,) bands 1110 eyes and benumbs the limbs of the traveler, and under ire cliffs from which avali,nchea slide and rocks roll. .They show you men mid woman falling from wagons and swept waters and over hehn away by v r a w ed in Janet, slips. In the co•nor of the picture you may see a peasant with the Maul( cross above This head—that means tdeath. Or, perhaps, it is deliverance that the tablet commenter. atlas --•aid theft you see the [Hiller heeling beside a mild with a floor" rushing down upon it, oe a peasant kneeling in his harvest field motor nn inky -black olo,d ; or a 11;11d. lord booido his inn ill Mantes ; or a moths' pt'ayhlg beside her sick children ; and above appears 00 01(401 or a saint, or rho Virgin With ler child, hall fto- hicrs cat 1awd1' be poi 'or with aeronaut, Andre Cazeue)vo, once a celebrated cook, died in l'aris a few days ego at. the age of L13, \Viten he was still a child he entered he kitchens of I)lucl e • of which he be ame th t, I c head cook before he was quite 18. He was n1oirr,. 'Hint,/ at \I, 113 , T,4llayrand's in 1833. Afterward le entered 1110 kitchens of Louis Philippe, where he remained in the capac- ity of chief until the revolution of 1848 when he retired 10 the house in which he diel". He conlrihntod a num- ber of recipes to the hook of Alexandre Dumas. On Wednesday morning, in Vienna, a policeman arrested n "young man" who would not give a satisfactory explanatol, as to where ho got a cask that ho was 1011)113 along. At the police station 0 wile tliseov' ere,) that the thief was really a woman— Maty Gnndinger by name aged '11. She confessed that when her brother died, four - woe years ago, she changed clothes with hint, gave let' own documents up as those of the dead, and with his paper°, calling herself Joseph, managed to get more work and u better living thin would have been pondlil0 Ilud silo c0utt111cd her carc,•r as a WennOL Ai ler lodgings was a girl who called herael[ the prisoner's sweetheart, The Soro'ity of the present winter in \-immin cannot be bolter illustrated than by the perilous adventure whfeh betel a party of people on Notley night while returning from hriltendorf, n little village some miles up the Danube, to 10),'o1 rnouberg, Wili011 is practically a suburb of Vienna itself, The party numbered some forty persona. They were traveling in sledges, and went within scarcely half an hour's journey of their destination when the entire party, together with their horses and sledges, were over whelmed in a deep snowdrift. Happily help was at Mand, otherwise the travelers would all have been frozen to death, As it was, several hours elapsed before they could be extricated, The Russian Budget for 1 803 is for the first time, °vera thousand million re bin, amount- ing 411 ordinary and extraordinary rooelpts and expenditures to 1,040,458,385 rubles. A defaoit of something over thirteen million 41111108 is shown 10 the extraordinary revenue but this is covered by a surplus in the ex. traerclin ry revenue of an exactly similar amount. This 4s a financial feat accomplished pretty mach ever}' year by the Russian 1(0• tonal experts. Thelestimates for the ro arm. °uncut of the army and navy are set down at 50,007,000 rubles. The extraordinary and growing disparity between the expenditure on th0 army and navy and that on educettion continues to cause comment among Russian political writers, BURNED TO T)BATH, Three Lives Tont lit it nye Near IJndslty A L111101131 despatch stye ;—There was a tragedy of the most distressing character this Morning in the township of Fcnelon, about eight miles from Lindsay. Between one and two o'clock the fain dwelling of Mr. Ino. Hark wits discovered to bo on fire. The family consisted of Mr. Mark, his wife, mother, and several children, The build• ing was all in llamc0 when the family was aroused, 4131)1)) difficulty all the Inmates got ant of the 110081, except Mr.lldark's nloth0', whoWAR sleeping upstairs, When Mr, Meek discovered this ho rushed in to save her, followed by his daughter, Almost immediately after their 0111rinlae the build- ing collapsed, and all three perished. in the 11,loos, the night was bitterly cold and sternly, and as Ars, Mark and the children were in their flight 0)1,11108 their snfforingo were very great, i\Irs. Mark then took two of the children and carried thorn to a neigh. bores house quite a 11i01.twee away. Om rearliing shelter it was found .t11at parts of her be ly were frozen,