HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1893-2-17, Page 5FEB, 17, 1893 THE BRUSSELS POST Wel trosvosethrnownormaxectrat IMIVINEMRECUMEMINOVEINIMMIESI NEW ALL WOOL CARPETS, New. Tapestry Carpets, New Brussels Carpets, New Union and Hemp Carpets. NEW LACE CURTAINS, New Art Muslins and Cretons, New Table Linens and Napkins, Towels and Towelling ; New Cottonades, Cottons, Skirtings, Tick- ings, Gingham's, &e. New Dress Goods, New Prints. oots a 1 fly t 11" es In Cooper and Smith's and Ar_:es, Holden & Co.'s make, and other Eastern Goods. t.ieC®/01.1 f[ad .yyw VEDM 6 :x,amrrcrn:srs*r-zsta,nu.a'rla�rrosatar Hundreds of New Suits in Men's, Youth's and Boys' Sizes. Amon: this lot are Three Spe- cial Job Lines, viz : 20 Boys' Suits at $2 00, sizes from 22 to 30—Thus lot is good Union Tweed and will wear well ; 33 Youths' Suits, sizes 31 to 35, all wool with long pants, going at $5.00, regular price $7 50 ; 25 Boys' Suits, all wool, with Knicker Pants, for $5 00, sizes from 27 to 32 —This is an extra good quality and are sold for more money in the regular way. New Tweeds, Worsteds, Coatings'and Partings. 250 yds. ©f Botch Tweeds bought from 30 to 3® per cent. below Regular Wholesale price. Our Reputation for iurnishiiig the Right Goods at the Right Time and at Right Prices becomes more -widely spread every clay. We would be pleased to have you. come in our store, as five minutes' sho wing of our New Goods will be more convncing than a whole column of Advertising. BRUSSELS, • , I DISTRICT NEWS. Atwood. A house eannot bo rented in Atwood for love or money. Logs in considerable numbers are be- ing delivered al the saw mill and pros. peeps are good for a fair season's saw• leg. The I. 0. G. T. are making arrange menta to seoure the services of the great temperance evangelist, Mre. Owen Flttob• arta, of Paris, for two or three evenings in March. Jatm ci/tatowtl A. K. Stewart, Provincial Liaeuse In- epeutor, paid an official visit to License Inspector J. R. Miller, of East Riding of Buron, and found everything o. k. Owing to the sale of his stook, Edward Snell has removed his family to Whig ham. J. J. Vinoout ie :netting quite a retwvation in the ehop and will push the Modems et a lively rate. W. B. Raid intends having an auction sale of farm stook, &o., on Wednesday, March 1st. He intends giving up farm• ing here its hie lease hag expired and will likely go West on a prospecting tour in the Spring. Andrew Simpson and wife will come book from Wawanosh to the farts. The peop.e of this locality will welemne their return. C; raitt b roc lc. Gnelvn 00so8nT.—A Grand Concert nndvr the timepiece of Court Woodbine, No. 100, 0.0. F., will bo held in Dames' Hall, Oraubrook, Wednesday eveuing, Feb. 22. The following well known talent has been engaged for the 00085101. :—Wm. MoLeod, Seatorth, coolie v0oali,t, reciter and dancer ; Nape. and Miss Sage, the great musical getee performers who stand unrivalled itt their Hue. Their performance ou the musical glnsaes, hobtles and bells ie the sweetest music imaginable. They have reuoivod the highest enconiume from the press wherever they have appeared ; B. L. Jackson, ;Brussel/4, the well known violinist ; Prof. Fisher, the "bonearbist," will also tette part in the program ; high thief Ranger, Edward 'Powe, of Loudon, will preside as chairman. Doom "pan at 7 p. m., concert nommen• ova at 7:80. W eLJ toric. Dave. Ballantyne, of St. Thomas, is visiting his parents here this week. War. Moore and wife, of 'Toronto, are visiting their friends here. .Vias Mary Richardson, of Brussels, was visiting her tooter, Mise Nellie, this week, The tea -meeting Held in Duff's church last Monday evening was at 81100ees in every way. 'Pea Was served from 6 until 8 p. m., after which Rev. D, Forrest took the chair and palled on Revile, (Atwell, Ross and MoQnarrie, respeotively, to ad• drose the audience, which they did, in fine style. Thos. ll2sFadzean, jr., gave a very interesting recitation and the choir furnished good music, Receipts of the evening amounted to 108.75. The Foresters' supper on Tuesday evening last was, fiotwithebanding the unfavorable evening, a very pleasant affair. After all had enjoyed a eumptu. sus repast Bev. D. Forrest was called to the chair and the following program rendered 1—Music on violite and organ, Mince Sage ; dialogue, Misses ttumpll. ; solo, Mies E. Willi:ninn ; reading, 11rs. Neal ; instrumental, harmonica, organ and bones, Miss 114. Morrison, P. McTaggart and El' in Visitor ; recitation, Mr, Kearney ; song, Joe. McKim ; recitation, W. Winters ; reading, M. Morrison ; solo, Mrs. Isaiah 8101611 ; in. momenta!, organ and v)01111, Miss Sage and J. Campbell ; rsoitation, Miss 13. MoKibbin ; instrumental, organ and harmonica, Miss Pollard and Wilde Neal ; duett, Joe. MoKim and Misa Annie McKim ; inetrumeutai, violins and ogee, Misses Sege. 1411.11,0i. Reeve IMiine is away 1t Muskoka. H. Wanner has inn fano •d a big vale of farm stock, final, manta, household furniture, dtu., on Tuesday, 28th inst., before leaving for the West on a pros. 'meting tour. 14leeers. Willis and Green also talk of going West. Dian.—Last Tuesday Fleury Green, no old resident of this locality eros -ed the river with the silent boatman. The de ceased had been ailing for som time with a cancer in his side, which ulti- mately caused his death Mr. Green was born in England told came to Canada about 40 years ago. He resided on his farm in Grey township for a number of yours, moving :mu Ethel 4 year, ago. His wife and 4 children Survive him. The funeral took plane on Thursday afternoon, the interment being made at Brussels cemetery. Rev. D. B. McRae conducted the service. L.iamOwsal. The married gentlemen of the Math°• dist church contemplate giving an enter- taminent at an early date, Harvey Ham, operator and" clerk at the 0, T. R. station in this town, tae been promoted to the position of agent ab Holstein on the Durham branch. The annual meeting of the County L. 0. L. of North Perth was held in the Orange hall. Listowel, on Tuesday of bast week, there being a good representation present from the three districts of Wal. taco. Elms and Mori ington. The follow- ing 01200)0 were electedfor the ensuing year : •- 0. W. Comes, W. 0. M., (re. elected) ; W. Welch, D. 0. M. ; W. Mo. Kee, 0. hap. ; T. Later, 0. 800.850. ; S. S. Rothwell, 0. Trees. ; E. M. Alex. ander, 0. Dir, of Gerenronlos ; A. Strong, Jas. Ca58011 awl G. H. Dixon, Loan ore. It was deoided to hold the celebration of the Boyne anniversary nt Milverton this year. At the last meeting of the town Oonnoil it was moved by A. W.' )1' atheretone, seconded by R. Woods, that the request of the directors of the Morrie, Feild, Rogers Co. be gralited, and that the Olerk le now instreated to have a 13yls.w pre- pared, advortiee and submit same to the ratepayers ab the earliest possible date, authorizing this Ooucil to pay ovoe to the Morrie, L'eild, Rogers Piano Oo, limited, the stun of two thousand, five 110ndted dollars, out of the monies re. °e;ved by the town of Listowel from the 'Murano on the Hess Bros. & Oo's, prop - arty, oho said Piano 00, to may all legal and other expen0es incurred by the town in prepariug and submitting said By- law, whether it is outried or nob; and if By-law is parried the amid Pialo Co. to be at the expense of any priveto legis- lation ib may be 110050eary to have passed to make it legal for this Coattail to pay over the said money to the said Piano Co. Belorvs1vo- Quite an interest is taken in the dis- cussion over the proposed new school section. There would bgabout 60 or 70 pupils for the 0011001 if the present prop osttion is carried out. Belgrave has a strong claim an I some of the hottest op. poneut0 to the 501eme are ratepayers wild have n„ children 10 attend school There 1015 a surprise party in Belgrave a few evsutog- 8,;•j at the lieu a of II. Madden on the eve of his departure from Belgrave Tae m anhers of the Orange Lodge, accompanied by the Lade True Bates of Slot villn:.e, gave them it elm - prise. C' er forty persons with bask -ts well filled with everything good for the Meer man were on hand. After their arri al the Lady True Bluev read an address and presented albs. Madden with a beautiful bible and some other nine presents. A vary 1-reeable °venin,• spent with recitation.. and Speeches. ?Jr. and Mrs. Madden removed to Ethel last week. They have many warm friends in this locality. Coxeemr.—The concert given here last Monday evening, under the auspices of the Vorarlberg, was in every way a grand success. The large audience completely filled the house, gallery, pit and stage being'packed to the utmost capacity and all were more than delighted with the extra fine program. Mrs. Murray Dick- son, solo septic. of St. Andrew's church, Toronto, gave tour beautiful songv, "The Fairies" being her best.. Mrs. Dickson has a rich, clear volae ranging from B. flat below the staff up to 0. above• the staff and we hope to have the pleasure of hearing her sing here again, Jas. For, Beriocomio, of Toronto, quite electrified the house, a good votes, ele;aut (costumes of numerous styles, rollookiug song.: and hie nnsiu'passible art of imitatingentitles hint to the front row aa a comedian The dnette with kers. Dickson were also well received, The orchestra, of Wing. ham, glue a number of selection' -In fine style. Prnf. Hawkins, of Brussels, gave two solos of the tine Brantford Piano en. gaged from Mr. Bell, of Wingham, be- sides p eying all the ao0mnpaiatneuts for the singers with his usual grace and proficiency. :411ot•riht. Mtge Eliza J. Peacock is home from her visit to Mildmay. William Thornton and Nelson Thorn- ton have returner) from their visit to Dereham, Adam Hoover and sister, of Wawa. 310511, 005 visiting rslabivss and friends on oho let con. Themes Mttbltsrs, of 111o11ilan, is at preoenh 015161)113 hie parents acid relatives 00 6119 1st 001, Revival snrvieee are going on at Eben. ease this week. There were no meetings last week on account of the storm. Charles Milner anal Samuel Kirkby, of St. Marys, were visiting at Councillor Kirkby's lash weep. They aro nephews of his. Rumor gays there is going to bo a wedding in thin township in the noir future. One of the contracting parties live en the and con, The pulpit in Johnston's 011teau was occupied by Thomas Jewitt, of Bluevale, on Sauday. The organist, MM. Rotten, was greatly missed sho being away 011 11 visit to her sister's at Exeter. • A deputation waited on the Gonnoil last Monday relative to the formation of a new notion 0ohool motion in Belgravia) locality. After hearing those for and sottish tato matter was left over to the neat meeting of Connell, Assessor Watson is on the warpath for 1890 The .tsses5ment shit xayv •"No dogs struck off after Court of Revi,i,,u." Holten ltrLLEu,—T11' W. G. dr 11. ex press, on T'hureda'Id-enteral of week, killed a fine three-year-old colt for Peter Barr, on the 411) line ern sing. Mr. Barr had t'ened hiv horses out t, water as is hie 011st.nm about 6 p m, They went to their newt watering place, a 5prieg ou the side cif the real a few rods from the track, and after drinking what they wanted they began raeiug up and down the road. Upon coming, to the track one of them started to run along it and the cattle cloud being filled level with snow the 0 It fell in and was endeavoring to get out when the train, which was three boors late, struck it Mr. Barr v1 OBS bit Dolt at $110 and Bays if the company will not settle for the saute he will site ,hem as they are compelled to keep 111010 retitle gourds op- en to prevent cattle from getting into trouble. Oliver Smith, 0th Donn is attending Brussels public school. Bobie'ebridge, over the Maitland, 12th con., will be rebuilt during 1898. David Ballantyne and John MoQnarrie, of St. Thomas, Out., are visiting rela- tives in this township. John dill, who WAS laid np fur a portion of last weep with a Madly in- flamed throat, is gebtieg all right again, Angus Sh.w returned on Wednesday fromside. a week's visit to Morrioe, Michigan, where his another, sister and brother re Archie Lamont has pnrobased the ad- joining 1110 aoree East of his farm, being lot 10, con. 7, from James McDougall, of Dakota. The price was $6,500. Mr. Lemont takes posseasi°o on April 1st. It is a fine fat to and will make money for the purchaser. lir. McDougall intends returning to the West next mouth. 6{' 1 inch:9 tn. A dog poisoner is still at work in totan. The firemen purpose holding a concert in the near future. A horse fair aill be held in Wingbam on Thursday, Feb. 28rd. The Windham Methodist Sabbath school orchestra took part in the For- esters' concert et Belgrave on Monday evening last. Rev. E. W. Hughes tante of resigning as he has to mak, a hardness trip to the old °enutry and will be absent two or three m ,nths. Jos. G°lley and Wm. Johns, two of the Gonnuillore duolarsd °looted for No. 1, handed in their resignations to the Town Cleric, during the meeting of the Town Council. A Hot stoop company with headquar- ters in Toronto have purehesed the s‘ in,:- ham „ham woollen mills, and after completing the work on hand purpose removing the Machinery. The Wingham Eleobrie Light Company have parohsaed the ;veto)' privilege at Lower Wingham and intend erecting a building there shortly and ma the elm - trio light by waterpower. The relief committee of the Christian Endeavor Society of St. feel's 0111rrch, SO reudeo a little assistance to those who havo been unfortunate, inbeud to give a charity soolal in the Temperance hall os Thursday evening, Feb, 23, The Thrum says :—Al the meeting of the Town Connell, on Monday evening last, a large deputation, 001151(410g of members of the Moat W. 0, T, t.T., and other tompera105 workers, wailed upon ONTARIO. tastoremanattrononxtwnou ®aae„a.er.•...m.m.sa. 1 [I 1 loll the Connell and presented a numerously - signed petition of ratepayers and mothers It asking the Como to lima the number I s of hotel lireuaes to be granted for the o ^•'n of Win ham for the license par of 1803.04 to four. Rev. S. Sollery, B. D., t and Rev. W. FS. Watson, addressed the Council, when ib was decider) to grant the prayer of the petition, end a by law to that eft at was passed through its several staves. The heense fee vv etc raised from 0100 to ,$226 for each hotel. For the past two years there have been six 'icons - ed hotels in 1.011)1)1. 'there has not been a shop license granted for Wingharn for many years. Tho tem:armee foaling in town is taking practical shape. IT1ne':vtt 1.•. bfisMBS A. Richardson and T. Downey attended church in Wingbam last San• day and so did Harry. Rev. J. W. Pring was away 5t 'Kincar- dine last Sunday supplying the pulpit of Rev, Dr. Henderson. We are glad to say that, although the slack time for most tailors has arrived, our tailor is still kept busy and also his two lady apprentices. The buys of this pima have been very husily engaged in skating the last few days. As there has been very little skating this winter as yet they are mak- ing the most of it. It is with great pleasure that we an. enures the recovery of Mr.. John Messer. She has been quite ill for some time hub is now nearly restored to her used health and s'rength. Mo. Coultas is now making proper. otions for moving to his future home. He has bought Hugh Rose' farm near the station and soon hopes to take np his abode there. Mr. Ross has b night Mr. Oo,Ites' house and se thou as Mr. 0, ell tea leaves he will remove here. We wish ver their homes. them every senses in Ou Friday evenin•', Feb 171h, a grand concert will be given in the Foresters' Hall. The T f) (I, T, whish ere stipple - Mg the talent for the e+enier, deserve o, edit for the able menrar in which they lira carrying on the Temperance work in Bluavale. The old proverb, "Fortune favors the brave,” has be, a tvonderf0lly realized in the soeo0se which has attend • ed the Lodge since it was organized about eleven menthe ago. Miss Smillie, the now teacher of the junior department of our school, deserves the lli'I,ust praise of the neighborhood for the excellent style in which she bas i performed her duties, Being n stranger the boys of course gave her. 0,0011 trouble but she soon overcame all ditiioulties by 1 her untiring diligence and never failing energy and now 1130 usual 1151100 30 quite restored "If little labor little are our gains man's fortune's are according to bis pains." At: I.rrntusrixo EvlWe,—On Wednes- day the 8011 Feb., a very interesting event took place at the residence of John Geddes, 8rd eon., Morrie, Ou that day his daughter Miss Lizzie Geddes, r,ne of Lbs faireet of the many fair daughters of Morris township, was united in matr1• menial bonds to Harry Diament, son of Ooutteillor Diament, of Bluevale, Harry also holds a high place in public regard. The bride was the recipient of many bountiful, useful and costly presents. The oflioiating clergyman was the Rev, A, Y. )Hartley, of Bluevale, who perform. ed the ceremony in his usual effective style. The happy oouplo sot out on 11 a trip to the west, to return in about ten days, via Louden, TIM POST 103115 their many friends in good wishes for their welfare. PHUT J [}R-APHY ! PHO1OGRAIPHY ! C. E. PERRY, P111 DrFO(>i 111.1'Ij ER, TIMI E 331.1001E5 BRUSSELS. We make a specialty of Cabinet Photos, and o£family and other large grtpp, till work warranted first-class it's every respect. Give us a call. 0...E. PERRY. PLE FIND That it is not wise to experiment with cheap compounds purporting to bo blood•pmifiers, but which. have no roil medicinal value. To maks nee of any other than the old stan- dard AtT'lB'S Sareapailla—tho Su - porter Mood-purifier—le simply to invite loss of time, money and health. If you are afflicted with Scrofula, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Bunning Berea, 'Tumors, or any other Mood disease, bo assurs' that ays to Use AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and AYER'S ou1y. AYER'S Sarsaparilla can al- ways bo depended upon:. It does not vary. It is always the sumo in quality, quantity, end effect, It is Superior 10 combination, proportion, appearance, and in all that goes tai • build up the system weakened by disease and pain. It Searches ant all impurities in the blood and cit - pale them by the natural chanibels.1 E9 �,°rae Sarsaparilla rronarud by 1)0. J.0, Aver 4c0o.,Tiewes theta. Solei by all 10uggist1.16riao 61; ref t bottler, 0.i' . Cures others,Wlll Duro you